Schemes for drawing animals for children step by step. Summary of drawing lesson “My favorite animal”

Drawing lesson “My favorite pets”.

(With children of senior preschool age.)

Target . Teach children to depict objects of different shapes and sizes in drawings, based on the results of their impressions; navigate the space of a sheet of paper.



Learn to depict animals from rounded shapes: highlight the main shape of large parts in an object, convey their position (an animal in motion, add small details, convey proportions).

Practice the skill of voluntarily regulating the pressure on a simple graphite pencil when creating a preparatory drawing.

Teach children to paint over an image of an object along its outline.

Correctional and developmental

To develop the eye and mental activity of children. Strengthen children's knowledge about domestic animals, pexpand active and passive vocabulary.


To cultivate in children responsiveness, attentiveness, kindness to others, the ability to empathize and help them in case of trouble.

Dictionary: four-legged friends, help out, body parts, silhouette.

Equipment. Cards – silhouettes depicting pets; demonstration material - pictures depicting the same domestic animals; easel; magnetic board; album sheet for each child; envelope with letter; riddle about a dog; simple and colored pencils.

Methodical techniques:

motivation for activity; telling a riddle; questions for children; problematic situation; development exercises fine motor skills; finger gymnastics; exercises to develop lexical and grammatical categories; development exercises logical thinking; physical minute; conversation with children; surprise moment; result of the lesson.

Relationship with other activities .

Cognitive and research: observations of a dog and a cat while walking; reading books, learning finger exercises about pets, looking at illustrations in books, asking riddles about pets; designing buildings for pets. Musical: singing songs and learning musical scenes about pets.

Progress of the lesson .

Look what the postman brought us. What is this? (letter)

Guys, do you want to know who the letter came from? Then guess the riddle:

He is friends with the owner,
The house is guarded
Lives under the porch
Tail in a ring.

The teacher praises the children: “You guessed the riddle correctly. The letter came from our friend – the dog Sharik. How can you find out what is in this letter? (You can read it. You must first open the envelope). Who will read the letter? (You can ask an adult). How can you ask, with what polite words? (Please help us read the letter) I am happy to help you and of course I will now open the envelope and read it. This is what he writes: “Dear guys! I woke up in the morning in my booth and immediately went to visit my friends. Yes, what grief! It turns out that while I was sleeping, an evil wizard bewitched them all and turned them into silhouettes (outlines). The owner will return soon and will be very upset. What should we do now? I know that you are great friends with pets, which is why I am turning to you for help. Please help me disenchant all my friends. Thank you in advance, faithful dog Sharik.

Well, children, let's help our four-legged friends, pets.

Guys, the dog Sharik sent us silhouettes of all the enchanted pets. Let's look at them carefully.

Did. game "Contours".

Please come to the first easel.” The teacher puts pictures with outlines of enchanted animals on the easel and asks questions: “Who is this? Why do you think so? What do you know about a cow? What benefits does it bring? How can you call her affectionately? (Cow). Etc. about all domestic animals: horse, pig, goat, cat. dog.

Children, we have looked at all the silhouettes. Well done, did you immediately guess whose they were? Since we all love our four-legged helpers, pets, we are friends with them and know everything about them, we can easily help them. To do this we need to draw them magical colors and pencils. Let's cast a fairy spell so that miracles will come to us."

Children say the words:

Clap, stomp, bow,

Turn around yourself.

Let the brush become magical!

Draw and don't be lazy.

Let your pencils

They will try their best.

Overcome the evil spell,

Free all your friends! »

The teacher continues: “So, children, our paints, brushes and pencils have become magical, but not everyone can draw with them. Only those who can and know how to draw. Only then will miracles appear. But you and I know how to draw animals, right? Let's remember the basic rules for drawing pets.

Go to the second easel, look, who do you see here? (pictures with illustrations of pets.)

Tell me, what body parts do all animals have? “Children list: “torso, head, paws (legs), ears, tail.” At the same time, the teacher shows these parts in pictures and asks the children what shape they are. Which part of the body will we start drawing the animal from? That's right, from the largest one, from the body. And when we draw small details? At the very end of your work. Well done! You remembered everything, you know everything. For the magic to happen in your drawings, your fingers must do exercises.

Finger gymnastics "Pets".

One two three four five,

What should we call animals? (we bend the fingers on the left hand one by one)

The closest, the most faithful -

Everyone probably knows them (clap our hands).

Horse, cow, goat, dog and cat ( index finger bend the fingers of the left hand on the right hand).

