How to open a consignment store? Must be present in the assortment. Expenses and income

The crisis makes adjustments to all aspects of everyday life. The purchasing power of the majority of the population is falling, and people no longer buy new things so often. However, children are a special expense item. Children grow up, and they need new clothes, shoes and some accessories much more often than adults. What should parents whose children grow out of old clothes at an incredible speed if their modest salary is not enough to constantly update their wardrobe?

The answer is obvious - go to a children's thrift store. Donate here what the child has already outgrown and buy him new things, several sizes larger. A win-win scheme - the wallet is not damaged, and the child is dressed.

A consignment store for children's goods is a promising business option that, if properly organized, will bring in a small but stable income. This option of starting a business is especially convenient for those who do not have the desire or ability to invest a large amount of initial capital. Opening a consignment store costs little, since there is no need to constantly purchase things for your warehouse - this work will be done for you by those who will bring their things for consignment (that is, your consignors). There will be no problem with such an inevitable element of trade as unsold goods - those things that have not found their buyer within a certain period of time simply return to their owners.

Before you start

You can start your own business in the field of commission sales of children's goods even without the initial cost of renting a premises. If you don’t mind storing goods in your apartment (house) and if you don’t mind traveling to the homes of suppliers and customers, then it makes sense to start with an online store, advertising on social networks and forums (more about promotion we we'll talk below). When you realize that your business is going uphill and you acquire at least a small amount of things so that your sales area does not look empty, then it will make sense to rent a separate area.

It also makes sense to establish relationships with other players in the children's goods market. In this case, we are interested in:

Children's second-hand stores and stocks. If you buy clothes, shoes and toys in bulk, at a fixed price per kilogram, this will not cost you a large sum of money and at the same time will make the assortment of your store richer and more varied. Buyers will be more willing to come to your store if the selection of goods there is wide enough. The establishment will look even more attractive if it has new, unworn items with tags (stock). For the same reason, people will be more willing to bring their things to you for consignment - they will see that the store is already actively operating and selling its goods.

Large department stores and wholesale clothing stores in your city. What are the mutual benefits of cooperation? Rare deliveries of goods to large stores are made without “unliquid stock” - items with partial defects or in damaged packaging. Such a product is usually subject to recycling (that is, it is simply thrown away). Moreover, this procedure is quite troublesome. You help wholesalers get rid of defects and get a free update of their assortment. A separate item in this case can be identified as stores for baby strollers, playpens and other accessories. Practice shows that it is among strollers that the percentage of rejects upon admission is the highest. By ridding your partners of defective products and combining their components (after spending time first studying the structure of this children's accessory), you can make three or four high-quality and absolutely “healthy” strollers out of ten unusable strollers.

Documents and licenses

When opening a thrift store, it is most convenient to register a limited liability company (LLC) with a simplified taxation system. Registration of this legal entity will cost you 4,000 rubles. In addition to the receipt for payment of the state duty, you will need the constituent documents of the legal entity, the decision to create an LLC and its charter. A statement drawn up according to the P1101 model must be attached to this list. The registration procedure will take 5 days.

Location and rental

Owners of thrift stores, just like owners of any discount stores, are unpretentious in terms of choosing a location. Indeed, if your main contingent is people with modest incomes, then there is no point in investing in renting expensive space in the city center. Another thing is that the flow of people passing by should still be intense, so we are looking for a place located near transport stops, large grocery stores or other points of attraction for people. A room on the ground floor of an average residential building or even in the basement is suitable (since there are no windows in the basement, rent will be much cheaper).

For a small consignment store, an area of ​​40-60 square meters will be enough. The average rental price per square meter is 600 rubles (of course, in cities with a population of over a million this rate may be higher, and in the provinces lower). That is, the cost of renting a premises of the specified area will vary from 24,000 to 36,000 rubles per month.

Sometimes the tenant manages to secure free use of the premises for several months to pay for the repairs. The average cost of repairs is usually 100,000 rubles, but there is no point in paying too much attention to sprucing up the premises. It is enough for the store to be bright, tidy, and pleasant to be in. When renovating, it makes sense to focus on decorating the facade and a noticeable sign, because, as you know, a theater begins with a hanger, and a store begins with the entrance.

