Marina Kim personal life husband. TV presenter Marina Kim

To begin with, Marina Kim stated that the birth of her second child was a gift of fate. Actually, that’s why she named her daughter Darina. It turns out that the TV presenter actively trained for the show “Without Insurance,” taking special supplements twice a day. Marina considers it a miracle that the baby was born absolutely healthy.

Darina has been feeding on formula almost since birth. Kim decided to artificial feeding after how stressful breastfeeding was for her eldest daughter Briana. "I was very nervous, I left the milk all the time. Then it started" glacial period", daily training. And it was, of course, a nightmare! I sent milk with the driver, he got stuck in a traffic jam, while the child at home was screaming from hunger... Everyone was on edge. A month later, I switched Briana to formula, and then we exhaled "Kim explained.

According to the TV presenter, in the second month of life, both of her girls became somehow “crazy”: either colic or something else. For example, with Darina we had to develop an unusual feeding scheme. “Now Darina has a peculiarity: we feed the child only in her sleep. She needs to be rocked, put to sleep so that she falls asleep, and only then can she eat. If you feed her while awake, she gets excited, worries, gasps for air. And she can’t really to eat. That’s the peculiarity. By the time we realized this ourselves, it took three months to get used to it,” Marina said.

“I was very scared then for both her and the youngest - I was afraid that she would also catch this infection. It was real horror!”

Briana is jealous of Darina's mother. “He lies down on the changing table, his legs dangling, and says: “Mom, swaddle me. Mom, change the diaper." He takes his sister's nipples and sucks. "Mom, take me in your arms too. Mom, give me some milk." He climbs into her crib. He rides on her rocking chair. He tries in every possible way to show that she, too, can be little, so there is no need for a second girl. She tells me: "Leave her. Put. Give it to the nanny,” TV Program quotes Marina Kim.

Now, while Darina is still very small, the presenter tries to devote all her time to Briana. However, when youngest daughter grows up, Marina is sure that things will turn out between the girls real war for mom. “Briana is also a commander by nature. She tells everyone what to do. She will build even a small one,” Kim stated.

There was also talk about the girls' father, whom the presenter does not advertise. According to Marina, dad prefers to keep his distance from the girls. "You know, there is a category of husbands who help a lot. Nowadays there is even such a fashion: mom is at work, and a young dad is doing laps in the park with a stroller. This has never happened in my life. Love, attention - all this is there. But for dad girls became an analogue of a nanny - this doesn’t work. I’m calm about this. To each his own,” the presenter noted.

Marina thought that the second birth would be easier, because she already knew what to prepare for. However, the process still turned out to be a big blow for her. In addition, the first month after Darina’s birth seemed like hell for the presenter. “All this is due to the fact that you don’t sleep, solve the problem with the breast, establish feeding. Then, on the contrary, you try to reduce. The child either does not take the breast or the pacifier. Anyone who has been worried about this is familiar. And accordingly, the brain is occupied only with this “I experienced enormous stress,” admitted Marina.

In Marina Kim’s life, everything is interconnected and in harmony, so she likes everything that happens at work and in the family. IN creative biography The TV presenter has new projects, but she also continues to work on old ones.

Possessing professional skills and excellent appearance, it is no coincidence that Kim is interested in TV viewers who want to know the details of her personal life.

Childhood and adolescence

Marina was born in 1983 in Leningrad. Her father, a Korean by nationality, grew up in Kabardino-Balkaria. His work is related to business. Mom is Russian, originally from the Baltic states, and is engaged in teaching. Her brother Anton also grew up in the family. In her childhood, the future TV star danced enthusiastically, went to all kinds of clubs, and as she got older, she became interested in the modeling business.

In childhood

The tall, slender beauty not only worked as a model, but also starred in music videos. After graduating from school, she applied to the university, and then was enrolled in the Faculty of International Relations. However, two years later Kim transferred to the Moscow Institute of International Relations, from which she successfully graduated.

