Sevastopol stories in December summary. Cycle "Sevastopol stories

Year of publication of the book: 1855

Tolstoy's "Sevastopol Stories" is a cycle of three works by the author. The series was first published in 1855 in a St. Petersburg periodical. The reliability of the facts described in the “Sevastopol Tales” is explained by the fact that Tolstoy, who enters personally, was in Sevastopol during its defense in 1854.

Cycle "Sevastopol stories" summary

Sevastopol in December

Morning comes over Sapun Mountain. The sky has already become light, and the surface of the sea has turned from black to dark blue. It is quite cold over the bay, but there is no snow - only black earth is visible around. The fact that the author describes December in the work “Sevastopol Tales” is evidenced only by a light morning frost, which tingles a little on the face and creaks underfoot. Going outside, you can hear the sound of the surf, which is periodically interrupted by loud shots. But despite the fact that battles have been going on in Sevastopol for several months now, people here continue to live their lives. Hot pies are still sold in the bazaars, and many locals have even stopped paying attention to the constant explosions.

In the work “Sevastopol Tales”, the summary says that only the bastions are full of warriors who defend the city, sacrificing their lives. Sevastopol hospitals are overflowing with soldiers - someone is left without a leg, someone without arms, someone has not been able to recover for several days. In a small hospital room, a paramedic performs many operations around the clock, amputating soldiers' limbs. If on the battlefield the warriors behave uninhibitedly and even allow themselves to joke from time to time, then in the hospital war is visible in its most terrible manifestations. Here sits a young officer who fought on one of the most dangerous bastions of Sevastopol. On the battlefield, he recalls, his biggest concern was the amount of dirt. The doctor understands that such words are nothing more than a defensive reaction of a soldier to the fear of war. The officer has something to remember. For example, a bomb that, having hit a dugout, took the lives of more than a dozen soldiers.

In the cycle "Sevastopol Stories" we can read that there are a large number of people like him in this hospital - brave and courageous Russian soldiers who are ready to give their lives to save the Motherland. During the war, they have already become accustomed to playing with death, trying to find a reason to laugh in any situation.

Sevastopol in May

More than six months have passed since the fighting began in Sevastopol. During this time, the city saw more than a thousand deaths, and the same number of people who had time to become disillusioned with the war. War is already seen by many as an extremely illogical phenomenon, because people, as rational beings, must first of all be able to negotiate among themselves. Sevastopol is still under siege, but not only the military, but also civilians often walk along its boulevards. Once, on a warm spring evening, Captain Mikhailov also went out for a walk. He was a tall man who constantly stooped and often looked awkward.

In the work “Sevastopol Stories” by Tolstoy, a summary tells that a few days ago the staff captain received a letter from his friend, which said that a close friend of Mikhailov from the newspapers was following the work of his regiment. The young officer sadly recalls his former life. He often tells his comrades-in-arms about how, it would seem, in a past life, as the main character, he attended magnificent balls and played cards with the general himself. However, friends do not strongly believe in the words of Mikhailov.

Meanwhile, the captain in his heart dreams of getting promoted. During his walk, he meets men he met in the war. However, he doesn't want to spend time with them. With all his heart, Mikhailov strives to have conversations with local aristocrats, who, in turn, do not want to communicate with an officer. Nothing, even war, can change their attitude to life - they stray into small companies and look down on the soldiers passing by.

The hero of L. Tolstoy's "Sevastopol Stories" understands that vanity is one of the most important diseases of his century. He passes several times near the company of aristocrats and finally decides to come up and greet them. There he notices adjutant Kalugin, captain Proskurin and several other people. At first, the aristocrats receive Mikhailov rather good-naturedly, but after some time they show that his presence here is no longer desirable. The staff captain returns to his home, remembering that in the early morning he must go to the bastion. There he is obliged to replace a comrade who is temporarily unable to go into battle. Mikhailov talks for a long time about whether he will die tomorrow or whether he will be mortally wounded. In any of these scenarios, he feels absolute happiness from the fact that he honestly fulfills his duty.

If you read the "Sevastopol Tales" summary chapter by chapter, then we learn that that evening aristocrats gathered in Kalugin's house, who are busy drinking tea and playing musical instruments. Left alone, the company behaves not as conceited as it could be seen on the boulevard. And only when an officer enters the general, all those present immediately become more pompous. After the officer left the room, Kalugin told his friends that there was important business ahead of them.

The next day, Kalugin heads for the bastion. There he tries to show his courage to all the soldiers. He is not afraid of bullets, keeps firmly on horseback, does not flinch from loud explosions. A little later, he sends Captain Proskurin to Mikhailov's battalion to warn them of the need to change location. When the shelling begins, Mikhailov, together with his soldiers and Proskurin, heads along the intended path. All this time they think only about how to make a better impression on each other. On the way, the company comes across Kalugin. He planned to inspect the battalion, however, having learned about the enemy attack, he decides to go back. On the way, the soldiers come across a bomb, from the explosion of which Proskurin dies, and the staff captain Mikhailov is seriously injured. Kalugin wants to take him to the hospital, but he wants to stay with his company. He thinks that because of the injury, he can receive an additional reward.

In Tolstoy's "Sevastopol Tales" we can read that at the end of the battle the valley was overflowing with the corpses of soldiers. Hundreds more people writhed in pain, cursing the war and wanting to die as soon as possible. The hospitals were once again filled with soldiers who needed limb amputations. When the next day after the battle, the aristocrats again gathered in their company, they vied with each other to talk about what an important role they played in the battle. Each of them imagined himself to be the most important component and shouted that he was ready even now to rush into battle with the enemy.

Meanwhile, a temporary truce was declared between the warring parties. Russian and French soldiers, having forgotten that they recently stood against each other with weapons, were now talking on abstract topics. They all did not understand why, as Christians, they should take up arms and kill others. However, after some time, the truce was canceled, and they again had to take up arms.

