International auctions of postage stamps and envelopes. European online auctions

website - online auction, which is an excellent place for anyone who collects and collects postage stamps. Ample opportunities, modern functionality, abundance of information and ease of management - all this is possible thanks to the site.
The catalog of collectible stamps posted by our visitors provides full information, indicating prices and rates. Electronic system trading, implemented on our website, helps people with different corners countries to find common interests, share knowledge and impressions.
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Do you want to buy collectible stamps?

People have long strived for communication. The invention of paper and ink made it much easier. Writing is the ability to transmit information, thoughts and emotions over long distances. To ensure that it does not get lost, as well as to pay for services for its delivery, stamps were invented.
Almost from the very beginning of their existence, many collectors realized their importance - both cultural and informational. They made the right decision!
Collecting postage stamps, which has been going on for centuries, allows us to learn a lot useful information, which concerns the life of past days, product prices, significant events or famous personalities of the past.
website – which will help bring to life all your plans for finding or selling unique postage stamps. Get closer to your dream with us!

Postage stamp auction: photographs, description, prices and other information

Philately is a whole scientific field, whose specialists devote their lives to collecting stamps and other postage signs.
Thanks to this area of ​​human knowledge, anyone can touch a piece of history, see with their own eyes what they have only read about in books.
Buying postage stamps at auctions can be very difficult. Thanks to the service presented on the website, you can easily and quickly go to the desired section and do what you love.
The catalog of stamps that participate in the auction contains information about postage marks, high-quality photos and an indication of the price of each individual stamp or an entire collection.

