Which represents immortal comedy hell. Dante's "Divine Comedy" - analysis

Halfway through life, I - Dante - got lost in a dense forest. It’s scary, there are wild animals all around - allegories of vices; nowhere to go. And then a ghost appears, who turns out to be the shadow of my beloved ancient Roman poet Virgil. I ask him for help. He promises to take me from here to wander through the afterlife so that I can see Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. I'm ready to follow him.

Yes, but am I capable of such a journey? I became timid and hesitated. Virgil reproached me, telling me that Beatrice herself (my late beloved) came down to him from Heaven to Hell and asked him to be my guide in my wanderings in the afterlife. If so, then you cannot hesitate, you need determination. Guide me, my teacher and mentor!

There is an inscription above the entrance to Hell that takes away all hope from those entering. We entered. Here, right behind the entrance, the pitiful souls of those who did neither good nor evil during their lives groan. Next is the Acheron River, through which the ferocious Charon transports the dead in a boat. To us - with them. “But you’re not dead!” - Charon shouts angrily at me. Virgil pacified him. Let's swim. A roar was heard from afar, the wind was blowing, and flames flashed. I lost my senses...

The first circle of Hell is Limbo. Here the souls of unbaptized babies and glorious pagans languish - warriors, sages, poets (including Virgil). They do not suffer, but only grieve that they, as non-Christians, have no place in Paradise. Virgil and I joined the great poets of antiquity, the first of whom was Homer. They walked sedately and talked about unearthly things.

At the descent into the second circle underground kingdom the demon Minos determines which sinner should be cast into which place of Hell. He reacted to me in the same way as Charon, and Virgil pacified him in the same way. We saw the souls of voluptuaries (Cleopatra, Helen the Beautiful, etc.) carried away by a hellish whirlwind. Among them is Francesca, and here she is inseparable from her lover. Immense mutual passion led them to tragic death. With deep compassion for them, I fainted again.

In the third circle, the bestial dog Cerberus rages. He started to bark at us, but Virgil pacified him too. Here the souls of those who sinned with gluttony are lying in the mud, under a heavy downpour. Among them is my fellow countryman, the Florentine Ciacco. We talked about destinies hometown. Chacko asked me to remind living people about him when I return to earth.

The demon guarding the fourth circle, where spendthrifts and misers are executed (among the latter there are many clergy - popes, cardinals) - Plutos. Virgil also had to besiege him in order to get rid of him. From the fourth we descended into the fifth circle, where the angry and lazy suffer, mired in the swamps of the Stygian lowland. We approached some tower.

This is a whole fortress, around it there is a vast reservoir, in the canoe there is an oarsman, the demon Phlegius. After another squabble we sat down with him and sailed. Some sinner tried to cling to the side, I cursed him, and Virgil pushed him away. Before us is the hellish city of Deet. Any dead evil spirits prevent us from entering it. Virgil, leaving me (oh,

scary alone!), went to find out what was the matter, returned worried, but hopeful.

And then the hellish furies appeared before us, threatening us. A heavenly messenger who suddenly appeared and curbed their anger came to the rescue. We entered Deet. Everywhere there are tombs engulfed in flames, from which the groans of heretics can be heard. We make our way along a narrow road between the tombs.

A mighty figure suddenly emerged from one of the tombs. This is Farinata, my ancestors were his political opponents. In me, having heard my conversation with Virgil, he guessed a fellow countryman by the dialect. He was proud, he seemed to despise the entire abyss of Hell. We argued with him, and then another head poked out of the neighboring tomb: yes, this is the father of my friend Guido! It seemed to him that I was dead and that his son was also dead, and he fell on his face in despair. Farinata, calm him down; Guido is alive!

Near the descent from the sixth circle to the seventh, above the grave of the heretic master Anastasius, Virgil explained to me the structure of the remaining three circles of Hell, tapering downwards (towards the center of the earth), and what sins are punished in which zone of which circle.

The seventh circle is compressed by mountains and is guarded by the half-bull demon Minotaur, who roared menacingly at us. Virgil shouted at him, and we hastened to move away. They saw a stream boiling with blood, in which tyrants and robbers were boiling, and from the shore centaurs were shooting at them with bows. The centaur Nessus became our guide, told us about the executed rapists and helped us ford the boiling river.

