Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele. Mean Girl: What We Know About Dakota Johnson

American actress, star of the film "50 Shades of Grey". Also known for the films “Macho and Nerd”, “Black Mass”. Daughter of Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson, granddaughter of Tippi Hedren. In 2006, she received the title of Miss Golden Globe, a special award for children of movie stars. In 2010, Nylon magazine included Dakota in its “50 Faces of the Future” rating.


Third generation actress

Dakota Maya Johnson was born on October 4, 1989 in Texas. Her father is Don Johnson and her mother is Melanie Griffith. The 50 Shades of Gray star's grandmother is Hitchcock's muse Tippi Hedren. After breaking up with Don Johnson, Melanie married Antonio Banderas. They raised their children together. Dakota has a brother, Alexander, and a sister, Stella, on her mother's side. Norwegian, Swedish, German and English blood flows in the girl’s veins.
With mother Melanie Griffith

From an early age, the girl showed hereditary artistry. At twelve, she posed with other celebrity children for Teen Vogue, which gave her the idea of ​​becoming a fashion model. In 2006, the girl began collaborating with the IMG Models modeling agency. A few years later, she already participated in an advertising campaign for Mango jeans. In 2010, Antonio Banderas' stepdaughter worked with the Wish clothing brand in Australia. Filming did not prevent Dakota from graduating from public school in Aspen (Colorado).

Carier start

Dakota got into the movies “for the company.” At the age of ten, together with her mother and sister, she appeared in the film “A Woman Without Rules,” directed by Antonio Banderas. The next role followed only ten years later, when Johnson was already grown up - she played the girlfriend of Justin Timberlake's character in David Fincher's The Social Network (2010).

I became an actress because I want to tell stories that evoke strong emotions in people.

This was followed by the fantastic melodrama “Terribly Beautiful” (2011) and the independent films “For Ellen’s Sake” (2012) and “Goats” (2012) with David Duchovny. In all of these projects, Dakota received episodic roles, and the popular comedy “Macho and Nerd” (2012), where Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill played undercover police officers, was no exception.
In the comedy series "Ben and Kate"

It should be noted that in 2012, Dakota’s career took off - she starred in 4 films, in addition, she was offered the leading role in the series “Ben and Kate”. She reincarnated as a diligent student who is forced to interrupt her studies due to the birth of a child. After this, Johnson's roles became more and more noticeable: she appeared in the drama My Friend Is Gay (2013) and modern interpretation Shakespearean play“Cymbeline” (2014), where she played the daughter of the main character. She also appeared in the final episode of the legendary TV series “The Office.”

Controversial role in “50 Shades of Gray”

In 2013, it became known that Dakota Johnson would portray Anastasia Steele in the film adaptation of the erotic bestseller by E.L. James "50 Shades of Grey". Due to its explicit content, the book caused many scandals in society. It describes the uninhibited relationship between young billionaire Christian Gray and student Anastasia Steele.

The approval of Dakota for the main female role caused indignation among fans. They felt that the actress did not look as fresh and attractive as described in the book. They considered Alexis Bledel, Emma Watson, Ashley Benson and Emma Roberts for this role. However, the studio thought otherwise. Beloved main character played by Jamie Dornan.
Promo photo for “50 Shades of Grey”

Getting the coveted role was not easy: Johnson went to auditions for two months, read monologues from “Persona” by the film classic Bergman, and talked for a long time with director Sam Taylor-Johnson about her vision of the character. For the role of Ana, the actress had to dye her hair brown-haired, work out a lot with a trainer, give up high-calorie foods and undergo full body hair removal.

When it comes to sex scenes, Dakota says she has no shame in being naked in front of the camera.

At the same time, the actress does not want her mother and other members of her family to watch films where she appears naked.

It is interesting that the sex scenes had to be re-shot several times, because the actors could not convincingly play passion. The film was released in 2015 for Valentine's Day. With a budget of $40 million, it grossed $570 million worldwide. The remaining parts of the film trilogy will be released in 2017 and 2018. The actress's fee for them increased significantly: from 250 thousand for the first film to 7 million for the second and third parts of the erotic blockbuster.

