Abstract: Organization and management of passenger transportation. Basics of passenger transportation

Basics of passenger transportation


4.1 Fundamentals of passenger transport

4.2 Passenger flows and quality of transport services

4.3 Freight flows and quality of freight transport

4.4 Fundamentals of traffic forecasting in the region

4.5 Main functions and directions of marketing in transport

Basics of passenger transportation

Passenger transport is of great social importance because it satisfies one of the most important human needs - the need to move. The passenger transportation carried out most clearly characterizes this or that type of transport, since passengers, based on their own considerations, evaluate its advantages and disadvantages differently. In the passenger transportation market, there is stronger competition between modes of transport than in freight transportation.

The transport market for passenger transportation provides passengers with services of various types of transport, which most often are not equivalent in cost, speed, regularity and comfort. The passenger, guided by his capabilities, goals and tastes, and sometimes forced, gives preference to one or another type of transport. At the same time, it is often not the economic, but the qualitative characteristics of modes of transport that are decisive, therefore, when analyzing the transport market for passenger transportation, it is necessary to take into account not only the economics of transportation, but also the quality of transport services, demographic, social, social, production and other factors.

Passenger transport carries out transportation of the population in international, intercity, suburban and intracity communications.

Road transport also occupies first place in terms of passenger turnover in Russia - more than 46%. However, if you do not take into account intracity bus transportation, then the primacy belongs to the railways, whose share in passenger turnover will increase to 60%.

Air transport plays an important role in passenger transportation. Its share in total passenger turnover is 14%. However, the number of passengers transported by air has declined in recent years due to a significant increase in ticket prices and a decrease in the solvency of the population.

Passenger transportation by river and sea transport accounts for a relatively very small share (less than 1%). Marine vessels are mostly used for tourism, including cruise travel, recreation and excursions. River vessels, in particular hydrofoils, are widely used to transport passengers on inland waterways in the Volga, North-Western and other regions of the country.

The development strategy for passenger transport in Russia should include not only an increase in traffic volumes, but also a significant improvement in the quality of passenger service, an increase in travel speeds, and an expansion of the range of services associated with transportation (hotels, food, leisure, etc.). Passenger transportation using different modes of transport using a single ticket should be more developed.

1. Introduction

Bus transport represents the most widespread type of passenger road transport. It plays a significant role in the country's unified transport system. It accounts for more than 60% of the traffic volume of all types of mass passenger transport, and passenger turnover is about 40%. The bus as a public transport has become widespread not only in cities, but also in rural areas. Buses are used in urban, suburban, intercity and international regular services. In the vast majority of small towns, the bus is the only type of mass passenger transport. Buses provide transport links throughout the city and help unite all districts of the city into a single urban complex. On intra-district, inter-district and intra-regional routes, bus transport provides transportation of passengers to railway stations, river ports, summer cottages, and bus stations for long-distance bus services. In intercity transport, bus transport carries out additional work of railway and air transport. In some cases, the route of long-distance bus services is more straightforward and passengers are delivered to their destination by buses with significant time savings.

The main tasks of entities engaged in passenger transportation are:

· full satisfaction of the population's needs for passenger road transport.

· ensuring a high culture of passenger service and ensuring transportation safety.

· efficient use of vehicles and maximum reduction of transport costs

· generalization and dissemination of advanced work methods.

During the period of economic reforms from 1992 to 2002, global changes in the management and reform of this industry occurred in the country's road transport. The ownership of motor transport as subjects of the provision of motor transport services has changed radically. Enterprises of all forms of ownership, from state, municipal, joint-stock to private entrepreneurs, operate in the passenger transport services market.

The purpose of this course project is to organize the operation of buses on a suitable route “N. Novgorod - Kamenki"

Transportation organization includes:

· systematic study of passenger flows;

· development, based on materials from a survey of passenger flows, of rational route schemes, providing, if necessary, for opening new and changing the direction of existing routes, choosing a top and determining the number of rolling stock on the route;

· drawing up bus schedules and scheduling buses on the line;

· traffic control of vehicles and operational control of regularity of movements;

· servicing passengers at bus terminals, bus stations and along the route;

· organization of work of drivers;

2. Calculation and technological section

2.1. Determining the distance between stopping points and along the route as a whole.

A bus route is an established and appropriately equipped bus route between starting and ending points.

To measure the length of the route, a commission consisting of representatives of the road and motor transport organization is created. The commission, by driving a car equipped with a working and sealed speedometer, determines the actual distance between stopping points provided on highways, including inside cities and towns. The distance between stopping points must be determined with an accuracy of one tenth of a kilometer. Based on the results of the measurement, the commission draws up a report. (table 2.1)

Table 2.1.

measuring route length

Using the act of measuring the length of the route, we calculate the distance between stopping points and along the route as a whole.

2.1.1. The distance between stopping points (length of the stretch) is determined by the speedometer readings.

L lane =PS n+1 -PS n; km,

where PS is the speedometer readings, PS n+1 is the speedometer readings at the next point, and PS n is the speedometer readings at the previous point.

1. Stage: N. Novgorod - Olgino

L lane =111.0-100.0=11.0 km.

2. Stage: Olgino - B. Borisovo

L lane =113.8-111.0= 2.8 km.

3. Stage: B. Borisovo - Mitino

L lane =118.0-113.8=4.2 km.

4. Driving: Mitino – Vyazovka

L lane =121.0-118.0=3 km.

5. Route: Vyazovka – Gardens

L lane =126.6-121.0=5.6 km.

6. Route: Gardens – Kamenki

L lane =131.7-126.6=5.1 km.

2.1.2. The distance from the starting point to subsequent stopping points and along the route as a whole.

L=PS n - PS 1; km. ,

where PS n – speedometer readings at the nth point,

PS 1 – speedometer readings at the starting point of the route.

1. N. Novgorod - Olgino

L=111.0-100.0=11.0 km

2. N. Novgorod - B. Borisovo

L=113.0-100.0=13.0 km

3. N. Novgorod - Mitino

L=118.0-100.0=18.0 km

4. N. Novgorod – Vyazovka

L=121.0-100.0=21.0 km

5. N. Novgorod – Gardens

L=126.6-100.0=26.6 km

6. N. Novgorod - Kamenki

L=131.7-100.0=31.7 km

Check: L m =L 6 =åL lane; km.

