Mix red and yellow to get. Is it possible to get white when mixing paints

Blue is the primary color, along with red and yellow. Blue represents a cool color scheme. In the Pantone palette, developed in the middle of the 20th century. - 180 shades of blue, each of which has its own name and number.
At the mention of this color, boundless images of the sea and sky, space, thickening twilight, moonlight arise in the imagination.

How to get the blue color when it is not in the palette?

It is believed that blue can be obtained by mixing green and yellow, but in practice the combination of these colors gives more olive. Blue is unique and unrepeatable. It is impossible to get it by mixing paints.

traditional color wheel

To achieve the desired color or its shade, you can use the color wheel.
The base colors, which include blue, red and yellow, form orange, green, brown and purple in the process of mixing.

How to create classic blue by mixing paints

If you have blue but want a different shade of it, use the available colors to get the tone you want. Hue can be extremely important when creating a work of art, as well as in the field of design and interior decoration.

IN standard sets Acrylic paints represent ultramarine as blue, a bright and at the same time dark shade with purple notes.

To create a lighter tone, mix 3 parts blue + 1 part white.

How to get royal blue

This shade can be described as blue at the junction with lilac.
Mix blue and magenta pink in equal proportions. In order to make the shade lighter, add white.

How to get dark blue

Sometimes the main blue in the color palette looks too bright and light. To get a darker shade, mix 3 parts blue with 1 part black. Thus, the resulting color will be darker.

How to get a gray-blue color

This shade perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the sky and the water surface on a cloudy day.
To do this, we mix the base Blue colour with brown. The result will be a dark gray-blue shade, which will help to lighten White color.

Without a basic blue in your arsenal, it is impossible to get it by mixing other colors, but if you have a basic blue, you can experiment with creating its new shades and tones.

Whatever you say, this color is magical, but it evokes dual feelings: on the one hand, it is a kind of sadness, and on the other, peace and tranquility. In this article, we will look at how to get blue when mixing paints. Find out what shades exist, what they are called. Consider what percentage is needed to solve our problem: how to get blue?

Blue color. Psychological perception

It is this shade that has attracted mankind since ancient times. He has always received special attention. So in Ancient Egypt the process of sacrifice to the Gods was depicted in this color. In astrology, it corresponds to the planet Venus. In esotericism, it is used for meditation, concentration, and also for the process of self-knowledge. IN modern world psychologists treat this tone ambiguously: on the one hand, it promotes concentration to achieve the goal, and on the other hand, it is able to separate a person from reality, introduces emotional coldness into the worldview.

Various color tests are used in psychology, and one of the most effective is the Luscher test, according to which the tone we describe symbolizes calmness and self-satisfaction. This test is able to determine the stress-resistant state of a person and communication skills. Each time the test impresses with its accuracy, it, like a true friend, can give answers to questions that for a long time brewing inside.

shades of blue

Our described tone is noble and stylish. He hides in himself the peace of the cold sky and the raging passion of the sea. How to get blue? Mixing colors will give a large number of related tones and semitones, the composition of the percentage is varied. There are many shades of it. And how beautifully they are called! Based on the names alone, you can understand how much we love this shade, how it inspires and gives strength. So, as an example, we give the following names of shades of blue: cornflower blue, gray, Niagara color, cyan, ultramarine, heavenly, sea ​​wave, sky blue, azure, Persian blue, royal blue, indigo, Prussian blue, sapphire, blue-black. Here are the main shades of the tone we are describing. In addition to them, many semi-shades can be distinguished, that's how multifaceted this tone is.

Even any shade can have various characteristics: blue - frivolous and playful, because it’s not for nothing that they say “blue dream”, in other words unrealizable and unrealistic. But the shade of "indigo" is identified with highly developed mental abilities. Children who are mentally gifted are often referred to as "indigo". It is also worth considering the craving of a person in clothes and in choosing an interior in favor of the specified tone, and the first thing that can be said about him is that this person has an analytical mindset. But back to the main question: how to get the blue color?

Mixing colors

After all, it is a primary color, but we can get a large number of its shades using different tones. So how do you get blue when mixing colors? Consider getting "Royal Blue". To do this, it is necessary to use blue as the main tone, adding to it an insignificant part of black and a drop of green. As a result of such mixing, the desired shade should be obtained. How to get a blue color, but a brighter shade than the previous one? To do this, we use the same colors that we described above, but in this case we need to halve the amount of black. As a result of mixing, you should get a beautiful dark blue hue.

