Dmitry Shepelev showed where he lives with his son. Dmitry Shepelev built a house with money from Zhanna Friske

In our country great attention is given to increasing housing construction in rural areas, which is mainly carried out using industrial methods, according to standard projects. However, individual construction is also developing now. The State provides credit for these purposes and in accordance with the Basic Directions of Economic and social development The USSR for 1981 - 1985 and for the period until 1990 provides assistance to individual housing construction in small towns, urban-type settlements and in rural areas.

Parts made of reinforced concrete and other similar materials are successfully used in rural construction. But such traditional materials as brick, natural stone, tiles, wood, reeds, straw, clay are still used quite widely, especially in individual construction. From time immemorial, villages have been, and are still building, strong, beautiful, warm and durable residential buildings and other buildings from local materials. When constructing a residential building or utility room, rural builders (and especially individual developers) often need not only materials and tools, but also qualified advice.

The fact is that during construction you have to do a lot various works- earthen, stone, concrete, carpentry, carpentry, stove, roofing, plastering, painting, glass. And only their correct implementation guarantees the long service life of the built house. Revealing the technological “secrets” of various construction works is the goal that the author of this book has set for himself.


It is best to build a house according to a project. When creating projects, architects provide maximum convenience for the people living in it, offer the most progressive designs, i.e. strong, cheap, durable and easy to implement. Various house projects can be found in the local Councils of People's Deputies, in construction organizations and libraries.

Projects involve building a house from one material, for example, brick, concrete, slag concrete, wood, etc. But it can be built from any other material.

Let's consider the project of the Central Institute of Standard Projects of the USSR State Construction Committee, recommended by the department for architecture under the executive committee of the Moscow Regional Council of People's Deputies for individual construction in the Moscow region.

The house is three-room (Fig. 1, 2), made of logs, with a terrace and a storage room, a basement under the kitchen, stove heating and an external toilet. The building area of ​​the house with a terrace is 71.4 m2; living area - 31.0 m2; useful - 39.2 m2; utility room - 9.5 m2; cubic capacity - 182 m3.

The house has three rooms measuring 8.13; 10.29 and 12.56 m2; kitchen - 5.76 m2; hallway - 2.45 m2; canopy - 4.4 m2; pantry - 4.72 m2 and terrace - 12.54 m2. In the plan, these figures are rounded.

The project includes a house plan, its sections, a foundation plan, sections of walls, ceilings, attic, basement, floor, trim details, design of a terrace, cornice, etc., as well as an option for developing the site.

The development plan indicates the location of the house, utility shed, which can be a garage, restroom, green spaces, etc.

On the main facade of the house and in the sections there are arrows with pluses, minuses and numbers indicating meters or centimeters. The arrow with plus and minus 0.00 stands at floor level and is called the zero mark. The numbers going down from this mark are called negative, and the numbers going up are called positive.

Rice. 1. The main facade and plan of a residential building (dimensions in cm and m) with 1, 6, 7 rooms; 2 - kitchen; 3 - corridor; 4 - pantry; 5 - terrace

Rice. 2. Yard and side facades, foundation and site plans (dimensions in cm)

The minus 0.60 mark shows the distance from ground level to the top of the floor or foundation; minus 1.30 indicates that at this level, counting from the floor, the pillars are laid under the foundation; minus 2.40 shows the laying of the basement walls.

The plus 0.80 mark determines the level of the window sill, which is 80 cm above the floor. The level of the upper part of the window opening is indicated by the plus 2.20 mark. If we subtract plus 80 cm from this mark, we get the height of the window opening equal to 1.40 m.

The ceiling level is indicated by plus 3.15, and the upper part of the dormer is plus 3.75. The roof ridge level is at 5.35 m and the top of the chimneys is at 6.05 m.

Other marks are also given in the sections. For example, the height of the terrace is 2.40; ceiling height from floor 2.90 m, etc.

