Russian folk patterns and ornaments with descriptions. The variety and meaning of traditional Russian ornament

Already in ancient times, people sought to decorate household items and clothing. It can be seen from the objects obtained from the excavations that at first the decoration patterns and compositions were very simple. Over time, the pattern became more complex, the composition became more diverse, technical execution- more perfect. For further development pattern and composition you need to get acquainted with ancient traditions creating drawings and compositions.

Russian folk patterns are rich and varied. Its composition contains a number of geometric patterns, and plants and animals, both stylized and more or less realistic, are present almost everywhere.

Basic elements of the pattern.

A geometric pattern always consists of separate small parts. Those parts of the pattern that are repeated with or without changes in many patterns are called the main elements of the pattern. In Russian folk patterns, the most common basic elements are the so-called herringbone, roof, cross, sun, star, floral pattern (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Basic elements of a geometric pattern.

And this is an example of Old Russian embroidery, where it is clearly visible that it consists of small basic elements.

The basic elements can be changed - varied. Even now there are many various options basic elements.

Despite some differences, the basic elements have some common constant properties, for example:

  • 1) the lines of the pattern are bent at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees;
  • 2) the lines of the plant pattern are interconnected;
  • 3) the basic element is easily included in the simplest geometric figures(Fig. 2).

Figure 2. The simplest geometric shapes.

The main elements of the pattern can be composed in different ways.

When one or more elements of a pattern are repeated rhythmically, a simple or variable series of patterns appears. Since the row of the pattern is not completed, it creates the impression of an indefinite, disintegrating pattern (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Pattern row.

And a small example of Slavic embroidery, where we can see several types of stripes.

The restriction can be made either using a line or using narrower stripes. The main elements of the pattern placed side by side seem to separate the strip. For example, by placing one after another the main elements that are easily included in a triangle, they form a strip with a triangular division (Fig. 4, B). In a similar way, you can form a stripe of a pattern with a triangular division and a stripe of a pattern with a division to the corner of the square or to the side of the square (Fig. 4, C, D).

Figure 4. Pattern stripes.

Applying a stripe pattern.

When using a stripe of a pattern for finishing, the craftsman, if possible, maintains the separation of the stripe. The strip always ends with a whole division. Stripes are placed especially carefully when decorating the corner of a rectangular area. The placement of stripes at the corners may be different.

Connected corner.

A connected corner is formed if the strip is continued in the other direction without interruption (Fig. 5, A). Changing the direction, the master maintains the division characteristic of the strip. The connected corner can be used both for decoration and for a rectangular area.

Half connected corner.

Forming a semi-joined corner, the stripes in the corners are not connected (Fig. 5, B), but a square-shaped trim is placed there (Fig. 5, B). The stripes end at a short distance from it. Both parts of the decor are usually connected with an openwork or winding seam. A half-connected corner is most often used when decorating a Square.

Figure 5. Angles.

Unconnected corner.

An unconnected corner is formed when the stripes in the corner do not connect (Fig. 5, B). The master ends the stripes with complete division.

An unconnected corner is best suited for decorating a rectangular product.

In addition, wider stripes, even groups of stripes, can be placed at the ends of the area and, conversely, narrow stripes along the long edges. The decor of an unconnected corner is perfectly combined with an openwork or winding seam.

Parallel placement of stripes.

The rectangular area was usually decorated with transverse stripes. You can place one strip or group of strips at each end of the rectangle, or you can evenly arrange them over the entire area (Fig. 5, E). In addition, you can repeat the same stripes located at the ends, and also use other stripes in the middle, or change several stripes one after another (Fig. 5, e).

When decorating a rectangular product, the stripes are placed slightly differently. Each decorated part of the object looks heavier, so in a vertically positioned product the decor is distributed along the lower part. For example, using only one strip, it is placed at the bottom. When decorating a product with several stripes of different widths, the widest of them or a group of stripes is placed at the bottom of the product (Fig. 5, E). There are narrower stripes at the top.

Among Slavic ethnographic decorations, stripe is the most favorite and widespread type. It can be found on national clothes, carvings of window frames, etc. Therefore, in folk patterns there are especially many examples of stripes - sometimes narrower, sometimes wider, with a sparse or dense pattern. All of them can be successfully used in any type of needlework, as well as in artistic wood carving. In addition, the stripes give the finish a vintage character.

