Everything will be fine! Alexander Semin, Bledans' husband met a new love: latest news Everything will be fine show on NTV.

NTV premiere. "Everything will be fine!" with Evelina Syomina-Bledans from March 10 at 18.00.

Everything will be fine - despite any circumstances, problems, life troubles and difficulties encountered on the path of each of us - this is what guided the creators of the new project of the same name on NTV.

After all, the world is not without good people, and help for those in trouble often comes from the most unexpected quarters: from those who simply turned out to be not indifferent to the grief of others. Indeed, there are much more people who are ready to lend a helping hand than we think, and sometimes in order to support a person who finds himself in difficult life situation, just ask for it!

This is how the idea of ​​the project “Everything will be fine!” was born. – a unique talk show whose goal is to connect those who need help and those who are ready to provide it!

The host of the project will be Evelina Syomina-Bledans - famous TV presenter, singer and actress. Today, Evelina’s main role is to be Syomin’s mother. The birth of a baby completely changed the life of the bright creative personality.

Now Evelina Syomina-Bledans is a philanthropist, an active social activist, and a fighter for children’s rights. A lot has already been achieved in this field, and “Everything will be fine!” for Evelina - a new large-scale platform.

“It’s always great to do good deeds and fight for the interests of those who really need it,” says the presenter. – “And when I found out that NTV was preparing a project in which it was planned to provide real help people, for me it became Starting point to agree. In general, with the birth of Semyon, my struggle was mainly focused on the interests and protection of the rights of children with Down syndrome. Therefore, I am glad that now I have new opportunity to bring good - in one more direction."

The circumstances that forced the heroes to seek help from the project studio can be very different. Someone found himself in unbearable living conditions, some are desperate to find loved ones with whom they have long lost contact, others are simply confused in life. The mother handed the children over to the orphanage, and now, having taken the right path, she is ready to do everything to get them back. A large family consisting of three generations, after the fire she found herself on the street. The self-taught master believes in the benefits that his invention can bring, but cannot find a sponsor to help develop the project...

For the creators of the program, no problem is too small or too complicated - for each hero they will find someone who is ready to help in each specific case. And the most important thing - who will provide real help and how - the heroes and the audience will find out right in the studio. The families of the fire victims will be given the keys to new apartment, the inventor will be given a chance to present his creation to the whole country and sponsors. The opposite sides of the conflict, if any, will not be left without attention - guardianship authorities, representatives of the local administration - everyone is waiting in the studio to listen to their position and proposed ways to solve problems.

A hotline will be created for those who need help. After all, one of the main goals of the project is to become a center for solving problems for thousands of Russians, to prove that no one should be left alone with their misfortune, that even a small good deed can change someone’s life for the better - and then everything will definitely be fine!

Latest issue : 24.08.2015

Channel: NTV

Description of the program “Everything will be fine!”:

Anything, any trouble can happen in a person's life. When all the doors are closed in front of him and not a single authority is able to provide its services, then he can only trust television. New project, created by the NTV channel with the reassuring title “Everything will be fine”, is presented to viewers on weekdays. Any person who has a complex problem, but a solution cannot be found. Together with the charming presenter Evelina Semina-Bledans and a group of specialists in various fields activities, the guest, with the support of TV viewers, will look for answers to interesting and pressing questions.
The program allows a person to find understanding and help. Some of those present will be able to sympathize with the hero, some will offer advice, and some will provide significant support that can help solve the problem. The television project “Everything will be fine” is held under the appropriate motto. The organizers created it for those who are completely disappointed in their abilities. Together with the guests, the viewer will always be able to collect some useful information and for yourself, so that you can always be prepared for all difficulties in life.

  • September 18, 2015

  • September 17, 2015

  • September 16, 2015

  • September 15, 2015
  • About the program

    Everything will be fine - despite any circumstances, problems, life troubles and difficulties encountered on the path of each of us.

    This is what guided the creators of the new project of the same name on NTV, because the world is not without good people, and help for those in trouble often comes from the most unexpected quarters - from those who simply turned out to be not indifferent to the grief of others. Indeed, there are much more people who are ready to lend a helping hand than we think, and sometimes, in order to support a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation, it is enough to simply ask for it! This is how the idea of ​​the project “Everything will be fine!” was born. - a unique talk show whose goal is to connect those who need help and those who are ready to provide it!

