How to strengthen back muscles: effective exercises for osteochondrosis. Exercises to strengthen muscles at home: the best complex for beginners to perform (instructions with photos and videos)

What did the combat commander of the Soviet military special unit have to do to meet the inspector from the headquarters? Now I will tell you how to strengthen the muscles of the body. These big shots, who had risen high up the food chain through intrigue, had never tasted the sweat and blood of war. Such a general expected to see Arnold clones performing acrobatic Matrix-style shooting. The officer in charge of the demonstration of the unit acted in exactly the same way as any other Russian professional, under the direction of incompetent superiors, has acted in such a situation since the time of Catherine the Great. Built a Potemkin village.

In the 1980s, when the Soviet Empire still held its colonies with an iron grip, an airborne division was deployed in Kaunas. The commander of it created a system that allowed him to do his job and please visiting bosses. He set up a ostentatious unit that was busy pumping mass, practicing spin jump kicks, and practicing jumping onto a moving vehicle - using a carefully camouflaged springboard - while shooting enemies along the way.

These guys were eagles! They swam with muscles, and it didn’t cost them anything to provide their steel belly to break stacks of bricks with a sledgehammer, break a few pieces themselves with almost any part of the body, or break a thick board with their bare hands.

I doubt that you are interested in the acrobatic or martial arts of these supermen. But I'm sure your ears will prick up when I say that the paratroopers who got into the ballet unit had 40 cm (in circumference) hands after only two months of training. Take a measuring tape and imagine what you would look like if your hands were that size.

I knew an ensign who looked like a bear, who had previously trained in one of these units, and he shared with me the secrets of training there.

The basic premise behind Soviet commando training was exquisitely simple. Stress increases the flow of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, into the human body. Therefore, the higher the tension (weight) and the more time the muscle is in this state (reps), the greater your chances of increasing in size. It's like throwing a shovel of protein into the muscles with each repetition. The larger the shovel and the more such shovels you throw, the more impressive the results will be.

How to use this information:

  1. reduce the number of repetitions to 4-6 in order to be able to work with large weights;
  2. perform a lot, on average 10-20 approaches;
  3. complete each set a couple of reps before failure to avoid premature fatigue, which will lead to a decrease in weight or number of sets.

Basic program! (Strength to the People!), which aims to develop strength without increasing muscle mass, involves three sets of heavy weights. If you want to bulk up, don't stop there. Reduce the weight to 80% of the original and continue sets of five reps with 30-90 second rest intervals. When you feel that you can no longer perform the exercise in this mode, stop training for that day. To do this, you may need to do five or twenty-five approaches, for each this limit is individual. Just don't roll too fast. The beefy ensign who gave me this program lifted 40-50 tons every workout. And there was no other way. Otherwise, he would cease to be like a bear.

Reducing rest intervals and weight in the above scheme are two necessary trade-offs. It is necessary to remove a couple of pancakes from the bar in order to increase the number of approaches. A reasonable reduction in rest intervals increases the production of growth hormone. Growth hormone, like muscle tension, activates the uptake of amino acids by muscles; read: contributes to their growth. Shorter rest intervals between sets also allow you to cut your workout time down to 45 minutes, when testosterone is thought to be released the most.

Due to the increase in workload, you may need to reduce the frequency of training to two or three per week, but do not reduce it too much. In the American powerlifting community, it was customary to perform each basic exercise once a week, and keep the number of sets low. More recently, the trend has been for more sets, fewer reps, and three sessions a week for each exercise. This technique was imported from Germany by Stefan Korte. Heavy weights, but not to failure, frequent sets and volume training.

In this article, we have learned: how to properly strengthen muscles, advice from paratroopers on how to strengthen muscles. Stay with us and you will learn even more detailed and interesting information.

Strengthening the muscles of the back is useful not only to make it look beautiful, slim and fit, but also to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. To keep your back beautiful and healthy, you need to regularly perform exercises to strengthen the back muscles, which do not require much effort and can be performed even at home. But it is important to know how to perform this complex correctly.

