Penelope Cruz spoke about harassment, difficult filming with her husband Javier Bardem and gender education for children. Penelope Cruz - biography and personal life Penelope Cruz and Javier children

0 February 16, 2018, 11:21 pm

New season"" (American Crime Story) made a lot of noise even at the filming stage. It was immediately clear that the 43-year-old, who agreed to play Donatella Versace in the story of the murder of her brother Gianni, was dealing with one of her most difficult roles.

About working on the project, frank conversation with Donatella, as well as about her husband Javier Bardem and her children, seven-year-old Leonardo and four-year-old Luna, the actress spoke in an interview.

About filming with her husband Javier Bardem in the film "Escobar":

This was the first time we worked together as a couple. The characters were very difficult, so we went through many uncomfortable scenes in which my character is a victim of emotional and psychological terror. I was always afraid to let my characters into our home. This was especially important for us in this case - to protect each other.

On harassment in Hollywood and the #MeToo movement:
As a result, the rules of the game must change for women who are oppressed in different ways.

About gender education of children:
Fairy tales are very important because they are the first stories you hear from your parents. When I read to my children at night, I always change the ending of some famous stories. There is a lot of machismo in Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. This can affect the way children see the world. They begin to think that men decide everything. In my story about Cinderella, when the prince proposes marriage, she replies: “No, thank you, because I don’t want to be a princess, but I want to become an astronaut or a chef.”

On the conversation with producer Ryan Murphy and the offer to star in the role of Donatella Versace in “American Crime Story”:

I was shocked by the offer to play Donatella. I told Ryan that I admired him and really wanted to work together, but I had an important phone call to make.

About the conversation with Donatella Versace:
I told her that I felt a huge responsibility to be asked to play a man who is not only alive, but whom I respect very much. She replied that if the project has started, then she is happy that I will play her in it. Her words gave me a feeling of freedom. I think she knew from my voice that everything would be done with respect.

About the difficulties in working on the image of Donatella Versace:
Her voice is much lower than mine, so I worked with a phoniatrist for several months. I wasn't interested in caricature or imitation. I wanted the viewer to see Donatella, even when she’s just sitting in a chair... Edgar Ramirez (the actor who played Gianni Versace - Ed.) and I listened to a lot of opera and Prince.

Source Net-a-Porter

Photo by Net-a-Porter

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem are true legends of Spanish cinema, with many successful roles and prestigious film awards to their credit.

Speaking of Penelope (friends simply call her Pe), it is enough to recall the films “Vanilla Sky”, “All About My Mother”, “Open Your Eyes”, “Living Flesh”. These and other films with her participation earned the love of viewers and high marks from critics.

As for Bardem, he is known primarily for the films “No Country for Old Men,” “The Sea Inside,” “Vicky, Christina, Barcelona,” “Beautiful,” and “Sunny Mondays.” This actor invariably delights viewers with his ability to transform himself, because each image he creates on the screen is unlike any of the previous ones.

Javier has four honorary film awards, including an Oscar, a Golden Globe, a BAFTA and a Screen Actors Guild Award. Penelope has even more awards: Oscar, Goya, Sputnik, Cannes Festival, European Film Academy, BAFTA awards - a total of 10 awards and many nominations.

First meeting

Cruz and Bardem have been married since 2010. They met back in 1991 on the set of the comedy drama “Ham, Ham.”

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem in the movie "Ham, Ham"

Bardem was only 22 at that time, but he had already starred in two films and was also known for belonging to the famous Bardem acting dynasty. But for seventeen-year-old Penelope, the role in this film was her first serious acting experience: before that, the aspiring actress had only acted on television and in one video clip.

Then the future stars did not like each other at all. The attention of young Javier was attracted by another person - a twenty-year-old assistant director named Cristina Pales.

Javier Bardem and Cristina Pales

She, however, did not immediately reciprocate the actor’s feelings. At first, the charismatic young man gave her unpleasant feelings: she mistook his relaxedness for licentiousness, and his masculinity for brutality. Her attitude changed when she got to know Bardem better and found out that the young man was modest and adored Shakespearean sonnets. Cristina and Javier got together for 15 long years.

As time passed, Bardem and Cruz's popularity grew. Penelope has become a real sex symbol of cinema, so it is not surprising that not only millions of fans around the world dreamed of her, but also her fellow movie stars. One eminent lover of Pe replaced another.

