Age groups for passing GTO standards. How to comply with GTO standards

By performing types of tests(tests) included

to the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex

“Ready for labor and defense” (GTO)

Compliance with the standards of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) (hereinafter referred to as the GTO complex) is carried out in a competitive environment in testing centers. At the stages of preparation and implementation of the standards of the GTO complex, medical control is carried out.

In order for participants to fully realize their abilities, it is necessary to choose an appropriate testing sequence. It consists in the need to start testing with the least energy-intensive types of tests (tests) and providing participants with a sufficient rest period between performing standards.

Before testing, participants perform individual or general warm-up under the guidance of an instructor, teacher (coach-teacher) or independently. Participants' clothing and footwear are sports.

During testing, the necessary safety measures and preservation of the health of participants are provided.

Shuttle running is carried out on any flat surface with a hard surface that provides good grip on shoes. At a distance of 10 m, two parallel lines are drawn - “Start” and “Finish”.

Participants, without stepping on the starting line, take a high start position. On the command “March!” (with the stopwatch starting at the same time) participants run to the finish line, touch the line with their hand, return to the start line, touch it and overcome the last segment without touching the finish line with their hand. The stopwatch is stopped at the moment of crossing the “Finish” line. Participants start in groups of 2 people.

Running is carried out along the stadium tracks or on any flat, hard-surfaced area. The 30 m run is performed from a high start, the 60 and 100 m run from a low or high start. Participants start in groups of 2 - 4 people.

Endurance running is carried out on a stadium treadmill or any flat terrain. The maximum number of race participants is 20 people.

Mixed movement consists of running, turning into walking in any sequence.

It is carried out on a stadium treadmill or any flat terrain. The maximum number of race participants is 20 people.

A standing long jump with a push with two legs is performed in the appropriate jumping sector. The take-off point should provide good grip on the shoe. The participant takes the starting position (hereinafter referred to as IP): feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes in front of the measurement line. A simultaneous push of both legs is used to jump forward. Arm swing is allowed.

The measurement is taken along a perpendicular straight line from the measurement line to the nearest mark left by any part of the participant’s body.

1) stepping beyond the measurement line or touching it;

2) performing repulsion from a preliminary jump;

3) pushing off with legs at different times.

The running long jump is performed in the appropriate jumping sector.

The measurement is taken along a perpendicular straight line from the point of repulsion to the nearest mark left by any part of the participant’s body.

The participant is given three attempts. For credit the best is coming result.

A pull-up from a hanging position lying on a low bar is performed from an IP: hanging lying face up with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart, head, torso and legs forming a straight line, heels can rest against a support up to 4 cm high.

The height of the crossbar bar for participants in stages I - III is 90 cm. The height of the crossbar bar for participants in stages IV - IX is 110 cm.

In order to take the IP, the participant approaches the bar, grabs the bar with an overhand grip, squats under the bar and, keeping his head straight, places his chin on the bar of the bar. After which, without straightening your arms and without lifting your chin from the bar, stepping forward, straightens so that your head, torso and legs form a straight line. The assistant referee places a support under the competitor’s feet. After this, the participant straightens his arms and takes the IP position. From the IP, the participant pulls himself up until his chin crosses the bar of the bar, then lowers himself into a hanging position and, having fixed the IP at 0.5 s, continues performing the exercise.

The number of correctly performed pull-ups is counted, recorded by the judge’s score.

1) pull-ups with jerks or bending of the body;

Pull-ups from hanging on a high bar are performed from an IP: hanging with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart, arms, torso and legs straightened, legs not touching the floor, feet together.

The participant pulls himself up so that the chin crosses the top line of the bar, then lowers himself into a hanging position and, having fixed the IP at 0.5 s, continues performing the exercise. The number of correctly performed pull-ups is counted.

1) pulling up with jerks or swings of the legs (torso);

2) the chin did not rise above the bar;

3) lack of fixation at 0.5 s PI;

4) bending the arms at different times.

Weights weighing 16 kg are used for testing. The control time for performing the exercise is 4 minutes. The total number of correctly performed lifts of the weight with the right and left hands is counted.

