The image and characterization of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky with quotes. Katerina's life in her parents' house (play by A. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm")

In the drama "Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky created a completely new for his work female image- with inner harmony, spiritual strength and an extraordinary attitude.

Life before marriage

Katerina is a bright person with a poetic sublime soul. She is a dreamer with a remarkably developed imagination. Before her marriage, she lived freely: she prayed in church, did needlework, listened to the stories of praying women, and had fabulous dreams. The author vividly represents the heroine's desire for spirituality and beauty.


Katerina is very devout and religious. Christianity in her perception is closely connected with pagan beliefs and folklore traditions. The whole inner being of Katerina strives for freedom and flight: “ Why do people don't fly like birds? she asks. Even in a dream, she sees her own flights in the form of a bird or a butterfly.

Having married, settled in the house of the Kabanovs, she feels like a bird in a cage. Being a person of strong character, Katerina has a sense of dignity. In the house of Kabanikhi, where everything is done as if involuntarily, it is hard for her. How hard it is to accept the stupidity and weakness of your own husband. Their whole life is built on deceit and submission.

Hiding behind the commandments of God, Kabanova humiliates and insults the household. Most likely, such frequent attacks on her daughter-in-law are due to the fact that she feels in her a rival capable of resisting her will.

Varya Katerina admits that if her life becomes completely unbearable, she will not endure - she will rush into the Volga. Even as a child, when her parents offended her with something, she sailed away on a boat along the Volga alone. I think that the river for her is a symbol of freedom, will, space.

Thirst for freedom and love

The thirst for freedom in Katerina's soul is mixed with thirst true love that knows no boundaries and barriers. Attempts to maintain a relationship with her husband lead nowhere - she cannot respect him because of his weak character. Having fallen in love with Boris, Diky's nephew, she imagines him to be a kind, intelligent and well-mannered man, very different from those around him. He attracts her with his dissimilarity, and the heroine surrenders to her feelings.

Subsequently, she begins to be tormented by the realization of her sinfulness. Her internal conflict is caused not only by her conviction of sin before God, but also before herself. Katerina's ideas about morality and morality do not allow her to calmly treat secret love meetings with Boris and her husband's deceit. Thus, the suffering of the heroine is inevitable. Due to the growing guilt, the girl confesses to her entire family just as the storm is approaching. In thunder and lightning, she sees God's punishment overtaking.

Resolution of internal conflict

Katerina's internal conflict cannot be resolved by her confession. From the inability to reconcile her feelings and the opinions of others about herself, she commits suicide.

Despite the fact that taking one's own life is a sin, Katerina thinks about Christian forgiveness and is sure that the one who loves her will forgive her sins.

I am very sorry that no one was found in Katerina's entourage. strong man able to protect her from internal experiences and external conflicts. In my opinion, Katerina is rightly called "a ray of light in a dark kingdom."

/ / The image of Katerina in Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm"

According to one version, while writing "" Ostrovsky was in love with one of the actresses of the Maly Theater. Her name was Lyubov Kositsyna. She was married and could not reciprocate the author. Later, Kositsyna played the role of Katerina and, perhaps, in words literary work predicted her fate. It is worth noting that the actress to some extent repeated the fate of her heroine, having passed away early.

The image of Katerina gathered in itself all the lack of rights of a Russian woman of that era. Needless to say, in the 19th century Russian women had virtually no rights. The lion's share of marriages was concluded solely for personal gain or high rank. Young girls were forced to marry older men just because they were rich or revered in high society. The institution of divorce did not exist at all. In the spirit of precisely such traditions, Katerina was married to a merchant's son. Marriage has become a real hell for the girl, because she ended up in the “dark kingdom”, where tyranny and lies rule.

An important place in the image in Katerina is occupied by a description of her childhood. She was the daughter of a wealthy merchant. Katenka's childhood was cheerful and carefree. She could do what she loved, and no one could blame her for this. Katerina from birth was surrounded maternal love. Little Katya was dressed up like a doll.

Since childhood, Katerina has been very interested in the church. She often visited church services getting pleasure from it. It was this passion for the church that played a cruel joke with Katerina, because it was in the church that Boris noticed her and immediately fell in love.

Parental education revealed in the character of the girl the best features of the Russian soul. Katerina was sensual, open and kind person. She did not know how and did not want to deceive. At one point, all this cleanliness and care of the parental home was replaced by the Kabanovs' house, where human relations built on fear and unconditional obedience.

