Slave psychology. Psychology of a slave

Hello, Maxim! Thanks for an interesting question! I will be happy to answer it.

“The humility of a warrior and the humility of a beggar are incredibly different things. A warrior does not lower his head to anyone, but at the same time he does not allow anyone to lower their head to him. The beggar, on the contrary, falls to his knees and sweeps the floor with his hat in front of the one he considers superior to himself. But he immediately demands that those below him sweep the floor in front of him.” ( Carlos Castaneda)

SLAVERY is a state of a person in which all his life activities are subordinated and regulated by external and internal conventions, on which he is completely dependent, tied to them and is their hostage.

Smoking is a bad habit. A smoking person is a slave to his bad habit. A person becomes addicted to smoking, artificially creating for himself a new need, attachment, dependence and habit. A new convention has emerged. He became a slave to a cigarette, someone else a slave to the stomach, alcohol, drugs, etc.

R We are talking about the internal state. The slave seeks freedom in the outside world and tries to find it in the values ​​of this world. Moreover, the peculiarity of these values ​​for him is their universal recognition. Slave completely focused only on his survival and pleasure. N The most effective means of establishing the status of a slave in a person is to transform him from a person into a consumer. The goal of the consumer is his hypertrophied material well-being and pleasure. Just like in ancient slaveholding Rome - “bread and circuses”. Therefore, the gray consumer crowd is easy to manage. But man is under the illusion that he is free. Another one side of the slave essence: when meeting free people, slaves passionately begin to hate them, often unconsciously.

Only a free person engages in self-development, sets goals in life and achieves their implementation without any carrot or stick, pressure or kick from the outside. Slave It has become fashionable to call oneself, it’s like a kind of declaration that relieves a person of responsibility. After all, it’s easier to say: “I am a slave to my passions,” “I am a slave to this habit,” and then be proud of my imaginary lack of will. R slave psychology is slavery at will. And it is based on an unwillingness to change anything in your life. So, the slave is dependent, weak-willed, controlled, and does not have his own (opinions, desires - they are imposed on him)

Long ago all people became GODS:
Knowledge and paths have opened
Bright roads have opened
And everyone can go through life...

But here's the problem! It's easier to live as a slave:
Don't think, believe and ask,
Lie quietly on the stove,
How to overcome animal fear...

We were once slaves...
But the ancient memory lives on...
Sitting at the bottom of the soul, guys...
We have a SLAVE psychology!

(Margarita Vyshenskaya)

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There is no doubt that we are on the verge of a third world war, which is why we wrote this work called “The Dialectic Revolution.”

Times have changed, and we are beginning a new Era in the thundering greatness of thought. What is needed now is a revolutionary Ethics based on a revolutionary Psychology.

Without deep Ethics, the best social and economic formulas will turn into dust. An individual cannot change unless he tries to dissolve his "I".

Psychological slavery destroys life together. Psychologically depending on someone is slavery. If our way of thinking, feeling and acting depends on the way of thinking, feeling and acting of those around us, then we are enslaved.

We constantly receive letters from many people who want to dissolve "I", but at the same time they complain about their wives, children, brothers, family, husbands, bosses... These people require certain conditions in order to dissolve "I". They demand convenience in order for them to begin to destroy ego. They demand excellent behavior from those with whom they interact.

The funny thing about all this is that these poor people are looking for different excuses. They want to run away, leave their home, their work, etc., supposedly for deep self-realization.

Poor people... Naturally, their beloved torments are their masters. These people have not yet learned to be free; their behavior depends on the behavior of others.

If we want to follow the path of chastity, but hope that the woman will become chaste first, then we have already failed. If we want to stop being drunks, but we agree to drink when offered to us because we are afraid of what they will think of us or that our friends will be angry with us, then we will never stop being drunkards.

If we want to stop being angry, irritable, angry, but as an initial condition for this we demand that those who communicate with us be nice and calm with us, that they do not do anything that can irritate us, then we tolerate complete defeat because others are not saints and at any moment they will end our good intentions.

If we want to dissolve "I", then we need to be free. He who depends on the behavior of another cannot dissolve "I". Our behavior should be our own and should not depend on anyone. Our thoughts, feelings and actions must flow independently from the inside out.

The worst difficulties provide us with the best opportunities. In the past, there were sages surrounded by all comforts, without any difficulties. Wanting to destroy "I", these sages had to create difficult situations for themselves.

