How to pump up sculpted arms for a girl. How to pump up your arms? The best exercises for hands

Powerful arm muscles are the first thing a bodybuilder demonstrates when wanting to show off his achievements. Broad shoulders and sculpted arms have become a kind of cult, a symbol of strength and a real male figure. Not everyone succeeds in achieving the correct proportions the first time. A good result will not be long in coming if you know how to pump up your arms correctly, quickly and without injury.

Basic knowledge

The structure of the arm and shoulder is quite simple. In any case, in the gym, athletes work on three key muscles: biceps, triceps and forearm muscles. With properly organized training, they should all grow evenly. The training program for beginners and advanced bodybuilders differs in that beginners should work with each muscle separately until the body gets used to the load. Professionals can perform complexes for growing biceps and triceps at the same time. This approach improves blood circulation and ensures effective workout. In general, the success of both depends on several simple conditions: correct technique, weight, competent program, control over the part of the body that is working at the moment. There are a lot of videos on the Internet about how to properly pump up your arms. We will look at the basic, basic rules.

The secret to efficiency

A trainer will help you create an optimal training program for three days. It is important to remember that biceps are easy to overwork, so you should not fanatically get carried away with arm work. The load should be distributed evenly, you shouldn’t be overzealous with weights and a lot of repetitions, it’s better to focus on technique, feel the body at the moment of training and it will tell you when it’s time to increase the intensity. You need to start with three, maximum four exercises, performed in three sets of six or seven repetitions.

Here are some effective options to build up your arm muscles.

  • Lifting dumbbells;

  • Lifting the block;
  • Hammer dumbbell raises;

  • Lifting the barbell with a reverse grip;

  • Arm curls performed on a Scott bench;

  • EZ-bar press;
  • Lifting dumbbells onto your forearms.

When doing each of these exercises, it is important to ensure that the load is directed only to the muscles of the arms, and not redistributed to the abs and back. The elbow should not change its position.

Rinat, 22 years old, 5 years in bodybuilding.
When I came to bodybuilding, I wanted to build up powerful shoulders and arms, because I was always puny. I immediately began lifting iron to the point of exhaustion. He grabbed everything: dumbbells, barbells. The guys in the hall stopped me in time. They said that with such diligence I would get injured. I began to lift according to the principle of gradually increasing loads. In the first three months I did three approaches six times. Then three months of 8 repetitions. Then I added one more approach. And for months 1-12 I trained in four approaches ten times. I also changed the exercises periodically, so as not to get used to it. I got good results in a year.

Vasily, 20 years old, 2 years in bodybuilding.
I thought I knew how to properly pump up my arms with dumbbells in a short time. Take it and do it! I chose bench presses and machine work. The arms were still skinny, although they had become considerably stronger. I read somewhere that the circuits need to be changed. I began to introduce new complexes every two months, then I began to work harder. One time I did mass and strength exercises, and the second time I took lighter weights, but doubled the repetitions. Personally, this regimen helped me achieve good results. The biceps and triceps began to grow before our eyes, and the shoulders expanded. I'm happy.

Oleg, 30 years old, 15 years in bodybuilding.
Good programs do not guarantee results. It is important to perform them in such a way that you can feel how the biceps works, how it tenses. It is better to do less and slower, but correctly. Otherwise there will be empty waving of dumbbells.

In this article we will tell you a technique on how to pump up your arms at home without dumbbells and barbells using your own weight for girls and guys. Guys want to pump up their biceps and triceps to make their arms bigger. Girls need to train their arms to be slim and keep them in good shape.

These hand exercises at home are suitable for both women and men. To make the complex universal, each exercise is offered in different variations to increase the load for men and reduce it for women, respectively. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments and get an answer.

Muscular arms, just like pumped up abs, make a huge impression on others. That is why their development is so important.

Developed biceps, triceps, shoulders, forearms - you are not born with them (unlike the calf muscles, the size of which is largely determined by genetics), this is achieved through long training.

The owners of fitness rooms know this, so everything there is equipped for convenient arm training.

But if you travel or work somewhere far away, you will have to use a trick. In addition to regular classes in the gym, you will need to do arm training without exercise equipment.

