Nobel Prize for Literature. Great Russian writers who did not receive the Nobel Prize Nabokov, Nobel Prize laureate

Synesthesia is a phenomenon of perception when, upon stimulation of one sense organ, along with sensations specific to it, sensations corresponding to another sense organ also arise, in other words, signals emanating from different sense organs are mixed and synthesized. A person not only hears sounds, but also sees them, not only touches an object, but also feels its taste. The word "synesthesia" comes from the Greek. ?????????? and means a mixed sensation (as opposed to “anesthesia” - the absence of sensations).

This is what Vladimir Nabokov wrote in his autobiography:

Besides Vladimir himself, his mother and his wife were synesthetes; His son Dmitry Vladimirovich Nabokov also had synesthesia.

Nobel Prize in Literature

Beginning in the 1960s, rumors spread about Vladimir Nabokov's possible nomination for the Nobel Prize. In 1972, two years after receiving the prestigious prize, Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote a letter to the Swedish committee recommending that Nabokov be nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Although the nomination did not take place, Nabokov expressed deep gratitude to Solzhenitsyn for this gesture in a letter sent in 1974, after Solzhenitsyn's expulsion from the USSR. Subsequently, the authors of many publications (in particular the London Times, The Guardian, New York Times) ranked Nabokov among those writers who were undeservedly not included in the lists of nominees.

Teaching activities

He taught Russian and world literature and published several courses of literary lectures, created translations of “Eugene Onegin” and “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” into English.


He was seriously interested in chess: he was a fairly strong practical player and published a number of interesting chess problems.

In some novels, the chess motif becomes cross-cutting: in addition to the obvious dependence of the fabric of “Luzhin’s Defense” on the chess theme, in “the true life of Sebastian Knight” many meanings are revealed if you correctly read the names of the characters: the main character Knight is a knight on the novel’s chessboard, Bishop is a bishop .


Nabokov was a self-taught entomologist. He made significant contributions to lepidopterology (a branch of entomology focusing on lepidoptera), discovered twenty species of butterflies, and authored eighteen scientific articles. He oversaw the butterfly department at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University.

After the death of the writer, his wife Vera donated a collection of butterflies in 4324 copies to the University of Lausanne.

In 1945, based on an analysis of the genitalia of blueberry butterflies, he developed a new classification for the genus Polyommatus, which differs from the generally accepted one. For many decades, Nabokov's hypothesis was not taken seriously. The hypothesis was later confirmed by DNA analysis.

Nabokov about himself


Film adaptations

Television versions of theatrical productions

  • 1992 - “Lolita” (Roman Viktyuk Theatre), duration 60 min. (Russia, director: Roman Viktyuk, starring: The Unknown Gentleman - Sergei Vinogradov, Humbert Humbert - Oleg Isaev, Lolita - Lyudmila Pogorelova, Charlotte - Valentina Talyzina, Quilty - Sergei Makovetsky, Annabel / Louise / Ruta / Elder Sister / Second Sister - Ekaterina Karpushina, Rita - Svetlana Parkhomchik, Young man - Sergey Zhurkovsky, Dick / Bill - Anton Khomyatov, Little girl - Varya Lazareva)
  • 2000 - “King, Queen, Jack”, duration 2 hours 33 minutes. (Russia, director: V.B. Pazi, starring: Elena Komissarenko, Dmitry Barkov, Mikhail Porechenkov, Alexander Sulimov, Irina Balai, Margarita Aleshina, Konstantin Khabensky, Andrey Zibrov)
  • 2001 - “Mashenka” - a television version of the play by the Theater Company of Sergei Vinogradov. In 1997, Sergei staged the play “Nabokov, Mashenka”, which opened the “Sergei Vinogradov Theater Company”. For this work, in 1999, he received the prize “For Best Plastic Directing” at the theater festival dedicated to Nabokov’s 100th anniversary. Duration 1 hour 33 minutes. (Russia, director: Sergey Vinogradov, cast: Ganin - Evgeny Stychkin, Mashenka - Elena Zakharova, Alferov - Boris Kamorzin, Podtyagin - Anatoly Chaliapin, Clara - Olga Novikova, Colin - Grigory Perel, Gornotsvetov - Vladimir Tyagichev, Maria Alferova - Natalya Zakharova)
  • 2002 - “Lolita, or In Search of the Lost Paradise” (Donetsk Academic Order of Honor Regional Russian Drama Theater, Mariupol), duration 2 hours 25 minutes. (Act 1 - 1 hour 18 min., Act 2 - 1 hour 07 min.) (Ukraine, director: Anatoly Levchenko, starring: Humbert Humbert - Oleg Grishkin, Lolita - Oksana Lyalko, Charlotte Haze - Natalya Atroshchenkova, Claire Quilty - Alexander Harutyunyan, Louise - Natalya Metlyakova, Humbert in childhood - Mikhail Starodubtsev, Youth - Valentin Pilipenko, Doctor - Igor Kurashko, Dick - Andrey Makarchenko, Constance - Inna Meshkova)

