– How long did the filming day last for the actors of the series “East-West”? Evgenia Loza: “Even during the filming of the sex scenes of the series “East-West” there was not a drop of embarrassment. How did your relationship with the director develop?

Today at 21:00 on the Domashny TV channel the premiere of the first Russian-Turkish series “East-West” will take place. The main roles in the project were given to actress Evgenia Loza and Adnan Koç from Turkey. Russian actress played a role married woman Tatiana, who dreams of becoming a mother. At a certain point, the heroine’s relationship with her husband reached a dead end; she no longer felt needed, felt tenderness and awe for her husband. The couple decides to go to sunny Turkey to combine a work trip with an appointment with a renowned doctor who should help them get a chance to become parents. However, a meeting with a doctor leads to completely unexpected consequences. We met with the actress at the presentation of the project in the city of Belek. Evgenia Loza was, as always, smiling, friendly and completely calmly addressed requests to the waiter in Turkish.

Zhenya, since the filming of the series “East-West” took place in Turkey, as I understand it, you come here as if it were your home?

There is such a thing. I didn’t expect this from myself, but when I flew here again, I realized that it was already like small homeland. We have already spent so much time here, and so many Turkish artists have been filming, even on our side... Indeed, I somehow feel calm here. Even today at the border control I stood in the Turkish line. She was several times smaller, and this could not help but captivate me due to the fact that I had not slept all night. I realized that I already have the right. I frantically remembered at least some Turkish words in order to somehow justify my appearance there in front of the border guard (Laughs). I couldn’t remember even a basic “hello,” but “Meraba!” came to mind just in time. The little man smiled, and they let me through with ease.

During the filming, did you have to learn to express yourself in Turkish, pick up some words? Surely she then used them in everyday life?

Indeed, when I returned from filming to Moscow and met with friends or got into a taxi, “testchakur ederim” (“thank you” in Turkish. - Note from StarHit) and “merabashechki” involuntarily burst out. That is, a kind of Russian-Turkish slang appeared, and it was introduced by Adnan Koch, the leading actor in the series. He added the ending “oshko” to all words - it turned out “thanks” and so on. We now have “merabushki” and “mother-in-law hens”. Therefore, when I returned to my friends, who, naturally, were not in the subject, they simply did not understand me. Naturally, to make our Turkish partners feel more comfortable and warmer with us, we willingly used some words in their language.

Did your colleagues respond in kind?

And how! Adnan actually learned Russian so well that we later tried to speak carefully in front of him. He could casually add “I understand everything,” and we were already careful, of course.

It's no secret that passionate relationships often develop between Russian women and Turkish men. By and large, the situation in which your heroine Tatyana found herself in the series “East-West” is quite common. Has this happened in your life?

No, nothing like that happened to me. I don’t know why, but I have a kind of stereotype about this. It can be very difficult for me to understand a Russian man, let alone foreigners. It is very important for me to hear, listen, and be understood. The vocabulary that I have in Russian does not allow me to express myself even in English in such a way as to fully convey what I want to say. This is very important for me - I won’t be able to talk about everything with a foreigner, explain everything... All these sparks of passion at the resorts, perhaps, passed me by. As for Russian-Turkish love stories, of course there are positive examples. My friend, a girl with whom I studied at school, married a Turk. For more than ten years they have been living happily in Istanbul, raising children. This is truly a rare case; I have never seen such examples before. As a rule, this ends in a breakup, broken hearted, empty wallet and so on.

Are you wary of such connections yourself? What was it like to work with handsome Turkish guys on film set?

I remember when we first arrived, someone from a local group warned us that we should be more careful. I am very grateful that they explained to us: we should not fall for the advances of the locals. Turkish men- even those ladies' men, they will talk, caress your ears and heart. Anyone communicating with them can feel like a queen, and our women really lack this. But you shouldn’t get lost in it and lose your head. All this ends exactly at the moment when the man achieves his goal. This was told to us by, I think, simply a “traitor to his nation”, very good friend for our film crew. For me personally, thank God, this information turned out to be useless, but it saved many people and helped them understand the nature of a Turkish man.

You said that you don’t always understand Russian men... What does this mean?

Perhaps, due to my age, I always want to analyze something, understand something for myself. Now I'm working on turning off self-analysis and just giving in to my feelings. However, I need to constantly look for new meanings in everything.

Well, according to your horoscope you are Cancer, this is typical for you...

If you believe latest news about the appearance of the 13th zodiac sign, it turns out that I am Gemini. I refuse to believe this and do not accept this point of view. My world collapsed - all my analyzes and reflections simply lost their meaning (Laughs).