Luckily, there are a number of at-home arm exercises that you can do almost anywhere. They mainly use your own body weight.

To understand how to build up arm muscles at home without dumbbells, you need to study the anatomy of the arms and understand what makes them what they are.

Arm muscle anatomy

The main muscles of the arms are the biceps and triceps. These are the areas we will focus on to improve the appearance of our arms and increase their strength.

You should reconsider your attitude towards training with light weights and high repetitions (15+). This is suitable for both women and men.

To make the muscles grow (which gives them shape and relief / makes the muscles toned) you need to load them with exercises that can be performed with excellent technique 6-12 times per approach.

It is normal for you to focus more on training one muscle than others if you are faced with such a task (for example, if that muscle is lagging). But provided that the remaining muscles are sufficiently developed to avoid disproportion and injury.


Men often neglect the development of the triceps muscle, which is located on the back of the arms. They prefer to pump their biceps because its shape is clearly defined and visible to the eye.

But the triceps are a larger muscle group than the biceps, and if you want bigger arms, you should add a little more emphasis on pumping them up.

Triceps training is important not only for men. The fact is that women are genetically more inclined to accumulate fat than men. And their fat is located in different places. As a rule, in men in the upper part of the body (hence the “beer” bellies), and in women on the thighs and arms.

The most effective way to lose fat is through diet. But it is also important to combine it with training to strengthen the muscles of the arms, in particular the triceps, to give the arms a beautiful shape and “fitness”.


Although it is a relatively small muscle, this does not mean that it should receive little attention. Located on the front of the shoulder, it is perhaps most commonly associated with strength and power - just ask any child to imitate the training process of a bodybuilder and they will start doing a bicep curl.

Strong biceps are needed in back exercises. They help maintain a straight posture and help avoid injury.

Now let's get down to the main thing - how to pump up arm muscles at home. And for this we have prepared the best exercises with varying degrees of difficulty.

The best triceps exercises without dumbbells and machines

With these exercises you can pump up your arms at home without dumbbells, barbells or even exercise machines.

The great thing about triceps (and chest) exercises is that they can be done anywhere. This requires nothing more than the floor and walls. Here are the 3 best exercises:

1. Push-ups with narrow arms (diamond or diamond push-ups)

Close-grip push-ups (here we are looking at a variation called diamond push-ups) are not an easy exercise, but when done correctly they are one of the best for the triceps.

In regular push-ups, your arms are placed slightly wider than your shoulders, so the load is distributed between the chest and triceps. And with a narrow grip, only the triceps are loaded, because in it the palms are placed together and the elbows are kept close to the body.

Here's how it should be done:

  • Place your hands on the floor, connecting the thumbs and index fingers of both hands, creating a “diamond” (triangle) shape.
  • Keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible, lower yourself down until your chest touches the outside of your palms.
  • Keep all muscles (abs, buttocks, thighs) tense
  • Raise your body up to the starting position. Then do it all over again.

Lightweight options (if the usual method is too difficult):

  • Close-grip wall push-ups
  • Close-grip push-ups with emphasis on a bench (or any other elevation)
  • Regular push-ups

Complicated options (if the usual method is too easy):

  • Close-grip push-ups with feet resting on a height (for example, a chair)
  • Close-grip push-ups with weights (such as a backpack)

2. Triceps push-ups

This is another exercise that works the chest and triceps to varying degrees, depending on the variation you choose.

For most people, this exercise will be a good place to start, but your goal should be to progress to dips (they involve more muscles in the work).

The only downside to dips is that you have to find something suitable to do them. On playgrounds, bars are most often present, but instead of them, you can use the corner of a table or two strong chairs.

Here's how to do this exercise according to the video above:

  • Maintain balance between two benches or chairs, keeping your feet on one and your hands on the opposite side.
  • Push your chest forward and keep your back straight.
  • Lower yourself until your elbows are bent at about a 90-degree angle.
  • Then rise up, straightening your arms.

Lightweight options:

  • Triceps push-ups with bent knees (feet on the floor)
  • Bench push-ups for triceps with feet on the floor

More complicated options:

  • Triceps push-ups with weights. Place your backpack or suitcase on your hips.
  • Dips

  • Weighted dips (hang a heavy backpack or use something that can be secured between your legs).