Sections of the house are shown in Figure 3. For the house, the rafters are made with a section of 18X6 cm, floor beams - 18X8 cm, etc.

Let's look at individual parts of the house.

Rice. 3. Sections of the house (dimensions in cm and m)

The foundation for the external walls is made of rubble stone in the form of pillars measuring 60X60 cm with a laying depth of 70 cm (if the groundwater is high, the laying depth can reach 120 cm). Internal pillars can be buried by 50 cm. Rubble pillars do not reach the ground level by 10 cm. Above this mark, a base is laid - brick pillars of 2X1.5 bricks and between them - a wall of one brick, called a fence. To ventilate the underground, two holes measuring 14X14 cm, but more often 25X25 cm, are provided in the intake on two opposite sides. In the spring they are opened, and in the fall they are closed and insulated. WITH inside the base is insulated with slag, sand, earth, but not clay.

The top of the plinth is leveled with cement mortar, insulated with two or three layers of roofing felt or roofing felt (preferably with mastic). The waterproofing is covered with heat-insulating antiseptic material (tow or felt), then two layers of roofing felt or roofing felt and on top of all this a lining - an antiseptic (antiseptic or bitumen mastic) dry board 5 - 6 cm thick and 20 cm wide. The lining protects the lower logs of the log house from rotting , and it can be replaced when destroyed.

The walls (Fig. 4) are chopped wooden, made of logs with a cut diameter of 22 cm and hewn to one edge. Isolated from the foundation by a lining, a layer of tow, felt, etc. (2 cm), the lower (flashing) crown is made of thicker logs with two edges (the width of the lower edge is at least 15 cm). On the inside, a thermal beam is attached to the backing board; the space between it and the lower crown is filled with tow. Thermal insulation material is placed on the first crown, the second crown is placed on it, etc. After laying the five crowns, the assembly of the partitions is provided, on which the subsequent crowns are then placed. Window and door openings must have a settlement gap and be higher (greater) than the height of the window or door frames by 1/20 of their height, i.e. 7 - 8 cm. If this gap is not there, then the crowns above the windows and doors will eventually due to settlement (shrinkage of wood, compaction of thermal insulation) they will sag, forming large gaps above the walls. The gaps are filled with tow or felt, and only after complete settlement can a timber be inserted into the gap. In Figure 4, the settlement gap is 7 cm.

Rice. 4. Wall section (dimensions in cm):

1 - sedimentary gap 7 cm; 2 - antiseptic lining board 5 cm thick; 3 - thermal beam; 4 - floor, boards 4 cm thick and joists 16/2 cm; 5 - antiseptic lining board 4-5 cm thick on roofing felt in two layers; brick column 25X25 cm; 6 - crushed stone poured with lime mortar 12 cm thick on compacted soil; 7 - brick base, 8 - compacted crushed stone for clay preparation; 9 - rubble pillar; 10 - felt or tow accepted; 11 - thermal beam

Let us recall that the court decided to satisfy the claims of the charitable organization "Rusfond" and to recover 21 million 633 thousand rubles from all the heirs of Zhanna Friske. (the amount for which a financial report was not provided). Many people know about this money, which was collected for the treatment of Zhanna Friske by the whole country - since the proceedings continued for a long time. The singer’s heirs are her parents and son (his interests are represented by his father Dmitry Shepelev). Until the debt is repaid, the heirs' most expensive property is sealed (bailiffs sealed the cottage in April).

As you know, Dmitry Shepelev and his son live in rented apartment, and all this time the TV presenter was personally involved in the construction work in the cottage - the renovation was done magnificently. Shepelev dreamed of transporting Plato to a house - the village is located in the forest, next to a river. But these plans never came true. And if the debt to RusFond is not transferred, the house will be sold at auction.

