Mapping a person’s individual picture of the world onto his texts. map of an individual picture of the world

Considering the concept of “worldview” in a scientific and psychological context, one can consider concepts that are related, generic, in order to more accurately and definitely understand the meaning of the first. So yes. Leontiev believes that the concept of “image of the world”, “picture of the world” are close in meaning to the concept of “worldview”.

The concept of “image of the world” is more traditional for science and is actively used by various psychologists, linguists, and philosophers. Specifically in psychological science, the introduction of the term “image of the world” was associated with the dissemination of the general psychological theory of activity by A.N. Leontiev, in the context of which the process of constructing an image was considered, which is mainly determined not by individual perceived characteristics of objects, but by the peculiarities of constructing the image of the world by the object as a whole.

A.N. Leontyev considers the “image of the world” as “a methodological installation that prescribes the study of an individual’s cognitive processes in the context of his subjective picture of the world, as it develops in this individual during the development of cognitive activity.” His position that “the formation of a person’s image of the world is his transition beyond the limits of the “directly sensory picture””, that the image of the world is not a finite, formalized picture, but a dynamic formation that depends directly on the perceiving object, served as an impetus for further study of the phenomenon worldview.

Thus, those who consider the problem of image perception within the framework cognitive processes, S.D. Smirnov, V.V. Petukhov, give a different meaning to the term we have taken in their works.

S.D. Smirnov in his works makes a distinction between the “world of images”, interpreted as individual sensory impressions, and the “image of the world”, characterized by integrity and completeness, which is amodal, has a multi-level structure of knowledge, acquiring emotional and personal meaning. Petukhov, considering the concept of “image of the world,” in his article proposes to use methods and techniques for solving mental problems as a structural unit in the study of ideas about the world, and also speaks of the need for further study of the perception of images.

Also, understanding the external and inner world is considered by Vasilyuk in the book “Psychology of Experience”. The author identifies a typology of life worlds based on the characteristics of simplicity or complexity of the internal and external worlds, considering them not as gradation, but as a kind of integrity. " Lifeworlds“are considered not as separate, opposed sections of the real world, but as components of a single psychological inner world of the individual.

Also, different understandings of the terms “image of the world”, “picture of the world” can be found in the works of V.V. Zinchenko, Yu.A. Aksenova, N.N. Koroleva, E.E. Sapogova, E.V. Ulybina, A.P. Stetsenko.

However, for our study, the most interesting is the interpretation of D.A. Leontyev. In the article “Worldview as a Myth and Worldview as an Activity,” he gives the following definition of the term “picture of the world”: “This is an individual system of ideas that each person has about how the world works in its various details.”

Emphasizing the subjective coherence of the picture of the world, the author talks about the ability of the psyche to build up its own ideas and beliefs to some complete, finished model, as if removing all unknown components, erasing their significance for itself. Thus, the picture of the world can be filled with objective knowledge, facts of the surrounding world, and with one’s own fantasies and conjectures, but in any case, the individual has the need to feel an accurate and integral system of “life guidelines.”

And the worldview, in turn, being a central component of the picture of the world (see Fig. 3), carries within itself a certain generalization - generalized judgments and beliefs about any objects, which can be understood both as a structural unit and as a criterion for identification. So, for example, a judgment about a certain single object “Alina is stupid” is not yet a ideological unit, but only reflects an attitude towards this object or notices a fact of the surrounding world, and the belief in the position that “all women are stupid”, which contains a generalized generalized conclusion is already a worldview unit.

Rice. 3

Thus, under the worldview of Leontyev D.A. understands "an integral part, more precisely, the core individual image world, containing both ideas about the most general properties, connections and patterns inherent in objects and phenomena of reality, their relationships, as well as human activity and relationships between people, as well as ideas about the characteristics of an ideal, perfect world, society and man."

Individual picture of creation

Greetings, children of the Earth and the Sun. The questions that you sometimes ask reflect your old attachments to the egregor of society, the habits and stereotypes accepted in it. You strive for change, but your ideas about it follow from general patterns. Moreover, part of your thinking is gradually moving away from this, although it cannot yet give a clear picture of a new life and therefore offers programs of change embedded in the general field.

A gap arises between the passing past and the emerging new moment. There is an intuitive understanding that it has a fundamentally different quality, different from the old one. This applies to everything: the way of being, awareness and ideas about life and the experience that you intend to go through. Everything is now built on different templates, programs and definitions of the person himself.