Sevastopol in August

After the spring battle, the author describes August in Sevastopol Tales. It was then that after a serious wound from the hospital, a lieutenant named Mikhail Kozeltsov returned to the battlefield. He was distinguished by the fact that in many situations he had his own opinion and a firm position, which was respected by all the soldiers. There were many officers at the station. Many of them did not have any money with them, so they did not even know how to get to the battlefield. Among those present, Mikhail noticed his brother Volodya. Despite the fact that he was sent to the guard, he voluntarily wanted to go to the front line. Volodya did his best to follow the example of his brother and strove, like a hero, to defend his homeland faithfully. He is terribly proud of Mikhail, and therefore decides to go with him to Sevastopol. There, at the station, for some time Volodya becomes afraid of how close he is to military operations. However, anticipating feats and a majestic battle, he still goes to the battlefield. When the heroes of the Sevastopol Tales series arrived in Sevastopol, they immediately went to the headquarters. There, no one could understand why Volodya, who could be in the rear, chose such a fate for himself.

Both Kozeltsovs are sent to the fifth bastion, where Volodya is appointed ensign. Arriving at the battery, the younger Kozeltsov met with the cadet Vlang. Young people immediately find a common language and become good friends. At the same time, Mikhail arrives at his commander, who is not happy that Kozeltsov decides to return to duty so early. After a long conversation, he decides to give Mikhail his previous company, which meets the lieutenant with great joy.

The next day, Volodya takes part in the battles. During this time, he and Vlang managed to become good comrades who spend a lot of time together in sincere conversations. After some time, the commander needs to send several people to Malakhov Kurgan. It is quite dangerous there now, so no one wants to go there voluntarily. After thinking well, the commander decides to send Volodya and Vlang to the marker battery. Throughout the evening, the younger Kozeltsov studies various shooting manuals. However, as soon as it's time to go to the battlefield, he realizes that all the knowledge gained from books is not applicable in real life. Many soldiers from his team are seriously injured. Yes, and Volodya himself was only miraculously able to avoid death. The current situation seriously frightened Vlang, who begins to think about how to leave the place of hostilities. However, Volodya cannot even think about escaping. He rejoices that he is still alive, and tries to show the rest of the soldiers an example of courage.

When the assault begins at night, Mikhail goes out to his company. Without leaving his sleep, he takes up his saber and runs at the enemy with acceleration, trying to raise the morale of the soldiers. If the works “Sevastopol Stories” read a summary, then we learn that after some time he receives a mortal wound in the chest. In the hospital, Michael asks the priest what the outcome of the battle was. He, not wanting to upset the dying man, informs him that the Russians have won. Senior Kozeltsov dies with a smile on his face and pride in his soldiers.

Volodya behaves quite boldly during the assault. He skillfully commands the soldiers, but soon realizes that the French surrounded them. Confused, he freezes in place. Vlang shouts to his comrade to run after him. Hearing no answer, the cadet approaches the trench and sees that Volodya has been mortally wounded. Together with several soldiers, Vlang manages to move to a safe distance. Sitting on the steamer, they move to that part of the city that the French have not yet had time to encircle. Juncker with bitterness in his heart remembers his dead comrade and notices the sadness on the faces of the soldiers who are forced to retreat from Sevastopol under the onslaught of enemies.

The cycle "Sevastopol stories" on the Top Books website

Tolstoy's cycle "Sevastopol Stories" is so popular to read that it allowed them to take a high place among. Although to a large extent this interest is due to the presence of the work in the school curriculum. Nevertheless, we predict that this cycle of Tolstoy's stories will also be included in our subsequent ones.

Sevastopol stories:

Sevastopol in December
Beautiful and the December sea in Sevastopol. But the sunken Russian ships speak of war, and the enemy fleet ominously blackens in the distance.

On the embankment there are crowds of gray soldiers, black sailors and colorful women. Women trade, girls in elegant dresses jump over puddle stones - and all this among rusty cannonballs and scattered buckshot.

In Sevastopol itself, everyday life goes on.

And in the halls of the former Assembly there is a hospital. "The smell of forty or fifty amputees and the most seriously wounded patients, some in beds, mostly on the floor, suddenly hits you."

- How did you get hurt?

- On the fifth bucksion, your honor, as the first gang was: he pointed the gun, began to retreat, in a sort of manner, to another embrasure, as he hit me on the leg, exactly as if he stumbled into a pit. Look, no legs.

The sister of mercy tells about this sailor: “Having been wounded, he stopped the stretcher in order to look at the volley of our battery, how the grand dukes spoke to him and granted him twenty-five rubles, and how he told them that he again wanted to go to the bastion, with in order to teach the young, if he himself can no longer work.

“You begin to understand the defenders of Sevastopol; for some reason you feel ashamed of yourself in front of this person. You would like to tell him too much to express your sympathy and surprise to him; but you do not find words or are dissatisfied with those that come to your mind - and you silently bow before this silent, unconscious greatness and firmness of spirit, this shame before your own dignity.

Awful spectacle of dressing and operation. Doctors with bloody hands up to the elbows and pale, gloomy physiognomies are engaged in the terrible, but beneficent work of amputation.

"You will see war in its true form - in blood, in suffering, in death."

In the city, officers discuss events on the bastions over pea patties and a bottle of sour, especially on the heroic fourth bastion. Some believe that this fortification is a sure grave for everyone who gets there, others simply live on it and tell you whether it is dry or dirty there, warm or cold in the dugout.

Climbing up the wide road leading out of the city, you will see destroyed houses abandoned by the inhabitants, hear the whistle of a shell, bullets buzz around. Do not jump into the trench on the side of the road? But it's filled with yellow, smelly, sticky mud.

Once on the fourth bastion, you will notice on the faces an expression of simplicity and stubbornness, "traces of consciousness of one's dignity and high thought and feeling."

Every day on the fourth bastion, during the shelling, seven to eight people are lost wounded or killed.

“The main, gratifying conviction that you have made is the conviction that it is impossible to take Sevastopol, and not only to take Sevastopol, but to shake the strength of the Russian people anywhere.”

Sevastopol in May
The infantry staff captain Mikhailov, meaning nothing, awkward and timid, dreams of future exploits and promotion, of how Natasha, the widow of a comrade, will look at him. True, the comrade is still alive - but in Mikhailov's dreams, Natasha is already a widow.

In the center of the besieged Sevastopol, there is a festivity, music is playing in the pavilion. Mikhailov is not thinking about the war, but about whether the local aristocrats will answer his bow. The besieged Sevastopol has its own high society, its own hierarchy.

