Learn to draw lessons for beginners. Learn to draw from books

Do you want to master pencil graphics and quickly learn how to create realistic portraits and other drawings? In the art studio, Matita teaches pencil drawing from scratch for adults and children.

Photorealistic pencil graphics

Learning to draw with a pencil includes learning the general fundamentals of drawing, shading, and professional techniques. You will learn how:

  • make a good sketch;
  • maintain the correct proportions;
  • do photorealistic shading;
  • add volume to the drawing with light, shadow and tone;
  • draw believable portraits;
  • convey various textures in a pencil drawing (water, smoke, animal fur, etc.)

Even if you haven’t held a pencil in your hands for a long time, after the first lesson you will draw a picture. 70% of our students have no drawing experience when they first come. We know how to teach pencil drawing from scratch, and you don’t doubt your abilities!

Course formats

Depending on your goal of learning to draw, we offer three options:

Trial lesson Abridged program Full course
Target · try your strength;
· learn the very basics;
·evaluate the teaching style at Matita.
· study in more detail the technique of photorealistic graphics;
· try to draw different objects.
· improve technique;
· create diverse works;
·learn more professional tricks.
Duration 3 hours5 three-hour classes10 three-hour classes
Result First realistic picture2 or 3 portraits of A4 size, made in a photorealistic manner·3-4 photorealistic paintings A4 and one A3;
·Certificate of completion of the course.

How is the lesson going?

  1. In the first lesson, you will choose a photograph that will become the basis for the painting. We provide big choice photos designed for different levels difficulties.
  2. You will make a sketch under the guidance of a mentor.
  3. Learn the author's shading technique and use it in practice.
  4. Draw the details and improve the drawing.
  5. Finish your first painting!

The course teacher will help at all stages, give advice, explain and guide. You will be pleased with the results and confident in your abilities.

Benefits of learning pencil drawing in Matita

Art studio Matita invites everyone who wants to learn how to draw with a pencil to take classes. Why is it worth learning drawing from us?

  • Just practice: the necessary theory is learned practically;
  • Author's technique: you will learn a unique technique of photorealistic shading;
  • Mentors: experienced craftsmen who know how to pass on knowledge to beginners, reveal creative potential and inspire self-expression through art;
  • Individuality: you choose what to draw;
  • Diversity: learn to draw not only portraits, but also complex textures;
  • Payment by installments: full course can be paid in installments;
  • Schedule: classes are held in the evening;
  • Flexibility: free visit possible once a week;
  • Near the metro: art studio just two minutes walk from the metro;
  • Situation: classes take place in a real artist’s studio;
  • Creative community: you will meet those who are also taking their first steps in art, and those who have dedicated their lives to it.

Our art studio is proud of the results of students and their positive reviews. On the pages of our website you can find photographs of work before and after completing the course, which speak for themselves.

Anyone can learn to draw with a pencil! In Matita's art studio you will go through a learning path from scratch to drawings that are indistinguishable from photographs. Sign up for your first lesson to make sure it's real!

Who among us has not dreamed of becoming an artist at least once? Especially in childhood, many of us wanted to learn how to draw beautifully, and maybe even paint real pictures. But, as often happens, dreams were shattered due to a banal lack of skills. Either due to a change of interests, or because of ordinary laziness, many lacked the desire and patience to continue developing in this direction.

So how can beginners learn to draw with a pencil?

Like any creative activity, the art of drawing contains many subtleties and helps its owner to reveal not only his creative potential, but also to realize his worldview in a beautiful form. These subtleties will be discussed further.

Stages and principles of training

Often, in order to fully learn how to draw, they resort to step-by-step training and practice of drawing various compositions of different plans. There is quite a big difference if, for example, you are trying to draw a person, or if you are trying to realize some kind of landscape on paper. That is why in this case it is very important to master the skills of drawing a wide variety of objects.

Another basic principle in learning to draw is regularity. Practice is the decisive factor in developing drawing skills. It would not be a bad idea to create a specific schedule for the week, according to which you could devote at least 20 minutes a day to this activity. It follows from this that you also need to show some patience in such training.

What do you need to get started?

So, first of all, find yourself notebook with quite large sheets. There should be at least 50 sheets. The second point in your preparation should be the choice pencil taste. There are a great variety of pencils, so in your case best choice will be the one you are used to using. For example, it could be a pencil with a soft lead. Naturally, a little later you will one way or another have to purchase the necessary pencils in order to improve the quality of your work.

