Application for transfer of salary to another bank. Application for transfer of salary to a bank card

Each employee can independently decide how his wages are calculated. In this matter important role plays an employment or collective agreement. It is its provisions that regulate how accrual will occur. However, the employee, at his own discretion, has the right to change the payment method through a written application. This is done in the same way when it is necessary to change the card number.

How to write an application for salary transfer to a bank card

A specific form in which an application for transfer is written wages on bank card not available. The form can be provided by the employer or the applicant himself can write the corresponding request on a regular sheet of paper.

This procedure is regulated. It prescribes that such a document should be submitted five days before the accrual of earnings. A petition is being drawn up for general principles taking into account the official nature of the document:

  • the header of the document is indicated, it indicates where the application for the transfer of wages to a bank card is sent, to whom and from whom;
  • the essence of the request and the basis for it are indicated;
  • the date of the first payment is noted when the accrual should occur;
  • bank details and the card number on which the salary should be credited are provided.

The basis for such an act is the same article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, according to its provisions, the terms of payments must be noted in employment contract.
The employee’s ability to choose a bank is enshrined in law. That is, he is not obliged to receive a salary at the direction of the employer. If an employer initially prepares salary accounts for its employees, it must receive from each employee an appropriate form filled out in accordance with all the rules.

Application for transfer of salary to wife's bank card

Transferring an employee's salary to someone else's bank card is a fairly common option. Like most similar issues, it is regulated by the same article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is she who indicates that, by default, earnings are accrued directly to the employee. However, if the employment contract provides for the appropriate conditions and the employee submits an application, the salary can be transferred to the specified account or bank card of another person.

This question may be relevant in cases where you need to transfer funds:

  • wife or husband;
  • for charitable purposes;
  • for the maintenance of other relatives or payment of alimony;
  • for utility bills;
  • for education;
  • to repay loans.

Accordingly, the request may be directed to transfer a separate part of the funds. All commission costs are borne by the employer.

Along with the application, you will also have to present an extract from your existing personal account. The account number and bank details are indicated in the document.

Transfer of salary to a Sberbank bank card

An application for salary transfer to a Sberbank bank card is submitted under standard conditions. There are no restrictions associated with these actions. In accordance with the provisions of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee can transfer his salary account to any bank.

However, practice shows that employees rarely transfer their account to another bank. This is explained by the weak activity of banking institutions themselves. In this matter, it should be emphasized that many banks organize special conditions and promotions for clients with salary accounts. Such offers mainly relate to deposits and loans.

Transfer application form

The application form for transfer of wages to a bank card must include the following points:

  • the period during which the salary will be transferred to the specified account;
  • the amount of the amount that will be charged - indication of the full amount or partial;
  • details of the recipient - the employee himself or the person to whose account the funds will be credited.

It is taken into account that wages may initially be accrued in installments. Many employers issue an advance in hand, and the main amount is credited to the account. Payment options may vary, but they must be taken into account in the employment contract. Article 136 also prescribes that the amount is issued at the place of work, however, if the contract provides for another option, it is this option that is taken into account.

Bank cards are an accessible and convenient payment instrument. Storage Money the card account also gives the holder many opportunities. That's why a large number of workers prefer that the employer transfer the wages due to them to a bank card account.

It must be said that this is the right of every employee, and management has no reason to deny this. The main thing is to correctly formulate such a wish and correctly compose a corresponding statement.

Transferring wages to a bank card - how to write an application

An application for the transfer of wages to a bank card is drawn up personally by the employee and expresses his desire to receive transfers in this way.

The person submits this document to the accounting department. In this case, no approvals from management or a director’s permit visa are required.

It must be indicated that each employee must draw up such a document on his own behalf. Writing collective requests for crediting money to a bank account is not allowed.

In this case, the main points should be reflected:

  • Full personal data of the employee, his position. The person must provide such information as specifically as possible. Therefore, abbreviations and abbreviations are not allowed. Otherwise, the possibility of error cannot be excluded;
  • The application must be written to the head of the organization. The Labor Code provides for him as the only addressee;
  • Full details must be provided. It is imperative to reflect in the document the name of the bank that issued the plastic card, number and other information. They are necessary for the correct recording of wages. And it is in the employee’s interests to indicate them correctly and accurately.

In addition, the document must be signed and the date of its preparation indicated.

Sample application for transfer of salary to a bank card

This document can be used as a standard document, since it is suitable for all types of payment instruments.

A good and correctly drafted sample of this document can be found here.

Application for transfer of wages to another person’s bank card

In this case, a third party payment instrument will be used. To do this, it is necessary to obtain his consent to transactions for crediting the entire amount of wages.