“For Captain Obzhogov, Captain Mikhailov is an aristocrat, because he has a clean overcoat and gloves, and he cannot stand him for this, although he respects him a little; for Staff Captain Mikhailov, adjutant Kalugin is an aristocrat, because he is an adjutant and on "you" with another adjutant, and for this he is not very well disposed towards him, although he is afraid of him. For adjutant Kalugin, Count Nordov is an aristocrat, and he always scolds him and despises him in his soul for being an aide-de-camp. Terrible word aristocrat."

Mikhailov walks with a company of officers, flirting with a pretty girl in a red scarf, but no, no, and he thinks that tonight he needs to go to the bastion instead of the sick Nepshitshetsky - and he will certainly be killed: they always kill those who suggest themselves.

The staff captain has already forgotten that a bad feeling always appears in everyone who goes into business. Nervous, he writes a letter to his father and leaves it on the table. From the inflated nerves, he scolds the drunken servant Nikita, as usual, and then sensitively says goodbye to him. Nikita bursts out into forced sobs—nothing but under the influence of the wine.

The old sailor woman also wipes her eyes and for the hundredth time tells how her husband was killed "even in the first bandit" (bombardment).

Mikhailov safely reached the bastion along the trench.

The aristocracy (Prince Galtsin and others) spends a pleasant evening: the pianoforte, tea with cream ... In the absence of infantry officers, they have no one to turn up their noses at and they behave naturally, simply.

But contempt for the trench infantry, no, no, yes, and slips in their conversations:

“I don’t understand and, I confess, I can’t believe,” said Galtsin, “that people in dirty linen, in lice and with unwashed hands could be brave.

Kalugin angrily objects:

These are heroes, amazing people.

Kalugin and Galtsin are watching from a distance bomb explosions and skirmish fires.

An infantry officer who arrived reports that the situation is difficult, the regimental commander was killed, the French occupied several trenches, but were driven out. Many victims, reinforcements are needed.

Kalugin goes to the bastion.

“More and more wounded on stretchers and on foot, supported by one another and talking loudly among themselves, met Prince Galtsin.

“How they jumped, my brothers,” said one tall soldier in a bass voice, carrying two guns over his shoulders, “how they jumped, how they shouted: alla, alla!

Our soldiers, fighting with the Turks, got so used to this cry of enemies that now they always say that the French also shout "Alla!"

Lieutenant Nepshitshetsky plays cards and drinks vodka so that it would not be so scary. Occasionally he goes out into the street and asks how and what. Prince Galtsin paces stupidly back and forth to calm his anxiety.

Together they attack the wounded soldiers with reproaches of cowardice:

"Shame on you to give away our trenches!"

In fact, the trench remained behind the Russian troops, but one of the wounded mistakenly thought that it had been surrendered - the battle was very terrible.

Prince Galtsin suddenly felt terribly ashamed of Lieutenant Nepshit-shetsky and even more of himself. He went to the dressing station. However, he immediately ran away - it was an unbearable sight!

The unfortunate lay on the floor, soaked in each other's blood... Moans, sighs, wheezing, piercing screams. Sisters with calm faces, expressing active practical participation, with medicine, water, bandages flickered between bloody overcoats and shirts.

Doctors with gloomy faces examine and treat wounds, to the terrifying screams of the wounded.

Kalugin goes to the bastion. Recalling various stories about heroes, he himself imagines himself to be such a hero. But then a shell exploded nearby (but still not nearby) - and the officer fell to the ground. Shame and fear mingled in his soul.

With quick steps and almost crawling, he moved along the trench. Here is the dugout of command.

“The general ordered me to find out,” Kalugin reported, “can your guns fire grapeshot at the trench?” Let's go see.

The captain frowned and grunted angrily.

“I’ve been standing there all night, I’ve come to at least rest a little,” he said, “can’t you go alone? There, my assistant, Lieutenant Kartz, will show you everything.

Kalugin is desperately cowardly, but since everything is going well, he begins to dream of rewarding and universal admiration.

A bomb falls near Mikhailov and orderly Praskukhin. Both of them in these two seconds, during which the bomb lay unexploded, thought a lot and re-felt a lot.

Praskukhin was killed by a shrapnel in the chest, and Mikhailov was slightly wounded in the head by a stone. He does not return to the medical center, but remains in the company, thinking, again, about the reward: he was wounded, but he did not leave the company! This should be appreciated.

The day after a heated battle, staff officers keep on their faces an expression of official sadness for the dead, but each of those who were in position (Kalugin) tries to emphasize his courage and at the same time humiliate others.

After the battle, truce negotiations are underway - Russian and French soldiers and officers are talking to each other, either showing respect, or trying to play a joke.

While white flags are displayed on the bastion and on the trench, thousands of people crowd, look, talk and smile at each other ... But the white rags are hidden - and the instruments of death and suffering whistle again, innocent blood is shed again and groans and curses are heard.

“Neither Kalugin with his brilliant bravery of a nobleman and vanity, the engine of all actions, nor Praskukhin, an empty, harmless man, although he fell in the battle for faith, the throne and the fatherland, nor Mikhailov with his timidity and limited look, nor Pest - a child without solid beliefs and rules, cannot be either villains or heroes of the story.

The hero of my story, whom I love with all the strength of my soul, whom I have tried to reproduce in all its beauty and who has always been, is and will be beautiful, is true.

Sevastopol in August 1855
Lieutenant Kozeltsov, proud, energetic, endowed with many abilities (he writes state papers perfectly, plays the guitar, the soul of the company) returns to Sevastopol, having recovered from his wound.

At the post station, the officers are arguing with her boss because of the horses - there are no horses and that's it!

At the inn, the officers smoke, drink tea, and have a snack.

Kozeltsov, a true good front-line officer, listens to the stories of two confused staff officers who do not know where their regiment is stationed - in Sevastopol or Odessa, did not receive the money due to them, and spent their own on an expensive and, moreover, lame horse.

Terrible confusion reigns in the army.

One officer left his apartment, acquaintances, hopes for a profitable marriage - everything in order to become a hero of Sevastopol.

But he had waited so long to be allowed to leave, had taken so long to get to his destination—and still couldn't get there—that his enthusiasm had completely waned.

