Mind and feelings in the story Clean Monday. Reason or feelings: Clean Monday I.A. Bunin (Arguments of the Unified State Examination)

>Compositions based on Clean Monday

Mind and feelings

Love is a great feeling, which is sometimes so strong that it can completely subjugate the human mind. But it also happens that our mind takes control of our emotions, and then we make more deliberate, balanced and often more correct decisions. Usually such a rational approach to life is characteristic of men, but in the story of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin "Clean Monday" (1944), the opposite is true.

The protagonist of this work is passionately in love with a girl and "indescribably happy every hour spent near her." He sees that their relationship is very strange, because his girlfriend does not want to talk about the future, does not allow the thought that she can ever become the wife of a young man (“No, I am not good for a wife”) and does not allow him to fully get close with her. At the same time, the hero prefers not to think about it, but simply surrenders to the will of his feelings.

This is not at all the situation on the part of his beloved. This girl sometimes behaves very mysteriously and incomprehensibly because there are a lot of contradictions in her soul. On the one hand, she loves her boyfriend and she likes the life that they have, namely trips to restaurants and cultural events, reading books together, walking and talking. On the other hand, the girl's soul requires something different, purer and higher. That is why the heroine, often lying on the sofa with a book in her hands, puts it down and "looks inquiringly in front of her."

The girl feels comfort when visiting Russian churches and temples, and therefore she thinks about whether she should devote herself to serving the Lord. With her mind, the heroine understands that only this can make her truly happy, because then all her mental anguish will surely disappear and only faith will remain. But feelings for a young man make the girl still doubt the correctness of such a choice.

Several months pass like this, but finally, the heroine makes a final decision: having drunk the cup of worldly pleasures to the bottom, she nevertheless leaves her beloved and leaves for Tver in order to first enter the monastery for obedience, and then take the veil as a nun.

This decision, dictated by reason, and not by feelings, is given to the heroine very hard, and therefore her eyelashes are wet with tears when she presses her warm cheek to the face of her lover for the last time. But the girl does not see the point in "prolonging and increasing" their joint torment. She knows that she will never be able to give the hero what he really wants, because her true purpose is to serve God.

However, the time comes for parting, and a small, nameless woman, who jokingly called herself a beautiful stranger, leaves. The lieutenant does not immediately understand that love is leaving him. In a light, happy state of mind, he drove her to the pier, kissed her and carelessly returned to the hotel.

His soul was still full of her - and empty, like a hotel room. The scent of her good English cologne, her half-finished cup only added to the loneliness. The lieutenant hurried to light a cigarette, but cigarette smoke is not able to overcome longing and spiritual emptiness. Sometimes it happens that we understand what a wonderful person fate brought us together, only at the moment when he is no longer around.

The lieutenant rarely fell in love, otherwise he would not have called the experienced feeling a "strange adventure", would not have agreed with the nameless stranger that they both received something like a sunstroke.

Everything in the hotel room still reminded me of her. However, these memories were heavy, from one look at the unmade bed, the already unbearable longing intensified. Somewhere out there, behind the open windows, a steamer with a mysterious stranger was sailing away from him.

The lieutenant for a moment tried to imagine what the mysterious stranger was feeling, to feel himself in her place. She is probably sitting in a glassy white saloon or on the deck and looking at the huge river shining under the sun, at the oncoming rafts, at the yellow shallows, at the shining distance of water and sky, at all this immense expanse of the Volga. And he is tormented by loneliness, irritated by the bazaar dialect and the creak of wheels.

The life of the most ordinary person is often boring and monotonous. And only thanks to such fleeting meetings do people forget about everyday boring things, each parting inspires hope for a new meeting, and nothing can be done about it. But where can the lieutenant meet his beloved in the big city? In addition, she has a family, a three-year-old daughter. It is necessary to continue to live, not to let despair take over the mind and soul, at least for the sake of all future meetings.

Everything passes, as Julius Caesar said. At first, a strange, incomprehensible feeling overshadows the mind, but longing and loneliness inevitably remain in the past, as soon as a person finds himself in society again, communicates with interesting people. New meetings are the best cure for parting. There is no need to withdraw into yourself, to think about how to live this endless day with these memories, with this inseparable torment.

The lieutenant was alone in this godforsaken town. He hoped to find sympathy for himself from those around him. But the street only reinforced the painful memories. The hero could not understand how one can calmly sit on the goats, smoke, and generally be careless, indifferent. He wanted to know if he was the only one so terribly unhappy in this whole city.

