What is sayonara fight in songs. Biography

On July 9, one of the most shocking Russian rappers celebrates his birthday. Now Eljay practically never gives interviews and very rarely comes out of his thoughtful stage image. However, this was not always the case. We remembered the archival interview with Alexey, which he gave to TNT MUSIC when he was recording the album “ Sayonara Boy».

​Photo: Instagram

Eljay turned 24 on Monday. The performer of the hits “Pink Wine”, “Torn Jeans” and “Minimal” is one of the most popular Russian rappers. The provocative image of the artist performing in white lenses without pupils evokes a polar reaction from the audience. Some people think that Eljay is a style icon and a typical bad boy, while others think that the guy is too overrated. We found out who the young man was before he became famous.

Eldzhey's real name is Alexey Uzenyuk. He was born in 1994 in Novosibirsk. There is so little information about Eljay that his fans can only guess how true this or that rumor is.

The artist himself is extremely reluctant to talk about himself and gives interviews even less often. It’s quite difficult to see Eljay without his famous lenses - he even appears in this image during interviews, and in ordinary life hides her eyes under the most stylish sunglasses. However, Uzenyuk once made an exception for the FUNBOX program on TNT MUSIC. In 2016, the aspiring performer, performing under the name Allj, met with presenter Gleb Bolelov and talked about himself and his album “Sayonara Boy”. Then he had just moved to Moscow and was gradually settling down in the capital.

In the recording made two years ago, Lesha looks very calm and modest. He spoke very little about himself and more than once gave the floor to his colleagues. It was clear that Allj was very serious and could not imagine his life without music. Few could have imagined that a novice performer would go so far.

Alexey began to study rap music, feeling that he could compete with many representatives of this genre. One day a childhood friend brought future star for the battle. At that time, Lesha was about 13 years old.

“The guys read from the stage, people liked it all, but I didn’t really like it. I thought: “Why am I worse?” A month later he came to the party and won the battle. And so it went. This is an isolated incident when I was very small. I also remember how I caused a stir in Internet battles,” said the artist.

Eldzhey and presenter Gleb Bolelov
Photo: frame from the FUNBOX program

Alexey advised aspiring artists to think about such events. “If you have nothing to say, you can take part in rap battles. At least they'll give you a topic. There will be something to talk about,” said the performer.

To start playing music, Lesha studied iron himself and acquired the skills that a beginning musician needs.

“Nobody wanted to help me, it took a lot of time. When it became an independent entity, it began releasing tracks and posting them online. It all happened somehow quickly. After three tracks the statistics went up. I thought: “Cool.” People started flocking to my page and contacting me,” the rapper shared.

Eljay moved to Moscow in 2016
Photo: frame from the FUNBOX program

Few people know that since 2013, Allj has presented four albums. In 2016, Alexey graduated from the institute.

“School, university, work - it’s, of course, fun. I tried it all. Those who cannot find themselves definitely need to do this. I found myself as a child, and I had something to strive for. I still see the path to which I need to go,” said Uzenyuk.

Two years ago, the rapper recorded tracks and performed with Kravets, MiyaGi and Endshpil. “Disconnect” didn’t take long to create. The guy sent me some music, I turned it on and stuck around the table and started writing lyrics. I forgot about everything and quickly threw it in,” said Allj.

Eljay once gave interviews without white lenses
Photo: frame from the FUNBOX program

Alexey talked about how he listens to a lot of music - not only beats, but also the work of other artists for himself. According to the rapper, the main thing is originality. “When there is something that I haven’t heard. I can be inspired by anything, even unknown [bullshit],” he shared.

The album "Sayonara Boy" was a turning point in his career young artist. After the release of this record, Lesha significantly increased his audience. Translated from Japanese, "sayonara" means "goodbye."