Basic principles of cooperation with principals

The principal and the commission agent enter into an agreement on the commission that the commission agent receives after the sale of the provided goods for the specified price. The indicated price should not exceed half the average market value of the product.

The commission agent bears financial responsibility to the principals for the goods taken for sale. If the principal decides to take back the unsold item, he pays a commission for its storage at the rate of 5% of its original cost.

If the product was not purchased within a certain period (20-30 days), then the commission agent, without notifying the client, has the right to reduce the price by a certain percentage (usually 20%). If the specified period expires again, and the product at a reduced price has not found its buyer, then another price reduction occurs. As a rule, if the item is not sold in this case, then the goods are revalued in the presence of the principal or the item is returned to him.

The buyer has the right to return to the store an item that does not fit in size or quality within two days after purchase upon presentation of a passport and sales receipt.


Promotion of a children's consignment store must begin on the Internet. Create the simplest website (the work of a programmer will cost you 10-15,000 rubles) - its main element will be a product catalog. This is especially important if you decide to take the advice given at the beginning of the article and start this business without renting premises. In addition, the catalog will be useful if, in addition to clothes, toys and other goods that do not require large storage areas, you are going to sell more bulky items - strollers, playpens, cribs, etc. There is no need to spend money on renting large areas to accommodate them - customers will be able to evaluate the assortment on the website, or in the form of a printed catalog that you offer them in the store. Also, your virtual business card must include simple and understandable instructions on how to get to you (especially if the point is located in a “residential” area). The attached map would be ideal.

A more economical option for creating a website is a group on social networks - a product gallery can be created on its basis, and it is also convenient to use this tool to notify your subscribers about the replenishment of the assortment. When photographing this or that thing, do not forget about lighting, background and simple photo posing techniques. The more attractive and harmonious the product looks in the photo, the more likely it is that the buyer will come to the store to buy it. Place advertisements for your store on thematic forums and groups - for example, for young mothers, or for residents of a certain city or area.

As for offline advertising, here you can focus on flyers and advertising leaflets - distribute them in nearby areas on the street, or drop them in the mailboxes of nearby houses. To prevent your flyer from being thrown away as paper spam, you can turn it into a discount coupon that entitles you to a price reduction as a percentage or equivalent to a small amount of 50-100 rubles. The mentality associated with thrift will prevent your potential customers from throwing away the flyer and, even if they do not decide to take advantage of this discount, the flyer will most likely still remain with them and thereby remind them of the existence of your store.

In addition, do not forget about outdoor advertising - a conspicuous entrance to the store and posting advertisements around the area. Gradually, word of mouth will begin to work for you, but you definitely shouldn’t rely solely on it to promote your outlet.


The costs of opening a consignment store for children's goods are extremely modest - approximately 250-300,000 (this includes the costs of bringing the premises into proper shape, purchasing a modest set of necessary equipment - a cash register, display cases, shelves and hangers, initial rent and payment for the services of the seller, if you decide to hire another person to help you).

The profitability of this type of business is usually 12-15% of total turnover. If the average sales volume per day is 15,000 - 20,000 rubles, then after deducting the commission and monthly expenses (rent, utilities, salesperson’s wages), then your store will bring you about 30,000 net income per month.

Probably every person at least once in his life thought about starting his own business. Of course, creating a business from scratch is a troublesome task, but with the right approach you can always reduce costs and mitigate risk. For example, opening a store or fashion boutique will require significant start-up capital. And if you create a commission store, the costs will be significantly lower. And today, many people are interested in questions about how to open a consignment store.

What is a consignment store?

In the territory of the former Soviet Union, such stores were extremely popular. After all, it was here that one could get scarce goods at a very reasonable price. Similar points of sale exist in almost every city in every developed country. And if you are interested in the question of how to open a second-hand store, it is worth studying how it works.

In fact, the essence is quite simple - you simply need to take goods for sale. With a well-conducted advertising campaign, there are unlikely to be problems with the supply of goods, because in almost every home there are some things that are no longer needed, but it’s a pity to throw them away. These are the ones you can sell, receiving a commission on each product sold.

