Ilona - the meaning of the name. Ilona: charming and creative person

Some of the most colorful names in our culture are of Greek origin. They are characterized not only by a beautiful sound, but also by a deep, powerful meaning that guides the bearer of this name throughout his life. Ilona is one of these names.

The meaning of the name Ilona refers us to the Greek name - this was the name of the beautiful woman, because of whom the famous Trojan War broke out. This name is a Hungarian variation and has a stunningly beautiful interpretation: “light”, “flaming”; the name is also often translated as “fire” or “torch”.

Interestingly, this name is found not only in European culture, but also in Chinese, Korean and Japanese. In the original Hungarian pronunciation, the emphasis in the name is placed on the first syllable, which is completely unusual for our ears. Sometimes you can come across the opinion that the full name is Iolanta, but usually the full form coincides with the short one.

Colloquial forms of the name: Ilonka, Ila, Lona, Ilka, Ilonushka, Lonochka.

Character traits

Analyzing the meaning of the name Ilona, ​​we can immediately identify three main features of its bearers:

  • Cheerfulness.
  • Activity.
  • Confidence.

From early childhood, the girl has uncontrollable energy. Her character is characterized by cheerfulness, sociability, she wants to share her positive mood with others. She loves to chat and enthusiastically talks about all the events that happen in her life.

If we remember once again what the name Ilona means, we can see that by nature its bearer is a rebel; she does not like restrictions or strict adherence to rules. It is for this reason that she may have difficulties at school - it’s so difficult to sit still when there are so many interesting things around!

At the same time, the girl studies well. Her innate activity allows her to enthusiastically learn everything new and new, and if you help the child a little to cope with excessive restlessness, difficulties in learning will disappear on their own. Ilona attaches considerable importance to everything unusual in life and knowledge - she has a real experimental spirit, so the girl will often get into all sorts of funny troubles, trying to understand why and how something happens.

Outwardly, she is calm, but in fact, powerful energy rages inside her, sometimes bordering on aggressiveness - this is reflected in the origin of the name. This feature makes the bearer of the name self-confident and steadfast in her views.

Often a girl refuses the help of friends or relatives, because she is used to doing everything herself and relying only on herself and her strong character. Our heroine is also characterized by a love of demonstrating her own achievements: she likes to share her successes with loved ones, she talks about them with pride and without modesty.

The name Ilona rewards its bearer with originality of thinking, rich imagination and creativity, which she has demonstrated since childhood. These traits can make her very successful in the future.

Fate line and relationships

The name Ilona is suitable for people born under several zodiac signs, but three are considered the most successful:

Even if they are not very attractive in appearance, girls with this name drive men crazy thanks to their inner fire and confidence. Ilona does not refuse courtship and enjoys the attention of her fans. Attaching great importance to love and passion, Ilona is not against a light romance and an exciting affair - such love adventures fill her with inspiration.

A girl's sex life is usually intense. She appreciates this side of life and makes love with full dedication. Ilona’s hot temperament requires a suitable man: a partner who is not passionate enough may himself get tired of the girl’s pressure, and she will also be bored with him.

She will most likely not get married in her early youth, since her unbridled character does not allow men to conquer this girl. But when there is that knight who will win the heart of the rebel, his fate will become the happiest.

Ilona is a faithful, loving and always passionate wife who will do everything to make the marriage strong and real. Although Ilona’s emotionality can lead to heated arguments, it will also affect the love relationship between husband and wife, so her partner will put up with this character trait.

With the birth of children, Ilona’s character will not change - her temperament will still be as hot. But there is a bright side here: thanks to her ability to love deeply, Ilona will become a caring, tender mother, although in matters of upbringing she will have to rely more on her husband.

Professional area

Ilona’s fiery and passionate character predetermines her penchant for all kinds of creative professions. The ideal job is one that involves manual labor and creativity.

The girl will make a successful career as a fashion and clothing designer, artist or illustrator. The love of beauty, the ability to take care of oneself and a genuine interest in this side of life make Elon an excellent cosmetologist, hairdresser or makeup artist.

At the same time, the desire to be recognized can lead Ilona to the political arena, as well as to the role of a TV presenter or a successful journalist. In any case, the ideal profession for Ilona would be one that would allow her to demonstrate her talents to a wide audience.

In our tradition, the name Ilona is considered synonymous with the name Elena, so the girl’s name day coincides with the latter’s angel’s day. They fall on the following days: March 19, June 3 and 8, November 12. For other Eastern European peoples, name days will fall on different dates. Author: Ksenia Dumcheva

The name Ilona means "bright".