Work in TV shows

While still a student, the girl showed interest in working as a TV presenter, thanks to which she managed to get on television, where she hosted the “Markets” program on the RBC-TV channel. Soon Marina took courses for TV presenters, and in 2006 she tried her hand as an actress, starring in leading role in the film “Serko”, where Alexey Chadov became her partner. In 2007, she was entrusted with hosting the Vesti program on the Rossiya TV channel, and a year later the girl appeared on the evening editions of Vesti, becoming a co-host of Ernest Matskevichyus. Even then, the abilities of the young presenter were noted not only by the channel’s managers, but also by many viewers who were impressed by her artistry, ability to present herself, as well as professional quality. Later, changes came in her career: in addition to working as a presenter, Kim made reports for such programs as “Vesti”, “Vesti on Saturday”, “Vesti Nedeli”.

In the fall of 2014, she moved to Channel One in the program “ Good morning", becoming co-host of Timur Solovyov. With her colleague, Marina not only works for film set, but also often appears on social events. Were in her creative career and other projects: in 2012, the broadcast star was a participant dance show“Dancing with the Stars”, performing with Alexander Litvinenko; She also hosted the “Big Dance Close-Up” program and took part in various forums. In 2017, I made short reports about the people of North Korea.

Personal life: novels and having children

Their romantic relationship Kim never spoke with men in public, considering it a closed topic. While participating in the show “Dancing with the Stars,” she was credited with an affair with choreographer Rodion Baryshev, and in 2015 they started talking about a close relationship with American director and producer Brett Ratner. As it turned out, they met several years ago, during her vacation. A year after the first meeting, the TV presenter and director met in Budapest, where they were located due to the nature of their work. From that time on, a relationship arose between them: the Channel One star actively posted photos together with him, calling him My man in the comments, which translated means “my man.”

Brett Ratner and Marina Kim

In 2014, she gave birth to a daughter, Briana, and two years later, a second daughter, Darina. Both babies were born in America. Marina never admitted to fans who the father of her children is. She did not stay long on maternity leave and within a few months began working on television. Marina has not yet married, but she has a loved one in her life. Grandmothers and nannies help her manage her daughters.

In the photo Marina Kim with her daughters Briana and Darina

The babies' father also participates in their upbringing: he gives them love and attention, but often cannot afford to be near them. For some time now, Kim has begun publishing pictures of her children on the Internet, which makes her fans very happy. The TV star finds time to go to a performance in Grand Theatre, and also visit the Mariinsky Theater when he comes to St. Petersburg. Her figure can be the envy of many young girls (with a height of 170 cm, her weight is approximately 50 kg), although the beauty herself does not strain herself with training and does not go on a strict diet.

The photographs clearly show that the TV presenter is simply beaming with happiness. She touchingly holds in her arms a newborn baby, for whom she has chosen a set of clothes. white so that no one can guess the gender. My family life Kim prefers to keep things strictly secret. The TV presenter gave her eldest daughter Briana a brother or sister. The point is that on early During pregnancy, Marina was told that she would have a boy, and then an ultrasound showed that the TV presenter was still expecting a girl. Briana also went to the USA with her mother and, despite the fact that the child was born just a couple of days ago, the girl has already managed to meet the new member of the family.

Marina learned that another child would be born into the TV presenter’s family when she was four months pregnant. At that time, the journalist took part in the rather extreme TV show “Without Insurance.” Kim was very worried that fairly intense training could somehow harm her unborn baby, so she refused to participate in the large-scale project.

Apparently, Marina is not going to dedicate the public to her personal life. For many, it remains a mystery who is the father of her eldest daughter, whom she is raising on her own. This time the TV star also does not talk about her chosen one. Despite the fact that Kim will now have to care for a newborn baby, she does not intend to quit her job. Marina hopes that she will be able to successfully combine caring for two heirs and working on television. Moreover, she admitted that it was not enough for her to just be a mother - she was not ready to fully devote herself to the family.

Marina Kim is one of the most mysterious TV presenters in our country; little is known about her personal life and children, photos of which can be found on the Internet. Marina is a successful journalist, has worked in various television projects, and hosts a highly rated program on the country's main channel. Marina Kim manages to do everything, work and take care of two children.

Personal life

Marina Evgenievna does not like to talk about her relationships with the opposite sex; she avoids answering any questions from journalists. However, since the TV presenter has been working on major TV channels, it has become more difficult for her to hide her personal life from journalist friends.

TV presenter Marina Kim

When Marina Kim was involved in the famous TV show “Dancing with the Stars,” fans and colleagues on the project began to suspect that she was love story with Sasha Litvinenko.