All around there are thorny thickets without greenery. I broke some branch, and black blood flowed from it, and the trunk groaned. It turns out that these bushes are the souls of suicides (violators of their own flesh). They are pecked by the hellish birds Harpies, trampled by the running dead, causing them unbearable pain. One trampled bush asked me to collect the broken branches and return them to him. It turned out that the unfortunate man was my fellow countryman. I complied with his request and we moved on. We see sand, flakes of fire fly down on top of it, scorching sinners who scream and moan - all except one: he lies silent. Who is this? King Kapanei, a proud and gloomy atheist, struck down by the gods for his obstinacy. He is still true to himself: he either remains silent or loudly curses the gods. “You are your own tormentor!” - Virgil shouted over him...

But the souls of new sinners are moving towards us, tormented by fire. Among them I hardly recognized my venerable teacher Brunetto Latini. He is among those who are guilty of same-sex love. We started talking. Brunetto predicted that glory awaits me in the world of the living, but there will also be many hardships that must be resisted. The teacher bequeathed to me to take care of his main work, in which he is alive - “Treasure”.

And three more sinners (same sin) dance in the fire. All Florentines, former respected citizens. I talked to them about the misfortunes of our hometown. They asked me to tell my living fellow countrymen that I saw them. Then Virgil led me to a deep hole in the eighth circle. A hellish beast will bring us down there. He's already climbing towards us from there.

This is the mottled tailed Geryon. While he is preparing to descend, there is still time to look at the last martyrs of the seventh circle - the moneylenders, tossing about in a whirlwind of flaming dust. From their necks hang colorful wallets with different coats of arms. I didn't talk to them. Let's hit the road! We sit down with Virgil astride Geryon and - oh horror! - we are gradually flying into failure, to new torment. We went down. Geryon immediately flew away.

The eighth circle is divided into ten ditches called Zlopazuchi. In the first ditch, pimps and seducers of women are executed, in the second - flatterers. Pimps are brutally scourged by horned demons, flatterers sit in a liquid mass of stinking feces - the stench is unbearable. By the way, one whore was punished here not for fornication, but for flattering her lover, saying that she felt good with him.

The next ditch (third cavity) is lined with stone, mottled with round holes, from which protrude the burning legs of high-ranking clergy who traded in church positions. Their heads and torsos are squeezed by the wells stone wall. Their successors, when they die, will also kick their flaming legs in their place, completely pushing their predecessors into stone. This is how Pope Orsini explained it to me, at first mistaking me for his successor.

In the fourth sinus, soothsayers, astrologers, and sorceresses suffer. Their necks are twisted so that when they sob, they wet their backsides with their tears, not their chests. I myself burst into tears when I saw such a mockery of people, and Virgil shamed me; It’s a sin to feel sorry for sinners! But he, too, with sympathy, told me about his fellow countrywoman, the soothsayer Manto, after whom Mantua, the homeland of my glorious mentor, was named.

The fifth ditch is filled with boiling tar, into which the Grudge-grabber devils, black, winged, throw bribe-takers and make sure that they do not stick out, otherwise they will hook the sinner and finish him off in the most cruel way. The devils have nicknames: Evil-Tail, Crooked-Winged, etc. We will have to go through part of the further path in their creepy company. They make faces, show their tongues, their boss made a deafening obscene sound with his backside. I've never heard anything like this before! We walk with them along the ditch, the sinners dive into the tar - they hide, and one hesitated, and they immediately pulled him out with hooks, intending to torment him, but first they allowed us to talk with him. The poor fellow, by cunning, lulled the vigilance of the Grudgers and dived back - they did not have time to catch him. The irritated devils fought among themselves, two of them fell into the tar. In the confusion, we hastened to leave, but it was not to be! They are flying after us. Virgil, picking me up, barely managed to run across to the sixth bosom, where they are not the masters. Here the hypocrites languish under the weight of lead and gilded clothing. And here is the crucified (nailed to the ground with stakes) Jewish high priest, who insisted on the execution of Christ. He is trampled underfoot by hypocrites weighed down with lead.