Every day the girl suffered humiliation from her mother-in-law. No one, even her husband, can protect and support her, everyone is thinking about how not to fall out of favor.

Katerina tried to treat her mother-in-law as a beloved mother, but no one needed her feelings. This atmosphere gradually "kills" her cheerful character in the girl. She fades like a flower. But a strong character the girl does not let her fade at all. Katerina rebels against this despotism. She becomes the only hero of the work who is ready to fight for her life, her feelings.

Katerina's protest resulted in her love for Boris. Of course, the girl reproaches herself for this act. She understands that she broke God's command and cheated on her husband. Katerina can't live with it. She openly declares her act. After that, Katerina experiences terrible mental suffering, she cannot find a place for herself. Tikhon cannot support his wife, because he is afraid of his mother's curses. Boris also turns away from the girl. Unable to bear this suffering, Katerina throws herself off a cliff. But her soul remained the same strong and unconquered. Only death allowed her to escape from this "dark kingdom".

Katerina's action was not in vain. Tikhon blamed his mother for the death of his wife. Varvara, unable to withstand the tyranny of Kabanikh, fled with Kudryash from her mother's house. Katerina was able to destroy this kingdom of eternal tyranny, even at the cost of her own life.

On the example of the life of a single family from the fictional city of Kalinov, Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" shows the whole essence of the outdated patriarchal structure Russia XIX century. Katerina - main character works. She is opposed to all other actors of the tragedy, even from Kuligin, who also stands out among the inhabitants of Kalinov, Katya is distinguished by the power of protest. The description of Katerina from "Thunderstorm", the characteristics of other characters, the description of the life of the city - all this adds up to a revealing tragic picture, conveyed photographically accurately. The characterization of Katerina from the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky is not limited to the author's commentary in the list actors. The playwright does not evaluate the actions of the heroine, relieving himself of the duties of an omniscient author. Thanks to this position, each perceiving subject, whether a reader or a viewer, can himself evaluate the heroine based on his moral convictions.

Katya was married to Tikhon Kabanov, the son of a merchant. It was given out, because then, according to the house building, marriage was more the will of the parents than the decision of young people. Katya's husband is a pitiful sight. The irresponsibility and infantilism of the child, bordering on idiocy, led to the fact that Tikhon is not capable of anything but drunkenness. Martha Kabanova fully embodied the ideas of tyranny and hypocrisy inherent in everything " dark kingdom". Katya strives for freedom, comparing herself with a bird. It is hard for her to survive in conditions of stagnation and slavish worship of false idols. Katerina is truly religious, every trip to church seems like a holiday for her, and as a child, Katya often fancied that she heard angelic singing. Sometimes, Katya prayed in the garden, because she believed that the Lord would hear her prayers anywhere, not only in the church. But in Kalinovo, the Christian faith was deprived of any inner content.

Katerina's dreams allow her to briefly escape from real world. There she is free, like a bird, free to fly wherever she wants, not obeying any laws. “And what dreams I had, Varenka,” continues Katerina, “what dreams! Or golden temples, or unusual gardens, and invisible voices sing, and the smell of cypress, and the mountains and trees seem not to be the same as usual, but as they are written on the images. And it’s like I’m flying, and I’m flying through the air. ” However, in Lately Katerina became inherent in a certain mysticism. Everywhere she begins to see imminent death, and in her dreams she sees the evil one, who warmly embraces her, and then destroys her. These dreams were prophetic.

Katya is dreamy and gentle, but along with her fragility, Katerina's monologues from The Thunderstorm show resilience and strength. For example, a girl decides to meet Boris. She was overcome by doubts, she wanted to throw the key from the gate into the Volga, thought about the consequences, but nevertheless took an important step for herself: “Throw the key!

No, not for anything! He is mine now ... Come what may, and I will see Boris! Katya is disgusted with the Kabanikh's house, the girl does not like Tikhon. She thought about leaving her husband and, having received a divorce, live honestly with Boris. But there was nowhere to hide from the tyranny of the mother-in-law. With her tantrums, Kabanikha turned the house into hell, cutting off any opportunity for escape.

Katerina is surprisingly perceptive towards herself. The girl knows about her character traits, about her decisive disposition: “I was born like that, hot! I was still six years old, no more, so I did it! They offended me with something at home, but it was towards evening, it was already dark; I ran out to the Volga, got into the boat and pushed it away from the shore. The next morning they already found it, ten miles away! Such a person will not submit to tyranny, will not be subject to dirty manipulations by the Kabanikh. It is not Katerina's fault that she was born at a time when the wife had to unquestioningly obey her husband, she was an almost disenfranchised application, the function of which was childbearing. By the way, Katya herself says that children could be her joy. But Katya has no children.