Strengthening the spine helps to improve overall well-being, stimulates metabolism, and also helps to improve appearance. But first it is worth considering that exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine have contraindications, and before starting their implementation, it is important to make sure that there are none. These include the following:

  • severe pain;
  • bleeding;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • spinal injury;
  • diseases of the kidneys or the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy.

If you do the exercises incorrectly, then instead of positive results, you can only aggravate the existing problems. To avoid this, follow these guidelines:

  • gradualism. You need to start doing the exercises calmly. Do not rush to do all of their volume and increase the intensity of the loads carefully.
  • smoothness. It is important to avoid sharp jerks, twisting, lunges.
  • aiming. You must purposefully work out precisely weakened muscles, and overly tense muscles need to be relaxed.
  • Regularity. It is recommended to perform exercises to strengthen the back at home 3-4 times a week. Do two sets, resting for a few minutes in between. Each time increase the number of repetitions by several times.
  • Proper breathing. Exercises should begin on inhalation and end on exhalation. Breathe smoothly and measuredly, do not hold your breath.
  • permanence. Charging should become a habit - only when systematically performed will it help to achieve results.
  • Hygiene and convenience. The room you work in should be spacious and well ventilated. It is recommended to wear light and comfortable clothing.

If you experience back pain, nausea, general weakness, stop exercising and consult a specialist.

Regularly performed exercises to strengthen the back help to improve the condition of the muscular system, eliminate pain, normalize blood circulation and improve the condition of the body as a whole.

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back exist in large numbers. An effective complex, especially if you have problems with the spine, is better to choose together with a specialist. The following exercises can be performed both at home and in the gym.

1. Hip Bridge

This exercise helps to eliminate the negative effects of constant sitting. It stretches the muscles of the thighs and stabilizes the spine, especially the lumbar region. It also works great on the abdominal muscles.

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back, bend your legs. The feet should be pressed to the floor and be at a distance of the width of the hips. Relax your arms, put them along the body. Tighten the muscles of the buttocks and lift the hips up, lifting the pelvis off the floor. Make sure your body is in a straight line between your knees and shoulders. In this position, you need to fix for a few seconds and slowly lower yourself to the floor. The exercise is done 12-13 times.

To complicate the exercise, you can lift one leg and stretch it up to the ceiling. The foot should remain in a bent position, it is not necessary to pull the toe. The hips should remain at the same level. It's difficult enough. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower your leg and do the same with the second.

2. Exercise "Dog and bird"

This exercise strengthens the back, maintains muscle tone, improves coordination, and has a beneficial effect on the spine.

You need to start the exercise on all fours, in a dog position. The knees should be wider than the hips, the hands should be pressed to the floor with the palms, positioned shoulder-width apart. Then tighten your abdominal muscles and pull your stomach in so that your back does not bend and your hips do not move. Now you need to stand in the “bird” position - stretch your right leg and left arm forward. Hold this position for as long as you can, at least for a couple of seconds. Then switch legs and arms. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

3. Side plank

This variation of the bar improves endurance and strengthens the muscles of the back and neck, stabilizes the vertebrae and protects a person from overload.

You need to lie on your side, stretch the body in a straight line. Rest your elbows on the floor. Make sure your elbow is directly under your shoulder. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your thighs off the floor. Pull the neck into one line of the spine. Hold this position for 20-40 seconds. Then turn over and repeat the same for the other side. You can hold the body not on the elbow, but on the palm of your hand.

4. Lunges

Lunges help improve coordination and stabilize muscles, thereby helping to keep your spine healthy while walking, running, and other physical activities.

Slightly tightening your abdominal muscles, step forward with your right foot. Place your hands on your hips. The step should be quite large. Bend your leg at a right angle, the thigh should be parallel to the floor. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. To complicate the load, you can perform exercises with dumbbells to strengthen the muscles of the back - so lunges will become harder and more effective. Also you can alternate between classic forward lunges and diagonal lunges.