Films about Nabokov

  • 2007 - “Nabokov: Happy Years (2 films)” - a documentary film about Vladimir Nabokov. Duration about 60 minutes. (2 parts, approximately 30 minutes each) (dir. Maria Gershtein)
  • 2009 - “Geniuses and villains of the passing era: Vladimir Nabokov” - a documentary television program from a well-known cycle in Russia. Duration 26 min. (broadcast November 17, 2009)


In October 2006, the Vladimir Nabokov Museum in St. Petersburg hosted a photo exhibition “Nabokov's Addresses”, which presented photographs of the houses in which Nabokov and his family lived. The authors of the photo are D. Konradt, D. Ripple, I. Kaznob, A. Nakata and the chief curator of the Nabokov Museum E. Kuznetsova.

Asteroid 7232 Nabokov was named in honor of Vladimir Nabokov in 1985.

Essays (“Nikolai Gogol”, 1944).

Translations into English of “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Pushkin, “Hero of Our Time” by Mikhail Lermontov and “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign”.

The poetics of stylistically refined prose is composed of both realistic and modernist elements (linguostylistic play, all-encompassing parody, imaginary hallucinations). A principled individualist, Nabokov is ironic in his perception of any type of mass psychology and global ideas (especially Marxism, Freudianism). Nabokov's unique literary style was characterized by a charade game of reminiscences and puzzles of encrypted quotes.

Nabokov - synesthete

Synesthesia is a phenomenon of perception when, upon stimulation of one sense organ, along with sensations specific to it, sensations corresponding to another sense organ also arise, in other words, signals emanating from different sense organs are mixed and synthesized. A person not only hears sounds, but also sees them, not only touches an object, but also feels its taste. The word "synesthesia" comes from Συναισθησία and means a mixed sensation (as opposed to "anesthesia" - the absence of sensations).

This is what Vladimir Nabokov wrote in his autobiography:

The confession of a synesthete will be called pretentious and boring by those who are protected from such seeps and strains by denser partitions than I am protected. But to my mother it all seemed quite natural. We talked about this when I was in my seventh year, I was building a castle out of multi-colored alphabet cubes and casually noticed to her that they were colored incorrectly. We immediately found out that some of my letters were the same color as hers, and in addition, she was optically affected by musical notes. They did not arouse any chromaticism in me.

Besides Vladimir himself, his mother and his wife were synesthetes; His son Dmitry Vladimirovich Nabokov also had synesthesia.

Nobel Prize in Literature

Beginning in the 1960s, rumors spread about Vladimir Nabokov's possible nomination for the Nobel Prize.

In 1972, two years after receiving the prestigious prize, Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote a letter to the Swedish committee recommending that Nabokov be nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Although the nomination did not take place, Nabokov expressed deep gratitude to Solzhenitsyn for this gesture in a letter sent in 1974, after Solzhenitsyn's expulsion from the USSR. Subsequently, the authors of many publications (in particular, London Times, The Guardian, New York Times) ranked Nabokov among those writers who were undeservedly not included in the lists of nominees.

Teaching activities

He taught Russian and world literature, translated “Eugene Onegin” and “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” into English. The lectures were published posthumously by the American bibliographer Fredson Bowers with the assistance of the widow of the writer V. E. Nabokova and the son of D. V. Nabokov: “Lectures on Literature” (1980), “Lectures on Russian Literature” (1981), “Lectures on Don Quixote” (1983).


He was seriously interested in chess: he was a fairly strong practical player and published a number of interesting chess problems.