Elements of the pattern (Fig. 6, A) or large parts of it are placed throughout the entire area or in certain areas of it. The pattern in this case is limited to divisions. If possible, the master finishes the pattern of continuous filling with complete division. It spreads easily in all directions, so the same pattern can cover both small and large area. Since this leaves the impression of an easily spread spreading pattern, the area to be finished is limited to a single-color or patterned strip. The solid filling pattern is used to decorate both square and rectangular areas using any technique.

Figure 6. Solid fill pattern.

The central pattern (Fig. 7, A) spreads from the center evenly in all directions. Since it has a plant character, in the composition it is limited to stripes (Fig. 7, B). This pattern is used for decoration various types area.

Figure 7. Central pattern.

Floral ornament may be located above a curved or straight line. The colors of the floral ornament usually alternate. Floral ornament is also usually placed along the edge of the decorated area, as it well connects the decorated, heavy area with the undecorated, empty one (Fig. 8).

Figure 8. Floral ornament.

And the last picture shows examples of ornaments that use motifs from the world of fauna.

Ornaments are akin to ancient writings and, like them, can tell a lot about the worldview of a person from distant eras. For a long time people remembered the purpose of ornaments. Back in the 20-30s of the 20th century, residents of some northern Russian villages demonstrated their knowledge of the meaning of the depicted pattern in front of the oldest craftswoman of the village in special readings: young girls brought to gatherings finished works and talked about them to the whole world. In some places in the outback you can still hear the ancient names of the patterns: crowberry, Perun, although the masters are most often unable to explain their meaning.

To this day, there are people who know how to decorate and want to wear traditional Russian clothes. Long winter evenings Slavic girls and women, with a torch, embroidered and wove patterns - one more intricate than the other, decorating their tunics with them, so that later, at the holiday, they could flaunt themselves in front of the community. Was it only beauty that they felt? Was it only the desire for creative self-expression that guided them? Or was there and continues to exist today in ancient symbols something very important - unknown to us today?

This book is the result of the author’s desire to raise questions related to the meaning of folk textile patterns and the peculiarities of their effect on the wearer of the clothes decorated with them or the person looking at the patterns. It uses information from many, sometimes unconventional, sources: history, ethnography, mythology, bioenergy, modern alternative medicine, etc. Russian folk culture has always been so comprehensive and multifaceted that it is only necessary to study it comprehensively, having experienced the way of thinking of our ancestors.

I really want it to ancient art ornament has been preserved, has not disappeared, so that skills, traditions and beauty folk culture continued to live, delight and benefit people. After all, this beauty has incredible kind energy (one would like to say - soul), capable of helping people. I believe that the topics raised in the book will be of interest to new researchers, and then such an amazing phenomenon as Russian folk textile ornament can really be comprehended with different sides. In the meantime, the ancient image-writings continue to wait for their full reading.

Second book, which allows us not only to understand the place of folk textile ornaments in our culture, but to confirm the author’s assumptions about the mechanisms of the energy-informational influence of the ornament on a person. Folk ornament is part of an incredibly ancient system of spiritual knowledge that allows a person to harmoniously build his relationships with the outside world. Its strict forms contain the story of the development of our Universe, ready-made biotechnologies, and specific recipes for the survival of the race and man.

The book includes sections on the loom and the typology of patterns weaving forms, how the pattern appeared, the work of amulets treated with structured water, spiritual patterns, the signs of the clan and tribe, and the energy of cutting clothes.

A classification of types of Russian folk textile geometric patterns is given. The cuts of men's and women's shirts are given, as well as patterns for the arrangement of patterns on women's and men's clothing. A separate part make up colorful drawings of patterns and their explanation.

This book is an attempt to collect and systematize the principles of using symbols of folk textile patterns for practical application. It will be useful to everyone who wants to revive ancient knowledge and beauty.

Ornament of all times and styles

The unique work of N. F. Lorentz will certainly expand and enrich our ideas about the rules of organizing space, about the style of a noble and harmonious life.

The author expertly accompanies the reader into the history of ornament and decor, shows the diversity of this special type of art, introduces it outside and deep symbolism, initiates into the practical secrets of carvings, frescoes, stained glass, enamel, carpets and mosaics.