Trailer for the film "A Bigger Splash"

Latest projects

“50 Shades of Grey,” despite the critics’ dislike, made Dakota an extremely sought-after and popular actress. In 2015, she earned praise for her work in the crime drama Black Mass, where she portrayed the beloved woman of gangster Whitey Bulger (Johnny Depp). That same year, she appeared alongside Tilda Swinton in Tangled love story"A Bigger Splash" and played a homeless woman in the independent drama "Chloe & Theo" with Mira Sorvino.
She played Depp's mistress in Black Mass

Personal life

Dakota grew up in a star family and is used to leading a bohemian life. As a result, in 2007, she ended up in a rehabilitation clinic due to problems with alcohol and drugs. The actress now lives in New York. She can often be seen on the streets of the city with a glass of coffee while walking with her dog.
Dakota on a street walk

The girl has a weakness for musicians and actors. In 2007, she fell in love with guitarist Noah Gersham, and in 2011 she had an affair with actor Jake Gyllenhaal. In 2012, the girl began dating actor Jordie Masterson. The couple began to quarrel after Dakota got the lead role in “50 Shades of Grey.” Her boyfriend was against his beloved’s participation in explicit scenes. As a result, the lovers separated. Another reason for the separation was that Masterson is a Scientologist, and Johnson does not adhere to this religion.

In 2014, the brown-haired woman began an affair with the leader of the indie band Drowners, Matthew Heath. But this relationship lasted only six months: the handsome man could not stand the hype around the Hollywood starlet. In August 2015, Dakota was spotted in a nightclub with ex-boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal, but the reunion was fleeting. At the end of December 2015, the press began to write that 26-year-old Dakota was planning an affair with Heidi Klum’s boyfriend, Vito Schnabel. They were spotted together in a bar. Whether the star of an erotic blockbuster and a young art dealer has a future, time will tell.

Today the actress is experiencing a career peak. In February 2016, a comedy about single girls, Actively Searching, will be released, where Dakota will appear along with Rebel Wilson, Alison Brie and Leslie Mann. And in 2017, she will again join Tilda Swinton in mystical picture"Suspiria". Johnson will play a ballerina who finds herself at a witches' coven.

Dakota Johnson - American actress and model. She made a name for herself in the world of cinema after playing Anastasia Steele in the acclaimed erotic film Fifty Shades of Grey. But more on this a little later, because the young woman appeared in the world of show business much earlier, since she was a model from her youth, and quite successful at that. Nevertheless, she became famous precisely thanks to the scandalous film, where she was able to fully portray a weak-willed, weak-willed heroine, who, nevertheless, fell in love with the audience.

It’s difficult to say how much she liked the film and her image, but one way or another, she was really able to get into the role and play what was required of her. But how did it all start? How did this girl become famous in the world of show business? After all, she was not always a model and actress, she once lived a life an ordinary girl? Or, still not? Let's take a closer look in this article.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dakota Johnson?

Height, weight, age. How old Dakota Johnson is can be predicted fairly quickly and accurately. If she is a model, then she must have an amazing figure, good appearance, and, of course, not too old. But if we give all this in numbers, we can answer that today Dakota is 27 years old, height is 173 centimeters, and weight is 55 kilograms.

That is, she has the makings of a model, so it is not surprising that the girl chose this path. Perhaps, from a very young age, Johnson knew what she wanted, what she should strive for, especially considering that she was born into a family of actors, that is, she already had some connections in order to follow the path of a creative path.

Biography of Dakota Johnson

The biography of Dakota Johnson begins on October 4, 1989, because it was on this date that the future actress was born. As mentioned above, the family where she grew up consisted of actors, and there are a lot of nationalities mixed in Dakota’s blood, which she herself may not fully know. There are roots of Norwegians, English, Swedes, Germans, that is, we have before us a rather colorful young woman who has found herself in the world of cinema and modeling. I should also add that my father played supporting roles in famous films, and my mother was generally a movie star of the nineties. Perhaps inspired by the successes of her parents, she also decided to try herself in the world of show business, where only the strongest and most persistent can prove themselves.

Dakota's parents repeatedly came together and diverged, but in the end they still broke up. The girl's mom started dating none other than Antonio Banderas, so... future star"Shades" lived in the house of an actor who was an idol for millions of women. The girl studied at elite school, from childhood she was fond of dancing, which allowed her to develop plasticity and flexibility. Just like many other children famous parents, little Johnson participated in photo shoots, already declaring herself as a future celebrity. By the way, just after one of the photo shoots, the girl decided to become a model, to show the world her beauty.