Do astrological forecasts have any meaning for you?

I can’t say that, having met a person, I rush to read the characteristics of his zodiac sign, but in general, of course, I’m interested in this.

From the very beginning of your acting career, the image of Turgenev’s young lady was assigned to you. Have you stayed too long in this role?

Of course, I’m tired of it... But Tatyana from the series “East-West” is completely different. Here the age is different, the characteristics, and experience are different. Initially, according to the script, the heroine was 35 years old, which is three years older than me. However, I like that I have crossed this age barrier, I am rebuilding. Thanks to director Denis Eleonsky for giving me this opportunity. By the way, he invited me to the next project, where I can try on the image of a strong, tough, bitchy, offended girl. Everything has its time, and my characters change with me.

Your heroine in the series longs to become a mother; this is a sore subject for her. What is your personal attitude towards motherhood?

I can honestly say that I’m not very close to my heroine’s situation. I cannot say that my maternal instinct has awakened. Because for me, initially a child is, first of all, the fruit of the love of two people who understand and feel each other. Due to the fact that I have not met such a man, I don’t even have a question about a child. Just giving birth to him for yourself, in my opinion, is not entirely correct. I am not selfish, I don’t want the child to live in a single-parent family. But there are women who want a baby, and from childhood they carry some kind of strollers, dolls... I have never had this. Now I don’t have such a need to become a mother as soon as possible. I understand that it’s probably time, and relatives raise this issue from time to time.

Do you often have to answer awkward questions from your family about your child?

Now it's becoming less common. This was probably between the ages of 22 and 28. Now everyone has calmed down.

I know that you have a very close relationship with your grandmother. Sometimes you even take a vacation to spend it with her Krasnodar region

Yes it's true. She is the only one of our grandparents left. Our elder. Once a year I try to find a time to visit her and be close to her. After filming the series, I immediately went by car to see her. She is wonderful, capricious... She is such an aristocratic nature! She is already 87 years old, her name is Valentina Ivanovna. But this is a man with an absolutely straight back. She does her own exercises, repairs, hangs wallpaper - everything herself. For her, I am a light that warms her. She's very proud. What I do is largely for my grandmother - so that she can be happy longer and be with us longer.

Is she watching what you do? Shows off to friends?

Yes, and very active. One day when I visited her, she even called her friend from the local newspaper to interview me. Proud, in a word. If we go into a store with her, sometimes she draws the attention of others to the fact that an actress has come to them. I’m embarrassed, of course, but I see how important this is for her.

Does your grandmother watch TV series?

The actress brings her boyfriends to tears

The actress brings her boyfriends to tears

She seems to have stepped out of the pages of classic novels; many call her “the girl from the past.” Becoming, grace, fragility - all this is inherent in the 27-year-old actress Evgenia LOZE. She films a lot, but she has enough time for both relaxation and her loved one. The REN channel begins showing the series “Vendetta in Russian,” where Evgenia played the desperate journalist Elena.

- In many paintings you show off in wedding dress. Have you really never thought about marriage in your life?

Apparently, my time had not come, and there was no person for me to decide: “This is him!” There were men with whom I fell deeply in love, but even then I did not see them next to me forever and the fathers of my children. Now I have a young man. He is a businessman. Everything is serious with us, but I’m not in a hurry to get married.

- From time to time information appears that you meet with one actor, then with another. Admit it, have you ever had an affair with your partner?

Never! It's taboo for me. I don’t want to offend the actors, but I can’t perceive them as men. Meryl Streep once said: “An actress is more than a woman, an actor is less than a man.” I completely agree with this!

- What then is your love story with the Bulgarian artist Niki Iliev? Or was there nothing either?

Nicky is a handsome, wonderful boy! I would be only glad if we had an affair. But he has a favorite - a Bulgarian athlete Ivet Lalova. And, unfortunately, I don’t speak Bulgarian, and he doesn’t speak Russian. How would we communicate?

- So, all your men are not actors, but entrepreneurs?

Yes, they are very wealthy men. If a guy earns less than me, it's uncomfortable. And first of all to him.

- Probably, gifts from rich fans are not transferred to you?

I received different presents. A friend several years ago gave me a plane ride with an instructor for my birthday. When I was filming “Vendetta...”, where my heroine controls an aircraft, those skills came in very handy. They gave a star in the sky and armfuls of flowers. Once I received a car as a gift - a luxurious Lexus convertible.

Mom scolded

- Is the age difference between a man and a woman important?

It's better when they are the same age. True, I had a man who turned out to be 15 years older. An adult, an accomplished person, a personality from whom I could learn something.