“On this release I say goodbye to many moments and periods in my life. The second meaning is that "Sayonara Boy" is a guy who has no boundaries. I didn’t choose, it all came to me on its own. I remember this moment, then I again laid something under the cue ball. Bang, it flies out, I understand the meaning of this word and realize: this is what I need,” explained Eljay.

Allj ( Eljay) - this is Alexey Uzenyuk, he was born in the city of Novosibirsk on July 9, 1994. Alexey studied at a regular Novosibirsk school. He graduated from 9th grade and entered medical school, but soon quit studying.

At about 13 years old, Eljay first comes to rap battle platform. One of his friends brought him to this battle party. After which Alekha Eldzhey realized that he could do better. I tried to battle on Novosibirsk battle sites and several times on Internet sites.

LJ began his career as a rap artist, but in 2016 he refocused his style, and his image as a formulaic rapper faded into the background.

Eldzhey's creative path began in 2009. Allj records his first tracks and posts them on VKontakte. Receives the first laudatory comments from social users. networks.

  • In 2013 Allj releases his debut album with rapper MAL, called " Gundezh».
  • In 2014 releases second album " The heads are smoking", then the rapper gains first fame.
  • In 2015 releases the album " A gun", which contains eight tracks.
    • These years he begins to give his first concerts in cities.
  • At the end of 2015 the album " Catacombs».
  • In 2016 the album " Library».

At this point, Eljay gives up the image of a rap artist and begins to make dance tracks, moving on to a club sound.

In September 2016, he recorded a joint track (fit) with Kravets and releases the song " Disconnect».

At the end of 2016 he talks about his past work “Sayonara” (goodbye Japanese) and releases a corresponding album, “SayonaraBoy,” which hits the top spot on iTunes.

Allj begins to appear in public wearing white lenses, which make his pupils completely white and thereby create a performer individual image. Many fans are starting to ask Eljay questions “what’s wrong with your eyes?” The singer releases a song appropriately titled “What’s wrong with my eyes?”

In 2017, matches with rapper Feduk and releases the hit “Rose Wine.”