Testing is carried out on a platform or any flat area measuring 2x2 m. The participant is required to compete in sports uniforms that allow the judges to determine the straightening of the working arm and the extension of the legs in the hip and knee joints.

The kettlebell snatch is performed in one step, first with one hand, then without a break with the other. The participant must lift the weight upward with a continuous movement until the arm is fully straightened and fix it. The working arm, legs and torso must be straightened. The transition to performing the exercise with the other hand can be done once. Additional swings are allowed to change hands.

The participant has the right to start the exercise with any hand and move on to performing the exercise with the second hand at any time, rest while holding the weight in the upper or lower position for no more than 5 seconds. During the exercise, the judge counts each correctly performed lift after fixing the weight for at least 0.5 s.


1) use any devices that make it easier to lift weights, including gymnastic pads;

2) use rosin to prepare your palms;

3) help yourself by resting your free hand on your thigh or torso;

4) placing the weight on the head, shoulder, chest, leg or platform;

5) leaving the platform.

1) push up the weights;

2) touching the legs, torso, weights, working arm with the free hand.

Testing the flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor can be carried out with or without the use of a “contact platform”.

Bending and extension of the arms in support while lying on the floor is performed from the IP: emphasis lying on the floor, arms shoulder-width apart, hands forward, elbows separated by no more than 45 degrees, shoulders, torso and legs form a straight line. The feet rest on the floor without support.

Bending your arms, you need to touch your chest to the floor or “contact platform” 5 cm high, then, straightening your arms, return to the IP and, fixing it for 0.5 s, continue testing.

The number of correctly performed flexions and extensions of the arms is counted.

1) touching the floor with knees, hips, pelvis;

2) violation of the straight line “shoulders - torso - legs”;

3) lack of fixation at 0.5 s PI;

5) absence of chest touching the floor (platform);

6) spreading the elbows relative to the body by more than 45 degrees.

Bending and extension of the arms in a lying position is performed from the IP: lying position on a gymnastic bench (chair seat), arms shoulder-width apart, hands resting on the front edge of the gymnastic bench (chair seat), shoulders, torso and legs form a straight line. The feet rest on the floor without support.

Bending your arms, you need to touch your chest to the gymnastic bench (seat of the chair), then, straightening your arms, return to the IP and, fixing it at 0.5 s, continue performing the exercise.

The number of correctly performed flexions and extensions of the arms is counted, recorded by the judge’s score in the IP.

1) touching the floor with your knees;

2) violation of the straight line “shoulders - torso - legs”;

3) absence of IP fixation for 0.5 s;

4) alternate extension of the arms;

5) absence of chest touching the gymnastic bench (or chair seat).

Raising the body from a prone position is performed from the IP: lying on your back on a gymnastic mat, hands behind your head, fingers clasped in a “lock”, shoulder blades touching the mat, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, feet pressed by a partner to the floor.

The participant performs the maximum number of lifts in 1 minute, touching the hips (knees) with the elbows, followed by returning to the IP.

The number of correctly performed body lifts is counted.

To perform testing, pairs are created, one of the partners performs the exercise, the other holds his legs by the feet and shins. Then the participants change places.

1) absence of elbows touching the hips (knees);

2) lack of contact with the shoulder blades of the mat;

3) fingers are open “from the lock”;

4) pelvic displacement.

Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs is performed from the IP: standing on the floor or gymnastic bench, legs straightened at the knees, feet parallel at a width of 10 - 15 cm.

When performing a test on the floor, the participant, on command, performs two preliminary bends. At the third tilt, he touches the floor with the fingers or palms of both hands and records the result for 2 s.

When performing a test on a gymnastic bench, upon command, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations, sliding his fingers along the measurement ruler. During the third bend, the participant bends as much as possible and records the result for 2 s. The amount of flexibility is measured in centimeters. The result above the level of the gymnastic bench is determined by the “-” sign, below - by the “+” sign.

1) bending the legs at the knees;

2) fixing the result with the fingers of one hand;

3) failure to record the result within 2 s.