- Who initiated the breakup more often?

It happens, and a man - I have a difficult profession, they could not stand it. I often cried because of gentlemen. Yes, and they are because of me too. They made desperate attempts to bring me back.

- Singer and composer Yuri Loza, who is your relationship?

We are just namesakes. This question is often asked by traffic cops when they stop you and see your passport. I’ll say more: I’ve never even met Yuri Loza!

- How do you spend your free time?

I love to travel. Recently I went with my beloved to Croatia, on a cruise along the Mediterranean Sea: Sicily, Malta, Mallorca... On New Year we're going to a party with him ski resort to Italy or Austria.

- How do you feel about shopping? They say it is an excellent cure for stress.

I'm not a fan, but if I like something, I'll definitely buy it, regardless of the price. My latest acquisition- incredibly beautiful boots from Galliano from ostrich skin. Yes, they are extremely expensive, but I think that I work hard and can afford it - I deserve it. Mom, of course, scolded me for this purchase, but admitted that she also really liked them.


* Evgeniya LOZA born in 1984 in the city of Antratsit, Lugansk region.

* Studied at the Moscow Art Theater School.

* She starred in the films and TV series “9 Months”, “Club”, “Bet”, “Two Colors of Passion”, “Trace of the Salamander”, “Sakura Jam”, “Garages”, “Fate’s Mysterious Tomorrow”.

I was born in the city of Anthracite, Lugansk region. As a child, I grew up independent and was offended that, as a little girl, I had to sit and wait for my mother to pick me up from kindergarten. Photo: from the archive of E. Loza

I turned ten when I learned from a classmate that her mother, who runs a theater studio, was recruiting new children to teach acting. How could I have missed this?! She began performing plays at the age of six with her grandmother in a village in the Krasnodar Territory: she gathered spectators, performed, and even drew programs, just like in a real theater.

In the theater studio we mainly participated in fairy-tale productions. They were in great demand during New Year holidays. Sometimes they performed two or even three times a day. Unfortunately, the roles she played were not the main ones; the palm here always went to the daughter of the artistic director. Nevertheless, I was involved in all productions. In “The Cat’s House” she played a Goat, in “Twelve Months” she played a capricious princess, in “ To the Snow Queen"The role was even smaller: one of the students main character, who, among others, sat on the floor and formed words from pieces of ice.

In the studio I started receiving my first royalties. The small money was paid regularly, and I brought it to my parents honestly. They knew that I dreamed of roller skates. As soon as I noticed a shooting star, I always wished for them to appear. And how happy I was when mom and dad added money to my earnings and finally bought them for me!

From the age of five I pestered my dad: “Teach me to drive!” He got tired of it, and finally he got behind the wheel, put me on his lap, and we drove off. By the age of twelve, I drove myself, and what’s more, I had a decent understanding of car mechanics. But I already received my license in Moscow. When I turned fifteen, my dad was offered a job in the capital. His construction specialty turned out to be in great demand; many Moscow residential buildings are the work of his hands. When he got comfortable in the capital, he moved us too.

- Did your parents support you when they announced that you were entering the theater?

They talked me out of it. They cared about my future, wanted me to continue the family business, to become either an architect or an engineer, because they had no illusions about acting, they understood better than me that only a few would fall into the category and there was very little hope that I would be among the lucky ones . In my senior year I went to the bottom open doors in many universities. The University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics was located next to the house. I’ve almost settled on it: it’s not far to walk, and I can sleep longer in the morning. I almost submitted my documents there. I almost said goodbye to my dream, because in life I am a person who is insecure and doubtful.

Actress Evgenia Loza believes that one cannot refuse the gifts of fate. Therefore, when she was offered a role in the Russian-Turkish series “East - West,” which airs on the Domashny channel, Zhenya agreed without hesitation. OK! spoke with the actress about how she had to learn Turkish language and why she never starts office romances

Photo: Dmitry Zhuravlev

ANDEnya, did you speak English with your Turkish partner on the set of the film “East - West”?

Certainly. Both he and I improved our English during this time. But mostly we communicated in a mixture of English, Russian and Turkish. In the video, Adnan speaks Turkish, and I speak Russian. This is very difficult.

So you had to learn Turkish?

It couldn't have happened without this. ( Laughs.) I had to learn some phrases. At first, when we were filming in Russia and I had to speak Turkish, it was real hard labor for me: just typing letters, I didn’t understand anything at all. When the stage of filming in Turkey began, I already knew many of the words, and it was easier for me.

How long did filming last in Turkey?

A few days in Istanbul and a month in Bodrum. But the main block was filmed in Kyiv.