Today the physical aspect has different characteristics and possibilities when it enters the space of its experience. He is consciously included in the research process not just as an object, but as one who has the rights and responsibilities to develop, as a creation of God, being responsible for his actions and deeds, and accepting their significance in development. Such a person builds his life based not on social attitudes (for example, morality), but primarily on internal aspirations, and at the same time remembers that everyone also has rights and responsibilities as God’s creations.

You begin to accept yourself from the position of a part of the One, which explores and fills the space of its experience with its individual characteristics. At the same time, not everything that happens becomes immediately obvious and understandable to you, remaining hidden behind something familiar and familiar. It’s as if you are looking at the door of a closed room and you know that there is something behind it, but it is not yet available to you. Once you open it, you will see and understand a lot, and then decide what to take from it and what to refuse.

IN currently you look around and notice that everything is familiar, and there are no bright changes in appearance that you are striving for. Your ideas about any transformations still largely come from the external universal field. I'm talking about internal definitions some transformations and their reflection in space. Human for a long time built his life based, first of all, on what society, family, and so on needed. For a moment he forgot about his divine component, giving away part of his own freedom and responsibility external requirements and representations; lived based on them and strived for ideals given from outside.

Today you remember your divine essence and look for perfection within yourself. Thus, you strive for the original point of your creation, while simultaneously trying to preserve your individual experience of development. Your path is unique and brings many bright colors. In your development, you go through various stages, remaining a creation of the One with all its inherent characteristics.

In the process of cognition, you acquire your individual traits, and the divine component, which is your basis, gives you part of the power and strength of the One. At the same time, much is a discovery for you, a revelation that you explore, which makes the process of gaining experience attractive. At first, being in the dark, a person gradually discovers a lot of new things, painting them with his own colors, which adds completeness and sophistication to the canvas of creation.

Now you look around and don't yet see what other palette to use to get a different drawing. It is internal aspiration and intention that will allow you to find them and get a picture of a different quality, more voluminous and brighter. Internal concentration and confidence in the correctness of the chosen decision help to complete it. External world creates a background that frames it and makes it more noticeable, without distracting attention from the creation itself.

You and your life are the painting of such a picture, where one plays the role of the painting itself, and the other plays the role of a frame. How can you tell the difference? Where your attention is concentrated is the picture, the rest is the frame. In this case, in one case, you can make either a picture or a frame attractive and bright. In another - to strive for balance and harmony between the picture and the frame. In the space of the Creator, everything is interesting and significant. Here freedom of choice for God's creations is manifested. Everything is going as it should. Thank you.


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SUBJECT:Picture of the world. Components of the national picture of the world

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Displays individual painting the world of man on his texts. Map of an individual picture of the world

The proposed work is based on empirical observations of 3000 texts of textual techniques (TM), which are pairs of short spontaneous stories that are written within 15 minutes. on a specially selected topic, one on one’s own behalf, and the other on behalf of another person. Confirmed by a clinical conversation, anamnestic data, as well as a number of experiments, they indicate that a person returns to an unresolved problem and a trauma that has not been fully experienced in his stories until he solves it and survives it.

The consequence of this is a clarification: existential anxieties and fears are objects of constant return and are repeated many times in a person’s speech, since they cannot be finally resolved and experienced.

Within the framework of this concept, based on observation of regularly repeated elements of TM texts, TM was created, correlated with existential anxieties. It included text elements of three levels - deep-syntactic, semantic and plot. At each level, in the process of generating a text, the speaker simultaneously performs many free elections from a number of theoretically permissible options, and only the choice of plot (but not its structure) is relatively conscious, so the systematic nature of the choices possible options is not the result of the deliberate intentions of the author of the text.

The standard list consists of 16 items represented as binary variables, and 12 of them include the required “formal marker” option. The parameters included in the list have an important property - they are mutually independent, so they can be present in the text in any set. A person’s individual picture of the world can be extracted from his texts, formalized and presented in the form of a “map”, as a unique combination of text parameters. This allows us to strictly and uniformly compare pictures of the world different people, groups of people united by a common strategy for coping with existential anxieties, as well as register changes in a person’s individual picture of the world that have occurred as a result of trauma, psychotherapeutic influence and other fundamental changes. Below is Standard list of text parameters , which is used to create the map.

Standard list of text parameters

1. Agent structures (Ag.). Parameter of correlation with the act of freedom Semantics of the parameter: Someone performs an action of his own free will. Formal indicators: the presence of an animate noun or a personal pronoun replacing it in the nominative (except for the verb “to be” and “should”). Examples: he walks, writes, thinks.