5. Hyperextension on a fitball

Many exercises on the fitball help strengthen the back, and one of them is hyperextension, which will require this gymnastic ball. Everything is simple. You need to lie on a fitball, put your hands behind your head and lean down, stretching your back muscles. Then you need to go up and repeat the exercise several times.

6. Classic hyperextension

Hyperextension in the classic version is performed in the same way as on a fitball, but the angle of inclination changes slightly, which helps to shift the load. In the gym for hyperextension there is a special simulator, at home, you can perform the exercise on the floor.

7. Sarpasana (snake pose)

An excellent preventive exercise for working out the back, which came from yoga. You need to keep your legs together and stretch your shoulders up as much as possible.

8. Lumbar twists

Lower back twists are similar to those used by chiropractors, but are safer and require no outside effort. When doing it, try not to tear your shoulders off the floor, but touch the opposite side with your knee.

9. Stretching on a fitball

Another exercise that requires a fitball. It is quite simple: you need to lie on the fitball with your stomach and relax your back muscles. In this position linger as long as you can.

10. Keeping the legs static

A very simple exercise to strengthen the back. The legs should be placed above the back to speed up blood circulation in the lower part of it and relieve existing pain and tension.

12. Deadlift

This exercise is more suitable for those who visit the gym, have some training and do not have back problems. It helps develop the straighteners of the back and is preventive rather than curative because in the presence of diseases of the spine, it is better to refuse it.

And a few more words should be said about people who work in a sedentary office job. It is important to take small breaks every hour. Get up out of your chair and do some stretching. It can be slopes, squats with outstretched arms. If this is not possible, try at least just walking. This will help minimize the negative impact on the spine. Remember that the back is regularly subjected to huge loads, so you need to do everything to simplify her life and maintain your own health.

We offer you to watch a video with effective exercises to strengthen your back.

Video with exercises for the back

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Touch the fingers of the left hand to the biceps of the right. Tighten it up. Now put your hand on your stomach and tighten your abdominal muscles. What did you feel when you did it? Strong muscles? Or did they still remain soft, no matter how you tried to strain them? There are over 400 muscles in your body and you use them every day. Some of them you cannot consciously influence, such as those that make up your heart or intestines, pushing waste products through the digestive system. However, other muscle groups are completely under your control, such as those that control posture and movement: the shoulder muscles, chest muscles, back, hips, and calf muscles. All these muscle groups have something in common. They constantly need to be strengthened and maintained in proper tone. And it depends only on you.

If you do not follow these rules, then one hundred against one, the muscles will begin to weaken, losing the ability to do what they were created for. In addition to the gradual atrophy of your muscles, there is also a slowdown in metabolism. Well-trained muscles affect the distribution of fat in the body. They act like furnaces that burn fat all twenty-four hours, significantly speeding up the metabolic processes.

To effectively fight body fat, you need to be a calorie-burning machine around the clock, and strong muscles are the only way to do this. Many of us agree that belly fat is a must, but the fight for a flat stomach ends before it even starts. To be lean and fit, you need to take your mind off your belly for a while and pay attention to the rest of your body.
And here's why: your body has a kind of built-in guarantee. If you regularly exercise your muscles as an adult, they will be firm, elastic and harmoniously developed throughout your life. Loss of muscle mass and decrease in muscle tone begins between the twenties and thirties. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you lose about a pound of muscle mass every year after twenty-five. Even if you've been doing aerobics regularly for years—walking, running, or cycling—you still lose some percentage.

This is the so-called pure mass, which is different from adipose tissue, which does not have any strength at all. If your lean muscle mass is constantly declining, then your resting metabolic rate will also be declining. As a result, your body needs fewer and fewer calories to function, and the excess is stored as fat.

By strengthening your muscles, you speed up your metabolism and burn more fat even when you are resting. Different types of exercises strengthen your muscles in different ways. The exercises that can engage the most muscle groups are categorized as muscle resistance. They include any type of weight lifting exercise, even if the weight of the objects is several pounds.

