What to draw for a birthday: ideas. How to draw flowers Draw a picture for a birthday

How to quickly draw a flower using different techniques.

Draw what you like

The first step is to select an object. Start with the colors you like: it's always easier to draw what inspires you. Gerberas, magnolias or tulips - make a watercolor bouquet to your taste.

Determine the shape of the flower

Define a simple basic form plants. It can be a cone, a bell or a triangle. You may want to start drawing faster and skip this step. But believe me: it helps a lot and speeds up the process.

By sketching the basic shape with light lines, you will understand the structure of the whole plant.

Advice: The first sketch can be done in a sketchbook. When starting a drawing on watercolor paper, do not take too much soft pencil and don't press too hard. Otherwise, the paper may be damaged and the lines will remain visible after erasing.

Draw the leaves correctly

It depends on the leaves how convincing the image will be. The secret is not to interrupt the line of the main central vein. If it is out of place, the sheet will look unnatural. Start drawing the leaf from the central vein. Imagine that the sheet is transparent and you can only see its edges and veining.

Advice: when drawing, do not erase unnecessary lines immediately. Otherwise, there is a chance to make a mistake again. And if the wrong line remains before your eyes, it will be easier to draw the correct one next to it.

To get a soft uniform wash, it must first be moistened with water. This allows the ink to flow naturally before it begins to soak into the paper, and allows additional time for the color to stretch (create a smooth transition from one color to another) and blot out the highlights.

Moisturize from the middle and blur the water towards the edges. Repeat a couple of times to make sure the paper is well dampened. In this case, the edges will not dry so quickly. After you have evenly distributed the water, check if there are any “puddles” left on the surface of the paper, and if there are, blot them with a damp brush.

1. Draw water on the brush and moisten one leaf or petal. The surface of the paper should acquire a uniform sheen.

2. While the paper is damp, apply paint.

3. Spread the color towards the edges of the pattern the minimum amount brush strokes.

4. Gently stretch the paint to the edges of the element, while aligning the outline.

5. Before the wash dries, you can blot the paint to bring out the highlights and emphasize the shape of the element.

Color Stretching Technique

It is often necessary to use two or more colors on the same area. The advantages of this method are that you do not need to put an additional blur and it is easy to immediately set desired shape. You can work simultaneously with any number of colors.

1. clean water dampen a single petal or leaf, then apply the first color.

2. While it is still wet, apply a second color next to it.

3. Flatten the tip of the brush and make a transition between colors.

4. Continue until the transition is smooth. Try to work quickly before the paint dries. Avoid unnecessary strokes, otherwise, after drying, there will be streaks. In the example in the photo, such a stroke is visible on the fold of the petal.

5. Before the paint dries, blot the highlights and outline the veins on each petal. A smooth color change can be applied to indicate the direction of the light. Draw the rest of the petals in the same way. Work on them through one, so as not to touch the still wet layer of paint on the adjacent petal, and when they are completely dry, proceed to the missed ones.

Technique "Textured blotting"

This interesting technique, which is suitable for complex folded or wavy petals. For example, to simulate folds on the surface of a poppy petal.

1. Moisten the paper in the desired area and apply a rich red wet-on-wet paint.

2. While the paint is still wet, add a dark color to the base of the flower. purple to blend in with the red.

3. With a crumpled paper towel, blot the paint only once.

4. Raise the towel.

5. Repeat a couple of times, using a clean towel each time to avoid getting paint from the towel back onto the drawing.

6. Let dry completely and refine the highlights to create petal folds.

Advice: For the first wash, take saturated colors right away so that you don’t have to enhance the color later. Darker shades will give a nice, strong contrast between dark and light in the pattern.

Now you will learn how to draw beautiful postcard for a birthday in stages with a pencil. Birthday happens only once a year, and some people may have it twice, there are many circumstances and reasons for this. Birthday is always fun, joy, gifts and a birthday cake, as without it. Here I accidentally came across this picture and really liked it, a bear cub with a cake.

And here is what we should be able to do.