In some novels, the chess motif becomes cross-cutting: in addition to the obvious dependence of the fabric of “Luzhin’s Defense” on the chess theme, in “the true life of Sebastian Knight” many meanings are revealed if you correctly read the names of the characters: the main character Knight is a knight on the novel’s chessboard, Bishop is a bishop .

Besides Vladimir himself, his mother and his wife were synesthetes; His son Dmitry Vladimirovich Nabokov also had synesthesia.

Nobel Prize in Literature

Beginning in the 1960s, rumors spread about Vladimir Nabokov's possible nomination for the Nobel Prize. Nabokov was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature at least three times: in 1963 by Robert Adams, 1964 by Elizabeth Hill, and 1965 by Andrew J Chiappe and Frederick Wilcox Dupee.

In 1972, two years after receiving the prestigious prize, Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote a letter to the Swedish committee recommending that Nabokov be nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Although the nomination did not take place, Nabokov expressed deep gratitude to Solzhenitsyn for this gesture in a letter sent in 1974, after Solzhenitsyn's expulsion from the USSR. Subsequently, the authors of many publications (in particular, the London Times, The Guardian, New York Times) ranked Nabokov among those writers who were undeservedly not included in the lists of nominees.


Nabokov was professionally engaged in entomology. His interest in this area was influenced by the books of Maria Sibylla Merian, which he found in the attic of the Vyra estate. Nabokov made a significant contribution to lepidopterology (the branch of entomology devoted to lepidoptera), discovering many species of butterflies; over 30 species of butterflies (including Madeleinea lolita) and the genus of butterflies Nabokovia were named in his honor and after the names of the heroes of his works.

Part of the collection of butterflies collected by Nabokov in the 1940s - 1950s, located in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University (USA), with the help of zoologist N.A. Formozov, after the writer’s death, was donated to the Nabokov Museum. Nabokov worked at the Harvard Museum for seven years (1941-1948) and most of his personal collection collected over the years was donated to this museum. The butterflies in this collection were collected during his summer travels throughout the western United States. It is noteworthy that the description of these travels, including cafes and motels, was subsequently included in the novel Lolita as a description of the travels of a pedophile criminal and his victim.

After the death of the writer, his wife Vera donated a collection of butterflies in 4324 copies to the University of Lausanne.

In 1945, based on an analysis of the genitalia of male blue butterflies, he developed a new classification for the genus Polyommatus, which differs from the generally accepted one. Later, Nabokov's point of view on the taxonomy of pigeons was confirmed using DNA analysis.

According to biologist Nikolai Formozov, butterflies were an integral part of the imagery of most of Nabokov’s works: for example, in the story “Christmas,” Sleptsov’s internal monologue is interrupted at the word “death” by the unexpected appearance of a butterfly Attacus atlas from the cocoon. In the novel “Invitation to an Execution,” Cincinnatus, while writing a letter, is distracted from it to touch a pear peacock eye (Saturnia pyri), which later, after the execution of the protagonist, flies out through the broken window of the cell. A swarm of white nocturnal and bright exotic butterflies circles over the deceased Pilgram in the finale of the story of the same name. The angel in the story “Strike of a Wing,” according to the writer’s description, is like a moth: “The brown fur on the wings smoked and shimmered with frost<…>[he] rested on his palms like a sphinx” (“sphinx” is the Latin name for one of the genus of hawkmoth butterflies - Sphinx). The route of the swallowtail, described in the book “Other Shores,” repeats the route of his great-great-grandfather, the Decembrist M. A. Nazimov, to the place of his Siberian exile. In total, butterflies are mentioned in the writer’s works more than 570 times.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov(also published under the pseudonym Sirin; April 10, 1899, St. Petersburg - July 2, 1977, Montreux) - Russian and American writer, poet, translator, literary critic and entomologist.


St. Petersburg Museum of V.V. Nabokov. The museum is housed in a house that belonged to the Nabokov family since 1897. Vladimir Nabokov was born here in 1899 and spent the first 18 years of his life in this house

Vladimir Nabokov was born on April 10 (22), 1899 in St. Petersburg into a wealthy noble family.

Father - Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov (1869-1922), lawyer, famous politician, one of the leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadet Party), from the Russian old noble family of the Nabokovs. Mother - Elena Ivanovna (nee Rukavishnikova; 1876-1939), the daughter of a wealthy gold miner, came from a small noble family.

