Business on unusual gifts. Business plan: bouquets of sweets

Tulips, chrysanthemums, anemones, ranunculi, eucalyptus and another 200 types of flowers are included in bouquets on March 8 from domestic state farms and garden centers, as well as from the Netherlands, Ecuador, Kenya and Colombia. The markup on flowers begins already at the stage of the Dutch flower auction and continues at all stages of resale. The Village already, how much does a bouquet of flowers cost? This time we decided to figure out what the markup is on roses, peonies, tulips and what the final cost of the bouquets depends on.

Cost (average)



40–120 rubles


250 rubles


80–150 rubles


600 rubles

Markup on bouquet - 100–150%

Where do flowers come from to Moscow?

Katerina Golovkova

“Buy flowers for your wife”

Flowers are grown by producers all over the world; they are brought to Moscow by wholesale suppliers, buying either directly from the manufacturer (less often), or at an auction in the Netherlands (more often), where producers exhibit them. Since this is an auction and demand generates a higher price, this changes the price of the wholesale supplier. It all depends on how much he bought these flowers for and how much it cost him to bring the flowers here.

Transportation also greatly affects the final cost. The same flowers, for example peonies, can be delivered in different ways: dry, that is, without water, or on water, that is, in tanks of water; they can be delivered by car, or by plane. Obviously, transportation by water will cost more, as will transportation by plane. Therefore, the same peonies can cost roughly 100 rubles from suppliers one week, and 300 rubles the next.

The rise in prices starts with manufacturers, continues at the auction (because demand increases), and then goes along the chain from wholesale suppliers. On average, the markup for each participant is about 30%.

What does the price depend on?

In our workshop, we provide a comprehensive service rather than simply selling flowers and bouquets. It includes everything: service, rare assortment, creation of really interesting bouquets, accompanying printing and packaging.

The markup for most colors is quite standard and is about 100–150%. It includes the rejects of the incoming flower, write-off, processing, storage, and maintaining freshness. We have high quality requirements and therefore a fairly high write-off percentage: we do not sell flowers that will die in the vase the next day.

The cheapest flowers in the salon are the cheapest flowers to purchase. Most often, the more expensive the flower, the more interesting and unique it is. And this is natural, because growing and bringing such flowers is much more difficult. But there are exceptions: you can find amazing flowers at low prices. For example, carnations - now there are amazing varieties, and they cost from 100 to 150 rubles.

Yuri Dudarenko

Moscow Flower School

A bouquet is a rather complex product and in some ways can be compared to a dish in a restaurant: it also has a lot of ingredients (on average 10–12 varieties of flowers and greenery, plus packaging), and these ingredients are perishable.

The markup is made for each ingredient in the composition separately. The more expensive it is to purchase, the lower the markup will be. Therefore, it is difficult to derive a single percentage here. The easiest way to calculate the cost is on mono-bouquets, which have now become popular. Let's take a bouquet of 25 tulips. The selling price from popular studios for such a bouquet is on average 2.5 thousand rubles. The cost of the tulips themselves (taking into account write-offs, because not all flowers survive to the bouquet) will be 40% of the sale price, consumables (packaging, ribbons, cards) - another 3% of the sale price, the florist's salary and the studio's fixed costs - 8%. It turns out that the costs are almost 51% of the cost of the bouquet.

By the way, saving on flowers is now very easy. More and more young studios are opening in Moscow; many work only via the Internet and thus reduce their costs. To promote themselves, they often organize sales, discounts and even give away bouquets for free.

By March 8, both suppliers and - mirror - florists increase prices by an average of 20–25%. But now the trend is gaining momentum to pre-order bouquets for the holiday, so customers can avoid price increases by taking care of flowers in advance.

Who raises prices by March 8

Maria Kuznetsova

The cost of a bouquet consists of the cost of flowers, ribbons and packaging. We do not have a separate line “work of a florist”. The markup on flowers is exactly 100%. We multiply the purchase price of flowers by two, add the cost of ribbons (50–100 rubles) and packaging (150–200 rubles) - and get the final cost of the bouquet. In fact, this cost includes wages, consumables and other components. We collect bouquets from 3 thousand rubles, respectively, their cost is about 1,400 rubles.