2. Non-agent designs (nAg). Parameter of correlation with the act of unfreedom and with the absence of power. Semantics of the parameter: Someone performs an action against his own will, or: someone or something performs an action on him. Formal indicators: the absence of an animate noun or a personal pronoun replacing it in the nominative of a verb, or their presence in the verb “to be” and “should.” Examples: It occurred to him, a discovery had been made, computers would take over the world.

3. External predicates (Ex). Parameter of correlation with external space and movement. Semantics: the event occurs in external space, i.e. it can be seen and/or heard. Formal indicators, since we're talking about about semantic opposition, no; but the diagnostic indicators are: descriptions of acts of physical movement from one place to another, descriptions of facial and pantomimic movements, acts of speaking and other sounds (i.e. movements of the vocal cords and sound waves); acts of change physical properties and characteristics; acts of categorization according to physical signs. Examples: he ran, blushed, was fat, is an alcoholic.

4. Internal predicates (In). Parameter of correlation with internal space and inaccessibility to observation. Semantics: An event occurs in internal space, mental or physical. It is not observable from the outside. There are no formal indicators, since we are talking about semantic opposition; but the diagnostic indicators are: the presence of internal space inaccessible to vision and hearing, as well as - and thanks to this - the presence of events that are not comprehended as physical movement. Examples: he remembers, wants, is afraid, his train of thought has changed(in the latter case there is a metaphor for the movement, but not the movement itself).

5. Past tense (P). The parameter corresponds to the speaker's statement that the event began and ended - happened. Semantics: the event has ceased to be directly observable, and no one and nothing has the power to change it. Accordingly, the speaker, regardless of the nature and assessment of the event, represents himself in relation to it within the framework of the oppositions “to be strong / weak” and “to be active / passive” as “weak” and “passive” (at the moment of speaking). Formal indicators: grammatical formants of the past tense.

6. Present tense (Pr). The parameter corresponds to the speaker's statement that the event is ongoing. Semantics: In an ongoing event, the speaker is present and directly experiences it or observes it, albeit from the outside, but also directly, and, accordingly, he has the power to influence its further course and completion, but he does not know how this event will end. Accordingly, the speaker is free to represent himself in any way within the framework of the oppositions “to be strong/weak” and “to be active/passive” (at the moment of speaking). Formal indicators: grammatical formants of the present tense.

7 Future tense (F). The parameter corresponds to the speaker's statement that the event has not yet occurred, but someone or something can influence how it begins or does not begin, as well as how it ends. Semantics: The speaker evaluates whether he, or someone else, or something else has the power to influence the course and completion of an event. Accordingly, the speaker is free to represent himself in any way within the framework of the oppositions “to be strong/weak” and “to be active/passive” (at the moment of speaking). Formal indicators: grammatical formants of the future tense.

8. Absolute time (A). The parameter refers to the speaker's assertion that the event is not defined as potentially changeable or potentially uninfluenced. Semantics: the speaker is silent about his degree of involvement in the event, avoids defining himself as strong / weak or active / passive in relation to the event. Formal markers: all predicates that are not verbs, but other parts of speech, as well as all predicates (including verbs) used to describe the act of categorization. Examples: love, death, description, categorization.

9. Number of figures (Nf). The parameter corresponds to the more or less “egocentric universe” of the author of the text. Semantics: the presence of only one figure in the text (Nf=1) means the extreme degree of egocentrism and loneliness, usually unconscious, of the author of the text, who, when creating his plot, is focused exclusively on himself and does not feel the need to introduce figures of other people into the text; the presence of several non-generalized figures (Nf>1) means that the “world of other people” of the author of the text is not empty. Examples: I managed to lose 20 kg. It cost great effort. Harmful foods were excluded from the diet, and I had to exercise in the pool and on exercise machines. Now I'm happy(Nf=1). I reset excess weight. That was hard. My mother reacted to my weight loss with resentment and irritation. But my husband supported me, even prepared salads for me. Now both he and the children are proud of me (Nf>1).

10-14. Levels of self-identification (Zon A-E). The parameter is correlated with the degree of identification of the speaker with those he is talking about. Semantics: depending on the placement of the figure on one or another level of identity with the speaker himself, as well as on which levels remain unfilled, the speaker reports his existing ideas about the permeability of the inner world of other people and the comparability of their inner world with his own, and also about the relevance/irrelevance for him to carry out acts of penetration and comparison. Formal markers.

Zon A: in the description of the figure there are internal predicates that go beyond the boundaries of the chronotope “here and / or now”. Examples: he remembered being in this place last summer;

Zon IN: in the description of the figure there are internal predicates that indicate the presence of a chronotope other than “here and now”, but do not introduce its description. Examples: he remembered something; I'm dreaming.