What should we call them?

Think a little (we spread our arms to the sides, as if asking others).

They live together in the house with the owner (we depict the roof of the house above our heads with our hands),

So, everyone calls them home.

Guys, think about who you will draw, what pet you like best. Well, now let's go to the tables. It's time to rescue animals from trouble.

(Children sit at tables and draw, the teacher reminds how to sit at the table, helps with advice.)

Children, a magic spell helped us. You all did wonderful work (portraits). Let's take them to the exhibition and look at them. Slowly, don’t rush, bring your drawings to the table (to me).

Analysis of finished works .

The teacher calls 2-3 children for analysis. Children show the drawing they like and explain why they liked it.

Summary of the lesson.

Who did you help today? Why did pets become our four-legged friends?

The hare doesn't always have white fur. He changes his gray “fur coat” to white only in winter, so as not to stand out in the snow and not attract the attention of foxes and wolves.

In this lesson we will draw a gorilla monkey step by step. If you need a drawing of a monkey of a different species, you can draw it from a photograph.

Let's try to draw this amazing and beautiful animal correctly. This is a very graceful animal and a novice artist should first of all draw on the grace of a jaguar.

This picture of a beaver was made by me on a tablet and you can use it to color the beaver with paints. But first let's draw a beaver with a simple pencil step by step.

You can only draw a tiger from a picture or photo. You will not be able to see the Ussuri tiger live. This is an endangered species of animals (no more than 500 individuals), and besides, the tiger is a keen predator. There are several types of tigers, but for our drawing we will choose the Ussuri tiger, which lives in the Far Eastern taiga.

The koala bear is a very cute animal and therefore in any picture the koala always looks so cute and kind that it brings a smile to every person. If you know how to draw animals, be sure to try drawing a koala.

Drawing a giraffe will not be difficult for you online lesson, if you have previously tried to draw animals from photos, such as a horse or a zebra.

Drawing a bear requires some preparation and practice in drawing animals. The fact is that in addition to external resemblance, first of all, in the drawing of an animal it is necessary to reflect its character.

Drawing of a king cobra made on graphics tablet, can be a good picture to decorate your computer desktop.

Typically, foxes have a small body size and short, stocky legs. Their body is slightly elongated like that of a dachshund. All this must be remembered in order for children to learn how to draw this animal correctly.

The wolf's grin can express the character of the wild animal in your drawing. Wild animals are always dangerous for people, and realistic pictures of animals need to take this into account. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a wolf step by step with a pencil.

The elephant has a very big body and limbs different from other animals. His large ears, simple in appearance, are very difficult to draw to match reality. But the parts of an elephant that are easy to draw are its legs and torso.

When a deer is alarmed by something, its legs should be slightly bent, ready to jump. Drawing a deer, even step by step, can be difficult for beginners, since you must be able to reflect the grace of its movements and forms.

Color pictures of a non-existent animal - a dragon, and even in Chinese national style It's definitely difficult to draw. In fact, a dragon is a symbiosis of a lizard and a bird, and in the drawing of a dragon it is necessary to reflect the plasticity of these two animals.

The drawing of this animal may not work out from the first drawing lesson. Then take a closer look at your cat first and even draw it, then it will be easier for you to draw a lion.

For this animal drawing lesson we will choose a tarantula spider. This spider has hairy limbs and a black and white body, so the drawing does not need to be colored with paints; it is enough to do the tonal coloring with a soft simple pencil.

The snake inspires panic in many people, since some snakes are very poisonous. But in fact, this is an ordinary animal from the reptile family that uses poison for self-defense.

Kangaroo is a unique animal. Firstly, kangaroos live only in Australia, and secondly, the kangaroo mother has a “bag” on her stomach to feed the baby, in which it sits until it grows up. Distinctive feature This animal's features are huge, powerful hind legs and a long, thick tail.

Drawing for children with a simple pencil is best done in stages, first outlining only general outlines frogs. And then, step by step, draw the whole picture.

Bees have a lot small parts, which complicates drawing, but drawing a bee is a good lesson for children who are interested in drawing, as it develops attentiveness and the ability to maintain proportions.

If you need to illustrate a fable or draw this insect for a biology lesson, I suggest you do this task together.

How to draw this unusual animal, for example, to illustrate the cartoon Hedgehog in the Fog or for a drawing on the theme “From the Life of the Forest,” because it has so many needles? Let's try to do this step by step with a pencil. And perhaps this lesson will seem very easy for you.