She didn't just make men fall in love with her, she drove them crazy. Because of her, Matt Damon broke up with Winona Ryder, and Nicolas Cage broke up with Patricia Arquette. For some time, Penelope dated the famous Matthew McConaughey.

Cruz with Matthew McConaughey

But the most discussed was the artist’s romance with Tom Cruise.

Penelope with Tom Cruise

They met in 2001 while working on the film Vanilla Sky, which marked the beginning of the Hollywood career of the famous Spaniard.

Tom had barely managed to divorce Nicole Kidman, and his closeness with the charming Penelope served as a consolation for him. This romance lasted three years. Journalists prophesied star couple a quick marriage, but fate decreed otherwise: Tom and Pe broke up.

But Bardem’s personal life has been much calmer all these years. He remained faithful to Christina Pales, and he had warm connections with Penelope. friendly relations. Javier and Pe did not cross paths as often as they might have liked: both actors were in demand, and there was not enough free time. Except that filming together brought them together from time to time, and also their common friendship with Pedro Almodóvar.

By the way, the actors also starred together in his film “Living Flesh”. In total, they have more than 10 collaborations.

The beginning of the novel and family life

The passion between them flared up only in 2007 during the next joint filming. This time, Bardem and Cruz got roles in Woody Allen’s film “Vicky, Christina, Barcelona.”

While working on the film, Penelope was worried that Woody was filming too quickly, and she didn't have time to feel her character. Javier volunteered to help his friend. They met in an informal setting, and the very next day the entire film crew noticed how their eyes were both glowing. But, despite the tense expectations of journalists, they did not receive any confessions from their lovers. Obviously, the reason for such secrecy was Bardem’s modesty: unlike the beauty Pe, who always loved to reveal details of her personal life to the press, Javier never spoke frankly and always tried to keep secret everything that was not directly related to his work.

“Penelope and I have nothing in common except friendship,” he answered direct questions from reporters.

But true passion cannot be hidden, and soon photographs of lovers kissing were published in the press.

Three years after the start of their romance, Bardem and Pe got married in the Bahamas, secretly from the prying eyes of journalists.

A few months later, the star couple had their first child - a boy named Leonardo.

The daughter, to whom her parents gave the magical name Luna, was born two years later, in 2013.

Penelope Cruz with daughter Luna

Penelope admits that the feelings she experiences when her children look at her are incomparable. After the birth of her babies, she began to see the world differently - as if she herself was looking at it with a child’s gaze.

Into your secrets family life stars don't tell journalists. But even their behavior in public shows that they truly adore each other. Suffice it to recall Bardem’s words at the Cannes Film Festival awards ceremony. Having received an honorary prize for the best male role, Javier declared to the whole world his endless love for Pe.

In this video, watch Javier's declaration of love for Penelope:

At Disneyland (2017)

Today, the magnificent couple still delights viewers. The couple actively act in films, including together. So, in just a few months, a thriller by the famous Iranian director Asghar Farhadi, in the filming of which the spouses participated, is due to be released. In 2017, Penelope was offered to play in the series “ American history crimes,” and this role will be Cruz’s first work on television.

Bardem, meanwhile, starred in Darren Aronofsky’s thriller “Mama!”, and in 2019, fans will see him in Bill Condon’s film “Bride of Frankenstein” as the famous monster.

Last joint film"Escobar"

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem in Venice (2017)

Javier and Penelope at the Goya Cinema Awards 2018​

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem in Madrid (2018)​

Your first big role she played in the film “Ham, Ham” by the Spaniard Bigas Luna. Penelope was sixteen then, she added years to herself and did not say a word to her parents that she would appear naked in the film and make love. On the set, Cruz met Javier Bardem, they had several erotic scenes together, but no one imagined that after 18 years they would get married and have two children.

“I first came to Los Angeles in 1994, I didn’t speak English, and all I could say was, “How are you?” and “I want to act with Johnny Depp,” the actress recalls. Her first films were not very successful, she did not understand her partners well, but nevertheless she was remembered by critics. Well, after the success in Pedro Almodóvar’s films “Living Flesh”, “All About My Mother”, “The Return”, “Broken Embraces”, it became finally clear that Penelope is not just a beautiful woman, but also talented actress. And, most importantly, she knows how to achieve her goal: in 2001, she played with Johnny Depp in the drama “Cocaine”, and later in “Pirates” Caribbean Sea" She starred with Matt Damon, Tom Cruise and Nicolas Cage. Her romance novels, their duration and details were carefully recorded by the press. From June to December 2000 - with Matt Damon, from July 2001 to January 2004 - with Tom Cruise, from March 2004 to May 2006 - with Matthew McConnohie.