Filmography: films starring Dakota Johnson

Despite the fact that Dakota became famous for the film “50 Shades of Grey,” her filmography is somewhat more varied than one might imagine. She played her first roles when she was only ten years old. The film was called “A Woman Without Rules”, the director was her stepfather Antonio Banderas, so it is not surprising that the children of the main characters were played by Dakota and her sister Stella. At a younger age, that is, at seventeen, Dakota became a model, entered into an agreement with a modeling agency, and represented a line of jeans.

Already in 2010, she appeared in a biographical film called “The Social Network,” where she was able to play a supporting character, and appeared in scenes with Justin Timberlake. At the same time, the actress was included in the list of “55 faces of our future.” How true this forecast turned out to be, everyone can judge for themselves. But a year later, the young actress began working on two films at once, “Terribly Beautiful” and in a comedy with black humor called “Goats”, where David Duchovny took part.

After some time, the young and promising actress found herself involved in four films. We can say that she contributed step by step to building a career as an actress and model at the same time. But, again, her main fame came after she received the main role in the film “50 Shades of Grey,” which was released in 2015.

True, the picture was not so easy for her, and she was not the only actress who auditioned for this role. The fact is that many actresses and actors did not believe in the success of the film, that it would be smart (and in many ways, in principle, they turned out to be right), so they returned the script without hesitation. For example, Elizabeth Olsen, when she read the original source, immediately refused. She said that such nonsense would appeal only to those who love cheap porn. Another actress was annoyed by the weak-willed main character and said that she was not going to stoop so low. The third actress refused sex scenes, saying it was beneath her dignity. So, we can say that Dakota got the role to some extent, out of despair, because famous actresses did not take part in this film.

Dakota passed the casting primarily because the director was captivated by the actress’s certain shamelessness. She was not at all embarrassed when she had to undress on camera, because, according to her, being the daughter of famous parents, she had completely forgotten what shame and embarrassment were. That is, Dakota became Anaystasha because she agreed to everything and did not “float” the director with her whims. Filmmakers are known to love this. So we started shooting the film with enthusiasm and energy. In principle, few people today do not know the primitive, but fairy tale, about a student and a millionaire. It is difficult for some to understand why the book and film captivated millions of women, but one way or another, the film collected millions.

And it must be said that fans of the book were completely dissatisfied with the fact that it was Dakota who played the role of Anastacia, saying that she is unattractive for this heroine, in addition, Johnson looks much older than both her age and the age of the main character. Readers saw completely different actresses in the role of Anastasia, but the job had already been done, and the directors had no power to change anything. So, although “shades” collected a remarkable box office, fans of the book were still very unhappy, as if they had been deceived. Although, maybe that was the case, because there wasn’t much choice in terms of actresses willing to play the role. It's hard to say whether this film can be called a success for Dakota Johnson, but she still starred in it, as well as in the sequel.

Personal life of Dakota Johnson

Dakota Johnson's personal life remains unsettled. Let's start with the fact that in 2007, the actress was forced to undergo a rehabilitation course, struggling with alcohol and drug addiction. In principle, there is nothing strange here, because, dear mother stars abused cocaine, and biological father very “friendly” with the bottle. After this, the actress had various romantic relationship with creative personalities, a guitarist, and then with an actor. But it must be said that it was the “shades” that destroyed the relationship with the actor Georgie Masterson. The man was outraged that his beloved woman decided to star in scenes containing erotica, and, according to him, completely tasteless.

In addition, the guy was a Scientologist; Dakota did not share his views on religion at all. For two years, the girl dated singer Matthew Hitt, who was a musician and soloist. It should be noted that the girl broke up with him when she starred in the film “Actively Searching.” The title of the film seemed to be prophetic, dooming the actress to loneliness. When filming of the sequel to “50 Shades” began, viewers began to gossip about the fact that a relationship had arisen between the main characters. love relationship not only on the screen. True, it was not possible to prove anything in this regard; it is impossible to say for sure whether it happened or not. In the sequel, which was called “50 Shades Darker,” Anastacia demanded that her beloved Gray remove all restrictions, saying that they were simply unnecessary and prevented them from opening up. That is, even success in a film of the erotic genre can be called doubtful, because, unlike her heroine, Dakota has not yet found personal happiness.