In difficult situations we have excellent opportunities to study our internal and external impulses, our thoughts, feelings, actions, our reactions, expressions of will, etc.

Life together is a full-length mirror in which we can see ourselves as we are, and not as we seem. Living together is wonderful. If we are very attentive, then at every moment we will be able to detect our most secret defects. They appear, pop up when we least expect it.

We know a lot of people who say: “I don’t have rage anymore.” However, at the slightest provocation they rumble and flash like thunder and lightning. Others say: "I'm not jealous anymore." However, one smile from their spouse to any good neighbor is enough for their faces to turn green with jealousy.

People protest because of the difficulties that arise when living with others. They do not want to understand that it is precisely these difficulties that provide them with all the opportunities necessary to dissolve "I". Living with others is a wonderful school. The book of this school consists of many volumes. The book of this school is "I".

We must be truly free if we truly want to dissolve "I". Anyone who depends on the behavior of others is not free. Only those who truly become free know what it is Love. The slave doesn't know what the real thing is Love. If we are slaves to what others think, feel and do, then we will never know what it is Love.

Love is born in us when we put an end to psychological slavery. We need to understand very deeply, in all areas of the mind, this whole complex mechanism of psychological slavery.

There are many forms of psychological slavery. If we really want to dissolve "I", then it is necessary to study all forms of psychological slavery.

Psychological slavery exists not only internally, but also externally. There is a personal, hidden, secret slavery that we are not even remotely aware of.

The slave believes that he loves, but in reality he is afraid. The slave doesn't know what the real thing is Love.

A woman who is afraid of her husband believes that she adores him, when in reality she is simply afraid of him. A husband who fears his wife believes that he loves her, when in reality he is simply afraid of her. He may be afraid that she will leave for someone else, or that her character will become unbearable, or that she will refuse him bed, etc.

An employee who fears his boss believes that he loves him, that he respects him, that he cares about his interests, etc. No psychological slave knows what love is. Psychological slavery is incompatible with love.

There are two types of behavior: the first comes from outside and goes inward, the second comes from within and goes out. The first is the result of psychological slavery and is caused by reaction. For example, they beat us - and we beat us, they insult us - and we respond with insults. The best behavior is the second behavior, the behavior of a person who is no longer a slave, a person who no longer has anything to do with the thinking, feeling and actions of others. This type of behavior is independent. This is correct and fair behavior. If we are beaten, we respond with a blessing. If we are insulted, we remain silent. If they want to make us drunk, we don’t drink, although our friends will be offended.

Now our readers will understand why psychological freedom brings what is called Love.

I have long been interested in the question of slave psychology. First of all, because people with these personality traits influence my life to one degree or another. I've been thinking about this topic for a long time, and now it's time to write about it.


First, let's define what freedom is. For me, it represents a state of my consciousness that allows me to follow the path of development. It is about showing love to myself, my family and the world around me, when I understand my values ​​and follow them, when I realize myself in my achievements. For me, freedom is the opportunity for things to happen, these are my decisions and actions in which I create myself and create my life. My freedom is born from the energy of my spirit, it is my search and choice of where I will direct my energy, in what decisions and actions I will embody it. It can be said that in my freedom lies the path to my happiness.

Historical heritage

A slave is one who does not know how to control himself.

Squeeze out the slave drop by drop.