The transition was difficult: along a rocky path - into the seventh sinus. Thieves live here, bitten by monstrous poisonous snakes. From these bites they crumble into dust, but are immediately restored to their appearance. Among them is Vanni Fucci, who robbed the sacristy and blamed it on someone else. A rude and blasphemous man: he sent God “to hell” by raising two figs in the air. Immediately the snakes attacked him (I love them for this). Then I watched as a certain snake merged with one of the thieves, after which it took on his appearance and stood on its feet, and the thief crawled away, becoming a reptile. Miracles! You won’t find such metamorphoses in Ovid either,

Rejoice, Florence: these thieves are your offspring! It's a shame... And in the eighth ditch live treacherous advisers. Among them is Ulysses (Odysseus), his soul is imprisoned in a flame that can speak! So, we heard the story of Ulysses about his death: eager to know the unknown, he sailed with a handful of daredevils to the other side of the world, was shipwrecked and, together with his friends, drowned far from the world inhabited by people,

Another speaking flame, in which the soul of the evil adviser, who did not call himself by name, is hidden, told me about his sin:

this adviser helped the Pope in one unjust matter - counting on the Pope to forgive him his sin. Heaven is more tolerant of the simple-minded sinner than of those who hope to be saved by repentance. We moved to the ninth ditch, where the sowers of unrest are executed.

Here they are, the instigators of bloody strife and religious unrest. The devil will mutilate them with a heavy sword, cut off their noses and ears, and crush their skulls.

This night turned out to be very dark. Dante, finding himself in the forest, the next morning sees mountains, golden from sunlight. He tries to climb on them, but he fails and retreats. Entering back into the forest, he notices the spirit of Virgil, he tells the hero that he will soon find himself in other world, in all three of its parts. The hero decides to take this difficult path and goes with Virgil to Hell.

A picture of Hell appears before Dante. In it he hears the groan of souls that have not manifested themselves in any way in life. Having passed them, they emerge into Charona. He transports souls from the world of the living to the world of the dead. After crossing they find themselves in Limbo. Here are the souls of former warriors, writers, and with them babies who were not baptized during their lifetime. The hero was able to communicate with Homer here.

After Limbo, he moves into the second circle. It is controlled by Minos. Minos decides future fate sinner, i.e. what punishment the sinner will suffer.

On the third lap they met hellhound, Cerberus. On this circle there are gluttons, rolled in the mud. Ciacco from Florence was here. Chacko asked to tell his relatives about him.

After that, he went to the next circle, where there were greedy people, and behind this circle there were lazy souls and evil souls during their lifetime.

Having passed the fifth circle, Dante came to the castle of Phlegia, through which they also had to go. After passing the castle, Dante saw the city of Dit. There were guards in front of him, but the messenger helped them pass through the guards, pacifying them. In this city there were tombs, they were engulfed in fire, and heretics lay in them.

And now the seventh circle of Hell appears before them, Virgil described the last circles to Dante. The hero entered there and saw the Minotaur holding tyrants and robbers in a cauldron. Centaurs were constantly shooting at them with bows.

Further there was a circle guarded by Geryon, around it there were moats - Sinisters. Each had its own sinners and punishers: in the first, seducers with demons; in the second there are flatterers sitting in excrement; in the third, confessors who sold positions blazing with fire and pinched with stones; in the fourth, witches and sorcerers whose necks were broken; in the fifth, those who took bribes bathed in tar; in the sixth there was a single soul who betrayed Jesus; in the seventh, thieves with snakes; in the eighth, treacherous advisers; in the ninth, those who started troubles will be executed by Satan.

There was a well ahead, and Antaeus led them through it. Having descended, they saw a lake covered in ice. There were traitors to our own blood in this lake. Lucifer was located in the center of Hell; he tortured Judas, Brutus and Cassius. They passed them and found themselves on the other side.

They ended up in Purgatory. Approaching the sea, they washed themselves from the dirt of Hell. An angel carried them across the sea. Once on the other side, they saw main mountain Purgatory. Not far from her they met sinners repenting of their sins. Dante lay down and fell asleep. He had a dream about how he came to the entrance to Purgatory. There, the Angel painted the letter “G” on the sinners’ foreheads seven times. Sinners had to go through all of purgatory to be cleansed of sins and letters.

In the first circle of the sinner there are those who are proud, with huge stones on their backs. On the second are the envious, they are blinded. On the third are angry souls that are covered with hopeless darkness. On the fourth, they are lazy, they are forced to run. Next are those who love wealth. Suddenly, the hero felt an earthquake. It means that someone was healed through torment.

On the sixth circle are those who loved to overeat; they languish in hunger. At the last are those who loved voluptuousness, sinful souls sing songs about chastity.