Kozeltsov unexpectedly meets his younger (seventeen-year-old) brother, who “is somehow ashamed to live in St. Petersburg, when people die here for the fatherland. Yes, and with you I wanted to be ... "

The older brother pays off his brother's debts incurred on the road and takes him with him. The younger one is immersed in dreams: “And how glorious it would be for the two of us in Sevastopol! Two brothers, friendly with each other, are both fighting the enemy: one is already an old, although not very educated, but brave warrior, and the other is young, but also well done ... In a week, I would prove to everyone that I'm not very young anymore! I will stop blushing, there will be courage in my face, and my mustache - small, but decent will grow by that time ... "

I dreamed so much that I already imagined how he and his brother killed a bunch of Frenchmen and died heroically themselves.

When asked if he was in a fight, the older brother replies that he had never been wounded at work.

“War is not done the way you think, Volodya!”

Senior Kozeltsov asks about the changes.

- Well, is my quarter on Morskaya intact?

- And, father! It's been bombed all over for a long time. You don't recognize Sevastopol now; there are no women, no taverns, no music ...

The brothers visit a senior comrade Kozeltsov, whose leg has been torn off. The view of the infirmary is incredibly striking for Volodya. He becomes scared.

“The brothers still in the North decided to go together to the fifth bastion; but, leaving the Nikolaev battery, they seemed to have agreed not to be exposed to needless danger and, without saying anything about this subject, decided to go each one separately.

- But how will you find it, Volodya? the elder said. “However, Nikolaev will take you to Korabelnaya, and I will go alone and be with you tomorrow.

Nothing more was said in this final farewell between the two brothers."

Volodya comes to his battery. He experiences "a sense of loneliness in danger" and despises himself.

Senior Kozeltsov comes to his new regimental commander. He is struck by the luxury of the dugout - even the parquet floor - and the cold suspicion of the commander, who tells him:

- You have been treated for a long time ...

Kozeltsov goes to his company. It can be seen that the soldiers remember him and love him.

There is a game of cards in the officers' barracks. Kozeltsov drank vodka and sat down with the players.

“In a short time, having drunk three more glasses of vodka and several glasses of porter, he was already completely in the spirit of the whole society, that is, in the fog and oblivion of reality, and lost the last three rubles.”

It’s ugly, of course, but “at the bottom of everyone’s soul lies that noble spark that will make a hero out of him; but this spark gets tired of burning brightly - a fatal moment will come, it will burst into flame and illuminate great deeds.

Volodya, in his unit, heard a lot from the officers that was unexpected for him, in particular, about how the highest military ranks profit from the war.

Before the young ensign had time to look around, it fell to him by lot to lead the soldiers to Malakhov Kurgan, which is constantly being shelled. The soldiers did not even have time to remove the bodies on the bastions and threw them into the ditch so that they would not interfere with the batteries.

In just one long day, Volodya was on the verge of death more than once. “Fortunately, a commandant of enormous stature was appointed to help him, a sailor who had been with mortars since the beginning of the siege and convinced him of the possibility of still acting from them, with a lantern he led him around the bastion at night, just like in his garden, and promised to tomorrow arrange everything."

Volodya is sitting on the threshold of the dugout, watching the bombardment with youthful curiosity.

“By the end of the evening, he already knew where how many guns were firing from and where their shells were landing.”

In the morning, Volodya walks around the bastion, proud of his courage.

The French begin an assault on the Malakhov Kurgan.

Kozeltsov Sr. leads the soldiers, they manage to drive the French out of the occupied trenches, but the officer was wounded in the chest. In the infirmary, the priest gives him a cross to kiss - a sign of imminent death. But Kozeltsov does not feel bitterness and fear, he did a heroic deed and dies happy, wishing his brother the same fate.

Volodya desperately commands his mortars, but the French outflank and occupy the bastion. Volodya is killed.

“... The Sevastopol army, like a sea on a shaky gloomy night, merging, developing and anxiously trembling with its whole mass, swaying near the bay along the bridge and on Severnaya, slowly moved in impenetrable darkness away from the place where it had left so many brave brothers, from a place all drenched in his blood; from a place eleven months defended from twice the strongest enemy, and which was now ordered to be left without a fight ...

Coming to the other side of the bridge, almost every soldier took off his hat and crossed himself. But behind this feeling there was another, heavy, sucking and deeper feeling: it was a feeling, as if similar to repentance, shame and anger. Almost every soldier, looking from the North side at the abandoned Sevastopol, sighed with inexpressible bitterness in his heart and threatened the enemies.

Year of writing:


Reading time:

Description of the work:

The Sevastopol stories (there are three stories in the cycle), written by Leo Tolstoy in 1855, depict well how Sevastopol was defended. Leo Tolstoy describes the heroism of the soldiers who defended the city, shows the inhumanity and senselessness of the war.

It is noteworthy that this is the first time that such a famous writer as Tolstoy was personally present at the events taking place and immediately wrote about it, thus reporting everything in an authentic form to his readers. It turns out that one can confidently say about Tolstoy that he is the first Russian war correspondent.

Read below a summary of the Sevastopol stories cycle.

Sevastopol in December

“The dawn is just beginning to color the sky over Sapun Mountain; the dark blue surface of the sea has already thrown off the twilight of the night and is waiting for the first ray to sparkle with a cheerful brilliance; from the bay it carries cold and fog; there is no snow - everything is black, but the sharp morning frost grabs your face and cracks under your feet, and the distant unceasing rumble of the sea, occasionally interrupted by rolling shots in Sevastopol, alone breaks the silence of the morning ... It cannot be that at the thought that you are in Sevastopol, a feeling of some kind of courage, pride, and so that the blood does not begin to circulate faster in your veins has not penetrated into your soul ... ”Despite the fact that hostilities are going on in the city, life goes on as usual: vendors sell hot men are a wreck. It seems that camp and peaceful life are strangely mixed here, everyone is fussing and frightened, but this is a deceptive impression: most people no longer pay attention to either shots or explosions, they are busy with “everyday business”. Only on the bastions "you will see ... the defenders of Sevastopol, you will see terrible and sad, great and funny, but amazing, uplifting spectacles there."