The Russian state has existed for more than a thousand years. If you don’t go into historical details, from the moment of Baptism, that is, the adoption of Christianity.
Until recently, a significant part of the Russian population were peasants. The word peasant came about as a result of the Baptism of Rus'. A peasant is a Christian. In our case, Orthodox.
But who was the peasant in Rus' during all this long time? The answer is obvious - a slave.
There are opinions that the slave mentality and other “Asian things” were brought to Rus' by the Mongol-Tatars, in addition to Russian obscenities. The Mongol-Tatar yoke, of course, greatly strengthened the traditions of slavery in Rus', but sayings like “Slawen sind Sklaven” were quite common in Europe even before the time of the yoke. In addition, the institution of servitude existed in Rus' back in the 11th century, or even much earlier.
Until 1861, a significant part of Russians were serfs, enslaved by the master. Typically, the main striking force in both major peasant uprisings of that time - Razin's and Pugachev's - were not peasants, but Cossacks, that is, robbers.
In addition, the social drama immediately after the abolition of serfdom is noteworthy. Chekhov and the others, traveling around the country, suddenly notice that men without a master prefer not to work for themselves, but to slowly become an alcoholic. Then the October Revolution happened, and the population was occupied by the communists. Under Stalin, the slave situation reached its apogee: many were in camps, while the rest worked to increase the defense capability of the socialist Motherland. Attempts to change the situation were made at the beginning of the twentieth century with the help of the New Economic Policy and at the end with the help of general privatization.
Both attempts failed. The NEP was replaced by collectivization and the Gulag. And privatization is gradually turning into state corporations.
Now answer? Is it possible to get rid of a slave psychology, acquired over centuries, in just a few decades? Today the peasantry no longer constitutes the majority of the population. But if it were possible to trace the ancestry of more townspeople, it would turn out that their ancestors left the village not so long ago, three or four generations ago. And this slave psychology was inherited genetically.
Well, this is in Rus', but what about the rest of the world? In the Bronze Age, Moses led the Jews through the desert for forty years, not because they were fans, but so that only Jews born free would reach Palestine. Why do you think in ancient Greece (except Sparta) only barbarians were slaves, but not Greeks? Not at all because they were ashamed to keep their own fellow citizens in slavery. There was simply an opinion that the Greeks made bad slaves because they lacked the same slave mentality characteristic of the barbarians. And in general, the Greeks and Romans of that time looked at the “barbarians” (primarily the Persians) as black at all times and primarily because of their slavish obedience to their rulers.
It should be noted that slavery in Rome was especially relished in Soviet textbooks “History of the Ancient World” so that children would understand how terrible life was for slaves. At the same time, several interesting details were deliberately omitted. In particular, a Roman slave could engage in economic activities, rent and even buy housing, and have his own slaves. Yes, in Ancient Rome you could be both a slave and a master. But at the same time, even a rich slave with all his property was the property of his master.
Why do you think the words “Slav” and “slave” sound very similar in all Germanic and Romance languages? “Slave”: in English - slave, in German - sklave, in Spanish - esclavo, in French - esclave. Despite the fact that in Latin “slave” is servus, and Latin is the root of these languages ​​(all these barbarians borrowed, at one time, more than half of the words from Latin into their languages).


People of servile rank -
Real dogs sometimes:
The heavier the punishment,
That's why gentlemen are dearer to them.


Goodbye unwashed Russia -
Country of slaves, country of masters!

Servilism is a slave psychology, servility, subservience, obsequiousness.
People who are characterized by such thinking, even if left without a master, do not become free; slavery is in their soul.
Historically, every society has its own leader. A small group of people united in order to kill and eat a mammoth or rob a caravan will cost only one person who knows how to do it and will command and be obeyed. A multimillion-dollar state gives rise to multi-thousand structures with crazy management systems, which should also prevent confusion and vacillation where it is not needed.

It is important that, according to the tradition of Western society, it is believed that power exists for the benefit of the people, and not vice versa. If it passes good laws and ensures their implementation, then society will prosper and that means it is a good government. The owner of the slave mentality believes that the Tsar-Father, day and night, only thinks about how to feed, give a roof over his head and provide work for his slaves. And in advanced cases, the patient also wants the state to explain to him how and for what he should live his meaningless life. And therefore, it is quite appropriate for millions to die, endure mass executions and starve in order to build an ideal state that will love its slaves.
The owner of a slave mentality is in dire need of an authoritarian ruler. A complex political system is not suitable; there must be a person, a “steady hand”, a substitute for God on Earth who can solve all problems, but only if he is worshiped correctly.
The authorities, as a rule, adore their slaves, since those who do not have a slave mentality and demand that the authorities do at least something useful distract them from really important things. Therefore, the slave mentality is lovingly nurtured under the guise of patriotism, instilled through the church and impeccably ensured by mass executions.

After thinking a little, Tatarsky came to the conclusion that the slave in the soul of a Soviet person is not concentrated in any one area, but rather colors everything that happens in its hazy expanses in the colors of sluggish mental peritonitis, which is why there is no way to squeeze this slave out. drops without damaging valuable spiritual properties.

Some people are so poisoned and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight for it.