Moscow Online auction of postage stamps was created by several members of the Moscow Philatelists Club. The material put up for auction is estimated at 40-60% of the MICHEL catalogue. According to the site catalog, you will quickly go to the section of philatelic auctions of the required category: country of the world, type of printing or subject of stamps art, politics, technology, aviation, space, etc. Invest Collect Auction with a variety of topics, universal, for those who like to collect: vinyl records , badges, coins, sports cards, paper money, books. But the lion's share of lots on this site are stamps, envelopes, postcards, so it can be recommended to philatelic collectors for selling or buying stamps. The rules of trading on the site are very simple. Philatelist.Ru Auctions for philatelists and collectors from the Moscow Company Quadra-A: trade in postage stamps and items, postcards, accessories for collecting. A wide range of postage stamps, a wide selection of high-quality accessories for collecting, affordable prices and high-quality and comfortable service. All expensive stamps and postal items have certificates of authenticity from well-known and recognized experts. Sandafayre UK English online auction of postage stamps. Well known to many avid philatelists, including those from Russia. On this site everything is classic, design, bidding system, selection of collections, related accessories, stock books, magnifying glasses, measurements, albums, catalogs, true English conservatism and modern web technologies. Universal Philatelic Auctions UK Philatelic online and offline auction. The first lot drawings began in 1958. Since 2007, the American super auction service eBay, specialized in providing lots: postage stamps and postcards and related accessories, has been connected to the bidding system. For collectors, the site provides a selection of links to philatelic-related sites: catalogues, forums, shops, exhibitions. Argyll Etkin UK The English Philatelic Auction, founded in 1958, holds regular auctions of classic stamps, world postal history of Asia, Russia, America, Australia, Europe and of course the British Isles themselves. The world's famous stock of classic stamps Argyll Etkin, available for viewing in the largest online auctions in the world: eBay And Delcampe. Heinrich Koehler Germany The oldest European philatelic auction house. The most famous philatelic collectors of the early 20th century, such as Philippe La Renotier Ferreri, Baron Rothschild and Carl Faberge, the famous court jeweler of the Russian Tsars, used the services of the house of Heinrich Köhler. A. Karamitsos Greece Greek philatelic auction house of Karamitsos. It has international status, based on registration of participants, and presented lots, and of course the website is in English. Indeed, you can see any stamps on the lots, but still there is a regional focus: collectors specializing in postage stamps of Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Cyprus, as well as stamps with an Olympic theme, this auction house will be of interest. Rav-Auktion Denmark A highly specialized auction for philatelists. The lots exhibit mainly postage stamps from Germany, Denmark, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland, but sometimes you can find blocks, thematic series of stamps and entire collections from many countries of the world, just like at any similar auctions. Trading is held from Monday to Thursday from 8 am to 6 pm. There are no registration restrictions, but the interface is only in Danish. StampCircuit Israel Online platform for philatelic collectors. The site supports 8 languages, including Russian. A virtual meeting place for collectors, dealers, auctioneers and anyone who is passionate about philately. The community exchanges information, news, stamps, postcards. Naturally, for those collectors who want to sell their copy at a higher price, an auction service has been organized. The main topic is, of course, philately, but there is also a section for numismatists. Circulo Madrid Filatelia S.L Spain The largest online auction of postage stamps in Europe, stamps, postcards, envelopes in Spain. A huge selection of categories by cancellation dates, countries and regions of the world. Colonial stamps. Despite the fact that the site is Spanish, there is no multilingualism, there is not even an English version, the participation of foreigners from any country in auctions is acceptable. Of course, for those who speak the Cervantes language, there are no problems, but for others, working through browsers with online translation. Philashop Czech Republic Philatelic online auctions in the Czech Republic. One of the oldest European postage stamp auctions, despite the fact that the site is positioned as international, besides the Czech one there is only an English version. Philashop's design, to put it mildly, is somewhat outdated, the functionality of the system leaves much to be desired, but for true collectors, there is an opportunity to sell or, on the contrary, purchase quite rare stamps. Trading is conducted in both Czech crowns and euros. David Feldman Switzerland Website for an international auction and stamp store, founded by David Feldman in the mid-20th century. Lots and sales include postal products from all continents and countries: Europe, Asia, America, Australia, Africa. The company, on the basis of a private agreement, provides intermediary services for the purchase and sale of postage stamps, envelopes, and postcards. DT Stamps Sweden Postage stamp auction and store. Despite its considerable age, (founded in 1995), it is little known to philatelists, even in Scandinavia, although the auction has international status. This is due to the fact that the owner of the auction is a company D&T international LTD specializes in sales of postage stamps of countries Far East, almost 90% of the lots are brands from China. The company positions itself as a leader in the purchase and sale of Chinese brands, but in reality, it is the only dealer in this sector. Auctions are held 2-3 times a year. Huutokauppa Finland Site for online auctions of postage stamps, postcards, envelopes, forms from the famous Finnish philatelic company Suomen Filateliapalvelu Oy. Full support for the Russian language; by the way, lots with Russian stamps and royal publications are not uncommon. The site is originally philatelic, but has great amount various sections: jewelry, numismatics, antiques, books, i.e. universal auction. Mascoo France Auction platform for online trading via the Internet, various categories of collectibles: books, antiques, vinyl, labels, stickers, jewelry, but the main focus of the site is, of course, philately: postage stamps, postcards, envelopes from all countries of the world, various years of issue and cancellations, culling. Stamps and other things can be sold or bought at auction, through an order in an online store, as well as exchange with collectors. The site is multilingual, but Russian is not supported, however, do not be upset, when registering, indicate the language of communication in Russian and this will help you trade and communicate on the site in native language. Free auction Ukraine Philatelic auctions, postage stamps. There are also sections for numismatists and philumenists, and collectors of matchbox labels. Buyers and sellers determine the transaction by e-mail, having previously received the auction registration code. The website contains catalogs for the initial evaluation of the lot. The site supports Russian and English languages. Jace Stamps Canada One of the oldest and most popular online philately auctions. Postage stamps of all existing and existing states from the time of printing black penny, to the most cutting-edge holographic printed stamps. Naturally, Canadian brands are the most widely represented. A quick inspection gives the impression that any stamp ever issued in this Maple Leaf country can be found here. HipStamp USA The largest international auction for philatelic collectors: postage stamps, postcards. The auction is multilingual, but Russian is unfortunately not supported. The site was launched in March 2005, the original name was StampWants, only stamps were traded, in 2009 it was rebranded and the areas of the offered lots were expanded, but already in 2016, the site returned to its original narrow philatelic theme.

On September 11-12, 2013, auctions took place at the New York Philatelic Auction Cherrystone. Of the 1,200 lots on display, about three quarters aroused the interest of buyers and were purchased. Ten lots (not counting collections and selections) rose in price above 20 thousand dollars. It is this magnificent ten that we will talk about.