But neither the young man nor Marina Kim commented on these rumors. Somewhat later, in one of her stories to journalists, the popular TV presenter admitted that she was dating Brett Ratner, a director from the United States of America.

It is known that young people met each other in 2011 in the Caribbean, where they celebrated winter holidays Marina. There are rumors that love relationship remain to this day. Marina and Brett see each other in their free time from work.

Marina Kim with Brett Ratner

Daughter Briana

At the end of spring 2014, TV announcer Marina Kim gave birth to her second baby. The birth took place in America, among the other women giving birth, Marina was the youngest, some women were already over forty and even over fifty. Oddly enough, the doctors were calm about age. Marina Kim gave birth to a daughter with normal height and weight; the TV presenter named the girl Briana. The baby was breastfed for three months, after which Marina had to go back to work and transfer her daughter to formula. The baby's hair was dark at first, but after a few months it began to lighten. Now the girl looks like a blonde.

With daughter Briana

In May 2017, Briana celebrated her third birthday. TV presenter Marina Kim often publishes photos of children in in social networks, but does not answer questions about his personal life.

Darina's daughter

The news of her second pregnancy took Marina Kim by surprise. In 2016, Telediktor was then involved in the show “Without Insurance.” Marina trained intensively, ate and slept in the car so as not to waste precious time on the road. During preparation for the show, Kim spent many hours perfecting trampoline jumps, performing somersaults and others. physical exercise. One day she remembered that she had not been monitoring her cycle for several months and rushed to the doctor.

An ultrasound examination confirmed pregnancy, which was a little more than three months old. The doctor was very surprised how Marina was able to carry the child while jumping on a trampoline for the entire term.

TV presenter during her second pregnancy

For a long time they could not accurately determine the sex of the baby; at first the doctors assured that the baby would be a girl, then they assumed that Marina would have a son. As the presenter herself said, she was ready for any option. Marina, like last time, flew to the United States to give birth to her baby.

Marina with her daughters

During childbirth, the doctors asked what the child’s name was in order to immediately greet him, but Marina still did not know what she would name her daughter. Kim was very worried about the baby’s health, because intense sports activities and special food for training could harm her.

The girl was born healthy. Marina decided that it was a real gift from God. The presenter named her second daughter Darina. Marina breastfed the baby, like her older sister, for three months, then went back to work.

Marina with her husband

Marina Evgenievna is helped with her children by her mother and two nannies. The difference between Marina’s daughters is two years. It is noteworthy that both girls have blond hair, although they were dark at birth, and also have the same gray-blue color eye.

In one of the interviews, the TV presenter said that the girls have one dad, the man helps the family financially. Marina Kim does not like to display photos of her children, as well as her personal life, for public viewing, but you can see a couple of cute pictures on Instagram.

Marina with her second daughter


Marina Kim was born in St. Petersburg in August 1983. His father is Korean by nationality, he grew up in Kabardino-Balkaria, his mother is Russian, she and her family lived in the Baltic states. In addition to their daughter, the parents raised a son; it is known that the brother is older than Marina. Like all children, the future TV presenter studied at school. In addition to regular lessons, she received additional education.

The girl went to dance studio. At the age of sixteen, the girl very successfully tried herself in the modeling business.

M. Kim

Marina also took part in the filming of music videos. Having studied eleven classes, Marina Kim successfully passed the exams at St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of International Relations. After studying for two years, hometown Marna arranged a transfer to the famous Moscow MGIMO. The girl continued to receive education in the same specialty. As a fifth-year student, Marina Kim hosted the “Markets” program on the RBC channel. Practical lessons Marina worked at the Federation Council and at the Institute of America and Canada.

Upon graduation, Marina Evgenievna Kim was awarded a diploma in research North America. After some time, Marina undergoes training in TV presenter courses. Two years after graduation, Marina Kim became the host of the “News” program; Ernest Matskevichyus then became her partner.

Marina’s professionalism was noted by management, and the TV presenter’s rating was actively growing. Soon Marina was assigned to host a program broadcast at 11 o’clock in the afternoon, and then at 16 o’clock. She hosted the Vesti television program together with Sasha Golubev. In 2012, Marina Kim took part in the seventh season of the project “Dancing with the Stars” with Alexander Litvinenko. The young people were able to win second place and the sympathy of the audience.