3. Triceps extension

All of the previous exercises are great because they work multiple muscles at the same time. But single-joint, or isolated, exercises are very useful for working out lagging muscles.

The video above shows the exercise using a TRX machine and a weighted vest, but you can use a wall or other surface.

Here's how it's done:

  • Stand in front of the TRX, table, or wall and place your hands about 15 centimeters apart.
  • Place your feet about a meter from the wall. Maintain tension in your abs and glutes to keep your body in a straight line.
  • By bending only your elbows, lower your entire body so that your head drops just below your hands.
  • Do not make any movements with your elbows other than flexion and extension.
  • Lift your body using only triceps strength.

Lightweight version:

  • Triceps extension from the wall (the position of your hands and the smaller the angle between your body and the wall, the easier)

Complicated version:

  • Triceps extension from the floor

The best biceps exercises

Unfortunately, you'll have to find some equipment to train your biceps (and your back at the same time). If you don't have a playground with a horizontal bar nearby, you need to find something to hang from. And another table (for horizontal pull-ups).

1. Reverse-grip biceps pull-ups

This is my favorite exercise after the deadlift.

Here, as in regular pull-ups, the back works. But thanks to a different grip, a lot of the load falls on the biceps.

I have always believed that pull-ups are better than dumbbell curls due to the inclusion of more weight (your own body weight) and a greater range of motion.

This is another exercise that can be difficult for beginners, so some modifications are given below. But if you think you can handle it, here are the instructions:

  • Grasp the bar with both hands. The grip width is narrower than shoulder width. Palms pointing towards you.
  • Do not relax your abs and buttocks so that your body in profile resembles a straight line.
  • During execution, bring your shoulder blades together and, as it were, pull them down.
  • When your chin reaches the bar, stop and slowly lower yourself down.

Lightweight options:

  • Negative pull-ups

  • Isometric holds on the horizontal bar

Complicated version:

  • Regular grip pull-ups

  • Bicep pull-ups with weights

2. Horizontal pull-ups

Even when I'm working on my back at the gym, I choose horizontal pull-ups.

You may have heard of the bent-over barbell row. You grab a barbell, bend over, and pull the barbell toward your chest. This is a good exercise if done properly. But if the weight is heavy, it becomes difficult to perform the exercise with proper technique.

Horizontal pull-ups solve this problem. The technique of performing this exercise is difficult to spoil; weights can be added without the risk of increasing the risk of injury.

In addition to the back, they are also a great workout for the biceps and core.

Watch the video training for this exercise and follow these instructions:

  • Lie on the floor under a bar or table.
  • Grab the bar or edge of the table so that your palms are facing away from you.
  • Maintain tension in your abs to keep your body in a straight line.
  • Pull your body up until your chest touches the bar or table.
  • Then lower yourself.

Lightweight options:

  • Pull at the doorway

  • Pulling with a rag

More complicated options:

  • Horizontal pull-ups with increased leg support

  • Horizontal pull-ups with weights (for example, a backpack)

3. Biceps curl with expander

For the last exercise in our series you will need a resistance band orTRX.

This isolation exercise is great for completing a biceps workout. Honestly, you probably won't need it if you regularly perform reverse grip pull-ups and horizontal pull-ups.

Instructions for working with the expander:

  • Step on one handle with your foot. Take the other one in your hand.
  • Allow your arms to hang freely so that there is no tension in the resistance band.
  • Push your chest forward.
  • Bend your elbows, raising your arms to your shoulders.
  • Slowly lower your arms.

Instructions forTRX:

  • Grab the handles and lean back. The further you bend, the harder the exercise will be.
  • Bend your elbows. The inside of your palm should face your direction.
  • Slowly straighten your arm to the original position.

Summing up

I have combined in this article exercises that can be done anywhere.

These are great for a day when you're training your upper body. But they should be only part of the overall set of exercises (I do not recommend training exclusively your arms, no matter how attractive it may seem!). If you are interested in how to quickly pump up your arms, then I will say that you need to focus on increasing your total body weight and comprehensive training of all muscles. Because our body does not tolerate imbalances and it is difficult to pump up huge arms with small muscles throughout the body.