The top 3 was taken by China, with prices over one hundred thousand dollars, leaving no chance for rarities from other countries. Among the expensive purchases, there were also rare Russian brands; in particular, one Soviet apartment block with Levanevsky made it into the top ten.

In general, here they are all...

1. First place with the same final price was shared by two Chinese inverted brands. The first is a three-cent "Junk" from the 1915 series with an inverted red three-cent overprint. Less than two dozen copies of this rarity are known.
— 160 000 $

2. The second stamp, for which they offered the same price, from the same series in China, only without an overprint. This is a two dollar gate to the Buddha Temple with an inverted center.
— 160 000 $

3. And finally, the third “Chinese” in the top ten is a red 1896 3-cent stamp issued for customs purposes. This issue with various overprints has attracted attention at auctions more than once, and now it has appeared in its original unprinted form.
— 130 000 $

4. 1979 US dollar block with inverted candle. Despite the relative “youth” of this item, it is one of the philatelic rarities. Only three such apartment blocks are known.
— 60 000 $

5. One of eight copies of the 1933 Newfoundland 10-cent stamp known to philatelists, overprinted with a new denomination of $4.5 in honor of General Balbo's flight.
-55 000 $

6. Another inversion is a rare stamp of Italy from 1928 with a face value of 30 centesimo, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the birth of Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy. The center of this stamp, depicting the Duke himself, is inverted relative to the background with the inscription.
— 45 000 $

7. The next apartment block needs no introduction. This is the famous Levanevsky with an overprint, albeit normally oriented, with a small letter “F” in the bottom row.
— 28 000 $

8. The only intact item in the ten is an 1859 Sicily envelope addressed from Messina to Genoa. It bears 4 stamps from the 1859 Sicily 7-stamp issue in denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 50 grains.
— 26 000 $

9. Vertical stripe of three British Bechuanaland Protectorate (now Botswana) 1961 2p stamps with 2 1/2 cent overprints offset downwards. Cents were introduced in 1961 at the same time as the South African rand as its currency.
— 21 000 $

There is a lot to study and understand before becoming a professional stamp collector. First of all, it is worth finding the definition of philately. This hobby is rooted in the past, because many people collected stamps in childhood. Philately was especially popular in the Soviet Union, where cultural property could be easily acquired or exchanged.

With the collapse Soviet Union collectors now have more opportunities to realize their ideas. In this regard, the demand for cultural and historical values. Many of the amateurs have turned into experienced philatelists.

Today, there are a huge number of portals and resources where you can profitably sell rare items. Most collectors choose online auctions because they are profitable, efficient and timely. As a rule, in such places many different lots are exhibited to satisfy the needs of users. The commemorative stamps are sold by auction, with the highest bidder receiving the exhibits. The best portals are those that are created by real professionals and have a positive reputation. Typically, on such resources there are always many large market players who regularly participate in bidding, creating demand for copies. Auction of postage stamps stamps is best way sell or buy your favorite piece of art.

To make it easier to understand the range of goods, online auctions have a specialized catalog of brands. For detailed study, the catalog contains not only all the information about a particular exhibit, but also photographs. Each series of stamps is divided into categories and price options. It is worth noting that philately auctions of rare stamps, prices for rare stamps are compiled by experts who analyze the latest market trends. Only after a thorough study of brands, portal specialists set real initial prices for products. Especially for this purpose, online auctions enter into contracts with professional philatelists.

As for the final price of stamps, it is set at auction. In this regard, the stamp auction takes responsibility for conducting a fair and transparent transaction.

However, certain factors play a role in the final cost of products: safety, circulation, year of manufacture, rarity, anniversary date, defects, overprints and other important things. It is important to remember that stamps should be stored in special albums, which can be purchased in online stores in the “accessories” section. You also need to remember that any defects can instantly devalue historical objects of art, so it is necessary to handle stamps carefully and responsibly. Important points is the place of manufacture of the products and the year of publication.

For example, collectors highly value stamps that were produced in small quantities. Entire collections, as a rule, go under the hammer for much more than single pieces. Stamps may be issued in honor of a specific event or state, this factor may also determine the final cost of the exhibits. For some, the theme of the brands is important, so the price for such products can be high.