Get yourself a calendar too. Where you will celebrate not only your class schedule, but also your successes. At first you will have to force yourself to strictly follow the schedule, but over time it will become part of your lifestyle and will bring great pleasure.

Try to draw something on the first page. Do not worry about high quality drawing. After a certain time, you will open the notebook to the first page and be surprised at the difference between how it was and what changes have occurred.


Many people think that drawing is a skill that depends only on natural talent, so they easily find excuses in the format of “not given” or “doesn’t work out.” But it’s not just about talent, but also about acquired skills. A person who can draw well without knowing the basic principles is a rare exception. Any business needs to be learned. Therefore, next we will look at the basic laws and techniques of drawing.

There are 9 basic laws of drawing, after learning which you will learn to draw quite high level. Let's discuss them.

  • Law of perspective. Objects that the author wants to visually bring closer are distorted in such a way that one part of it appears closer than another part of it.
  • Arrangement of objects. Objects that are at the bottom of the sheet appear much closer than others.
  • Law of size. The object in the picture, which, according to the author’s plan, should be located closer, should, accordingly, look larger than those located further away.
  • Law of overlap. An object that is in front of another becomes visually closer to us.
  • Law of penumbra. The conventionally unlit part of the object, which is located on the opposite side of the light source, should be darker.
  • Law of the shadow. To make the drawn object seem three-dimensional, you need to add a cast shadow to it, also strictly on back side from the light source.
  • Law of contours. It is necessary to accentuate the contours of round objects to give them depth.
  • Law of the horizon. This is the case when the horizon is drawn so that the depicted objects appear to be at different distances from the observer.
  • Density law. To make it seem that objects are at different distances, it is also necessary to draw near objects in more detail and distant objects in less detail.

Using these 9 basic laws in practice, it will not be difficult for you to move to the next level in drawing.

Also, in order to avoid simple mistakes, a beginner needs to follow a few important stages when creating a sketch of a drawing. Here they are:

We draw from simple to complex

More or less known fact, that the drawing is different from the drawing. What we mean first of all is that drawing a person is far from the same as drawing, say, a tree. Different things require different approaches to be executed perfectly. That is why further we will consider in detail the technique of drawing various compositions.

Don't take it right away complex compositions. Because in the science of drawing, the mindset with which you start working is very important. If you immediately took up complex drawing, and nothing worked out for you, then you are guaranteed a bad mood. You may even lose the desire to pick up a pencil altogether. Therefore, in our training we will go from simple to complex, gradually learning new drawing techniques. Let's start with something simple.

Drawing geometric shapes

Because looking for suitable layouts geometric shapes will be quite long in time, we will be based on our imagination. For convenience, you can even download ready-made pictures of various geometric shapes from the Internet.


Let's draw a cube. Take this picture as a basis:

Repeat all the edges and sides of the geometric figure. Don't forget that the back wall of the cube is proportionally smaller than the front. Now let's pay attention to the shadow.

Imagine the light source is in front. This will make the front side of the cube lighter and the sides darker. Shade the sides. Mark the lines of the front corner with a pencil, and leave the rest thin. He will attract all the attention of the observer.

To give your figure a unique look, you can slightly distort the proportions. So we might end up with something similar.


Draw the plane on which your figure will be located. It should not be in the air, because the shadow must fall on something. Find on this plane the ideal place to locate the central axis of your cylinder. Draw a vertical line straight up from this point. Draw ellipses around both ends of this line. Connect the lower and upper ellipses with the same vertical lines. The sketch is almost ready. For convenience, you can add a couple of auxiliary lines. For example, in front, such a line can mark the border of the shadow. Draw the outline of the shadow on the horizontal plane on which your figure is located. The result should be something like this:

Now that we're done with the frame, it's time shade the main parts of our figure. Again, taking into account that the light should be strictly in the opposite direction from the shadow, we mark by eye where the highlight will be. It is also worth considering that the glare on the cylinder will not form a spot, but a vertical stripe. Shade the area from the shadow line to the rear border of the cylinder with a darker shade. Lubricate the border of the hatching to make the transition smooth. Shade the shadow of the figure itself. Leave the upper part of the cylinder light.

Drawing a sphere

Let's try to depict one of the basic geometric shapes, on the basis of which more complex objects will be drawn in the future. This figure is a sphere. She is even easier to draw than the others. You need to draw a circle. Next, from the edges of this circle, you need to draw several more concentric circles inside this figure. These circles may not be perfectly regular; moreover, they may take the shape of an ellipse.

