Envy - where does it come from and how to get rid of it? Envious people: how to deal with them.

Envy is one of the seven deadly sins. To be honest, the one who experiences this feeling himself is not happy with his condition: he does not sleep well, his stomach growls, and his heart is filled with anger. And all the thoughts are clogged only with the fact that someone has something better than him. And how do you know that they are jealous of you? Do not hope that the open smile of others speaks of joy for your successes - rather, it is an evil grin of envy, and they are ready to devour you for your good luck with all the giblets.

Signs of "black" envy

All "trouble" begins with the arrival of your luck. With your difficulties and problems, no one is interested in you - they sympathize with you, give “practical” advice, but nothing more. But as soon as you climb the career ladder or hook up an awesome fiancé, that's it, you've got it. Now learn to read by facial expressions and intonation, how people relate to your successes, and figure out which of them is an envious person.

Gossip out of the blue

Surprisingly, they usually do not come from fierce enemies, but from the person with whom you were once “on an equal footing” and you communicated well with him. Like, if you have a promotion, then it’s clear “what place” you earned it. And, of course, she bewitched the enviable groom, because you don’t deserve him in any way.


To better explain this point, it is better to give an example from life. Tonya came to work with a new diamond ring. I showed it to a colleague sitting next to me. A thousand emotions were displayed on her face in one second, but pulling herself together, a colleague put on a wry smile and said through her teeth: “I’m happy for you.”

Reasonless criticism

You have a new car - envious people will definitely tell you that you drive badly, and soon you will definitely ruin the car. Gorgeous dress - well, of course, "it doesn't suit you." A rich admirer - in the eyes of envious people, he will turn into a "swindler" who "whacks and quits", and at the same time "rips you off like sticky". More such examples are in the article.

Complete ignore

A recent "friend", who is overwhelmed with jealousy to the brim for your successes, tries to avoid you in every possible way. Moreover, a frank conversation with an envious person does not stick - he simply does not know how to rejoice at other people's successes, and his stomach rumbles at night, and his heart is pounding at the sight of you. To say directly that he is jealous - he does not succeed, another sin interferes - pride.

But does it happen - “white” envy, or is the same blackness lurking under the light cover? By the way, indeed, there are people who are absolutely devoid of the feeling of envy, but in order to determine this, one must first test the person. So, you have a full openwork in business? Try to have a drink, and pay attention to the reaction of each person.

    Friends, it would seem, rejoice at your successes, treat themselves with pleasure from your “lordly” table, they say that they have white envy for you, and you are their incentive and role model. And now sharply "lunch" and ask someone for a loan with a long delay. Those who were crushed by the “black toad” will disappear instantly, while they will gloat. And only the person who will lend, really envied "in white".

    Come to a party in a stunning dress - and the envy of others will be obvious. Those who look at you from head to toe, criticize and spit something “good” through their teeth are eliminated immediately. And only the person who has a sincerely admiring look at you can be called "white". It is he who will emphasize in front of everyone how this dress suits your figure, how it harmonizes with eye color and the like.

    It is the person who does not complain about his life, putting your merits in silent reproach, and there is a bright “envious”. He will be keenly interested in the details of your successes, he will never shake up some “dirt” about you on the side, and he will never whine that everything is wrong with him.

Fragment from the film "Mask"

arrow_left Fragment from the film "Mask"

From the world of mysticism

Envy is sometimes perceived as an evil eye or damage. And indeed - it is worth a little to rise above others, to brag, and suddenly everything goes topsy-turvy: the business is falling apart, the groom disappears. What is it - black forces, or regularity?

It's hard to imagine that an envious person goes to his grandmother, pays his money and walks under your door to bury a dead rat. But how to understand such a negative alignment? These are really the machinations of envious people, only without any mysticism. But as?

    Gossip - they really do their dirty deeds: having reached an important person for you in a distorted form, they can influence some decision in your favor.

    An unkind look is psychologically overwhelming, and it is difficult to get rid of the feeling of discomfort for a long time.

    Criticism - indeed, after it you begin to feel insecure while driving or in a chic dress.

And yet - one main advice: you need to rejoice in your successes with your mouth closed. Others know less about them - they sleep better without rumbling in the stomach and palpitations. Yes, and they themselves must envy silently, because anger is also one of the seven deadly sins.

How to recognize envy? Distinctive signs by which you can determine that the people around you envy you, and even worse - they wish bad things. It turns out that envy has symptoms by which you can easily calculate the envious person.

transparent hints

Envy is an ugly feeling, especially when those people whom you considered close friends envy. Psychologists say that this is a normal feeling, however, it should be positive, be an example to follow, grow up, achieve any heights.

It's a pity when envy leads to destruction. In this case, it is important to beware of people who envy you "for black".

  1. Copying appearance, gestures, habits.
  2. Frequent mood swings.
  3. Confession in envy in a comic form.
  4. Lack of praise, compliments from the envious, but criticism - in the first place.
  5. An unnatural smile, emotions when a person listens to your achievements and makes an indifferent look.

Envious people are often energy vampires, and therefore, after talking with them, a feeling of weakness appears, because there is an energy exchange - a one-sided game.

It is important to minimize communication with such people, because they enjoy seeing other people's failures. To test a person, it is enough to tell him about personal success and look at the reaction - sparkling positive emotions are difficult to confuse with something else.

Attention! Pay attention to your friends when you appear in a chic new dress. Anyone who consciously does not say anything about this is quite obviously envious.