They say that the actress was not happy with McConaughey because of his reluctance to settle down, and Tom Cruise wanted her to join the ranks of Scientologists, but he was unable to persuade Penelope. Although there is a version that it was because of his love for the beautiful Spanish woman that Tom left Nicole Kidman. Nevertheless, he and Penelope remained friends, and it was to her, one of the first, that he showed his daughter Suri. In 2008, thanks to his role in the film “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” by Woody Allen, Javier Bardem returned to her life. They say that he waited for her all these years, suffered, hoped and believed. And Woody Allen played the role of Cupid, inviting them both to his movie.

In 2008, Bardem became the first Spanish actor to receive an Oscar (for the Coen brothers' film No Country for Old Men), and the following year, 2009, Penelope became the first Spanish actress in history to be awarded the coveted statuette.

And when the score was even, the stars decided to stop running from fate. In July 2010, Javier and Penelope got married secretly, away from the lenses of curious paparazzi, in the Bahamas, at a friend's house. The bride wore a dress made by her friend, fashion designer John Galliano, and only family members attended the ceremony. In January 2011, the couple had a son, Leo, and in July 2013, a daughter, Luna. Oddly enough, family worries have virtually no effect on the actors’ work schedule. Penelope acted even during pregnancy, and in “Pirates of the Caribbean” her younger sister Monica - by the way, also a stunning beauty - was Cruz's understudy in those scenes where it was necessary to show off her body.

The filming of Ridley Scott's The Counselor, her last film, was done without stunt doubles, although Penelope has a sex scene with Michael Fassbender.

Bardem also starred in this film, but he does not have a single scene together with Cruz, not to mention love ones. At the world premiere of the film in London, the couple posed separately for photographers. Appearing on the red carpet together is too pampering for the public, and in terms of conspiracy and passion for guerrilla methods, the Cruz-Bardem family has become famous throughout the world. They even kept the name of their first child a secret for three months. So they walked along the red carpet separately and gave interviews separately. This is their “home” policy.

- Penelope, you weren’t embarrassed by the amount of violence and in general this whole bloody nightmare in your last movie"Advisor"?

Yes, when I read the book by Cormac McCarthy, on which Ridley Scott based this film, I was scared. I understood that there would be a lot of blood, and even before filming began I wanted to know how this violence would be shown. I said “no” to so many directors precisely because of this. You yourself know how movies are made today: a sea of ​​blood, severed body parts, but all this is not real, all this computer game, all for laughs, not serious. And I can’t come to terms with the fact that violence can be so senseless. In “The Counselor” such scenes are truly painful to watch, they hurt and penetrate to the very heart. But that's how it should be.

- That is, cinema should teach, bring good?

Give it up! I'm not that naive. And I don’t think at all that we have the right to lecture anyone. I don't believe that a film can change the world or teach people a lesson. I don't believe in the importance of morality in the ending. But I think it is important to talk about it, it is important to show the seriousness of violence. It's real. It's dangerous. This is what I meant.

- Don’t you think it’s strange that such beautiful women as you play in such scary films?

Red carpets, interviews, photo shoots for magazines, where I have to be a glamorous beauty - this is a very small part of my work. I spend four to five months a year on film set, and there, believe me, I don’t think whether I look good or not.

My job is not to think about my makeup, but to think about why my character looks the way he does. Her actions, her thoughts, her life - that's what interests me. If my character is ugly, I will look ugly. Old - I'll look old. And if we talk about beautiful dresses on the red carpet, then, believe me, I know a man who looks more organic than any woman in a dress. It's Johnny Depp!

- But ugliness and old age are not valued in Hollywood, are they?

Oh yeah! But, believe me, only those who have great self-esteem suffer from the inability to accept themselves as they really are, with all their advantages and disadvantages. In general, it seems to me that self-confidence is the most important quality in a woman.

And in a man, what is there! Feel at peace with yourself, be yourself, be, and not see yourself through the eyes of other people.

- That is, you will not do plastic surgery?