L m =11.0+2.8+4.2+3+5.6+5.1=31.7 km

The calculation results are entered into table 2.1

2.2. Determining the time of movement, message, flight, return flight.

To determine the time of the voyage, timing observations are made. Timing observations are carried out along the route of the surveyed route on rolling stock that has the lowest technical and operational characteristics used in the direction in question. The driver of the bus on which the flight time is measured must have average qualifications and know the route being surveyed. Timing is carried out for all operating hours on typical days of the week (weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays), each season of the year (winter, spring, summer, autumn), as well as when the operating mode of transport and passenger flows change. The position of the timekeeper on the bus is determined by the best possible view of the route, as well as the entry and exit doors of passengers. The observations are recorded on a time map of the route containing a list of stopping points. Based on the results of processing time-keeping observations, a report is drawn up (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2.

processing time observations along the route

2.2.1. Movement time.

Travel time is the time spent by a bus on the route from one end point to another, taking into account delays due to traffic reasons.

To determine the travel time, we use a map for processing timing observations along the route (Table 2.2); the travel time along the route for a trip is determined by summing up the travel time for individual sections.

t dv =åt` dv; min. ,

where t` dv – travel time on one stretch, min.,

n – number of stages on the route.

t dv =24+6+9+6+10+10=65 min=1.08 hours.

2.2.2. Downtime at intermediate points per flight.

Downtime at intermediate points for a flight is determined by summing up the downtime at individual intermediate points.

t by = åt` by,

where t` is the downtime at the intermediate point, min.

k – number of intermediate stops

t by =1+1+1+1+1=5 min.

2.2.3. Message time.

Communication time is the time from the moment of departure from one final stop to the moment of arrival at the other final stop, it includes travel time and idle time at intermediate points.

t c = t dv + t po; min.

t c =65+5=70min.=1.16 hours.

2.2.4. Flight time.

A flight is the distance a bus travels in one direction from one end point to another; the flight time includes travel time, downtime at all intermediate stops and parking time at one end point.

t r =t dv +t by +t co; min.

t p =65+5+10=80 min=1.33 hours.

2.2.5. Return flight time.

A return trip is the distance traveled by a bus in both directions.

The return trip time includes the forward trip time and the return trip time.

t rev = t r pr + t r arr; h.

in this embodiment, t r in the forward direction is equal to the flight time in the opposite direction.

t r pr = t r arr = t r;

t rev = 2*80=160 min= 2.66 hours.

2.3. Calculation of bus speed (average technical, communication, operational).

2.3.1. Average technical speed.

Average technical speed is defined as the ratio of route length to travel time.

V m = L m / t dv; km/h

V m = 31.7 / 1.08 = 29.35 km/h

2.3.2. Message speed.

The speed of communication characterizes the average speed of movement of passengers along the route and is determined by the ratio of the length of the route to the communication time.

V c = L m / t c; km/h

V c = 31.7 / 1.16 = 27.3 km/h

2.3.3. Operating speed.

Operating speed is defined as the ratio of route length to travel time.

V e = L m / t r; km/h

V e = 31.7 / 1.33 = 23.8 km/h

2.4. The concept of passenger flows. State the goals and methods of their study.

2.4.1. The concept of passenger flows.

The movement of passengers in one direction of a route is called passenger flow. Passenger flow can be in the forward direction and in the opposite direction.

Passenger traffic is characterized by:

· power or intensity, i.e. the number of passengers traveling at a certain time on a given section of the route in one direction

· volume of passenger transportation, i.e. the number of passengers transported by buses over a certain period of time (hour, day, month, year)

· passenger turnover, i.e. transport work performed when transporting passengers.

The nature of the characteristics of passenger flows is their unevenness. They change by time (hours, days, day of the week, period of year, etc.), by sections of the route (segments) and directions of the route.

2.4.2. Goals, timing of studying and surveying passenger flows.

To improve the quality of the transport services provided and ensure the efficient use of rolling stock, entities are required to systematically study passenger flows by day of the week and month of the year, both on individual routes and on the entire route network. Enterprises and organizations that have the right to open bus routes annually draw up and approve a schedule for surveying passenger flows, in which they determine the timing of its implementation.

The state customer for passenger transportation and municipal administrations, if necessary, provide assistance in conducting surveys and studying passenger flows. The survey of passenger flows is carried out comprehensively and selectively. A complete survey is carried out simultaneously on all routes of one (or several types of transport). Selective - on individual routes or route flights.

The following frequency of surveys of passenger traffic on bus transport is established:

· continuous – on the entire urban, suburban and intercity route network at least once every three years

· selectively - on certain urban, suburban and intercity routes at least twice a year (in the autumn-winter and spring-summer periods), as well as when there is a sharp change in passenger flows.

· on newly opened routes, the examination is carried out after three or four months of regular bus operation.

The survey of passenger flows is carried out in accordance with current regulatory documents. The material obtained as a result of the passenger flow survey serves as the basis for adjusting the route diagram of individual routes, drawing up bus schedules, and organizing express, semi-express, shortened and paired flights. Selecting the type of buses, distributing them along routes, assigning stopping points. The materials are also used to develop measures to improve service to the population during rush hour.

2.4.3. Methods for studying passenger flows.

To solve the problems of current planning of passenger transport, improve the route network, and improve the quality of service to the population, the following methods of studying passenger flow are used:

· method of visual inspection of rolling stock filling. It is carried out at the stopping point on a six-point scale, represented by the silhouettes of the rolling stock and marking the degree of filling.

1 point – lowest – corresponds to 1/3 of the seats being occupied.

2 points – 2/3 of the seats are occupied.

3 points – all seats are occupied.

4 points – all seats are occupied and approximately half of the standing places are occupied.

5 points – corresponds to the maximum permissible filling.

6 points – the highest degree of filling, the bus interior is overcrowded.

Using this method, you can determine the capacity of passenger traffic by route sections and hours of the day. The regularity of traffic on stages, the coefficient of intra-hour unevenness of passenger flow, and the registration of the filling of a mobile unit is carried out on a specially designed hourly format.

· method of counting incoming and outgoing passengers at a stopping point. Data is recorded in a special table (counting-tabular method). This method allows you to determine the passenger turnover of a stopping point and the regularity of traffic on stages.

· visual method. Method of visual inspection in rolling stock. It is carried out by accounting workers by driving along the route and recording the filling of the rolling stock on the list of stopping points, also on a six-point scale. It allows you to determine the capacity of passenger traffic by route sections and by hours of the day.

· a method of interviewing passengers at a separate stopping point. It allows you to determine transport connections with other stopping points. When interviewing passengers waiting for rolling stock, a special hourly communication table is filled out.