We draw an oval at a slight angle, draw a curve in the middle (we show where the middle of the head is), then draw muzzles and a nose, all also in the form of ovals, only of different sizes.

We paint over a nose, leaving a big highlight, then we draw eyes and a mouth., further ears and eyebrows. Erase the auxiliary curve and we must draw the lines of stitching the head, it goes almost there, only we need to draw from the middle of the nose to the middle of the mouth, from the middle of the head to the middle of the nose, but not to the nose, but to the muzzle, and the curve under the muzzle.

We draw the body.

One leg.

Then the second leg, erase the part of the previous leg that is in this one. Further to the left side of the head at the level of the neck, which we do not see, draw a plate.

We draw three parts on the plates, the higher, the smaller it becomes. Erase all unnecessary lines (part of the bear's head) that are in the cake. We draw the front paw that holds the plate. Step back a little from the contour of the body to the left and from the head down - this is the beginning of the hand.

We draw the cream with elongated wavy movements from the top of each cake.

Draw the second hand, which is only slightly visible and the stitching lines on the body and on the paws. I showed with a dotted line that there is only one curve, but there is no need to draw a dotted line, this is for visualization, so that part of the seam is not unclear where.

Now let's get down to the background, here you can stick anything. We have a birthday, and on this day there are many. I attached one ball with a rope to the bear in the ear. And hearts and circles for beauty, so that the background is not empty, and if you paint it all in color, it will generally be beautiful. That's all the drawing for the birthday of mom, grandmother, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, girlfriend is ready. You can also give this drawing to your mother on March 8.

The best gift is one that is made by hand. And what can you present to your friend for his birthday? A gift can be anything, and it is worth adding a postcard. What to draw for a birthday? We have collected best ideas postcard, be inspired.

funny owl

What to draw for the birthday of your friend or girlfriend? Try to draw a funny owl. This bird is a symbol of wisdom, and such an allegory will surely flatter your close person. How to portray her? Everything is very simple. First you need to draw a big circle. It will be the sun. Now we draw an oval - this is the body of an owl. Immediately add a falling shadow from the bird. We will focus on the eyes. We depict them in the form of two huge circles. Duplicate these geometric shapes two more times, gradually reducing them. We finish drawing the beak, it will look like a rhombus. Schematically depict the paws. They will look like a flower with three leaves. Draw feathers on the belly with a wavy line. And complete the image of an owl with ears and a festive cap. All this is drawn with triangles. We represent the wings with two ovals. One of them needs to be bent so that it looks like the owl is holding the threads from the balls with its wing. Now let's move on to the image of holiday paraphernalia. We draw balloons and a plate. All this must be depicted in ovals. And it remains to draw a festive cupcake. If desired, it can be changed to a pie. Don't forget the candle. You can schematically draw one, or you can depict them as many as the birthday person turns. It remains to color the picture. You can use our sample or use any other color scheme.

jar of jam

When you are puzzling over what to draw for your mom or sister's birthday, you can draw something unusual. For example, a jar of jam. How to draw her? Draw a big circle. Now we draw an oval from below and erase the lines that turned out at the intersection. Just above the circle, draw another oval. We pull down two rectangles, from the last one a skirt in the shape of a trapezoid should diverge downwards. We make the edge of our cover wavy. We decorate it with lace. The base is ready. Now we need to decorate it. On the jar we draw raspberries or other berries to your taste. On the ribbon that adorns the jar, we draw flowers, we also decorate the space from below with them. You should not depict only one inflorescence. Draw several flowers with leaves at once. Well, the main thing left is to depict the label on the bank. We write in beautiful handwriting “Happy Jam Day” and add a berry. The outline of the label can be “quilted” with strokes. It remains to give our image colors, and the greeting card will be ready.


