Location: st. Karetny Ryad, Hermitage Garden


Where to go in Moscow for the weekend of September 23-24, 2017 for free: these two days in the capital will delight not only sunny weather, but also a cultural and entertainment program. Muscovites are advised to spend the weekend as positively as possible, with the help of event organizers.

The New Year is not so soon, but it will be possible to plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday again this Sunday: the doors of the Father Frost estate are open for everyone. You can feel like real French during the Gavroche theater festival.

On Saturday and Sunday, two large-scale festivals will take place in the capital at once. The date of the VII Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" falls on 23.09-27.09 inclusive. The best performances on works of modern light art will be presented: projections - three-dimensional images - will appear on city buildings. Spectators will become participants in a musical and multimedia show with choreographic fountains, light-laser, and fire. An amazing performance will unfold on the Ostankino Tower, Theater Square, Tsaritsyno Park, Patriarch's Ponds, Stroginsky Backwater, Mir Concert Hall and the Digital October Center.

Ostankino tower, central platform:

23.09, 20:00 - the grand opening of the festival with a light and pyrotechnic show.

24.09, 20:00 - light show.

Theatre square:

Every day from 19:30 to 23:00 on the facades of the Bolshoi and Maly Theaters, light and musical projections of romantic shows on classical works will be created.

Tsaritsyno Park: an audiovisual show is planned, accompanied by Turkish Soprano.

Digital October Center:

Weekends, Sat and Sun: Muscovites are invited to lectures with seminars on visual art.

KZ "Mir":

24.09 — competition program "Art Vision VJing".

The above events are invited absolutely free of charge. However, you must first sign up for them by going to the site lightfest.ru.

The second festival is the XI International Festival of Performances for Children "Gavrosh":

15:00 - in Sovremennik for children from 6 years old there will be a play "Grains. Return to earth.

16:00 - at the theater. The Moscow City Council for children from 3 years old will play "Romance".

17:00 - in the large hall of the Teatrium for children from 7 years old there will be a play "Alice and other miracles".

18:00 - at the theater. E. Vakhtangov for children from 5 years old will play "Möbius".

11:00, 13:30 - in the theater. E. Vakhtangov, the performance "Moebius" will take place.

11:00, 15:00 - at the theater. The Moscow City Council will host the play "Romance".

12:00, 16:00 — Sovremennik will host the performance “Grains. Return to earth.

15:00 — The play "Alice and Other Wonders" will take place at the Teatrium.

Tickets can be purchased at prices ranging from 600.00 rubles to 1,500.00 rubles.

On 23.09 in Moscow, in honor of the 110th anniversary of the Darwin Museum, the events “Together for more than a century” are organized.

12:00 - 16:00 - museum staff will reveal their professional secrets as part of the "Parade of Museum Professions".

13:00 - quizzes are held in the cinema hall: whoever wins will visit a storage room with rare and valuable museum exhibits that is closed to everyone.

15:00 - guests are offered to go on a free tour, which will be guided by I. V. Fadeev.

On September 24, Father Frost's estate will open its doors: theatrical performances will begin, pop vocalists will perform, artists will show amazing circus numbers. There will also be a competition with lots of entertainment.

11:00 a.m. Playgrounds start time.

12:00 p.m. – Artists will start performing.

You don't have to pay for entry.

Festival "Circle of Light"

Architectural video mapping - projection of three-dimensional images onto city buildings and structures - can be seen on the Ostankino Tower, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. In addition to the Ostankino TV Tower, the program of the Circle of Light festival will include four more outdoor venues: Theater Square, the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Patriarch's Ponds and the Stroginskaya floodplain.

"New Year in Russian style"

Since ancient times, the New Year was celebrated in September. People arranged games, held ceremonies, went to visit each other. This tradition has been maintained in the Moscow Estate of Father Frost for many years and every year they choose a certain theme for the next holiday program. This year, the organizers decided to turn to such a folk music genre as a song. It is she who best of all reflects the versatility of the soul of a Russian person.

Holiday "Together for more than a century"

In 1907, the young zoologist Alexander Kots, fascinated by the ideas of Charles Darwin, decided to create a museum in Moscow dedicated to evolution. The history of the Darwin Museum is very dramatic, but over the past years it has grown from a small private collection into one of the largest natural history museums in Russia. Today it is already difficult to imagine Moscow without the Darwin Museum. The highlight of the celebration for the anniversary of the museum will be the Parade of Museum Professions (from 12:00 to 16:00). Who are taxidermists? How do restorers work? Do museum items have passports? Only on this day the museum staff will share their professional secrets with you. Right in the exposition you can see the work of museum specialists: restorers and casters, curators and taxidermists.