In the hospital, wounded soldiers talk about their impressions: the one who lost his leg does not remember the pain, because he did not think about it; a woman carrying lunch to her husband's bastion was hit by a shell, and her leg was cut off above the knee. Dressings and operations are done in a separate room. The wounded, awaiting their turn for surgery, are horrified to see how doctors amputate their comrades' arms and legs, and the paramedic indifferently throws the severed body parts into a corner. Here you can see "terrible, soul-shattering spectacles ... the war is not in the correct, beautiful and brilliant formation, with music and drumming, with fluttering banners and prancing generals, but ... war in its true expression - in blood, in suffering , in death ... ". A young officer who fought on the fourth, most dangerous bastion, complains not about the abundance of bombs and shells falling on the heads of the defenders of the bastion, but about the dirt. This is his defensive reaction to danger; he behaves too boldly, cheekily and at ease.

On the way to the fourth bastion, non-military people are less and less common, and stretchers with the wounded are increasingly coming across. Actually, on the bastion, the artillery officer behaves calmly (he is used to both the whistle of bullets and the roar of explosions). He tells how during the assault on the 5th, only one active gun and very few servants remained on his battery, but still the next morning he was already firing from all the guns again.

The officer recalls how the bomb hit the sailor's dugout and killed eleven people. In the faces, posture, movements of the defenders of the bastion, “the main features that make up the strength of the Russian are visible - simplicity and stubbornness; but here on every face it seems to you that the danger, malice and suffering of war, in addition to these main signs, have also laid traces of consciousness of one’s dignity and lofty thoughts and feelings ... A feeling of anger, revenge on the enemy ... is hidden in the soul of everyone. When the cannonball flies directly at a person, he does not leave a feeling of pleasure and at the same time fear, and then he himself waits for the bomb to explode closer, because "there is a special charm" in such a game with death. “The main, gratifying conviction that you made is the conviction that it is impossible to take Sevastopol, and not only to take Sevastopol, but to shake the strength of the Russian people anywhere ... Because of the cross, because of the name, because of the threat people can accept these terrible conditions: there must be another high motivating reason - this reason is a feeling that rarely manifests itself, shy in Russian, but lies in the depths of everyone's soul - love for the motherland ... This epic of Sevastopol will leave great traces in Russia for a long time, whose hero was the Russian people ... "

Sevastopol in May

Six months have passed since the start of hostilities in Sevastopol. “Thousands of human vanities managed to be offended, thousands managed to be satisfied, puffed up, thousands - to calm down in the arms of death” The most fair is the solution of the conflict in an original way; if two soldiers fought (one from each army), and victory would remain with the side whose soldier emerges victorious. Such a decision is logical, because it is better to fight one on one than a hundred and thirty thousand against a hundred and thirty thousand. In general, war is illogical, from the point of view of Tolstoy: “one of two things: either war is madness, or if people do this madness, then they are not rational creatures at all, as we somehow usually think”

In the besieged Sevastopol, the military walk along the boulevards. Among them is an infantry officer (headquarters captain) Mikhailov, a tall, long-legged, stooped and awkward man. He recently received a letter from a friend, a retired lancer, in which he writes how his wife Natasha (Mikhailov's close friend) enthusiastically follows through the newspapers the movements of his regiment and the exploits of Mikhailov himself. Mikhailov bitterly recalls his former circle, which was "so much higher than the current one that when, in moments of frankness, he happened to tell his infantry comrades how he had his own droshky, how he danced at the governor's balls and played cards with a civilian general" , they listened to him indifferently, incredulously, as if not wanting only to contradict and prove the contrary

Mikhailov dreams of a promotion. He meets Captain Obzhogov and Ensign Suslikov on the boulevard, employees of his regiment, and they shake hands with him, but he wants to deal not with them, but with "aristocrats" - for this he walks along the boulevard. “And since there are many people in the besieged city of Sevastopol, therefore, there is a lot of vanity, that is, aristocrats, despite the fact that death hangs every minute over the head of every aristocrat and non-aristocrat ... Vanity! It must be a characteristic feature and a special disease of our age ... Why in our age there are only three kinds of people: some - accepting the beginning of vanity as a fact that necessarily exists, therefore just, and freely obeying it; others - accepting it as an unfortunate but insurmountable condition, and still others - unconsciously, slavishly acting under its influence ... "

Mikhailov twice hesitantly passes by a circle of "aristocrats" and, finally, dares to come up and say hello (before he was afraid to approach them because they might not at all honor him with an answer to the greeting and thereby prick his sick pride). "Aristocrats" are Adjutant Kalugin, Prince Galtsin, Lieutenant Colonel Neferdov and Captain Praskukhin. In relation to the approached Mikhailov, they behave rather arrogantly; for example, Galtsin takes him by the arm and walks a little back and forth only because he knows that this sign of attention should please the staff captain. But soon the "aristocrats" begin to defiantly talk only to each other, thereby making it clear to Mikhailov that they no longer need his company.

Returning home, Mikhailov recalls that he volunteered to go the next morning instead of a sick officer to the bastion. He feels that he will be killed, and if he is not killed, then surely he will be rewarded. Mikhailov consoles himself that he acted honestly, that it is his duty to go to the bastion. On the way, he wonders where he might be wounded - in the leg, in the stomach or in the head.

Meanwhile, the "aristocrats" are drinking tea at Kalugin's in a beautifully furnished apartment, playing the piano, remembering their St. Petersburg acquaintances. At the same time, they behave not at all so unnaturally, importantly and pompously, as they did on the boulevard, demonstrating their “aristocratism” to those around them. An infantry officer enters with an important assignment to the general, but the "aristocrats" immediately assume their former "puffed up" look and pretend that they do not notice the newcomer at all. Only after escorting the courier to the general, Kalugin is imbued with the responsibility of the moment, announces to his comrades that a “hot” business is ahead.

Galtsin asks if he should go on a sortie, knowing that he will not go anywhere, because he is afraid, and Kalugin begins to dissuade Galtsin, also knowing that he will not go anywhere. Galtsin goes out into the street and begins to walk aimlessly back and forth, not forgetting to ask the wounded passing by how the battle is going, and scolding them for retreating. Kalugin, having gone to the bastion, does not forget to demonstrate his courage to everyone along the way: he does not bend down when the bullets whistle, he takes a dashing pose on horseback. He is unpleasantly struck by the "cowardice" of the battery commander, whose bravery is legendary.