The motif of freedom is repeated many times in the work. An interesting parallel is Katerina - Barbara. Sister Tikhon also strives to be free, but this freedom must be physical, freedom from despotism and mother's prohibitions. At the end of the play, the girl runs away from home, finding what she dreamed of. Katerina understands freedom differently. For her, this is an opportunity to do as she wants, to take responsibility for her life, not to obey stupid orders. This is the freedom of the soul. Katerina, like Varvara, gains freedom. But such freedom can only be achieved by suicide.

In the work of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", Katerina and the characteristics of her image were perceived differently by critics. If Dobrolyubov saw in the girl a symbol of the Russian soul, tormented by the patriarchal house-building, then Pisarev saw weak girl who put herself in this situation.

Artwork test

Catherine in the drama "Thunderstorm"
Composition based on the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"
Katerina - main character Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm". Main
the idea of ​​the work is the conflict of this girl with the "dark kingdom",
the kingdom of tyrants, despots and ignoramuses. Find out why this
conflict and why the end of the drama is so tragic, you can look at
Katerina's soul, understanding her ideas about life. And it's possible
to do, thanks to the skill of the playwright Ostrovsky.
From the words of Katerina, we learn about her childhood and adolescence. Girl don't
received good education. She lived with her mother in the countryside.
Katerina's childhood was joyful, cloudless. Mother in her "no soul
looked forward to, "did not force her to work around the house. Katya lived freely:
got up early, washed herself with spring water, crawled flowers, walked with
mother to church, then sat down for some work and listened to
wanderers and praying women, who were many in their house. Katerina
had magical dreams in which she flew under the clouds. And How
contrasts strongly with such a quiet, happy life deed
a six-year-old girl, when Katya, offended by something, ran away
in the evening from the house to the Volga, got into the boat and pushed off from the shore! ...
We see that Katerina grew up happy, romantic, but
restricted girl. She was very pious and passionate
loving. She loved everything and everyone around her: nature, the sun,
church, her home with wanderers, the poor whom she helped. But
the most important thing about Katya is that she lived in her dreams, apart from
the rest of the world. Of everything that exists, she chose only what
did not contradict her nature, she did not want to notice the rest and did not
noticed. Therefore, the girl saw angels in the sky, and was for her
the church is not an oppressive and crushing force, but a place where everything is bright, where
you can dream. It can be said that Katerina was naive and
kind, brought up in a completely religious spirit.
But if she met on her way what. contradicted her
ideals, then turned into a rebellious and stubborn nature and defended
herself from that outsider, a stranger, that boldly disturb her soul. So
was the case with the boat.
After marriage, Katya's life changed a lot. From the free
joyful, sublime world in which she felt her
merging with nature, the girl fell into a life full of deceit,
cruelty and depravity.
It's not even that Katerina married Tikhon against her will:
she didn’t love anyone at all and she didn’t care who she married.
The fact is that the girl was robbed of her former life, which she
created for myself. Katerina no longer feels such delight from
attending church, she cannot do her usual activities.
Sad, disturbing thoughts do not allow her to calmly admire
nature. It remains for Katya to endure while she is patient, and to dream, but she already
can't live with his thoughts, because the cruel reality
brings her back to earth, where there is humiliation and suffering.
Katerina is trying to find her happiness in love for Tikhon: "I will be a husband
be in love. Tisha, my dear, I won't trade you for anyone. "But
sincere manifestations of this love are suppressed by Kabanikha: "What on
Are you hanging your neck, shameless? You don't say goodbye to your lover."
Katerina has a strong sense of outward obedience and duty, which is why she
forces himself to love an unloved husband. Tikhon and himself because of
tyranny of his mother cannot truly love his wife,
though he probably wants to. And when he, leaving for a while, leaves Katya,
to walk freely, the girl (already a woman) becomes completely
Why did Katerina fall in love with Boris? After all, he did not exhibit his
masculine qualities, like Paratov, did not even talk to her.
Perhaps the reason is that she lacked something clean in the stuffy
atmosphere of the Kabanikhi house. And love for Boris was this pure, not
let Katerina finally wither away, somehow supported her.
She went on a date with Boris because she felt
a man with pride, elementary rights. It was a riot
against submission to fate, against lawlessness. Katherine knew that
commits a sin, but she also knew that she would continue to live as before
it is forbidden. She sacrificed the purity of her conscience to freedom and Boris.
In my opinion, taking this step, Katya already felt the approaching
the end and probably thought: "Now or never." She wanted
get enough love, knowing that there will be no other chance. On the first
On a date, Katerina said to Boris: "You have ruined me." Boris -
the reason for the discrediting of her soul, and for Katya this is tantamount to death.
Sin hangs on her heart like a heavy stone.
Katerina is terribly afraid of an approaching thunderstorm, considering it a punishment for
perfect. Katerina has been afraid of thunderstorms ever since she started thinking about
Boris. For her pure soul even the thought of loving a stranger
man is a sin.
Katya cannot live on with her sin, and the only way
to get rid of him at least partially, she considers repentance, she confesses
in everything to her husband and Kabanikh. Such an act in our time seems very
strange, naive. "I don't know how to deceive; I can't hide anything
I can" - such is Katerina. Tikhon forgave his wife, but did she herself forgive
myself? Being very religious. Katya is afraid of God, and her God lives in
her, God is her conscience. The girl is tormented by two questions: how will she return
home and will look into the eyes of her husband, whom she cheated on, and how she
will live with a stain on his conscience. The only way out of this
situation Katerina sees death: "No, I'm either home or in the grave -
anyway... It's better in the grave... To live again? No, no, don't... not good"
Haunted by her sin, Katerina takes her own life to save
your soul.
Dobrolyubov defined Katerina's character as "resolute, integral,
Russian". Resolute, because she decided to take the last step,
to death to save himself from shame and remorse.
Whole, because in Katya's character everything is harmonious, one, nothing
does not contradict each other, because Katya is one with
nature, with God.
Russian, because who, no matter how Russian a person, is capable of loving like that,
Able to sacrifice so, so seemingly humbly endure all hardships,
Remaining at the same time himself, free, not a slave.