Now consider what colors to get the blue color of the sea, a shade of turquoise. To do this, it is also necessary to use the main shade of our tone, and the green tone, taken in a ratio of one to three, will be an additional one. Should get an unforgettable color of the sea, the color of the eyes beautiful girl, mysterious and deep, at the same time exciting and soothing. Now I would like to figure out what tones are needed to get the blue shade of "wedgwood". In this case, the peculiarity lies in the fact that not blue will be used as the main color, as it was before, but white. It is necessary to add half of our described tone to the white initial tone. Considering the amount of the main color, and as a highlight or as a cherry on the cake, add a drop of black. The result should be a soothing, calm shade of the same tone we adore.

Consider this option: how to get a blue color by mixing orange colors in a very small amount with our main tone, which in this recipe we will define as the original one. As a result of this operation, the shade should be heavy, one might even say formidable. The result obtained is identified with a dirty and harsh sky during a wild storm, when the sea roars like a wild beast, and the wind howls and tears the sails of ships.

Blue in nature

What colors are needed to get blue in nature, you ask? In our real world at the level of physics, this tone is perceived by the human eye in the range of 440 - 485 nm. In other words, spectral blue is experienced by electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength, the numerical value of which is indicated above.

blue paint

How to get the blue color artificially, you ask? As you know, natural dyes of this shade are very rare, and therefore valuable. Fuchsin is considered one of the dyes of the aniline series. Its main drawback is that it is far from the beautiful blue tint that we would like to get, in this case, magenta gives a bluish-red tone. The result of waiting will make you disappointed.


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note that the main question of our article is how to get the blue color. Mixing colors in different proportions will be the answer, but do not forget that today acrylic paint of the described shade can be attributed to dark blue with a purple tone. This type of shade is called "ultramarine". Moreover, the issue of mixing colors is relevant for young artists who, in addition to theoretical information, practice is important. The ability to form your own style, still based on theoretical knowledge, is one of the main tasks. I would like to believe that this material will be useful and interesting.

Everyone knows that by combining 3 primary colors (red, yellow and blue), you can achieve any other color. This theory was developed by Leonardo da Vinci in antiquity. The conclusion from the theory can be drawn such that it is impossible to obtain primary colors by mixing others. But what to do and, for example, how to get red? To resolve the issue, let's approach it from a practical point of view and consider how red is made in a printing house, how artists get it, and what needs to be done for this.

The red color in the printing house is made by mixing other primary colors. The CMYK color model is used here. All the difference in the colors of the model used is made by mixing the desired base colors:

  • blue - cyan
  • Magenta (violet) - magenta
  • yellow
  • black

As in other color models, you need to take at least 2 colors, and in our case, red on printed products is made by a combination of 2 process colors: purple (magenta) and yellow. This method is also used to make color engravings. If you get these paints, you can make not only red, but also achieve its shades by adjusting the ratio of yellow and purple (violet). The range of red colors will be from pale purple to rich orange-red.

Mixing yellow and purple makes red

Info: In addition to printing, the CMYK model underlies most printers. It is also used in professional painting of cars, decoration of interiors and facades of buildings, in fabric production.

natural red

In addition to artificially obtaining color, it can easily be made from natural materials. So bedstraw flowers allow you to color objects in bright red. To prepare such a paint, the flowers are dried and boiled with alum for half an hour. Safflower and St. John's wort flowers are also suitable for making red dye by boiling water until thick. Cherry paint, similar in color, is made from orange lichen. You need to finely chop the lichen and mix with baking soda(it is better to use a solution), wait 3-4 minutes and you can use it.

In nature, red color can be found quite often. Therefore, its various shades are sometimes named after their natural hosts: fruits, minerals and berries. Among them you can find such names as: raspberry, pomegranate, cherry, coral, blue, wine, burgundy. All such colors form the red scale.

Red shades in painting are made on the basis of pigments of warm and cold shades. Ruby or purple quinacridone should be classified as cold, light cadmium, orange sienna (natural and burnt) as warm.