· method of comprehensive survey of passenger traffic on existing routes. It is carried out in rolling stock in three main ways:

a) using an registration coupon issued to the passenger at the entrance to the cabin with a mark on the boarding stop and collected at the exit with a mark on the number of the disembarkation stop. The survey method is labor-intensive to process and is not designed for the use of computer technology.

b) By surveying incoming passengers regarding their exit stop (previously this method was called a tabular method). The essence of this method is that the surveyor, having learned from the passenger which stop he is going to, must enter the destination in a specially designed table opposite the boarding point.

c) by counting the number of passengers entering and leaving at each stopping point and filling out the corresponding tables (counting - tabular method).

With a comprehensive survey, it is possible to determine the distribution of passenger traffic along routes, the capacity of passenger traffic across sections, the average travel distance of a passenger along the route, the correspondence of passengers between stopping points on the route, the occupancy rate, the turnover rate of passengers, and other indicators.

· method of surveying labor correspondence (questionnaire method). It is carried out by filling out questionnaires in enterprises, institutions, and at the place of residence. This method can determine the average distance of movement around the city, correspondence between city districts. There is also a reporting and statistical method based on the analysis of data on revenue from the transportation of passengers on routes and tickets sold. Due to less labor intensity and the possibility of obtaining a significant number of indicators and using computer technology to process observation results, the tabular method is most widely used in bus transport.

The passenger flow survey consists of three stages:

a) preparation for the examination

b) conducting a survey

c) processing of survey materials

Organizational and technical preparation of the examination method:

· determination of goals and choice of survey method;

· determination of the labor intensity of preparing a survey for groups of workers (instructors, accountants, information support);

· determination of the volume of computational work;

· determination of the volume of transport work for the delivery and delivery of accounting workers;

· determination of the scope of graphic work;

· determination of prices for all types of work;

· development of a schedule for preparing, conducting surveys, processing and analyzing materials;

· drawing up cost estimates and identifying sources of financing for work;

· concluding contracts with performers and other work;

The population is notified about the planned survey through the media and special announcements at least 10 days before the start of the survey. The result of processing the survey materials are tables of distribution of passenger flows by hour of the day (Table 2.3), sections of the route during rush hour (Table 2.4), correspondence from stopping points, etc.

Table 2.3.

Distribution of passenger traffic by hours of the day

Number of passengers Number of passengers
Hours of the day Directions Hours of the day Directions
direct the opposite direct the opposite
5 – 6 44 - 14 – 15 69 62
6 – 7 67 50 15 – 16 65 58
7 – 8 87 74 16 – 17 27 50
8 – 9 67 54 17 – 18 56 20
9 – 10 57 27 18 – 19 47 40
10 –11 24 50 19 – 20 23 47
11 – 12 51 54 20 – 21 10 22
12 – 13 61 58 21 – 22 - 17
13 – 14 63 61

Table 2.4.

Distribution of passenger traffic by route sections

during rush hour (from 7 to 8)

2.5. Construction of diagrams, distribution of passenger traffic by hours of the day and sections of the route during rush hour.

A graphical representation of passenger flow is called a passenger flow diagram.

2.5.1. Constructing a diagram of the distribution of passenger traffic by hour of the day.

Using the information obtained as a result of processing the survey materials (Table 2.3) and choosing the image scale, we build a diagram of the distribution of passenger traffic by hour of the day. (see Graphic part, sheet 2)

“Rush hour” in the forward direction is from 7 to 8, when 87 passengers are transported, in the opposite direction from 7 to 8, when 74 passengers are transported.

2.5.2. Constructing a diagram of the distribution of passenger traffic along sections of the route during rush hour (from 7 to 8).

Using the information obtained as a result of processing survey materials (Table 2.4) and calculations in paragraphs 2.1.1 - 2.1.2., choosing the scale of traffic volume and distance, we construct a diagram of the distribution of passenger traffic along sections of the route during rush hour. (see Graphic part, sheet 3)

The busiest section of the route is the Mitino – Vyazovka section, on which 68 passengers are transported in the forward direction during rush hour; this value is taken for further calculations.

2.6. Determination of the number of passengers transported per day, passenger-kilometers performed.

2.6.1. Number of passengers transported per day.

The number of passengers transported per day is determined by summing the number of passengers transported per hour in forward and return directions.

Q day = åQ h, pass.

where Q h is the number of passengers transported in one hour on the route

5 – buses start operating

22 – end of bus service


Q day pr =44+67+87+67+57+24+51+61+63+69+65+27+56+47+23+10=818 pass.

In the opposite direction:

Q day arr =50+74+54+27+50+54+58+61+62+58+50+20+40+47+22+17=1562 pass.

Overall for the day:

Q day = Q day pr + Q day arr; pass.

Q day =818+1562=2380 pass.

2.6.2. Number of passenger kilometers completed per day.

R day =(Q day pr + Q day arr) *L avg pass-km,

where L avg is the average travel distance of one passenger based on survey materials.

L av =16.3 km. (Table 5, tasks)

R day =(818+1562)*16.3=38794 pass-km

2.7. Determining the number of buses on the route, interval and frequency.

The route is served by PAZ-3205 buses.

Brief technical characteristics.

Wheel formula - 4x2

The body is all-metal, load-bearing, welded, carriage-type;
one passenger door, driver's door, emergency exit door

Number of passengers – seating 28, total 37

Weight - weight of the equipped bus 4720 kg
total weight 7705 kg
on the front axle 2890 kg
on the rear axle 4815 kg

Heating system - heater from a radiator and 3 heaters connected to the engine cooling system (from 4 heaters connected to the engine cooling system and starting heater)

Overall dimensions (mm) - length 7000
width 2480
height 2960
base 3600
front wheel track 1940
rear wheel track 1690
ground clearance 264
door opening width 726
distance from floor to ceiling of salon 1962

Steering mechanism - MAZ-64229 with power steering

Drive axle - rear, main gear - bevel, hypoid, gear ratio 6.17

Ventilation - 3 hatches in the roof, vents on the side windows

Clutch - 1-disc, dry, with torsional vibration damper;

Brake systems - working-double-circuit with pneumohydraulic

drive; shoe brake mechanisms, bar-

bath type;

parking– mechanical drive to the brake me-

mechanisms of the rear wheels (bar brake mechanism)

bath type affecting the transmission);

Suspension - front- dependent, spring with shock absorbers;
back- dependent, spring with correction springs and

shock absorbers;
spare- one of the circuits of the service brake system;

Fuel tank - capacity 105 l

Tires - 8.25R20

Seats - semi-soft, double, not adjustable, upholstery - leatherette;
semi-soft, separate, non-adjustable, upholstery - velor;

2.7.1. Required number of buses to service the route.

A m =Q max *t rev / g n; units ,

where Q max is the intensity of passenger traffic; Q max =68 (see paragraph 2.5.2)

t rev - bus turnover time; t rev =2.66 h (see paragraph 2.2.5)

g n – nominal capacity of the bus; g n =36 people.