Ostrovsky embodied in the image of Katerina a typical representative of that time, more precisely, the 19th century. The time when a woman did not yet have rights, when there was no such thing as a divorce. Marriages were not entered into by the consent of the couple themselves (as happens in modern world) but by matchmaking, that is, at the request of the parents. Marriages were rarely successful, women had almost no rights and were most often the "victims" of marriage.

The main character of Ostrovsky's work "Thunderstorm" found herself in a similar situation.

What was the family, upbringing and education of the character? One of the reasons for Katerina's problems is that the family she ended up in (became Tikhon's wife) was the opposite of her own family. So, for example, they had different customs, principles, traditions. Katrina's family was distinguished by meekness of morals and good nature, in the Kabanov family everything is absolutely the opposite. Katerina received her education at home, like all women at that time, who did not have the right to study on an equal basis with men. Therefore, her upbringing was good (modest, distinguished by religiosity)

Portrait of the hero (external features, psychological, internal portrait) There is no description of Katerina's appearance in the work, so Ostrovsky invites the reader to independently come up with the appearance of the heroine.

So, for example, I see her as a blue-eyed, dark-haired and slender girl with kind eyes. This is how, in my opinion, the appearance of the darkness would reflect inner world heroines. The play says that she is very beautiful, this is done so that everyone will like her (in the head a person will think of it himself, and everyone has different tastes, so the author wanted Katerina to be beautiful for everyone) Many characters admire her face. The girl is childishly vulnerable, naive, open, sweet, good-natured, very sensitive.

Character traits (how character traits are manifested) She is kind, manifested in the fact that after living in the house of Kabanikh she did not become embittered, did not become callous. She tried to establish communication links with Tikhon's mother, but she did not want to cooperate with her. Tender, vulnerable - trying to awaken her husband's self-esteem and stand up for her. Unfortunately, all attempts of the heroine are in vain. The problem is with the system itself, not just the people.

Features of speech Katerina's speech is melodic, musical, reminiscent of folk song, fairy tale. Addresses all heroes with reverence and respect, courtesy. So the author shows that she is close to the people.

The role in Katerina's work (what themes and problems are presented through Katerina?) Ostrovsky considers in his work such topics as the theme of love (the relationship between Katerina and Boris), the conflict of fathers and children, the problem of the fate of a Russian woman - the main problem. The author wanted to convey the idea of ​​the importance of equality between men and women, that it is time to move away from patriarchy and matriarchy, and come to a partner type of family.

Updated: 2017-12-01

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