Not wanting to take unnecessary risks, the battery commander, who spent half a year on the bastion, in response to Kalugin's demand to inspect the bastion, sends Kalugin to the guns along with a young officer. The general gives the order to Praskukhin to notify Mikhailov's battalion of the redeployment. He successfully delivers the order. In the dark, under enemy fire, the battalion begins to move. At the same time, Mikhailov and Praskukhin, walking side by side, think only about the impression they make on each other. They meet Kalugin, who, not wanting to "expose himself" once again, learns about the situation on the bastion from Mikhailov and turns back. A bomb explodes next to them, Praskukhin dies, and Mikhailov is wounded in the head. He refuses to go to the dressing station, because it is his duty to be with the company, and besides, he has a reward for the wound. He also believes that his duty is to pick up the wounded Praskukhin or make sure that he is dead. Mikhailov crawls back under fire, is convinced of the death of Praskukhin and returns with a clear conscience.

“Hundreds of fresh, bloody bodies of people, two hours ago full of various high and small hopes and desires, with stiff limbs, lay on a dewy flowering valley that separates the bastion from the trench, and on the flat floor of the chapel of the Dead in Sevastopol; hundreds of people - with curses and prayers on parched lips - crawled, tossed and groaned, some among the corpses on a flowering valley, others on stretchers, on cots and on the bloody floor of the dressing station; and all the same, as in the old days, the lightning lit up over Sapun Mountain, the twinkling stars turned pale, a white fog pulled from the noisy dark sea, a scarlet dawn lit up in the east, crimson long clouds fled across the light azure horizon, and everything is the same , as in former days, promising joy, love and happiness to the whole revived world, a mighty, beautiful luminary emerged.

The next day, the "aristocrats" and other military men stroll along the boulevard and vied with each other to talk about yesterday's "case", but in such a way that they basically state "the participation that he took and the courage that the narrator showed in the case." “Each of them is a little Napoleon, a little monster, and now he is ready to start a battle, to kill a hundred people just to get an extra star or a third of his salary.”

A truce has been declared between the Russians and the French, ordinary soldiers freely communicate with each other and, it seems, do not feel any enmity towards the enemy. The young cavalry officer is simply delighted to be able to chat in French, thinking he is incredibly smart. He discusses with the French what an inhuman deed they started together, referring to the war. At this time, the boy walks around the battlefield, collects blue wildflowers and looks at the corpses in surprise. White flags are displayed everywhere.

“Thousands of people crowd, look, talk and smile at each other. And these people, Christians, professing one great law of love and self-sacrifice, looking at what they have done, will not suddenly fall with repentance on their knees before the one who, having given them life, put into the soul of everyone, along with the fear of death, love for good and beautiful, and with tears of joy and happiness will not embrace like brothers? No! White rags are hidden - and again the instruments of death and suffering whistle, pure innocent blood is shed again and groans and curses are heard ... Where is the expression of evil, which should be avoided? Where is the expression of the good that should be imitated in this story? Who is the villain, who is her hero? Everyone is good and everyone is bad ... The hero of my story, whom I love with all the strength of my soul, whom I tried to reproduce in all its beauty and who has always been, is and will be beautiful, is true "

Sevastopol in August 1855

Lieutenant Mikhail Kozeltsov, a respected officer, independent in his judgments and in his actions, not stupid, in many ways talented, a skilled drafter of government papers and a capable storyteller, returns to his position from the hospital. “He had one of those self-esteem, which merged with life to such an extent and which most often develops in some male, and especially military circles, that he did not understand any other choice, how to excel or be destroyed, and that self-esteem was the engine even of his internal motives."

A lot of people passing by have accumulated at the station: there are no horses. Some officers heading to Sevastopol do not even have lifting money, and they do not know how to continue their journey. Among those waiting is Kozeltsov's brother, Volodya. Contrary to family plans, Volodya, for minor misconduct, did not join the guard, but was sent (at his own request) to the active army. He, like any young officer, really wants to "fight for the Fatherland", and at the same time serve in the same place as his elder brother.

Volodya is a handsome young man, he is both shy in front of his brother and proud of him. The elder Kozeltsov invites his brother to immediately go with him to Sevastopol. Volodya seems to be embarrassed; he no longer really wants to go to war, and, besides, he, sitting at the station, managed to lose eight rubles. Kozeltsov pays his brother's debt with the last money, and they set off. On the way, Volodya dreams of the heroic deeds that he will certainly accomplish in the war together with his brother, of his beautiful death and dying reproaches to everyone else for not being able to appreciate “those who truly loved the Fatherland” during their lifetime, etc.

Upon arrival, the brothers go to the booth of a convoy officer, who counts a lot of money for the new regimental commander, who is acquiring a "farm". No one understands what made Volodya leave his quiet place in the far rear and come to warring Sevastopol without any profit. The battery, to which Volodya is seconded, stands on Korabelnaya, and both brothers go to spend the night with Mikhail on the fifth bastion. Before that, they visit Comrade Kozeltsov in the hospital. He is so bad that he does not immediately recognize Michael, he is waiting for an early death as a deliverance from suffering.

Leaving the hospital, the brothers decide to disperse, and, accompanied by the batman Mikhail Volodya, goes to his battery. The battery commander offers Volodya to spend the night in the staff captain's bed, which is located on the bastion itself. However, Junker Vlang is already sleeping on the bunk; he has to give way to the ensign (Voloda) who has arrived. At first Volodya cannot sleep; he is now frightened by the darkness, then by a premonition of imminent death. He fervently prays for deliverance from fear, calms down and falls asleep to the sound of falling shells.

Meanwhile, Kozeltsov Sr. arrives at the disposal of the new regimental commander - his recent comrade, now separated from him by a wall of subordination. The commander is unhappy that Kozeltsov is returning to duty prematurely, but instructs him to take command of his former company. In the company, Kozeltsov is greeted joyfully; it is noticeable that he enjoys great respect among the soldiers. Among the officers, he also expects a warm welcome and a sympathetic attitude towards the wound.

The next day, the bombardment continues with renewed vigor. Volodya begins to enter the circle of artillery officers; one can see their mutual sympathy for each other. Volodya is especially liked by the junker Vlang, who in every possible way foresees any desires of the new ensign. The good Captain Kraut, a German, who speaks Russian very correctly and too beautifully, returns from the positions. There is talk of abuse and legalized theft in senior positions. Volodya, blushing, assures the audience that such an "ignoble" deed will never happen to him.