RGB and CMYK color models

Interaction with other colors

Many people wonder if it is possible to make red from other colors, for example, pink. Our answer is no! If you replace purple with pink and mix with yellow, then you will not see red, there will only be its likeness.

Burgundy from red is obtained by mixing with black. Depending on the types of paints, the ratio can be up to 2:1 (you need 2 parts red and 1 black). By changing the concentration, you can make different shades of burgundy.

Another question, what happens if you mix red and yellow? Answer: get orange.

The most popular question is: “what do we get when we mix red and blue colors? To clarify, let's look at the RGB (red, green, blue) color model, where it is clearly seen that using blue in combination with red, we get purple.


The base colors for red are yellow and magenta (violet). To do desired color when mixing, it is not necessary to take artificial paints, you can use natural ones. Red is the base color in the RGB model and must be mixed with green and blue to make other colors.

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    Take paint. Any kind of paint will do - even those used to paint furniture or walls - but it's best (and cleaner) to practice with a few small tubes of oil or acrylic paint. First, let's see what happens if we mix just two colors - red and blue.

    • Note: Black can be obtained by mixing the available colors. Black pigment, of course, exists, but its use is too conspicuous. It is better to get dark colors by mixing transparent primary colors: shadows also have shades depending on the time of day and other factors.
    • Read the "Other Tips" section below for guidance on choosing the best magenta and cyan.
  1. Mix red and blue. Everyone knows that red and blue, when mixed, make purple, right? Indeed, but this is not that bright, lively purple. Instead, they form something like this:

    • Not very pleasing to the eye, is it? This is because red and blue absorb more and reflect less spectrum, giving a dark, dirty purple instead of a vibrant, vibrant one.
  2. Now try this: mix magenta with a little cyan and you will see the difference. This time you will get something like this:

    • Magenta is a shade of purple, cyan is a blue-green hue, often referred to as bright blue or turquoise. Along with yellow, they are the primary colors in the CMYK model, which is based on a subtractive color scheme (obtaining color by subtracting individual components from white). This scheme is used in printing, including color printers.
    • You can see that using the real primary colors - magenta and cyan - results in a much brighter and more vibrant hue. If you want a richer purple, add more blue. Add black for dark purple.
  3. Mix pigments to get primary and secondary colors. There are 3 main color pigments: cyan, magenta and yellow. There are also 3 secondary colors obtained by mixing two primary colors:

    • Cyan + yellow = green
    • Cyan + magenta = blue
    • Magenta + yellow = red
    • Cyan + magenta + yellow = black
    • In subtractive color mixing, the combination of all colors produces black.
  4. "See the information below. In the section "Mixing paints" are given more detailed recommendations to receive the most different shades including light, dark and greyish. The Tips section provides an extensive list of colors and combinations that can be used to get those colors on the palette.

    Light Blending: Additive Colors

    1. Take a look at your monitor. Look at the white areas on this page and get as close as possible. Even better if you have a magnifying glass. Bringing your eyes closer to the screen, you will see not white, but red, green and blue dots. Unlike pigments, which work by absorbing color, light is additive, that is, it works by adding up light fluxes. Movie screens and displays, whether it's a 60-inch plasma TV or the 3.5-inch Retina display on your iPhone, use additive color mixing.

      Mix light to get primary and secondary colors. As in the case of subtractive colors, there are 3 primary and 3 secondary colors obtained by mixing primary colors. The result may surprise you:

      • Mixing red + blue = magenta
      • Mixing blue + green = cyan
      • Mixing green + red = yellow
      • In additive color mixing, the combination of all colors produces white.
      • Note that primary additive colors are secondary subtractive colors and vice versa. How can it be? Know that the effect of subtractive color is a combined process: it absorbs some colors, and we perceive what is left, that is, the reflected light. The reflected color is the color of the light output that remains when all other colors have been absorbed.

    Modern color theory

    1. Understand the subjective nature of color perception. A person's perception and identification of color depend on both objective and subjective factors. While scientists can define and measure light down to the nanometer, our eyes perceive a complex combination of not only hue, but also the saturation and brightness of a color. This circumstance is further complicated by the way we see the same color on different backgrounds.

      Hue, saturation and lightness are the three dimensions of color. We can say that any color has three dimensions: hue, saturation and lightness.