Thrift store as a business - how profitable is it?

Naturally, opening your own second-hand store has pitfalls. However, creating such a store is much easier, and sometimes even more profitable. To begin with, it is worth noting that you will not have to make long trips in search of goods, as well as spend money on their purchase - people themselves will bring it to you. Thus, to open a retail outlet you will need a relatively small start-up capital.

Thrift stores practically do not suffer from economic crises. In difficult times, people have to sell something to supplement the family budget, so you will not have a shortage of goods. Many people are looking for any acceptable ways to save on purchases, so you will not have a shortage of regular customers.

At the same time, you are responsible for the normal, uninterrupted operation of the store, quality service, accounting, etc.

How to open a consignment store? Legal side of the issue

You've decided to open a second-hand shop - where to start? A business plan for a consignment store must, of course, begin with the legal registration of your business - otherwise you will definitely have problems with the tax office. How to set up a store? What documents need to be prepared?

First, you need to register either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC with the tax office. Registration of an individual entrepreneur is suitable if you intend to work exclusively with individuals.

If you plan to cooperate with any organizations (for example, those enterprises that will sell you illiquid goods), then it is better to register the store as an LLC.

If you are interested in the question of how to open a consignment store, then you need to know that you can obtain a trading permit from the city administration. You will also need permission from the fire department and the sanitary and epidemiological station (if you are selling clothes, they must undergo appropriate treatment).

What are you planning to sell?

Yes, a business plan for a consignment store must necessarily include a clause about what exactly you are going to sell, since the choice of premises, the design of the sales area, etc. will depend on this. Today, the most popular is the consignment store for children's goods, as well as a store selling used clothing and accessories. Such products will help you stay afloat even in difficult times.

On the other hand, you can sell almost everything: mobile phones, small and large household appliances, used furniture, costume jewelry and jewelry.

Choosing premises for the store

The choice of premises for trade is an important issue, since the flow of customers will depend on it. Most experienced businessmen recommend opening a store in a residential area. After all, your customers and at the same time suppliers of goods will be ordinary people who will conveniently visit the store on their way to work.

A separate issue is the area of ​​the room. It all depends on what products you are going to sell. If your store sells mobile phones or used jewelry, then, naturally, you don’t need a large hall. But if you are going to sell furniture, household appliances or cars, then you should think about a large warehouse.

How to properly equip a hall?

Before opening a store, you should familiarize yourself with your competitors. Surely in your city there are similar retail outlets that sell used goods. And if you want to make your business more profitable, then you should pay special attention to the design of the hall and customer service. Let every visitor to your store feel comfortable and comfortable.

Purchase the necessary furniture, hangers and display cases. Remember that the goods need to be laid out so that the highest quality items immediately catch the eye. Customers shouldn't waste time rummaging through a bunch of products - let them have a good overview.

Today, luxury clothing consignment stores are becoming increasingly popular. After all, every woman wants to look decent, but not everyone has the means to dress in brand stores. If you are selling branded items, then it is advisable to design the store like a fashion boutique - this way customers will feel more comfortable.

Do not forget to comply with sanitary standards: the premises must be kept perfectly clean. And, of course, customers will need fitting rooms and mirrors.

Where to get the goods from? Agreement conditions

Since you are going to receive goods for sale, you (the commission agent) will need to enter into agreements with all suppliers of goods (principals). That is why it is advisable to immediately draw up a general form of the contract. What should you pay attention to in the document?

Target: opening a store selling used items.

Advantages: business is not very widespread at present, competition is not very strong; does not require investments for the purchase of goods (the goods are handed over for sale with payment after the sale); uniqueness of the store's assortment.

Risks: the danger of taking stolen goods for sale and having problems with law enforcement agencies; insufficient quantity of worthy goods with a large supply of illiquid ones.