Origin of the name

Ilona is a female name with Hungarian roots. Little is known about the origin of the name Ilona. It is believed to be the Hungarian version of the ancient Greek name Helen.

Characteristics of the name


The name Ilona is ideal for girls born under the following zodiac signs: Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn, Cancer.

Little Ilona has a secretive and complex character. She doesn’t trust her childhood secrets to anyone, even her best friend doesn’t know what’s in Ilona’s soul. Outwardly, the girl seems calm and balanced, but all this is due to the fact that Ilona knows how to control her emotions well, since inside she is temperamental and hot. She tries to do everything herself, refuses offered help, but at the same time complains that those around her treat her poorly and indifferently. Ilona is constantly trying to assert herself, so at every opportunity she demonstrates her abilities and knowledge.


A sociable and charming person who can charm his interlocutor from the first words. At the same time, she prefers to talk herself, and listens little to her interlocutor. Ilona is a headstrong girl, she does not like to obey anyone, as a result of which she may have problems at work. Ilona will make a good leader: strict but fair. When Ilona is in a good mood, she is full of new ideas. For example, she may decide to start a business, and, oddly enough, she will succeed, the business will prosper and generate income. Ilona, ​​like a tumbleweed, cannot stay in one place for long and loves to travel.

Personal life

Ilona loves collecting men, it helps her feel more confident. As soon as she manages to conquer the next man, she leaves him for the next “victim”. With age, she will settle down a little and get married. But she will not become a calm wife; her husband should not count on his wife’s loyalty and devotion, since marriage and love are not the same thing for her. Ilona will not make a homemaker. Because a woman does not know how to run a household and does not strive to learn it. She loves children, but does not bother herself with excessive care for them: she only makes sure that they are dressed, shod and fed.

Name compatibility

Ilona will have a successful marriage with men whose names are Varlam, Timur, Rodion, Leonid, Anatoly, Yaroslav, Philip, Pavel, Evgeny, Ruslan, Yan, Valery, Vadim, Alexey, Ignat.

The best compatibility of the name Ilona with the patronymic Konstantinovna, Stanislavovna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Olegovna.

Name day

Ilona's Catholic name days:

  • January 20, 27, 28;
  • 18th of March;
  • April 15, 23;
  • June 3, 8;
  • July 24, 31;
  • August 18;
  • 23 September;
  • November 9, 12.

Famous people

Famous women with the name Ilona:

  • Duchinskaya (revolutionary);
  • Kabosch (pianist);
  • Mithresei (singer);
  • Usovich (runner);
  • Bronevitskaya (singer, TV presenter, actress);
  • Korstin (basketball player);
  • Galitskaya (singer).

The secret of the name Ilona lies in its origin. In fact, it's a complete mystery. To date, it is still not clear what language the meaning of the name is associated with, in what culture and when they began to call girls that way. There is a version that it is a Hungarian version of the Greek name Elena and translated means “bright”. Researchers claim that previously only girls born among nobles and monarchs were called Elons. This is not known for certain, but this assumption has its historical justification, so we can agree with it.

Character traits

Ilona is simply miss-charm, it’s easy to drown in her big and deep eyes, people look into them and forget. Perhaps the owner of this name is not the first beauty of the Universe, but her charm deserves its due. She beckons with her appearance, inviting you into some mysterious world full of temptation.

Since childhood, Ilona has shown a very secretive and complex character. He doesn’t let anyone in on his secrets and mysteries; he keeps everything to himself. Her appearance gives a false impression of her as a very calm and reserved person. However, serious passions are boiling inside her. The only thing is that she knows how to control her feelings and emotions. If a woman learns to calm the tension of her character, then life will become much more interesting for her.

The representative of the name Ilona strives all her life to prove to everyone that she is worth something. Even when everyone around already believes in it, he still tries to assert himself. In any appropriate or inappropriate situation, he demonstrates his skills, knowledge and abilities to others. If someone tries to tell her that she is doing something wrong, then he will immediately fall into the list of “enemies No. 1”.

Interests and hobbies

Housework, cooking and knitting and sewing do not interest Ilona at all. She tries in every possible way to avoid such leisure, because for her it is too boring. The owner of this name is too cheerful and energetic for such things.

Ilona loves to travel, she simply loves to change her place of residence, refurnishing her home. Her other hobbies include club life, parties, and hanging out with friends.

Profession and business

Ilona always refuses help, and this is her big problem. In the end, she achieves her goal, but without support she does it much longer, but she can proudly say that she achieved everything herself. She is a rebel by nature, but this quality allows her to become a skilled leader. The girl is respected by the team, they listen to her. If he decides to open his own business, then he does it successfully and “makes” decent capital.