      • Tone characterizes the position of the color on color wheel- red, orange, yellow and so on, including all intermediate colors such as red-orange or orange-yellow. Here are a few examples: pink refers to a magenta tone or red (or somewhere in between). Brown refers to an orange tone because brown is a dark orange.
      • Saturation- this is what gives a rich, vibrant color, like on a rainbow or color wheel. Pale, dark and muted colors (shades) are less saturated.
      • Lightness indicates how close a color is to white or black, regardless of the color. If you take a black and white photograph of flowers, you can tell which ones are lighter and which ones are darker.
        • For example, bright yellow is a relatively light color. You can lighten it even more by adding white and making it a pale yellow.
        • Bright blue is naturally dark and low on the light scale, while dark blue is even lower.

    Mixing paints

    1. Follow this guide to get any color you want. Magenta, yellow and cyan are the primary subtractive colors, which means that any other color can be obtained by mixing them, but they themselves cannot be obtained from other colors. Primary subtractive colors are used when mixing pigments such as inks, dyes and paints.

      Colors with low saturation (dim colors) come in three main types: light, dark and muted.

      Add white for light colors. Any color can be lightened by adding white to it. To get a very light color, it is better to add a little bit of the main color to white so as not to waste excess paint.

      Add black for dark colors. Any color can be darkened by adding black to it. Some artists prefer to add a complementary (complementary) color that is opposite the given color on the exact CMY/RGB color wheel. For example, green can be used to darken magenta and magenta can be used to darken green because they are opposite each other on the color wheel. Add black or complementary color a little at a time so as not to overdo it.

      Add white and black (or white and a complementary color) to get muted, grayish colors. By changing the relative amount of added black and white flowers, you can get any desired level of lightness and saturation. For example: add white and black to yellow to get a light olive. The black will darken the yellow, making it olive green, and the white will lighten that olive green. Various olive green shades can be obtained by adjusting the amount of paint added.

      • To obtain a desaturated color, such as brown (dark orange), you can adjust the hue in the same way as for a bright orange - by adding a small amount of colors nearby on the color wheel: magenta, yellow, red or orange. They will make the brown more vibrant while changing its hue. But since brown is not a bright color, you can also use colors on the other sides of the triangle, such as green or blue, which will darken the brown while changing its hue.
    2. Get black. This can be done by mixing any two mutually complementary, as well as three or more equidistant colors from each other on the color wheel. Just don't add white or any color that contains white unless you want to get a shade of gray. If the resulting black leans too much towards a particular color, neutralize it by adding a little complementary color to that color.

      Don't try to get white. White cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. Like the three primary colors - magenta, yellow and cyan - you will have to buy them, unless, of course, you work with materials like watercolor, for which paper itself is used instead of white if necessary.

      Develop an action plan. Think about the tone, lightness, and saturation of the color you have and the color you want to achieve, and make adjustments accordingly.

      • For example, a shade of green can be brought closer to cyan or yellow - its neighbors on the color wheel. It can be lightened by adding white. Or darken it by adding black or its complementary color, namely purple, magenta or red, depending on the shade of green. You can tone it down by adding black and white, or make a desaturated green a little brighter by adding (bright) green.
      • One more example. You mixed red and white to make pink, but the pink came out too bright and warm (yellowish). To correct the warm tone, you will have to add a little magenta. To tone down a hot pink, add white, a complementary color (or black), or both. Decide if you want a darker pink (add only the complementary color), taupe pink (add white and complementary color), or just a lighter pink (add only white). If you're planning on adjusting the hue with magenta and muting the pink with green or cyan (complementary to magenta and red), you can try combining the two by using a color between magenta and cyan, such as blue.
    3. Mix paints and start creating a masterpiece! If all this seems impossible to you, you just need a little practice. Creating a color guide for your own needs - good way practice using the principles of color theory. Even printing it from a computer, you will provide yourself useful information while you still have no practice and you can not work on an intuitive level.