Peculiarities: Before starting the project, it is important to decide on the group of goods that the store will accept on commission. It can be:

Children's things (the product is in demand, because children grow quickly, things do not have time to wear out, and there are many people who want to buy them, but the product is inexpensive, in order to have a good income, you need to sell a lot of them);
. outer seasonal clothing (fur coats, jackets, sheepskin coats);
. designer and vintage branded clothing and accessories (with the right marketing policy and a good advertising campaign can be very attractive);
. furniture and interior items (the product is in demand, but requires large areas for its display);
. household and computer equipment (the sale of such things is quite profitable, but there is a need to have a technical specialist on staff who assessed their performance);
. items for active recreation and hobbies: hiking, skiing or diving equipment, bicycles, etc.

Depending on which products will predominate, you need to determine the area and location of the store, the number and specialization of personnel, marketing and advertising costs. In our business plan, the emphasis is on points that are typical for all product groups.

Project implementation procedure.

1. Registration of an enterprise or business entity. You can do this yourself or by contacting a lawyer who will correctly draw up all the documents and save you from the hassle of standing in queues and trips to various authorities.

2. Rent of premises for trade. A prerequisite is that the premises must be in a non-residential building, be in a walk-through location, preferably where traffic flows intersect (places where passengers transfer from one transport to another) or near supermarkets. Premises area - at least 40 m2, when selling large goods - from 100 m2 or more

3. Store staff. When determining the store’s opening hours (optimally daily from 10 to 20 hours), you need to understand that one person, even the most motivated, such as the business owner himself, simply physically cannot work. You need at least two sellers and two goods receivers who will work in shifts. You can get by with one goods receiver if you set a limited time for accepting items on commission (certain hours on certain days of the week). However, in this case, it is important to think about how to avoid crowding in the store, and, as a result, the outflow of those wishing to hand over goods for consignment due to a queue or inconvenient reception time). The issue of cleaning can be resolved by involving specialists from a clearing company, and instead of security, installing an alarm system with a “panic button.”

4. Store equipment. Depending on the group of goods, the necessary furniture and trade accessories are selected. It is worth paying attention to the fact that now many stores are closing and selling their inventory. At such sales you can very cheaply buy mannequins, hangers, screens for fitting rooms, etc. In addition, it is worth using websites for free private advertisements - sometimes used furniture can fit very well into a vintage interior or simply serve as a convenient place for laying out or packaging goods. The law requires the presence of a cash register; it must be purchased.

5. Store advertising. It is imperative to make a noticeable sign near the entrance to the store, and, if necessary, signs from the most crowded places that are nearby. To attract consignors (those who donate things to the store for sale), it is worth considering a local advertising campaign first: invitation leaflets in the mailboxes of nearby houses, advertisements on bulletin boards near entrances, advertising on local cable television. To initially fill a store with goods, it is important to consider preferential terms for receiving them - minimum commission, free storage, etc.

6. Development of a financial plan, contracts and reporting systems. It is important to correctly estimate the amount of commission that the store takes for services for selling goods. It should not be very high so as not to scare away sellers, but at the same time it should allow the store to operate profitably. The commission range can be from 15 to 50% of the cost of the product. It may depend on the price of the item (the more expensive it is, the lower the commission for its sale may be) and the period of sale (what takes longer to sell requires a higher payment). In addition, thrift stores often give the buyer the right to bargain, so this point must be agreed upon in advance with the consignor - bargaining at the expense of the store’s commission or at the expense of the owner of the item. Sales records can be kept in a barn book, or you can use a special accounting computer program, then when equipping a store you need to remember to provide it with a computer and a printer. As long as the business is limited to one store and two or three employees, there is no need to have a full-time accountant. It is quite possible to use the services of an outsourcing company that will calculate salaries, prepare and submit the necessary reports and monitor the correctness of primary documentation.

7. Product. When accepting goods for consignment, it is imperative to sign an agreement that clearly stipulates the qualities of the goods (if there are shortcomings, they must be described), the timing of implementation and the amount of the store’s commission for the sale. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of discounting a product after it has not been sold within a certain period (for example, by 15% after one month). An important point is the conditions for returning goods to the seller. If the seller wants to pick up the goods before the expiration of the agreed sale period, he is obliged to pay the store the cost of storing it (usually up to 10% of the cost of the product). When signing an agreement, the presence of the principal's passport is a mandatory condition (this reduces the risk of taking stolen items for sale); it is possible to create some benefits for owners who hand over the goods with documents confirming the purchase and a copy of the receipt. It is important to note that if you really want to fill the store as quickly as possible, you should not be tempted by the opportunity to accept any product from everyone. Having created unsystematic trade in a store from the very beginning, it will be very difficult over time to correct its reputation and attract the target paying audience.