They will serve us in order to do the shading correctly. Refer to the picture below.

Shade the circles according to the diagram shown. Draw another ellipse on the main plane. Shade this ellipse too to create a shadow. The sphere is ready.


Try using the sphere drawing skill to draw more complex compositions, such as a plum. Notice what changes have occurred to the shadow? What happened in the end?


Shadow and light switched places. As a result, the berry acquired the illusion of transparency.

So, we found out that drawing geometric shapes is not such a difficult task.

Based on a basic knowledge of geometry and the skill of drawing such figures, you will be able to create more complex compositions with their help.

Drawing dishes

The next most difficult stage in pencil drawing is drawing dishes. In this case, the main difficulty lies more in the correct placement of shadows, both on the subject and around it.

Let's draw simple vase. It will be great if you find a suitable example that you can study in advance.

At the very beginning, we need to indicate the parameters of the object using straight lines. Draw a small horizontal line at the bottom of the sheet. This line will be the bottom of our vase. From the center of the horizontal line, perpendicular to it, draw a vertical line. This line will indicate the height of the object. Draw another horizontal line at the top of the vertical one. If anything is not clear to you, refer to the figure below:

As we can see, we will need another horizontal line marking the narrow neck of the vase. Draw it. Next, you need to draw ellipses with centers coinciding with the intersection points of the vertical and horizontal lines. They are needed to add volume to the vase.

The next step will be drawing the outline of the object. For example, it could be like this:

The final stage will be drawing light and shadows. This is done in the same way as with geometric shapes. Simply, first you need to decide what underlies each part of the object, a sphere, cylinder, cone or cube.

Try to ensure that the outline of your vase is symmetrical on both sides.

Drawing a cup

First, using the proven method, we need to draw the vertical and horizontal lines. This time, the base of the cup will be much smaller than its neck, and not the same. Draw ellipses for the top and bottom.


Unlike geometric shapes and dishes, drawing various plants is a more difficult task than it might seem at first. For example, in contrast to relatively simple objects, in the case of flowers, bushes, trees and much more, it is better to always have a living example before your eyes. It is very difficult to reliably imagine such a number of different details and correctly display them on paper. Or it could be a finished image of the original. With the level of detail of the drawing, it is important to decide the issue at the very beginning. After all, it can be as simple as possible, or, on the contrary, contain a large number of details.

Drawings by degree of detail:

Let's start drawing.

Make a preliminary sketch of your composition. If it is not one flower but several, draw them so that the stems are slightly curved and the buds look into the different sides. You don't have to make all the lines perfectly correct.

One of the most interesting things is that the initial sketch can consist of geometric shapes, albeit a little distorted. Take a closer look.

What do you see? The picture contains at least a circle, ovals, a cylinder, a distorted rhombus and cones. This tells us that sometimes, even complex images on initial stage, can be drawn using simple shapes.

Start drawing out the details. Draw the petals and add some irregularities to the petals. Add leaves to the composition. Focus on the original.

A tulip flower usually has about 6-7 petals that partially overlap each other.

If you pay attention, you will note that the thickness of the stems is the same along the entire length. The leaves are long, with a sharp end, curved. Leaves envelop the stem. Also pay attention to attaching the stem to the bud. This is noticeable on the flower turning back.

The final stage will be adding light and shadow. Using light strokes, make the areas inside the flower more shaded, as well as on inside leaves. The places where the petals intersect can also be slightly shaded. This will give the petals a transparent effect. Draw the stamens. They can be emphasized with a darker color.

As you can see from the last lesson, creating a simple composition is not a problem if you know the basic fundamentals of drawing, from simple to complex.

Drawing an oak tree

Trees are very often an integral part of various complex paintings. For example, these could be landscapes where numerous trees echo images of animals, which will be discussed later.

Take a hard pencil. It will be needed to very loosely draw a general sketch of the tree. As always, we will go from the general to the details.

Draw a tree trunk. Since we are drawing an oak tree, it should be thick. Draw branches from the tree trunk.

Add a few clouds of leaves inside the crown. You need to deliberately leave empty areas so that some branches are visible.

Thicken the branches where they are not covered by leaves.

Start applying the main shadows. Before doing this, think about which side the light will fall from and how parts can be further shaded.