Were you able to combine work and leisure in Turkey?

Unfortunately, we didn't have time to rest. But I can say that it was a pleasure to work in such landscapes. Although there were also difficulties. We arrived in Turkey at the height of summer, in the very heat. It’s one thing to relax in such weather, and another to work. It was not always possible to eat, sleep, or relax in places where there were air conditioners. It was terribly hot all the time. Our equipment even broke down, and some members of the film crew even lost consciousness.

How did you cope with such heat?

Fortunately, it didn’t come to the point of fainting, because I had my own trailer with air conditioning and everyone came to me to cool off. ( Smiles.)

But after such filming, you probably no longer thought about going on vacation to the sea?

Honestly, no. I wanted to go somewhere into the forest, in autumn weather...

Zhenya, what is it like to play love with a partner who does not speak Russian?

In principle, love is not words or actions, it is the desire to touch. This is what is transmitted through the eyes... And in acting, knowledge of the material with which we are working helped us. Words were unnecessary... ( Laughs.) But of course, it was difficult. First of all, also because I needed to not only learn my text, but also know my partner’s text. I had to clarify the words after which it was necessary to express certain emotions, because when Adnan spoke, I no longer heard anything, I had only one thought in my head - not to lose the thread and to enter and react correctly...

It’s interesting, but isn’t it difficult to play when your partner on the court is so good-looking?

On the contrary, I love beautiful people and I get real aesthetic pleasure from communicating with them. ( Smiles.) I admit, I can’t fall in love on the set. I clearly differentiate between characters and real people.

That is for you office romances impossible in principle?

Of course, no one is immune from this. I don’t claim that I have a cold mind and I forbade myself from falling in love at work. It just hasn't happened yet. I still need a man of a more earthly profession. If I chose creative path then my man must stand firmly on his feet and hold me like balloon by the thread. Two people floating in the clouds is too much. ( Laughs.)

Zhenya, I know that you play a mother in this film. For you it is already becoming good tradition. Do you remember how many on-screen children you gave birth to?

We have to count! ( Laughs.) Of course, I doubt that this mother I played will be similar to me as a mother in life. This is an invented image depending on the circumstances. Playing a mother in a movie is not difficult, but it is very scary - after all, they are other people's children. I almost had a real one breakdown, when I had to pick up a ten-day-old baby and even bathe him. I sincerely don’t understand parents who send their child to filming, because actors can accidentally harm this fragile creature. This is perhaps the only difficulty in filming with babies.

What if the children are older?

Then the main thing is to set the child up for work. There are children who are capricious and hooligans, but I still manage to find common ground with them.

Zhenya, don’t your parents ask when you will give them a grandson?

Well, with mom and dad, this issue has long been closed. In general, everyone understands the peculiarities of my character and profession, so now they are calm about it.

What are these character traits?

I am very willful and self-sufficient. If a girl does not get married before the age of twenty-five, then her claims against her future chosen one increase. But so far, apparently, I have not met the very man I need. All my relatives and friends know that I had no goal of quickly getting married and having a child. If this hasn’t happened yet, it means I haven’t found my person yet. Everyone understands this and doesn’t bother me.

To meit seems that if you decide to do something, then nothing will stop you. Or I'm wrong?

I am a person who easily follows the road prepared for him by fate. Everything has been going very smoothly for me so far. It's the same in the profession. From childhood I knew what I would do. For me it was natural, without any special effort. There are stories when girls from the provinces come to Moscow, do not go to college in the first year - they go to work, a year later they enter and as a result become actresses. I moved to Moscow with my parents from the Lugansk region, graduated from school here, and immediately entered Theatre Institute, started to work. Everything happened by itself.

Nevertheless, getting into the Moscow Art Theater School is not so easy.

The fact that I was accepted is simple great luck. I can’t say that I, for example, was well prepared. When I entered college, I had no idea what theater was. Before this there was some kind of amateur activity group. They took me to the Moscow Art Theater School on the condition that I would get rid of dialect within six months. The head of the course, Konstantin Arkadyevich Raikin, said that everything is fine, but if the dialect remains, then we will have to say goodbye. I studied with the best teachers Moscow, and in the evening she came home, where everyone spoke Surzhik. I begged my parents: “Let me study with you?” I brought them books, showed them how and what to do, but, naturally, everything was useless. It took me another two whole years for my speech to become clear.

Zhenya, are you the first actress in the family?

