Lesson using non-traditional painting technique "yellow dandelion". Didactic exercise “Listen carefully”

Master class on drawing for children 4-6 years old “Dandelion”

Ostanina Victoria Aleksandrovna, teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution DS KV "Raduga" SP "Silver Hoof"
Target: Drawing using an unconventional technique.
Tasks:- get acquainted with unconventional technology drawing – “poke” method;
- develop creative abilities;
- learn to be careful when working with gouache.
Purpose: This master class will be useful for educators and teachers additional education, teachers primary classes. They can also use it creative people and parents working independently with their children.
Description: Master Class makes it possible to draw a flower – a dandelion – on your own. Does not require special artistic skills. Detailed description And step by step photos will make the drawing process easy and effective.
Materials: A4 sheet, gouache, water glass, cotton napkin, brush No. 5 bristles, brushes No. 3, No. 5 (goat, squirrel).

Summer! Summer! Summer is around!
So many bright colors, fragrant herbs and colorful flowers. The beauty of the Ural nature is simply mesmerizing!
Sineva cornflowers,

sunny beauty of dandelions,

delicate white daisies!!!

So many fragrant herbs, chattering grasshoppers and buzzing dragonflies...

Today we will draw... A riddle will tell us what we draw!
“In childhood, with a yellow head,
In his youth, completely gray-haired,
But there is no such thing as old,
He flies away in white fluff! (E. Telushkina)
Of course it's a dandelion!

He's so handsome!

Dandelion is familiar to us as a small sun and white fluff.

And if you blow on it, it will fly apart.

And its seeds scatter far around.

You and I will draw a dandelion like this:

Or maybe not exactly like that, let’s add some white dandelions!

For work we need a white sheet of paper, gouache, three brushes: ordinary squirrel brushes No. 3 and No. 6, and hard bristles No. 5, a glass of water and a cloth napkin.

We will draw the stem and leaves in the usual, familiar way. But the flowers are unconventional method-method"poke". This method is used for drawing furry animals, flowers, images of snow, fireworks. It is unusual in that before starting to paint you should not dip the brush in water; this is a dry method of painting. We immediately dip a dry brush into gouache, it is most suitable, but we must remember that the gouache should be thick and not dry. You only need to dip the tip of the brush into the gouache. We hold the brush strictly vertically, apply the design by applying the brush to the sheet, as if “poking” into it. Hence the name - the “poke” method. We make the first “poke” on an additional sheet so that subsequent “poke”s are of a uniform color. The space designated for the flower should be filled evenly, placing the “pokes” close to each other, trying not to leave gaps and without overlapping them. And one more little secret: the end of the brush needs to be trimmed a little so that it is flat, not rounded or sharp, but straight. Then the “poke” will be fluffier. I suggest trying it on an additional sheet, making a few pokes, filling out an imaginary form.
Have you tried it? Then go ahead! Towards creativity!


1. Let's make the background. We need brush No. 5, blue gouache, water. Wet the sheet with water using a brush and apply the color evenly. We try to leave the edge of the sheet white on all sides - this will be the frame.

Let the sheet dry. The background is ready.
2. Place the sheet vertically. With brush No. 3 we draw the stems.

3. Now the leaves. First we draw the outline.

Now let's fill it with color.

4. Now we will draw a yellow dandelion. We need a bristle brush and yellow gouache. Don’t forget the features of the “poke” method and start drawing a flower. Remember, the brush is positioned strictly vertically in relation to the sheet! And “poke”, “poke”, “poke”!

Here is our living sun!

5. Draw a fluffy dandelion with white gouache.

And another fluffy one.

Let's decorate the leaves with a thin brush along the contour.
The work is ready!

You can draw other versions of the dandelion.

This is how they look together.

And here is a field of dandelions.

My kids immediately noticed these works on the wall in the group and wanted to draw too!
I want to introduce you better job! It was performed by Ekaterina Ermakova. She is only five years old, but she did her job completely on her own!
This is her dandelion!!!

We created a mini-exhibition in the group!

Target: Learn to draw with cotton swabs.

Tasks: Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape, using cotton swabs. Strengthen knowledge of colors (green, yellow, red, blue) and geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle). Bring up careful attitude to nature.

Material: Landscape sheets, yellow and green gouache, dandelion drawing, napkins, cotton swabs, coloring books, magic box, bee toy, colored paper flowers, multi-colored geometric figures.

Preliminary work: looking at grass and flowers while walking.

Progress of the lesson

1. Org. moment.

All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Hold your hands tightly
And smile at each other.