In addition to Vladimir, there were four more brothers and sisters in the family:

  • Sergei Vladimirovich Nabokov (1900-1945) - translator, journalist, died in the Nazi concentration camp Neuengamme.
  • Olga Vladimirovna Nabokova (1903-1978), Shakhovskaya in her first marriage, Petkevich in her second.
  • Elena Vladimirovna Nabokova (1906-2000), Scolari in her first marriage, Sikorskaya in her second. Her correspondence with Vladimir Nabokov has been published.
  • Kirill Vladimirovich Nabokov (1912-1964) - poet, godson of brother Vladimir.

Paternal grandfather, Dmitry Nikolaevich Nabokov, was Minister of Justice in the governments of Alexander II and Alexander III, paternal grandmother Maria Ferdinandovna, Baroness von Korff (1842-1926), daughter of Baron Ferdinand-Nicholas-Victor von Korff (1805-1869) , German general in Russian service. Maternal grandfather Ivan Vasilyevich Rukavishnikov (1843-1901), gold miner, philanthropist, maternal grandmother Olga Nikolaevna Rukavishnikova, ur. Kozlova (1845-1901), daughter of Nikolai Illarionovich Kozlov (1814-1889), doctor, professor, head of the Imperial Medical-Surgical Academy.

The Nabokov family used three languages: Russian, English and French, so the future writer spoke three languages ​​from early childhood. In his own words, he learned to read English before he could read Russian. The first years of Nabokov's life were spent in comfort and prosperity in the Nabokovs' house on Bolshaya Morskaya in St. Petersburg and in their country estate Vyra (near Gatchina).

Estate in Rozhdestveno next to Batovo and Vyra

He began his education at the Tenishevsky School in St. Petersburg, where Osip Mandelstam had studied shortly before. Literature and entomology become Nabokov's two main hobbies.

In the fall of 1916, a year before the October Revolution, Vladimir Nabokov received the Rozhdestveno estate and a million-dollar inheritance from Vasily Ivanovich Rukavishnikov, his maternal uncle. In 1916, Nabokov, while still a student at the Tenishev School, used his own money to publish in St. Petersburg under his own name the first poetry collection “Poems” (68 poems written from August 1915 to May 1916). This is Nabokov's only book officially published in Russia during his lifetime. Nabokov himself never republished the poems from the collection.

The October Revolution forced the Nabokovs to move to Crimea, where Vladimir had his first literary success - his works were published in the newspaper “Yalta Voice” and were used by theater troupes, many of whom were fleeing the dangers of the revolutionary times on the southern coast of Crimea. In April 1919, before the seizure of Crimea by the Bolsheviks, the Nabokov family left Russia forever. Some of the family jewelry was taken with them, and with this money the Nabokov family lived in Berlin, while Vladimir was educated at Cambridge University (Trinity College), where he continues to write Russian poetry and translates “Alice in the Country” into Russian miracles" by Lewis Carroll. At Cambridge University, Nabokov founded the Slavic Society, which later became the Russian Society of Cambridge University.

In March 1922, Vladimir Nabokov's father, Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov, was killed. This happened at P. N. Milyukov’s lecture “America and the Restoration of Russia” in the building of the Berlin Philharmonic. V.D. Nabokov tried to neutralize the Black Hundred man who shot Miliukov, but was shot by his partner.

Berlin (1922-1937)

In 1922, Nabokov moved to Berlin; earns his living by teaching English. Berlin newspapers and publishing houses organized by Russian emigrants publish Nabokov's stories.

In 1922, he became engaged to Svetlana Sievert; the engagement was called off by the bride's family in early 1923 because Nabokov was unable to find regular work.

In 1925, Nabokov married Vera Slonim, a St. Petersburg woman from a Jewish-Russian family. Their first and only child, Dmitry (1934-2012), was heavily involved in translating and publishing his father’s works and contributed to the popularization of his work, in particular in Russia.

Soon after his marriage, he completed his first novel, “Mashenka” (1926). After which, until 1937, he created 8 novels in Russian, continuously complicating his author’s style and experimenting more and more boldly with form. Published under the pseudonym V. Sirin. Published in the magazine “Modern Notes” (Paris). Nabokov's novels, which were not published in Soviet Russia, were a success among Western emigration, and are now considered masterpieces of Russian literature (especially The Defense of Luzhin, The Gift, Invitation to Execution (1938)).