It is very difficult to understand all the intricacies of philately the first time. The main goal of online auctions is to help sell brands profitably under the hammer. A high-quality portal must have reasonable competition, and for this it is necessary that the resource has a sufficient number of participants. This approach allows collectors to quickly and profitably assemble a unique collection.

An online postage stamp auction helps market participants navigate the price and find the items they want. Although with the expansion of the market there appeared a large number of scammers who try to buy stamps cheaper and then sell them at a higher price. Moreover, the exhibits are not always original; most often the buyer receives a fake. In this regard, the philatelist must select the best trading platforms, protecting yourself from sudden problems in the future. Professional collectors who communicate on specialized forums can help with this issue.

Auctions "Schwanke" (Hamburg), "Ulrich Felzmann" (Dusseldorf), "Grobe and Lange" (Hannover), "Pumpenmeier" (Kirchlengern), "Hadersbeck" (Berlin), "Harald Rauhut" (Mülheim an der Ruhr) , "Gert Müller" (Karlsruhe). In the unspoken table of ranks, the seven auction firms that came to our attention not by chance are by no means “middle peasants”, especially since there are no outsiders here either. By attracting Russian lots, they, in our opinion, become more visible on the “proscenium of philately”, which is what auctions are considered to be.

The company “Schwanke Briefmarken-auktionen” started in 1973. Now in Hamburg, where the competition is especially strong, it firmly holds a leading position. Since 1991, Hans-Joachim Schwanke has been President of the Federal Association of Philatelic Auctioneers (BDB). His regular auctions include classical and modern philately. A special merit of Mr. Schwanke is the concentration of lots of philliterature.

Russian Post is a desirable object of interest for the company. I don’t remember that somewhere the phenomenal success of sales of the collection of our domestic stamps from 1858 to 1945, which is distinguished by its exceptional completeness, was surpassed. A few years ago it was valued at 4,600 marks. And a collection of envelopes from 1818 to 1870, which included a lot of pre-stamp mail, was then sold for 1,500 marks. IN Lately The 259th Hans-Joachim Schwanke auction was particularly successful. There they offered, in particular, the 5th number of Russia. Before this, a copy of this stamp with a cancellation date of October 28, 1858, the date of its issue, was famous among connoisseurs of Russian classics. This time, an envelope with this stamp, redeemed on September 19, 1858, went under the hammer. Let us also mention a selection of 30 lots - postal documents from the period Russo-Japanese War 1904 - 1905

The company “Ulrich Felzmann Briefmarken-Auktionen” was founded in Düsseldorf in 1976. Since then, three auctions have been held here annually, each offering an average of 10 thousand lots. The company's commercial success is also evidenced by its sales turnover: more than two and a half million euros at each auction.

One of the stable traditions has become the holding of accompanying auction sales of celebrity autographs. different countries. In this field, rare results were achieved in the sale of the original letter from Heinrich Heine (16,000 euros) and Goethe's autograph (10,000 euros). If we delve deeper into history, a notable event in the recent past was the “stuffing” of Russian autographs. The most expensive of them - Trotsky's autograph - started with an estimate of 2000 marks, but was not sold (we were talking about a document headed by Trotsky, which was submitted for consideration by the Council of People's Commissars). “Lucky” was Beria’s autograph on the recommendation to the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Trade dated March 23, 1942 with the note: “Sent out to Comrade Stalin, Comrade Mikoyan.” Valued at 1000, it was purchased for 1250 marks.

The philatelic “highlight” among the Russian lots was a foreign airmail item from Moscow (15.5.1931) to Berlin, franked with a complete imperforate series of “Airship Construction in the USSR” stamps. This letter was sent shortly after the publication of the toothless series. Starting price: 250 euros.

At auctions of the Ulrich Feltsman company quite often they offer copies of the favorite regular of many other sales - the POSTA stamp (with this name it has been included in various philatelic dictionaries). Since this brand should be included in the Rossika lists, let’s touch on its history.