Let's all smile and share good mood with each other and with our guests.

2. Game “Collect flowers by color.”

- Guys, what time of year is it now?

– And colorful flowers bloomed in our meadow. I have geometric shapes on my table. What kind of figure is this?

– red circle, blue triangle, yellow square.

- That's right, well done!

– Take one flower at a time and place blue flowers on the table where the blue triangle is, red flowers where the red circle is, yellow flowers on the table where the yellow square is. Let's check.

- Guys, how many flowers have we collected?

3. In spring, all nature wakes up from a long sleep.

Which flowers bloom first?

– Snowdrops, coltsfoot, dandelions. Dandelion is a medicinal plant, healing and very useful. Its leaves, which contain many vitamins, can be used in salads, and jam can be made from dandelion flowers. Dandelion blooms from early spring until late autumn, in almost any conditions. Before rain and in the evening it closes, in dry weather it opens. Dandelion is not always yellow; time passes, and its flowers turn white, like fluffy balls. You can blow on them and they will fly like little parachutes.

Look how beautiful the dandelion is. How is this flower similar to the sun?

D: Same round and yellow.

Q: What does a dandelion have?

– stem, leaves, flower.

4. Hear someone buzzing. Who is this?

Winged fashionista,
striped dress,
At least a little tall,
bites - it will be bad!

D: Bee.

Q: Hello, bee! What is your name?

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet bloomed anywhere. The bee really wants to taste the nectar. So she came to us.

Q: A bee needs to collect a lot of flower nectar. Where can we get it?

D: Draw.

5. Physical education minute.

Before we get started, we'll play with you.

UMC. Disc No. 1, slide No. 13 “Kaida bezne kullarybyz?”

6. Sit down at the table.

– Today we will draw with cotton swabs. We hold the cotton swab in right hand, three fingers. See how you draw. Let's dial at cotton swab green paint and draw a straight line. This is the stem of a flower, and to draw a leaf we will also draw short line. We have drawn the stem and leaves, now let’s draw a flower. To do this, put yellow paint on another cotton swab and place a bright one on the sheet yellow dot, and then there are many dots around it in a circle (accompanying the explanation with an example).

So the flower turned out to be yellow and fluffy.

Look, another dandelion has grown in our group. Now draw the dandelions yourself. Take your sticks and start drawing.


Q: What wonderful flowers they turned out to be. A golden meadow has grown in our group. The bees will sit on it and drink sweet nectar!

8. Reflection.

Well done boys. Do you want to turn into flowers?

Exercise "Flower".

He says to the flower, flower: pick up your leaf.
Go out onto the path and stamp your foot.
Shake your head and greet the sun in the morning.
Tilt the stem slightly, here is a charge for the flower.
Now wash yourself with dew, rest and calm down.
Finally everyone is ready to greet the day in all its glory.

9. Guys, what did we draw today?

- dandelions.

Maya the bee has prepared bee coloring books for you.

All the guys did their best, Maya the bee is very happy.

Target: teach children to draw a spring flower in an unconventional way.

To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about dandelions, its characteristic features and structure;

Learn to draw a dandelion by depicting it in a drawing characteristics its structure, with the help unconventional technology– stencil;

Develop imagination and perception of the world around us, develop fine motor skills;

To foster a caring attitude towards nature, to form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself/

Integration educational areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Preliminary work:

  • Observation of nature in the kindergarten area;
  • Looking at illustrations of flowering plants, talking about the first spring flowers.
  • Reading and memorizing the poem “Dandelion” by E. Serova. Looking at illustrations.

Equipment: 2 bowls with green and yellow gouache, foam pads, thick paper white half A4 format, dandelion stencil, wet and dry wipes, bee, presentation, puzzle game.

Good morning, guys!

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say "Hello!" each other.

We are too lazy to say hello:

Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!";

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.

Let's say to our guests - GOOD MORNING!!!

I suggest you guess the riddle:

The sun dropped a golden ray,

a flower has grown,

First, young

It has a wonderful golden color

He is a big sun, a small portrait.

What kind of flower is this? Why do they say that he is a small portrait of the sun?

That's right, it's as round and yellow as the sun!

Oh, children, do you hear? Who's buzzing?)…

Children: Bee.

(I bring in a bee.)

Hello, bee!

Hello guys. My name is Maya the Bee! I got into trouble. Soon my bee friends will come to visit me; they really love flower nectar from dandelions. But I have nothing to treat them with, because there are still very few dandelions in our clearing. And I really want to collect a lot of nectar and treat my friends. Maybe you can help me?

Children, where can we get dandelions?