France and departure to the USA (1937-1940)

In 1936, V. E. Nabokova was fired from her job as a result of the intensification of the anti-Semitic campaign in the country. In 1937, the Nabokovs left for France and settled in Paris, also spending a lot of time in Cannes, Menton and other cities. In May 1940, the Nabokovs flee Paris from advancing German troops and travel to the United States on the last flight of a passenger airliner. Champlain, chartered by the American Jewish agency HIAS for the purpose of rescuing Jewish refugees.

Nabokov's grave in Cimetière de Clarens (Switzerland) USA

In America, from 1940 to 1958, Nabokov made a living by lecturing on Russian and world literature at American universities.

Nabokov wrote his first novel in English (“The True Life of Sebastian Knight”) in Europe, shortly before leaving for the USA. From 1937 until the end of his days, Nabokov did not write a single novel in Russian (except for the autobiography “Other Shores” and the author’s translation of “Lolita” into Russian). His first English-language novels, The True Life of Sebastian Knight and Bend Sinister, despite their artistic merit, were not commercial successes. During this period, Nabokov became close friends with E. Wilson and other literary scholars, and continued to work professionally in entomology. Traveling throughout the United States during his vacation, Nabokov worked on the novel “Lolita,” the theme of which (the story of an adult man who became passionately infatuated with a twelve-year-old girl) was unthinkable for its time, as a result of which the writer had little hope even for the publication of the novel. However, the novel was published (first in Europe, then in America) and quickly brought its author worldwide fame and financial well-being. It is interesting that the novel, as Nabokov himself described, was originally published by the odious Olympia Press publishing house, which, as he realized after publication, published mainly “semi-pornographic” and related novels.

Europe again

Nabokov returned to Europe and since 1960 lived in Montreux, Switzerland, where he created his last novels, the most famous of which are Pale Fire and Ada (1969).

Nabokov's last unfinished novel, Laura and Her Original. The Original of Laura) was released in English in November 2009. The Azbuka publishing house published its Russian translation in the same year (translated by G. Barabtarlo, edited by A. Babikov).

V.V. Nabokov died on July 2, 1977, and was buried in the cemetery in Clarens, near Montreux, Switzerland.

Addresses in St. Petersburg - Petrograd

Address plaque on the house of V.V. Nabokov in St. Petersburg

04/10/1899 - 1917 - Bolshaya Morskaya Street, 47.

Young Vladimir Nabokov. Saint Petersburg. 1907

Writing style

Nabokov's works are characterized by complex literary technique, a deep analysis of the emotional state of the characters, combined with an unpredictable, sometimes almost thriller-like plot. Among the most famous examples of Nabokov’s creativity are the novels “Mashenka”, “The Defense of Luzhin”, “Invitation to Execution”, “The Gift”. The writer gained fame among the general public after the publication of the scandalous novel “Lolita,” which was subsequently adapted into several film adaptations (1962, 1997).

In the novels “The Defense of Luzhin” (1929-1930), “The Gift” (1937), “Invitation to Execution” (dystopia; 1935-1936), “Pnin” (1957) - a collision of a spiritually gifted loner with a dreary primitive “average human” world - “philistine civilization”, or the world of “vulgarity”, where imaginaries, illusions, and fictions reign. However, Nabokov does not remain on a narrow social level, but moves on to develop a rather metaphysical theme of the relationship between different “worlds”: the world of the real and the world of the writer’s imagination, the world of Berlin and the world of memories of Russia, the world of ordinary people and the world of chess, etc. Free the flow of these worlds is a modernist feature. Also, a sense of novelty and freedom in these works is given by the fact that in them Nabokov develops vivid linguistic techniques, improves his style, achieving a special prominence and tangibility of seemingly fleeting descriptions.

The sensational bestseller “Lolita” (1955) is an experience of combining eroticism, love prose and social-critical moral description, while simultaneously touching on popular topics, reaching the heights of sophisticated aesthetics and certain philosophical depths. One of the leading problems in the novel is the problem of selfishness, which destroys love. The novel is written from the perspective of a refined European, a scientist, suffering from a painful passion for nymphet girls as a result of his childhood love for a girl from whom he was separated a short time after meeting.

Lyrics with motives of nostalgia; memoirs (“Memory, Speak”, 1966).