A m = 68*2.66/36=5 units.

2.7.2. Movement interval.

The interval of movement is the time between the arrival at the stopping point of buses following one another. The interval is determined by the ratio of the turnaround time in minutes to the number of buses operating on the route.

I = (t rev / A m) * 60 ; min.

I = (2.66/5)*60 = 32 min.

2.7.3. Bus frequency.

Bus frequency is the number of buses passing per hour in one direction through a specific stopping point.

N a = A m / t rev; auto/h or N a = Q max / g n; auto/h

N a = 5 / 2.66 = 1.8 auto/h or N a = 68 / 36 = 1.8 auto/h

2.8. Preparation of bus schedules.

2.8.1. General scheduling requirements.

The schedule is the basis for organizing bus traffic on routes and is mandatory for all line workers of passenger vehicles. It determines the number of flights, travel time between stops, etc.

The traffic schedule should be developed taking into account the need to ensure:

· meeting the needs of the population for transportation along each route;

· use of bus capacity according to established standards;

· minimal passenger time spent on travel;

· regulation of bus traffic along the entire route;

· creation of necessary amenities along the route;

· compliance with the regime and working conditions of drivers and conductors, in accordance with labor legislation;

ATP, organizations, entrepreneurs and individuals are required to draw up a bus schedule in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documents. The traffic schedule for all types of bus transportation (urban, suburban, intercity) must be drawn up on the basis of standard speeds at individual stages of the route, provided that these speeds comply with those permitted by traffic rules and road signs. Based on the operating conditions of the rolling stock, maximum speeds on routes can be set below the limit established by traffic rules.

The bus schedule for city, suburban, intercity and intra-district bus routes is annually coordinated with the administrations of districts and cities, and approved by the state customer for passenger transportation.

The route schedule is the main document of the vehicle operation service and determines its operating mode, the required number of rolling stock, drivers, material, financial and other resources.

In order to best serve passengers, increase the productivity of rolling stock and make better use of it, the route schedule is developed in several options:

· weekdays, pre-weekends and weekends;

· autumn-winter and spring-summer seasons;

The need to have different timetable options are:

· variability of passenger flows;

· changes in the time norms for the movement of rolling stock on the route;

· changes in the number of rolling stock produced for work on the route;

Based on the data contained in the route schedule, the following are developed:

· driving schedules;

· traffic schedule for dispatchers at the final and intermediate points of the route;

· traffic schedule for passengers (if the traffic interval exceeds 15 minutes);

Each bus route on the schedule is assigned a specific exit number, i.e. schedule number according to which the sequence of bus release for each route is carried out.

The beginning and end of bus service on each route are determined by local conditions, taking into account the distribution of demand for transportation.

The methodology for drawing up a traffic schedule is largely formalized. In the process of drawing up a traffic schedule, mainly analytical and partially graphical methods are used.

Route schedules, developed in tabular form, contain data characterizing the route route, differentiated mileage rates by periods of the day, the accepted working hours of drivers, the type and quantity of rolling stock used, the start and end time of movement on the route, the length and time of zero runs and other requirements.

The required number of trips, interval and frequency of movement are calculated in accordance with the data on the distribution of passenger flows separately for “rush hours” and other hours of the day, special attention is paid to determining the number of necessary trips during “rush hours”, the calculation of which is carried out taking into account the normal filling of buses in compliance with the established passenger service quality standards.

2.8.2. Initial data for developing a route schedule.

The number of operating buses on the route is 5;

Zero mileage:

from the ATP to the starting point – 5 km;

from the final point to the ATP – 5 km;

Time to zero mileage:

from the ATP to the starting point – 10 minutes;

from the final point to the ATP – 10 minutes;

Travel time from the starting point to the final point (clause 2.2.3.) – 70 minutes = 1.16 hours;

Downtime at each final stop is 10 minutes (according to Table 2.2);

The starting and ending point of the movement is N. Novgorod;

The time of the first departure from the starting point is 5 00;

Movement interval – 32 min min;

Last departure time from N. Novgorod to Kamenki - 19 08

Operating mode: two shifts;

Lunch break location:

1st shift – Kamenki

II shift – N. Novgorod

The average duration of a lunch break is 50 minutes;

The place where bus crews change on the line at the starting point of the route.

2.8.3. Development of a bus schedule on a suburban route.

Based on the initial data given in paragraph 2.8.2, we draw up a schedule. (see Graphic part, sheet 4)

2.9. Determination of bus performance indicators according to schedule.

2.9.1. Duration of operation of each bus.

The operating time of the bus is the time from the moment of leaving the ATP until the moment of returning to the ATP, minus the time of lunch breaks.

T n = t arrival - t exit - åt about lane; h.

T 1 n = 19 40 – 4 40 + (0 50 + 0 30) = 13 40 hours.

T 2 n = 20 12 – 5 12 + (0 50 + 0 30) = 13 40 hours.

T 3 n = 20 44 – 5 44 + (0 50 + 0 30) = 13 40 hours.

T 4 n = 21 16 – 6 16 + (0 50 + 0 30) = 13 40 hours.

T 5 n = 21 48 – 6 48 + (0 50 + 0 30) = 13 40 hours.

All buses operate on the line for the same number of hours.

2.9.2. The car is in use for hours.

ACh e = å T n; h.

ACh e = 13 40 + 13 40 + 13 40 + 13 40 + 13 40 = 68 20 h = 68.33 h

2.9.3. Average amount of time on duty.

T n av = ACh e / A m; h.

T n av = 68.33 / 5 = 13.66 hours.

2.9.4. Number of trips performed by one bus.

n`р = nр 1cm + nр 2cm; flights

n` р = 6 + 4 = 10 flights

All buses perform the same number of trips.

2.9.5. Total number of scheduled flights.

n r disp = ån` r; flights

n r schedule = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 50 flights

2.9.6. Checking the operating time of one bus.

T n = n` p * t p + åt o ; h

T n = 10 * 80 + 20 = 820 min. = 13.66 hours

2.9.7. Mileage of buses along the route with passengers.

The distance traveled by a bus along a route with passengers is called useful mileage.

L floor = n r spread * L m; km.

L floor = 50 * 31.7 = 1585 km.

2.9.8. Total mileage of buses.

L total = L floor + A m * åL o; km.