Summary. Creating a consignment store does not require large start-up capital and specialized initial knowledge. However, as in any business, care and responsibility are required. With the correct formation of the product range and a proper advertising campaign, the initial costs associated with opening a store will pay off within two to three months.

Babies grow very quickly, so most of the products needed to care for them are used for a short period of time. For families whose income is not high enough, thrift stores for children's goods are a lifesaver. The top positions of such stores are:

  • strollers;
  • cribs;
  • walkers;
  • playpens;
  • cloth.

To open a consignment store you need:

  • register a business;
  • obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • pay a single tax in the amount of 6 to 15%;
  • pay the state fee.


In this trade segment there is no need to look for suppliers, because people themselves bring to the store those children's goods that they no longer need. As a rule, payment for goods is made within 3 working days after purchasing the provided assortment. At the same time, you should not wait until a large number of people immediately rush to hand over things to you on consignment; it is better to first purchase a high-quality “second-hand” item and offer it to buyers.


The required sales area of ​​a consignment store is approximately 30-50 square meters. The premises must meet the requirements of SaN-Pin. It is advisable to locate the store in a separate building, close to residential areas and the city center. When choosing a location for the premises, pay attention to the availability of convenient transport interchanges or public transport stops.

The presence of a personal entrance and the location of the outlet on the ground floor will give it some advantage and convenience for customers. In a certain sector of the room it is necessary to equip fitting booths, equip them with hooks for clothes, a mirror and a soft ottoman.

Assortment matrix

It is best that most of the assortment consists of pieces of furniture, car seats, cribs, and high chairs. You can diversify the assortment with clothing and shoes.

Retail store equipment

  • cash machine;
  • racks;
  • hung;
  • counter;
  • fitting room equipment.


At the initial stage, you can do without staff and perform the duties of a goods receiver and a sales consultant yourself. During the expansion process, you can hire staff depending on sales volume and turnover.

Financial aspect

Trade equipment for equipping the hall of a consignment store can be used.

  • rental of premises - from 20 thousand to 40 thousand rubles;
  • registration of the legal aspect of the business - 20,000 rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - from 20 thousand to 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a basic set of goods - from 20,000 rubles;
  • salary payment - 10,000 -15,000 rubles

Business plan for a children's toy store

When opening a toy store, focus mainly on the adult part of the visitors, but at the same time remember about the kids. It is best to sell toys made from high-quality raw materials that have passed the certification procedure.

It is advisable that your store shelves have not only plush hares and dolls, but also educational games for children from 3 years old. Also now, board games that can be played by a large group are very popular.

Registration of a toy store business project

The best option is to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. As an individual entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to conduct business using a simplified taxation system. You submit tax decoration to the relevant authorities once every 4 months and an annual report. An accountant is not required to maintain such documentation.

Selection of premises and store location

The area of ​​the retail space can be any, but for optimal operation of the enterprise and display of goods, 50-60 square meters are needed. The trading floor should be divided into functional areas and equipped with special equipment. Additionally, presentation stands can be arranged in the premises. This is especially true if you plan to sell robotics. Naturally, toys of this kind are not cheap. But now in our country there are a huge number of suppliers who can provide you with goods at affordable prices.

A good place to open a toy store is a department in a shopping center, or a separate building in the central area. Having a personal entrance and good lighting is a must.

Also, when creating a design project for a retail space, consider the possibility of creating a small play corner for kids. The area of ​​the warehouse should be 15-25 square meters.

Retail store equipment

  • display groups;
  • racks;
  • hanging shelves;
  • hooks for clothes;
  • furniture;
  • cash register equipment;
  • fitting room mirrors;
  • counters.

It should be noted that now, according to the new law on conducting trading activities. All retail outlets must be equipped with modern cash registers. New generation cash registers immediately after making a purchase transmit information about it to the tax authorities. Also, using the new cash registers, the client can be issued an electronic receipt for the purchase.