As Peter clarified in the comments (see below), Lorenz's book and Rakinje's book on ornaments are one and the same(Lorenz took almost everything from Rakinier, slightly modifying the text and drawings in it).

This book clearly shows what means and techniques bring an organized and creatively transformed space closer to the triumph of refined taste - in different times and in various parts of the world. Rich decoration this publication appeals to aesthetic feelings and stimulates creative imagination reader.

Russian culture originated many centuries ago. Even in pagan times, Russians decorated themselves and their living space (house, yard, household items) with original patterns. If a pattern repeats and alternates individual details, it is called an ornament.

Folk ornament necessarily uses traditional motifs. Each nation has its own. Russian ornaments are no exception. When we hear this phrase, embroidered shirts and towels immediately appear in our imagination. They feature horses, ducks, roosters and geometric shapes.

Traditional Russian ornament

Excursion into history

The primary unit of society is the family. And it is to families that we owe the first folk patterns. In ancient times, animals and plants had totemic significance. Each family believed that it had one patron or another. For generations, family members used objects with symbols of their family, considering them protection and help.

Gradually, the family drawing went beyond the family and became the property of relatives. Several genera exchanged their patterns. Thus, the entire tribe was already using symbols that originally belonged to certain families.

Over time, there were more patterns, and the circle of their users expanded. This is how Russian folk ornaments appeared in Russia.

Even in the exterior of the houses, symbolism could be traced

It can be seen that in different areas they used different colors for needlework. There is a simple explanation for this. In the old days they only used natural dyes. They were produced in a handicraft way. So, the availability of raw materials for paints often determined the entire palette of works.

IN different regions We had our favorite “decorations”. It is no coincidence that “paisley” is one of the motifs for ornaments in the eastern regions. The homeland of the “Indian cucumber” is Persia in the east.

Meaning and significance

A creative fusion of nature and religion. This is how we can briefly describe national, including Russian, ornaments. In other words, the ornament is symbolic description peace.

Elements of ornament were not only decoration. They carried a semantic and ritual load. They can not only be viewed, but also read. Very often these are conspiracies and amulets.

Each character has a specific meaning:

  • Alatyr is perhaps the most important of the Russian and Slavic signs. This is a symbol of the infinite universe, the dual unity of the world and its balance. The source of life, consisting of male and female principles. The eight-pointed Alatyr Star and the Alatyr Stone were often used in patterns. They were expected to help in various life situations.

Holy Alatyr
  • Another symbol that was very revered and often used in patterns is the World Tree of Life (or Tree of Kingship). It was believed that it grows on Alatyr Stone and the gods rest under its crown. So people tried to protect themselves and their family under the branches of the Tree of Life and with the help of the celestials.

One of the options for depicting the Tree of Reign
  • Various swastikas are also a popular motif in Russian and Slavic needlework. Of the swastikas, you can find Kolovrat more often than others. An ancient symbol of the sun, happiness and goodness.

Variants of the image of the sun symbol among the Slavs
  • Orepei or Arepei is a diamond shape with combs on the sides. Its other names: Comb Diamond, Oak, Well, Burdock. It was considered a symbol of happiness, wealth, and self-confidence. When placed on different parts of clothing, it had different interpretations.

Orepei symbol
  • Animals and plants that surrounded people and were deified by them are a constant theme in the patterns.

Slavic symbolism is very diverse

Of particular importance was the number of alternations of elements in the ornament. Each number carried an additional semantic load.

Beauty and protection

The aesthetic meaning of the ornaments was combined with the totemic one. Magi and shamans applied symbols to ritual clothing and utensils. Ordinary people also put a special meaning into traditional drawings. They tried to protect themselves with embroidery as a talisman, applying it to certain parts of clothing (to protect the body). Table linen, household items, furniture, and parts of buildings were also decorated with appropriate patterns (to protect the family and home).

The simplicity and beauty of ancient ornaments make them popular today.

Amulet dolls were decorated with traditional ornaments

Trades and crafts

Gradually, with the development of civilization, ancient patterns were transformed, some became identification marks of individual folk crafts. They developed independent crafts. Usually crafts have a name corresponding to the area where they are made.

The most popular are:

  • Porcelain and ceramics "Gzhel". Her style is a characteristic drawing of blue paint on white background. Called by name settlement Gzhel, Moscow region, where the production is located.