The hero and Virgil are on the way to Paradise, and their path is blocked only by fire, which must be passed through.

They passed it and found themselves in Paradise. The hero saw a beautiful grove on which beautiful girl sings a song and collects flowers. Old men in snow-white clothes were walking in the same place. He saw Beatrice and could not control his feelings, so he fainted. Having regained consciousness, he found himself in a river that cleansed him of sins. The hero, together with his newly purified soul, rinsed in the river. Beatrice showed Dante that the sky is divided into parts. The first contains nuns who were given in marriage. The second contains purer souls, emitting a particularly bright radiance.

On the next one, the radiance of the souls was fiery. Next was the fourth, where the sages lived. Then the fifth, on which the light forms letters, and after that the light eagle, this speaks of justice.

Next were the contemplators. In the penultimate heaven were the righteous. In this heaven, the Apostle Peter told the hero what true faith means, he said that only in it is love, faith, and hope possible. It was in this sky that the hero became acquainted with the radiance of Adam. The last one had the most purest souls who radiated the light of goodness. Dante saw a divine point, next to it he saw circles of angels. There were nine laps in total. Among those in the circles were seraphim, cherubim, archangels and angels.

The girl told the hero about the origin of angels, that they were created on the day of the beginning of divine creations. Beatrice explained that the entire universe moves precisely because of their endless movement.

Dante saw Empiria, this is the highest sphere not only in the sky but in the entire universe. Dante saw Bernard nearby, he was becoming the hero's new mentor. Beatrice left and disappeared into the sphere. Bernard and the hero saw the rose of Empyria. The rose contained the souls of babies.

Bernard told Dante to look up while he prayed to the Virgin Mary for help. She heard him and the greatest truth appeared before Dante - God.

The work teaches us a lot, firstly, inaction is also punishable, as was the case with the nuns, and the lack of strength of perseverance in them. The story explains to us the values ​​of the definitions of faith, love and hope. After all, these three feelings are valuable at any time. The author describes not only love for opposite sex, but also love for the whole world. And finally, it is God who opens the curtain before the hero, calling love light.

At the heart of Dante's poem is humanity's recognition of its sins and ascent to spiritual life and to God. According to the poet, in order to find peace of mind, it is necessary to go through all the circles of hell and renounce blessings, and atone for sins with suffering. Each of the three chapters of the poem includes 33 songs. “Hell”, “Purgatory” and “Paradise” are eloquent names of the parts that make up “ The Divine Comedy». Summary makes it possible to comprehend the main idea of ​​the poem.

Dante Alighieri created the poem during the years of exile, shortly before his death. It is recognized in world literature as brilliant creation. The author himself gave it the name “Comedy”. In those days it was customary to call any work that had a happy ending. Boccaccio called it “Divine”, thus giving it the highest rating.

Dante's poem "The Divine Comedy", a summary of which schoolchildren study in the 9th grade, is difficult for modern teenagers to perceive. Detailed analysis some songs cannot give a complete picture of the work, especially taking into account today's attitude towards religion and human sins. However, acquaintance, albeit only a review, with Dante’s work is necessary to create a complete understanding of world fiction.

"The Divine Comedy". Summary of the chapter "Hell"

The main character of the work is Dante himself, to whom the shadow of the famous poet Virgil appears with an offer to travel through Dante. At first he doubts, but agrees after Virgil informs him that Beatrice (the author’s beloved, by that time long dead) asked the poet to become his guide. ).

Path characters starts from hell. Before entering it there are pitiful souls who during their lifetime did neither good nor evil. The Acheron River flows outside the gates, through which Charon transports the dead. The heroes are approaching the circles of hell:

Having gone through all the circles of hell, Dante and his companion went up and saw the stars.

"The Divine Comedy". Brief summary of the part "Purgatory"

The main character and his guide end up in purgatory. Here they are met by the guard Cato, who sends them to the sea to wash themselves. The companions go to the water, where Virgil washes the soot of the underworld from Dante’s face. At this time, a boat sails up to the travelers, ruled by an angel. He lands on shore the souls of the dead who did not go to hell. With them, the heroes travel to the mountain of purgatory. On the way, they meet Virgil's fellow countryman, the poet Sordello, who joins them.