Holy faith that the good Tsar-Father will solve all problems and punish the bad boyars. Love and desire for freebies, which come in the form of handouts from above. And also special pride when receiving a handout.
Hatred for everyone who has achieved something through their labor, the desire to take everything away from them and divide it. Hatred for everyone who does not consider a “steady hand” to be the highest good and the ideal structure of the state.
The slave mentality presupposes the awareness of oneself as worthless without a kick from above.

The Lord endured and commanded us.
An old Russian proverb

Church ministers in our country have always been closely connected with the servants of the sovereign, and the Christian principle “hit on the right cheek - turn the left” was actively used to tame cattle back in Ancient Rome. The fact that the principle is not about the prohibition of self-defense, but about the prohibition of rancor and resentment, was, as always, not conveyed to the cattle, they were not chewed on.


One question arises here: is a society of morally free people necessary? After all, a nation united by some idea develops much better than a people mired in internecine squabbles and without a vector for development?
As history shows, it is necessary! Firstly, if the disease is started, the system will cease to adequately respond to the challenges of objective reality and will seriously weaken, depriving its wards of law, order and sausage, which will inevitably result in riots, revolutions and other misfortunes. Even a fatal outcome is possible, when the state ceases to exist altogether.
Secondly, simply because a free person who observes the social contract is a much better resource than a slave working under pressure. Not a whip in the form of an article of the Criminal Code for parasitism. Not a carrot - certificates of honor, medals, apartments and cars for especially hardworking people. Even the constant pumping of high ideological goals is not able to adequately motivate a slave to work and self-development compared to when a person himself sets goals in life and achieves their implementation without any external pressure. That is why any totalitarian regimes are doomed to forever “catch up and overtake” the countries of “decaying capitalism”, although, of course, absolute control over the country’s human resources makes it possible to achieve some successes.

Personal conclusion

The psychology of a slave is the overwhelming predominance of the desire to fit into society, to consider the demands of society, truly heard, guessed, or falsely guessed by one’s desires. It doesn’t matter whether you become a top six or a leader, a slave or a slave owner by social status. If the totality of social roles, and only this, is the essence of the Self, then this is the psychology of a slave.
Where social roles end, such a person has emptiness. More precisely, even a psychological vacuum, because the emptiness is sometimes filled with elusive meaning, there is no vacuum, it tears apart the psyche, and with it the living body, if this psyche finds itself outside of social roles.

The article was written in accordance with personal worldview and the use of information from the Internet.


A slave is a person who is completely subordinate to the power of the owner, he fulfills his demands, is his property. Officially, this type of relationship does not exist, but if you look closely, it will become clear that many enterprises have similar principles. A modern individual does not belong to someone, he has the right to choose his place and area of ​​work, and can leave his position at any time. But sometimes conditions are created when these actions will lead to a deterioration in life. For example, in Russia it is very difficult for a woman to realize her potential after 50 years old; she is still full of strength and knowledge, but if she does not agree with the opinion of management and quits, then it will be difficult to find a new job. It’s also difficult to find a job in small towns if there is only one factory and there is nowhere else to go.

Slavery is a lack of self-expression, it is complete submission to orders. In many enterprises, initiative is punishable; people only do what they are told to do; they are like slaves doing their job. Not only is there no desire to improve, but there are also no opportunities. Thousands of people don’t want to change anything; they are satisfied with a set of functions that need to be repeated regularly. In this case, you need to think in a stereotyped way; no new skills or ideas are required.

Working for the owner implies a constant desire to avoid activities. The slave is not interested in profit, does not think about results. He is stimulated only by punishment if the goal is not achieved, but he himself does not want to do something for the common good. Whenever possible, we look for moments to relax, mind our own business, and not create something for the benefit of society. Many office workers behave this way; at the first convenient opportunity they get distracted.

Slave psychology implies the absence of one's own opinion. The right ideas are expressed by managers, their discussion is not encouraged. Today, the role of the owner is often played by the state; with the help of the media, certain ideas are introduced into the minds of ordinary people. The lack of censorship hides quite serious management, which allows you to tune the masses in the right way. People are not aware of their situation, since it is perfectly camouflaged.

In slave labor, all income remains in the hands of the owner. The worker himself has a minimum amount of funds, which is enough to cover only the necessary needs. A small salary does not allow many to buy something valuable, and all the profits from the work of thousands of factories remain in the hands of a handful of people. At the same time, a worldview is created in different ways, in which all this is considered the norm. Slave psychology becomes a way of thinking not of individual people, but of entire nations.