Gzhel painting is an ancient craft
  • “Zhostovo painting” can be recognized by flower bouquets on a black (less often green, blue, red) metal tray coated with varnish. The fishing center is located in Zhostovo (Moscow region). This craft began in Nizhny Tagil, where the production of Nizhny Tagil trays still exists.

Luxurious Zhostovo painting
  • "Khokhloma" is a decorative painting on wood. It is characterized by black, red and sometimes green patterns on a golden background. Her homeland and place of registration is Nizhny Novgorod region.

Khokhloma is still popular today
  • Sloboda Dymkovo is the birthplace of Dymkovskaya, and the city of Kargopol is correspondingly Kargopolskaya, the village of Filimonovo is Filimonovskaya, Stary Oskol is Starooskolskaya clay toys. They all have a characteristic pattern and color.

Stary Oskol clay toys
  • Pavlovo Posad wool shawls business card Pavlovsky Posad. They are characterized by a voluminous printed floral pattern. Red and black are their traditional colors.

The traditional Pavloposad scarf is a truly luxurious accessory

The continuation may be very long: Fedoskino and Palekh miniatures, Gorodets painting, Orenburg down scarf, Vologda, Yelets, Mtsensk lace. And so on. It is very difficult to list everything.

Drawing in folk style

Today, many people wear clothes and use things in folklore style. Many craftswomen want to create something unique themselves. They can take the finished product as a basis or create their own sketch.

To successfully complete this idea, you first need to:

  1. Decide whether it will be a separate pattern or an ornament.
  2. Break down the drawing into simple details.
  3. Take graph paper, make a marking, marking each fragment and its middle.
  4. We draw the first simplest detail in the center.
  5. Gradually, step by step, we add the following fragments.

And now the unique pattern is ready.

Anyone can draw a pattern like this.

About Russian embroidery

The patterns, techniques, and colors of Russian embroidery are very diverse. The art of embroidery has a long history. It is closely related to the way of life, customs and rituals.

Color is an important component of needlework.

People endowed it with sacred properties:

  • Red is the color of life, fire and sun. Of course it was often used in embroidery. After all, it is also beauty. As a talisman, it was designed to protect life.
  • White is the color of pure snow. Symbol of freedom and purity. He was considered a protector against dark forces.
  • Blue color of water and clear sky. Symbolized courage and strength.
  • Black in the ornament meant earth. Zigzag and wave, respectively, an unplowed and plowed field.
  • Green is grass, forest and their help to man.

Traditional Russian embroidery

The thread was also endowed with certain qualities:

  • Linen is a symbol of masculinity.
  • Wool is protection, patronage.

In combination with patterns, special-purpose products were created.

For example:

  • Roosters and red horses were supposed to protect the baby.
  • To successfully complete the work, they embroidered with green and blue linen.
  • They embroidered with wool against illnesses and against bad influences.
  • Women's clothes were often embroidered in black to protect motherhood.
  • The men were protected by a green and blue pattern.

Of course, a special set of symbols and designs was developed for each occasion and person.

This embroidery will look elegant on any fabric.

Folk costume

Folk costume embodies and reflects traditions. For centuries, craftswomen have transformed plain fabric into a unique work of art. WITH early age girls learned the secrets of needlework. By the age of fifteen, they had to prepare themselves everyday and festive clothes and a set of towels, tablecloths and valances for several years.

The cut of the suit itself is simple, rectangular. Linen or wool fabric of various qualities. Women pulled the fabric (removed some of the threads) and received new fabric. Hemstitching and other embroideries were done on it.

Russian folk costume is diverse

Of course, clothing varied in characteristic patterns depending on the area. It can be divided into two groups:

  1. Central Russian. Differs in multicolor. Among the techniques, counted satin stitch, cross stitch, braids, and hemstitch stitches are often used. IN southern regions Lace, ribbons or strips of fabric are also used to decorate clothes. The design is often geometric. Orepey was especially loved in different versions.
  2. Northern. Its characteristic techniques are satin stitch (colored and white), cross stitch, painting, white stitching and cutouts. Artistic motives were used more often than geometric ones. The compositions were performed mainly in one color.

Russian embroidery is unique. It is distinguished by stylized images of animals and plants, as well as a wide variety of geometric patterns.