    Color samples and how to get them

    • Choose the color you would like to receive and follow the instructions below. Each sample gives whole line opportunities; you can adjust the amount of paint used to get exactly the color you want. For example, any light color can be lightened or darkened by adding more or less white. Complementary, or complementary, colors are colors located opposite each other on the RGB/CMY color wheel.
    • Red: Add some yellow or orange to the magenta.
      • Light red (salmon pink, coral): Add white to red. Use less white and more red to get coral.
      • Dark red: Add some black (or cyan) to red. Cyan is complementary to red.
      • Muted red: Add white and black (or cyan) to red.
    • Yellow: Yellow cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. You will have to buy it.
      • Light yellow: Add white to yellow.
      • Dark yellow (olive green): Add some black (or purple-blue) to the yellow. Violet-blue is complementary to yellow.
      • Muted yellow (light olive): Add white or black (or violet-blue) to yellow.
    • Green: Mix cyan and yellow.
      • Light green: Add white to green.
      • Dark green: Add some black (or magenta) to the green. Magenta is complementary to green.
      • Grey-green: Add white and black (or magenta) to green.
    • Cyan (turquoise blue): Cyan cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. You will have to buy it.
      • Light cyan: Add white to cyan.
      • Dark cyan: Add some black (or red) to cyan. Red is complementary to cyan.
      • Grey-blue: Add white and black (or red) to cyan.
    • Violet blue: Mix magenta with cyan or blue.
      • Light Violet Blue (Lavender): Add white to purple-blue.
      • Dark purple blue: Add some black (or yellow) to violet-blue. Yellow is complementary to purple.
      • Greyish Violet Blue: Add white and black (or yellow) to violet-blue.
    • Violet: Mix magenta with a little cyan, blue or violet blue.
      • Light purple: Add white to purple.
      • Dark purple: Add some black (or lime green) to purple. Lime green is complementary to purple.
      • Muted purple: Add white and black (or lime green) to purple.
    • Black: Black can be obtained by mixing any two complementary colors or three colors equidistant on the exact CMY/RGB color wheel, such as red, green, and blue. If you get a dark color instead of pure black, correct it by adding its complementary color.
    • White: White cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. You will have to buy it. To get a warm white (such as cream), add some yellow. To get a cool white, add a little cyan.
    • Grey: Gray is a mixture of black and white.
    • When mixing paints, add them little by little to control the color. You can always add more. This is especially true when working with black and blue, which tend to dominate other colors. Add a little at a time until you get the desired result.
    • To find out if a color is complementary, use your own eyes. It's an old trick: look closely at a color, then look away at a white surface. Due to the "color fatigue" of the eyes, you will see the opposite color.
    • Choosing primary colors when shopping can be tricky. Look for a magenta that is free of white and blue pigments (PW and PB). Violet and red pigments such as PV19 and PR122 work best. Good cyan PB15:3. PB15 and PG7 are also good. If you need artistic paints or frosting, you can try to match the colors with the printer. Print a sample from your computer to a printer to take with you to the store, or look for the primary colors on the sides of a cereal or cookie box.
    • You need one color triangle of colors that provide visual balance to the picture, and another color triangle to determine pairs of colors that cancel each other out, since complementary colors for these tasks are slightly different. So, ultramarine works well with lemon yellow and other beautiful yellows, but to darken these yellows, use purple. Additional information on this subject can be found on the net.
    • How many tubes of different paints do you really need to paint a picture? Jean-Louis Morell's book on watercolor painting shows how, using the cyan-yellow-magenta color triangle, you can get almost any desired color from just four or five, but this can also be done using the three listed plus white (paper acts as white in watercolor painting)!
      • The best range of shades can be obtained by mixing colors that are close to the CMY primary colors, but to get a darker shade, one - or even better two - should be darker than these primary colors, for example, Persian blue or cobalt blue, crimson alizarin.
    • What are you writing? The colors you need depend entirely on what you're writing. For example, ultramarine, Neapolitan yellow, burnt sienna and white are useful for distant landscapes if bright greens and yellows are not needed.

    What will you need

    • Palette - disposable paper is well suited.
    • Palette knife (any size)
    • Watercolor paper or primed canvas (available from your local art supply store; ready-made primed canvas works well)
    • Containers with water or solvent for washing brushes
    • Synthetic brush of your choice (#8 round or #6 flat works well)
    • Spray bottle to keep water-based paints from drying out
    • Paper towels to remove dirt and clean brushes
    • Color circle
    • Paints
    • A bathrobe or an old shirt that you don't mind getting dirty
    • Gloves

In the interior of the premises, wall decoration is in vogue various types plasters and painting them with paints. But not always in construction stores You can choose your favorite palette. Do not despair. Modern technologies allow you to get the desired result. Mixing colors of standard shades allows you to get the desired result. The next question arises, how to mix paints to get a beautiful tone? Let's try to get an answer.