Stories of amazing lyrical power. In miniature they contain many of the problems of the writer’s major works: the theme of the “other” world, the intertwined theme of a fleeting, elusive experience, etc. The most outstanding works in this genre: the stories “The Return of Chorba”, “Spring in Fialta”, “Christmas” , “Cloud, Lake, Tower”, “Terra Incognita”, the story “The Spy”.

Essays (“Nikolai Gogol”, 1944).

Translations into English of “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Pushkin, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and “A Hero of Our Time” by Mikhail Lermontov.

The poetics of stylistically refined prose is composed of both realistic and modernist elements (linguostylistic play, all-encompassing parody, imaginary hallucinations). A principled individualist, Nabokov is ironic in his perception of any type of mass psychology and global ideas (especially Marxism, Freudianism). Nabokov's unique literary style was characterized by a game of charade of reminiscences and puzzles of encrypted quotes.

Nabokov - synesthete

Synesthesia is a phenomenon of perception when, upon stimulation of one sense organ, along with sensations specific to it, sensations corresponding to another sense organ also arise, in other words, signals emanating from different sense organs are mixed and synthesized. A person not only hears sounds, but also sees them, not only touches an object, but also feels its taste. The word "synesthesia" comes from the Greek. Συναισθησία and means a mixed sensation (as opposed to “anesthesia” - the absence of sensations).

This is what Vladimir Nabokov wrote in his autobiography:

The confession of a synesthete will be called pretentious and boring by those who are protected from such seeps and strains by denser partitions than I am protected. But to my mother it all seemed quite natural. We talked about this when I was in my seventh year, I was building a castle out of multi-colored alphabet cubes and casually noticed to her that they were colored incorrectly. We immediately found out that some of my letters were the same color as hers, and in addition, she was optically affected by musical notes. They did not arouse any chromaticism in me.

Besides Vladimir himself, his mother and his wife were synesthetes; His son Dmitry Vladimirovich Nabokov also had synesthesia.

Nobel Prize in Literature

Beginning in the 1960s, rumors spread about Vladimir Nabokov's possible nomination for the Nobel Prize.

In 1972, two years after receiving the prestigious prize, Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote a letter to the Swedish committee recommending that Nabokov be nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Although the nomination did not take place, Nabokov expressed deep gratitude to Solzhenitsyn for this gesture in a letter sent in 1974, after Solzhenitsyn's expulsion from the USSR. Subsequently, the authors of many publications (in particular, London Times, The Guardian, New York Times) ranked Nabokov among those writers who were undeservedly not included in the lists of nominees.

Teaching activities

He taught Russian and world literature, translated “Eugene Onegin” and “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” into English. The lectures were published posthumously by the American bibliographer Fredson Bowers. with the assistance of the widow of the writer V. E. Nabokova and the son of D. V. Nabokov: “Lectures on Literature” (1980), “Lectures on Russian Literature” (1981), “Lectures on Don Quixote” (1983).


He was seriously interested in chess: he was a fairly strong practical player and published a number of interesting chess problems.

In some novels, the chess motif becomes cross-cutting: in addition to the obvious dependence of the fabric of “Luzhin’s Defense” on the chess theme, in “the true life of Sebastian Knight” many meanings are revealed if you correctly read the names of the characters: the main character Knight is a knight on the novel’s chessboard, Bishop is a bishop .


Nabokov was a self-taught entomologist. He made a significant contribution to lepidopterology (a branch of entomology dedicated to Lepidoptera), discovered twenty species of butterflies, and authored eighteen scientific articles. Curator of the butterfly collection ( Lepidoptera) at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University.

After the death of the writer, his wife Vera donated a collection of butterflies in 4324 copies to the University of Lausanne.

In 1945, based on an analysis of the genitalia of male blue butterflies, he developed a new classification for the genus Polyommatus, which differs from the generally accepted one. Later, Nabokov's point of view on the taxonomy of pigeons was confirmed using DNA analysis.

Nabokov about himself

I am an American writer, born in Russia, educated in England, where I studied French literature before moving to Germany for fifteen years. ...My head speaks English, my heart speaks Russian, and my ear speaks French.