Ilona’s health depends only on her lifestyle. She has no predisposition to any diseases. During adolescence, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may arise.

Sex and love

Ilona is a girl who is interested in collecting men. She is constantly trying to conquer everyone. She has one amazing ability - to forget everything, starting life anew. In intimacy he tries to assert himself in the same way as in work. She is constantly looking for a balance between love and sex.

Family and marriage

Ilona gets married quite late, as she has been looking for a suitable candidate for a very long time. A decent, honest, kind and flexible man becomes a spouse. In marriage, she is very faithful to her chosen one and is a good and caring mother. However, matriarchy most often reigns in her family, since the woman is not distinguished by loyalty.

Ilona's birthday

Ilona celebrates her name day on August 5th. The patron saint of women named Ilona is Ilona of Varneton, a virgin.

What does it mean

Ilona means “bright” (translation from Hungarian).


It makes sense to start the analysis with its origin. The story has Hungarian roots. There is a version that the name Ilona is a Hungarian version of the name Elena.

What does the name Ilona mean?

In accordance with the description of the name Ilona, ​​the main traits of women bearing this name are intuition, sociability, receptivity and excitability.

Type: the character of the name Ilona is very excitable and receptive. Ilona is too impressionable, prone to laziness and slowness.

Psyche: she will be happy only when her life is filled with jewelry, palaces and magnificent receptions. Prefers to live in a world of his own making.

Will: despite its impressionability, the will is quite strong.

Excitability: Ilona is often too excitable and capricious. Relationships with other women are often difficult, so she prefers to be friends with men.

Reaction speed: it is very difficult for Ilona to forgive insults; she never forgets the insults inflicted.

Field of activity: Elon may only be interested in what is related to the world of art. Artists, models, and models often choose the profession.

Intelligence: has a synthetic mentality. She is very curious and has a good visual memory. Grabs the whole without noticing the little things.

Receptivity: Ilona is not capable of treating people with indifference. She either loves him or hates him.

Morality: often makes compromises with his conscience.

Activity: Ilona often uses others, especially fans, for her own personal purposes.

Sociability: Quite friendly. She prefers to involve others in solving her problems rather than helping anyone herself.


According to the description of the name Ilona, ​​the character of women with this name is quite complex, they are secretive and reserved. But behind Ilona’s hidden coldness lies a hot temperament and rich emotions that she never ceases to control.

Ilona is always in search of an ideal, which is created by her rich imagination, so almost no one in her life becomes an authority. Often Ilona makes such grandiose plans that she is not able to implement them herself. In principle, her talents are most often enough to implement these plans. But halfway along the way, she may lose faith in herself and her strength and give up what she started.

Ilonas, as a rule, get married late, as they spend a long time looking for their ideal. And they are happy in marriage only if they achieve sexual harmony with their chosen one. In this case, she will become a faithful and devoted wife, but she will still never love to do household chores.


Options: Ila, Ilo, Lona.

Diminutives: Ilonushka, Ilonochka, Lonka, Isya, Ilosya, Ilonulya, Ilosenka.

Different languages

  • in English: Ilona.
  • in French: Ilona.

Famous Elons:

  • Ilona Korstin is a Russian basketball player, player of the Russian national team. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.
  • Ilona Mitresey is a French singer.
  • Ilona Usovich is a Belarusian track and field athlete.
  • Ilona Bronevitskaya is a pop singer, actress, television and radio presenter. Laureate of the All-Union Performers Competition “Yalta-88”. One of the presenters of the TV program “Morning Mail”.

Ilona - “light, bright”, this female name is especially common in Hungary.
From an early age, the baby becomes a mystery to others and prefers not to share her secrets with anyone.

The meaning of the name Ilona for a girl indicates excessive emotionality and incontinence. School friends must come to terms with the fact that in a fit of anger she will express everything she thinks, regardless of those around her. At the same time, the girl does not completely lose control of herself, she knows where to discharge herself.

When studying the meaning of a name for a child, parents should understand that instructions and suggestions in communicating with their daughter will be a completely useless waste of the name; Ilka prefers to make decisions on her own.

Conflict situations are excluded in the family; the child will silently listen to his parents, while simultaneously developing his own plan of action. The uniqueness of her behavior lies in the fact that as a result, everyone recognizes the correctness of her decision; the intuitive gift is inherent in nature.

Such an interpretation will attract the attention of parents whose priorities in education are autonomy and independence.

If a young lady learns to trust her inner voice, she will be able to avoid a lot of unpleasant moments in life.

