Main components of the electronic office. Open Library - open library of educational information

TOoffice tasksThe following can be included:

    office work;

    control over the execution of documents;

    making report;

    search for information;

    entering and updating information;


    exchange of information between departments of the enterprise.

The listed tasks perform a number of standard typicalprocedures:

    processing of incoming and outgoing information;

    collection and subsequent analysis of data;

    data storage.

Electronic office called a software and hardware complex designed for processing documents and automating the work of users in control systems. Included in the electronic officeincludes the following hardware:

    personal computers connected to a network;

    printing devices;

    means of copying documents;

  • projection equipment for presentations.

Recently, electronic offices, the equipment and employees of which can be located in different rooms, have become increasingly widespread. The need to work with documents materials, enterprise databases at home, in a hotel, in vehicles has led to the emergence of virtual offices.

Information technologies of virtual offices are based on:

    the possibility of round-the-clock access to the office local network via a global computer network;

    on mobile computer technologies (laptops, PDAs, smartphones).

In a virtual office, employees of an organization, regardless of where they are, can exchange information in real time, perform their job duties, and solve office problems.

Economic and accounting calculations are also carried out in offices, and problems of analyzing the financial condition of companies are solved.

To implement the above tasks, it is advisable to use integrated software packages rather than separate programs. The integrated package for electronic office includes software products that interact with each other at the data exchange level.

The main distinguishing feature of the programs that make up the integrated package is a common user interface, which allows you to use the same techniques for working with various applications of the package. The commonality of the interface reduces the cost of training users. In addition, the price of a set of three or more applications supported by the same manufacturer is significantly lower than the total cost of individual applications.

The purpose of integrated office suites is to provide office and enterprise employees with a wide range of tools for everyday collaboration, automate routine operations, and help in comprehensively solving enterprise problems.

An example of an integrated office suite is Microsoft Office. which comes in several variants, including a different number of applications. The main applications of the package include:

    Word - word processor;

    Excel - table processor;

    Access - database management system;

    PowerPoint - presentation preparation system;

    Outlook - personal information manager;

    FrontPage is an editor designed for creating web pages;

    PhotoDraw - a graphic editor for creating business graphics;

    Publisher - desktop publishing system;

    Small Business Tools - specialized tools for business analysis;

    Internet Explorer is a browser (web browser).

MicrosoftWord is a powerful word processor that is a convenient tool for creating complex text documents, including mathematical formulas, tables, drawings, diagrams, as well as objects prepared in other Microsoft Office applications.

MicrosoftExel- a spreadsheet processor that provides powerful tools for creating complex spreadsheets and implements a wide range of calculations. Contains advanced means of mathematical and logical data processing.

The table processor functions include:

    creating and editing spreadsheets;

    creation of interconnected spreadsheet documents;

    entering formulas that perform mathematical and logical operations on data located in spreadsheet cells;

    structuring and organizing lists of data in spreadsheets (in fact, the implementation of some DBMS functions);

    constructing charts and graphs of various types;

    creation of summary spreadsheets, including using information from external databases;

    development of macro commands for managing spreadsheets;

    designing spreadsheets, printing them, importing and exporting spreadsheet files, etc.

Using a spreadsheet processor in spreadsheets, you can perform various engineering, statistical, economic, accounting, financial calculations, conduct complex economic analysis, simulate and optimize various situations.

MicrosoftAssess- database management system. Today it is one of the most popular desktop applications for working with databases.

MicrosoftOutlook- personal information manager, providing the following capabilities:

    processing email messages;

    planning meetings and gatherings;

    manage contacts and tasks;

    access to documents stored in personal folders and documents located on local and network drives.

MicrosoftMicrosoft RoPowerPoint- preparation of presentations. Presentations can be used in training, seminars, conferences, etc.

In addition to company office packagesMicrosoft, there are alsothe following packages:

    KO ffic e;

    Lotus SmartSuite (IBM company,;

    WordPerfectOffice (corporationSogel, );

    StarOffice (companySun Microsystems, );

    EasyOffice ( ); ( );

    Russian office (Arsenal company).

Electronic office is a tool for optimizing the most labor-intensive business processes, which allows you to work with the company’s internal and external information in a single information space. Electronic office is the only ready-made SaaS solution on the Microsoft Sharepoint platform, which meets the requirements of GOST R 53898-2010 Electronic document management systems. Interaction of document management systems. Requirements for an electronic message.