If a child thinks what to draw for a grandmother's birthday, then you can give him an idea. For example, draw a cake decorated with candles. Write on top of the sheet colored pencils congratulatory words. It can be the phrase "Happy birthday" or its English variation Happy birthday. Let's start with the image of the cake. We draw a semicircle and depict its lower part with a wavy line. You should get something similar to smudges of glaze. It is not necessary to draw the cake itself, but if desired, it can be outlined with two straight lines extending to the edge of the sheet. We place candles on the glaze. There can be an arbitrary number of them, or you can draw as many as the birthday girl is. We light the lights on the candles and add decor in the form of wavy lines that will symbolize the exploded firecracker. You can add a postcard with colored dots or stars.

Air balloons

How to draw a birthday card so that it looks original? Everything is very simple, you need to combine the pattern and glue the application on it. Let's start with its manufacture. We take a sheet of paper watercolor paints And toothbrush. Wet the brush in water, dip in any bright paint and sprinkle on the leaf. We do this operation several times with different colors. We wait until the paint dries, and cut out the outlines from the sheet. balloons. In our case, there are 4, but you can do more or less. Now we need two sheets of paper: one colored, the other white. The white sheet should be slightly smaller. We glue the two blanks so that the colored edge looks like a mat. We glue our balls on top of the sheet, and draw wavy lines from them with a black pen. We write a congratulatory phrase at the bottom of the card.

Laconic drawing

What can you draw for your birthday? Minimalism is in fashion today, so we will depict the postcard in this vein. Let's draw a birthday cake. But the image will be very schematic. Even a person who does not know how to draw can cope with such a task. Visually divide the sheet into three parts. The first of them will be occupied by the image of a culinary masterpiece. Draw a thin rectangle with rounded edges. From above we draw the same geometric figure, only wider. In its center we depict a strip. The cake is ready. We draw a candle schematically. It will look like a rectangle with a thin stick on top. Add a spark to the candle. It will be a droplet with divergent different sides rays. Now let's move on to the congratulatory inscription. In English, it will look more stylish. Therefore, we write Happy in block letters on the second third of the sheet. From the word to the left and to the right we draw two thick stripes. On the last third part of the sheet, draw the word Birthday.

You no longer need to think for a long time what to draw dad for his birthday. Just give him this postcard.

congratulatory bear

How to draw a picture for a birthday? There is nothing complicated here. Let's depict a cute bear holding a gift in his hands.

We will make it in the form of an application. To begin with, we will choose paper with a wood texture. Let it be heterogeneous, somewhere lighter, somewhere darker. Let's draw a rectangle on the sheet, slightly expanding downwards. Draw two circles on its upper corners. This is the body of a bear. Draw an oval on dark brown paper. This will be the nose. We cut out our blanks and glue them on Blank sheet paper. Draw the eyes with two points and draw the nose with a large drop. If desired, you can draw a smile for the bear. Stepping back 2-3 cm from the application, we write a congratulatory inscription. On the bear we glue a square cut out of any wrapping paper. We also cut out flags from it, which we will “hang out” at the top of the postcard.

Postcard with flowers

What to draw mom for her birthday? Well, of course, flowers. They can be depicted realistic, or, as in our case, decorative. At the bottom of the sheet we draw a line that will combine straight and zigzag segments. This is grass. We write congratulatory words at the top. And in the middle we draw sticks, on which we depict flowers of various shapes. It can be bells, roses, daisies. To make the card look more tender, you need to color everything in one color scheme. And to fill the space between the flowers, you need to draw fancy curls with a black pen.

Beautiful flowers flaunt in many paintings famous artists. At all times, people were inspired by flowers, they saw the soul in them, compared with different people. Below we will tell you how to draw a flower from scratch and give some examples with pictures.

It is generally accepted that to draw even an ordinary wild flower pretty hard. At the heart of each flower lies a certain geometric figure. But in fact, everything is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the recommendations.

This is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It is customary to give a lush bouquet of roses to loved ones, and even regular drawing this beautiful flower able to lift your spirits instantly.
How to draw a rose, where to start if you have never had to draw flowers? And how with simple pencil transfer to paper complex shape petals?
Indeed, rose petals have a very complex structure. Drawing a ripe, opened bud is quite difficult. But do not try to do it right away, you need to draw in stages. You need to gradually add new details to the sketch. Consider creating a drawing on a specific example.