Ila differs from her peers in her individuality, she does not become a fan of stars, there are no authorities who are role models. The meaning of the name Ilona is especially attractive due to its positive feature: relying solely on one’s own strengths, without shifting responsibility to others.

At the same time, loneliness does not threaten her; her intelligence and sense of humor allow her to feel confident in various companies. Individuality attracts all kinds of people. Even if a girl is not naturally beautiful enough, her charm is the best decoration that magically attracts.

The opinions of others play an important role in her life, reputation matters, rash actions are excluded.

The girl’s emotionality is the source of original ideas, which Ilka gladly translates into reality, but the first results of the work done discourage her from continuing what she started.

The girl studies well at school, she has quite a lot of friends, without whose support and recognition Ila feels insecure. When entering a university, the ability to act intuitively often helps.


A temperamental, hot-tempered person collects men. In love, she behaves as if she were hunting. This means that it first selects a victim, and, having achieved it, abandons it. No man can resist her charm.

By demonstrating her power over the stronger sex, the girl asserts herself and fights uncertainty. Communication with a partner is of great importance; Ila has been preparing for physical intimacy for quite a long time, she must completely trust.

A man interested in a charming girl must first of all learn how to look after her beautifully.


Having enjoyed numerous love affairs, a woman decides to start a family. A lot changes after the wedding, an exemplary wife tries to fill the house with comfort, take care of her loved ones, but she turns out to be a mediocre housewife.

Loves his children. This means that he tries to spend as much time as possible with them, but will not show ingenuity in entertainment. The best option for her is various mugs for the child.

Depending on the circumstances, she shows strength of character towards children, but she cannot be called a strict mother.

The husband should not relax and prepare for a quiet life; he can expect periodic emotional outbursts from his wife.

Business and career

Ila’s potential allows her to realize herself in various fields of activity. Although she is used to making absolutely all decisions on her own, the support and care of loved ones is very important to her. In addition, successful career advancement is influenced by the opinions of others, which means it is very important who is nearby.

You can get a feeling of satisfaction from your activities by feeling confident actions from competitors; the lack of opportunity to relax is the best incentive for moving up the career ladder. The ability to make the right decisions, relying on your inner voice, is important for doing business.
Having lost faith in yourself in the workplace, it is better to look for a new use for yourself.

Origin of the name Ilona

The etymology is unclear, but history suggests that it is a Hungarian version of Helen (Greek). However, it was not possible to determine exactly where it came from. Among Ilona’s family there are quite a lot of famous people whose name evokes admiration and respect. The origin of the name Ilona does not hinder its popularity in our country.

Characteristics of the name Ilona

The hot-tempered Ilona will defend her point of view in every possible way; it is almost useless to argue with her. As a rule, he inherits the character of his father.

The characteristics of the name Ilona testify to a logical mindset and a sharp mind. She is a materialist and is ready to work hard to achieve her goal.

Studying the pros and cons of a woman, it is obvious that she has much more advantages than disadvantages.

Fate sends quite a lot of challenges, and the ability to intuitively make the right decisions helps you cope with them. In order to become her friend, you need to recognize superiority and come to terms with increased emotionality. Ila is able to instantly get excited if she feels that events are not developing according to her plan, but quickly returns to normal.

The main obstacle that complicates communication with loved ones and spouse is the desire to be a leader. Her character allows her to confidently move forward, regardless of those around her.

The mystery of the name

  • The stone is jasper.
  • Name days - February 12, March 15.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Virgo.
  • Blue color.

The mystery of the name allows you to form a general impression about its owner. Ila celebrates name days depending on the country of residence, for Ukraine, Russia, Belarus: January 28, June 3, June 8, July 24, November 12.

Famous people

  • Ilona Lunden is the owner of a cosmetics brand.
  • Ilona Cauldre is a psychic.

Different languages

The translation of the name from Greek means “bright”. For successful implementation in professional activities, not only the meaning is important, you need to know how it is translated.
Ilona in Chinese is 伊洛娜(Yīluònà).
Ilona in Japanese is イロナ(Irona).

Name form

Ilona - full name;
Relatives and friends are happy to choose a short one for themselves, which should also please its owner; Ilonka often offers options that she likes.

Diminutive: Ilonka, Ilonushka, Ilusya, Ilka.
Derived forms greatly facilitate communication.
Abbreviated: Ila
Derivatives: Helen (Greek)

An indisputable advantage is the simplicity of declination of the name; even the smallest ones do not have any difficulties.

As the christening approaches, parents carefully study the meaning; they are especially interested in the church name Ilona.

If the name is not listed in Orthodoxy, choose a consonant Orthodox name. The most common option is Ilaria.