In the bazaar, everyone did nothing but praise their goods. All this was so stupid, absurd that the hero ran away from the market. In the cathedral, the lieutenant also did not find shelter: they sang loudly, cheerfully and decisively. No one cared about his loneliness, and the pitiless sun burned inexorably. The shoulder straps and buttons of his tunic were so hot that it was impossible to touch them. The severity of the lieutenant's inner feelings was aggravated by the unbearable heat outside. Just yesterday, being under the power of love, he did not notice the scorching sun. Now, it seemed, nothing could overcome the loneliness. The lieutenant tried to find solace in alcohol, but his feelings cleared up even more from vodka. The hero so wanted to get rid of this love, and at the same time he dreamed of meeting his beloved again. But how? He didn't know her first or last name.

The lieutenant's memory still retained the smell of her tan and linen dress, the beauty of her strong body and the elegance of her small hands. For a long time looking at the portrait of some military man on the photo display case, the hero thought about the question of whether such love is needed, if then everything everyday becomes scary and wild, is it good when the heart is struck by too much love, too much happiness. They say everything is good in moderation. The once strong love after parting is replaced by envy of others. The same thing happened to the lieutenant: he began to languish with tormenting envy of all non-suffering people. Everything around looked lonely: houses, streets ... It seemed that there was not a soul around. From the former well-being, only thick white dust lay on the pavement.

When the lieutenant returned to the hotel, the room had already been cleaned and seemed empty. The windows were closed, the curtains drawn. Only a light breeze entered the room. The lieutenant was tired, besides, he was very drunk and lay with his hands behind his head. Tears of despair rolled down his cheeks, so strong was the feeling of a person's powerlessness before an omnipotent fate.

When the lieutenant woke up, the pain of loss dulled a little, as if he had parted with his beloved ten years ago. Staying in the room was unbearable. Money for the hero lost all value, it is quite possible that memories of the city bazaar and the greed of merchants were still fresh in his memory. Having generously settled with the cabman, he went to the pier and a minute later found himself on a crowded steamer following the stranger.

The action came to a denouement, but at the very end of the story, I. A. Bunin puts the final touch: in a few days, the lieutenant has aged ten years. Feeling in captivity of love, we do not think about the inevitable moment of parting. The more we love, the more painful our suffering becomes. This severity of parting with the person closest to you is incomparable. What does a person experience when he loses his love after unearthly happiness, if, due to a fleeting passion, he ages ten years?

Human life is like a zebra: the white stripe of joy and happiness will inevitably be replaced by black. But the success of one person does not mean the failure of another. We need to live with an open mind, giving joy to people, and then joy will return to our lives, more often we will lose our heads with happiness, rather than languish in anticipation of a new sunstroke. There is nothing more unbearable than waiting.

Brief analysis of I. Bunin's story "Clean Monday"

Man, like no other earthly creature, is lucky to have a mind and a choice. A person chooses all his life. Having taken a step, he faces a choice: to the right or to the left, where to go next. He takes one more step and chooses again, and so he walks to the end of the path. Some go faster, others slower, and the result is different: you take a step and either fall into a bottomless abyss, or you get your foot on the escalator to heaven. A person is free to choose work, passions, hobbies, thoughts, worldviews, love. Love is for money, for power, for art, it can be ordinary, earthly love, or it can happen that above all, above all feelings, a person puts love for the motherland or for God.

In Bunin's story "Clean Monday" the heroine is nameless. The name is not important, the name is for the earth, and God knows everyone without a name. Bunin calls the heroine - she. From the very beginning, she was strange, silent, unusual, as if a stranger to the whole world around her, looking through it, "she kept thinking something, everything seemed to delve into something mentally; lying on the sofa with a book in her hands, she often lowered it and looked inquiringly ahead of her. She seemed to be from a completely different world, and, just so that she would not be recognized in this world, she read, went to the theater, dined, dined, went for walks, attended courses. But she was always drawn to something lighter, more immaterial, to faith, to God, and just as the Savior's temple was close to the windows of her apartment, so God was close to her heart. She often went to churches, visited monasteries, old cemeteries.

Composition on the topic "Reason and feelings in the works of Bunin and Kuprin"

The theme of feelings and reason was raised by many poets and writers, as it is always close and interesting to readers. This is what the works of Kuprin and Bunin tell us about. They show how feelings can be complex and multifaceted. And reason is not always a priority, because if there is love, then the heroes take its side and they do not think what will happen to them later.

Of course, the heroes of the stories of these writers are full of conventions, they are subject to calculation, their ambitions are in many ways incomprehensible, and sometimes they are so false that it is sometimes very difficult to see real feelings, since they are heavily disguised. Despite this, in the stories of both Kuprin and Bunin there is a lot of life-affirming and beautiful, because they devoted many lines to such an exalted feeling as love. But at the same time, it should be understood that the works of these two writers, although often united by a common theme, but they convey it in different ways.