Keeping traditions

Exploring national traditions and handicraft techniques using preserved items, modern masters adapt them to modern requirements. Fashionable original things are created on their basis. These are clothes, shoes, underwear.

One of the recognized fashion designers who includes folk motifs in each of his collections is Valentin Yudashkin. Foreign couturiers, for example Yves Saint Laurent, are also inspired by the Russian heritage.

Russian collection of Yves Saint Laurent

In addition, folk crafts continue traditions and improve skills in accordance with modern requirements. You can add enthusiasts who are not indifferent to traditional creativity. They independently study, collect and create in folk style.

Russian patterns continue to bring beauty and joy to people, and also preserve historical information.

Since ancient times in Rus', on every piece of utensil, on every piece of clothing, as well as on houses, various elements and symbols were depicted, which formed patterns. Each detail had its own meaning and place. This is how the Russian folk pattern was formed.

Historical information about Russian folk patterns

It should be understood that there are two terms - pattern and ornament. And it was not the same thing from the beginning. Even now, not every pattern can be called an ornament. For example, if this is a constantly repeating pattern (rapport).

In Rus' it was believed that the pattern was much deeper, it meant more. The word ornament is borrowed from Latin, and it appeared much later and means decoration. In Rus' there was an analogue to it - “decorations”. It was believed that it was intended for decorative stylization. However, later these two concepts became intertwined and began to complement each other.

Russian folk pattern is a collection of various lines, symbols, and other elements that can be repeated or be in a single version. Pictures may vary in different areas. Thus, in the eastern regions of Rus', in the pattern you can find such an element as the “Indian cucumber,” which is still popular today.

Also, each locality had its own color scheme patterns and ornaments.

Signs and symbols in the Russian pattern

If we consider the Russian folk pattern from the point of view of symbolism, then we can say that not a single element is depicted there just like that. Each has its own meaning and is in its place.

The most popular symbols in the pattern are:

  • The star of Alatyr, or, as it is also called, the cross of Svarog. It has eight petals and symbolizes the Universe, its cycles of folding and unfolding.
  • The symbol of Beregini (Rozhanitsa) is also very popular. This is a schematic representation of a woman who protects.
  • A very significant symbol is which is sometimes also called the World Tree. It combines the world axis, the universe and the race.
  • Everyone knows: During the time of Hitler, the swastika became a symbol of war and fascism, but initially this was not at all the case.
  • Also popular is the Orepei symbol, which is a comb diamond. This symbol brings happiness, balance and peace of mind.
  • In addition, flowers, stars, spirals and other symbols are used in the pattern and ornament, each of which carries a specific meaning, enhancing the positive and protective energy of a person.

In addition to the above elements, there are many others. In addition, almost all patterns of the scheme are quite diverse. The same symbol can be depicted in different ways, maintaining, however, common features and lines. This is how whole protective phrases arise, as well as short stories or conspiracies.

The sacred meaning of the pattern

You should know that the same symbol, but depicted in different parts of clothing, could have different meaning. For example, the Orepei sign, depicted in the elbow area on women's clothing, denoted an ancestor. If he was depicted on the hem, then he was the entrance to the other world.

The ancient gods who rode in chariots were also symbolically depicted. They were harnessed to various animals that personified a specific deity.

Some Russian patterns (photo below) carried a certain code in their numerical repetition. So, the following numbers were important:

  • three (Absolute, Trinity, time, space);
  • four (cardinal directions, seasons);
  • seven (symbol of harmony);
  • twelve.

Such patterns and ornaments also reveal the attitude towards Mother Nature of our ancestors. With their images, they seemed to ask her for protection and patronage from various evils, troubles and misfortunes.

Where are Russian folk patterns used?

The use of patterns is quite varied. They are used in towels, napkins, for painting utensils, houses, and for carving wood and metal. In the old days, not a single object was left without a design.

Russian patterns (photos of them are in our review) are not only the beauty of an object, but also protection, a talisman for its owner. It is known that even before the advent of writing, people already depicted various symbols (diamonds, lines, dots) on utensils.