Everyone is interested at lunch at the battery commander's, the conversations do not stop despite the fact that the menu is very modest. An envelope arrives from the chief of artillery; an officer with servants is required for a mortar battery on Malakhov Kurgan. This is a dangerous place; no one volunteers to go. One of the officers points to Volodya and, after a short discussion, he agrees to go "shoot" Together with Volodya, Vlang is sent. Volodya takes up the study of the "Guide" on artillery firing. However, upon arrival at the battery, all “rear” knowledge turns out to be unnecessary: ​​firing is carried out randomly, not a single shot even resembles those mentioned in the “Manual” by weight, there are no workers to repair broken guns. In addition, two soldiers of his team are wounded, and Volodya himself repeatedly finds himself on the verge of death.

Vlang is very scared; he is no longer able to hide it and thinks solely about saving his own life at any cost. Volodya is "a little creepy and fun." Volodya's soldiers are holed up in Volodya's dugout. He communicates with interest with Melnikov, who is not afraid of bombs, being sure that he will die a different death. Having got used to the new commander, the soldiers under Volodya begin to discuss how the allies under the command of Prince Konstantin will come to their aid, how both warring parties will be given a rest for two weeks, and then they will take a fine for each shot, how in the war a month of service will be considered as year, etc.

Despite Vlang's entreaties, Volodya comes out of the dugout into the fresh air and sits on the doorstep with Melnikov until morning, while bombs fall around him and bullets whistle. But in the morning the battery and guns were put in order, and Volodya completely forgot about the danger; he only rejoices that he performs his duties well, that he does not show cowardice, but, on the contrary, is considered brave.

The French assault begins. Half-asleep, Kozeltsov jumps out to the company, awake, most of all concerned that he should not be considered a coward. He grabs his little saber and runs ahead of everyone at the enemy, shouting to inspire the soldiers. He is wounded in the chest. Waking up, Kozeltsov sees the doctor examining his wound, wiping his fingers on his coat and sending a priest to him. Kozeltsov asks if the French have been driven out; the priest, not wanting to upset the dying man, says that the Russians have won. Kozeltsov is happy; “He thought with an extremely gratifying feeling of self-satisfaction that he had done his duty well, that for the first time in his entire service he had acted as well as he could, and he could not reproach himself for anything.” He dies with the last thought of his brother, and Kozeltsov wishes him the same happiness.

The news of the assault finds Volodya in the dugout. "It was not so much the sight of the calmness of the soldiers as the miserable, undisguised cowardice of the junker that aroused him." Not wanting to be like Vlang, Volodya commands lightly, even cheerfully, but soon hears that the French are bypassing them. He sees enemy soldiers very close, it strikes him so much that he freezes in place and misses the moment when he can still be saved. Melnikov dies next to him from a bullet wound. Vlang tries to shoot back, calls Volodya to run after him, but, jumping into the trench, he sees that Volodya is already dead, and in the place where he just stood, the French are and shoot at the Russians. The French banner flutters over the Malakhov Kurgan.

Vlang with a battery on a steamboat arrives in a safer part of the city. He bitterly mourns the fallen Volodya; to which he was truly attached. The retreating soldiers, talking among themselves, notice that the French will not be staying in the city for long. “It was a feeling, as if similar to remorse, shame and anger. Almost every soldier, looking from the North side at the abandoned Sevastopol, sighed with inexpressible bitterness in his heart and threatened the enemies.

You have read the summary of the Sevastopol Stories cycle. We also invite you to visit the Summary section of our website for other presentations by popular writers.

To the question of the Guys, a matter of life and death. Please. Write a short retelling of "Sevastopol in the month of December" Just a short retelling. given by the author Alya Lashina the best answer is “The dawn is just beginning to color the sky over Sapun Mountain; the dark blue surface of the sea has already thrown off the twilight of the night and is waiting for the first ray to sparkle with a cheerful brilliance; from the bay it carries cold and fog; there is no snow - everything is black, but the morning sharp frost grabs your face and cracks under your feet, and the distant unceasing rumble of the sea, occasionally interrupted by rolling shots in Sevastopol, alone breaks the silence of the morning. . It is impossible that at the thought that you are in Sevastopol, a feeling of some kind of courage, pride does not penetrate into your soul and that the blood does not begin to circulate faster in your veins. . ." Despite the fact that hostilities are going on in the city, life goes on as usual: the traders sell hot rolls, and the peasants sell sbiten. It seems that camp and peaceful life are strangely mixed here, everyone is fussing and frightened, but this is a deceptive impression: most people no longer pay attention to either shots or explosions, they are busy with “everyday business”. Only on the bastions "you will see. . defenders of Sevastopol, you will see terrible and sad, great and funny, but amazing, uplifting spectacles there. In the hospital, wounded soldiers talk about their impressions: the one who lost his leg does not remember the pain, because he did not think about it; a woman carrying lunch to her husband's bastion was hit by a shell, and her leg was cut off above the knee. Dressings and operations are done in a separate room. The wounded, awaiting their turn for surgery, are horrified to see how doctors amputate their comrades' arms and legs, and the paramedic indifferently throws the severed body parts into a corner. Here you can see “terrible, soul-shattering spectacles. . a war not in the correct, beautiful and brilliant formation, with music and drumming, with fluttering banners and prancing generals, but. . war in its present expression - in blood, in suffering, in death ... » . A young officer who fought on the fourth, most dangerous bastion, complains not about the abundance of bombs and shells falling on the heads of the defenders of the bastion, but about the dirt. This is his defensive reaction to danger; he behaves too boldly, cheekily and at ease. On the way to the fourth bastion, non-military people are less and less common, and stretchers with the wounded are increasingly coming across. Actually, on the bastion, the artillery officer behaves calmly (he is used to both the whistle of bullets and the roar of explosions). He tells how during the assault on the 5th, only one active gun and very few servants remained on his battery, but still the next morning he was already firing from all the guns again. The officer recalls how the bomb hit the sailor's dugout and killed eleven people. In the faces, posture, movements of the defenders of the bastion, “the main features that make up the strength of the Russian are visible - simplicity and stubbornness; but here on every face it seems to you that the danger, malice and suffering of war, besides these main signs, have laid traces of consciousness of one's dignity and lofty thought and feeling. . Feeling of anger, revenge on the enemy. . hidden in everyone's heart." When the cannonball flies directly at a person, he does not leave a feeling of pleasure and at the same time fear, and then he himself waits for the bomb to explode closer, because "there is a special charm" in such a game with death. “The main, gratifying conviction that you have made is the conviction that it is impossible to take Sevastopol, and not only to take Sevastopol, but to shake the strength of the Russian people anywhere. . Because of the cross, because of the name, because of the threat, people cannot accept these terrible conditions: there must be another high motivating reason - this reason is a feeling that rarely manifests itself, bashful in Russian, but lies in the depths of everyone's soul - love for the motherland . . This epic of Sevastopol, of which the Russian people were the hero, will leave great traces in Russia for a long time ... "