L total = 1585 + 5 * 10 = 1635 km.

2.9.9. Daily mileage utilization rate.

β = L floor / L total

β = 1585 / 1635 = 0.97

2.10. Compiling a travel cost table.

Tariffs for passenger transport services in the region are established in accordance with the law and are mandatory for all entities engaged in passenger transportation.

The fare on suburban routes is set based on the approved tariff per passenger kilometer and the distance between stopping points on the route and the type of rolling stock.

The distance between stopping points on the route must be determined with an accuracy of 0.1 km.

On a commuter route, a fare table is compiled indicating the cost of travel from the starting point to the final point and between intermediate points.

2.10.1. Table of distances between stopping points.

11.0 km 2.8 km 4.2 km 3.0 km 5.6 km 5.1 km

2.10.2. Route cost table.

Based on the tariff for one passenger kilometer (30 kopecks), we determine the cost of travel between stops and along the route as a whole.

C pr = 0.3 * L lane; rubles

2.11. Income from passenger transportation per day.

D lane = m n-km * R day; rubles

D per = 0.3 * 38794 = 11638.2 rub.

Note: Income is calculated without taking into account discounted travel for some categories of passengers and travel for children.

2.12. Calculation of the production program for operation.

2.12.1. Listed number of buses.

A sp = A m / a i; units

where A m is the number of buses on the route according to the schedule,

a and – park utilization factor,

A cn = 5 / 0.72 = 6.9 units.

2.12.2. Vehicle - days in operation.

AD e = A m * D e; hell.

where D e is the number of days of work per year

AD e = 5 * 365 = 1825 a-d.

2.12.3. Car - days on the farm.

AD x = A sp * D k; hell.

where D k – calendar quantity for a period or year

AD x = 6.9 * 365 = 2519 a-d.

2.12.4. The car is in use for hours.

ACH e = T n * AD x; h.

ACh e = 13.66 * 1825 = 24929.5 hours.

2.12.5. Average daily mileage of a bus.

L av.s = L total / A m; km.

L av.s = 1635 / 5 = 327 km.

2.12.6. Average daily useful mileage.

L avg floor = L floor / A; km.

L avg floor = 1585 / 5 = 317 km.

2.12.7. Total mileage of buses per year.

ℐ total = L av.s * AD e; km.

ℐ total = 327 * 1825 = 596.8 thousand km.

2.12.8. Mileage of buses with passengers per year.

L floor = L avg floor * BP e; km.

L floor = 317 * 1825 = 578.5 thousand km.

2.12.9. Mileage utilization rate per year.

β total = L floor / ℐ total

β total = 578.5 / 596.8 = 0.97

2.12.10. Volume of traffic per year.

Q year = Q days * D e; pass.

Q year = 2380 * 365 = 868.7 thousand passengers.

2.12.11. Passenger turnover per year.

R year = R day * D e; pass-km

P year = 38794 * 365 = 14159.8 thousand pass-km.

2.12.12. Number of scheduled flights per year.

N r year = n r day * D e; flights

N r year = 50 * 365 = 18250 flights

3. Organizational section.

3.1 General issues of organizing the work of bus crews.

A set of measures that ensure the rational placement of drivers, regulating their time and shifts on the route, as well as rest time, is called the labor organization system for bus crews.

The organization of work for drivers and conductors must ensure:

· efficient operation of buses in accordance with the approved schedule and quality service for passengers;

· safety of passenger transportation;

· full use of the standard working time for the accounting period;

· compliance with the duration of the working day established by labor legislation, the procedure for providing rest and breaks from work for meals;

· efficient use of buses;

Bus traffic conditions on each route differ in the nature of the distribution of passenger traffic and traffic volume, turnaround time, opening and closing of traffic, as well as the duration of the buses’ stay on the line. Therefore, the duration of the shifts of drivers and conductors differs in the time of their departure on different routes and depends on the route schedules.

Considering that the turnaround time, as a rule, is not a multiple of the duration of the work shift, it is not always possible to create a working day of normal length for drivers. Therefore, according to the current regulations, bus drivers are allowed to introduce summarized monthly working time recording, so that the duration of the working time fund for the month does not exceed the monthly working time fund established by law.

According to road safety conditions, the duration of a driver’s work shift with cumulative recording of working hours can be set to no more than 10 hours.

Shift schedules determine the start, end and duration of the work shift, the time of breaks for rest and meals, as well as the time provided for inter-shift and weekly rest. Shift schedules are brought to the attention of drivers no later than two weeks before they come into force.

A break for rest and food is provided for no more than 2 hours, usually in the middle of the work shift. The duration of daily rest, together with the time of breaks for rest and food, must be at least twice the duration of work in the shift preceding the rest. Normal working hours cannot exceed 40 hours per week.

3.2. Basic forms of labor organization for bus crews.

The following forms of labor organization are used in passenger vehicles:

Built form

With this organization, 3 drivers are assigned to one bus, the average duration of a work shift is 8.9 hours, the time the bus spends on the route is 18.2 - 19.2 hours.

Two-Half Shape

This form provides for the assignment of 5 drivers to two buses, one of whom is a substitute, the average duration of a work shift is 7.4 hours, the time the bus is on the route is 15.2 - 16.2 hours.

Twin form

This form provides for the assignment of 2 drivers to one bus, the duration of the work shift is 7 hours, the time the bus is on the route is 15 - 16 hours.

Twin form

This form provides for the assignment of 2 drivers to one bus, working every other day, the duration of the work shift is 11.8 hours, the time spent on the route is 12 - 12.5 hours.

One and a half form

This form provides for the assignment of 3 drivers to two buses, the duration of the work shift is 8.9 hours, the time spent on the route is 9.1 - 9.6 hours.

Single form

This form provides for the assignment of one driver to one bus, the duration of the work shift is 7 hours, the time the bus is on the route is 7.3 - 7.8 hours.

3.3. Calculation of the required number of drivers. Determining the shift schedule, drawing up a monthly work schedule.

3.3.1. Number of operating hours of buses on the line per month.

For calculation, we take the month of May 2003, the number of calendar days is 31. We consider that the route is constantly operating, and buses operate on the route all days of the month.

ACh em = A m * T n sr * D e; h.

AC em = 5 * 13.67 * 31 = 2119 h.

3.3.2. Hours of preparatory, final time.

H p-z = t cm p-z * n cm * D e; h.

where t cm p-z – hours of preparatory, final time of drivers per shift, taking into account the time for pre-trip inspection,

n cm – number of work shifts per day according to schedule.

t cm p-z = 23 + 5 = 28 min. = 0.47 hours

H p-z = 0.47 * 10 * 31 = 145.7 hours.