Differences in patterns in different regions

Each region of Russia has its own history of painting, embroidery, patterns and ornaments. Let's look at the Russian folk pattern (pictures of some will be presented below) for some types and areas:

  • Gzhel painting - characterized by blue and white colors in the drawings that are made on ceramic and porcelain products;
  • paintings, for which the village of Zhostovo is famous, on metal trays;
  • very interesting Khokhloma painting various patterns, it is characterized by a golden color (there are also red, yellow and orange);
  • in addition, in many regions they made their own special toys (Dymkovo, Kargopol, Stary Oskol), each of which had its own unique pattern in the painting;
  • Pavlovo Posad shawls are also very famous, which are made in red and black colors, with floral patterns.

And these are not even all the known crafts where Russian folk patterns are used.

The most ancient patterns

The most ancient patterns include a set of various signs, which in ancient times had a special meaning and were simply not applied to any product. Each family had its own set of embroideries and paintings, which were passed down from generation to generation. They even have a special meaning for the family, being its own symbol. Of course, over time, knowledge was lost.

Ancient Russian patterns breathe mystery into us, the power of amulets, the meaning of every curl or sign.

Nowadays, many people collect similar images that make sense.

How to start drawing Russian folk patterns

Now people are increasingly turning to our ancestral heritage, wanting to revive lost traditions. For example, many people wonder how to draw a Russian pattern. Where to start?

First, you should understand that in Rus' there are many techniques of painting and embroidery, which have their own characteristics. For beginners, you need to take patterns that are not very complex, having a repeating pattern. This will make it easier to grasp its very essence.

Before drawing itself, you need to practice with its simple components: dots, lines, strokes, droplets, loops, etc. In fact, the most difficult pattern consists of the above details. Of these simple shapes After some time of training, you will be able to create more complex ones.

In order to understand how to draw a Russian pattern, you should not rush. Some forms may indeed seem complex, but you need to remember that they are all made up of simple ones. First, lay out the repeating pattern into details; start depicting it with the easiest and most basic ones, for example, a point. Gradually draw other shapes around it, and so at the very end you can get your finished pattern. Take a look at the photo below, which shows all the stages of drawing. And make sure that this process is not so complicated.

Thus, you can learn how to create ornaments and patterns yourself. In principle, you can take ready-made diagrams and then transfer them to the surface.

Using patterns on household items

Also, patterns and ornaments in ancient times were made on household items. For example, in Rus', a six-petalled rosette was depicted on salt shakers. It had symbolic meaning. This rosette represented the sun, and salt was considered associated with it. Also, her image was often found on spinning wheels, as a symbol of endless time.

In addition to the symbolic painting of utensils, there was also simply decorating the product. Of course, it did not appear immediately, but the technology was developed over the years.

It should be noted that some patterns, the patterns of which are quite complex, are still made by craftsmen. This is, for example, Khokhloma painting, which looks very beautiful and rich. However, its production is quite complex and multi-stage.

Using patterns in embroidery

Russian embroidery in Rus' traditionally not only decorates clothes, towels, bedspreads and other linen products, but is also a talisman. The interweaving of patterns is by no means random. All symbols are in their place.

In addition, the color of the thread that is used also matters in embroidery. Let's consider some points:

  • an embroidered rooster or horse in red or black colors is suitable to protect the baby;
  • for successful activities, embroidery should be done in blue or golden-green tones;
  • woolen embroidery is suitable if there are already some energy holes; it is done in the area of ​​a person’s chakras;
  • flax is used for peace; it is used to embroider trees, birds, stars or the sun;
  • for women, black color should be used in embroidery to protect against infertility;
  • for men - green (protects from wounds), blue (protects from the elements).

In addition, symbols are also used in embroidery - a cross (barrier and protection from evil), a star (heavenly fire), a circle (denotes fertility, abundance and motherhood) and others.

Thus, Russian embroidery is a whole set of knowledge that our ancestors used in ancient times, protecting themselves, their relatives and their clan.

The use of patterns on clothing in the old days

Probably the most famous use of pattern and ornament is Even the most ignorant person in this matter will recognize this embroidery. True, colors and patterns again vary by region.

For example, the further south the area, the brighter the clothes people wore. This was due to the fact that previously the paint was of natural origin, and the warmer it was, the greater the variety in the possibilities of producing it.

If we talk about men's and women's clothing, then the first had almost no differences in the regions, except perhaps for preferences in color and pattern. And here women's clothing was quite varied and significantly different.