So, the contour of the flower is ready, now you need to give it volume. This is done with the help of shadows. First you need to imagine which side the light source will be on, that is, which side of the flower will be “illuminated”. The hollows between the petals need to be shaded more intensively. To do this, press the pencil a little harder. After the shadows are drawn, they need to be slightly rubbed with your finger. This removes clear lines, blurs the boundaries between them. This gives the image realism.

There are so many tutorials and ways on how to draw a rose flower. In the way described above, it is convenient to depict an already opened bud. Recall once again that all bright lines play minor role. They are removed during operation.

How to draw a tulip

For the first time, tulip bulbs came to us from Holland under Peter I. Since then, this flower has been considered one of the most popular and beautiful. More than 350 varieties of tulips are known. Their petals come in the most unusual colors and shades - from snow-white to black.
To depict a tulip is much easier than a rose. To do this, you need to outline the outline of the stem and bud of the flower and draw simple outlines of the petals. After that, it remains only to color the drawing.

When coloring a drawing, it is not necessary to adhere to any strict rules. You can choose any color you like. A drawing of a bouquet of tulips looks much more beautiful than a single flower. But first, let's start with the simplest.

How to draw a chamomile flower

Anyone can do this simple task. You just need to draw a few petals, leaves, stem and the picture is ready. But for some reason, such a simple flower as chamomile is far from always turning out to be truly beautiful. Main mistake beginners is that they begin to draw a flower from the petals. And for this you need to have a very good eye, especially if you have to draw a bouquet.

The flower itself is best drawn last, and start with the stem and bud outline.
Thus, by drawing a daisy in stages, you can achieve a truly realistic image.

Final stage

At the end, you need to draw the details of the stem, as well as depict the leaves of the plant with sharp corners. Leaves can be of any size and in any reasonable amount. It is also necessary to depict several veins on the leaves. After that, the drawing can be painted or applied with shadows. For coloring, you need only two colors - yellow and green.

How to draw a sunflower flower

Drawing a sunflower is almost as easy as drawing a chamomile. The difference between the image techniques is small - the petals of a sunflower are larger than those of a camomile and a different color. And the flower itself is much larger. This is where the main differences end.

In order for the drawing to turn out, you need to start with the image of the stem and leaves. Pre-draw the outline of the flower. After you make sure that all proportions are correct, you can move on to the next step.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the image of flowers. Of course, within the framework of this publication, only the most simple, basic techniques for depicting a flower are given. However, they are quite enough to realistically depict one of the colors listed above.

What do children most often draw on greeting cards for mothers and grandmothers? You will not be mistaken in assuming that we are talking about flowers - bouquets, in vases, decorative in pots and just individual flowers. And this is not surprising, given the fact that the flower is a symbol of femininity, beauty, huge life force and energy. The incredible natural sophistication and exquisite beauty of a flower, whether it be a wild bell or a selective rose, will decorate any holiday drawing, especially dedicated to March 8th. Next are waiting for you simple master classes with photos and videos in which it is available and step by step shows how to draw a flower drawing for beginners and children different ages. Most of the presented works can be easily done with a simple pencil, and then painted with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or watercolors.

Fairy-tale drawing "Scarlet Flower" with a pencil for children, step by step

Remember the story about The Scarlet Flower, "which is not more beautiful in the whole wide world"? So, in the tale itself, it is written quite generally about how this wonderful flower actually looked. Therefore, we suggest that you, together with the children, turn on a little imagination and gradually draw a fabulous drawing “Scarlet Flower” with a pencil. Read more about how to draw a fabulous drawing "Scarlet Flower" with a pencil for children further.

Necessary materials for a fabulous drawing of a scarlet flower for children

  • landscape sheet
  • simple pencil
  • black gel pen
  • eraser
  • colored pencils, paints

How to draw a drawing "Scarlet Flower" in stages with a pencil for children

How to draw a hibiscus flower with a pencil, a master class step by step for beginners with a photo

Hibiscus is one of the most beautiful flowers that is not difficult to draw with a pencil. It is a symbol of happiness and peace, and therefore will be a great decoration for greeting card, poster or holiday pattern. Read more about how to draw a hibiscus flower with a pencil in step by step master class with photo for beginners.