    The host of the project will be Evelina Syomina Bledans, a famous TV presenter, singer and actress. Today, Evelina’s main role is to be Syomin’s mother. The birth of a baby completely changed the life of a bright creative personality. Now Evelina Syomina-Bledans is a philanthropist, an active social activist, and a fighter for children’s rights. A lot has already been achieved in this field, and “Everything will be fine!” for Evelina - a new large-scale platform.

    Evelina Syomina Bledans, presenter of the program: “It’s always great to do good deeds and fight for the interests of those who really need it. When I found out that NTV was preparing a project in which it was planned to provide real help to people, this became the starting point for me to agree. In general, with the birth of Semyon, my struggle was mainly focused on the interests and protection of the rights of children with Down syndrome. Therefore, I am glad that now I have a new opportunity to spread good - in one more direction.”

    The circumstances that forced the heroes to seek help from the project studio can be very different. Some found themselves in unbearable living conditions, some despaired of finding loved ones with whom they had long ago lost contact, others were simply confused in life. The mother handed the children over to the orphanage, and now, having taken the right path, she is ready to do everything to get them back. A large family consisting of three generations found themselves on the street after a fire. The self-taught master believes in the benefits that his invention can bring, but cannot find a sponsor to help develop the project...

    For the creators of the program, there is no problem too small or too complicated - for each hero they will find someone who is ready to help in each specific case. And the most important thing - who will provide real help and how - the heroes and the audience will find out right in the studio. The family of fire victims will be given the keys to a new apartment, and the inventor will be given a chance to present his creation to the whole country and sponsors. The opposite sides of the conflict, if any, will not be left without attention - guardianship authorities, representatives of the local administration - everyone is waiting in the studio to listen to their position and proposed ways to solve problems.

    A hotline will be created for those who need help. After all, one of the main goals of the project is to become a center for solving problems for thousands of Russians, to prove that no one should be left alone with their misfortune, that even a small good deed can change someone’s life for the better - and then everything will definitely be fine!

    Evelina Syomina Bledans

    Place of birth: Yalta.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.
    IN school years attended choreographic and theater clubs. After graduating from school, Bledans entered the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, which she graduated with honors and, as the best graduate of the course, had an internship at theater center Eugene O'Neill (USA).
    Many people think that Bledans is the pseudonym of the actress, but this is not so! Bledans is real name father - Visvaldis Karlovich Bledans. Mother - Tomila Nikolaevna.
    From 1991 to 2005 - member of the comedy troupe "Masks". In 1999 she worked in the musical “Metro” and the play “Danae”. In 2005, she was the host of the television show “Sexual Revolution with Evelina Bledans” on the TDK TV channel. In 2007 - host of the program “Eyewitness. The funniest thing" on the REN TV channel. In 2008, she took part in the reality show “ Last Hero— 6: Forgotten in Paradise" on Channel One. In 2009, she hosted the musical and humorous show “Everything Our Way!” on "STS". In 2009 released solo album“The main thing is to love!” Playing main role in the enterprise of Stanislav Sadalsky “Decorator of Love”. In 2011, she hosted the show “Love at First Sight” on MTV. In 2012, she was the host of the show “They” on the Kazakh republican television channel “NTK”. In 2013 she led television show“The Invisible Man” on the TV-3 channel. Since 2015 - talk show host"Everything will be fine!" on NTV.

    On March 10, the NTV channel launched the “Everything will be fine” project. Presenter: Evelina Syomina-Bledans. Did the yellow-eyed NTV people really decide to do a good deed and create at least something useful on their channel? Let's figure it out.

    “Everything will be fine” is published on weekdays during the daytime. Literally in the first two weeks of broadcasting, the program completely changed its format:

    - from March 10 to March 20: structure of each issue: 3-4 stories, 2 of which are long and dark, and the rest are touchingly funny;

    People with real problems came to the program - some were looking for relatives, others' houses were collapsing. All the problems had already been solved behind the scenes, and the viewer was led throughout the program to believe that “everything will be fine.” That is, the stories, although real, are carefully staged and edited. Much of what was said, it seems to me, remained behind the scenes. The emotions of the characters and the presenter were real, although sometimes there was some pretense in the actions in the “positive” stories.