Functions of the Electronic Office:

  • Order management
  • Electronic document management
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Project management.
  • Automation of work with payments
  • Corporate portal
  • Service Desk

Electronic document management in the “Electronic Office”

  • Centralized storage of electronic documents, the ability to access documents from anywhere there is an Internet connection. For each document, cards are provided that allow you to store its details.
  • Connection of documents with counterparties and the main activities of the company: orders, projects, counterparties, contracts, etc. All information related to the document is displayed on the document card.
  • Control of changes (document versions) and collaboration with documents. Several company employees can work on one document at the same time.
  • Flexible mechanism for separating access rights to documents and folders.
  • Flexible mechanism for subscribing to document changes: employees can subscribe to changes only to those documents that are interesting to them.
  • A routing mechanism that supports approval, registration (if necessary), document review, and execution. You can create an order for any document at any stage of its life cycle. Routes for parallel, sequential or serial-parallel approval and review of documents are supported. It is possible to customize the format of document registration numbers.
  • The mechanism for processing incoming documents allows you to send scanned documents directly to the Electronic Office document storage.
  • Full-text search of documents, which allows you to find documents not only by summary, number, type, author, etc., but also by the internal content of the document.
  • Ability to discuss documents using comments.
  • Flexible search system similar to modern search engines; search is possible in the following ways: by keywords, by document number, by type of information. Search results are sorted by document relevance, title, and date of modification.

Advantages of Electronic Office :

  • Functionality: only the most important and necessary functions for business;
  • Quick implementation and start of work thanks to the presence of clear instructions and work scenarios. Due to the possibility of using the Electronic Office in SaaS mode, implementation takes 2-3 days.
  • Integration with any accounting systems (directories, financial information), with all Microsoft Office products, with any email programs, which allows the Electronic Office to seamlessly integrate into the company’s activities without changing the usual course of work of employees.
  • Familiar work with files in Windows Explorer mode;
  • Unified directory of counterparties and synchronization with the contact directory in Outlook;
  • Working with document versions, approval, issuing instructions directly in MS Office programs;
  • Ready statistical reporting on tasks, documents;
  • Data security – flexible system for granting access rights;
  • Possibility of offline work with data

Solution Delivery Possibilities
Electronic office is the only ready-made solution on the SharePoint platform, provided as a service (Software as a Service, SaaS).

It is also possible to install the solution on the Customer's server.

The functionality of the solution does not depend on the delivery method.

An electronic office is a software and hardware complex designed to process documents and automate the work of users in management systems.

IN electronic office composition includes the following hardware:

    one or more PCs, possibly connected to a network - local or global, depending on the type of office activity,

    printing devices;

    means of copying documents;

    modem (if the computer is connected to a global network or a geographically remote computer).

    scanners used for automatic input of text and graphic information directly from primary documents;

    streamers designed to create archives on mini-cassettes on magnetic tape;

    projection equipment for presentations.

Defining an electronic office as a set of specialists, computer and other equipment, mathematical methods and models, intellectual products and their descriptions, organized to achieve a common goal, as well as the methods and order of interaction of these components, it should be emphasized that the main link and managing entity in the above is complex of elements was and remains to this day a person, a specialist.

The electronic office provides for the availability of integrated application software packages, including specialized programs and information technologies that provide comprehensive implementation of tasks in any subject area.

The basis of the integrated package (IP) is:

    text editor;


    telecommunications means;

    graphical capabilities, i.e. everything you need for the most common types of work in any office.

In addition to them, the integrated package may also include other office products.

The main distinguishing feature of the programs that make up the integrated package is a common user interface, which allows you to use the same (or similar) techniques for working with various applications of the package.

Program interaction occurs at the document level. This means that a document created in one application can be inserted into another application and modified if necessary. The commonality of the interface reduces the cost of training users. In addition, the price of a bundle of three or more applications supported by the same manufacturer is significantly lower than the total price if purchased separately.

Currently, three sets dominate the office products market

    Borland Office for Windows Novell (currently Corel Office)

    Smart Suite Lotus Development (currently a division of IBM)

    Microsoft Office Microsoft company.

The most popular set of office applications is the integrated Microsoft Office suite.

Virtual office.

Recently, electronic offices, the equipment and employees of which can be located in different rooms, have become increasingly widespread. The need to work with documents, materials, databases of a specific organization or institution at home, in a hotel, or in vehicles has led to the emergence of virtual offices.

Virtual office information technologies are based on the operation of a local network connected to a territorial or global network. Thanks to this, the subscriber systems of the institution’s employees, regardless of where they are located, are included in the network common to them.