Dante falls asleep and in his sleep is transported to the gates of purgatory. Here the angel writes seven letters on the poet’s forehead, indicating the Hero goes through all the circles of purgatory, cleansing himself of sins. After completing each circle, the angel erases the letter of the overcome sin from Dante’s forehead. On the last lap, the poet must pass through the flames of fire. Dante is afraid, but Virgil convinces him. The poet passes the test by fire and goes to heaven, where Beatrice is waiting for him. Virgil falls silent and disappears forever. The beloved washes Dante in the sacred river, and the poet feels strength pouring into his body.

"The Divine Comedy". Brief summary of the part "Paradise"

Beloved ones ascend to heaven. To the surprise of the main character, he was able to take off. Beatrice explained to him that souls not burdened with sins are light. Lovers pass through all the heavenly skies:

  • the first sky of the Moon, where the souls of nuns are located;
  • the second - Mercury for ambitious righteous people;
  • third - Venus, here the souls of the loving rest;
  • the fourth - the Sun, intended for sages;
  • fifth - Mars, which receives warriors;
  • sixth - Jupiter, for just souls;
  • the seventh is Saturn, where the souls of contemplators are located;
  • the eighth - for the spirits of the great righteous;
  • ninth - here are angels and archangels, seraphim and cherubim.

After rising to last sky, the hero sees the Virgin Mary. She is among the shining rays. Dante raises his head up into the bright and blinding light and finds the highest truth. He sees divinity in its trinity.

. The “Divine Comedy” is the fruit of the entire second half of Dante’s life and work. This work most fully reflected the poet’s worldview. Dante appears here as the last great poet of the Middle Ages, a poet who continued the line of development of feudal literature, but absorbed some features typical of the new bourgeois culture of the early years.


The surprisingly consistent composition of The Divine Comedy reflects the rationalism of creativity that developed in the atmosphere of the new bourgeois culture.

The Divine Comedy is constructed extremely symmetrically. It breaks down into three parts; each part consists of 33 songs, and ends with the word Stelle, that is, stars. In total, this produces 99 songs, which, together with the introductory song, make up the number 100. The poem is written in terzas - stanzas consisting of three lines. This tendency towards certain numbers is explained by the fact that Dante gave them a mystical interpretation - so the number 3 is associated with the Christian idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe number 33 should remind of the years of earthly life, etc.


According to Catholic beliefs, the afterlife consists of hell, where eternally condemned sinners go, purgatory - the abode of sinners who atone for their sins - and heaven - the abode of the blessed.

Dante describes with extreme precision the structure of the underworld, recording with graphic certainty all the details of its architectonics. In the opening song, Dante tells how, having reached the middle life path, once got lost in a dense forest and, like the poet Virgil, having saved him from three wild animals that blocked his path, he invited Dante to travel through the afterlife. Having learned that Virgil was sent to Beatrice, Dante surrenders to the poet’s leadership without trepidation.


Having passed the threshold of hell, inhabited by the souls of insignificant, indecisive people, they enter the first circle of hell, the so-called limbo, where the souls of those who could not know the true God reside. Here Dante sees outstanding representatives ancient culture-, etc. The next circle (hell looks like a colossal funnel consisting of concentric circles, the narrow end of which rests on the center of the earth) is filled with the souls of people who once indulged in unbridled passion. Among those carried by the wild whirlwind, Dante sees Francesca da Rimini and her lover Paolo, fallen victims forbidden love to each other. As Dante, accompanied by Virgil, descends lower and lower, he witnesses the torment of those forced to suffer from rain and hail, misers and spendthrifts tirelessly rolling huge stones, angry ones getting bogged down in the swamp. They are followed by heresiarchs engulfed in eternal flame (among them the emperor, Pope Anastasius II), tyrants and murderers floating in streams of boiling blood, turned into plants, and rapists burned by falling flames, deceivers of all kinds. The torments of deceivers are varied. Finally, Dante enters the final, 9th circle of hell, reserved for the most terrible criminals. Here is the abode of traitors and traitors, the greatest of them - and Cassius - they are gnawing with his three jaws, the king of evil who once rebelled, doomed to imprisonment in the center of the earth. Ends with a description of the terrible appearance of Lucifer the last song the first part of the poem.