Cool allusion to the future... cool, for people who are not used to thinking.
Scientists sit and analyze songs, it’s vital, simply vital... To push progress, to invent something new, to change reality and its perception? Pfft... why? If you can just delve into tracks that are about three thousand years old, that probably makes a lot of sense. Specifically in this place, the author insulted scientists who (in her opinion) can engage in such nonsense (and yes, I know that the article is nothing more than a joke, but still).
There are countless plot holes in this story; perhaps there will be more in the Bible.
“I think the setting is the planet of avatars, Pandora. - said the Old Professor. - Everything is blue, everything is beautiful. That’s just what “d*ck” means…” - seriously??? scientists know about the concept of the universe of the movie "Avatar", and admit the possibility that this is not just a fictional story, and at the same time they do not know the meaning of the word "fucking"???
I also admit that the author simply wanted to express her indignation, which was caused by the “sexist” ideas that appear in the song, and she herself did not even notice how she began to promote them.
“In order to find out for sure what was so reliably hidden in the unpretentious script of the “Minimalist” text, I had to build a time machine and move all the way back to the 50th century to a meeting of learned men who have been overseeing progressive thought from time immemorial. No, I didn't smoke anything - that's true. So, let's fly." So, “built a time machine”... don’t even joke about this, because for this you need to think, so let’s go. Move back to the 50th century... Indeed, it’s much easier to build a time machine and go to the distant future than to just think and figure it out on your own, again, let’s go. “...to a meeting of learned men who have been overseeing progressive thought from time immemorial...” There is more sexism in this phrase than in the song itself, saying that only men are able to study scientific activity, and it has been like this since time immemorial, yes, yes.
“- Found an amazing audio file! Research points to approximately the 21st century. We, colleagues, have a unique opportunity to create a portrait of the people of that time! So, I present to your attention Eljay’s song “Minimal.” Is a portrait of a person from the past compiled from a single audio file? WHAT?!
“Our scientists have suggested that this is a code for communicating with alien civilizations.” - Yes, stop mocking scientists already, and here they have humiliated us even further!
“Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei” where did this come from???
“- Notice how the subtlety of the author’s soul is emphasized - he doesn’t know who she is - but he doesn’t give a fuck, because the main thing is the power of love and attraction between young hearts...” if you don’t understand, then in this place the author makes fun of those clichés in which show business is mired, where every song sings about “genuine love at first sight”, where the next Enrique Iglesias sees a stranger (in each video a new one), and he wants to get to know her, connect with her his whole life, wedding, children , all the work... at first glance... Eldzhey honestly admits that for him (and maybe only for his character) this is nothing more than a one-time case in which he will be able to satisfy his, albeit base, but that's all the same natural need for sex. Well, yes, because it’s much easier to sing about endless and fabulous love, in a world where there are a lot of divorces and betrayals. The author shows a typical representative of the night party, who is only interested in, guess what, sex. Hinting that such guys really exist, and there are plenty of them, specifically in clubs. So girls shouldn’t look for their “love” there, because the outcome is obvious.
In the second verse, the narration comes from a deceived guy who, for example, was also looking for “love” in the club. Which suggests that all this was wrong... apparently in the morning it was discovered that the girl without makeup was not nearly as pretty as she was in the club, or when we met. Or, what is even more likely, after some time in the relationship, the real essence of that very girl has surfaced, who loves to blow your mind with or without reason, who begins to put price tags on everything, turning that very “love” into a contract with sexual overtones. I don’t understand why in our society they so often like to use the words whore and prostitute, for example. Like, a whore is a girl who often changes boyfriends... don’t give a damn about the fact that she may be polygamous, or she still hasn’t found the one, or maybe she’s never looked for it. Why do they dislike prostitutes so much when it comes to girls who provide access to their bodies for money, who is being deceived in this case? Everything here is extremely simple: there is a product, there is a buyer, no one is forcing anyone to do anything. Oh yes, the victims here can be wives who are so brazenly cheated on, and everyone is to blame except them, the husband, and the so-called prostitute. What about the fact that in such cases, husbands cheat for various reasons, but no one will find out, right? a “deceived” wife could simply become fat some time after the wedding (for example), which certainly reduces a man’s desire to be with her. You know, there are such fat women who, instead of really taking care of their own body, prefer to smear themselves with tons of cosmetics, grow eyelashes, periodically sunbathe, and so on, all this instead of simply putting their body in order. But they demand to love themselves, although they don’t love themselves... Okay, I was taken in the wrong direction...
“The Old Professor nodded enthusiastically. But he was embarrassed to admit to his colleagues that he still didn’t understand the meaning of the word “fuck it.” do you really think there are things like that? foolish people, who even after obvious explanations do not understand anything, and these people will be scientists in the future??? No kidding?!
“- Young Professor, were you able to decipher ancient language? young professor??? If only everyone addressed each other this way, why names? You were even too lazy to come up with AT LEAST ONE name...
“There was silence. After a couple of minutes, she was interrupted by the timid voice of the Old Professor.
“Why the f*ck did I become a historian?..” yes, everyone understands the word “fuck”, but no one knows the meaning of the word “fuck”... I have a similar question: why the f*ck did you write this “article” ???

But there is still a way - you need your own authenticity. Our cover hero is very successful at this. I remember the day when we were just about to start working on the issue: I was going to the editorial office by subway in a carriage, as usual, packed like a can of canned food. Everyone around was terribly serious and gloomy, and some even said nasty things under their breath. The mood deteriorated, the desire to do anything was carried away at the speed of a train. But then a sound attracted me - I pulled out my headphones and turned around. Students with heavy bags at the ready and notes in their hands laughed loudly and discussed the upcoming test. But this is not the main thing - from a large portable speaker in the hands of one of the guys, Eldzhey sang his collaboration with Feduk “Rose Wine”. And the people around, grumbling, suddenly began to smile and even dance slightly. And so did I - at the same time smiling at the fact that I came up with a hero for the cover.