There are quite a few tones. But the production of paints is based on the use of standard colors. Non-standard colors are now in vogue, which can be obtained by mixing dyes. How to mix colors correctly, the following recommendations from experts will suggest.

It has been known since childhood that the basis of all tones are three colors: red, blue, yellow.

For other options, you need to know the rules for mixing paints. The combination of basic dyes gives a wide range of different halftones.

The secret of creating a new color by mixing colors is the use of basic dyes in different proportions. For example, when you mix blue with yellow, you get green. If you continue to add yellow to the resulting substance, you can get tones that are increasingly approaching it. It all depends on the volumes that are connected.

On the video: how to get a new color.

The nuances of the connection of dyes

Mixing colors of chromatic shades, which are placed next to each other in the color wheel, give a fairly bright palette. If we mix dyes that are on opposite sides of the circle, we get achromatic tones, that is, with a predominance of gray.

To get the desired result, you need to understand not only color scheme, but also make sure that the solutions are suitable in chemical composition. IN otherwise you may get unexpected results. If the color, when mixing paints, initially turns out to be bright, then over time it begins to darken and gray. For example, the combination of white lead and cinnabar red color gives an initially bright pink, but after a while it will lose its saturation. This also applies oil paints. They are very susceptible to solvents.

by the most the best option to achieve a high-quality saturated color scheme is the connection minimum quantity colors. Comparability of materials is required. A color mixing table will help in their selection.

Traditional palette mixing options

When you get a color scheme yourself, you need to know the rules for mixing paints. Consider the common options for obtaining the desired color.


Red is a representative of the main color scheme. To obtain various red shades, you must follow the rules:

  • The tone of carmine, which is as close as possible to fuchsia, is combined with yellow 2: 1. The result is red.
  • Combining pink with yellow, we get orange.
  • To get scarlet, you need to take red and yellow in a ratio of 2: 1.
  • To achieve a red palette with a soft effect, red and pink paint are mixed. To achieve a lighter tone, it is better to add white paint.
  • If you add dye to the main red paint dark color, then we get burgundy.
  • Dark red can be achieved by mixing red and purple in a ratio of 3:1.


There are primary colors, which include blue. To obtain the desired blue tint, you must use this primary color. Blue is obtained by adding white to the blue palette. As the volume increases, the white shade will become lighter. To obtain a moderate tone, turquoise is used instead of white.

For getting blue flowers and shades, you must follow the following scheme. Add to blue:

  • yellow and get blue-green;
  • red, in the end we get purple;
  • orange will provide gray;
  • black will make it possible to form dark blue.


How to mix paints to get green and its shades. The basic rule is to mix yellow and blue dyes. A bright palette of green shades is achieved by combining primary colors in different volumes and adding additional dyes. Additional colors- it's black and white.

How to get khaki color? To do this, two elements are connected: yellow and blue, with the addition of brown tinting. For the result obtained, the amount of substance is important. Olive color can be obtained by taking green yellow tones. Making a mustard shade is more difficult. Red, black and a little green are added to yellow.

Green is not a primary color. To obtain it, the colors of yellow and blue paints are mixed. But, to obtain a rich green tone, it is necessary to use green paint prepared at the factory. If the green paint was made independently, then the tones will not be bright.

Mixing dyes that have a white and green tint makes it possible to get light green, and if you add a little yellow, you can admire light green.

Other shades

Let's look at other tones. What shade is one of the most sought after? Very often used in the interior gray tone. It will turn out if black is mixed with white. The more white, the lighter the result will be.

Gray is also very often in demand, which has a silvery metallic tint. When mixed, a silver color will turn out if you use different additives, for example, antimony.

So, in order to have the color that suits a particular interior, you need to mix dyes. What colors to mix in order to get everything right, the recommendations given above will tell you. The resulting paints will delight the owners for a long time.

How to get the right shade (1 video)