Yes, guys, I also think we can draw dandelions. But first, let's play.

Physical exercise “Dandelion”

Dandelion, dandelion!

( They squat, then slowly rise. )

The stem is as thin as a finger.

If the wind is fast, fast

( They scatter in different directions. )

It will fly into the clearing,

Everything around will rustle.

( They say "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh." )

Dandelion stamens

They'll scatter in a round dance

( They hold hands and walk in a circle. )

And they will merge with the sky.

Now sit down on the chairs and let's take a close look at the screen. (presentation - slides about dandelion)

The sun warmed the earth, and spring flowers appeared along with the grass, yellow dandelions looked at the sun. Have you ever seen dandelions? Where did you see them?

What parts does a dandelion consist of?

Let's see what kind of stem it has?

What kind of leaves? (patterned, carved).

What does a dandelion flower look like? (in the sun, on the ball). Guys, do you know what nectar is?

(Nectar is a sweet juice that is secreted by plants, bees collect it and make honey from it.)

And the flower contains dandelion nectar.

Dandelion is a medicinal flower. It helps with cough. -

Guys, I have interesting game. Shall we play it?

The game “Make a dandelion” is like a puzzle, from different parts.

Well done boys. Let's sit down at the tables now.

Let's stretch our fingers:

Magic fingers

Here are my helpers,

Turn them any way you want.

One two three four five.

They don't sit well again.

Knocked, turned

And they wanted to work.

You and I will draw dandelions using stencils, we have already done this with you. Stencils are the leaves and stems of our dandelions. Apply the stencil to a white sheet, wet the sponge...What color? Use a sponge to draw the stems and shapes of the dandelions and carefully remove the stencil. Look how beautiful we can do it!

Let's continue our work. The bee is waiting for flowers, guests will soon come to her, but there is no treat.

What do we have left to draw? (Children's answers.) Let's now take a clean sponge and dip it in...What kind of paint? and apply it once to make our flower. That's all!

What wonderful flowers they turned out to be. Now let's place the dandelions together in our clearing - it turned out very beautiful.

- Guys, what do you think, is it possible to pick flowers just like that? Trample them underfoot?

Oh, here our bee has arrived! That's how great!

Bee: Oh, thank you guys! Like there are many flowers in the meadow, I will now collect a lot of delicious nectar and treat it to my friends.

How did we draw dandelions?

Are you glad that we helped the bee?

From the experience of working as a teacher. Unconventional drawing technique. Drawing with a hard brush using the “poke” method - “Flowers, flowers...”

Author of the work: Shakleina Irina Yuryevna, teacher of the MADOU TsRR d/s No. 110 Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad city.
This material will be interesting for preschool teachers in working with children preschool age, for parents. The drawing can be used as a gift or room decoration.
Target: creating conditions for the realization of children’s individual creative abilities.
- introduce unconventional drawing techniques;
- to develop the ability to create (in collaboration with a teacher and independently) simple images, to associate the image with objects of the surrounding world;
- develop technical skills, hand-eye coordination, motor characteristics and formative skills;
Materials and tools:
- visual material (painting, illustration or nature);
- drawing paper;
- thick gouache;
- hard bristle brush for glue;
- cloths for drying brushes.

I work in the first younger group(children 2-3 years old). To conduct educational activities(lesson) is given 10 minutes. How I want to give my children the maximum in this short period of time. interesting information, read poetry, do physical exercise, breathing exercises and create another beauty...Especially when flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming around! Their beauty is so short-lived...
How to preserve the beauty of flowers in memory? Well, of course we can draw them.
O. Chusovitina “Gift for Mom”
I love my mom
I'll give her a gift.
I made the gift myself
From paper with paints.
I'll give it to my mom
Hugging tenderly.
For drawing classes, I “found” an assistant - a hard bristle brush for glue. To work, we need a dry brush, and if it happens that you need to wash off the paint, then after washing the brush in water, you need to dry it with a cloth. We need thick gouache. We put paint on the tip of the brush and “knock” the brush, applying paint to the paper. “Knock” - that’s exactly how we talk to kids. The tip of the brush points to the ceiling.
What wonderful work we do.
Spring has come, the sun has warmed up and here they are... dandelions.
Vysotskaya O. “Dandelion”
The sun dropped

Golden ray.
The dandelion has grown
First, young.
He has a wonderful
Golden color.
He's a big sun
Small portrait.

For classes with children 2–4 years old, the teacher makes preparations for each child: cut out leaves from colored paper, glue them onto sheets of paper; for children 2-3 years old we draw with a simple pencil outline of the future flower,

and children 3-4 years old draw a flower on their own.