1. Give the concept of an office.

2. Name the information flows in the office.

3. What is the characteristics of electronic office?

4. What is a virtual office?

5. What software products are used in the electronic office?

6. What hardware is used in the electronic office?

7. Give the concept of an office as a communication system.

A distinctive feature of the transition to the “electronic office” is the ability to use technology to process information content. The typewriter, telephone, copying machine, voice recorder and fax machine only allow you to change the form or arrangement of information. They translate it from oral form into written, electrical form and transmit it to the recipient at the speed of light. But they do not change the content of the information.

Electronic office is a software and hardware complex designed for processing documents and automating the work of users in management systems.

In the simplest case, an electronic office is a certain set of software and hardware used to create and process electronic documents. In a more complex version, the electronic office is represented as a kind of system that provides management of all document flow and business processes of the company.

Since the basis of the activities of mid-level management personnel is word processing, storing and issuing documents, software systems such as text editors, integrated packages, spreadsheets, and DBMS (database management systems) have become essential components of the electronic office. Computer graphics are also actively used in the electronic office, making it possible to obtain images of almost any type - histograms, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, etc.

Institutional activities are very diverse, and so is the software. In addition to those mentioned, in the practice of electronic office, tools are used to monitor and coordinate the activities of the institution. With their help, all management activities are presented as a set of processes characterized by the characteristics of the work performed, the deadline for its completion and the performers. At the same time, not only the activities of each individual employee are considered, but also his information and subordination connections with other employees. In accordance with the generated scheme, as the specified deadlines are met, the necessary tasks are automatically created for the immediate performers.

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the basic requirements for modern office information and computing systems. Among them:

  • - high performance and tools for working with a variety of connected devices - workstations, file servers, peripheral equipment, telephone exchanges, faxes;
  • - high degree of protection against unauthorized access to confidential information representing commercial, financial and state secrets;
  • - application of only standard protocols for information exchange in order to ensure further economic development of the information and computing complex using equipment from various manufacturers;
  • - high reliability of the main information channels;
  • - the ability to centrally manage all network and communication devices;
  • - the ability to connect communication equipment to global communication channels.

The electronic office includes the following hardware: one or more computers, possibly integrated into a network; printing devices; means of copying documents; modem (if the computer is connected to a global network or a geographically remote computer). Additionally, the hardware may include scanners used to automatically enter text and graphic information directly from source documents; streamers designed to create archives on mini-cassettes on magnetic tape; projection equipment for presentations.

The main software products included in the office are: text editor, spreadsheet, database management system.

Office software may also include: analysis and scheduling software; presentation program; graphics editor; fax modem maintenance program; translation programs.

A mandatory component of any technology is a database.

In an automated office, the database concentrates data about the company's production system in the same way as in data processing technology at the operational level of management. Information in the database can also come from the external environment of the company.

Specialists must be proficient in basic technological operations for working in a database environment.

The structure and components of the electronic office are presented in Figure 1.

Information from the database is input to computer applications (programs), such as a word processor, spreadsheet processor, e-mail, and computer conferences. Any automated office computer application allows workers to communicate with each other and with other firms.

Figure 1 Electronic office components

A word processor is a type of application software designed for creating and processing text documents. It allows you to add or remove words, move sentences and paragraphs, set format, manipulate text elements and modes, etc. When the document is ready, the employee copies it into external memory, and then prints it out and, if necessary, transmits it over a computer network.

Thus, the manager has an effective form of written communication at his disposal.

Regular receipt of letters and reports prepared using a word processor allows the manager to constantly assess the situation in the company.

Electronic mail (E-mail), based on the network use of computers, allows the user to receive, store and send messages to their network partners. Here only unidirectional communication takes place. This limitation, according to many researchers, is not too important, since in fifty cases out of a hundred, official telephone conversations are aimed only at obtaining information. To ensure two-way communication, you will have to repeatedly send and receive messages via email or use another method of communication. When a company decides to implement e-mail, it has two options. The first is to buy your own hardware and software and create your own local network of computers that implements the email function. The second option is related to the purchase of an e-mail service, which is provided by specialized communications organizations for a periodic fee.

Audio mail is mail for sending messages by voice. It's similar to email, except that instead of typing a message on a computer keyboard, you send it through your phone. You also receive sent messages over the phone. The system includes a special device for converting audio signals into digital code and back, as well as a computer for storing audio messages in digital form. Audio mail is also implemented online.

Audio mail can be successfully used for group problem solving. To do this, the sender of the message must additionally indicate the list of persons to whom the message is intended. The system will periodically call all specified employees to send them a message.