Assortment matrix

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • educational games;
  • Board games;
  • robots;
  • radio-controlled models of cars and airplanes;
  • creator's Kit;
  • dolls,
  • designers;
  • puzzles.


  • accountant;
  • administrator;
  • 2 sales consultants.

When selecting personnel, pay special attention to the work experience of the job applicant, as well as recommendations from a previous place of work (if any). The main requirement that should be presented to all employees of a children's toy store is the ability to work with children.

Financial aspect

  • rental of a sales area - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • repair work - 60 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - 120 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of furniture - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • costs for purchasing goods - from 400 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign costs - 30 thousand rubles;
  • salary for employees - from 90 thousand rubles.

The time it takes for a project to pay off is from 6 months to 1 year.

MS Word Volume: 43 pages

Business plan

Reviews (117)

We present a business plan for a consignment store that will help you decide on the main and auxiliary stages of this endeavor. Thrift stores have enjoyed well-deserved popularity among customers for many decades. Here you can buy a great item at a decent price, or you can look for an accessory or shoes. Therefore, representatives of various segments of the population like to visit thrift stores in search of exclusive and interesting models at reasonable prices.

In this ready-made document you will find the necessary sections that will indicate how to correctly translate the idea into reality. A thrift store should be within walking distance for residents, and the arrangement of goods in it should be done in such a way as to attract the attention of buyers, and not repel them with a clutter of clothes, shoes, and other items. Such a store involves maneuvering its pricing policy, so do not forget that prices for goods should sometimes be revised so that there are no deposits left in the warehouse.

A high-quality business plan for opening a consignment store will help you launch the sale of children's goods, or a point where goods for all ages will be sold. You should think about recruiting staff, as well as where to purchase wholesale consignment goods. You can also accept clothes in excellent condition from the population and sell them for a certain percentage. There are many opportunities for such a business, the main thing is to use ideas that will help you make your dream come true, and make trading in consignment goods a highly profitable endeavor.

Opening your own thrift store usually attracts those entrepreneurs who have very modest initial capital. The costs of setting up this business are really low. The main cost item is the cost of renting the premises. And you won’t have to purchase the goods themselves, because your clients will hand over the clothes to the second-hand store, who need to sell unnecessary items - both used and completely new, but not suitable for the owner for some reason.

So, it’s decided: we’ll open a second-hand shop! A minimum package of documents is required for this. An entrepreneur must register with the tax office and obtain permission to produce a stamp. You will work with consignors, that is, people who will hand over things to your consignment store, under an agreement that defines the rights of both parties. When deciding where to open a thrift store, pay attention to budget options, for example, non-residential premises on the first floors of apartment buildings. If you personally have extra square meters, transfer the apartment to non-residential use and use it as a store. This will allow you to save a significant amount on rental costs.

A shortage of financial resources forces an entrepreneur to save on everything, and in the case of opening a consignment store, this is not difficult to do. After you have decided on the issue of renting a room, you need to take care of purchasing a set of equipment, which includes hangers, mirrors, screens for the fitting room, and mannequins. Before you open a consignment store, take a look at the forums; there often appear offers for the sale of used equipment for equipping a retail outlet, and you can purchase it at ridiculous prices.

In addition, recently it has become fashionable to design a thrift store in a “vintage” style. To do this, you will need old, but stylish interior items - tables, chairs, suitcases and even chests. It doesn't have to be a pitiful piece of junk, but a touch of time is essential and will add unique charm and personality to your store.

Practical experience of running a consignment clothing store suggests that its development requires advertising. To increase your pool of potential clients, make business cards for a consignment store. You can hand out business cards in crowded places - at the exit from a market or shopping center, near the metro or at a bus stop. Various promotions for consignment stores will also allow you to attract new visitors. Inform about discounts when purchasing goods over a certain amount or offer bonuses for the most active customers.

A complete description of the activities of a consignment clothing store, as well as the likely problems that you may encounter in the process of creating it, is contained in a professional example of a business plan for opening a consignment store with ready-made calculations. From this document you will learn how to avoid pitfalls and not become bankrupt, but actively develop your business, and even participate in charity; the commission store, oddly enough, often provides such opportunities.