The envy of colleagues is determined in jokes, ridicule, friends - how they listen to you, how they react.

It is important not to forget about your own envy, this is a sinful feeling that you need to get rid of. Envy is a meaningless feeling - after all, in everyone's life there are sorrows, ups, downs, joys. And if you do not notice anything, then your life will pass by!

This is a dangerous feeling that prevents you from building normal, adequate relationships with other people. A woman can experience envy for any reason - family, children, work, appearance, material wealth, hobbies, and so on.

An envious woman can harm a rival, set up insidious traps to upset the life of the one who is more fortunate (according to her). Such people need to be feared and beware of in life.

You need to stop telling such a person about your plans for the future, achievements, family joys. Be friendly - do not respond with anger to anger, learn to disengage, do not show negative feelings towards it. After all, this is an unfortunate person who harms himself.

How to get rid of envy?

Envy is capable of eating a person from the inside, in the bible it is a deadly sin. What to do - how to stop envy and give advice to a loved one, how to get rid of this feeling.

  1. There is no need to feed envy - for every envious thought, find an excuse on your part, figure out why everything turned out differently for me and what needs to be done to become better in this matter (family, money, rest, clothes).
  2. It is better to think about your qualities and achievements, strive upward, find those wonderful qualities in yourself that others do not have.
  3. It is important to get rid of the concept - "should", the world does not always meet our expectations, we need to accept this fact and live on, enjoying what we have.
  4. It is necessary to learn to wish people well, sincerely express feelings, and not envy.
  5. Compliment people, look for the good in everyone.
  6. Do not stop developing and moving forward - towards the desired and inspiring.

Attention! There cannot be two identical paths in life - everyone has their own life path and mission that needs to be fulfilled. So why envy another, sorting out his obligations.

Think about what you envy and what you will do if you have it. I want a car, but can you drive it, do you want to go up to 3 floors, but can you clean it and whether you can pay utility bills. Or maybe you want 5 children like a neighbor, but you hardly know what to do with them.

In this matter, it is important to understand one thing - develop personally, reach the desired heights, and do not lie on the bed, envying everyone. And if you have become the object of envy, then limit communication with such a person, do not bring negativity into your life.

If you are envied, think about why - maybe you deliberately evoke this feeling, you cannot fight back others. You need to develop your core, you should not adapt to the opinions and assessments of others.

Learn to live together, grow personally, take care of each other and be happy!

Incredible Facts

Do you think that you somebodyjealous? Pay attention to the following signs.

Almost everyone has experienced envy at some point in their lives.

This is a natural emotion that is sometimes difficult to avoid.

Basically, envy is the fear that we might lose something or someone. For this reason, we are trying our best to prevent loss.

While we can control our emotions, we cannot control the emotions of another person.

When someone envies you, this person tries to get into your soul and control you, as it is difficult for him to control his emotions.

Here, 8 main signs that black envy feeds on you, and how you can fix it.

Feelings of envy

1. False praise

The person who is jealous of you is often the first to compliment you. However, as soon as you leave his line of sight, he rolls his eyes or belittles you in front of others.

Such a person would rather pretend that he is not jealous than tell you what he thinks to your face.

One way to turn envy against yourself is to give a person a sincere compliment when he succeeds. This will let him know that you are a sincere person and help him cope with negative feelings.

2. Downplay your progress

No matter how hard you work and no matter what success you achieve, envious people will always convince you that this is just an accident. They will do everything possible to prove that your merits did not require any effort from you.

Since they have nothing to be proud of, they take pleasure in convincing others that your successes are insignificant.

If you react to this behavior, the person may talk even worse about you. Stay humble but firm in your accomplishments. If you brag, you will be even more jealous.

3. Show off their successes

The envious person tends to boast of his achievements, exaggerating them. At the same time, most often he begins to advertise his successes at the moments of your triumph. These are the people who can announce their engagement at your wedding.

You must understand that there are always people who are full of negativity not only in relation to others, but also to themselves and your abilities.

If you get upset, they will feel they have the right to continue this behavior. Instead of this sincerely praise their achievements. Someone else's example is the best way to change someone's behavior.

How to get rid of envy

4. Imitate you

The one who envies you wants to be better than you, but at the same time the same as you. He may mimic your way of speaking and dressing to make you feel better.

Instead of getting upset motivate them to find their own way. Reward them when they do something of their own.

Show them that they don't have to be like you to be the best, that they can be themselves.

5. Compete with you

Envious people are often competitive because they want to be the only one who reaps the benefits of success, because either insecure or arrogant and want to prove their superiority.

Although you may feel a burning desire to put them in their place, refuse unhealthy competition and do not participate in it. Not participating in this game will decrease the chance that they will want to continue.

6. Rejoice in your failures

An envious person will secretly rejoice when you make mistakes, when you are scolded or corrected at work or at school e. Although they may not show it, they often enjoy your failures.

Accept your mistakes gracefully. You can always remind them that mistakes are part of life. If you don't get upset, they won't get the pleasure they expect..

7. Gossip behind your back

Envious people will always find a reason to gossip behind your back. They may say mean and hurtful things about you.

In this case best to talk to them openly. Since envious people rarely openly confront someone, talking seriously about what they are doing will make them think about their behavior or stop.

8. They hate you

If there is a person who hates you for no clear reason, most likely he is jealous of you. This can be difficult to come to terms with, since it is unpleasant for any of us to think that someone hates us for no reason.