First, apply paint along the contour of the future flower, and then paint over the free space in the center. The kids draw the stem with felt-tip pens, or paint, but we give them a squirrel brush.
Children of the middle group (and older) draw green leaves themselves, the teacher does not prepare the blanks.

Look, the bird cherry tree has bloomed.

S. Yesenin “Bird cherry” (excerpt)
Bird cherry fragrant
Having hung himself, he stands,
And the greenery is golden
It's burning in the sun.

A. Barto " Spring thunderstorm"(excerpt)
Bird cherry, bird cherry
It blossomed in the ravine.
Bird cherry, bird cherry
It's white and white.
And now May has arrived. The smell of lilac is in the air...

Svetlana Dzhus “Lilac”
The bush is blooming lilac color,
Only it blooms in spring, not summer.
Bees fly around and buzz:
“The aroma of flowers is very pleasant.
We will circle over it all day.
Oh! How beautiful lilacs are!”

For children 2-4 years old, we make preparations for each child.

To depict lilac flowers, children of the first junior group were given ready-made diluted paint (fuchsia + white).

And the children depicted this lilac in a drawing class. First, the children drew bunches of lilacs dark color(purple, fuchsia color), without allowing the first layer to dry, we applied white gouache with a “poke”. The colors mix to create different shades, creating volume.

So autumn has come. But there are still beautiful flowers in the flowerbed.

Marina Blinnikova "Astra".
There is such a flower in the garden
and he looks like a star.
Can be any color.
For autumn bouquet
let's pick a beautiful flower,
It's called ASTRA.

This is ours teamwork.

Thank you for your attention!

From experience working in the 1st junior group in the summer.

Non-traditional drawing technique to help the teacher (in in this case, we stayed in the group because of the rain) An ordinary dishwashing sponge can help us create original and amazing paintings. Painting with a sponge is an excellent solution for those children who are not yet able to skillfully hold a brush in their hands, and not all kids like to get their hands dirty with paint. Learning to paint with a sponge is simple: place it on the palette required amount paints different colors and try to paint over a large one with a sponge contour drawing. Show your child how to apply paint to paper with a sponge.: touch abruptly or spread widely.

Unconventional drawing technique"Dandelions"


Teach children to draw with a sponge on the Dandelion template

Teach children to distinguish colors and name them correctly

Form the correct posture in children when drawing

Enrich artistic experience children

Develop fine motor skills of fingers

To cultivate children's interest in drawing, a positive emotional response, and accuracy when performing

Introductory part

Q: - Guys, look out the window - it’s raining (draws the children’s attention to the flowerbed on the playground).

Guys, look what yellow flowers growing in a flowerbed. What are they like? - (Children’s statements). The teacher sums it up - these flowers are yellow, like the sun.

Reading the poem “Dandelion” by E. Serova

Wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress

Grow up, dress up

In a little white dress

Physical education minute. The teacher shows the movements according to the text and invites the children to repeat them.

Wearing a dandelion (sit down)

Yellow sundress (arms above head in the form of a circle-sun)

He will grow up and dress up (we rise slowly, arms to the sides)

In a little white dress (spring)

Q: Guys, the sun gives us warmth, it warms us with its rays. Warms trees, bushes, birds, animals and us. But now he's gone. Where is it? Where was it hidden? - Children's answers. The teacher sums it up - the sun hid behind a cloud.

Q: So that we don’t feel sad without the sun, I want to teach you how to draw dandelion flowers. Will you draw with me? - Children's answers. The teacher invites the children to sit at the drawing tables and corrects their posture.

Main part

On the easel there is a picture of a dandelion (the teacher draws the children’s attention). On the tables, each child has a sponge, a template and a palette with paint (the teacher draws the children’s attention to the sponge and explains what the children will paint with).

Q: - Guys, look, your dandelions are completely white (the teacher pays attention to the patterns).

Look at the picture. What color are the stems and leaves of a dandelion? - Children's answers. The teacher explains how to paint the stem and leaves on a template with a sponge.

Look at the picture. What color is a dandelion's cap? - Children's answers.

The teacher changes the paint and sponges and explains how to paint the hat on a template.

The teacher helps children if necessary.

Final part

Q: - So we got dandelions. Guys, what did we do? - Children's answers.

Did you enjoy painting with a sponge? - Children's answers.

The teacher praises the children and, together with the children, displays the drawings at the exhibition.

Q: Guys, we got our hands a little dirty. What to do? - Children's answers. The teacher sums it up: you need to wash your hands.