Purchase prices for flowers are unstable. The same flower can cost 150 rubles, or maybe 180 rubles per stem. Accordingly, the price in our workshop can vary from 300 to 360 rubles. Nowadays the most expensive and popular flowers are lilacs and peonies. The wholesale price per stem is about 250 rubles.

We do not raise prices on purpose before March 8th; we no longer add extra charges. But wholesalers raise prices (probably also not of their own free will). If before the holiday we bought tulips for 30 rubles, and on March 8 they brought them to us for 60 rubles, then we will sell them at twice the price. In this matter we are very dependent on suppliers.

How sellers set prices

Lena Romanova

Prices for bouquets depend on where they are sold - online or offline. Online orders often do not require renting a separate room or paying employees, because they can be carried out by one florist at home. For small sellers, the minimum markup is 100%. If a bouquet costs 5 thousand rubles, then it will contain 2.5 thousand flowers. The remaining 2.5 thousand covers the cost of gasoline, consumables (basket, packaging, ribbons, floral foam, food for cut flowers, etc.). After this, a net profit remains, which the florist takes for himself.

In stores, everything is arranged differently. There they make a markup on each stem - on average 100–130%. The markup on expensive garden roses will be lower (because few people will buy one rose for 300 rubles), and on chrysanthemums or tulips it will be higher. The markup includes rental costs, utility bills, employee salaries, and transportation.

Now a true cost business model has appeared in Moscow, and it is very close to me. The price of a bouquet with this approach is formed from two components: a fixed payment for the florist’s work (a thousand rubles) and the cost of flowers (at the client’s request, this can be 500, a thousand, or 5 thousand rubles). This way you can save money and avoid standard markups.

How much do flowers cost

You need to understand that flowers have been and remain an element of luxury. And they can't be cheap. The most expensive flowers to purchase are the so-called exotic ones, brought from afar or grown under special conditions. This is, for example, a garden peony rose. Flowers also increase in price greatly when sold out of season. These are lilies of the valley, lilacs or peonies in winter.

For a full bouquet you need about seven varieties of flowers. These are not only large roses, but also small flowers and greenery for variety. Considering that purchasing one stem usually does not cost less than 60 rubles, the bouquets turn out to be quite expensive.

Tulips are sold in packs of 50 pieces. They cost from 20 to 45 rubles depending on the variety and manufacturer. These are one of the cheapest flowers, along with carnations, hyacinths and irises. The cost of roses starts from 40 rubles per flower from domestic state farms to 200 rubles for complexly bred foreign varieties. The cost depends on the size (length of the stem) and the color of the bud. Ranunculus, which are now popular, cost from 80 to 150 rubles. Greenery for bouquets is also quite expensive. A bunch of eucalyptus can cost 150–450 rubles, and it will be enough for one or two bouquets. A huge bunch of chicken-yellow mimosa costs 600 rubles. It can be divided into five full bouquets.

By March 8, the excitement increases. This begins at the auction stage, when the demand for flowers increases. Everyone from a rose grower in Ecuador to a seller in any flower shop makes money from this hype.

1. Detailed costing .

Here you need to remember and scrupulously write down everything that was used in production:

  • Eclair milk sweets. Price 1 kg - 187 rub. There are an average of 24 candies per 100 grams. The cost of 1 candy is 18.7 rubles: 24 pieces = 0.78 rubles. The bouquet contains 63 pieces x 0.78 rubles = 49.14 rubles.
  • Sweets with coffee filling. Price 1 kg - 270 rub. There are an average of 8 pieces in 100 grams. The cost of one candy is 27.0 rubles. : 8 pcs = 3.38 rub. The bouquet contains 39 pieces x 3.38 rubles. = 131.82 rub.
  • Coffee Can Black Card Gold Arabica - 220 rub.
  • Wicker basket - 360 rub.
  • Corrugated paper. I count blue and brown together. 2 m x 20 rubles spent. = 40 rub.
  • Floral film. Used with blue and white pattern. The pounds took 4 m x 15 rubles. = 60 rub.
  • Taplenta. Almost a whole skein of brown and a little white was used up. I count for 1 piece x 90 rubles. = 90 rub.
  • Base. I used polyurethane foam in this basket. A large bottle was enough for 2 baskets. 1/2 pcs x 220 rub. = 110 rub.
  • Glue sticks. Used 4 pcs. x 12 rub. = 48 rub.
  • Birch skewers. Packing 100 pcs. purchased for 60 rubles. The cost of one stick is 60 rubles. : 100 pieces. = 0.60 rub. Used 46 pcs. x 0.60 rub. = 27.60 rub.

The cost at this stage is 1136.56 rubles.

Plus not taken into account:
using scissors, stapler, glue gun

For non-accounting, depending on the bouquet, I add from 50 rubles. Here the basket is large, I’ll add a little more and round it up - 1200 rub..
This is the net cost of materials used.

Plus the work of a master. It's individual here. On the one hand, when composing compositions from fresh flowers, phytodesigners charge 20% of the cost of the “material” used. But we make every flower by hand! And I sat over this basket for two evenings. Less 400 rub. I don't evaluate my work.

Total cart cost 1600 rub.

2. Enlarged method .

When you are asked about the cost of this or that bouquet, you won’t count out pennies every time. A more comprehensive method is needed.
From the experience of collected bouquets and the materials used for them, I came to the following calculation:

  • 1 sprig of candy - 15 rubles,
  • 1 simple-shaped flower (rosebud, crocus, bell) - 20 rub.
  • 1 flower of a lush/complex shape (rose, poppy, narcissus, chamomile, peony, iris) - 30 rub.

And now I calculate the cost of the compositions like this:

  • Rose buds 39 pcs. x 20 rub. = 780 rub.
  • Twigs 7 pcs. x 15 rub. = 105 RUR.
  • Coffee 220 rub..
  • Bouquet base. Bouquet in a basket - 360 rub. plus the base itself - I estimate about 100 rubles. for such a volume. Total 460 rub.
  • Plus for assembly (the so-called “non-accounting”) and bouquet decor. I usually add depending on the size of the bouquet from 100 rubles. Here the basket is large, but there is no additional decor in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, etc. I'll add 100 rub.

Total aggregated cost of the basket is 1665 rubles.
The difference with the previous calculation is insignificant. And I always round up the aggregated cost in one direction or another, depending on the bouquet. So here the same 1600 rubles come out.

How to calculate the cost of a bouquet of sweets

Those who make bouquets of sweets, and those who purchase them, are always interested in the true cost of the work. What does it consist of? Let's try to figure it out using an example of calculating the cost of such a basket:

I will show you two ways to calculate the cost of a bouquet of sweets: detailed calculation and an enlarged generalized method.
1. Detailed costing.

  • Candy Eclair milk . Price 1 kg - 187 rub. There are an average of 24 candies per 100 grams. The cost of 1 candy is 18.7 rubles: 24 pieces = 0.78 rubles. The bouquet contains 63 pieces x RUB 0.78 = 49.14 rub.

  • Sweets with coffee filling. Price 1 kg - 270 rub. There are an average of 8 pieces in 100 grams. The cost of one candy is 27.0 rubles. : 8 pcs = 3.38 rub. The bouquet contains 39 pieces x 3.38 rubles. = RUB 131.82

  • Can of coffee Black card Gold Arabica - 220 RUR.

  • Wicker basket - 360 rub.

  • Corrugated paper. I count blue and brown together. 2 m x 20 rubles spent. = 40 rub.

  • Floral film. Used with blue and white pattern. The pounds took 4 m x 15 rubles. = 60 rub.

  • Taplenta. Almost a whole skein of brown and a little white was used up. I count for 1 piece x 90 rubles. = 90 rub.

  • Base. I used polyurethane foam in this basket. A large bottle was enough for 2 baskets. 1/2 pcs x 220 rub. = 110 rub.