3.3.3. Drivers' working hours per month.

Ch c = ACh e + Ch p-z; h.

H in = 2119 + 145.7 = 2264.7 hours.

3.3.4. Required number of drivers.

N water = H in / FW in

where FRV in is the driver’s working time fund, according to the production calendar, FRV in = 151 hours.

N waters = 2264.7 / 151 = 15 drivers

3.3.5. Number of drivers per bus.

N in 1aut = N in / A m

N in 1aut = 15 / 5 = 3 water.

We accept a structured form of organizing the work of drivers for the month of May (see graphic part, sheet 5).

3.3.6. Actual number of hours worked by drivers per month.

PDF fak water = t p 1cm * n 1cm + t p 2cm * n 2cm + (n 1cm + n 2cm) * t cm n-z; hours

FW Shukin = 8.33 * 11 + 5.33 * 10 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 154.8 hours.

PDF of crucian carp = 8.33 * 10 + 5.33 * 11 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 151.8 hours.

PDF of ruffs = 8.33 * 10 + 5.33 * 10 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 146.5 hours.

PDF of whitefish = 8.33 * 11 + 5.33 * 10 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 154.8 hours.

FRF of carp = 8.33 * 10 + 5.33 * 11 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 151.8 hours.

PDF Piskarev = 8.33 * 10 + 5.33 * 10 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 146.5 hours.

Shark PDF = 8.33 * 11 + 5.33 * 10 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 154.8 hours.

PDF of moray eels = 8.33 * 10 + 5.33 * 11 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 151.8 hours.

PDF Leshchenko = 8.33 * 10 + 5.33 * 10 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 146.5 hours.

FRF of flounders = 8.33 * 11 + 5.33 * 10 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 154.8 hours.

FRF of whales = 8.33 * 10 + 5.33 * 11 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 151.8 hours.

PDF of stingrays = 8.33 * 10 + 5.33 * 10 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 146.5 hours.

FRF perch = 8.33 * 11 + 5.33 * 10 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 154.8 hours.

burbot PDF = 8.33 * 10 + 5.33 * 11 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 151.8 hours.

PDF of yazov = 8.33 * 10 + 5.33 * 10 + (11 + 10) * 0.47 = 146.5 hours.

3.3.7. Implementation of the working time fund.

∆FRV = PDF actual - PDF water

1 driver ∆FRV = 154.8 – 151 = 3.8 (overtime, permitted by the Labor Code)

2nd driver ∆FRV = 151.8 – 151 = 0.8 (processing)

3 driver ∆FRV = 146.5 – 151 = - 4.5 (defect, developed on another route)

3.4. Organization of dispatch control of bus traffic on the route.

When serving the population with transportation, it is necessary to organize the regularity and accuracy of bus movements. The regularity and accuracy of bus traffic is ensured by:

· organization of dispatch control and systematic monitoring of the movement of each bus along the route;

· introduction of control and accounting of the movement of buses on each route, both at the final and intermediate control points of the route;

· use of technical means of communication to control the movement of the bus;

· introducing a schedule for each bus, in which the driver is indicated not only the arrival and departure from the final points, but also the time of passage of the intermediate points;

· establishing for drivers strictly permissible deviations from the set time according to the schedule (for suburban ± 3 minutes)

The dispatch service for bus transport is designed to prepare and organize the release of buses onto the line, manage their movement on routes, and monitor their timely return to the enterprise. Dispatching management in bus transport is divided into intra-fleet and linear.

The main tasks of intra-park dispatching are:

· control over the preparation of buses for release on the line;

· preparation of travel and dispatch documentation;

· organization of timely release to the line and control over departure time;

· monitoring and recording the time of return from the line at the end of the working day;

· registration of all cases of premature return of buses from the line for technical and other reasons and taking measures to urgently prepare these buses for re-departure or replacing them with other buses;

Linear dispatch tasks:

· control over the compliance of the actual travel time of each bus with the time established in the approved route schedules;

· traffic regulation, if the actual movement of buses deviates from the time established in the schedules, the traffic conditions of buses have changed (fog, ice, etc.), the conditions of transportation and distribution of passenger flows on any directions or routes in certain periods of the day have changed;

· restoration of disrupted traffic in case of delays on the line or departure of the bus for technical or other reasons;

· preparation of daily reports on executed movements;

Unlike dispatch control of bus traffic in cities, the dispatch control system of bus traffic in suburban traffic has its own characteristic features related to the specifics and conditions of passenger service, route length, flight duration, distance between stopping points and traffic intervals.

Dispatch control of bus traffic on this route is carried out by dispatchers at bus stations located at the final points of the route (Nizhny Novgorod, Kamenki)

Dispatch services at bus stations are equipped with wired telephone communication with ATP.

The main methods of dispatch control of bus traffic in suburban traffic are:

· catch-up, delay in the next flight;

· holding the bus at the final stop;

· increasing the departure interval of buses from the final station;

· use of reserve buses, etc.

When controlling the movement of buses, the bus station dispatcher is guided by the route schedule and ensures that the scheduled routes are completed.

The technological control process consists of 3 sequentially performed stages:




The information includes data on release, time of departure of buses from the ATP or starting points, and flight time.

The control system provides for the complete and timely release, timely execution of flights provided for in route schedules, the regularity of bus movements on each route, etc.

The information received is entered into a checklist for recording and analyzing the schedule and regularity of movement along the route.

The traffic control system provides for the need for the dispatcher to apply regulatory measures to ensure the restoration of the disrupted regularity of bus traffic on the route.

The bus station dispatcher receives the necessary information from the ATP dispatcher and from the driving staff. Bus station dispatchers are required to systematically maintain communication between themselves and the ATP for the purpose of mutual information on all issues of bus traffic. The bus station dispatcher transmits information to the adjacent bus station about bus departure times, changes in schedules, etc.

3.5. Licensing of passenger bus transportation.

Freedom of entrepreneurship in the field of motor transport without appropriate government regulation can lead to a number of negative consequences in road safety, environmental pollution, etc. In order to prevent this, licensing of passenger motor transport services is carried out.

Licensing is a method of state regulation aimed at solving the following problems:

· compliance by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with safety requirements for the transportation of passengers and environmental protection;

· admission to the transport services market of qualified, reliable and financially capable producers of these services.

Licensing of passenger road transport (except international) falls within the competence of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The regulation on licensing of passenger road transport (except international) in the Russian Federation was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 1997 No. 295.