Zon WITH: in the description of a figure (and more often - a generalized set of figures) there are internal predicates that do not indicate the presence of a chronotope other than “here and now”, and are aimed only and exclusively at one character. Examples: he admires me; they all judge me.

Zon D: in the description of a figure (or a generalized set of figures) there are only external predicates in the absence of external details. Examples: he stood against the wall.

Zon E: the description of the figure contains only external predicates, as well as more than 2 external details. Examples: he stood motionless against the wall, his hair disheveled and his shoulders tense.

15-16. Plot (SJ). The parameter correlates with a message about the author's identity, as well as his life and textual strategies. Semantics: all plots of TM texts were reduced to two plot macro-schemes: “external” and “internal”, as well as their combinations. The “external” macrocircuit (SJ1) organized events occurring in the space of objects accessible to outside observation; the “internal” macrocircuit (SJ2) organized events occurring in the mental or bodily space of the projective figure from ZonA, inaccessible to outside observation. Formal markers (SJ1): the description of the action ends with a result that is assessed as positive, negative or ambivalent. Formal markers (SJ2): description of perceptions and emotions, not aimed at achieving a result. Examples (SJ1): We walked with dad, I ate ice cream. It melted and fell. I started crying. Dad bought me new ice cream. Examples (SJ2): The ice cream was delicious and beautiful. The chocolate shades were dark in depth and had a milky sheen where they had melted. My mouth felt cold and sweet. Rough waffle cone smelled like vanilla. (two fragments of the same text are used for examples).

It is easy to see that any short connected text can be represented as a tuple (ordered set) of the given 16 parameters, and each of the 16 places can be 1 if the parameter is present in the text, and 0 if it is absent (for the parameter Nf, which in a more detailed version it is presented not as binary, but as n-ary, the presence of a single figure in the text was coded as 0, and the presence of more than one figure - as 1). This 16-place tuple of zeros and ones was called the “Map of a person’s individual picture of the world”, since each of the parameters, as shown above, is correlated with existential problems, and their specific combination represents an image of an individual strategy for coping with them.

existential anxiety individual

Table 1. Map of a person’s individual picture of the world

The number of theoretically possible combinations is 2^16, respectively, the probability of a random match of n cards is 1: [(2^16)^n-1]. Thus, the method opens up the possibility of comparing small (in the limiting case only two) texts.

As an illustration, we present a fragment of an experimental study of TM texts obtained from 7 patients of a crisis center who were hospitalized after repeated suicide attempts. As a control group, we used 100 TM texts received from students and teachers of the Russian State University for the Humanities who had never committed suicide attempts.

Table 2. Maps of individual worldviews of suicide victims coincided in all 16 parameters as follows:

The probability of a random coincidence is 1: [(2^16)^7-1], that is, negligible.

In the control group, no matches were found for 16 parameters.

This can be interpreted as the presence of a general strategy for coping with existential anxieties among a group of people who fearlessly resort to demonstrative suicide attempts under frustrating circumstances. The combination of parameters in the maps of their pictures of the world indicates that the studied suiciders perceive themselves as powerless and dependent on invincible circumstances (Ag = 0), which is why the act of suicide attempt is subjectively safe and insignificant for them - after all, any of their actions is insignificant and has no power; the events of their inner world are intolerable and therefore devalued and kept silent (In=0); the past is also devalued and “crossed out” along with the experience of mistakes and victories (P=0), and real life and the achievement of goals will take place in a highly valuable future (F=1), which will happen by the will of circumstances and regardless of the experience of the past and the efforts of the authors of the texts. The presence of only one figure located in zone A, and generalized figures in zone C (zA=1; zC=1; Nf=0) can be regarded as a representation of total “egocentric loneliness” in the texts of suicide victims. The protagonists of texts written by suiciders are surrounded by the world , where instead specific people with names, faces, thoughts and feelings, only pale projections of the author himself are encountered, uniformly hating him in the “space of the present” or admiring him in the “space of the future.”

Standard list of text parameters , on the one hand, is psychologically meaningful (correlated with the elements of the existential picture of the world), and on the other hand, as is easy to see, it allows, thanks to the “Formal Markers” option, to clearly identify 16 points in any TM text, by which it can be compared with any other TM text. In other words, any TM text, as well as any other spontaneous coherent text, the writing of which took no more than 15-20 minutes, can be presented as a set of parameters from list.


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