This lesson is designed for children who want to draw a panda. The drawing was made step by step with a simple pencil. If desired, he can help you draw a panda from the famous cartoon.

The crocodile is a very dangerous and predatory animal, and in order to convey the character of this animal in the picture, first of all you need to draw an open long mouth, widely spaced paws and a tail bent from tension.

Drawing - favorite hobby small children 5-6 years old. Often adults also take part in this fun, because drawing with children is fun and interesting. We will tell you how to depict wild or domestic animals for children so that the children will like it.

The cat is probably the first and most often drawn animal for children. We will tell you how to draw cats step by step so that the pictures are believable and at the same time very simple for beginners. So, let’s draw a well-fed, beautiful cat with a pencil step by step.

First, draw a circle, and on its top - an oval placed on its side. Draw two triangles to the oval - these will be the ears. Draw a tail of the shape you want on one side of the large circle. Just above the middle of the large circle, place a dot and from there draw the legs of the mouth. Down on the sides great circle draw half an oval - these will be the hind legs. Now all that remains is to depict the cat’s eyes and muzzle, mustache and details of the paws. Your beautiful and believable cat is ready.

How to step by step for children


All children also love dogs, so let's learn how to draw these beautiful and kind animals with a pencil on paper step by step. It will be very, very simple for beginning artists, because the pictures will be very beautiful, sketchy and light.

So, let’s draw a person’s friend – a dog. First, draw a rectangle with not too even corners. To a rectangle with right side draw another approximately the same rectangle, only smaller. Draw ears on top of this rectangle. At the bottom of the larger rectangle, draw the front and back legs.

Now all that remains is to draw a triangle tail, and also draw a stick that will show the dog’s neck from the upper left corner of the small rectangle to the large one. All that remains is to draw the dog’s eye and nose and add fur with strokes. It turned out to be a very beautiful little dog.

How to draw a dog? Learn to draw a dog!


For beginners, step by step will be as easy as shelling pears, as it is very simple and funny option pictures for children 5-6 years old. First you will need to draw an oval with a worn bottom, and draw a head circle to it. Draw another circle on the head, which will touch the left side of the large circle; this will be the muzzle.

On the oval body you will need to draw another oval, which will also touch the left side of the large oval. Draw oval legs at the bottom of the oval, and wings under the head.

Now all that remains is to draw the details - the eye on the head and the beak, and also give the duck’s legs the shape of flippers. You can also draw a small tail and highlight individual feathers with strokes. Here our duck is ready.


You can draw completely different animals with a pencil step by step, but be prepared for the fact that at some point the child will ask you to draw a bear, and you will have to somehow depict it. So, let's draw a beautiful and cute bear.

First you will need to draw an oval, in this oval draw a circle and a button for the nose. From the nose, draw a stick down and a horizontal line that is slightly bent upward. The bear's face is almost ready, now just add the dotted eyes and draw the ears.

To the head you need to draw an oval with the top cut off and at the very bottom draw a circle with a dot in the middle. This will be the bear's belly. Now draw the paws with claws. The bear is ready, if you wish, you can add other details to it.


Many children love bunnies and to draw them, you will need to try a little. To draw a hare, you will first need to draw a hexagon with a concave top edge on a piece of paper. After that, draw a circle with ears on top of it, it will be quite simple for beginners. In the middle of our hexagon we draw an oval, and on the sides - oval legs.

Two ovals on the hare's belly will represent the front legs, and the ovals on the ears will give them correct form and volume. The ovals on the paws will indicate the heel and toes, and the dots on the muzzle will represent the eyes and nose of the hare. The received hare can also be colored so that the pictures are beautiful and the image of the hare is believable.


We draw a chicken, because children always like pictures with birds, even domestic ones. First you will need to draw a circle, this will be the body of the bird. Draw carved wings along the edges, and draw a neck on top. Place a small oval on the neck, this will be the head.

Now let's start drawing details, such as the comb on the head, and draw the legs to the bottom of the body. The beak and eyes can be depicted schematically, as well as the feathers on the wings. You can color your chicken to make it beautiful.


Let's draw a beautiful and very funny bee for children 5-6 years old. It will be very simple and accessible, you just need to try a little.

First you will need to draw an oval and add a circle to it. This will be the body. Afterwards, you will need to draw a smaller circle on the circle; this will be the bee’s head. To the larger circle you need to draw three legs on each side. All that remains is to draw oval wings to the bottom of the large circle, and also draw the face of a satisfied bee. For greater effect, paint the bee's body with black and yellow stripes and your drawing is ready.