Dakota Johnson Family

Dakota Johnson's family is a closed topic for the actress, if only because the young woman has no family. She played lucky students who attract the attention of millionaires, but in life, as we know, everything is much more prosaic, it’s unlikely that it turns out so simple and fabulous. So, for now, Dakota Johnson is actively searching, looking for her love, her life partner. She could not live long with any of her partners, for various reasons. But she is still young, so there is time, there is no need to make hasty conclusions. In addition, actors, being public people, often choose for a long time and then quickly break up. Let's hope this isn't the case with Dakota.

Dakota Johnson's children

Dakota Johnson's children are as closed a topic as family for the young actress. If only because a woman does not have children until she plans to have them. Regarding children, Johnson has never given any special comments; she seems to avoid this topic. It is difficult to say how the actress feels about this; perhaps she herself does not want or is not ready to become a mother. In addition, she clearly has problems with drugs and alcohol; she has already undergone rehabilitation and been treated for addiction. So, it’s really too early for her to become a mother, if only because she is not yet able to show her children a worthy example to follow in her own person.

Dakota Johnson's husband

Dakota Johnson's husband - nothing is known about this man yet, because he is not with the actress. Her life seems to show that only in novels like “50 Shades” does it happen that out of the blue a handsome millionaire appears, money, a passionate personal life and everything else that every woman dreams of. Everything in life is different, and even if you are an actress and model, there is no guarantee that you will find personal happiness or be able to be in an alliance with someone. Of course, Dakota still has everything ahead, she is only twenty-seven years old, so she will still find a husband with whom she will be truly happy, even if he is not a millionaire and a lover of dominance.

Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan latest news

According to rumors, during the continuation of “shades,” a romantic relationship between the main characters occurred not only in the film, but also in life. Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan last news began to appear frequently in requests from fans of the book. But to what extent this was all confirmed is unknown. After all, whenever, on the set, it happens love line, viewers can automatically transfer it into the lives of the actors. While the information has not been particularly confirmed, there are no facts that Dakota and Jamie are dating. So if they had something on the set, it all quickly faded away, like another opposite storyline film.

Dakota Johnson nude

As you know, Dakota is a model and appears in different genres. Therefore, it is not surprising that you can often see requests for Dakota Johnson naked. This brave and uninhibited girl is quite capable of undressing in order to raise her rating in order to advance in her career as a fashion model and model. Not to mention the fact that she was one of the few who agreed to star in a film where erotic scenes abound. So it is quite possible that you can find photos of a naked actress on the Internet, because for her this is completely normal. Moreover, she herself stated this when she auditioned for the casting in scandalous film.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dakota Johnson

Dakota has her own personal page on Wikipedia (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson,_Dakota), where general life facts what they say about childhood, personal life, creative path and many other things that distinguished and distinguished the actress from others creative personalities. The young woman also has her own personal page on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/officialdakotajohnson/?hl=ru), which she happily runs in order to be closer to fans and those who want to know more about her. So if you like Dakota Johnson, you want to know as much as possible about her. You need to use sources such as Instagram and Wikipedia of Dakota Johnson. You can always choose what is interesting, skipping boring facts from a common source.

Dakota Johnson celebrated her birthday - the actress turned 25 years old. The girl celebrated her anniversary with her parents, although separately - first with her father, actor Don Johnson and his wife Kelly Phleger, and then with her mother, actress Melanie Griffith.

If Dakota just had dinner with Don at the prestigious Craigs restaurant in West Hollywood, then with Melanie she went to the spa, where, according to reports foreign press, the actresses received a manicure and pedicure. They decided to continue the “typically female” celebration by talking in a cafe over a cup of coffee and cake.

Dakota Johnson celebrated her 25th birthday with her mother Melanie Griffith
Melanie Griffith and Dakota Johnson

The main attention of photographers and journalists was focused on Griffith - they were attracted not by the chosen outfit, but by the actress’s tattoo covered with a plaster. She was once a symbol of her love with Antonio Banderas, but after an unexpected breakup for everyone, Melanie decided to get rid of her.