Draw the leaves. Add detail to them and distribute the shadows correctly. Select several leaves throughout the crown. This adds volume to the picture. The oak is ready!

It is not necessary to draw every leaf in the final image. You can simply thicken the contours of the leaves.

If your long-standing dream is to learn how to draw a real artist, but don't have the time to go to art school or the money to hire a tutor, don't despair! You can study on your own at home in your free and convenient time. The main thing is to prepare thoroughly, because you yourself will be your teacher.

First of all, you need to understand what knowledge you need to master. Properly selected books are crucial in self-study. IN educational institutions The following disciplines are taught for painters: drawing, painting, composition, color science, anatomy and perspective. If you decide to study a drawing course on your own, then you will need a set of the following textbooks.


Basics of educational academic drawing. Nikolai Lee.

The author presents the entire academic course, consistently revealing all materials curriculum art school. Step by step you will easily master drawing simple geometric bodies(cube, cylinder, sphere, cone, pyramid), which form the basis of the designs of any more complex objects such as Greek vases, capitals, pieces of furniture, houses, and the human body. In this book you will learn the basics linear perspective, a method of constructive construction in drawing, the concept of the proportions of objects and their meaning in drawing, as well as knowledge of the plastic anatomy of the human body.

Drawing. Sketches and sketches. V. K. Kuzin

Doing sketches and sketches plays important role in the development of expressiveness of drawing, integrity of vision, the ability to convey proportions and the main features of a pose. This book will introduce you to the artistic possibilities of line and spot, as well as various materials, which can be used to sketch. There are plenty of sample sketches here. outstanding artists. In addition, you will learn the role of sketches in creating a composition, and master the techniques and schemes for constructing sketches and sketches.

The play of light and shadow for artists. Burne Hogarth

From this book you will learn about all kinds of lighting and the effect of light on materiality. You will gain a broad understanding of what black and white drawing on a plane is, and what role light plays in modeling a form. You will have an idea of ​​the categories of light and shadow, and how light affects the expressiveness of a composition. You will also understand the difference between flat diffused light, moonlight, sculptural light, spatial light, fragmented light, blinding light, expressive light. Overall, in this tutorial you will discover hundreds of definitions of light and gain a deeper understanding of its function in drawing.


Technique watercolor painting. P. P. Revyakin

This book, published back in Soviet times, is a universal guide to academic painting. It gives a broad idea of ​​the influence of lighting on color and reveals such basic concepts in painting as own and reflected light, color temperature, chiaroscuro, and local color of an object. This tutorial will introduce you to the sensitivity of our vision to color and various types color contrasts. You will learn what materials are needed when working with watercolor paints, as well as the features of the interaction of various pigments with paper. The detailed operating procedure is described here classic way modeling the shape of objects using watercolor paints, and also gives the concept of perspective and plans in painting. A significant part of the book is devoted to writing architectural structures, so it will be useful to read even for architects.

Basics of painting. Mogilevtsev V. A.

This book is intended for professional training. portrait painting. Here is the basic knowledge about academic oil painting in the portrait genre. There is also a description of the list here necessary materials, stages of drawing with a brush on canvas, diagram of details (eyes, nose, lips). Also discussed here color relationships And means of expression painting. The book is divided into 4 sections: head, portrait with hands, figure, copying. In each section, the author describes in detail all stages of work from conception, sketch creation to detailing and generalization of the finished portrait. In addition to this book, Mogilevtsev has two more excellent books, “Basics of Drawing” and “Sketches and Educational Drawing,” which also deserve attention and can serve as an alternative to the above drawing textbooks.

A complete course in oil painting. Hennes Ruissing

In this book you will find a description of materials for oil painting, primer recipes, methods for creating a stretcher frame, covering it with canvas and gluing it with primer. The author demonstrates all stages of work: from sketching to creating a finished painting. From this book you will learn how to work with a palette knife, the difference between impasto and glaze paints, what aerial perspective is and. There is simple examples to develop oil painting techniques in the main genres. In addition, the author gives an idea about color contrasts and how to use them in painting, and also gives advice on how to avoid many mistakes when working with paints for beginners.

Watercolor painting course. Landscape in minutes. Kate Fenwick.

If you prefer watercolors, then this book will make it easy to master landscape painting. It contains many illustrated examples. With its help, you will master the technique of painting landscape details that are sometimes difficult for beginners - water, architectural details, stones, single trees. The author examines in detail the ways of painting various atmospheric effects, architectural and mountain landscapes, teaches various techniques for painting the sky, forest, and water. He reveals the secrets of his palette, demonstrates the possibilities of using masking fluid, and gives many small practical tips.