Eighty percent of a person’s psychological characteristics depend on his subconscious, which contains not only his individual history, but also his archetypal characteristics of the collective unconscious, which often determine not only the psychological type of an individual person, but even an entire nation.

Let us consider the state of a person and his external reactions, containing in the depths of his subconscious the spirit of a slave, which can form in a person his spirit, which determines his relationship with himself, with God and with the world around him. One of the most important reasons that shapes the spirit of a people and the spirit of every person belonging to this people is religion. And the more rigid its dogmas are, and the more carefully they are implemented, the more profound changes occur over time, both in an individual person and in the whole people professing this religion. We read the Old Testament, which for the Jews is an edification of what they should be, and we see that it is full of the spirit of slavery that filled the kingdom of their subconscious.

“Your god is the devil,” says Jesus Christ to the scribes and Pharisees. But who, if not they, are the bearers of the spirit of Judaism, the spirit of the fallen Dennitsa-Lucifer? “How you fell from the sky, Dennitsa, son of the dawn! He crashed to the ground, trampling the nations. And he said in his heart: “I will ascend to Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mountain in the assembly of gods, at the edge of the north (!); I will ascend to the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. But you are cast into hell, into the depths of the underworld.” (Isa. 14. 12 - 15). But Jesus Christ calls himself: “I am... the bright and morning star” (Rev. 22, Chapter 16, Art.). The dawn star here refers to the morning star, Venus. In Jewish and Christian traditions, the star is understood as a messianic symbol. But Lucifer claims to be the Messiah, and Jesus is the Messiah from the very beginning. In the first, his ego is manifested, and in the second, the destiny given to him from above.

And this fallen angel, Dennitsa-Lucifer, having a deeply slavish soul, whose pride sought to rise to the host of gods at the edge of the north, in order to become like the Almighty, found himself cast down into the worlds of darkness. The great asura - Lucifer, the bearer of pride and a sense of superiority over everything on Earth, the father of lies (as Jesus Christ spoke of him), the bearer of all vices, perverting the Divine truth and consciously opposing it, dissolved in human hearts, which became expressors of his will and his slavery. And although these people do not strive to be like the Almighty, the pride that has settled in their hearts, hiding under the changeable mask of a social chameleon, is reflected on their faces and their attitude to the reality of this world. The pride of these people is an unconscious desire to compensate for the deepest spirit of slavery, filling the entire spiritual emptiness of the abyss of slavish insignificance of their souls. It is the spirit of slavery, behind pride, that makes them despise all who are not marked with the seal of Lucifer. And at the same time, ignorance does not allow them to realize the true reasons for their thirst for power, honor, wealth, and contempt for all humanity, which for them is only a means of achieving social heights, where they will receive, as they assume, the highest freedom and the highest pleasures. “I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mountain in the assembly of gods, at the edge of the north; I will ascend to the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High...” This desire of Lucifer on the material plane is realized by the bearers of his will and his spirit, but only within the limits of their capabilities.

There are two ways to gain satisfaction using power. The first of them, which can be called Divine, is the creation of the highest harmony and prosperity of the subject people, when there is unity of power and people, and the basis of this unity is service. In this unity, people in power sacrifice themselves for the good of the people and the entire state, and serve them. In turn, the people sacrifice their lives and their labor for the good of the state, which is also service. True sacrifice is always a service that brings joy and satisfaction, which can be higher than any pleasure, because it is satisfaction with one’s life. The second way of obtaining pleasure through the use of power is directly opposite to the first, and it can be called satanic. Its essence lies in the extreme suppression of everything human in a person, turning him into an absolute slave who can be despised for his irresponsibility, depravity, slavish obedience and primitiveness of mind and desires. It is very important for Lucifer to be surrounded by those whom he despises, and in this contempt he rises in his self-esteem. For him, the powerlessness and slavish worship of his victim before him are pleasant, and everything that surpasses him in the light of truth and therefore is inaccessible to his traps of lies is intolerable.