So, it should be noted that the characters in the stories of these writers really love, but this is so rare in life. This feeling pulls the characters out of the cycle of routine, boredom. Of course, this does not last long, sometimes only a moment, and even some heroes have to pay for this short-term happiness with their lives, but still it's worth it.

The works of Bunin and Kuprin are so realistic that they reflect everyday details to the smallest detail with amazing truthfulness. For example, in "Easy breathing", which was written by Bunin, the author focuses on a seemingly insignificant detail, like the diary of one of the heroines of the story, but it is this moment that betrays the veracity of this story.

However, it should be noted that writers treat feelings differently. Kuprin is more prone to tragedy, so if his characters experience love, then they fail to be happy to the end. His lines are filled with suffering and pain. At the same time, Kuprin believes that love should be given completely, and his characters experience torment and happiness at the same time. Since he elevates love to the ideal, therefore the reason in the actions of heroes is often absent, therefore their fate is always very tragic. For example, Romashkov, who is a pure and kind person, sacrifices himself, and all for the sake of Shurochka, who was distinguished by her prudence.

Feelings and reason in Bunin's works are often contradictory. If this author speaks of love, then it is violent, if it is about happiness, then it is unrestrained. But all this quickly breaks off, after which awareness and understanding come. This is how he shows the meeting of the lieutenant and the beautiful stranger, which can be read about in Sunstroke. This moment was saturated with happiness, but it cannot be resurrected. When the stranger leaves, the lieutenant is devastated, he seems to have aged for many years, and all because happiness was so sudden and thus it left only pain in his soul.

Therefore, it seems to me that the feelings that Bunin writes about are in many ways more realistic, they are not ideal, like Kuprin's, but at the same time beautiful and real. Both writers often write about love, this topic is one of the most important for them. But few of the heroes know her, only truly sensual and open people. Thus, the writers show that love can arise only in those people who, above all, are strong, who are not afraid to sacrifice themselves for the sake of love. Therefore, feelings are stronger than reason, they absorb the hero entirely, even if nothing remains after, yet they are happy that they managed to experience love.


Man, like no other earthly creature, is lucky to have a mind and a choice. A person chooses all his life. Having taken a step, he faces a choice: to the right or to the left, where to go next. He takes one more step and chooses again, and so he walks to the end of the path. Some go faster, others slower, and the result is different: you take a step and either fall into a bottomless abyss, or you get your foot on the escalator into heaven. A person is free to choose work, passions, hobbies, thoughts, worldviews, love. Love is for money, for power, for art, it can be ordinary, earthly love, or it can happen that above all, above all feelings, a person puts love for the motherland or for God.

In Bunin's story "Clean Monday" the heroine is nameless. The name is not important, the name is for the earth, and God knows everyone without a name. Bunin calls the heroine - she. From the very beginning she was strange, silent, unusual, as if a stranger to the whole world around her, looking through it, “she was always thinking something, everything seemed to delve into something mentally; lying on the sofa with a book in her hands, often put it down and looked inquiringly in front of her. She seemed to be from a completely different world, and, just so that she would not be recognized in this world, she read, went to the theater, dined, dined, went for walks, attended courses. But she was always drawn to something lighter, more immaterial, to faith, to God, and just as the Savior's temple was close to the windows of her apartment, so God was close to her heart.

She often went to churches, visited monasteries, old cemeteries. And finally, she made up her mind. In the last days of her worldly life, she drank her cup to the bottom, forgave everyone on Forgiveness Sunday and cleansed herself of the ashes of this life on “Clean Monday”: she went to the monastery. "No, I'm not fit to be a wife." She knew from the very beginning that she could not be a wife. She is destined to be the eternal bride, the bride of Christ. She found her love, she chose her path. You might think that she left home, but in fact she went home. And even her earthly lover forgave her this. Forgive me, even though I didn't understand. He could not understand that now "she can see in the dark", and "came out of the gates" of a strange monastery.

Other writings on this work

Analysis of the last episode from the story of I. A. Bunin "Clean Monday" Analysis of the story by I. A. Bunin "Clean Monday" The story of I. A. Bunin "Clean Monday": heroes, their love, surprise of the finale The theme of love in the work of I. A. Bunin (based on the story "Clean Monday") Review of Bunin's story "Clean Monday" Heroes of the story "Clean Monday" Literary review based on the story by I. A. Bunin "Clean Monday" Analysis of the story by I. A. Bunin "Clean Monday" The theme of love in the prose of I. A. Bunin (based on the story "Clean Monday")

Final essay- this is an exam format that allows you to evaluate several aspects of a student's knowledge at once. Among them: vocabulary, knowledge of literature, the ability to express one's point of view in writing. In a word, this format makes it possible to assess the student's general knowledge of both the language and subject knowledge.