On the show "Dancing with the Stars"

This is the debut in entertainment show became a new step in career growth Marina Kim. A talented presenter was called to lead new project"Big Dance Close Up" A year later, Marina begins working as a TV presenter information program“A Week in the City”, the girl talks about all the significant events that happened in the capital over seven days.

In 2014, Marina Kim was invited to work on Channel One. The TV show “Good Morning” was chosen deliberately, because the girl was tired of hosting serious programs. In which every day we had to talk about disasters, politics and various disasters.

In the morning show, Marina often talks about culinary dishes, recipes, and useful things that can be used in cooking, congratulates on the holidays the artists who are in the morning show studio every day, and gives viewers positive emotions. Marina Evgenievna Kim has an original project about the current events in North Korea.

“Good Morning” program on First

This job as a TV presenter was not easy, because local residents don't rush to go frank conversations, for this they may be subject to serious penalties.

Marina Kim talented actress, for the first time she starred in a film directed by French director Joel Farge. The talented presenter also played the role of an abandoned girl in the youth comic film “Bishkek, I Love You.” The film was collected at the box office in Kyrgyzstan full halls grateful viewers.

Marina Kim famous TV presenter, raises two children, prefers to remain silent when asked about his personal life, which further arouses the interest of fans and colleagues.

What is your nationality? In many reference notes, the nationality of this lady is not hidden. They write that Marina Kim was born into a “Soviet international family. Her father is Russian Korean, her mother is Russian from the Baltic states. What does “Russian Korean” mean? This means that he is not a citizen of Korea, but a Korean from Kabardino-Balkaria. There is such a republic in the North Caucasus. There are now about 4 thousand Koreans there. How did the Koreans end up there? Answer: Stalin resettled them from the eastern part of Russia. I moved for two reasons. Among them were many Japanese spies. And it was undesirable, even dangerous, to have large settlements of Koreans on the border, who would sooner or later demand autonomy and secession.

Parents came to St. Petersburg to enter the construction institute, met, got married and conceived Marina Kim.

Marina Kim studied at St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of International Relations. Marina Kim: “At first I studied to be a diplomatic worker in St. Petersburg, then the situation changed - I ended up in Moscow and transferred to MGIMO, from which I graduated. Five years of study in such a strict and sufficient closed establishment made themselves felt: I wanted life, I wanted some kind of drive. I understood that I didn’t need to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find drive, and I became interested in television. But I still haven’t closed the road to diplomacy for myself.” Marina entered the TV presenter course.

I wanted to drive, the girl got it Russian television. But for this you need to have a need to tell the truth on television. And if you tell the truth on television, they will soon kick you out. And how does Marina Kim know the truth? At MGIMO they did not and do not speak the truth. They're zombies there.

“Already in my 5th year I started working on television. At first it was the Delovoi TV channel, then RBC, where she worked as an analyst financial markets. After that, she received an invitation to work in the news program of the Russia TV channel. In 2012, Marina Kim took part in dance program"Dancing with the Stars".

Since 2004, she has worked as a TV presenter for the “Markets” program on the RBC TV channel. Since 2007, the presenter of Vesti. Started reporting in September 2008 evening episodes program "Vesti" at 20:00 paired with Lithuanian Ernest Matskevičius.

Then he hosts the Vesti program at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. together with Alexander Golubev. In 2012, Marina Kim took part in the seventh season of the project “Dancing with the Stars” with Alexander Litvinenko. Then the Korean was invited to host a new project, “Big Dance Close-Up.” A year later, Marina begins work as a TV presenter of the information program “Week in the City.”
In 2014, Marina moved to Channel 1 “Good Morning”.

As an actress she starred in the films "Serko" and "Bishkek, I love you"
She has a lot of Korean cousins and paternal sisters, because the father was one of seven children in his grandparents' family. She visited North Korea.
But she married neither a Korean nor a Russian.

In 2012, daughter Briana was born from the sperm of the American Jew Brett Ratner.
At the end of spring 2014, Marina Kim gave birth to a second daughter from this Jew, Brett Ratner, in America. They called her Dorina.
That is, two daughters on their father’s side are of Jewish nationality.

Marina Kim and Jew Brett Ratner