There are two ways of obtaining satisfaction in the paths of wealth. The first of them can be called Divine, and is based on the principles of justice, which is based on the distribution of public wealth, both for the needs of the state and for the needs of its citizens. At the same time, the distributors of the people's wealth are not their owners, and at the same time, the creators of this wealth, during distribution, receive only that part of it that is necessary for their well-being. With fair distribution, the amount of remuneration for work is determined not by the social status of the employee, but by his diligence and individual need. Zhores Alferov said in one of his conversations that a person’s preoccupation with the thirst for profit leads to the extinction of his creative passion. And he is absolutely right, since creativity and business are not compatible. If a person calculates how much profit he can get for his creative work, then the desire for profit will quickly extinguish the flame of creativity. This is one of the reasons why there are no creative people among businessmen. But lies and all sorts of tricks in business should not be associated with creativity. If we consider creativity and business from the standpoint of the level of vibrations of consciousness, then it is clear that creativity and spirituality have higher vibrations than business and self-interest. These are like two poles, of which only one can be open to a person. Here, objections may follow that many thousands of Russian scientists left for the West, since the equipment of laboratories there is better and the salaries are higher. It’s true, they left, but not to do business, but to do scientific work and not think about the material side of life. It would be fair if all human society were based on this socio-economic principle.

The second method of satisfaction in the paths of wealth belongs to Lucifer. The basic principle of his existence and his passion is the desire for greatness and pleasure, so he appropriates everything that can satisfy his boundless passion. He would like to have all the riches of the Earth and even the Universe, which would be a symbol of his greatness, his superiority over everything that exists in the worlds of the lower sphere. At the same time, for him there is neither morality nor compassion for those who may find themselves in the paths of his passion, because there is no warmth and light in his heart. And at the same time, he is not cruel towards his victims, just as a predatory insect, for example, a spider, is not cruel when it eats its still living, trembling victim - it simply satisfies its hunger. At the same time, Lucifer's mind remains calculating and cold. For him, there are no such concepts as lies, betrayal, deliberate concealment of the truth or distortion of it. For him there is only a goal and the means to achieve it. Striving for absolute superiority over all things, at the height of his aspirations, Lucifer will not share his importance with anyone and, therefore, in the Old Testament he says, addressing his people: “Do not worship other gods...” (4 books. Kings chapter 19. v. 6,7). Here an analogy involuntarily arises of the US desire for a unipolar world, not to share power with anyone else at the top of the human pyramid. A religious person may disagree with the statement that Lucifer and the god of the Jews are one and the same. But let us once again turn our attention to the words of Christ addressed to the Jews: “Your father is the Devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning (here we mean the murder of Abel by Cain, who was prompted to this by the devil) and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8 ch. 44 v.).

Pleasures and pleasures can also be realized on two levels. In one case, a person receives pleasure and pleasure from the fact that he does not live for himself. And these pleasures and pleasures are not in front of other people and not as a result of pride in oneself, but because living for other people or for God always brings true joy and pleasure.

And pleasures and pleasures can also be for oneself, and there can be many sources for this in the material world. But in all cases, these experiences contain a feeling of self-satisfaction, superiority over those who do not have the material opportunity to receive the same pleasures and pleasures. Contempt for those who are deprived of the opportunity to live for pleasure and are forced to survive, although they create benefits for the social elite with their labor.

In every living being there is a desire that is opposite to its darkest and most unconscious part, a desire to surpass it or, if it is impossible to surpass it, then at least compensate for it, with the illusion of power on the manifested plane of the Earth. Moreover, in the Earthly world, the kingdom of illusions, this is immeasurably easier than in the higher worlds of light. For some people, this desire to surpass was the beginning of their spiritual path, for others it was a thirst for power and a thirst for pleasure. And Lucifer began these two opposite paths when he entered human souls. And if the first, on the path to Divine truth, rejected the promises of the fallen spirit, then in others he found a home consonant with him and made them his spokesmen in this material world, and formed his own kingdom in the depths of their subconscious. His pride needed to worship him, and his painful slave part could be satisfied only by power, unlimited power over all humanity. And in his desire to surpass the Creator of all things on Earth, the Spirit of darkness decided to reduce the human race to a state of extreme and dirty nonentity in order to laugh at the one God: “look what a pathetic insignificant creature you have created on Earth, a nonentity who has imagined himself the king of nature and the pinnacle of creation. This creature will be the executor of not your will, but mine, and I will rule over him forever and ever.” Living in the souls of people, from time immemorial, who devoted themselves to serving mammon, he filled them not only with his slavish essence, but also with pride and an insatiable desire for power. And the bearers of the darkness and lies of Lucifer, the bearers of his contempt for everything Divine on Earth, persecuted by all the peoples of the world, they dream and strive to establish the power of their god over everything that exists in this world, to extinguish the light in those souls in which it is just beginning to flare up and in those in which it is a little warm, so that among human hearts there are no those who could one day become bearers of light. This is very important for him in order to make the Earth his footstool, and people the executors of his destructive and corrupting will.