I've combined these exercises into a superset to save you time. Everything will take you 30 minutes.

A superset, or super series, is when, after finishing one exercise, another immediately follows (without rest). This system works because while the muscles involved in the previous exercise are being restored, others are already working.

The order in which supersets are performed will be denoted by a number, and the combination of exercises into a superset will be denoted by a letter. In this workout, for example, the first superset includes bicep pull-ups (1A) and diamond push-ups (1B). You do 1 set of pull-ups, then immediately a set of push-ups. The superset is over. Rest and start a new superset. Do the next exercise in the series for the triceps, and the next in the series for the biceps. Rest. The same goes for the third superset.

When all the exercises in the program become easy for you, make them more difficult.

How long do you pump your arms? Write in the comments what helped you in this matter and what did not.(3 ratings, average: 3.67 out of 5)

Flabby muscles are completely unattractive. You can tighten your arm muscles in the shortest possible time if you do intensive training on a regular basis. Each muscle group requires individual intensity and exercise. The result will be obvious after a week of comprehensive training.

If you do acrobatics, pole dancing, or strength martial arts, then you need to primarily direct the main load to your hands. The first and most basic thing you can use is an expander, or in extreme cases, a rubber ball. Perform the maximum allowable number of compressions, alternating the exercise with warming up your fingers. Stand facing the wall at a distance of 0.5-0.7 m. Place your palms against the wall, push off as sharply and strongly as possible, lowering to the starting position, and again sharply push away from the wall. Repeat 50 times, alternating with another exercise. Do the same for each hand separately. Perform circular rotations with your brushes in different directions.

Get ready for push-ups from the floor, if it’s hard to do push-ups on an elongated body, then get on your knees and do push-ups 10 times, then hold in the position for 10 seconds. Move both palms under your chest and try to do 5 push-ups; this exercise may not work right away if your hands are weak enough. Take a position on your hands, as before a push-up, straighten your palms and turn them to the sides. Try to jump while to land on your fists, with the next jump land on your palms and alternate this way 15 times. Stretch your hand forward, and with the other pull the fingers of your outstretched hand towards you, hold in this position for 20 seconds. Change your hand. For a few dress for hours a day sports weights on the hands. After a week, increase the time. Sit on the floor, bend your legs under you, place your palms in front of you: put your wrists next to each other and your fingers apart. Having created support, slowly transfer your body weight to your hands and hold in this position for 20 seconds. Start training your biceps or forearm muscles. You will definitely need dumbbells - the optimal weight is 4 gk / 1 dumbbell. Sit on a bench or stool, alternately raise and lower the dumbbell with one of your hands, bringing it as close to you as possible. At the top point, fix the dumbbell for 5 seconds, then lower it. Take a standing or sitting position and perform the “hammer” movement: bend your arms with dumbbells towards your shoulders as you inhale and lower them as you exhale - alternately or simultaneously. Regular breathing is extremely important. Classic push-ups are the most common and an effective method of swaying all muscle groups. In a lying position, set a wide grip - arms shoulder-width apart, slightly bent, body straight, feet hip-width apart. Inhale and slowly bend your elbows without touching the floor to return to the starting position. Do 15 push-ups. Do a classic push-up, but with a clap. After the clap, land on slightly bent palms. Exercises on the horizontal bar give good and quick results. Grab the bar, arching your back, squeeze your shoulder blades together and try to slowly pull yourself up, lift your chin over the horizontal bar and slowly lower it. Try to do 5 pull-ups in 3 sets.

Powerful arms with pumped up biceps and triceps are the dream of every man and the aspiration of all boys from an early age. The upper limbs are considered one of the most visible parts of the body, which is why dumbbells and barbells have become so popular. However, having sports equipment is not enough, since pumping up your arms is extremely difficult and you need to do it correctly so that the muscles begin to grow quickly. That is why it is so important to follow the execution technique in order to achieve an increase in muscle tissue in a month.