Immediately after the Second World War and the division of Germany into occupation zones, the authorities of the province of East Saxony, rushing to establish postal affairs, issued a series of non-pronged stamps in June 1945 with denominations from 3 to 20 pfennigs. A special feature of the red stamp with a face value of 12 pfennigs were the inscriptions: at the top - “POST” in German, at the bottom - “POST” in Russian (this was, however, not on the entire issue). The error was immediately discovered, and already on the day of issue - June 23, an instruction was issued by the Soviet military administration to confiscate the printed edition.

However, as usual, some of the POSTA stamps managed to get to collectors (not always through the post office window), and then to auctions of a number of companies. Sometimes postal items or clippings with this stamp appear here. In all cases they are canceled with the calendar stamp of Dresden (the Saxon capital) with the date “23.6.45”. And if single copies are valued at auctions at an average of 150 euros, and in pairs - 350 euros, then the price for a postal item increases two to three times.

Auction House Interphila Grobe und Lange was formed in Hannover as a result of the merger of two old philatelic auction companies in 1972. Nowadays, business leaders Gerd and Volker Lange organize large international auctions three times a year. At the same time, 12 thousand copies are sent to regular customers in many countries. catalogues. As a rule, entire sections are devoted to numismatics. Traditional preferences at company auctions include stamps with occupation overprints and similar postal items. In the wake of increased demand for such material, there are always customers who purchase it at fantastic prices.

It was not noticed that when selecting Russian film material, the company adhered to certain principles. Thus, at the 219th auction in Hanover, both polar “Papanin” postcards from the 1930s and the famous, rarely seen “Closed Letter with Announcements” sent from St. Petersburg in 1898 were offered. Incredible, but true: while a series of postcards of 16 copies was priced at 300 euros at the start, the letter in question was offered for 150 euros.

An example of a company that has retained its old name, but changed its auction credo, is “Pumpenmeier-Auktionen” located in Kirchlengern. At one time, it was formed by the spouses Klaus and Hilda Pumpenmeier on the basis of the Polar Philately Club in Bielefeld, known to Russian collectors. The first auction was held - as a specialized one - in 1971, then the owner and polar enthusiast began publishing his own magazine, Polar Philatelist.

Specialized polar auctions in Kirchlengern lasted for several years, surprising with their abundance of rarities. And when the founder of the company passed away, the mail of the Arctic and Antarctica was still up for auction for a long time. This continued until the new owner Bernd Jurkiewicz welcomed the old clientele. Some recent auctions, largely saturated with completely different material, still reminded us of former glory companies. This was especially evident at the 112th auction. Interesting lots filled the “Zeppelin Mail” section. The famous series of stamps with overprints “Polarfahrt”, for example, franked mail on a single envelope, which is extremely rare.

As for polar mail of Russian origin, there is little modern material. Preference is given to airmail from the North and Siberia.

One of the youngest philatelic companies in Germany, “Hader-sbeck-Auktionen” is located in Berlin. The first field of activity of its founder Wolfgang Hadersbeck was the philatelic exchange in the GDR. As a resident of East Berlin, he managed to turn professional and held his first auctions in 1975. The full-blooded company was founded in 1991 after the reunification of Germany. Naturally, comparatively for a long time The auctions were held with a noticeable emphasis on film material from the GDR and the Soviet occupation zone.

Recently, stamps and letters of Russian origin appear more often. Among them are very rare specimens. Thus, at the 31st auction, among 7,300 lots, a rarity was put up, which left a great impression on the author of the auction review on the pages of the Deutsche Briefmarkenzeitung magazine: “An extremely rare, newly certified and unusually well-preserved one-piece item from the city post office of St. Petersburg in 1847. Since 1990, only three similar, but somewhat dubious, examples have appeared on the market.” Starting estimate - 8000 euros (see picture).

At the 33rd auction of Wolfgang Hadersbeck in October 2005, the first airmail stamp of the RSFSR (issued in 1922) was exhibited. The stamp is uncanceled (known as a color-changed miniature depicting a worker at a granite board and applied with a red imprint of the outline of an airplane). With a starting valuation of 300 euros, the brand found a new owner for 600 euros.

Since 1988, the Auction House “Harald Rauhut” has been conducting sales in Mülheim an der Ruhr. In defining its profile, the company refrained from specialization. At its sales, clients have a wide choice of film materials - from classics to modern themes.