Television versions of theatrical productions

  • 1992 - “Lolita” (Roman Viktyuk Theatre), duration 60 min. (Russia, director: Roman Viktyuk, starring: The Unknown Gentleman - Sergei Vinogradov, Humbert Humbert - Oleg Isaev, Lolita - Lyudmila Pogorelova, Charlotte - Valentina Talyzina, Quilty - Sergei Makovetsky, Annabel / Louise / Ruta / Elder Sister / Second Sister - Ekaterina Karpushina, Rita - Svetlana Parkhomchik, Young man - Sergey Zhurkovsky, Dick / Bill - Anton Khomyatov, Little girl - Varya Lazareva)
  • 2000 - “King, Queen, Jack”, duration 2 hours 33 minutes. (Russia, director: V.B. Pazi, starring: Elena Komissarenko, Dmitry Barkov, Mikhail Porechenkov, Alexander Sulimov, Irina Balai, Margarita Aleshina, Konstantin Khabensky, Andrey Zibrov)
  • 2001 - “Mashenka” - a television version of the play by the Theater Company of Sergei Vinogradov. In 1997, Sergei staged the play “Nabokov, Mashenka”, which opened the “Sergei Vinogradov Theater Company”. For this work, in 1999, he received the prize “For Best Plastic Directing” at the theater festival dedicated to Nabokov’s 100th anniversary. Duration 1 hour 33 minutes. (Russia, director: Sergey Vinogradov, cast: Ganin - Evgeny Stychkin, Mashenka - Elena Zakharova, Alferov - Boris Kamorzin, Podtyagin - Anatoly Chaliapin, Clara - Olga Novikova, Colin - Grigory Perel, Gornotsvetov - Vladimir Tyagichev, Maria Alferova - Natalya Zakharova)
  • 2002 - “Lolita, or In Search of the Lost Paradise” (Donetsk Academic Order of Honor Regional Russian Drama Theater, Mariupol), duration 2 hours 25 minutes. (Act 1 - 1 hour 18 min., Act 2 - 1 hour 07 min.) (Ukraine, director: Anatoly Levchenko, starring: Humbert Humbert - Oleg Grishkin, Lolita - Oksana Lyalko, Charlotte Haze - Natalya Atroshchenkova, Claire Quilty - Alexander Harutyunyan, Louise - Natalya Metlyakova, Humbert in childhood - Mikhail Starodubtsev, Youth - Valentin Pilipenko, Doctor - Igor Kurashko, Dick - Andrey Makarchenko, Constance - Inna Meshkova)

Films about Nabokov

  • 1993 - “Mademoiselle O.” - feature film by Jerome Foulon, produced in Russia and France.
  • 1997 - “Vladimir Nabokov - Secret Passion” film by Valery Balayan, TVC, 1997.
  • 1999 - “The Age of Nabokov.” Film by Leonid Parfenov.
  • 2007 - “Nabokov: Happy Years (2 films)” - a documentary film about Vladimir Nabokov. Duration about 60 minutes. (2 parts, approximately 30 minutes each) (dir. Maria Gershtein)
  • 2009 - “Geniuses and villains of the passing era: Vladimir Nabokov” - a documentary television program from a well-known series in Russia. Duration 26 min (aired on November 17, 2009)
  • 2009 - “Vladimir Nabokov. Russian Roots" is a documentary film about the family of the famous Russian and American writer Vladimir Nabokov. Duration 52 min (scriptwriters - O. N. Popova, O. V. Chekalina, director - O. V. Chekalina) (TIGR film company with the participation of the StudioOl film company)


In October 2006, the Vladimir Nabokov Museum in St. Petersburg hosted a photo exhibition “Nabokov's Addresses”, which presented photographs of the houses in which Nabokov and his family lived. The authors of the photo are D. Konradt, D. Ripple, I. Kaznob, A. Nakata and the chief curator of the Nabokov Museum E. Kuznetsova.

The asteroid (7232) Nabokov was named in honor of Vladimir Nabokov in 1985.


  • "Mashenka" (1926)
  • "King, Queen, Jack" (1928)
  • "Defense of Luzhin" (1930)
  • Camera Obscura (1932)
  • "Feat" (1932)
  • "Despair" (1934)
  • "Invitation to Execution" (1936)
  • "The Gift" (1938)
  • "The True Life of Sebastian Knight" The Real Life of Sebastian Knight) (1941)
  • "Under the Sign of the Illegitimate" Bend Sinister) (1947)
  • "Lolita" (English) Lolita) (1955)
  • "Pnin" (English) Pnin) (1957)
  • "Pale Flame" Pale Fire) (1962)
  • "Ada, or the Joys of Passion: A Family Chronicle" (eng. Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle) (1969)
  • "Transparent Things" Transparent Things) (1972)
  • "Look at the harlequins!" (English) Look at the Harlequins!) (1974)
  • "Laura and Her Original" The Original of Laura) (1975-1977, published posthumously in 2009)