An experienced bodybuilding athlete can tell you about what to pump your arms with in training in this video:

Purchasing a barbell usually always pays off, but it is advisable to have someone nearby for backup. By bending and straightening the arms in which it is placed, you can achieve pumped muscles. However, before you take up the bar, you need to know the rules for using sports equipment:

  • Choose weight. You can start training effectively if you lift the barbell to a minimum weight. To begin with, the athlete must learn the correct technique for performing the exercise, and only then load himself to improve;
  • Warming up the muscles. Before starting a workout with iron, as before any other load, a warm-up is necessary. Muscle tissue must be well warmed up to avoid injury and be more resilient.

Next, you can move on to the training program itself. You will be able to see the first results no earlier than in a month., so you shouldn’t expect results in 1 week, but the following exercise can help with how to pump up your arm muscles:

  • Leans his back against the wall;
  • Take the bar with your palms towards you, spreading your arms wide;
  • Do 2 sets of 10 reps. During the exercise, you should pay attention to the fact that the elbows do not move and do not fully extend, and that the bar reaches the chest when lifting;
  • Change your grip, that is, position your hands so that your palms face away from you and do 2 more approaches of 10 times.

This exercise helps not only with how to properly pump your arms, but also allows you to tighten your back muscles. You can watch a professional with a barbell in this video:


Dumbbells are one of the most common sports equipment. They are found in virtually every home, but mostly they stand somewhere in a dark corner. If you effectively use dumbbells 3-4 times a week, you can achieve results quickly, and the following exercises can help you with how to properly pump up your arms:

  • Alternation. Dumbbells need to be lifted rhythmically and without getting lost. It is advisable to do the exercise on a chair. During execution, the projectile must be fixed at the top point for a few seconds, and then brought down and at the same moment move the other hand up from below;
  • With a hammer. Both projectiles rise up and fall to their original position at the same time. Otherwise, the pumping technique is identical to the previous exercise;
  • Traction. This exercise is used primarily for pumping the back of the shoulder (delta). Many people forget about this muscle tissue, so it is advisable to pump it up during training with similar movements. First you need to lie on your stomach, for example, on top of a bench or other elevated surface, in order to place your upper limbs on your sides on the floor. While inhaling, the athlete should raise his arms with dumbbells to the chest, while spreading his elbows to the sides. As you exhale, you should return to the starting position.

Taken together, these exercises allow you to solve the problem of how to quickly pump up your arms with dumbbells, especially your biceps and triceps. The result can be seen within 1-2 months after the first lesson.

Many athletes try to focus on dumbbells. After all, with their help you can distribute the load as you like, depending on your individual characteristics.

The main advantage of dumbbells over a barbell is the ability to perform a larger range of motion, due to which other muscle groups are also affected. The number of repetitions is selected individually, but initially you can start with 3 sets of 20 times for each exercise.

You can see some types of exercises with dumbbells in this video:

Push ups

Probably nothing can help with how to pump up your arms in a week, but push-ups will clearly accelerate the growth of muscle tissue. Thanks to them, a person can strengthen the upper limbs and back, as well as tighten other muscle groups. After all, during the exercise, most of the body is in static tension, so virtually all muscle tissues receive a load. Using the following types of push-ups, you can figure out how to pump up your biceps and triceps without a gym:

  • Regular. The athlete must take a lying position and bend the upper limbs at the elbow joints. During the exercise, your hands are positioned shoulder-width apart, and your back should not bend;
  • Narrow grip. Unlike the previous type of exercise, in this case you need to place your hands as close to each other as possible. This grip is responsible for pumping the back surface of the hands;
  • Wide grip. In this case, the upper limbs are placed as wide as possible. This position serves not only to pump up the arms, but also the pectoral muscles.

There are other types of push-ups that are only suitable for advanced athletes, such as single-limb push-ups or clap push-ups. By combining various exercises to pump up your arms, you can load all the necessary muscle groups. Initially, you can start with 3 sets of 5-10 push-ups and gradually increase the number of times to 50.