Therefore, this consent must be confirmed. To obtain such confirmation, you must obtain a written document in which the other person agrees to the crediting of funds to his account.

This application must be attached to the main document and submitted together. In addition to the application of a third party, copies of the passport of the future recipient of funds and the means of payment must be attached to the main application. Its number must be clearly visible and readable.

Transfer of salary to a bank card from the director

Often the entire team of an organization or company receives such means of payment from management. They are ordered for staff. In this case, funds will be credited automatically. The actions will be performed by accounting employees.

The person will simply receive his card, to which transfers will be made. You don’t have to take part in the registration process—everything will be prepared and completed by the organization.

Transfer of wages to a Sberbank bank card

These transfers are convenient for employees. Therefore, a significant number of teams of various enterprises and organizations have already switched to this method of recording wages. Among the features of this enrollment, the main ones should be indicated:

When working for hire, workers receive wages for their work, which, according to the laws Russian Federation must be paid twice a month - advance and salary. Wages must be paid in cash. This can be done in two ways:

  • by cash payment;
  • by non-cash payment.

Currently, the most common method of non-cash payment is the transfer of funds to a “salary” payment bank card. This benefits both the employee and the employer.

The convenience and benefit of using employee remuneration through non-cash payment using bank cards for the employer does not require proof. If the employer works “in white”, then the use of non-cash payments allows you to save overhead costs (cashiers, accountants, etc.), reduce the risks of transporting cash, that is, ultimately, increase business efficiency.

However, this form of payment is not always accepted with a bang by some workers, especially older ones. Since the transfer of wages to an employee’s card cannot be carried out without his consent, the employer must explain to him the benefits of such an operation and motivate him to write an application for transferring wages to the card. The motivation of the worker must be convincing and done in the correct form. So, about the motivation of workers.

The widespread network of ATMs and remote payment terminals in our country allows you to make a payment or get cash from an ATM using a bank card at any time.

This allows you not to have significant funds in your pocket, even if you plan to make an expensive purchase. By doing this, you, to some extent, increase the security of your wallet from attacks by criminal elements.

Transferring funds to a bank card is faster than standing in line at the cash register, and the reliability of such payments is higher than the likelihood of a cashier’s error. Moreover, it is very simple to prove a bank payment error with a pay slip and an extract from your card account. Horror stories about bank card fraud should not be taken very seriously - if you do not write the PIN code on the card (ha ha!) or on the fence, then the likelihood of losses is very small.

Salary project

An employer, when switching to a non-cash form of remuneration, must remember that, according to Labor Code Russian Federation, this form of payment of wages is possible, but it should be taken into account that this clause must be written down in a collective agreement or an individual employment agreement. However, even the presence of this clause in the collective agreement does not mean that the employee cannot refuse to use non-cash payment labor. Such cases of refusal are not common now, but, alas, they are possible. Therefore, it is very important to competently carry out explanatory work at the enterprise.

Read also: Sample application for time off for previously worked time

Since most banks have salary projects in their package of services, the choice of bank is made by the enterprise itself, taking into account its own interests. For large enterprises, banks create privileged conditions, including the installation of ATMs on their territory. Of course, when choosing a bank, the interests of workers should also be taken into account (the extensive network of ATMs at the servicing bank, the presence of partner banks, and so on).

After agreeing on the terms of the agreement with the bank for servicing the personal accounts of employees, the company submits to the bank a list of employees participating in the project, copies of their passports, and an application to the accounting department for the transfer of wages to the card. For the sake of convenience for employees, an enterprise usually organizes the issuance of bank cards on its territory. Bank cards can be issued by both bank employees and the company’s accounting department.

Bank conditions for servicing “salary” cards, most often, do not imply fees for using cards and commissions for withdrawing cash from ATMs of this bank and partner banks. Typically, banks issue “salary” cards for up to five years.

The employer should keep in mind that the employee has the right to request the transfer of funds to his account in any bank of his choice. This sometimes creates certain problems for the enterprise. The problem is that operations for transferring funds to card accounts are carried out at the expense of the enterprise, and commissions for transferring funds to a bank that is located outside the “salary” agreement are usually significantly higher. In addition, document flow increases. Therefore, employees should be encouraged to use the services of a recommended bank.

Features of the accounting department

For accounting, after concluding an agreement with the bank, work begins with collecting statements from workers (sometimes at large enterprises this work is performed by the human resources department). At the same time, employees are informed about which bank the funds will be transferred to and the conditions for using the cards. A sample application for the transfer of wages to a bank card under a “salary” agreement with bank XXXXXXX is given below.

Executive Director

CJSC "Energosistema"

Ignatenko A.A.

Design engineer

Central factory laboratory

Yamshchikova I.S.


Please transfer my salary to the bank card of bank XXXXXXX.