  • "The Spy" (1930)
  • "The Wizard" (1939, published posthumously 1986)

Collections of stories

  • Return of Chorba (1930)
  • The Spy (1938)
  • Nine Stories (1947)
  • Spring in Fialta (1956)
  • Nabokov's Dozen: A Collection of Thirteen Stories (1958)
  • Nabokov's Quartet (1966)
  • Nabokov's Congeries (1968)
  • A Russian Beauty and Other Stories (1973)
  • Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories (1975)
  • Details of a Sunset and Other Stories (1976)
  • The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov (1995)
  • Cloud, Castle, Lake (2005)


  • "The Drifters" (1921)
  • "Death" (1923)
  • "Grandfather" (1923)
  • "Ahasfer" (1923)
  • "Pole" (1924)
  • "The Tragedy of Mister Morn" (1924)
  • "The Man from the USSR" (1927)
  • "The Event" (1938)
  • "The Invention of Waltz" (1938)
  • "Mermaid"
  • "Lolita" (1974), (film script)


  • Poetry(1916). Sixty-eight poems in Russian.
  • Almanac: Two paths(1918). Twelve poems in Russian.
  • Bunch(1922). Thirty-six poems in Russian (under the pseudonym V. Sirin).
  • mountain path(1923). One hundred twenty-eight poems in Russian (under the pseudonym V. Sirin).
  • Poems 1929-1951(1952). Fifteen poems in Russian.
  • Poems (1959)
  • Poems and Problems (1969)
  • Poetry(1979). Two hundred twenty-two poems in Russian


  • Nikolay Gogol(English) Nikolai Gogol) (1944)
  • Notes on Prosody (1963)
  • Lectures on foreign literature(English) Lectures on Literature) (1980)
  • Lectures on Ulysses (1980)
  • Lectures on Russian literature(English) Lectures on Russian Literature) (1981)
  • Lectures on Don Quixote(English) Lectures on Don Quixote) (1983)


  • "Curtain-Raiser" (1949)
  • "Convincing Evidence" Conclusive Evidence: A Memoir) (1951)
  • "Other Shores" (1954)
  • "Memory, Speak" Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited) (1967)
  • “Nabokov about Nabokov and other things. Interviews, reviews, essays." Compiled by Nikolay Melnikov. Moscow: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, (2002) (“Strong Opinions. Interviews, reviews, letters to editors.” N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, (1973))
  • "The Nabokov-Wilson Letters Letters between Nabokov and Edmund Wilson" (1979)
  • "Correspondence with Sister" (1984)
  • "Carrousel" (1987)
  • "Dear Bunny, Dear Volodya: The Nabokov-Wilson Letters, 1940-1971." (2001)


  • "Nikolka Persik." (fr. Colas Breugnon) (1922)
  • "Anya in Wonderland" (English) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) (1923)
  • "Three Russian Poets. (Selections from Pushkin, Lermontov and Tyutchev in New Translations by Vladimir Nabokov) (1944)
  • "A Hero of Our Time" (1958)
  • "The Song of Igor's Campaign. An Epic of the Twelfth Century" (1960)
  • « Verses and Versions: Three Centuries of Russian Poetry Selected and Translated by Vladimir Nabokov"(2008)

MOSCOW, October 13 - RIA Novosti. The Nobel Committee on Thursday awarded the 2016 Literature Prize to Bob Dylan. Last year the prize was awarded to the Belarusian writer Svetlana Alexievich, although Haruki Murakami was considered the favorite. This year, bookmakers predicted him to win again, but the choice of the Nobel Committee is unpredictable. RIA Novosti looked at which of the writers who were certainly worthy of the prize never received it.

Lev Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature for several years in a row - from 1902 to 1906. Although his ideas and works were popular in the world, the writer did not receive a prize. Secretary of the Swedish Academy Karl Wirsen said that Tolstoy "condemned all forms of civilization and insisted in their place on adopting a primitive way of life, divorced from all the institutions of high culture." Tolstoy later wrote a letter in which he asked not to be awarded the Nobel Prize.