Where: State Darwin Museum

Exhibition “Geniuses of disguise. Mimicry: Disappear to Survive"

Guests of the exhibition are waiting for interactive adventures and amazing discoveries related to the phenomenon of protective coloring. The exposition was created using innovative exhibition technologies: a variety of lighting and sound solutions create an immersive effect, thanks to which guests receive information about this complex biological phenomenon in a playful interactive form.

Where: Moscow Zoo

Holiday "Emerald Grapes"

Viticulture has been practiced on the territory of Moldova since time immemorial. It is not surprising that grapes have become a cultural symbol of Moldova. The Emerald Grapes holiday will introduce Muscovites and guests of the capital to the unique culture of the country, its traditions, customs, cuisine and entertainment. During the whole day, the Hermitage Garden will become a kind of miniature of Moldova in the center of the Russian capital. Moldovan pop artists and folk groups will perform on the main stage, performing both modern and original Moldovan music. Here you can get acquainted with traditional folk crafts and buy souvenirs.

Where: Hermitage Garden

Festival of performances for children "Gavrosh"

Spectators are waiting for performances in all genres: drama, new circus, subject, puppet and visual theater, modern dance. Theaters from Paris, Strasbourg, Lille, Grasse, Toulouse and Lyon will bring them to Moscow stages. In just ten festival days, more than 40 performances for spectators aged 1.5 to 16 will be given here.

Venue: Teatrium on Serpukhovka

Exhibition “Photo Album of Henri Cartier-Bresson. 1932–1946"

In 2000, within the framework of the Third Moscow International Month of Photography in Moscow “Photobiennale 2000”, the Museum “Moscow House of Photography” hosted the exhibition “Henri Cartier-Bresson. USSR: 1950–1970”, today MAMM presents the exhibition “Photo Album of Henri Cartier-Bresson. 1932-1946, which tells about the early period of the photographer's work.

Where: Multimedia Art Museum

7th Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art

The main project of the 7th Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art "Cloudy Forests" will be held at the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val. For the first time in the history of the Moscow Biennale, it will last four months. The curator of the Main Project, Yuko Hasegawa, said that the "Cloudy Forests" project shows a new generation of artists who are no longer living in the "forests" and, following the development of technology, are moving to the "clouds". Among the participants in the Main Project are Matthew Barney, Olafur Eliasson, who create new works specifically for participation in the Moscow Biennale, and the famous Icelandic singer and artist Björk.

Exhibition "Flea Market"

If you love things with history, and the first thing you do when you arrive in a new city is run to the local flea market, the Flea Market is an event worth putting on your calendar. Real treasure hunters will gather to find something truly unique. Ancient engravings, dishes, door handles, dolls, candlesticks, figurines, records - a small part of what you can get on the capital's flea market. Do not forget: you can bargain here, but you need to ask about the goods!

Where: Tishinskaya Square, 1

The Vietnamese Street Food Festival, the Circle of Light Festival 2017, the Together for More than a Century festival and the Emerald Grape Festival are in today's review of the real estate portal site.

For three days in Moscow, you can taste authentic Vietnamese dishes, thus making a culinary journey through Asian flavors and aromas. Starting Friday, the whole gastronomic world of Vietnam will open in the Hanoi-Moscow shopping center - professional chefs will gather here to prepare delicious national dishes for guests. In addition to a large food court, entertainment venues will operate as part of the festival. You will see stylized dances with a dragon, take part in drawings of delicious prizes, get acquainted with folklore, listen to modern songs from a distant country. Date and time: September 22, 23 and 24, from 10:00 to 22:00. Location: MFC "Hanoi-Moscow", Yaroslavskoe shosse, 146.

This Saturday the next festival "Circle of Light" starts in the capital. The event impresses with its scale - guests will see cascades of lights and fireworks, multimedia performances, 3D projections. Among the visual effects of the festival are streams of light, water and fire special effects, laser shows, video projections, light performances and pyrotechnic performances. This year, the best masters of video mapping will show light performances at seven venues: the Ostankino Tower, Theater Square, Tsaritsino Park, Patriarch's Ponds, on the Stroginskaya floodplain, Mir Concert Hall, Digital October. Admission to all shows is free, but the last two events will require pre-registration. The opening ceremony will begin on September 23 at 20:00 in Ostankino. Date and time: from 23 to 27 September, from 19:30 to 23:00.

On Saturday, the Darwin Museum will host a celebration "Together for more than a century", which is timed to coincide with the 110th anniversary of the museum. For the first time, guests will be able to get acquainted with the work of restorers, curators, taxidermists, learn their professional secrets, and the winners of the festive quiz will go on an excursion to closed storage facilities. Visitors will be told about the novelties of the museum and will reveal interesting details from the "life" of ancient exhibits. And at the exhibition "Ten Years of the New Century" you will be able to see items that have been received by the funds over the past decade. Date and time: September 23, from 11:00 to 16:00. Location: Darwin Museum, st. Vavilov, 57.