Image of a person. Gottfried Bammes

Certainly the most best author, which can be found for the study of plastic artists. Bammes not only professionally outlines the anatomy of the human figure, but also gives an idea of ​​​​the image of the figure on a plane. Unfortunately, his best book, Anatomy for Artists, has not been translated into Russian. Therefore, everyone who does not own German language, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with these two books in Russian, “The Image of Man” and “The Image of Man. Basics of drawing from life", which is a compilation of the original book in Russian. The first book is a detailed course in anatomy and gives a complete understanding of the structure, proportions human body, an image of a static and dynamic human figure. The second book is devoted more specifically to the process of drawing a figure on a plane and will allow you to master various ways modeling the shape of the human body.

Flower science

The art of color. Johannes Itten

This book is an extensive work on color theory. She will introduce you to physical nature colors, will talk about the basics of color harmony and give a complete understanding of the color system. You will learn not only about color design, all types color contrast, color harmony and the theory of color expressiveness, which are the basis in many textbooks on color science, but also expand your understanding of color with more in-depth knowledge. The author delves into the study of the semantics of color, subjective perception of color, and the spatial effect of light on color. In addition, Itten pays attention to the theory of color impressions, which is especially important for painters who are interested in the realistic rendering of objects in a light-air environment.


Basics of composition. N. M. Sokolnikova.

Even though this textbook is intended for students in grades 5-8, in my opinion, it is a useful book for both the beginner and the experienced artist. Here, the basics of composition are presented in a simple form and examples are very well selected that clearly convey the logic of the compositional placement of objects on a plane. The book introduces the reader to elementary rules and means of composition, the meaning of diagonals in transmitting movement, power lines of the format, means of highlighting the plot-compositional center, the rule of the golden section, symmetry and asymmetry. In general, here you will find everything you need to consider when building any composition, including practical advice, which are easy to digest and apply.

With this set of textbooks, you can cope with the process of learning to draw on your own! All these books can be easily downloaded on the Internet, but it would be even better to purchase their originals for tabletop reading. Finally, one more piece of advice - try to contact first methodological literature academic authors and avoid superficial paperbacks with catchy titles that generally do not provide systemic knowledge.

Welcome to the site "Drawing School", our slogan "Learning to draw is easy".Our website contains the best drawing lessons, oil painting, graphics, pencil drawing lessons, tempera drawing.You easily and quickly learn to draw still life, landscape, and simply beautiful paintings Our Art school for adults and children, it also offers to start learning remotely, right at home. We conduct weekly the most interesting courses on drawing with pencil, paints and other materials.

Site artists

Our drawing lessons compiled by the best artists peace. Lessons are clearly explained in pictures how to learn to draw even complex paintings.. Our teachers are highly qualified designers, illustrators and simply experienced artists.

Multi-format site

In any of these sections you will find interesting information about how to quickly learn to draw different materials, such as oil paints, watercolor, pencil (colored, simple), tempera, pastel, ink... . Draw with joy and pleasure, and may inspiration accompany you. And our Art School will do everything necessary for maximum convenience in learning to draw with pencil, paints and other materials.

  • Pencil. You will need the simplest and most intuitive drawing tool in any case. Even if you want to learn how to draw with paints, you will need a simple pencil to create a sketch. Not all pencils are the same. Some are for drawing, others for drawing, others for everyday tasks. Too much hard pencils(3H, 4H and more) is better not to choose: they can easily scratch and tear the paper.
  • Watercolor. Water-soluble paint is known for its lightness, transparency and wide palette of shades. However, painting with watercolor is quite difficult: you need to learn how to use its properties and have a good idea of ​​how the paint will behave on paper. On the other hand, if you put in enough effort, you will learn to draw in one of the most impressive techniques.
  • Gouache. This is a thick matte paint that is diluted with water. It is perfect for the first steps in drawing. Thanks to the dense texture of gouache, dark tones can be easily covered with darker ones. This is very important, because then all the flaws and shortcomings can be corrected. Another one good news: gouache is inexpensive.
  • Pastel (dry). These crayons are used to create designs in soft colors. Due to its texture, pastel is very easy to shade, which allows you to create beautiful transitions between shades. You should immediately prepare for the fact that your fingers and table (at a minimum) will be stained with dust and pastel crumbs. The finished pastel drawing is easy to smudge, so the pigments on the paper will need to be secured with varnish or fixative.
  • Markers (“copies”). We asked artist-illustrator and teacher Anna Rastorgueva to tell us about this instrument, relatively unknown to most. Because she draws with markers and does it great. We are not talking about text highlighters or simple felt-tip pens, but about alcohol markers, which, thanks to their base, do not deform the paper and allow you to achieve smooth transitions between shades.
Kolidzei / Shutterstock.com