Having passed the narrow corridor connecting the center of the earth with the second hemisphere, Dante and Virgil emerge on the surface of the earth. There, in the middle of an island surrounded by the ocean, a mountain rises in the form of a truncated cone - like hell, consisting of a series of circles that narrow as they approach the top of the mountain. The angel guarding the entrance to purgatory allows Dante into the first circle of purgatory, having previously drawn seven Ps (Peccatum - sin) on his forehead with a sword, that is, a symbol of the seven deadly sins. As Dante rises higher and higher, passing one circle after another, these letters disappear, so that when Dante, having reached the top of the mountain, enters the earthly paradise located at the top of the latter, he is already free from the signs inscribed by the guardian of purgatory. The circles of the latter are inhabited by the souls of sinners atoning for their sins. Here they are purified, forced to bend under the burden of weights pressing on their backs, the careless, etc. Virgil brings Dante to the gates of heaven, where he, as someone who has not known baptism, has no access.


IN earthly paradise Virgil is replaced by Beatrice, seated on a drawn chariot (an allegory of the triumphant church); she encourages Dante to repentance, and then lifts him, enlightened, to heaven. The final part of the poem is dedicated to Dante's wanderings through the heavenly paradise. The latter consists of seven spheres encircling the earth and corresponding to the seven planets (according to the then widespread): spheres, etc., followed by the spheres of the fixed stars and the crystal - behind the crystal sphere is the Empyrean - an endless region inhabited by the blessed, contemplating God is the last sphere that gives life to all things. Flying through the spheres, led by Dante, he sees the emperor introducing him to history, teachers of the faith, martyrs for the faith, whose shining souls form a sparkling cross; ascending higher and higher, Dante sees Christ and angels and, finally, the “heavenly Rose” - the abode of the blessed - is revealed before him. Here Dante partakes of the highest grace, achieving communion with the Creator.

"Comedy" is Dante's last and most mature work. The poet, of course, did not realize that through his lips in “Comedy” “ten silent centuries spoke”, that in his work he summarized the entire development of medieval literature.


The form of the poem is an afterlife vision, of which there were many in medieval literature. Like the medieval poets, it rests on an allegorical core. So the dense forest, in which the poet got lost halfway through his earthly existence, is a symbol of life’s complications. Three animals that attack him there: , and - the three most strong passions: sensuality, lust for power, . This also gives a political interpretation: a panther - the spots on the skin of which should indicate the enmity of the parties and the Ghibellines. Leo is a symbol of roughness physical strength- ; she-wolf, greedy and lustful - curia. These beasts threaten the national unity that Dante dreamed of, a unity cemented by the dominance of the feudal monarchy (some literary historians give Dante's entire poem a political interpretation). The poet is saved from the beasts by reason, sent to the poet by Beatrice (by faith). Virgil leads Dante through and on the threshold of heaven gives way to Beatrice. The meaning of this allegory is that reason saves a person from passions, and knowledge of divine science brings eternal bliss.

The Divine Comedy is imbued with the author's political tendencies. Dante never misses an opportunity to reckon with his ideological, even personal enemies; he hates usurers, condemns credit as “usury,” condemns his age as an age of profit, etc. In his opinion, it is the source of all kinds of evil. He contrasts the dark present with a bright past, bourgeois Florence - feudal Florence, when simplicity of morals, moderation, knightly “courtesy” (“Paradise”, Cacciaguvida’s story) and feudal Florence (cf. Dante’s treatise “On the Monarchy”) prevailed. The terzas of "Purgatory" accompanying the appearance of Sordello (Ahi serva Italia) sound like a real hosanna of Ghibellinism. Dante treats the papacy as a principle with the greatest respect, although he hates its individual representatives, especially those who contributed to the consolidation of the bourgeois system in Italy; Dante meets some popes in hell. His religion is, although a personal element is woven into it, alien to the old orthodoxy, although the Franciscan religion of love, which is accepted with all passion, is also a sharp deviation from classical Catholicism. His philosophy is theology, his science is , his poetry is allegory. Ascetic ideals in Dante have not yet died, and he considers free love to be a grave sin (Hell, 2nd circle, the famous episode with Francesca da Rimini and Paolo). But for him it is not a sin to love, which attracts to the object of worship with a pure platonic impulse (cf. “ New life", Dante's love for Beatrice). This is a great world force that “moves the sun and other luminaries.” And humility is no longer an unconditional virtue. “Whoever does not renew his strength in glory with victory will not taste the fruit he obtained in the struggle.” And the spirit of inquisitiveness, the desire to expand the circle of knowledge and acquaintance with the world, combined with “virtue” (virtute e conoscenza), encouraging heroic daring, is proclaimed as an ideal.