Entire collections from heirs are often exhibited. At the 91st auction in May 2005, the company presented a set of Russian stamps from the classical period. It included many rarities. In addition, Ukraine was represented by an “almost complete” collection of “highly valuable inheritance.”

The first Gert Muller auction took place in Karlsruhe in 1951. But only since 1970 were regular sales established, taking place 1-2 times a year. No more than two to three thousand lots are put up for auction, most of them classics from different European countries.

At a number of auctions by Gert Müller, materials from our domestic astronautics became familiar. These are mainly envelopes in honor of the launches of manned spacecraft. But at the 55th auction in November 2005, in addition to the 1980 Olympic tourist series set in sheets of 25 stamps, priced at 100 euros at the start, space lots appeared in a different form - envelopes with autographs of astronauts. Among them are Gagarin’s autograph on an envelope with a special cancellation for the first anniversary of the flight (April 12, 1962), valued at 70 euros, and a set of three envelopes from the group flight of the Soyuz spacecraft in 1969. These envelopes, containing the autographs of seven cosmonauts, including Volkov, were valued at 180 euros.

Speaking about the appearance of space philately materials on foreign auctions, one cannot but make a significant reservation. The fact is that a certain part of these materials, in particular manned flights or recording the Baikonur launches, are no longer perceived as clearly as in the years of “space romanticism.” Frankly speaking, the almost complete lack of expertise is sobering. This is a minus that reduces confidence in the materials. No expertise - no trust. They may say: this is a matter of conscience of the auctioneers, as if taking upon themselves a guarantee of authenticity. Unfortunately, the clientele still suffers.

Next, abstracting from the “space stuffing” of the auctions of the Harald Rauhut company, it is necessary to decide on the virtual lots associated with specific launches. At one of the auctions, a selection of three “Dogs in Space” envelopes appeared. The first of them - “The Second Artificial Satellite” and the dog Laika with the Baikonur cancellation on November 3, 1957, the rest - “Ship-4” and “Ship-5”, again with the Baikonur cancellation - were fabricated.

Go ahead. Here is the lot from the space section: two envelopes from the formation flight of Vostok-3 and Vostok-4, again canceled by Baikonur on August 14, 1962, and with an overprint of the circulation: 25 copies. Brilliantly! Or a set of four flight envelopes spaceship"Voskhod-1" with the image of three cosmonauts. All were canceled with a Baikonur stamp dated October 13, 1964 (this does not mean, however, that they were canceled in Baikonur!). As usual, they didn’t forget to indicate the circulation: 50 copies. However, it’s time to dot the i’s - with the help of our foreign colleagues.

The topic of one of the publications of the magazine “Philatelie” - the official organ of the Union of German Philatelists (No. 253) - was the efforts of experts, with the help of documents and investigations, to clarify the “scam of counterfeiters” with dubious envelopes of the Soyuz spacecraft. The purpose of these measures, says the publication of the magazine, was to protect the collector and remind them of the seriousness of thematic philately, for which documenting modern and relevant political events becomes the main content. This implies the logic and necessity of attracting an expert group not from case to case, but introducing on a permanent basis the position of an expert in the Philatelic Expertise Commission.

The publication reports that such a person was found in time - this is Mr. Walter Hopferwieser, a specialist who takes on the burden of responsibility for solving pressing problems. And since this area requires not only special knowledge, the so-called “Expert Order: Space Mail” was formed. The objects of examination are: on-board and stationary stamps, autographs (handwriting, used writing instruments), use of stamps on the ground, etc. “Flying non-postal materials, such as on-board mail without postage marks, photographs, etc., are also subject to certification. The assessment of authenticity applies to cancellations or autographs made on land only when this is clearly stated in the certificate.”

Unfortunately, the publication of the journal of the Union of German Philatelists went unnoticed in Russia. A few words about Walter Hopferwieser, to whose authority the magazine refers. It should be noted that this long-time collector, living in Austria, is known in Russia. With the exhibit “From rocket mail to space mail,” he participated in the World Philatelic Exhibition “Moscow-97” (Large Gold-Plated Medal).