Sevastopol in December

Dawn rises over Sapun Mountain. The sounds of gunshots are woven into the noise of the sea. Morning begins with the changing of the guard with the strumming of weapons. The author looks at the city, in the pictures of the beauty of nature, his eyes rest from the views of sunken ships, dead horses, traces of bombardments and fires. The pain from the suffering brought by the war turns into admiration for the courage of the invincible city.

The war did not leave the city, but life returned there, and even the market is functioning. There are goods for sale and rusty buckshot, shells and bombs nearby. People are trying to work, turning a blind eye to the horrors of war.

Hospital in the Assembly Hall. Wounded soldiers proudly talk about their experiences. Communicating with a sailor who lost his leg, the author feels guilty for not being able to find the right words.

The nurse leads the author into the next room. There are operations and dressings. Doctors, under the remnants of chloroform, operate on wounded bodies, and the soldiers who will have to do this look at them with horror. Paramedics throw the severed limb into a corner. Here the whole essence of war is not parades and the brilliance of guns, but pain and suffering.

Only after going out into the street, breathing in the fresh air, the author comes to his senses from what he saw.

In a tavern, a young officer complains not about the shells and bullets, but about the dirt under his feet. It turns out that this young guy was in the fourth bastion - the most dangerous. His demeanor seems cheeky, but there is excitement hidden behind it.

"Black, dirty, pitted space" - this is the first look at this place.

The officer calmly tells him about the battles and wounds. Smoking a cigarette, he recalls how on the fifth day there was only one gun working, but on the morning of the sixth everyone was already in the ranks. He tells how the bomb that hit the dugout killed eleven soldiers. And the author understands that the unbroken spirit of the Russian people will not let Sevastopol surrender, because the defenders of the city gave their lives for it.

Sevastopol in May

Six months have passed since the first shots. The fights continue. The author thinks about the war as madness. "War is madness."

A short, slightly stooped infantry officer walks down the street. His face with a low forehead speaks of low intelligence, but directness and honesty. This is Mikhailov, staff captain. Along the way, he remembers a letter from a friend. There he tells how his wife Natasha, Mikhailov's "great friend", is watching the news about the movements of Mikhailov's regiment and its affairs. The captain's thoughts turn into dreams, where he imagines how he will receive a St. George ribbon and a promotion.

He meets captains Suslikov and Ozhegov. They are happy for him, but Mikhailov wants to communicate with people of the "highest circle", for example, with the adjutant, to whom he bowed. The staff captain thinks about aristocrats and vanity, about the fact that even here, where Death itself guards, there is a place for vanity.

Mikhailov does not dare to approach the "aristocrats": adjutants Kalugin and Galtsin, Lieutenant Colonel Neferdov and Praskukhin. When he musters up the courage to join them, the company acts haughtily. They greet each other and talk, but soon they begin to communicate revealingly only with each other, making it clear to Mikhailov that he is superfluous here.

Mikhailov returns home and remembers that he has to go to the bastion, as one of the officers is ill. He thinks that on this night he is destined to die, and if not, then he will receive a reward.

At this time, the company of "aristocrats" familiar to Mikhailov drink tea and communicate at ease. But when an officer comes to them with an order, they take on an important air and act arrogantly.

Kalugin is instructed to deliver a letter to the general at headquarters and successfully completes it. In battle, Mikhailov and Praskukhin are nearby. But they are so absorbed in vanity that they think only about how they look in each other's eyes. Mikhailov's battalion falls into the thick of the bombardment. The bomb kills Praskukhin, and Mikhailov is wounded in the head, but does not go to the hospital, but stays with his people.

And in the morning, the "aristocrats" walk around the city, boasting about how brave they were in a fierce battle.

A truce is declared.

Sevastopol in August

The wounded officer Mikhail Kozeltsov returns to the bastion. He is a respected man, lieutenant, brave and smart.

The station is crowded, there are not enough horses, and most of them cannot get to Sevastopol. Among them are many officers who do not even have a salary to pay for the road. Here is the younger brother of Kozeltsov - Volodya - a handsome and intelligent young man who went to fight at his own request. In the meantime, he is waiting for an opportunity to get to Sevastopol, then he plays cards. The brother repays the debt and takes it with him. They are going to spend the night with a convoy officer. Everyone there is perplexed why Volodya Kozeltsov left a quiet service and wished to get to Sevastopol under the tax. He finally hits his battery. At night, Volodya cannot sleep, gloomy thoughts make him feel the approach of death.

Mikhail Kozeltsov also arrives in his regiment. The soldiers are glad to have him back.

Volodya Kozeltsov receives a direction to the very dangerous Malakhov Kurgan. Lancer Vlang is with him. Volodya relies on his knowledge of shooting, but in fact he is convinced that the battle is chaotic, knowledge is not important here.

Volodya's brother dies a warrior's death, leading his fighters to storm. The priest, to his question, who wins, pities the officer and says that the Russians. Kozeltsov dies with joy that he did not give his life in vain.

Volodya, having learned about the assault, leads his soldiers into battle. But the French surround Volodya and the soldiers. The young man is so shocked by this that he misses the moment. He dies, while Vlang and several soldiers escape. The French capture Sevastopol. The story ends with a bitter picture of the war: burned barracks and residential buildings, trenches, trenches, dead and wounded.