Necessary materials for drawing a hibiscus flower with a pencil for beginners

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • colour pencils
  • eraser

Instructions on how to draw a hibiscus flower step by step with a pencil for beginners

  1. Circle designate the basis for the bud of our flower. We also make a sketch for the trunk and stamens, as shown in the photo below.
  2. Now inside great circle make a light sketch of a smaller circle. Then draw 5 petals with wavy edges. We erase the inner circle with an eraser and draw a stamen in more detail.
  3. Let's move on to drawing the leaves. We also make a sketch of a small bud just below the main flower.
  4. At the next stage, we draw in more detail the stem and leaves. The leaves of the hibiscus are in the form of an oblong triangle with notches. Also, the leaves have pronounced veins.
  5. Now with the help of colored pencils we draw all the details of the flower. With the help of green, we decorate the stem, leaves and a small bud. And with a light lilac pencil we draw the details of a large bud.
  6. Let's move on to coloring: first light lilac color we make out the bud, and draw a stamen with a yellow pencil.
  7. Then, on top of the lilac, we paint over the bud with dark pink, which will allow us to get a closer to the natural shade of the flower. With the help of dark blue, we give the bud depth.
  8. It remains to color the stem and leaves of the flower with a light green pencil and our hibiscus is ready!

Beautiful drawing of a flower "Forest bell" for beginners, a step-by-step master class with a photo

Forest bell - not just beautiful flower, but also a great start for budding artists, including children. How to draw a beautiful drawing of a flower "Forest bell" for beginners, learn from step by step master class with photo below.

Necessary materials for a beautiful bluebell flower drawing for beginners

  • landscape sheet
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

Instructions for beginners how to draw a picture of a flower "Forest bell"

  1. At the first stage, we mark up the future flower: draw a long vertical line and a short one below horizontal line. From above we draw two blanks for the flowers of the bell in the form of parallel ovals.
  2. Draw smaller ovals along the length of the trunk, which will become smaller buds. Adding a volume sheet.
  3. Draw the teeth of the petals inside the large ovals. We make out the cloves and the tops of small ovals.
  4. We draw in more detail each bud and stem.
  5. Add leaves and draw the sepals of each bell bud.
  6. We add volume to the flowers by drawing the petals and cores.
  7. We circle the bell along the contour and remove the extra strokes with an eraser. Ready!

Pencil drawing in stages "Flowers in a vase" for children and adults, a master class with a photo

Flowers in a vase - another option step by step drawing pencil, which in our master class can be mastered by both adults and children. Such a pencil drawing "Flowers in a Vase" for children and adults is perfect for decorating a holiday card or as an independent picture.

Necessary materials for pencil drawing "Flowers in a Vase" for children and adults

  • sheet of A4 paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

Instructions on how to draw flowers in a vase with a pencil step by step for children and adults

  1. A jug will act as a flower vase, the blank of which we draw in the form of a high rectangle. We make blanks for future flowers in the form of ovals and lines.
  2. At the base of the jug, draw an oval to make the vase more voluminous. We also designate the middle of flowers and leaves.
  3. Add a handle and spout to the jug. We draw in more detail the petals of the buds. In our case, the bouquet will consist of sunflowers and daisies. We also draw in more detail the stems and leaves of flowers.
  4. We turn to the design of the sepals and cores.
  5. More clearly draw all the contours and details. We remove the excess with an eraser. If desired, color the drawing with colored pencils.

How to draw a picture "Flower in a pot" - a lesson for beginners, video

A beautiful drawing of a flower, made with a pencil or paints, can decorate any postcard or children's craft. However, not only painted individual flowers and bouquets in a vase, but also a drawing of a decorative flower in a pot from the video tutorial for beginners below can be an excellent decoration, no worse than a bell, for a postcard on March 8th. How to draw a picture "Flower in a pot" (a lesson for beginners with a video), see below.