Everything that happens in the modern world is an attempt by the spirit of lies to establish its power in humanity in order to sit on top of human destinies and control them, enjoying its power and its wealth. And the executors of the will of Lucifer, whose souls were seduced by the aspirations of the spirit of lies, joyfully accepted him into their hearts and followed the paths that gave them power, glory and riches. All their paths are marked with the tears and groans of peoples trampled underfoot by their violence and lies.

“...Clap your hands, all nations, shout to God with a voice of joy; for the Lord Most High is terrible, a great king over all the earth; He has subdued nations and nations under our feet...” (Psalm 46, chapter 2 - verses 4 and verse 10). And they wrap lies in those who do not accept their ideas, and who do not follow paths convenient for the spirit of darkness, and then appropriate what they did not produce. And all this is done in the name of their god, whom Jesus Christ called the devil.

In the soul of every person there are dark basements in which the spirit of a slave and his ineradicable pride live, but for different people this dark part of it is not equally expressed, and each person must make every effort possible to get rid of the spirit of darkness that resides in the depths his subconscious.

Man's slavery is primarily manifested in his dependence on the lower nature. Desires and pleasures are his goal, which he strives for throughout his life. At the same time, illness, suffering and the fear of death constantly haunt him until the days of his life on Earth end. And perhaps he will realize at the end of his journey that everything he strived for and constantly ran away from were only illusions that had no real value, that the purpose of everything that surrounded him, and with which he surrounded himself, was to others. And perhaps at the end of his journey he realizes A He says that his own life also had a different purpose, but he used it, like a royal seal, to “crack nuts.”

A person does not realize the origins of the thirst for power, wealth, pleasure; and he does not realize the reasons for the fear of death and the desire to avoid suffering. He is not even aware of the power of the ego over himself, because he has a very strange and not yet entirely understandable property of appropriating all kinds of states, desires, aspirations and even characteristics of his personality. All human aspirations - for power, wealth, pleasure and even destruction - are a perverted desire of the inner part of the human being for Divine truth. But this does not mean at all that a person should leave his body on the Earth and go to nirvana, then the embodied soul will not fulfill its destiny. She must become the master of the outer part of the human being and make it the perfect instrument of the Divine will in his work on Earth, and for this man is given every opportunity. And it seems a paradoxical situation in which both a person, and the external conditions in which he lives, and his Divine soul - everything was prepared for the Divine work to be done on Earth, but everything did not happen as one might expect. Instead of a free person, we have on Earth a tribe of slaves, who are not only completely enslaved by the forces of lower nature, without knowing it, but are even proud of the fact that they follow its laws and fulfill its whims. Looking at the reality of the modern world, one might think that the Divine left it to the mercy of fate, and dark forces took advantage of this and seized power over all of humanity. This could only happen in one completely incredible case - if God ceased to be God. In the heart and consciousness of every person there should be unshakable faith in God and confidence that everything that happens in the world corresponds to his plans. “Not even a hair of your head will fall without His will,” said Jesus Christ. Therefore, everything that happens in the modern world, in its smallest details, corresponds to the plans of God. There is no connivance with the dark forces in which they could do what they want. True, these forces, just like man, appropriate to themselves desires, aspirations and attitudes towards the reality of this world and the reality of themselves, but in reality, behind all this there is a single Divine will, hiding itself behind the ignorance of appropriation

When we talk about the creation of the universe and man, we mean the completion of some Divine plan. But, in reality, when we say that God “became all this,” we are only taking an instant photograph of the reality of this world, a kind of histological section of it. After which we begin to examine and study this photograph, being confident that we understand the reality of the Universe at the macro or micro levels. In reality, the Universe is in a state of continuous change, in which there is no room for chance or chance, and there is nothing final or complete in it, no matter at what level we consider it. The Universe is an ocean of energy-consciousness, which can be neither static nor chaotic, the dynamics of which would have no direction. On our earthly plane there is an intensive process of manifestation of everything low and destructive that must be transformed. This is what the dark asuric forces are currently doing, using people chosen for this purpose.