According to the latest figures from the American College of Sports Medicine, all it takes to get serious, consistent results is fifteen minutes of exercise three to four times a week using barbells, machines, or rhythmic gymnastics with any kind of apparatus. Muscle-strengthening exercises like this are pretty much the only effective weapon you can use if you're in your 40s and gaining weight. Strong and strong muscles provide intensive blood circulation, which therefore carries more oxygen, increasing fat burning and speeding up your overall metabolism, i.e. helping you get rid of fat stores.

It's never too late to support your body. Scientists say that you can start exercising at any time and it will really help you become stronger. Muscle strengthening exercises are suitable for both men and women. The basic principles of muscle strengthening exercises are very simple: if you tense your muscles, forcing them to resist the load, they become stronger and stronger. Muscles are instantly responsible for the load, and strengthening occurs all the time while you continue to exercise. Each of us has a lifetime to strengthen our muscles through physical activity.

Strengthening muscles does not mean that you build muscle like bodybuilders. This doesn't mean you have to spend long hours in the gym lifting and lowering barbells. You can start with any kind of exercise you like. After choosing a few basic ones, listen to your body, take a comfortable position and start with smooth and well-calibrated movements, with light loads. You will quickly feel and see the result.

Let's start with the simplest. You should not warm up for a long time, although you can walk around the street for five minutes as a warm-up. It is best if you do the exercises in your own room or in the office. Select the area of ​​the body that you want to strengthen first. Here are the ones that will be discussed next:

Abdominal Press
. lower back
. chest, shoulders and upper back
. hands
. thighs and buttocks
. legs

If you have never done this type of exercise before, it will be difficult for you to get into a rhythm. However, there are a few general rules to be aware of before you get started. They are important from the point of view of personal safety and achieving the maximum effect during each series of exercises.

Begin your workout with gentle, relaxed, warm-up movements to increase blood flow and relieve tension in muscles and joints.
If you use dumbbells, you should know your maximum weight for each exercise and use dumbbells that weigh 80% of that maximum. One VM is the most weight you can lift at one time. This weight is so heavy that before you lift it a second time, you have to rest a little.
The maximum weight for each person is different, in addition, it changes over time, as you get used to physical activity. Once you know your VM, check it every two or four weeks.
Choose dumbbells that weigh 80% of the RM so that there are no muscle strains and injuries. After checking the change in VM after a few weeks and finding that it has become higher, recalculate the required 80 percent to change the dumbbells to heavier ones.
Listen to your body. If you feel pain while making certain movements, stop immediately. When the pain subsides, continue, but only after you reduce the weight of the dumbbells.
Sometimes in the process of exercising, you may feel a slight burning sensation, and the next day when you start exercising, a little pain, but this is completely normal. If you feel severe pain or prolonged discomfort in any part of your body, be sure to check with your doctor before continuing.
During each exercise, you should have the correct posture, and the movements should be leisurely. Breathe as evenly and deeply as possible.
To achieve a stable posture during each movement, do not slouch and do not use any tilts and turns that are not part of the exercise.
You need to move smoothly. Slow and steady movements are best for muscle and fat burning. Therefore, from the beginning to the end of the exercise, you should move smoothly and slowly. This will also protect you from injury. Never hold your breath while exercising, as this will raise your blood pressure.
You should do a set of exercises twice, doing five to ten repetitions in these cycles (repetition means a complete, complete movement). Thus, it will take you about five minutes to work out each part of the body.
For example, using dumbbells weighing 80% of your RM, complete the first set of exercises, repeating each five to ten times. Perhaps after each repetition you should take a break. When training with dumbbells, you will understand that the resistance level is chosen correctly if, after five to ten repetitions, you cannot lift the weight without first resting. At the end of the first cycle, take a minute break to allow the muscles to recover. Then proceed to the second complex and rest again. And if you have the opportunity, the desire and a few extra minutes, you can proceed to the third.
After you have finished, relax for a few minutes. Do not make sudden stops, do not sit down immediately after completion. Keep moving, return to your daily activities so that the heart and circulatory system gradually return to the state that they had before the exercise.