The press is now literally following Dakota Johnson's every move - and all because of the upcoming premiere of the film adaptation of the acclaimed novel by I. L. James "Fifty Shades of Gray." In it, the young actress plays one of the main roles - Anastasia Steele (her partner is Jamie Dornan).

Like the book, the picture will be very frank. By the way, Dakota’s parents were not delighted with this role, but they are confident that their daughter will be able to do the job well. During an interview on Good Morning Britain, Don Johnson shared his opinion:

I'm absolutely convinced that Dakota can make something exciting out of material and character that many people find objectionable in some respects. As a proud father and seasoned professional, I can say that she is a very, very gifted actress, and this is just one in a long line of amazing performances throughout her career.

Kelly Phleger, Don and Dakota Johnson

However, according to Don, he still will not attend the premiere of the film. Both he and Melanie were asked to do this by Dakota herself.

Dakota told us, "You guys can't go. No way!" So we won't go

Melanie said in an interview.

Johnson herself mentioned this in a recent television interview:

I would never want to see at least one movie where my parents are without clothes. And if one of them starred in such a film, I definitely would never want to watch it.

" And " Marnie" Dakota's father is Don Johnson, also an actor. Melanie Griffith married him twice: the first time - in January 1976, and divorced in July of the same year; the second time - in 1989, and then the marriage lasted until 1996. Dakota Mae Johnson was born in 1989. By that time, Melanie Griffith already had a son - Alexander Bauer, who was born in 1985. From 1981 to 1987, the actress was married to Steven Bauer. Plus, Dakota Johnson has younger sister Stella del Carmen Banderas Griffith, who was born in 1996, the year Melanie Griffith married Antonio Banderas.

Dakota Johnson as a child. In the photo: with mother Melanie Griffith

Dakota Johnson began acting in films at the age of 10. She made her debut in the film " A woman without rules", in which her mother played the main role. Dakota Johnson also tried herself as a model: she was the face of the advertising campaign for the 2009 spring-summer collection of the Spanish brand Mango, in company with the daughter of the former editor-in-chief of French Vogue Carine Roitfeld, and also participated in the filming of an advertisement for the Hogan brand together with Elettra Rossellini.

Dakota Johnson appeared in supporting roles in the films “The Social Network”, “Terribly Beautiful”, “Knocked Up” and others. She starred in the Fox series Ben & Kate. Melanie Griffith supports acting career daughters. Mom dropped in to “visit” Dakota on film set series “Ben and Kate” and wrote a post on her microblog marked “proud mommy” that she is now sitting in Dakota’s trailer at the Fox TV channel studio.

Finest hour

Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan on the poster for the film “50 Shades of Gray”

There were no problems with the female lead. Dakota Johnson was approved finally and irrevocably. The producers explained their choice by saying that they wanted to see a young and energetic actress in the role of innocent Anastasia Steele, who enters into a risky relationship with billionaire Christian Grey. By the way, Dakota Johnson has already starred in bed scenes in film " Social media"with Justin Timberlake.

E.L. herself James (E.L. James - creative pseudonym Erica Leonard), the author of an erotic novel, approved of this choice of producers. Having received the main role in a film doomed to success, Dakota Johnson, who had never shown off anywhere before, definitely pulled out happy ticket. The film adaptation has not yet been released, but the young actress is already attracting close attention from “50 Shades of Gray” fans, the press and the paparazzi. Filming began in January last year and took place in Vancouver, Canada. Paparazzi were on duty near the set, and the media was full of shots of Dakota Johnson in the role of Anastasia Steele.

Dakota Johnson, accompanied by her mother Melanie Griffith, returns from the filming of “50 Shades of Grey” from Vancouver to Los Angeles

Before the release of 50 Shades of Gray on the big screens, the films " My friend is gay" and "Need for Speed: Need for Speed" featuring Dakota Johnson. In addition, there will be a world premiere of the participating competitive program last Venice Film Festival "Cymbeline", in which the daughter of Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson played, but Russian viewers will be able to see this film after the film adaptation of the erotic novel by E.L. James. “50 Shades of Gray” is released in our country on February 12, 2015, a day later than in the world.