Dante built his vision from pieces real life. The design of the afterlife was based on individual corners of Italy, which are placed in it with clear graphic contours. And there are so many living ones scattered throughout the poem human images, so many typical figures, so many vivid psychological situations that literature even now continues to draw from there. People who suffer in hell, repent in purgatory (and the volume and nature of sin corresponds to the volume and nature of punishment), are in bliss in paradise - all living people. In these hundreds of figures, no two are identical. In this huge gallery of historical figures there is not a single image that has not been cut by the poet’s unmistakable plastic intuition. It was not for nothing that Florence was experiencing a period of such intense economic and cultural growth. That acute sense of landscape and man, which is shown in the Comedy and which the world learned from Dante, was possible only in the social environment of Florence, which was far ahead of the rest of Europe. Individual episodes of the poem, such as Francesca and Paolo, Farinata in his red-hot grave, Ugolino with his children, Capaneus and Ulysses, in no way similar to ancient images, the Black Cherub with subtle devilish logic, Sordello on his stone, still produce strong impression.

The concept of Hell in The Divine Comedy

In front of the entrance are pitiful souls who did neither good nor evil during their lives, including “a bad flock of angels” who were neither with the devil nor with God.

  • 1st circle (Limbo). Unbaptized Infants and the Virtuous.
  • 2nd circle. Voluptuaries (fornicators and adulterers).
  • 3rd circle. , and gourmets.
  • 4th circle. Misers and spendthrifts.
  • 5th circle (Stygian swamp). And .
  • 6th circle. and false teachers.
  • 7th circle.
    • 1st belt. Rapists against their neighbors and their property (and robbers).
    • 2nd belt. Rapists against themselves () and over their property (and spendthrifts).
    • 3rd belt. Rapists against deity (), against nature () and art, ().
  • 8th circle. Those who deceived those who did not trust. Consists of ten ditches (Zlopazukha, or Evil Crevices).
    • 1st ditch Pimps and .
    • 2nd ditch Flatterers.
    • 3rd ditch Holy merchants, high-ranking clergy who traded in church positions.
    • 4th ditch , stargazers, .
    • 5th ditch Bribery takers.
    • 6th ditch Hypocrites.
    • 7th ditch .
    • 8th ditch Crafty advisors.
    • 9th ditch Instigators of discord.
    • 10th ditch , false witnesses, counterfeiters.
  • 9th circle. Those who deceived those who trusted.
    • Belt. Traitors to relatives.
    • Belt. Traitors and like-minded people.
    • Tolomei's Belt. Traitors to friends and table mates.
    • Giudecca Belt. Traitors to benefactors, divine and human majesty.

Building a model of Hell, Dante follows, which classifies the sins of intemperance into the 1st category, the sins of violence into the 2nd category, and the sins of deception into the 3rd category. In Dante, circles 2-5 are for intemperate people, circle 7 is for rapists, circles 8-9 are for deceivers (the 8th is simply for deceivers, the 9th is for traitors). Thus, the more material the sin, the more forgivable it is.

The concept of Heaven in the Divine Comedy

  • 1 sky() - the abode of those who observe duty.
  • 2 sky() - the abode of reformers and innocent victims.
  • 3 sky() - the abode of lovers.
  • 4 heaven() - the abode of sages and great scientists ().
  • 5 sky() - abode of warriors for the faith - , .
  • 6 sky() - the abode of just rulers (biblical kings David and Hezekiah, Emperor Trajan, King Guglielmo II the Good and the hero of the Aeneid, Ripheus)
  • 7 heaven() - the monastery of theologians and monks (,).
  • 8 sky(sphere of stars)
  • 9 sky(Prime Mover, crystal sky). Dante describes the structure of the heavenly inhabitants (see)
  • 10 sky(Empyrean) - Flaming Rose and Radiant River (the core of the rose and the arena of the heavenly amphitheater) - the abode of the Deity. Blessed souls sit on the banks of the river (the steps of the amphitheater, which is divided into 2 more semicircles - the Old Testament and the New Testament). Maria (

On the night before Good Friday in 1300, Dante, who at that time was only 35 years old, became lost in the forest, which made him very frightened. From there he has a view of the mountains, and he tries to climb them, but a lion, a wolf and a leopard get in his way and Dante has to return back to the dense thicket. In the forest, he meets the spirit Virgil, who says that he can lead him to Paradise through the circles of purgatory and Hell. The hero agrees and follows Virgil through Hell.