Discoverer. ( Smiles.) Although, after I had decided on a profession, one day, while looking through photographs of my late grandmother, my father’s mother, I accidentally discovered among them photographs in which she was depicted in costumes on stage. No one told me about this, but, as it turned out, my grandmother performed on the stage of a local theater. And for as long as I can remember, I constantly organized concerts with my grandmother in the village, wrote scripts, staged mini-plays... From the age of ten I already worked in the local theater, we staged performances, held Christmas trees and performed at all city holidays. My parents, engineers, hoped that closer to the eleventh grade I would burn out and choose a “more worthy profession.”

Did they treat it as a hobby?

They tried to dissuade me. They didn't consider acting a serious occupation. But everything happened the way I wanted.

I looked at your filmography: you started acting in films in your first years at the institute. Did the teachers take it well?

Of course, we were not allowed to film. The very first filming took place during the period summer holidays. I agreed because I was told that they would end by the beginning school year. But filming is filming, everything was delayed, I had to explain to Konstantin Arkadyevich. He was very unhappy. But then you had to choose - work or study. As a result, I had to leave the institute. I believe that the basic basics were learned in the first or second years.

Now don’t you think that you should finish your studies?

Honestly, no. In the first years, I felt a lack of theory and practice, I understood that I was an unfinished product. But throughout all these years, I left the filming with some baggage, I had the opportunity to work with such actors, directors and artists that the missing experience was replenished every time. So I think no, I don’t want to study.

Do you listen to the opinions of the colleagues you work with?

It seems to me that an artist who stops listening is either a tired artist or someone who has finished developing. Just as adult artists can learn from me, I learn from them. And I hope that I will not stop doing this under any circumstances.

When we talked last time, you admitted that you dreamed of buying an apartment in Moscow. Did you manage to make your dream come true?

Unfortunately, earnings Russian artists does not allow you to buy an apartment in Moscow. For now I live in a rented apartment and save up. ( Smiles.)

But if you live with your parents, you won’t be able to save up faster?

And who, at thirty-two, wants to live with their parents? For all my openness, I am an introvert and love to relax in my own company. At such moments I reboot. My parents live across the street, and when I’m sick, I always come to them. It is important for me to be taken care of. Mom will bring breakfast, medicine... But in general, I feel more comfortable living alone.

How convenient! You can go to your mother's for dinner.

Yes! My favorite cutlets and borscht are never left in my parents' refrigerator.

The actress says she can't remember when she visited last time came up to meet.

Evgenia Loza played main role in the melodrama “Beauty Salon”, which is shown today on the “Russia 1” channel. Her grandmother is played by Tamara Semina. They made a wonderful duet. “It’s an honor for me to film with such an actress! I came home and started watching her films. “I called my mother, grandmother, and bragged to everyone,” the actress said.

Evgenia Loza loves novelty and is not afraid to perform on camera dangerous stunts, overcome yourself, learn. The only thing she refuses is to appear naked. " The director who wants to undress me must convincingly explain why this is necessary. If I understand that the result will be worthy, I will not feel ashamed, I will agree. So far, however, this has not happened. Directors care about their ideas, but I care about my principles", admits Evgenia.

Loza’s classmates were Glafira Tarkhanova, Alexey Bardukov, Artem Osipov. But Evgenia did not stay with them for long. According to the actress, she enrolled in acting with the goal of acting in films. And they were categorically forbidden to do this. After completing her first year, Evgenia was invited to play a small role in the TV series “Turkish March”. Konstantin Raikin, whose course she studied, was against combining study and filming. Loza dropped out of school and began acting in films.

Evgenia admits that it’s not easy for her to get married new novel, since she is a rather conservative person, she is used to a man getting acquainted himself and courting her. The actress complains that she cannot remember the last time someone approached her to meet her.

« Previously, I couldn’t drive even five meters from the house when they shouted from a neighboring car: “Girl, what’s your name?” Now this does not happen either on the road, or in a cafe, or on the street - nowhere. Am I looking worse? No! This means that men have ceased to be conquerors and hunters. We relaxed in our time of social networks, when girls themselves come to their pages to get acquainted", admits Evgenia.

« And I won’t run after anyone! No, of course, a critical situation may arise when I realize that I’m forty-five, and I’m still alone. Joke! But I’d rather be alone than next to a man whom I sought for myself, and he allowed me to do it. I hope that real men haven’t died out yet. I do not rule out the possibility of meeting my destiny among colleagues who are capable of demonstrating masculine qualities, and not just admiring themselves", says the actress.

Evgenia Loza dreams of a family. " Obsessive desire I have never had a stamp in my passport. But I definitely wouldn’t refuse to meet a person with whom I would like to have a common home, where children’s laughter sounds and everything breathes an atmosphere of love and mutual respect. I believe that one day this will happen,” hopes Evgenia Loza.