1. Representatives of Zhanna Friske’s parents reported that Shepelev purchased this property with the singer’s funds. Zhanna Friske signed a power of attorney, according to which she trusted Dmitry Shepelev: “to buy, at a price and on terms at her own discretion, 1/2 of a share of a land plot with a total area of ​​3,730 sq. m. m and 1/2 share of a residential building with a total area of ​​393 sq. m". But, according to Friske’s side, Dmitry paid with the singer’s money not for half the cost of the house, but for the entire purchase.

One half of the house was registered in the name of Dmitry Shepelev, the second - in the name of Zhanna Friske (it was divided between the singer’s heirs - her son and parents). Later, Vladimir and Olga Friske abandoned their part of the house in favor of Plato. Now half of the cottage belongs to Dmitry, and the other to Platon Shepelev.

But until the debt to Rusfond is repaid, they cannot move into the house.

2. Friske’s relatives have repeatedly claimed that Zhanna was never in this very house, but only saw it in pictures. But that's not true.

In the book “Zhanna,” Dmitry Shepelev wrote about how they came to the house together. Here is one of the passages: “...One of the most important events At that time, Zhanna and I went on a trip to new house, which we had our eye on and bought shortly after Plato was born. Many people asked why it was not possible to postpone the purchase until better times? So as not to put off life until later! We wanted privacy. We wanted our son to have a home. I couldn’t wait to show it to Zhanna, and finally the moment came: the builders greeted us courteously, it seems, even putting on fresh shirts, and I led the tour: “Look, here will be the kitchen, here will be Plato’s bedroom, and this is ours.” Zhanna was glowing with happiness and was already imagining what kind of curtains she would hang, what kind of furniture and light she would have. Afterwards we had a modest dinner right in the construction trailer on a snow-filled site. We feasted with our builders, Zhanna, with her characteristic spontaneity, ate a rabbit cooked on coals, washed it down with red wine and made everyone laugh with stories from touring life. A few hours of happiness in a construction shed in the heart of our failed world. The last few hours of happiness. Zhanna saw our house for the first time and last time In my life".

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske. Photo: Mila Strizh.

3. Recently, lawyers for the Friske family released information that Zhanna Friske had a foreign currency account. It turned out that the singer managed to sell her house in America and transfer the proceeds ($475 thousand) to the account. Lawyers claimed that Dmitry Shepelev allegedly wanted to withdraw this amount (since he represents the interests of the singer’s heir), but he was refused.

The same information was heard during court hearings according to the claim of Rusfond. Even then it became known that the singer’s personal account at the time of her death had about 500 thousand dollars (30 million rubles). Let us remind you that the charitable organization Rusfond collects money for treatment in situations where the family does not have its own funds. But in the case of singer Zhanna Friske, an exception was made. Maybe because there was no information about the status of her accounts. But the fact remains: in the summer of 2014, the singer’s father wrote a statement in which he indicated that 24 million rubles were needed for Zhanna Friske’s treatment. The money went to the singer’s account. After the singer's death in charitable organization documents were provided confirming that 4.12 million rubles had been spent.

4. The singer was also an owner two-room apartment on the 12th floor of an elite building in the Krasnaya Presnya area with an area of ​​100 sq.m. (cost according to realtors is about 30 million rubles). The apartment went to the star’s parents.

5. When the court upheld Rusfond’s claim, Dmitry Shepelev expressed his position: “...Evidence was presented in court that the collected charitable funds were withdrawn from the account by her mother Olga Friske a few weeks before Zhanna’s death. It is obvious that in a few days it is impossible to spend this money on the treatment of an already hopelessly ill, dying person. I don't know how they were spent. It is paradoxical that the court did not qualify these actions in any way; I don’t know how to call it other than theft. I don't understand. The main thing, in my opinion, is that Plato should not be responsible for this.”