To throw a tennis ball at a target, a ball weighing 57 g is used.

A tennis ball is thrown at a target from a distance of 6 m into a gymnastic hoop with a diameter of 90 cm fixed on the wall. The lower edge of the hoop is at a height of 2 m from the floor.

The participant is given the right to perform five throws. The number of hits in the area limited by the hoop is counted.

For testing, a ball weighing 150 g and sports equipment weighing 500 g and 700 g are used.

Throwing a ball and sports equipment is carried out in a stadium or any flat area in a corridor 15 m wide. The length of the corridor is set depending on the preparedness of the participants.

Throwing is performed from a place or a direct run-up using the “from behind the back over the shoulder” method. Other throwing methods are prohibited.

The participant is given the right to perform three throws. The best result counts. The measurement is taken from the throwing line to the landing point of the projectile.

Participants in stages II - IV throw a ball weighing 150 g, participants in stages V - VII throw sports equipment weighing 700 and 500 g.

  • Step behind the throwing line;
  • The shell did not hit the “corridor”;
  • The attempt was made without the permission of the referee.


Swimming is carried out in pools or specially equipped places on reservoirs. It is allowed to start from a bedside table, side or from the water. Swimming method is arbitrary. The swimmer must touch the wall of the pool with some part of the body at the completion of each segment of the distance and at the finish line.


1) walk or touch the bottom with your feet;

2) use lane dividers or improvised means to promote or maintain buoyancy;

Skiing 1, 2, 3, 5 km

Cross-country skiing is carried out free style at distances laid primarily on areas with weak and moderately rugged terrain. Competitions are held in places sheltered from the wind in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions (Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

Cross-country 1, 2, 3, 5 km

The cross-country course is laid out in a park, forest or any open space.

Shooting from an air rifle or electronic weapon

Shooting is carried out from an air rifle or from an electronic weapon. Shots - 3 test, 5 test. Time to shoot – 10 minutes. Preparation time: 3 minutes.

Shooting from an air rifle (VP, type IZH-38, IZH-60, MP-512, IZH-32, MP-532, MLG, DIANA) is carried out from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand at a distance of 5 m ( for stage III), 10 m on target No. 8.

Shooting from electronic weapons is carried out from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand at a distance of 5 m (for stage III), 10 m at target No. 8.

Hiking trip with testing of tourist skills

Compliance with tourism standards is carried out on hiking trips in accordance with age requirements. For participants of stages III, VIII - IX, the length of the walk is 5 km, stages IV - V, VII - 10 km, stage VI - 15 km.

During the hike, tourist knowledge and skills are tested: packing a backpack, navigating the terrain using a map and compass, setting up a tent, lighting a fire, and ways to overcome obstacles.

Nordic walking 2, 3, 4 km

Distances for Nordic walking participants are laid (if possible) on park paths on flat or slightly rough terrain. If necessary, participants are provided with poles, the height of which is selected taking into account the height and physical fitness of the participants. Groups of starting participants are formed taking into account age, gender and physical fitness.

Graduate school students are already with all their thoughts in that close and tempting adult life. The vast majority of schoolchildren (with the exception of professionals and enthusiasts) simply do not have enough time to play sports. And even more so for events such as delivery. Firstly, the standards described below are quite high, especially for girls. Their implementation requires serious preparation. (You can find out here.)

It should be noted that for many guys, the 5th level standards prescribed for schoolchildren in grades 10-11 can be an excellent way to prepare for the army. This fate awaits many. And here the GTO 2017 badge, received at the age of 16-17, will come in handy. It can make life much easier by preparing you for upcoming stress.