And also embroidery of various animal figures was very popular in the northern part of Russia. But the southern ones had more colored embroidery (often red).

The use of Russian folk patterns in modern clothing

Russian folk patterns on clothes periodically return to fashion. Famous fashion designers release collections with folk motives(for example, in 1976 Russian Collection from Yves Saint Laurent).

In our time, Russian patterns have long been a priority among true connoisseurs. In addition to colorful traditional ones, bright floral (or other folk) prints are used. I remember the ancient patterns that craftswomen embroidered on clothes for their family and friends. You can also certainly order similar clothes for yourself if you wish.

Products that have long earned recognition both in quality and style (for example, Pavlovo Posad shawls) also remain popular.

Thus, the Russian pattern simply cannot go into oblivion. His influence on the people is undeniable, this is his legacy, and one day he will rightfully take his rightful place in the hearts of people. After all, ancient Russian patterns truly carry the harmony and beauty that was known to our ancestors. This is also our history, which should not be forgotten.

Old Russian ornament is one of the most interesting phenomena in the world artistic culture. Throughout time it has been modified and supplemented. Despite this, Russian ornament of any century is considered one of the most interesting. In our article you can find more detailed information not only about ancient Russian cliparts, but also about ornaments of other peoples.

General information about ornaments

An ornament is a set of patterns and symbols on a particular object. When applying it, artists certainly coordinate the purpose of the object and the drawing itself in order to achieve a positive impression on the viewer. The type of Old Russian ornament or any other pattern can be geometric, floral, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic.

In ancient times, people believed that certain patterns and designs in the ornament could attract wealth, good health to their home, help improve their personal life and bring mutual understanding to the family. Many people still believe this today. It is also believed that the ornament can show the artist’s state of mind at the time of creating the pattern. Surprisingly, the ancient Russian ornament was applied not only to household items and clothing, but also to the body. Such a drawing was a talisman. The ornament was no longer applied to the body after the adoption of Christianity in Rus'.

It is believed that the history of ornament begins with the Paleolithic era. allow us to find out, Nowadays there are also people who believe in the magical properties of drawings.

Old Russian magical drawings

Old Russian ornament is considered one of the best. This is no coincidence, because it amazes contemporaries with its beauty, uniqueness and a certain magical power which our ancestors put into it. It is worth noting that Old Russian patterns were borrowed from Byzantium and the Caucasus. Over time, they have changed and become unique. Today, ancient Russian ornaments are unique patterns that have become part of the heritage of world art. Most often it was used as a talisman against evil spirits, damage and the evil eye. Magical drawings were applied to dishes, books, household items, clothing and the walls of the house. It is worth noting that the meaning of some symbols in the ornament is still unknown.

general information

Byzantine, Georgian and Old Russian ornaments are considered the most sophisticated and interesting. They are an important component in the development of world art. Byzantine ornaments include Hellenistic and Eastern traditions. They consist of a wide variety of motifs. Characteristic of Byzantine ornament is a large number of bizarre shaped patterns. They have a bright and rich color that has survived to this day.

Thanks to Arabic and Persian art, Byzantine ornaments appeared mythological heroes, such as griffins, dragons and others. It is also worth noting that not only fantastic, but also real animals and birds were often used in the drawings. As a rule, in ornaments they are located inside a circle or any other geometric figure.

Floral motifs in Byzantine ornament were rarely used and were not complex. Some elements did not carry a specific meaning. Surprisingly, the Byzantines added copper, gold, and mercury to the paint for painting. Thanks to this, they could get the most varied and rich shades that last for many years.

Georgian ornaments. Popularity these days

Georgian ornaments are not much different from Byzantine or Old Russian ones. As a rule, geometric motifs predominate in them. All patterns and designs have an unusually rich color. Most often, Georgian ornaments consist of crosses and curved lines.

Today in Georgia they are becoming extremely popular again National costumes with ornaments. They are often created by designers. These days, a girl from Georgia is especially popular because she creates incredibly beautiful national headdresses - kabalahs. If previously only men wore them, now they are often used among the female population.

Embroidered ornament

Surely each of us has seen an ancient Russian ornament. The meaning of the dome, which is found on clothing of past centuries, symbolizes a long or endless life. There may also be mermaids located underneath it. According to popular belief, such an embroidered design has a beneficial effect on the future harvest.