Strange conclusions... I won’t say for twenty or thirty years in advance, but I’m not ready yet. But I admire those people who are willing to change something about themselves in order to feel more confident. As an actress, I have to be careful with such experiments because I tell stories with my face. You know, my mother worked at a hair salon, and I spent a lot of time there, especially when I was a child. And I realized that a woman does not need plastic surgery to feel great. Unhappy, tired women would come to mom, and she would simply cut their hair, and that was enough to make them feel happy for a whole week!

You have no idea what kind of acting school this is - I don’t know why, but the women in the hairdresser’s chair are ready to tell their deepest secrets. No best place to understand female character.

-Have you not mastered the profession of a hairdresser?

I learned how to cut my hair and do my makeup a little. But I hardly use cosmetics in ordinary life, and getting ready for the red carpet takes an hour and a half, and I prefer to be handled by professionals.

- And your younger sister Monica? Did you quarrel with her as a child or were you always friends, because today you are a lot you work together, including design...

No, Monica and I never quarreled, never fought, we were always friends.

I find it strange when people ask such questions because we have always had a wonderful family and I can’t imagine how it could be any other way. I'm very proud of mine younger brother Eduardo, he writes beautiful music. I recorded several soundtracks for films in which I starred.

- Did having children give you strength and self-confidence or, conversely, made you weak and vulnerable?

First. Of course, the first one. I feel much stronger, it's that feeling that you can do anything, sometimes I feel like my body can do anything...

And you know, all these clichés about motherhood, about having children - these are the only clichés that are confirmed real life. That's right, this is the most amazing thing that can happen in your life. It is also true that now all my thoughts are occupied with children, and not with myself.

- Are you in great shape now, did you work out specifically to lose weight after giving birth?

In general, no. After having my children, I mainly thought about keeping them healthy, I breastfed Leo for thirteen months - and I am proud of it, I was lucky that I had so much time.

- Have you given up on ballet classes?

I was a terribly restless child, and my parents sent me to ballet so that I could spend my energy there.

And today, sometimes with horror, and sometimes with regret, I remember my broken toes and peeling nails. When you dance for many hours in a row and the physical pain is replaced by something completely different... It’s from the realm of mysticism, but I miss this feeling. Energy alone is not enough to practice ballet; it is an art of the obsessed. I turned out to be not so obsessed. Later I did Pilates and yoga, but I just can’t bring myself to go to Gym, I think this is a terribly boring activity. And with children there is so much fuss that there is no time to rest.

- So, no diets, no beauty secrets?

I just try to eat healthy. I love Italian and Spanish cuisine, where dishes are prepared from fresh ingredients. In general, my only secret is fresh food and plenty of water. I can eat a burger and fries a couple of times a month, no more. I don’t smoke, I can afford a glass of wine, no more. So no secrets. To say that I am a good cook would be an exaggeration. But I won’t let myself or my loved ones die of hunger. (Laughs.)

- Who is your idol in cinema - among the female actresses?

Meryl Streep, of course! When I saw her in the movies back in my childhood, I immediately knew what I wanted! Be an actress! She is the greatest actress alive in this world. Every time I meet her, I kiss her. She probably thinks I'm crazy.

(Laughs.) But she has such a face, such a face... It’s like a light bulb inside lights up when she plays or just talks to you. I also adore Sophia Loren. I once acted with her. She always tried to persuade me to eat more, but I already eat too much! I like asking her about Fellini, Visconti, Mastroianni, she has seen and knows so much...

- With the advent of your husband and children, do you still put work first?

Work is important, in the end we all have to work, we can't help but work. But now I'm thinking of limiting myself to one or two films a year, no more. In “The Counselor” we starred together with Javier, we did not have common scenes, we worked in different days, but I loved the experience because both mine and his filming ended at the same time and we could go home together.

I think this is a good option.

- Many journalists - I won’t hide it - consider you arrogant and very tough. How would you describe yourself?

Stubborn. Even my mother considers this my main quality, if you ask her. I call myself differently - persistent. Perseverance is my best friend and my worst enemy. And this does not necessarily relate to work, my perseverance. I am so unbending in everything. I always tell people the truth to their face. What can I do - I have such a strong nature. I would like to be softer... But you know, despite a strong character, I'm a terribly nervous girl. I worry about everything in the world, about mere trifles, out of nowhere.

I suffer myself and cause suffering to my loved ones. True, it was much worse before. After thirty, I became calmer. True, children... Because of my children, of course, I go crazy all the time...

-Where would you like your children to live? You travel a lot around the world, filming in Hollywood, Italy, France, Spain...