  • Glue sticks. Used 4 pcs. x 12 rub. = 48 rub.

  • Birch skewers. Packing 100 pcs. purchased for 60 rubles. The cost of one stick is 60 rubles. : 100 pieces. = 0.60 rub. Used 46 pcs. X 0.60 rub. = 27.60 rub.

The cost at this stage is 1136.56 rub.

Plus not taken into account:

  • toothpicks

  • Staples

  • using scissors, stapler, glue gun

This is the net cost of materials used.

Plus the work of a master. It's individual here. On the one hand, when composing compositions from fresh flowers, phytodesigners charge 20% of the cost of the “material” used. But we make every flower by hand! And I sat over this basket for two evenings. Less 400 rub. I don't evaluate my work.

Total cart cost 1600 rub.

2. Enlarged method.

When you are asked about the cost of this or that bouquet, you won’t count out pennies every time. A more comprehensive method is needed.

From the experience of collected bouquets and the materials used for them, I came to the following calculation:

  • 1 sprig of candy - 15 rubles,

  • 1 simple-shaped flower (rosebud, crocus, bell) - 20 rub.

  • 1 flower of a lush/complex shape (rose, poppy, narcissus, chamomile, peony, iris) - 30 rub.

And now I calculate the cost of the compositions like this:

  • Rose buds 39 pcs. x 20 rub. = 780 rub.

  • Twigs 7 pcs. x 15 rub. = 105 RUR .

  • Coffee 220 rub.

  • Bouquet base. Bouquet in a basket - 360 rub. plus the base itself - I estimate about 100 rubles. for such a volume. Total 460 rub.

  • Plus for assembly (the so-called “non-accounting”) and bouquet decor. I usually add depending on the size of the bouquet from 100 rubles. Here the basket is large, but there is no additional decor in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, etc. I'll add 100 rub.

Total aggregated cost of the basket is 1665 rubles.

The initial investment amount is 430 000 rubles

Break-even point is reached in the second month of work.

The payback period is 6 months.

Average monthly profit of the 1st year of project implementation 121 000 rub.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A flower shop is a profitable business that will allow you to make a significant profit with minimal investment, because not a single holiday or celebration is complete without a bouquet.

Assortment of colors:

  • carnation, bush carnation (minimum 3 shades);
  • chrysanthemums (3-4 shades);
  • roses (from 10 to 15 different shades);
  • spray roses (about 5 shades);
  • gerbera (3-5 shades);
  • tulips;
  • peonies.

In addition to flowers familiar to Russian territory, it is necessary to offer exotic ones brought from tropical countries:

  • orchids;
  • strelitzia;
  • freesia;
  • anemones;
  • ranunculus;
  • irises;
  • anthuriums.

Rare types of flowers, unlike those that are bought every day and in large quantities, should be presented in several copies. For buyers, you can print out special brochures that will tell you not only about this type of plant, but also how to care for it, conditions of maintenance, etc.

Range of products offered:

  • Cut flowers;
  • A flower arrangement made by a florist using packaging materials that play an important role in the flower business, because the beautiful design of bouquets depends on them;
  • Souvenirs.

Characteristics of packaging materials:

  • gift packaging for flowers and floral arrangements;
  • handbags made of various materials;
  • wrapping paper for every taste;
  • boxes for packaging flower arrangements;
  • baskets for bouquets;
  • ribbons, floral bows, rhinestones.

To increase the profit of your business, you can provide the following types of services:

  • services for decorating premises for celebrations;
  • conducting master classes on floristry.

3. Description of the sales market

Today there is quite high competition in the flower shop market. There are low entry barriers and good development prospects. Thus, in order to take your place in this niche, you need to make the most of your capabilities and find new and original ways of development. At the moment, online flower shops are becoming especially relevant. This is due to the fact that people are increasingly using the Internet to make purchases, including flowers and bouquets. Today, flower shops sell not only flowers, but also baskets with sweets, wines, gifts, decorated with flowers. These gifts become especially relevant during the holiday season. In general, the period from late December to mid-March can be called the peak period due to the large number of holidays during this period of time. Many flower sellers make more profit in these 3.5 months than in the rest of the year. Activity also occurs in May and September.