Vladimir Friske said that over the past four months he has never seen Plato’s grandson, the Komsomolskaya Pravda website reports. The singer’s father explained that Zhanna Friske’s son is now vacationing with Dmitry Shepelev in Bulgaria. “I sent my wife there, but I didn’t go because I was afraid of scandals. I’m a person of emotions, so I couldn’t talk to this person. I think he’ll come and we’ll come to an agreement. Bad world better than any quarrel,” he said.


According to Vladimir, Shepelev allowed him to see his grandson once a month and with strict conditions. “He said: “My conditions are once a month with a security guard and a nanny. And so that it is not yours youngest daughter and Olga Orlova,” explained the singer’s father.

In addition, Zhanna's father said that the lover did not treat the sick singer too warmly, and besides, he allowed himself to live luxuriously at her expense. According to Vladimir, his daughter entrusted Shepelev with all her finances, which he abused. “And when Zhanna saw everything worse, even in the evening he brought her some papers to sign. I told her: “Under no circumstances sign anything.” And then problems began with finances. And with medications. We began to fear that he may give her the wrong medications, pills that suit her... Especially after his phrase: “I wish this would all be over, I’m so tired of it!” recalls the father. Vladimir also said that while Zhanna was dying, Shepelev built a house in the Moscow region with her money and raised funds for the filming of the video. “After Zhanna left, we went to check the account, but there was nothing there. But I know that she had money,” he added.

The singer’s father said that the land where the mansion was built was first registered in the name of Shepelev and Zhanna. “When she got sick, he kept slipping her documents. The agreement was that the daughter would pay for this house, and he would give her the money over time. The amount was about a million dollars. Zhanna paid this money. He had to pay in installments,” explained Vladimir. He also added that Dmitry transferred only the first tranche and not in full - instead of 40 thousand euros, he returned only 30 thousand euros.

“And that’s it, the tranches are over. You can ask the accountant about this. All the planes in which he flew in business class were with Zhanna’s money,” Vladimir also emphasized.

Pictures of Dmitry Shepelev’s apartment, in which he lives with his son, appeared online. It turned out that Zhanna Friske’s widower had recently moved to a new home and asked for help with renovations from the “ Perfect renovation».

As noted by Natalya Barbier, who spoke with famous TV presenter show “Actually”, the case with Dmitry is rare - he is used to creating a comfort zone for himself and the child, closing himself off from strangers and cameras, and clearly knows what he and Plato need. Therefore, this time the team of Dmitry’s colleagues from Channel One did not come up with something unusual, but followed the path outlined by Shepelev in order to please the young father.

Dmitry's new apartment is rented, it has a separate children's room and an adult bedroom, the living room is combined with the kitchen. As the presenter admitted, the kitchen is his favorite place: he cooks a lot, works there and receives guests. Dad and son moved here to be closer to kindergarten Plato.

Shepelev liked the result. The designers decided to paint the walls grey colour, furniture and doors are seasoned, not flashy. And the pillows, carpet and paintings became just the necessary accent that added color.

However, the network decided that the apartment was suitable for a bachelor, but not for a small child.

“It turned out terrible, in such gray gloomy colors, it’s not much fun there anyway, and a small child will grow up in these black and gray walls, it’s tough.”

“For what, for what merit did this hypocrite get the repairs done? Half the country hates him!”

“For a man it is very stylish and beautiful, but for a child it is not enough comfort. It’s as if Dmitry will live there alone.”

Fans of Zhanna Friske are sad that Shepelev is forced to rent housing, because the singer’s father does not allow him into the house built together with Plato’s mother Vacation home. There would have been better conditions for the child there. Although, it seems, Dmitry does not need sympathy and shows that he has more fun with Plato alone and closer to kindergarten. By the way, Dmitry said that he would like a second child.

Platon recently surprised his grandfather with the fact that the incident occurred when the Friske family visited Shepelev’s house, because according to a court decision they can legally spend 1.5 hours a month with their grandson. Andrey Malakhov recently shocked his former colleague on Shepelev’s channel by exploiting this topic and promising to achieve more frequent meetings for the family.