1. 3 hours 55 minutes are allotted for the final essay, the recommended length is 350 words.
2. Date of the final essay 2016-2017. In the 2015-2016 academic year, it was held on December 2, 2015, February 3, 2016, May 4, 2016. In 2016-2017 - December 7, February 1, May 17.
3. The final essay (statement) is held on the first Wednesday of December, the first Wednesday of February and the first working Wednesday of May.

The purpose of the essay is reasoning, a competently and clearly built point of view of the student using examples from the literature within the framework of a given topic. It is important to note that the topics do not indicate a specific work for analysis, it is of an oversubject nature.

Topics of the final essay on literature 2016-2017

Topics are formed from two lists: open and closed. The first is known in advance, reflects approximate general themes, they are formulated as concepts that contradict each other.
A closed list of topics is announced 15 minutes before the start of the composition - these are more specific topics.
An open list of topics for the final essay 2016-2017:
1. "Mind and Feeling",
2. "Honor and dishonor",
3. "Victory and defeat",
4. "Experience and mistakes",
5. "Friendship and enmity".
The topics are presented in a problematic way, the names of the topics are antonyms.

An approximate list of references for all those who will write the final essay (2016-2017):
1. A.M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"
2. A.P. Chekhov "Ionych"
3. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", "Eugene Onegin", "The Stationmaster"
4. B.L. Vasiliev "I was not on the lists",
5. V.A. Kaverin "Two Captains"
6. V.V. Bykov "Sotnikov"
7. V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish"
8. Henry Marsh "Do No Harm"
9. Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe",

10. Jack London "White Fang",
11. Jack London "Martin Eden",
12. I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday"
13. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
14. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
15. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"
16. M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
17. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", "The Idiot"
18. E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea",
19. E.M. Remarque "All Quiet on the Western Front",
20. E.M. Remarque "Three Comrades".

Argumenyou to the topic "Mind and feeling"

The point of view should be argued, in order to properly formulate it, one should involve literary material corresponding to the topic. The argument is the main component of the essay, is one of the evaluation criteria. It has the following requirements:
1. Relevant to the theme
2. Include literary material
3. Be inscribed in the text logically, in accordance with the overall composition
4. Be communicated through quality writing
5. Be well-designed.
To the topic "Reason and Feeling" one can take arguments from the works of I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa", Jane Austen "Sense and Sensibility".

Examples of final essays

There are a number of essay templates. They are evaluated according to five criteria, here is an example of an essay that scored the highest score:
An example of an essay on the topic: "Should reason prevail over feelings?"
What to listen to, to reason or feelings - every person asks such a question. It is especially acute when the mind dictates one thing, and feelings contradict it. What is the voice of reason, when a person should listen more precisely to his advice, a person decides for himself, the same with feelings. Without a doubt, the choice in one or another favor depends on the specific situation. For example, even a child knows that in a stressful situation one should not panic, it is better to listen to reason. It is important not only to listen to both reason and feelings, but also to really learn to distinguish situations when it is necessary to listen to the first or to the second to a greater extent.

Since the question has always been relevant, it has found wide circulation both in Russian and in foreign literature. Jane Austen in the novel "Sense and Sensibility" on the example of two sisters reflected this eternal contradiction. Elinor, the eldest of the sisters, is sensible, but not devoid of feelings, she just knows how to manage them. Mariana is in no way inferior to her older sister, but prudence is not inherent in her in anything. The author showed how their characters affected in the test of love. In the case of her older sister, her prudence almost played a cruel joke on her, thanks to her reserved nature, she did not immediately let her lover know what she felt. Mariana, on the other hand, became a victim of feelings, so she was deceived by a young man who took advantage of her gullibility and married a wealthy lady. As a result, the older sister was ready to put up with loneliness, but the man of her heart, Edward Ferras, makes a choice in her favor, refusing not only the inheritance, but also his word: engagement with an unloved woman. Marianna, after a serious illness and deceit, grows up and agrees to an engagement with a 37-year-old captain, for whom she does not have romantic feelings, but deeply respects.

A similar choice is made by the characters in A.P. Chekhov "About Love". However, Alekhin and Anna Luganovich, succumbing to the call of reason, give up their happiness, which makes their act right in the eyes of society, but deep down in their souls, both heroes are unhappy.

So what is the mind: logic, common sense, or just boring reason? Can feelings interfere with a person's life or, on the contrary, provide an invaluable service? There is no unequivocal answer in this dispute, whom to listen to: reason or feeling. Both are equally important for a person, so you just need to learn how to use them correctly.

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