In Spain. Only in Spain. Yes, we move a lot from place to place, but I would never give up working from home. In New York, after six months I get very tired - from the rhythm of life, from the noise, from the people, from the streets. Although I really love this city. There are too many memories in Los Angeles. Some are good, some are not so good. I experienced magical moments of my life here, absolutely delightful. But I don’t want to live here and I know for sure that this place is not suitable for my children.

Yes, their parents chose this profession, but this does not mean that the lives of my children should be in the public eye. And in Los Angeles this cannot be avoided. My family lives in Spain and I want my children to grow up there. There we lead a calm, measured life. This is the kind of life I love. I never looked forward to Saturday night parties all week, even when I was a teenager, and I didn't hang out on the weekends. I love long walks, I love lying on the beach, I love dinners with my family. After all, I am Spanish, the sun, the sea and vitamin D make me happy!

Celebrity biographies


24.01.15 11:10

Actress Penelope Cruz is always included in the lists the most beautiful women planet, and she claims that it doesn’t bother her at all. She is not so vain as to spend hours in front of the mirror. Penelope Cruz's personal life is more important - after all, she is the mother of two adorable kids!

Biography of Penelope Cruz

Hairdresser's daughter

Actress Penelope Cruz spent her childhood in the Spanish town of Alcobendas. She was born in it on April 28, 1974, and her younger sister and brother - Monica and Eduardo. The family was not rich. Father, Eduardo, was engaged retail trade and knew something about auto mechanics, and his mother, Encarna, worked as a hairdresser.

Penelope studied ballet seriously; she spent almost ten years classical ballet(she was a student of the National Conservatory). But she became interested in cinema only at the age of 15. It was then that the girl started looking for an agent and after many attempts (she was considered too young for acting) she succeeded. The debut followed almost three years later. It was the comedy "Ham, Ham." The Spanish woman played in it a girl who was seduced by a rich young man and became pregnant by him. Several other film works did not leave any noticeable mark in the biography of Penelope Cruz. And then she went to the States.

Combat immigrant

She was twenty years old, her English was terrible, so at first it was difficult to work. Penelope continued to study ballet and made her way through the jungle of languages. When, finally, the first film appeared in the filmography of actress Penelope Cruz American painting, it did not bring her big dividends. The film “Country of Hills and Valleys” failed at the box office.

The breakthrough occurred in 1999 - the girl was invited by Pedro Almodóvar to his project “All About My Mother” (she already had experience working with this director - in the drama “Living Flesh”). The film turned out to be touching, and the heroine Cruz, Rosa, an AIDS patient, aroused sympathy among the public.

At the beginning of her career, the Spaniard played in the film “Open Your Eyes”; this picture by Amenábar did not gain worldwide fame. But Vanilla Sky, a remake of the drama, is just the opposite. Penelope Cruz again participated in it, whose biography changed radically after this film, because her partner on the set was the Hollywood star Tom Cruise. The box office receipts were no longer disappointing ($203 million), and the performer herself earned $2 million.

Desired by many

Now she has become a desired star for many directors. True, not all projects with her participation were successful. The duet with Johnny Depp in “Cocaine” was a success, but together with Nicolas Cage the actress failed in the war drama “Captain Corelli’s Choice.” She was nominated for a Golden Raspberry Award, and Cage was long criticized for his unconvincing accent.

Fans of two beauties - Hayek and Cruz - enjoyed watching the comedy western with their participation ("Bandits"). But more experienced film fans enjoyed another masterpiece by Almodóvar, in which his favorite performer again performed as a soloist. “The Return” gave Cruz nominations for many prestigious awards, but that year all the laurels went to the Briton Hellen Mirren – she beat out her rivals with her “Queen.” Cruz only got the domestic “Goya”.

Oscar rematch

She took her Oscar revenge in 2009. The film academics awarded the statuette to actress Penelope Cruz for her eccentric Maria Elena in Woody Allen’s romantic film “Vicky Cristina Barcelona.” She, Penelope, has the honor of being the first Spanish woman to win an Academy Award.

A luxurious “bouquet” of actresses – from the highly experienced Sophia Loren to the beauties Cruz and Kate Hudson – was assembled in Marshall’s film musical “Nine”. Penelope again had the opportunity to take home the main Hollywood award, but luck was not on her side; the coveted trophy at the Oscar ceremony was taken by the dark-skinned Monique.