In accordance with the current decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, urban, suburban and intercity, including interregional, transportation of passengers by buses owned by legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form, as well as by individuals carrying out entrepreneurial activities, without education, are subject to licensing in road transport. legal entities.

A license is issued for the right to organize the above transportation; license cards are attached to the license for each vehicle included in the license. In case of transportation of passengers in intercity traffic, including interregional traffic, the licensee must have a contract of compulsory personal insurance for passengers.

To obtain a license, submit to the licensing authority:

· application for a license in the prescribed form, and signed by the head of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur);

· a copy of the constituent documents of the legal entity;

· a copy of the state registration certificate (if not certified by a notary with presentation of the original);

· document confirming payment for consideration of the application;

· a certificate from the tax authority on registration of a legal entity or a copy of the certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur with the stamp of the tax authority;

· data on available vehicles in the prescribed form (form No. 1);

· data on fixed assets and forms of control that ensure compliance with road safety requirements (according to form No. 2);

· declaration of the availability of own parking or the possibility of storing vehicles in other permitted places;

· data on the composition and qualifications of specialists of the enterprise (legal entity) for the licensed type of activity, as well as for ensuring road safety (according to form No. 3);

After checking and considering the submitted documents, the licensing authority issues a license for a period of 3 years (at the request of the applicant, for any period less than 3 years), a license card for 1 year, according to the payment term. The licensing regulations provide a one-time license renewal; the renewal period is not limited. Upon expiration of the license cards, the applicant must contact the licensing authority with a request to issue them. A license is issued for each type of transportation. The regulations on licensing of passenger transportation provide that activities on the basis of a license can be carried out on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, except those where it was issued, only after registration of the license by the licensing authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Licenses and license cards for motor vehicles are issued on a paid basis. The license holder is obliged to ensure compliance with the conditions specified in the license, to ensure that the driver has a license card when working on the line. Provide the licensing authority, upon its request, with information about licensed activities. Comply with established requirements to ensure the safety of road traffic and passengers when transporting them by road, and implement measures to prevent accidents.

The license holder is prohibited from transferring the license or license card to another legal entity or individual.

The implementation of the above rules is controlled by the Rostransinspektsiya and other bodies with supervisory functions.

License holders for violating traffic rules and other conditions specified in the license are liable in accordance with current legislation, up to and including revocation of the license.

4 . Conclusion.

The goal of the course project was to organize traffic on the suburban route “Nizhny Novgorod - Kamenki”. According to the initial data and calculations, to organize traffic and ensure the transportation of a given number of passengers on a suburban route with a length of 31.7 km, 5 PAZ-3205 buses will be required. In accordance with the distribution of passenger traffic by hour of the day, traffic on the bus route begins at 5:00 minutes and ends at 21 hours 48 minutes. The return flight time is 2.66 hours, the traffic interval throughout the entire route is the same and is equal to 32 minutes. The average technical speed of buses along the route is 29.35 km/h. One bus makes 10 trips per day. The total number of flights per day is 50, as provided for in the schedule. The average time a bus stays in service is 13 hours 40 minutes, per day all buses completed: total mileage - 1635 km, mileage utilization rate - 0.97, useful mileage - 1585 km. A single tariff is set for the route in the amount of 30 kopecks per passenger kilometer. The fare from the starting point to the final point is 9 rubles 50 kopecks, and the income per day from passenger transportation is 11,638.2 rubles. To service the route, it is necessary to assign fifteen drivers to five buses, whose work will be organized according to a structured form. Regulation of control over the movement of buses and regulation of their movement is carried out by bus stations at final stopping points, which have telephone communications between themselves and the enterprise. According to the production program, the required number of buses is 6.9 units, 868.7 thousand passengers will be transported per year, 14159.8 passenger kilometers will be completed.

The carrier is obliged to provide quality services to the required extent that satisfy the population's demand for movement and at the same time guarantee the safety of passengers. And also use vehicles efficiently and reduce transportation costs. The rules for organizing passenger transportation, enshrined in regulatory documents, are designed to ensure clear organization of the speedy delivery of passengers with the amenities they need.

General rules

The organization of passenger transportation is based on a systematic analysis of the direction and density of passenger flows using special techniques.

Based on the data received:

Passenger transportation can be carried out by an individual entrepreneur or a company that has received a special permit (license) for this type of activity.

The carrier, for the fee received from the passenger, undertakes, by providing a seat in the transport, to deliver the passenger to his destination. The right to travel is secured by contracts of carriage - a ticket, electronic or paper, and a baggage receipt. For discounted travel, as well as on rail and air transport, the ticket is issued using documents identifying the passenger and his right to the benefit. Resale or transfer of tickets to other persons is not permitted.

ON A NOTE! Traveling without a ticket, using a counterfeit ticket or a ticket issued for another person, or using a discount ticket without presenting a document certifying the right to a benefit, entails a fine for ticketless travel and payment for travel from the point of embarkation to the destination or point at which the free rider will leave the transport. If it is impossible to determine the pick-up point of the free rider, the fare is calculated from the starting point of departure of the transport.

The general rules for the carriage of passengers define the following conditions:

  • reservations;
  • ticketing;
  • passenger services;
  • transportation of pets, luggage, hand luggage;
  • resolving conflict situations between passengers and carrier employees.

The carrier has the right to establish its own rules that do not contradict the general rules of passenger transportation and do not impair the quality of passenger service.

A passenger may be removed from transport if he:

  • drunk and disturbing public order, disturbing (disembarked by police officers);
  • in a painful condition, the manifestations of which disturb the peace of those around him, and there is no possibility of his separate accommodation (disembarked by doctors at the station where there are specialized medical facilities).

Custom and regular transportation

Passenger transportation can be divided according to the degree of passenger participation in determining the parameters of transportation.

The following transportations are highlighted:

1. Custom. The route, departure time, and stopping places are determined by the passenger. Transport is provided on the basis of a charter agreement, with conditions determined by agreement of the parties. When providing passenger taxi services, the freight agreement is concluded by the passenger directly with the driver. The passenger taxi has an orange lamp on the roof and a color scheme on the body. Inside there is information about the freighter, the driver, the body that controls the quality of transportation and the terms of payment for passenger taxi services.

2. Regular. They are carried out according to a predetermined schedule.

2.1. Stopping points are equipped with:

  • information signs;
  • protection from precipitation (for departures of more than 100 passengers per day);
  • or are located on the territory of train stations, bus stations (for departures of 250 people per day and the maximum departure interval of transport along routes is more than 2 hours).

