When to buy a new wallet signs. A wallet as a gift - a bad omen or a universal gift for everyone

The main “abode” of money is the wallet. Do not keep banknotes in your pockets, cosmetic bag or other places not intended for banknotes. Part with your old, battered wallet without regret. Such a “house” will only scare away money.

To begin with, buy a new beautiful wallet, purse, or at least a money clip during the waxing moon. Esotericists recommend choosing a red product made from natural material (leather, suede). Other matching colors: black, silver, green, gold.

So, you have purchased a beautiful wallet. To attract money luck You can put one or more talismans in it to choose from:

  1. "Lucky bill." A banknote is considered lucky if its serial number contains the numbers 777, 555, 888 or syllables that are part of your name. To enhance the effect of the talisman, rub the banknote with aromatic oil that attracts material well-being (patchouli, cinnamon, cedar, bergamot, cloves, cardamom).
  2. Cinnamon stick. To avoid getting your wallet dirty, wrap the stick in paper.
  3. Precious metal coin.
  4. Three Chinese coins tied with red thread or ribbon.
  5. Small magnet. With such a talisman, the money spent will quickly return back to your wallet.

Don’t forget to check your wallet during the waning moon. Do not store invoices for services, checks, travel tickets, coupons, notes, overdue bank cards, unnecessary business cards. Esotericists do not advise placing photographs in your wallet, since the photograph disrupts the circulation of monetary energy.

In addition to your wallet, buy a piggy bank. If possible, put at least one coin in it every day.

Money signs for every day

IN Everyday life we don't think about how we handle money. For example, immediately after receiving wages many people are in a hurry to pay bills or buy some new thing. This should not be done. The money must “spend the night” in your home at least one night. IN otherwise by the end of the month you risk being left with an empty wallet.

Count your money often. This must be done before sunset, since in the evening the omen works the other way around. In the store, try to get rid of tattered old bills first. Keep the new banknotes with you for a longer time.

When you see money lying on the ground, do not rush to pick it up. With the help of some magical rituals knowledgeable people“throw away” their illnesses and failures for money. If you notice a handful of coins or a large bill at an intersection, go around this place without touching the possible lining.

I present to your attention folk signs how to store money in a wallet. Surely you will think: “What difference does it make how you store your money? The main thing is that they don’t end!” It turns out that there are folk tricks that help not only save your money, but also increase it.

Money in wallet

Do not use torn wallets to store money.

Keep your old wallets and don’t throw them away.

Don't keep a lot of small coins in your wallet. Get rid of small items, preferably on Sunday.

Do not keep dirty or torn bills in your wallet. Get rid of them.

Do not keep old bills, used tickets or other rubbish in your wallet.

Money loves an account; you always need to know how much you have in your wallet.

The bills in the wallet should be neatly folded and placed with the front side facing the owner.

Store bills of different denominations in different sections of your wallet.

Banknotes from different countries(rubles, dollars, euros) store in separate wallets.

An empty wallet attracts poverty. Leave at least one in it paper bill and one coin. Don't spend all the money you have in your wallet. After completing your purchases, there must be some kind of bill left in it.

If you don't have any money in your wallet when you buy a new item, you will be short of money the entire time you wear the item.

If there is money left, the wallet will always be full.

Signs for attracting money in your wallet

There must be a “lucky coin” in your wallet, which cannot be spent, because it attracts other money.

If you received a one-time very a large amount money, then put one bill from this pack in your wallet and keep it without changing it.

Keep a bill or coin with the number “5” in your wallet.

Keep a $2 bill in a secret compartment in your wallet.

If you come across a bill whose serial number has the same letters as your initials, put it in your wallet and never spend it - it will attract money.

To attract money, keep dried clove or mustard flowers in a small bag in your wallet.

Chestnuts are considered money talismans. Place the chestnut in the box where you keep your money or in a bag next to your wallet.

Natural symbols of money are wood, leather and fur. To attract money, put a wooden or leather amulet in your wallet, and hang a fur keychain on your keys.

It is believed that money loves the color red and natural materials, so to attract it you should buy a red leather wallet.

To keep money in your wallet, fold a triangle out of several banknotes rolled up into a tube. Keep the resulting talisman in your wallet or other place where you keep your savings.

Before putting money in your wallet, smooth out each bill you receive, saying: “Money to money.”

Documents related to money (invoices, checks) must be stored in a closed red envelope or red folder. In this case, you will not have problems repaying the loan and paying bills.

Place a few coins or a bill in the wallet intended for gifting. The recipient of such a gift will have to keep them “for good luck.”

IN New Year's Eve take a large bill, wish yourself big purchases in the coming year (you can have a specific list, or you can have one thing that is very important to you), put the bill in your wallet and don’t spend it throughout the year. She will attract money to you to fulfill your material desires!

The wallet is a universal and practical gift, suitable for any occasion: birthday, New Year, March 8 or Defender's Day. The question often arises: “Is it possible to give a wallet as a gift or is it better to abandon this idea?” There are many superstitions and myths associated with the gift. When buying a wallet, it is important to follow some recommendations to help you make the right choice.

The wallet is a universal and practical gift

Wallet as a gift and signs

There are signs according to which you cannot give a wallet. Common beliefs that are often paid attention to:

  • It is forbidden to give a completely empty wallet. Will lead to permanent financial problems for the recipient.
  • This gift cannot be given to close relatives.
  • A “free” gift threatens the future owner with a lack of money.
  • It is not recommended to give such an accessory as a birthday gift. For the birthday boy, this portends an inability to distribute money.
  • Whether or not to believe in signs is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

How to choose the right gift in the form of a wallet

How to make the right choice? Pay attention to some points.

It is advisable to opt for a gift made of genuine leather or suede. These materials are a symbol of stability and prosperity. To carry cash, it is recommended to choose a wallet that is black, green or brown shades. Yellow, silver or gold are colors of wealth that also attract money.

To keep the money flowing, give a new wallet, first putting bills in it

The accessory should be chosen bigger size than the previous wallet was. It is good that it has many pockets or compartments. You can't give a cheap thing. Such a gift carries the energy of poverty and misery.

It is important that the donor has a higher status in relation to the recipient.

How to give it right

The wallet is given as a gift for the New Year, birthday or any other celebration. The main thing is to give the wallet correctly:

  • It is necessary to give a gift with money, preferably large bills. You can put new or old coins.
  • The dollar has powerful energy to attract money. Feel free to present a gift with a dollar bill at the branch.
  • The product must be presented in packaged form.

Is it possible to give your loved one a wallet as a gift?

When thinking about such a souvenir for a loved one, like a wallet, many questions arise: “Can it be given as a gift?”, “Or is it better to choose something else?” Why often on New Year's or birthdays do many people refuse to give a guy a “pocket safe”? Most often, the reason for refusal is omens. Whether or not to accept superstitions on faith is something everyone decides for themselves. It is much more important that the gift be selected in accordance with the tastes of your man.

Knowing his preferences, making the right choice will not be difficult. In addition, the range of such products is huge. A surprise presented from the heart with Best wishes enjoyable for everyone. Remember, to keep the money flowing, give a new wallet after putting bills in it.

What to do if you are given an empty wallet

Don’t be upset if you’re presented with a wallet without bills or coins. You can attract money by performing a simple ritual. Take your wallet and fill it with large denomination bills. Then put it away away from prying eyes for a week. In this way, the item will be saturated with the energy of money and financial troubles will be avoided.

It is important not to forget that thoughts are material, so think positively, despite the myths associated with donating a wallet.