You can look at the technique of performing the 20 best push-ups from the floor below:


On the uneven bars, athletes usually pump up the muscle tissue of the back, chest and upper limbs. However, before starting training on this sports equipment, you need to study the recommendations of specialists, since it will not be possible to quickly pump up your arm muscles without this. You can see their list below:

  • Standing on your hands while exercising on parallel bars puts a lot of strain on your muscles, so they should first be warmed up. If you devote 5-10 minutes to this moment, you can prevent injuries and increase endurance;
  • Among the exercises for pumping up arms on the uneven bars, beginners should choose a simple deflection and a regular grip to avoid injuries;
  • You need to do exercises to pump up your arms regularly. In this case, it will be possible to maintain the effect of training;
  • When performing an exercise to swing your arms, you need to feel tension in all muscle groups involved. To do this, you need to make movements smoothly and carefully to avoid unnecessary injuries;
  • Exercises to pump up your arms are done quickly, but without unnecessary jerks or other oscillatory movements.

You must perform at least 3 approaches 10 times. For weighting, it will be enough to use a wide grip. When practicing on the uneven bars, you need to ensure that the lower limbs remain bent and do not touch the floor, and that the back is slightly rounded. In this case, you will be able to quickly pump up your arms, since all the necessary muscle tissue will work.

In this video, the athlete talks about the features of training on the uneven bars:

Horizontal bar

The horizontal bar is one of those sports equipment that can easily help pump up your arms, because it loads all the muscle groups of the upper extremities, as well as the back and abs. Pull-ups do not require any additional equipment, so you can go out into the yard to the bar and start practicing. You can swing your arms more effectively, but to do this you will have to combine the width of your hands and their grip, both forward (palms facing you) and reverse (palms facing you). You can see the variations of the exercise in this video:

You need to do 3-4 approaches, and the number of repetitions depends on the physical development of the athlete. If a person cannot do a single pull-up, then you can initially use a stand or stool, but it is advisable to lower yourself onto outstretched arms.

Anyone can pump up their arms if they choose a special exercise program for themselves. However, you should not perform a bunch of different complexes at the same time, since it is important only to load certain muscle groups, and not to deplete them completely. It is recommended to choose a special scheme for yourself and strictly follow it. In this case, by following a diet and combined with hard training, you can achieve the desired result.

There are probably guys like this in every gym - fans of powerful biceps and impressive chests. Usually they show up to the gym only on the days of arm and chest training (of course, they have to show off to the losers!), and on other days they are hardly visible. But in their training they give 100%: they spend hours pumping up their biceps and triceps and doing presses.

But year after year they remain unchanged, their muscle growth seems to slow down. What's the matter? - They don’t know how to properly pump their arms, or rather, they don’t understand that to grow biceps and triceps, you need to exercise not only these muscles.

These unfortunate jocks will never know how to pump their arms correctly until they stop and analyze their training process. Arm muscles, like other muscle groups, grow best when exposed to heavy weights and progressive overload. Bodybuilders who take various nutritional supplements and anabolic steroids can only maintain their muscles in tone, which cannot be said about natural athletes who do not use chemicals. How to pump up big arms for these guys, they, as they say, have no limits to perfection, the result depends only on them. Natural bodybuilders MUST progress and become stronger with each workout in order to create the conditions for faster muscle fiber growth. This applies to all muscle groups.

In this article you will find a science- and time-tested way to pump up your arms and make them stronger.

What arm muscles need to be trained: anatomy

The main muscle groups of the arms are the triceps, biceps and forearms.

If you want to pump up your arms, then you need to pay special attention to these 3 muscle groups:

  • Biceps (long head, short head)
  • Triceps brachii (triceps) - all 3 heads (longus, lateral, medial)
  • Forearm muscles (abductors, extensor and stabilizing muscles)

Most people think that the size of the arm muscles is directly related to the size of the biceps, but this is not true. In fact, the size of the arms is completely dependent on the size and strength of the triceps. The triceps brachii muscle has a greater visual effect than the biceps. The reason is that the triceps make up 2/3 of the total area of ​​the hand. The muscles of the forearm are often not given due attention and are neglected, just like the lower legs. But in vain.

And now the main question is how to pump up arm muscles, how to increase biceps and triceps?

Optimal training frequency and arm exercises

Go to any gym and you're bound to see a few guys doing crazy amounts of sets and reps on arm exercises.

I bet they read about this supposedly super-effective training method in some popular sports magazine or copied it from a professional "chemical" bodybuilder.