    The analysis of each story ended with help from invited specialists. Some were given a passport, others were given the keys to their long-awaited home. In general, they still showed something positive, although sometimes it reached the point of absurdity. For example, a family from Novokuznetsk was given two-story iron beds with mattresses... in Moscow!

    - from March 23 to present: the issue deals with only one story, and not a socially significant one, as it was before.

    The talk show took on a scandalous jaundiced hue. The problems under consideration are more of the “scream louder” type and to amuse the viewer. All that remains of the initial idea is the title, which has nothing to do with the content of the program.

    Evelina actively participates in the discussion of the problem, asks questions, gives her assessments, and asks for the opinion of the audience. Evelina is a provocateur and often tells the hard truth or makes strange assumptions, sometimes she brands and scolds the program's heroes. He lisps with small children.

    The audience in the studio is a bunch of those faceless oruns from “Let Them Talk,” who are given a microphone in their hands and begin to attack the heroes in the studio. This is rather a minus of the program, since it creates the impression of a farce and the frivolity of what is happening in the studio.

    Brief descriptions of some episodes of “Everything will be fine” (the section will be updated regularly):

    Lyubov Reshetnikova is looking for her older sister Larisa, from whom she has been separated since childhood. The editors of the program found the sister and someone else. Love worries that Larisa is repeating the mistakes of their mother

    Stanislav Treymak lost his legs - they were cut off by a train when someone pushed him off the platform under a passing train (according to him). Since he did not have a passport at that time, he cannot be registered and paid the entitlement benefits and allowances. Stanislav's mother and grandmother have been trying to collect a package of documents for a passport for several years, but each time they have been unsuccessful.

    Vladislava Zhukova - mother four daughters, including triplets. Her children contacted the editorial office to get help - their mother urgently needed peace and a break from themselves.

    Evelina Syomina-Bledans - host of the program "Everything will be fine"

    At the age of 35, Anastasia Sosevich found out that her father was actually her stepfather. She found her father. It turned out that he had been in slavery in the Caucasus all this time.

    Elena Khoreva is a single mother. My son Igor is diagnosed with partial atrophy of the optic nerves; the child simply cannot see. More than a million rubles have been spent on treatment, but nothing helps.

    Maria Agafonova was attacked by robbers when she was returning home after work. Her young man she wasn’t nearby, but there was a hero who saved her, punished the criminals and returned the stolen things.

    Evelina Syomina-Bledans - host of the program "Everything will be fine"

    Liliya Veselova separated from her stepbrother 70 years ago. Now they have found each other.

    The Voloshin family from Novokuznetsk. 5 children, wife about to give birth. My husband has tuberculoma. At 30 square meters The whole family and my wife’s sister live there. The house is falling apart...

    The Prusov family from Novoomsk, Omsk Region, are fire victims. They once sold all their real estate to build a house. We took out a mortgage and three loans.

    Sergei Sivolobov developed a computer program for recognizing people by their gait.

    Evelina Syomina-Bledans - host of the program "Everything will be fine"

    Elena Panina from the town of Melenki, Vladimir Region, has not seen her father for 25 years. Her mother took her and her two brothers away when she was 17 years old. Many years later, the long-awaited meeting took place. Elena's father gained not only a daughter, but also 19 grandchildren.

    Residents of the village Settlement Oryol region live in dilapidated houses on Zavodskaya Street, which disappeared from the map 10 years ago after the bankruptcy of the plant on whose balance sheet the buildings were listed.

    Inna Mazura is hampered by breast size 13 - it only causes health problems. Doctors diagnosed gigantomastia. The cost of breast reduction surgery is 300 thousand rubles.

    Evelina Syomina-Bledans - host of the program "Everything will be fine"

    Anastasia, Sergey and Stanislav Pokazanets are refugees from Donetsk. A story about dead relatives and the horrors of war

    Yakov Ivanov did not see his daughter from his first marriage for 40 years.

    Evelina Syomina-Bledans - host of the program "Everything will be fine"

    Ulyana Marenkova wants to return her husband and remarry him. Showdown in the style of DOM-2 and Let Them Talk + DNA paternity test + live wedding.

    Lyubov Pavlinskaya raised 88 adopted children and 2 of her own.

    Artyom Nosov from Lipetsk lost his parents and inherited a tuberculosis apartment with a debt for utility bills of 154 thousand rubles.