How to draw animals


Artists who depict animals are called animalists (from Latin word animal - animal). When drawing animals, first of all you need to determine what parts their body consists of and what shape these body parts are.
For example, consider a picture of an elephant. How is its trunk constructed? How are your legs and ears? What size is it? What color will we paint the elephant? If there are no colors gray, then how to get it?

Drawing a rabbit begins with large parts (torso and head). Let's pay attention to the shape of his head and body. How many ears does a rabbit have? What colour is he?

Now let's try to draw a hare step by step. First, let's see how a hare differs from a rabbit. How many paws does a hare have? Which legs are longer - front or back? What color should we paint the hare in summer, and what color in winter?

You can also draw a hare like this using familiar shapes (circle, oval, etc.).

What else; Are animals gray? This is a hippopotamus, a goat, a hedgehog. Let's look at the body of a hippopotamus: what parts does it consist of? What shape does a hippopotamus have? What is the largest body part of a hippopotamus?

You can draw a hedgehog with an apple. Hedgehogs love apples very much, and we already know how to draw fruits.

A lion.
What animals are brown or yellow flowers? Bear, giraffe, lion, squirrel, fawn. Let's look at the drawing of a lion. It has long and thick hair on its head, called a mane. She makes the lion look so huge. By the way, lionesses do not have manes.


Let's draw a little funny deer. Let's pay attention to the structure of its legs. What shape is a fawn's head? What shape is the body?

Let's draw a tall giraffe. Let's pay attention to what a long neck he has and a small head with horns. The giraffe's legs are also very long, and at the ends there are small hooves.


Let's look carefully at the drawing. What shape is a squirrel's head? Her tail is long, wide, curling upward and raised high above her back. The ears are pointed and tufted at the tips. And the paws are of different lengths: the hind ones are long, and the front ones are short. Let's draw a squirrel with a fungus.

What other animals are there and what color are they? For example, a monkey. Please note that the monkey's front legs are longer than its hind legs. She uses her front paws as hands.

A turtle can be drawn from ovals similar to Balloons- “sausages”. Let's pay attention to the turtle shell. It is divided, as it were, into checkers.

Learning to draw a snake is very simple. Snakes have a thin, elongated body, which is drawn with wavy lines. The snake's head is very interesting: it is small and tapering, looking like a small triangle.

What animals are there? Green colour? The lizard looks like a snake with legs. She has an elongated head, an elongated narrow body and a long, tapering tail.

Let's try to draw a hamster. His body consists of two ovals.

Let's draw a goat. Let's pay attention to the shape of his head. Let's not forget to draw a beard for him. Let's pay attention to the drawing of the goat's legs. We draw the animal so that it is larger and so that it can be recognized.

Mountain goat.
And this is a big horned goat. These goats with branchy horns live high in the mountains. That's what they're called - mountain goats.

Animals that live near humans are called domestic animals. These include a cow. A cow's head is small, but its body is very large. It is connected to the head by a wide and large neck. The cow has horns.

And this is a bull. It looks like a cow, but its neck is much shorter, its horns are located at a greater distance from each other. The bull itself is more powerful, and its legs are shorter than those of a cow.

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Let's pay attention to how thick the pig's body is. It is oval, the tail is crocheted, the legs are small, and the head and body form a single whole, only the snout protrudes - the nose of the pig.

The head and body of this funny lamb look like two ovals: small and large. His horns are curled in a circle, and his legs are like columns.

Let's take a close look at the sheep. What shapes can you draw it from? What color is the sheep? What lines - straight or wavy - should you draw her fur?

Let's try to draw a horse. First you need to draw a piece of paper, as shown in diagram No. 1, then, according to diagram No. 2, draw out all the curves of the horse’s body, legs, ears, and tail. Scheme No. 3 already has a completed drawing of a horse.

You can draw a walking horse.

You can draw a running horse.

Before drawing a dog, let's think about how to position the drawing: vertically or horizontally. Using an inclined line, you must first outline the inclination of the dog’s body. Then use three ovals to mark her body. The upper oval is the head, the lower oval is the body itself, and the middle (transverse) oval is the upper part of its paws. Next, you need to outline other parts of the dog’s body - the paws themselves and the tail. Ears are drawn with triangles. Bottom part paws are rounded.

The cat is drawn in the same way as the dog - with three ovals. Her ears are also triangular, but, unlike a dog’s, they are located further from one another.

You can draw such a funny kitten playing with balls.

Or maybe something like this, from a cartoon.