The thing is, when you exhaust your muscles with countless sets of fancy arm exercises until you can't even lift your arm, you risk stunting muscle growth. And even after a few years of such intensive work, you will have the same volumes of biceps and triceps as now.

And this happens because a muscle grows only when its strength increases, and not when it is forced to work for wear.

How to pump your arms correctly: make sure you understand the specifics of the exercise correctly, keep your arms in the desired position, then you need to perform a full range of motion with a number of repetitions from 4 to 8. After about a week of regular training, you can increase the weight. Remember, this is not rocket science! When you put too much stress on your muscles, they simply won't grow!

We have developed a special program based on the principles of the main male hormone - testosterone.

In addition to choosing 1-2 main exercises for biceps and triceps, you should also choose 1-2 additional exercises for biceps, triceps and forearm muscles. By the way, you can perform a greater number of repetitions for just such additional exercises, just remember that there should be no more than 12 of them - too much will negatively affect the functioning of the central nervous system, and will have the opposite effect on the growth of muscle mass and strength. And please, don’t lift weights until you lose consciousness - this will send the wrong impulse to the nervous system and is guaranteed to slow down the whole process.

Arm workout:

  • Basic exercise for biceps 6*3
  • Basic triceps exercise 8*3
  • Additional exercise for biceps 12*3
  • Additional triceps exercise 12*3
  • Additional exercise for the lower forearm 12*2

You train with small weights or, on the contrary, take on a huge weight, so you don’t have enough strength to do the last repetition, and your arms don’t grow. Is this about you? Then, try increasing the working weights each arm workout (you can add even 1.25 kg or even one additional repetition). But do the strictly indicated number of times or one more in each approach (and if you feel that you can already do much more, then increase the weight on the barbell or dumbbells), 2-3 times a week, and a miracle will happen, your arms will begin to grow!

The most effective exercises for biceps, triceps and forearm muscles

To achieve optimal results, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with scientific research based on the principles of electromyography (recording muscle activity using a special device). And if you also turn to the experience of the best trainers in the world and learn something useful for yourself, then that will be wonderful. Make yourself a training plan and go ahead!

The opinions of top trainers regarding muscle function almost entirely coincide with the results of scientific research. This is probably no coincidence, since connoisseurs of the art of bodybuilding usually read scientific literature, update their knowledge, because it is very important for them to keep abreast of the latest changes in the field of sports (naturally, otherwise they would not be the best and most famous).

  • The most effective core exercises for biceps and triceps:
  • Barbell lift (barbell disc, shoulder-width grip)
  • Exercises with a bodybar or push-ups (for triceps growth)
  • The most effective additional exercises for biceps and triceps:
  • Concentrated dumbbell biceps curl
  • Triceps Pull Down
  • Exercises that are most effective for the forearm muscles:
  • Lifting the barbell with your fingers
  • Forearm extension

It may seem to you that the exercises are not enough for the full growth of arm muscles, but believe me - these 6 exercises are the most effective and proven! They are exactly what you need for natural and gradual muscle growth. The training is structured in such a way that absolutely all the muscles of the arms, shoulders and forearms are involved.

You can complete your arm workout with an explosive superset (60-90 seconds rest between sets):

  • Lifting bar 6*3
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar 8*3
  • Concentrated dumbbell curl for biceps 12*3
  • Triceps pull down 12*3
  • Lifting the barbell with fingers 15*2
  • Forearm extension 15*2

Let's summarize: how to pump up large arm muscles

As you have seen, properly pumping up big arms is not that difficult. Your biceps, triceps and forearm muscles will grow with gradual increase in load, regular training and the use of effective exercises that ensure maximum activation of muscle fibers and protein synthesis. Everything else is garbage, a tribute to fitness fashion, zero results and a loss of motivation in the end.

You can forget about the now so popular drop sets, the principles of muscle failure, “pump training” and other frivolous things. If you are for natural bodybuilding and reject chemistry, you just need to choose the optimal arm exercises for yourself and lift, lift and lift the iron again, gradually adding weight.

If you are looking for a suitable workout, burning fat and, most importantly, raising testosterone, then our advice is ideal for you. And if you have any questions, ask them in the comments, we will be happy to help.

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