There are specific peak dates for flower sales:

  • September 1;
  • The 14th of February;
  • March 7 - 9;
  • May 25.

The target audience

Flowers are actively bought and given by a wide range of citizens. The core of the target audience is working youth aged 18-35 years. This group of buyers can be considered the main group in terms of generating store revenue: they give flowers to each other, their parents, grandparents, and pay for the purchase of flowers for children during the holidays.

People buy flowers for various purposes:

  • The desire to congratulate someone on a special event;
  • The desire to show attention to the opposite sex;
  • Purchase a means of decorating the interior of both private homes and public places.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

The main goal of the project is to open a flower shop and maximize its profits.

Review of the real estate market to select the optimal premises.

Requirements for the store premises:

A separate stationary pavilion with an area of ​​20−40 m2 or a room of the same area on the ground floor of an office building or residential building;

Windows and entrance should open to the first line or be within visibility from it;

It is desirable that the building is located near the roadway and next to a public transport stop;

Possibility of placing a sign;

Availability of running water and toilet.

Registration of a legal entity.

When opening your own flower shop, special attention must be paid to organizational and legal issues. It is very important to have all the necessary information and work according to the law to avoid various fines.

  1. Organizational and legal form - individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. It is more profitable for an entrepreneur to choose the simplified tax system “Income minus expenses” 15%.
  3. It is mandatory to have a “Sanitary and Industrial Control Program”. It is carried out once - after approval from Rospotrebnadzor.
  4. It is mandatory to have contracts for deratization, disinfestation and disinfection.
  5. Ventilation and air conditioning systems must also be maintained and disinfected.
  6. A contract for the removal and disposal of solid waste is required.
  7. There are also requirements for internal store documentation. So, the organization should have:
    • journal for recording expired products;
    • disinfectant logbook;
    • assortment list of products sold.
  8. All products will require hygienic permits from the SES or appropriate quality certificates.
  9. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the Customs Code and Rosselkhoznadzor regulations that apply to plants.
  10. Please note that you do not need to obtain a license to sell flowers, but you will have to obtain a permit to sell flowers.
  11. If you accept payments from clients using bank cards, you will need to open a current account.

6. Organizational structure


  • director - 1,
  • seller/florist - 2,
  • courier - 1.

The total number of personnel is 4 people.

Requirements for all candidates:

  • active life position;
  • high communication skills;
  • goodwill;
  • honesty;
  • discipline;
  • responsibility.

Requirements for a florist:

  • good taste;
  • ability to interest the buyer;
  • experience in similar positions;

Salary fund


Salary per 1 employee (RUB)

The number of employees

Salary Total (RUB)


Salesman/ florist


General salary fund

7. Financial plan

The sales plan for the project is forecast taking into account the seasonality of the business. A gradual increase in sales volumes is predicted in the first 3 months of the project. Despite the seasonality of this business, the sales structure is diversified in such a way that the store constantly makes a profit.

Thus, the considered base scenario is realistic, and the project has a reserve for increasing sales volumes in the event of a successful entry into the market.

Sales plan for the 1st year of project implementation, rub.

Sales structure

1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month

Cut flowers

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Flower arrangements

number of sales

average bill, rub.

total, rub.


number of sales

average bill, rub.

total, rub.

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Master classes on floristry

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Total revenue, rub.

Sales structure

7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month

Cut flowers

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Flower arrangements

number of sales

average bill, rub.

total, rub.


number of sales

average bill, rub.

total, rub.

Services for decorating premises for celebrations

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Master classes on floristry

number of sales

average check, rub

total, rub.

Total revenue, rub.

Procurement structure for the 1st year of project implementation, rub.

Procurement structure

1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month

Flowers (sold)

Flowers (unsold)

Flowers, total:



Total purchases:

Procurement structure

7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month

Flowers (sold)

Flowers (unsold)

Flowers, total:



Total purchases:

Thus, 15% of purchased flowers remain unsold and are written off as losses. The markup on flowers is 200%, the markup on souvenirs is 100%. The cost of packaging is 5% of the bouquet sale.