A spreadsheet processor, like a word processor, is a basic component of the information culture of any employee and automated office technology. Without knowledge of the basic technology of working in it, it is impossible to fully use a personal computer in your activities. The functions of modern spreadsheet processor software environments allow you to perform numerous operations on data presented in tabular form.

An electronic calendar provides another opportunity to use a network version of a computer to store and manipulate the work schedule of managers and other employees of the organization. The manager (or his secretary) sets the date and time of a meeting or other event, views the resulting schedule, and makes changes using the keyboard. The hardware and software of the electronic calendar is fully consistent with similar components of email.

Moreover, calendar software is often an integral part of email software.

Computer conferencing uses computer networks to exchange information between group members solving a specific problem.

Naturally, the circle of people with access to this technology is limited. The number of participants in a computer conference can be many times greater than in audio and video conferences.

Video text is based on the use of a computer to obtain a display of text and graphic data on a monitor screen.

The exchange of catalogs and price tags (price lists) of their products between companies in the form of video text is now becoming increasingly popular. As for companies specializing in the sale of video text, their services are beginning to compete with printed products such as newspapers and magazines. Thus, in many countries it is now possible to order a newspaper or magazine in the form of video text, not to mention current reports of stock exchange information.

Any company needs to store a large number of documents for a long time. Their number can be so large that storing them even in the form of files causes serious problems. Therefore, the idea arose not to store the document itself, but its image (image), and store it in digital form. Image storage (imaging) is a promising office technology and is based on the use of a special device - an optical pattern recognizer, which allows you to convert the image of a document or film into digital form for further storage in the external memory of the computer. An image saved in digital format can be displayed in its real form on a screen or printer at any time. Optical disks with huge capacities are used to store images. Thus, about 200 thousand pages can be recorded on a five-inch optical disc.

Audio conferences - use audio communication to maintain communications between geographically remote employees or departments of the company. The simplest technical means of implementing an audio conference is telephone communication, equipped with additional devices that make it possible for more than two participants to participate in a conversation. Creating an audio conference does not require a computer, but only involves the use of two-way audio communication between its participants.

Video conferencing is intended for the same purposes as audio conferencing, but using video equipment. They also do not require a computer. During a video conference, participants who are located at a considerable distance from each other can see themselves and other participants on the television screen. Sound is transmitted simultaneously with the television image.

Fax communication - this communication is based on the use of a fax machine.

Facsimile contributes to decision making by quickly and easily distributing documents to members of a problem-solving team, regardless of their geographic location.

Office software products are used both independently and as part of integrated packages.

The integrated package (IP) for the office includes software products that interact with each other. The package is based on a text editor, a spreadsheet and a DBMS. In addition to them, the IP may include other office products listed above. The main distinguishing feature of the programs that make up the IP is a common user interface, which allows you to use the same (or similar) techniques for working with various applications of the package. Program interaction occurs at the document level. This means that a document created in one application can be inserted into another application and modified if necessary. The commonality of the interface reduces the cost of training users. In addition, the price of a set of three or more applications supported by the same manufacturer is significantly lower than if you purchase them separately.

An electronic office is organized at enterprises, organizations or institutions in management structures.

The main functions of the electronic office are:

Automation of routine work with documents;

Organization of electronic document management.

To implement the above functions in the electronic office, a number of standard standard document processing procedures are performed, presented in Fig. 4.6.

The electronic office includes hardware and software for implementing standard office information processing procedures:

Electronic office software- ϶ᴛᴏ application software packages that allow you to automate basic information processing procedures in the management process.

Electronic office software is divided into three groups, presented in Fig. 4.7.

1. Programs designed for creating and editing documents. The basis for the functioning of any office is a document. Documents containing different types of data (text information, tabular data, graphic images, etc.) circulate in the electronic office. Office programs for creating and editing documents of various types are usually integrated into a single package that allows you to work with one document, including various types of data. There are also independent software products that are focused on performing only one type of work: developing spreadsheets, text editing, electronic document layout, etc.

To generate and process each type of data, it is extremely important to use special application software packages focused on working with documentation information (Table 4.1.).

2. Work organizers- these are software packages designed to automate procedures for planning the use of various resources (time, money, materials) both for an individual person and for the entire company or its structural divisions. There are two types of packages of this class:

Project management programs designed for network planning and project management. These software tools allow you to quickly plan a project of any size and complexity, effectively distribute human, financial and material resources, create an optimal work schedule and monitor its implementation.