Without a doubt, a flat, toned stomach is the most notable achievement of the entire fat-free diet program. If the abdominals are strong and taut, you will not have problems with the waist, and the internal organs will be held in the correct
However, you may not be able to guess how such abs can help your back. The stronger the press, the better it helps the back in the lumbosacral region. This is where pain often begins, so calorie-burning exercises can help prevent these problems from occurring as well. The exercises for the abdominal area described below, in combination with the “vacuum cleaner technique”, are the most effective.

Breathing exercises

This exercise is an extended version of the above "vacuum cleaner technique" and will help you in creating a toned and strong abdomen. It is called a transpyramidal breathing exercise, since the purpose of its action is two types of muscles - transverse and pyramidal. Some trainers call it "voluntary bouts"; this exercise has the most serious effect on your stomach.

1. You need to lie on your back, relax your shoulders and bend your knees so that your feet are on the floor. Put your hands on your stomach. The index fingers of your hands should join at your navel, but not touch it.

2. Take a deep breath in and out. As you exhale, pay attention to how the abdominal muscles move. At the end of the exhalation, they should move inward, closer to the back. This movement indicates that the transverse and pyramidal muscles are doing their job.

3. Now inhale again. Your belly rises and the distance between your fingers widens a little.

4. Repeating these movements, try to maximize the difference between the contraction and inflation of the abdomen during breathing. (The expiratory phase is most important for muscle strengthening.)

5. At the end of each exhalation, tighten the abdominal muscles in order to make their pressure on the abdominal region even stronger. During the next breath, inflate your stomach as much as possible so that your fingers spread as far as possible.

Lying on the floor in a comfortable position, you will quickly and easily learn these movements. Having learned the order of action, you can perform the exercises sitting or standing.

Option. If you are sitting, sit on a chair with a straight back. Exhale slowly, and when you reach the usual volume of exhalation, get rid of the remaining air using the strength of the abdominal muscles. At first, you can help yourself with your hands, slightly pressing on your stomach while exhaling.

Repetition. Do this exercise ten times every day. Do it wherever you can: once or twice before getting out of bed in the morning; several times before each meal or even in transport; in a car in front of a traffic light; heading home from work. Since it can be done standing up, do it while you cook or before you sit down at your desk.

You can ask anyone who does fitness or bodybuilding in the gym what muscle group they train most often, and the answer will be the same - it's arms, abs or chest. And usually each workout begins with a warm-up of this muscle group, more effort is applied to this. It is these parts of the body that are quite easy to train and increase muscle relief, so this becomes a reason for pride. But any professional will say that it is better to start training, on the contrary, with the weakest and most undeveloped muscle groups. There are many ways to strengthen muscles that are poorly amenable to stress. The main thing is to do exercises that develop these areas without simultaneously loading the developed muscle groups.

To begin with, remember that there is a principle of priority in training:

  • This means training the weak parts of the body at the beginning of each workout, when energy and strength levels are still at a sufficient level.
  • It is worth processing 2 or 3 muscle groups in one workout, first providing the greatest intensity in the approaches, and then reducing it. It is sufficient intensity that is fundamental when strengthening muscles.
  • In order to prioritize, you need to identify the weakest areas. For example, it can be constantly missed leg muscle workouts, because this is a rather painstaking workout.
  • Or an injury, for example, to your shoulder prevented you, and this became an obstacle to loading the pectoral muscles. If it is difficult to determine the level of imbalance in muscle development on your own, then you need to ask a coach or an acquaintance - an athlete, if any.

Upper body workouts

  • There is a way to strengthen the pectoral muscles. To do this, rod thrust is usually used, in an incline or without. With these exercises, all soft muscles are involved:
  • The starting position is to bend your knees as much as possible achieving a right angle. Then you need to bend over and grab the bar of the barbell, which lies on the floor. It is better to use one of the types of grips for this - a reverse grip, a wear grip or a direct grip.
  • Keep your elbows a short distance from your torso as you pull the barbell toward your lower chest or stomach. Concentrate on muscle tension in the widest places.
  • Lower the barbell slowly, extending your arms almost completely, but do not let the discs from the barbell touch the floor. Also, never round your back. When performing this exercise, do not change the position of the body. You need to perform traction not only straining the biceps or triceps, but also the back muscles.