On Eva: dress, Sportmax On Eldzhey: pullover, trousers, everything – adidas Originals; jacket, H&M

Photo by Igor Klepnev

EG: Lesha, hello! Let's start from the very beginning, this is an excursion for those who know you from “Rose Wine” and “Ripped Jeans” at parties. When and why did you take the pseudonym Eljay?

Eljay: Firework! When I was still small, my boys and I “bombed” the walls, that is, painted graffiti, and everyone had their own “tag” - this is the name that is written on the wall, their own nickname. Eljay was my nickname then and remains to this day.

EG: At what point did Sayonara Boy appear and what does it mean? So you have two pseudonyms?

Eljay: The choice of a new name was deliberate, and it is no longer just a pseudonym. I was 21 years old, and there was one very important turning point in my life, after which it was divided into before and after.

Sayonara translates to “goodbye” in Japanese. Then I said goodbye to people and things that prevented me from developing and kept me from pushing off from the bottom.

Pullover, Iceberg

Photo by Igor Klepnev

Pullover, Iceberg

Photo by Igor Klepnev

Pullover, Iceberg

Photo by Igor Klepnev

EG: Speaking of battles. Now this topic is wildly popular. Did you have a desire to do this again, well, at least once, to remember where it all began, so to speak?

Eljay: There was a lot of hype around battle rap and it became mainstream for a long time. But it's not mine. Creative interest I don’t see this, I won’t do it for the sake of hype. So it's unlikely.

EG: In general, do you watch Versus and its variations? Do you have a favorite battler? How do you feel about the guys who are doing this: Oxy, Slava CPSU and others?

Eljay: I've probably already answered this question. I have other interests.

Pullover, trousers, everything – adidas Originals; sneakers, Alexander Wang x adidas Originals; socks, adidas

Photo by Igor Klepnev

EG: The peak for you happened with the release of “Rose Wine” - the song is cool, no doubt. But what happened to Feduk? He recently visited Yura Dudya and told his version. We are sure you have your own view on this situation.

Eljay: Nothing special happened, the boys were just in a hurry, they released the video unfinished, and I didn’t like it. I don’t treat my material that way. I think that if you do it, then squeeze out the maximum quality.

I was focused on doing it well, and the guys were focused on the speed of releasing the video. We did not agree on this.

EG: Most of your tracks have such peppy beats and crazy lyrics. The latest release is the song “Minimal”. Cool, by the way, but suddenly sad. Is there something wrong?

Eljay: Just another episode from my life. You just need to listen to the song, everything is very clear there.

On Eva: dress, Sportmax On Eldzhey: pullover, Topshop, lamoda.ru

Photo by Igor Klepnev

EG: By the way, how do you write your songs? What inspires you? How do words appear? Do you also write your own music?

Eljay: Always in different ways and in different places: on the plane, in the hotel - it doesn’t matter. Anything can inspire. I don’t write music myself, I can sketch out a beat, but in general writing music is not my thing.

EG: Name five performers who, in your opinion, are really cool.

Eljay: 6lack, Black Cinema, a.chal, Travis Scott, the Blaze, ZHU. This is the first thing that came to mind.

EG: Which of them, or not of them, would you really like to work with?

Eljay: There are plans, but I won’t reveal them yet. In general, I’m already working with the group “Black Cinema”. They are cool.

On Eljay: pullover, Topshop, lamoda.ru

Photo by Igor Klepnev

EG: You are wildly popular now. What are you striving for when so much has already been achieved? Describe the moment when you say: that’s it, life is good.

Eljay: On the one hand, my life was successful when I found myself in music, on the other hand, I don’t plan to stop for such thoughts in the near future. I definitely have room for improvement, and not just in music.

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 goodbye (58) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

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