On September 23, the Hermitage Garden will host the Emerald Grape festival, which is dedicated to the culture of the Republic of Moldova. In the program: acquaintance with the culture of the country, its traditions, entertainment, customs and cuisine (visitors will be offered traditional dishes and delicacies). Moldovan pop artists and folk groups will perform at the festival. For the youngest guests, there will be a special playground with children's performances, face painting, soap bubble shows and circus numbers. Date and time: September 23, from 12:00 to 16:00. Location: Hermitage Garden, st. Karetny Ryad, 3.

September 2017
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Festivals of theatrical and cinematic art, exhibitions of old Japanese prints and modern photography, Fountain Festival and a concert of organ music from fantasy films. Portal "Culture.RF" has collected the most interesting events of this weekend in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Moscow: exhibition “Transform. Adapt. Save. Dutch experience in working with cultural heritage»

The Museum of Russian Art presents building projects from Dutch architectural firms. These are historical buildings and industrial complexes, which, after restoration, housed modern cultural and commercial centers. Specialists have adapted the Zollverein mines in Germany into a cultural center with museums; an amphitheater has been erected in the courtyard of the Delft University of Technology. A park appeared on the site of the warehouses of New Holland in St. Petersburg. The architects will also present new projects that are yet to be implemented.

Moscow: exhibition "A century for the sake of the eternal"

Moscow: exhibition "Masterpieces of painting and engraving of the Edo period"

Moscow: The Art Newspaper Russia Film Festival

The Art Newspaper Russia Film Festival ends this weekend. On Saturday, September 22, at the Documentary Film Center, guests will be shown a film about the Italian architect - "Renzo Piano, Architect of Light". Art critics consider Piano the founder of the high-tech direction; in 1977 in Paris, according to the Piano project, the Center for Art and Culture of Georges Pompidou was erected. And on Sunday, film critic Denis Ruzaev will present Mark Cousins' film The Eyes of Orson Welles at the Tretyakov Gallery.

Moscow: VIII Circle of Light Festival

On Friday, the VIII Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" starts in the capital. On Saturday and Sunday evenings, two video projections will be shown on the facade of the Grand Tsaritsyno Palace: the fairy tale about the Phoenix bird “The Palace of Wanderings” and a performance about the world of the future. A light novel about Spartacus will be presented on the walls of the Bolshoi and Maly theatres. This year, for the first time, one of the venues will be the Victory Museum - here you can watch a projection performance to the music of the war years. At the festival venues in Tsaritsyno and Kolomenskoye, guests will enjoy light shows using augmented reality technology and fireworks.

A lecture hall will work in the Digital October center. Russian and foreign experts will talk about new technologies in the field of light and music and pyrotechnic performances. Admission to lectures is free, but you must register in advance.

Moscow: Organ Fantasy Concert: Hogwarts and The Lord of the Rings

St. Petersburg: XII International Theater Festival "Alexandrinsky"

XII International Theater Festival "Alexandrinsky" is dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre. Its program includes performances of classical and contemporary plays from Russian and foreign theaters. This weekend, on the New Stage of Alexandrinka, the audience will see the performance “Galileo. Opera for Violin and Scientist" staged by the "Stanislavsky Electrotheatre", will become participants in the interactive project "£¥€$ (Lies)", the performance for two "When we meet again" and the VR-performance for one viewer "Etiquette".

St. Petersburg: exhibition “Shine of life. Akira Uchiyama"

St. Petersburg: exhibition “The Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer. Masterpieces of the Leiden Collection»

St. Petersburg: Autumn Festival of Fountains "Theatrical Romance"

Look for events in your city in the poster of the Kultura.RF portal.

The review is based on materials.

If you have arrived in the capital city for the first time and are wondering where to go in Moscow today, then you should evaluate the poster of Moscow with hundreds of events and places from the first steps, because there is always where to go and what to see! Why not start your walk from the holy of holies - Red Square? A lot of sights are concentrated on a small patch of land, the detour of which will take a whole day. From the Lenin Mausoleum to the grandiose exposition of the Historical Museum - and there is also GUM and the Armory, Alexander Garden and Okhotny Ryad. From the center it is worth moving along Tverskaya Street - the main avenue with adjacent streets that have retained a unique flavor. Don't forget comfortable shoes and a charger for your smartphone: there are many roads and reasons to take a selfie ahead.

The Moscow poster is literally filled with events for every taste.

On any day of the week, the capital is in a state of incessant fiesta. Fans of a quiet, intellectual vacation can walk through museums, galleries and temporary museums, many of which have international resonance. Sports lovers also have plenty to choose from: attend competitions in any disciplines or take part in them themselves. Party-goers and hedonists have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the elements of Moscow at night with its nightclubs and raves until the morning. In the capital there are fun activities for both children and their parents: film screenings, lectures, master classes. If you are still thinking about where to go in Moscow today, tomorrow or on the weekend, refer to the KudaGo poster. Moscow is already waiting!