In addition, the need to strengthen the muscles of the neck is also important. Exercises for how to strengthen the muscles of the neck provide for a diverse load:

  • It is necessary to take objects of 5 or 10 kg in weight with both hands, and fix them on the back of the head. You need to hold objects firmly so that they do not fall. It could be a small bunch of books, for example. Starting position - bending face down, and then lean back, trying to straighten up and look up.
  • Then you need to slowly lower your head down to its original position. Repeat several times.
  • Then try to tilt your head back using only your neck muscles, but try to keep your head in place. This pressure must be applied for 10 seconds.
  • Then you should think about how to strengthen the muscles of the hands. Although the arms are easier to train than other parts of the body, it is worth taking care of their development:
  • Strengthen the biceps by bending the arms with weights. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, standing straight with lowered shoulders and a retracted stomach. While holding the dumbbells, bend your arms and pull the dumbbells up to your shoulders. At the same time, try to keep your elbows pressed to the body. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat several times.
  • Strengthen the triceps extension of the arms with weights. Starting position - standing straight, take a step forward with your right foot. Holding the dumbbell in your hand, try to keep your hand pressed against the body and bent at the elbow at a right angle. As you straighten your arm, you should feel tension in your triceps. Stand next to a chair, holding a dumbbell in your left hand, bend over and lower the palm of your right hand on the chair, while the body should be almost parallel to the floor; keep your back straight. Slowly straightening the arm along the body, lower it to the level of the buttocks. Slowly return your hand to the starting position. Then do the exercise with the other hand.

There are also a number of exercises showing how to strengthen the abdominal muscles:

  • Starting position - lie on your back. Start making circular movements with your legs in a certain direction, lifting your legs up. Continuing to lie on your back, lift your legs and pelvis. It is necessary to achieve touching the floor with toes behind the head.
  • Then stand up and sit on a chair. You need to take any ball. Keeping your arms raised, you need to secure your legs. Then lean back, touching the floor with the ball. Then you need to return to the starting position sitting. Keeping your legs straight, lift them up. Then slowly lower them. This exercise will be more useful if you perform it using any additional items. It can be a ball or dumbbells.

Lower Body Workouts

Having done the training of the upper parts of the body, do not forget about the lower ones. For example, gymnastics that strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor will be very effective. This is a series of exercises that professional athletes use:

  • Usually the lower body is excellently trained with weights and with a barbell. Since it is possible to strengthen the muscles of the thighs with the help of a barbell, it is better to use only the bar at the initial stages:
    • The starting position is to stand under the bar of the bar, which is attached to the frame.
    • It is necessary to put the bar on the shoulders laid back and lowered so that the bar is on the muscles without touching the bones. Hold the bar with a wide, comfortable grip. The wider the grip on the bar, the more stability the movements get.
    • You need to move away from the frame one step and put your feet 15-20 cm wide. If you find it difficult to squat on a full foot, you can slightly raise your heels, but without fail leaning on the stand.
    • It is necessary to slowly lower yourself, keeping your back straight and transferring the entire load of the bar to the heels of your feet. It is better to squat just below the level when your thighs are parallel to the floor. Begin to rise by pushing hard with your heels off the stand or floor.
    • By the way, this exercise is also considered important in how to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks. Also, to strengthen the gluteal muscles, you can sit on the floor, make “walking” movements on the floor, pushing your legs forward one by one.
    • If you hold the bar from the bar in the same position, but strain your legs, rising on your toes, then this will help in how to strengthen the muscles of the legs, in particular, the calves. The “bicycle” exercise also helps a lot, when, sitting on the floor, circular movements of the legs are made, simulating cycling.

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To help you get the most out of this machine, Domyos club trainers have prepared video exercises for you.