Girls at this young age should think about the fact that they are about to become mothers. The health of their children will largely depend on the lifestyle the mother led. And, believe me, classes physical culture will only have a beneficial effect on this aspect. Anyway, healthy image life has become very popular among young people in Lately, and this certainly makes me happy. Strive for success too. Find out, .
You can get recommendations for doing exercises here:

Mandatory tests
1. 18 17,6 16,3 14,6 14,3 13,8 100m run (sec.)
2. 11,50 11,20 9,50 9,20 8,50 7,50 Run 2 km (min., sec.)
- - - 15,10 14,40 13,10 or 3 km (min., sec.)
3. 8 10 13 Pull-ups
hanging from a high gear
kladine (number of times)
15 25 35 or kettlebell jerk (number of times)
11 13 19 - - - or pull-ups
hanging from a low position
kladine (number of times)
9 10 16 - - - or bending and straightening
bending arms while lying on the floor (number of times)
4. 7 9 16 6 8 13 Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastics
chess bench (cm)
Optional tests
5. 310 320 360 360 380 440 Running long jump (cm)
160 170 185 200 210 230 or standing long jump with a push with two legs (cm)
6. 20 30 40 30 40 50 Lifting
bending the body from a supine position (number of times per 1 min.)
7. - - - 27 32 38 Sports throwing
heavy projectile weighing 700 g (m)
13 17 21 - - - or weighing 500 g (m)
8. 19.15 18.45 17.30 - - - Skiing 3 km (min., sec.)
- - - 25.40 25.00 23.40 or 5 km (min., sec.)
No time tracking- - - or 3 km cross-country
cross-sectional terrain *
- - - No time trackingor 5 km cross-country
cross-sectional terrain *
9. Excluding1.10 Excluding0.41 Swimming 50 m (min., sec.)
10. 15 20 25 15 20 25 Shooting from pneumatic
rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or counter, distance - 10 m (points)
18 25 30 18 25 30 or from electronic
weapons from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or counter, distance - 10 m (points)
11. Distance: 10 kmTourist
tourist trip with tourist check
technical skills
12. 15-20 21-25 26-30 15-20 21-25 26-30 Self-defense without weapons (glasses)
12 if-
quality of tests at age-
no group
6 7 8 6 7 8 number required
fire tests to obtain the insignia of the Complex**
* For snowless areas
** When fulfilling the standards for receiving the insignia of the Complex, types of tests for speed, strength, endurance and flexibility are required.

An integral part of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” are standards. So what exactly are the GTO standards?

Standards are indicators of distance, quantity, time, expressed in numerical values; compliance with them in each test indicates successful mastery of the complex.

Obviously, these standards cannot be the same for everyone age groups population and have no differences at all between males and females, so all norms by age and gender are slightly different. Detailed data is contained in the table of GTO standards. To determine the optimal values, an analysis was carried out of the level of physical fitness of all age groups of the population (from 6 to 70 years). Based on the results obtained, not only the necessary indicators were identified, but also three levels of GTO standards were determined, on compliance with which the dignity of the insignia directly depends. Thus, for special successes and achievements, a participant in the GTO complex can receive a gold, silver or bronze award.

In addition, in accordance with the standards developed and approved by the Russian Ministry of Sports, the entire GTO complex is divided into 11 levels, which cover all segments of the population aged 6 years and older. It is interesting that the GTO standards within the same level may vary: thus, starting from the VI stage, participants in the same age category are divided into two subgroups. At the same time, the indicators for the second of them decrease slightly. For example, at the VII stage of the GTO, men aged 30 to 34 years and from 35 to 39 years are divided into separate subgroups. Representatives of the first age category, who want to compete for a bronze insignia, need to cover a three-kilometer distance in 15 minutes 20 seconds, while men from the second category must complete it in 15 minutes 30 seconds to receive a similar award.

The list of proposed tests did not include: throwing a training grenade, cross-country on bicycles, speed skating and rope climbing. At the same time, forward bends and ball throwing were included in the GTO complex. In addition, participants of the complex have the opportunity to choose the type of physical activity: now each of them can give preference to several tests, taking into account their own physiological characteristics and likings.

The package of mandatory tests, the standards for which must be met, includes tests for strength, endurance, flexibility and speed. Selective tests include exercises to determine coordination abilities and identify applied skills. Full table GTO standards are presented on our website.

It is worth mentioning that modern GTO standards, although they have some similarities with their Soviet predecessors, are not their direct continuation.