It is believed that almost all embroidered patterns are dominated by the theme of the fertility of the earth. For example, a rhombus is a symbol of the feminine principle. It is considered a kind of amulet of fertility and childbearing. A diamond with hooks embroidered on the edges of a baby's diaper symbolizes the origin of life. It is important to know that only in the complex of all the symbols located on an object can one find out the meaning of a particular sign.

The most common ancient Russian embroidered ornament is Orepey. This is a comb diamond, which is a symbol of sown land. Depending on its location on clothing, it may have other meanings. For example, if such a sign is embroidered on the hem, then it symbolizes the entrance to the other world.

Spiral in ancient Russian ornaments

Almost everyone is amazed by the beauty and mystery of the ancient Russian ornament. The photos that are located in our article will allow you to evaluate its uniqueness yourself.

You can often find a spiral in ancient Russian ornaments. This sign is not only widespread, but also quite ancient. It symbolizes the development of the world and its evolution. This is no coincidence, because spiral shapes are quite common in our lives. These include a whirlpool, a tornado, DNA and much more. It is worth noting that this sign has been used since the Paleolithic era. Most often, such an ancient Russian ornament was applied to jewelry.

Spiral signs were often used in embroidery. In Novgorod, women decorated their headdresses in this way.


The cross is one of the most symbolic. It symbolizes two opposites - the feminine and masculine principles. This sign is found in almost all cultures. Depending on the image, the symbol can be interpreted completely differently.

A cross in a circle is a symbol of life. It also demonstrates the movement of the sun across the sky. It began to be depicted during the Upper Paleolithic. Particularly popular it received during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages.

It is worth noting that the cross appeared long before Christianity. He imitated a weapon for making fire. Over time, it became a symbol of the heavenly body - the sun. It is also seen as a sign of immortality. Among the pagans, the cross was a kind of amulet that protected its owner on all four sides. It was applied to jewelry, clothing, and painted above the entrance to the house.


The swastika was used in absolutely every corner of our earth. It was painted on weapons, household items and clothing. In ancient Russian ornaments, the swastika is found unusually often. It includes almost all motives. It symbolizes the movement of life, happiness, prosperity, prosperity and good luck. In addition, it is considered as a sign of the entire galaxy.

It is worth noting that the swastika is divided into two subtypes - left-handed and right-handed. IN different countries this plays an important role in interpreting its meaning. For example, in China, clockwise rotation symbolizes male energy, and counterclockwise rotation symbolizes female energy. In ancient Russian ornaments, the swastika was used as a talisman. It was embroidered on clothes and painted on the walls of the house.

Unfortunately, from the last century to today, the swastika is most often associated with Adolf Hitler and the ideology of Nazism. It is worth noting that because of this, this sign is prohibited in some countries.


Old Russian ornaments and patterns can often include a meander. This symbol has been known since the Neolithic era. Typically, it is used as a border on an object or fabric. It is quite easy to distinguish it from other symbols and patterns. A meander consists of right angles that create a continuous line. It is worth noting that the swastika is often included in it.

Meander was embroidered on the hem of clothing and used in mosaics and frescoes. He is an important symbol in the development of B Ancient Greece it symbolized infinity. This symbol is most often found in India. Such a pattern was often included in the ancient Russian vector ornament.

Griffins in Byzantine ornament

In Byzantium, griffins were often depicted on objects. This mythological creature, which has wings, the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. In Byzantine culture they appeared due to the influence oriental culture. As a rule, he was depicted on saucers, silver cups, frescoes, mosaics and silk fabrics. It symbolizes protection of a person and is a kind of amulet. It is worth noting that in Western Christian iconography, the griffin is the embodiment of Satan.

The population of Byzantium believed that the griffin was a vigilant guard. It is for this reason that he was often depicted on armor, on the walls of houses and kitchen utensils.

Let's sum it up

Ornaments were present in the culture of all peoples. Our ancestors believed that such drawings had magical properties. In their opinion, different patterns could bring prosperity, mutual understanding or the fertility of the earth to the house. Some people still think so today. Absolutely everyone is fascinated by the beauty of Georgian, Byzantine, as well as ancient Russian ornaments and patterns. The meanings of the symbols that are located in our article will allow you to find out which drawings our ancestors considered magical.