Personal life of Dakota Johnson

The close attention of the press, naturally, is focused not only on the actress’s participation in the filming of “50 Shades of Gray,” but also on her personal life. Last July it became known that Dakota Johnson has a new boyfriend - Matthew Heath. Previously, she was credited with a relationship with a serial actor Geordie Masterson(“How I Met Your Mother”, “The Beauty Is Inside”, “ That '70s Show", "University", "Las Vegas").

Dakota Johnson and Matthew Heath in July 2014 in New York

Matthew Heath was dating someone else before Dakota Johnson star daughter - Atlanta de Cadenet. Her mother, actress Amanda de Cadenet, is from England. brilliant career I didn’t make it in Hollywood; I starred mainly in episodic roles. Atlanta's father, actor John Taylor, also comes from England and also did not distinguish himself in Hollywood.

Matthew Heath himself is also from England, from Wales, and is the frontman of the indie rock band Drowners. Music band released last year debut album. Matthew wrote all the songs for it. Besides the fact that Hit - talented musician, he is also a model. The young man was filming for advertising campaigns Gucci, AllSaints, Band of Outsiders.

Dakota Johnson and Matthew Heath in December 2014 in Soho in New York

Dakota Johnson on 50 Shades of Gray

Actress in real life she is very shy and does not want her parents to see her in scenes of a sexual nature. So she asked Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson to refrain from watching the film. It looks like these will be the only two people in the world who will not see the film adaptation of the sensational erotic novel! Meanwhile, Melanie Griffith dropped by the set of “50 Shades of Gray” to “visit” her daughter and, by the way, saw the so-called pain room. Dakota was terribly nervous and very embarrassed.

Dakota Johnson graces the cover of the February issue of American Vogue. In an interview, the actress admitted: “It’s just crazy to be part of 50 Shades of Gray! I've never experienced anything like this, and I don't think anyone has. It's terrible and amazing at the same time."

Dakota Johnson on the cover of American Vogue

Dakota Johnson said what she thinks about the fame that has befallen her: “I think about my dwindling anonymity. And this is really scary for me, because a large part of me would be absolutely happy living on a ranch in Colorado, raising children, raising chickens and horses. Someday it will be like that."

Last March, Dakota Johnson appeared on the cover of American Elle. In an interview with the publication, she explained why she considers herself a suitable candidate for the role of Anastasia Steele: “It’s not a problem for me to do something. The secret is that I don’t feel any shame at all.” When asked what interested her most in the film, the actress replied: “When reading the book, I was more interested not in the sex scenes, but in the way they broke each other emotionally. I think there's a part of a woman that wants to be broken by a man."

Dakota Johnson on the cover of American Elle

In one of the television interviews, Dakota Johnson spoke about filming erotic scenes in “50 Shades of Gray”: “It is on the screen that our bodies and movements look erotic. On the set it was more like dancing or acrobatics... There was no romance on set,” the actress continues. “Rather, these were technical moments, and they were more like choreography tasks.”

The first official trailer for “50 Shades of Gray” was released and received a record number of views on the Internet. The film will open this year's Berlin Film Festival. The special screening will take place on February 11, two days before the official world premiere. The director of the film adaptation will present the film Sam Taylor-Johnson, as well as Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson, who played the main roles.

Where else besides 50 Shades of Gray will we see Dakota Johnson in 2015

"Cymbeline" starring Dakota Johnson will appear on big screens in Russia on March 5, 2015. The actress's partners on the set were Ethan Hawke, Ed Harris, Milla Jovovich, Penn Badgley, Anton Yelchin.

Dakota Johnson in the movie Cymbeline

Also, the actress has already been approved for the main female role in the film “ Black mass" Her partner will be Johnny Depp. He will play a gangster named Whitey Bulger - crime boss, collaborating with intelligence agencies, and Dakota Johnson is his girlfriend. The film's script is based on the best-selling book of the same name, which tells the story of the diabolical alliance between the FBI and the Irish mafia.

Dakota Johnson will appear in leading role in a film by an Italian director Luca Guadagnino, winner of a special prize at the 1999 Venice Film Festival. The film, a co-production between Italy and France, is called A Bigger Splash. Dakota Johnson's partners will be Ralph Fiennes and Tilda Swinton. Finally, the actress will appear in the title role in the melodrama Chloe and Theo along with Oscar-winner Mira Sorvino.

Alina Bavina