Programs for organizing human activity perform the functions of electronic secretaries and are designed for effective management of business contacts. They provide the following main functions:

Formation of a business activity schedule with automatic control by the program;

Maintaining an electronic file cabinet, fully customizable to the specific needs of the user;

Ensuring data security and confidentiality;

Automatic dialing of telephone numbers (with auto redial) and entering the date and time of the call into the appropriate card;

Work with email and fax, etc.

Program name Purpose of the program
Text editors Programs designed to work with text documents. Οʜᴎ provide the user with the following capabilities: typing text editing text automatic spell checking creating various tables, graphs, diagrams in the text; formation of cross-references in a document, etc.
Desktop Publishing Programs that allow electronic layout of a wide range of basic types of documents. The tools provided in packages of this type allow you to: compose (layout) text using master pages; carry out printing of text; process graphic images; ensure output of printed quality documents, etc.
Table processors Software packages designed to process tabularly organized data. The user has the ability to: carry out various calculations, build graphs, manage the format of data input/output, arrange data, conduct analytical studies, etc.
Graphic editor Packages designed for processing graphic information. Οʜᴎ allow you to: create graphic illustrations using graphic elements (arc, circle, ellipse, broken lines and polygons, etc.); manipulate objects by splitting or merging them, copying, shading, etc.; process and edit images by changing color values, saturation, contrast, etc.
Database management systems (DBMS) Programs designed for creating, maintaining and editing databases. They provide the ability to: create, store and retrieve data presented in a specific form; generate queries and reports based on various record selection criteria
Demo graphics packages Programs that provide tools for: preparing presentations of lectures and speeches, preparing illustrative material, visually displaying the basic theses of text reports and reports, etc.
Multimedia software packages Packages are designed for processing audio and video information. Οʜᴎ allow you to: manage the script of audio recording and video; create groups of objects included in an audio recording or film; manipulate and generate animated images, etc.
Character recognition programs Programs are designed to convert paper documents into electronic form by scanning and text recognition
Translation programs from one foreign language to another The programs provide different modes for translating texts from one foreign language to another using general and specialized dictionaries

Characteristics of basic software packages for creating and editing documentsTable 4.1

3. Programs for organizing electronic document management allow you to solve the following problems:

Ensuring more effective management through automatic control of implementation, transparency of the activities of the entire organization at all levels;

Supporting the effective accumulation, management and access to information and knowledge, ensuring personnel flexibility through greater formalization of the activities of each employee and the ability to store the entire background of his activities;

Optimization of business processes and automation of the mechanism for their execution and control;

Exclusion of paper documents from the internal circulation of the enterprise;

Elimination of the extreme importance or significant simplification and reduction in cost of storing paper documents due to the availability of an operational electronic archive.

Systems with advanced means of storing and retrieving information Such software products include electronic archives. An electronic archive is a special case of a document management system focused on efficient storage and retrieval of information
Systems focused on supporting organization management These systems are actively used in government management structures, in the offices of large companies, which have a developed hierarchy and have certain rules and procedures for the movement of documents. At the same time, employees collectively create documents, prepare and make decisions, execute or control their execution
Systems designed to support collaboration The purpose of these systems is to ensure that people in an organization work together, even if they are geographically separated, and to preserve the results of this work. Οʜᴎ provide services for storing and publishing documents, searching for information, discussing, and making appointments (both real and virtual)

There are the following types of electronic document management systems:

Electronic office hardware- ϶ᴛᴏ devices that provide the technical implementation of office data processing procedures. Οʜᴎ are divided into basic and additional.

Rice. 4.8. Electronic office hardware

1. Basic technical means of electronic office are one or more PCs connected to a computer network and having a wide range of peripheral devices, such as print output devices (printers), automatic information input devices (scanners, digitizers), etc. (see Fig. 4.8. ).

2. Additional electronic office hardware serve to implement the operations of copying, duplicating, processing and destroying documents.

  • - Electronic document. Electronic office.

    Recently, special attention has been paid to electronic methods of displaying the contents of documents, which can significantly increase the efficiency of management systems through the use of qualitatively new approaches to the implementation of information processes. ... [read more]

  • - Electronic office.

    Lecture No. 6. Electronic office. CONSTRUCTION INFORMATICS P partFunctions: 1) Automation of routine work with documents 2) Organization of an electronic document. Basic software packages for formatting and editing documents. Name... [read more]

  • - Electronic office

    Prospects for the development of information technologies to support management activities The current state of information technologies can be characterized as follows: 1. The presence of many industrially functioning databases of large volume,...