For maximum effectiveness, class time should be from 30 to 45 minutes - depending on the level of training. The main purpose of the exercises is to train muscle endurance: work in alternating blocks of exercises - this will allow you to use different muscle groups.

Keep your back straight throughout all exercises. To do this, choose a fixed point that is comfortable for you, which helps to maintain the correct position of the spine. Do not make sudden movements when returning to the starting position, so as not to damage the joints and keep the abdominal muscles in constant tension.

Reduction of the forearms

Degree of difficulty: level 1
Muscles involved: chest and shoulder
Performing an exercise. Starting Position: Place Body Power between your forearms. Keep your hands at chin level and elbows at stomach level. Squeeze the machine with your hands, and then release it.
Breath: exhale, squeezing your elbows, and inhale, returning to the starting position.

Flattening the hips

Degree of difficulty: level 1
Muscles involved: thigh muscles, quadriceps
Performing an exercise. Starting Position: Sit down and place Body Power between your thighs with the center of the machine pointing down. Bring your feet together and squeeze Body Power exclusively with your hips.
Breath: exhale while squeezing the simulator, and inhale as you return to the starting position.
Repetitions: 3-5 sets of 30 seconds at an accelerated pace, a 30-second break between sets.

Lateral flexion

Degree of difficulty: level 1
Muscles involved: quadriceps
Performing an exercise. Starting position: sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you, bend them. Place Body Power on the floor near your left calf. Press down on the machine with your foot, then release it and repeat the exercise.
Breath: exhale when pressing the simulator and inhale, returning to the starting position.
Repetitions: 3-5 sets of 30 seconds at an accelerated pace, a 30-second break between sets.

Strengthening the biceps

Degree of difficulty: level 2
Muscles involved: biceps
Performing an exercise. Starting position: press Body Power with your left hand to your chest on the right. While holding the machine in this position, lift the free Body Power handle with your right hand towards your chest, then gradually release it.
Breath: exhale as you bend your arm and inhale as you return to the starting position.
Repetitions: 4-6 sets of 30 seconds at an accelerated pace with a change of hand for each set. 30 second break between sets.

Strengthening the biceps

Degree of difficulty: level 2
Muscles involved: biceps
Performing an exercise. Starting Position: Sitting on a chair, place Body Power on your thighs in an upright position. Grab the handle opposite the one on your hips with both hands and press it down.
Breath: exhale as you press Body Power and inhale as you return to the starting position.
Repetitions: 3-5 sets of 30 seconds at an accelerated pace, a 30-second break between sets.

Oblique exercises

Degree of difficulty: level 2
Muscles involved: lateral abdominal muscles
Performing an exercise. Starting position: Place Body Power under your left arm so that the center of the machine is under your arm. Lock the position with your right hand, pressing the handle to your chest. With your left hand, press Body Power against your right hand, then release.
Breath: exhale when pressing with your hand and inhale when returning to the starting position.
Repetitions: 3-5 sets of 30 seconds at an accelerated pace, a 30-second break between sets.

Holding pressure with the hips

Degree of difficulty: level 2–3
Muscles involved: thigh muscles, quadriceps
Performing an exercise. Starting position: sitting on a chair, place Body Power between your thighs so that the center of the simulator is pointing down. Feet should be at a small distance from each other. Squeeze Body Power exclusively with your hips. Hold this position for a few seconds, then release the pressure.
Breath: exhale while squeezing the machine and hold the position, and inhale as you return to the starting position.
Repetitions: 3-5 sets of 30 seconds at an accelerated pace, a 30-second break between sets.

Strengthening the chest and shoulder muscles

Degree of difficulty: level 2–3
Muscles involved: chest and shoulder
Performing an exercise. Starting position: hold Body Power in your hands straight in front of you. The center of the machine should be near your chest. Squeeze the machine with your hands, and then release the pressure.
Breath: exhale while squeezing with your hands and inhale as you return to the starting position.
Repetitions: 3-5 sets of 30 seconds at an accelerated pace, a 30-second break between sets.