Taking into account the purchase of goods, raw materials and supplies, the average monthly cost is 384,500 rubles.

The financial result for the first year of activity is presented in the table. The average net profit for the first year of operation is 121,000 rubles.

1 month

To help my fellow crafters

and for reference to customers

I understand that everyone has their own concept of “expensive”, since we first of all try everything on for ourselves. It would be more correct to say “expensive for me personally.”

What did this cost come from?

Let's try to figure it out. I will show you two ways to calculate the cost of a bouquet of sweets: detailed calculation and an enlarged generalized method.

1. Detailed costing.

  • Candy Eclair milk . Price 1 kg - 187 rub. There are an average of 24 candies per 100 grams. The cost of 1 candy is 18.7 rubles: 24 pieces = 0.78 rubles. The bouquet contains 63 pieces x RUB 0.78 = 49.14 rub.
  • Sweets with coffee filling. Price 1 kg - 270 rub. There are an average of 8 pieces in 100 grams. The cost of one candy is 27.0 rubles. : 8 pcs = 3.38 rub. The bouquet contains 39 pieces x 3.38 rubles. = RUB 131.82
  • Can of coffee Black card Gold Arabica - 220 RUR.
  • Wicker basket - 360 rub.
  • Corrugated paper. I count blue and brown together. 2 m x 20 rubles spent. = 40 rub.
  • Floral film. Used with blue and white pattern. The pounds took 4 m x 15 rubles. = 60 rub.
  • Taplenta. Almost a whole skein of brown and a little white was used up. I count for 1 piece x 90 rubles. = 90 rub.
  • Base. I used polyurethane foam in this basket. A large bottle was enough for 2 baskets. 1/2 pcs x 220 rub. = 110 rub.
  • Glue sticks. Used 4 pcs. x 12 rub. = 48 rub.
  • Birch skewers. Packing 100 pcs. purchased for 60 rubles. The cost of one stick is 60 rubles. : 100 pieces. = 0.60 rub. Used 46 pcs. X 0.60 rub. = 27.60 rub.

The cost at this stage is 1136.56 rub.

Plus not taken into account:

This is the net cost of materials used.

Plus the work of a master. It's individual here. On the one hand, when composing compositions from fresh flowers, phytodesigners charge 20% of the cost of the “material” used. But we make every flower by hand! And I sat over this basket for two evenings. However, if we take a purely “hourly” rate of payment, then my basket in my region will be completely unattractive in price (uncompetitive, as experts would say). So, having taken the “upper” level for the wages of a foreman, I am slowly lowering it to reflect the realities of the current day. Anyway, less 400 rub. I don't evaluate my work.

Total cart cost 1600 rub.

2. Enlarged method.

When you are asked about the cost of this or that bouquet, you won’t count out pennies every time. A more comprehensive method is needed.

From the experience of collected bouquets and the materials used for them, I came to the following calculation:

  • 1 sprig of candy - 15 rubles,
  • 1 simple-shaped flower (rosebud, crocus, bell) - 20 rub.
  • 1 flower of a lush/complex shape (rose, poppy, narcissus, chamomile, peony, iris) - 30 rub.
And now I calculate the cost of the compositions like this:
  • Rose buds 39 pcs. x 20 rub. = 780 rub.
  • Twigs 7 pcs. x 15 rub. = 105 RUR .
  • Coffee 220 rub.
  • Bouquet base. Bouquet in a basket - 360 rub. plus the base itself - I estimate about 100 rubles. for such a volume. Total 460 rub.
  • Plus for assembly (the so-called “non-accounting”) and bouquet decor. I usually add depending on the size of the bouquet from 100 rubles. Here the basket is large, but there is no additional decor in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, etc. I'll add 100 rub.

Total aggregated cost of the basket is 1665 rubles.

Dear readers! When estimating the cost of a particular bouquet, take into account the current prices in your region!