Behind the walls of Hell you can hear the groans of lost souls who, during their existence, were neither good nor evil. Further on there is a view of the Acheron River. It is the place where the demon Charon transports the dead to the first circle of hell, which is called Limbo. Limbo holds the souls of the wise, writers, and children who have not been baptized. They suffer because for them there is no way to heaven. Here Dante, along with Virgil, was able to go and talk with famous writers and meets Homer.

Descending below, to the next circle of hell, the heroes observe the demon Minos, who is busy determining which sinner should be sent where. Here they see how the souls of voluptuous people are carried away somewhere. Among them are Helen the Beautiful and Cleopatra, who died as a result of their own passion.

On the third circle of hell, travelers meet Cerberus - a dog. On this circle in the mud in the rain are the souls of those whose sin is gluttony. Here Dante meets his fellow countryman, Chacko, who asks the hero to remind those living on earth about him. In the fourth circle, executions take place for the stingy and those who were too wasteful; they are guarded by the demon Plutos. The fifth circle is a place of torment for those who were lazy and angry.

After the fifth circle, travelers find themselves near a tower, which is surrounded by a body of water. They cross it with the help of the demon Phlegius. Having crossed the pond, Dante and Virgil find themselves in the hellish city of Dit, but they cannot get into it, since the city is guarded by dead evil spirits. They were helped to move on by a heavenly messenger who suddenly appeared at the entrance to the city and curbed the anger of the dead. In the city, tombs on fire appeared before the travelers, from where the groans of heretics could be heard. Before descending from the sixth circle to the next circle, Virgil tells the hero about how the remaining three circles are arranged, which begin to narrow towards the center of the earth.

The seventh circle is located in the middle of the mountains, guarded by the Minotaur. In the middle of this circle there is a seething blood stream, in it those who were robbers or tyrants suffer terribly. There are thickets around, these are the souls of those who committed suicide.

Next comes the eighth circle, which consists of 10 ditches, which are called Zlopazuchi. In each of them, seducers of women, flatterers, sorcerers, soothsayers, bribe-takers, thieves, insidious advisers and sows of trouble are tormented. At the tenth ditch, the travelers descended through the well and found themselves at the center of the globe. There they appeared in front of an icy lake, where those who betrayed their relatives stand frozen. In the center of the lake was Lucifer, the king of hell. From it there is a small passage that leads to the other hemisphere of the earth. The travelers passed through it and came to purgatory.


Once in purgatory, the travelers washed themselves in the water and saw a boat with souls that did not go to hell sail up to them; it was controlled by an angel. The travelers swam on it to the foot of Mount Purgatory. Here they were able to talk with those who, before dying, managed to sincerely repent of their sins and therefore did not go to hell. Next, the hero falls asleep and is transported to the gates of purgatory.

In purgatory, the proud, envious, possessed by anger, the lazy, those who were too wasteful and stingy, gluttons and voluptuous people are cleansed of their sins. After passing through the circles of this place, Dante comes to a wall that is on fire, through which he must pass in order to get to Paradise. After passing this wall, Dante enters Paradise. He meets elders dressed in snow-white robes, everyone is dancing and having fun. Here he notices his beloved Beatrice, and then faints. A moment later, Dante wakes up in the river of oblivion of sins - Lethe. The hero approaches Evnoe, a river that helps strengthen the memory of good done, he washes himself in it and now he is worthy of rising to the stars.

The hero's journey now continues with his beloved, and they rise to the Heavenly circles. Immediately they meet nuns, their souls, who were forcibly married. Next they saw the shining souls of the righteous. In the third heaven are the souls of lovers. The fourth heaven is the home of the souls of the sages. Further dwell the souls of the just.

The travelers finally rose to the seventh heaven and found themselves on Saturn.

Next, the hero stood up and began to talk with the spirits of the righteous about such concepts as love, faith and hope. On the ninth circle, the first thing that was revealed to the travelers was a solar point, which represented a deity. Next, Dante ascended to the Empyrean, highest point in the Universe, where he saw the old man, then they sent him even higher. The old man, whose name was Bernard, became Dante’s teacher and the two of them remained here, where the souls of babies shine. Here, Dante saw the deity and found the highest truth.