Evolution never happens for many, although many participate in it. Remember the words of Christ when he said: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” Notice that he did not say that there were few who agreed to follow the call, and those who were chosen were not asked whether they wanted to be chosen. But from the words of Jesus Christ it is clear that everything happens according to the will of God and only ignorance does not allow a person to realize this will. But this does not mean that everything is fatally inevitable - many roads lead to the same goal and a person has the opportunity to choose one of them, but he cannot choose the goal. He chooses only the roads to the goal for which he lives on Earth, and the goals are predetermined for him by God.

All of humanity is like a pyramid, the body of which serves as a support for its top. Those who are chosen by the Divine for the new world, climbing the steps of the pyramid of humanity, give to each of its levels what belongs to it. And when the spiritual seeker rises to the very top and is ready to climb it, he must give up the last thing that belongs to the pyramid of humanity - the illusion of himself. And then he takes another step beyond the top, because the pyramid becomes a springboard for him into his immortal future. Thus, in this world everything happens as established by God, but for man it is hidden by ignorance of appropriation. The spiritual path is the means by which the seeker gradually becomes free from the illusions and ignorance of this world

In the earthly world there are many pseudo-spiritual paths that are a mixture of aspirations. At their center is the aspiration for Divine truth, but the further from the center and closer to the periphery, the more these aspirations are distorted and turned into aspirations for the values ​​of this material world.

True religion should, in a religious person, generate not fear and slavish adoration, but joy, because unity with God is always joy, and there is freedom in it, but not slavish adoration. God does not need the luxury of churches that evoke the admiration of parishioners, he needs our souls. “The temple of God is within us,” said Jesus Christ, and for the spiritual path, sincerity is more valuable, but not the unconditional fulfillment of external rituals. There is fear and a state of slavery in a person only when he worships the devil. Of course, one can ask: what then is the fear of God, the fear of being abandoned by God? If we compare the fear of being abandoned by God with the sinner’s fear of posthumous hell, then the fear of being abandoned is more like sadness, grief, longing for unity with God, because in this case an internal emptiness arises in a sincere spiritual seeker and a state when, it seems, there is no what to lean on. That is why Jesus Christ exclaimed: “My God, my God! Why did you leave me!”

If a person’s attention is focused on the Highest, then states that belong to the Highest should arise in him, and if on Lucifer, then the states will be corresponding. When Jesus Christ called God his father, was he afraid of him? And what was the face of Yahweh like that man should not have seen it, since, having seen it, he could die? If beautiful, then they can be indescribably delighted by the beautiful.

The humility of a slave is the humility of a person who in this material world considers himself the lowest, smallest, insignificant, in comparison with other people and, of course, before God. But a truly spiritual person does not feel insignificant in front of anyone. He does not contain pride and at the same time does not humiliate himself before anyone.

The spirit of slavery is always inferiority, rejection, the desire to compensate for this spirit in oneself. But this desire will never be satisfied, since someone living in a slave spirit does not know what the spirit of freedom is. Hence his desire to dominate others in this material world, since he does not know other ways to get rid of the spirit of slavery. The social position of a slave may not correspond to the free spirit of this person, and someone occupying the position of a master may have a slave soul at his core. Therefore, a slave will never be able to satisfy himself with the position of a master who has even unlimited power, because there are no external means by which one can get rid of the spirit of slavery. A slave can never satiate himself with pleasures, which, in his opinion, are the prerogative of the free. A slave will never satiate himself with material wealth that could compensate for his inner poverty and at least create the illusion of completeness. The writer Otto Weininger, author of the famous book: “Sex and Character,” realized in himself the spirit of a slave belonging to his people, and tried to free himself from it by the means available to him, without indulging this spirit, but was never able to overcome it, which led him to at the age of twenty-three to commit suicide. It is impossible to explain to a person what freedom is, which he often confuses with permissiveness, power, limitless wealth, boundless pleasures, which in turn make a person an even greater slave than he was before. The only path to freedom is the path of the heart, on which a person can completely free himself from the power of the lower nature over him. And only then will he become a free man.