There are many manufacturers of such instruments, including Japanese brands, German, Chinese, Korean, and Russian. The price also varies - from 160 to 600 rubles per piece, so even a novice author can pick up a small kit to get started.

The palettes of this type of markers are unusually wide, with an average of 300 colors, so in order not to get confused, you can purchase a ready-made set, usually selected on a specific topic: architecture, nature, manga.

What if I don't know what to draw?

If you don’t know what to draw, but really want to, copy, draw and repeat after others. There's nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, this is a normal process. Take a picture that you like, put it in front of you and start.

Video instructions help a lot. Unlike advice in the style of “draw a circle, add sticks, add details - you will get a great canvas,” these notes do not lie. You will see exactly how the drawing is created.

Remember: creativity is an international thing. Don't be afraid to check out the YouTube channels of English-speaking bloggers, even if you don't understand what they're saying.

Try starting with these channels:

  • Proko. An absolute must-have for anyone who wants to learn how to draw. The artist clearly, simply, and clearly explains the most difficult thing - how to draw a person. This is the base and foundation, so the channel will probably be in your bookmarks.
  • Mark Crilley. The artist works in a cartoon style, so those who want to learn how to draw cute, cute drawings will find everything they need here. The artist shows different techniques and in detail, frame by frame, demonstrates the simplest techniques for creating an effective drawing.
  • Sycra. The channel will appeal to everyone who loves Japanese cartoons and wants to learn how to draw anime. Video tutorials cover the topic inside and out: body structure, facial features, costumes and everything, everything, everything.
  • Bob Ross. Bob Ross is an American television legend. Perhaps the most inspiring program in the world was created by this man, who for 11 years taught people to create miracles on canvas. You may not understand what Bob is saying in a soft voice, but you can’t resist the artist’s talent that penetrates you directly from the screen.

In general, the choice of topic is the second fundamental issue after the choice of material. And there is no need to limit yourself here traditional genres: portrait, still life or landscape. These days, daily household sketches are becoming increasingly popular. Like Instagram photos, artists quickly capture exciting topics in their notebooks, publish them on in social networks, study and communicate together. Absolutely any object can become a subject of interest - from macro-sketches of insects to travel diaries detailed in every detail.

Anna Rastorgueva, illustrator, teacher

"You Can Draw in 30 Days" by Mark Kistler. One of the most famous books about drawing. As many years of observations show, after reading it and, importantly, following the instructions, everyone learned to draw.

"Discover the Artist in You" by Betty Edwards. Those who have doubts can immediately be informed: from this book, about 2 million of those who considered themselves “armless” have already learned to draw. For those who do not believe in their own abilities at all and think that all artists know some secret beautiful paintings, we say: yes, the secret exists. It's hidden in this book.

“A sketchbook that will teach you how to draw!”, Robin Landa. As a teacher himself, Robin knows that students draw best on the pages of their textbooks. This is where fantasy comes into full play! Therefore, he created a book in which you can (and should) draw. And learn along the way.

I want to draw, but I don't have time or extra money

Eugenio Marongiu/Shutterstock.com

The first step can be taken without much investment or effort. Download creative apps and get started right now.

Tayasui Sketches. One of the most beautiful and simple applications with numerous tools will teach you how to draw in different techniques.

Bamboo Paper. Wacom, a company that creates drawing tablets, has developed its own application for artists. Sketches, sketches and full-fledged drawings - this program will be needed at every stage of learning.

Zen Brush. This application will not help with learning, but it will put you in the right creative mood. With a brush you can draw characteristic strokes, and the finished drawing looks like a work of art from some distant eastern country.

We’ve sorted out the materials, the sources of inspiration, too, the books have been studied, and there are applications for the laziest. It's your turn - it's time to get down to business.

The main thing is to find what you really like. Go for it!

Anna Rastorgueva, illustrator, teacher