Pirate and simply beautiful

But Cruz became central heroine the last part of “Pirates of the Caribbean” for today. It’s quite an honor to be part of such a popular franchise. She again starred with Depp, and her character is a real devil, although she bears the angelic name Angelica. Recently, actress Penelope Cruz revealed new facets of her talent by playing in the drama “Ma Ma” about a seriously ill woman.

Advertising brings good money to the actress - she successfully collaborates with L'Oreal; the most famous videos depict the company's mascara: a charming brunette flaps her eyelashes (obviously false), like a butterfly's wings (the company was even sued for using artificial eyelashes, they say , they fool mascara buyers). The actress receives $2 million annually for participating in commercials.

Personal life of Penelope Cruz

Cruz + Cruz = ?

Cruz is a very versatile person: she has developed clothing lines (for the Mango corporation), she is a well-known philanthropist, does charity work and helps funds to fight AIDS and blood cancer.

Pedro Almodóvar is a good friend of the actress (he stars her in almost all of his films), as is Salma Hayek, with whom they worked together.

“Vanilla Sky” greatly influenced Penelope Cruz’s personal life. She began a vibrant romance with Tom Cruise. They say that it was this fatal brunette who put an end to the marriage of her lover and his second wife, Kidman. Penelope and Tom dated for three years, things seemed to be heading towards marriage, but then everything fell apart. At the beginning of 2004, the Spanish star announced that she was single.

The main thing is children!

The relationship with the flighty Matthew McConaughey was short-lived. And in the summer of 2010, Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem became spouses. Probably, the spark between them ran on the set of “Vicky Cristina Barcelona”, and the three-year romance ended with a wedding. The couple's first child, Leonardo, was born in January 2011, and their daughter Luna was born in July 2013. Mom dotes on them and tries to devote as much time as possible to the children.

Penelope Cruz is a world-famous actress and model. The first representative of Spain to win an Oscar.

Childhood and youth

Penelope Cruz Sanchez ( full name actress) was born on April 28, 1974 in the small town of Alcobendas, in the Spanish province of Madrid.

The girl’s family was not rich, but friendly, and later her parents had two more children - Monica and Eduardo.

Penelope's mother, Encarna Sanchez, worked as a hairdresser, and her father, Eduardo Cruz, worked as an auto mechanic. In 2015, the man died of a heart attack.

Parents raised their children in Catholic traditions, which did not stop Penelope from doing what she wanted.

Penelope Cruz in childhood

As a child, the girl became interested in dancing, and then ballet, which she studied professionally in Spain for several years.

During her teenage years, Cruz also began to develop an interest in film. According to data from open sources, the girl started thinking seriously about becoming an actress after watching Pedro Almodóvar’s film “Tie Me Up!”

However for a long time Nobody wanted to deal with Penelope, considering her too young, but at the age of 15 the girl still managed to find an agent.

Penelope Cruz in her youth

However, fame was still far away - Cruz began with roles in music videos. True, a little later she began hosting a popular youth TV show in the country.

Early life and first successes

Penelope made her screen debut as an actress in 1991 in the TV series “Pink Series”. The girl got a cameo role, but for her sake, Cruz had to be naked in front of the cameras.

Thanks to this, Penelope was noticed, and already in next year Cruz played one of the leading characters in the film “Jamon, Jamon”, and in 1993 - main role in the film La Belle Epoque.

Penelope Cruz in the movie "Jamon, Jamon"

Over the next few years, the actress appeared before audiences in a dozen films, both Spanish and co-productions with other European countries.

In the second half of the 1990s, Cruz's acting luck continued - also about a dozen films, with more and more leading characters.

Perhaps the most famous works of that period - “Celestine”, “The Perils of Love”, “Open Your Eyes”, “Don Juan”, “The Girl of Your Dreams”, “The Land of Hills and Valleys” and “The Naked Swing”.

Pedro Almodóvar’s films “Living Flesh” and “All About My Mother” stand out on this list.

Penelope Cruz in the movie "All About Your Mother"

Thanks to these works, the director became good friend Penelope and Cruz were his favorite muse, and subsequently they collaborated more than once.

Becoming an actress

At the turn of the millennium, the artist decided that it was time to conquer the holy of holies of cinema - Hollywood, so she moved to the USA.

The first notable American works with Penelope came out at the beginning of the 2000s - “Woman on Top”, “Cocaine”, “Waking up in Reno” and, of course, “Vanilla Sky”.