2.2. Transport is equipped with route number signs, indicating the starting and final stop. The cabin must indicate the address, telephone number and name of the carrier, regulatory authority, fare, location of fire extinguishers and stop buttons, etc.

Types of passenger transportation and regulatory documents

The current versions of the laws of the Russian Federation (RF) determine the conditions and basis for the interaction of transport structures among themselves, with users of transport services (passengers), taking into account the specifics of the types of transport used for transportation. The main regulations for each mode of transport are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Type of transportation by type of transport used Regulatory documents of an industry and departmental nature that define the rules for organizing the transportation of passengers Note
Rail transportation “Charter of railway transport of the Russian Federation” dated January 10, 2003 N 18-FZ

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/02/2005 N 111 “On approval”.

The organization of railway passenger transportation involves the provision at the station of an information desk, ticket offices, waiting rooms and rest rooms, and luggage storage rooms. As well as restaurants and buffets, sanitary and hygienic premises.
To issue a ticket and upon boarding, the carrier requires the passenger's identification document. Smoking is prohibited on commuter trains (including in vestibules). On long-distance trains, smoking is allowed only in vestibules on the non-boiler side. Passengers along the route can use:
  • a set of bed linen;
  • hot tea at a set price;
  • boiled drinking water (for long-distance trains).
Air transportation “Air Code of the Russian Federation” dated March 19, 1997 N 60-FZ.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 N 82 “On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules “General rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees.”

The organization of passenger road transport in terms of the activities of passenger taxis is regulated by Art. 9 of the Law “On Amendments...” dated 04/21/2011 N 69-FZ.
Sea and river transportation. “Convention on the Carriage of Passengers and Their Luggage by Sea” (Athens, 12/13/1974)

Organization of passenger transportation requires serious support:

  • analytical (research of passenger flows, route development, etc.);
  • administrative (organizing the work of drivers, monitoring the level of their professional training, etc.);
  • technical (preparation and equipment of transport; arrangement of stops, etc.).

Therefore, passenger transportation as a type of activity is subject to mandatory state licensing.

Basics of organizing and planning passenger transportation

The main task of planning and organizing passenger transportation is to meet the mobility needs of the population with a high level of service at stations and on trains. Passenger transportation plans are developed for the future and for the year, broken down by quarter.
Long-term plans establish the volume of traffic in passenger-kilometers based on an analysis of reports on transportation performed over the past period, data on population growth, development of the national economy, including
on the construction of new cities and towns, railways, expansion of the network of resorts and holiday homes, the development of collective gardening and vegetable gardening, etc. Factors such as mass organized transportation of passengers to exhibitions, as well as tourists and students, the share of intercity and suburban passenger transportation by other modes of transport.
When planning transportation, passenger flows are determined by directions and periods of the year, and for suburban traffic - by months, days and hours of the day. For this purpose, data from passenger flow surveys are used.
To develop annual plans, the Ministry of Railways sets target figures for the coming year and announces them to the roads. Taking these figures into account, road departments draw up draft plans for passenger transportation. The Ministry of Railways draws up a draft consolidated plan for passenger transportation across the network. After approval of the state transportation plan, the Ministry of Railways informs the roads of passenger turnover targets for the planned year by type of service, indicating the number of passengers and the average transportation distance.
Passenger trains are divided into three groups: long-distance, traveling over a distance of over 700 km, local, from 150 to 700 km, and suburban, up to 150 km.
Long-distance and local trains, depending on the speed and number of stops, are divided into high-speed, fast and passenger.
High-speed and express trains include trains that travel at high speeds and have stops only at large stations. Comfort for passengers and speeds of up to 200 km/h are provided by the super express ER200, which runs on the Leningrad-Moscow line.
Passenger trains travel at slower speeds and stop at all or most stations. Transportation of mail and luggage is carried out in special carriages included in fast, passenger and mail and luggage trains.
When drawing up a schedule, the departure of long-distance trains from their starting points is usually scheduled in the evening, and their arrival at the final points in the morning. They strive to make the schedule of local and suburban trains convenient for the main category of passengers, linking it with the opening hours of enterprises and institutions.
In addition to ordinary ones, there are long-component, extended-length and connected passenger trains. In the first case, the length of the train exceeds the established scheme for its formation, in the second case, the passenger train has 20 cars or more.
A passenger train is said to be coupled if it is made up of two coupled passenger trains, with operating locomotives at the head of each train.
The largest share in the total volume of passenger traffic is occupied by suburban transportation. Characteristic features of this transportation are the need for frequent stops for boarding and disembarking passengers and significant unevenness of traffic across periods of the year, hours of the day and days of the week.
On suburban lines with significant passenger flows, so-called zone traffic is used for the convenience of passengers. In this case, the line is divided along its length into several parts - zones. Passengers in the second zone travel on a train that has no stops within the first zone; Passengers in the third zone travel through the previous two zones without stopping. This significantly reduces travel time for passengers and improves the use of rolling stock.
To ensure mass transportation of gardeners on weekends from large cities to garden plots and back, the formation and departure of double electric trains of 20-24 cars is practiced.
To achieve this, tracks and passenger platforms are extended up to 500 m at the starting and ending points and at intermediate separate points, primarily in places of mass planting and disembarking of gardeners, as well as laying tracks, formation and maintenance of trains.
On suburban lines with small passenger traffic, where the use of electric traction may not be economically justified, diesel trains and railcars are used.
Devices for serving passengers must provide maximum comfort to them. This is taken into account, in particular, when designing stations and planning station premises (Fig. 27.7).

For the convenience of passengers, tickets are pre-sold with home delivery, not only in cities, but also at intermediate stations in suburban areas; It is common practice to issue tickets for further travel directly on trains. At large stations, a dispatch management system for ticket sales has been introduced. Ticket cashiers are included in the dispatch network of the central point, using, if necessary, portable loudspeaker broadcast communication devices. The automated system "Express-2" has been introduced for reserving, recording seats and selling tickets for long-distance trains. This system spends 45 seconds on servicing one passenger. An electronic computer determines the cost of a ticket, keeps track of available seats on trains and issues tickets. The ticket cashier, using an electric pencil, types the necessary data on the remote control key and presses the execution key.
After a few seconds the system responds.
Ticketing is also automated.
Speeding up and improving passenger service is facilitated by the use of various machines and automatic machines in the passenger service. These include ticket printing and ticket issuing machines, electric composters, automatic information systems on train schedules and travel conditions, and television installations.
For the convenience of passengers, integrated stations have been created at a number of stations - junction points of various modes of transport - serving passengers of railway, road and air transport.