Starting a business with low costs is quite possible if we are talking about a consignment store. People bring things to the store themselves, so a businessman does not need to bear the costs of the initial purchase of clothes, shoes or children's things. By the way, opening a children's consignment store is fraught with good prospects, since this niche is still poorly occupied in most cities.

A business such as a children's thrift store is attractive from the point of view that many mothers will happily seize on the idea of ​​selling things that their baby has already outgrown. After all, everyone knows how quickly children grow, and children's clothing does not cost much less than adult clothing. And a modest family budget is one of the main reasons why many parents would prefer to buy their child high-quality, but inexpensive things that have already been used.

But if you want to create a profitable business, a children's goods consignment store must offer only quality products to the consumer. Therefore, accept only items in good condition for consignment. Avoid even cheap, but excessively worn items of clothing or shoes, which will only clutter the store, but will not bring you the trust of the buyer.

When opening a children's thrift store, clearly think through its structure. The experience of creating a children's second-hand store shows that the option of combining a purely consignment store with the format of a children's second-hand store often brings good profits.

Having bought a couple of bags of high-quality second-hand goods, you can use them to “dilute” children’s goods accepted for consignment. This will allow you to significantly expand your range, which customers will undoubtedly appreciate. The main thing is to find a really good supplier of such goods.

The attractiveness of this option lies in the fact that an entrepreneur planning to open a second-hand store for children's goods should stock his store with something in the first days of work. The sooner the retail outlet begins to actively operate, the shorter the payback period for a children's goods consignment store will be. Waiting for people to bring you things on consignment is absolutely unprofitable.

Before you open a children's thrift store, you need to create a program for the store. This will be easier if you have a sample children's thrift store business plan on hand. This document contains a description of the business activity and also provides a list of requirements for opening a consignment store. Once you find out what pitfalls may lie in wait for you in the process of creating a business, you can easily choose the right direction.

Working mainly with individuals is one of the main advantages of commission stores. The range of goods that can be sold through thrift stores truly has no boundaries - shoes, clothing, household appliances, musical instruments, some even manage to open gun thrift stores.

When planning to organize a consignment store, take care in advance to prepare a standard agreement that will be concluded between the seller, represented by the store owner, and the buyer who brings things for sale. There are standard items that should be contained in this document, regardless of what products will be sold through your store, even if you decide to open a computer consignment store business. The contract must stipulate the level of responsibility of both parties, as well as the possibility of unilateral termination of the contract if the item was not sold within the agreed period.

The drawing up of such an agreement should be taken with full responsibility, since it is this piece of paper that is the key to your peace of mind, as it can protect you from groundless claims from the committent (the person who hands over things for commission), as well as from the risk of being buried under a huge amount of nobody. unnecessary goods.

It is best to entrust record keeping in a consignment store to an experienced accountant. The accounting department of a consignment store must keep strict records of goods accepted for sale, documenting sales, return of goods, and payment of money without fail. The basis for such accounting may be the 1C program. You can also entrust an accountant with drawing up an agreement, or take a sample of a standard agreement on the Internet.

A competent contract must include a clause on the responsibility of the principal for defects detected in the goods that were not identified during the initial assessment. It is worthwhile to provide for the possibility of unilateral termination of the contract if detected problems significantly affect the likelihood of selling the product. If the item is not sold within a specific period, the goods are removed from sale, and the consignor is obliged to pay the seller a certain amount, as a rule, it is about 5% of the price set for the goods.

The time frame for payment of money to the principal by the commission agent for the sold goods is also indicated in the contract as a separate clause; most often this amount is given to the principal in his hands 2-3 days after the sale. It is best to place a sample commission agreement when accepting goods at a consignment store in a visible place so that people who decide to hand over items can read it carefully.

Are you planning to open a consignment store? You will learn what is needed for this from a competent business plan for a second-hand shop. It describes in detail how the valuation of consignment items should be carried out so that the store owner does not lose out, and the store does not turn into a warehouse of old, useless things. You will understand how important it is to attract the principal with attractive terms of cooperation, especially at the beginning of your activity, so that from the first days of work you can compete seriously in this niche.