The last film named above grossed more than two hundred million dollars at the worldwide box office with production costs of 68 million (not including marketing).

After such a shocking start to the 2000s, Cruz’s career experienced a slight decline - the actress continued to act in both the USA and Europe, but for the most part these were not the most famous and commercially successful films.

The only exceptions during that period were the films “Fanfan-Tulip”, “Don’t Go” (David di Donatello Award), “Noel” and “Sahara”.

Career blossoming

The artist’s creative life improved in 2006, when the film “Bandits” was released, in which Penelope played with her long-time friend, the actress.

Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz in the movie "Bandits"

In the same year, another film by Cruz and Almodóvar, “The Return,” was released. This picture brought Penelope not only world fame, but also the first nominations for American awards, and immediately for the Oscar and Golden Globe.

However, the artist did not receive them that year, but she received a prize at the Venice Film Festival and a European Film Academy Award.

In 2007-2009, such films with Penelope as “Elegy”, “Manolete”, “Broken Embraces” (directed by Almodóvar), “Nine” (nominated for an Oscar and Golden Globe) and “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” were released "(BAFTA Award).

For the last of these works, Cruz also received the award that all actors dream of - an Oscar, albeit for a supporting role.

By the way, Penelope became the first Spanish artist to win an Academy Award.

The beginning of the 2010s only cemented Penelope’s global success: viewers were captivated by the next film in the mega-popular franchise - “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides”, where Cruz became a partner on the set.

Penelope Cruz and Johnny Depp on the set of "Pirates..."

The film, with a budget of $250 million, grossed over a billion dollars at the box office. Interestingly, in some shots, Cruz was replaced by her sister Monica.

In 2011, Penelope received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, which only confirmed the global significance of her work.

In 2012, the actress appeared on the screens in the films “Roman Adventures” and “Twice Born”, and in 2013 - in “The Advisor” and in new job Almodóvar "I'm very excited."

In 2015-2016, Cruz could be seen in the films “Ma Ma”, “The Brothers Grimsby”, “Zoolander 2” and “The Queen of Spain”.

Penelope Cruz currently

In 2017-2018, Penelope took part in three bright projects- films "Murder in" Orient Express" and "Escobar", as well as in the series "American Crime Story".

Cruz is a sought-after actress who has more than 60 diverse roles, including bed scenes and in the nude, as well as with episodes where she appears completely without makeup or with a minimum of makeup.

Penelope Cruz in the movie "The Return"

Three projects with Penelope have been announced for the coming years - the dramas “Everyone Knows” and “Layover” (the film does not yet have a Russian title) and the dramedy “When Your Mother is Beautiful.”

Interesting Facts

Since the late 1990s, Cruz has regularly been involved in charity work and even met with Mother Teresa. IN different time the actress volunteered in poor countries and financially helped sick children and adults, as well as earthquake victims.

Penelope is also known in the fashion world, despite her not the most model height - 168 cm. The actress was or still is the face of several fashion brands cosmetics and clothing, in particular L"Oreal, Lancome, Loewe and Mango.

In 2006, Cruz was awarded the French distinction - the Order of Arts and Literature III degrees. In addition, she has a local Cesar film award.

In 2007, Penelope received from the hands of the Queen of Spain gold medal for propaganda national culture in USA. In her homeland, the actress is also a multiple winner of the Goya film award.

Cruz speaks four languages: Spanish, French, English and Italian. By the way, this helped her more than once during filming, because the girl filmed throughout Europe.

Personal life

For the first time, the hot Spanish beauty Pe (as Penelope’s friends call her) appeared on the radar of the Hollywood media in connection with an affair at the beginning of the 2000s.

On the set of the film Vanilla Sky, Cruz met actor Tom Cruise, and the romance from the screen spilled over into real life.

This relationship lasted about three years, but even after breaking up, the artists remained good friends.

Penelope Cruz and Tom Cruise in the movie Vanilla Sky

In 2005-2006, Penelope had a short affair with actor Matthew McConaughey.

The next time media reported about Cruz's relationship was in 2007. Her chosen one was the Spaniard Javier Bardem, whom Pe met and became friends with back in 1991 on the set of her first meaningful picture"Hamon, jamon."

After this, the actors met quite often on the set, and at some point romantic feelings flared up between them.

The couple tied the knot in 2010, and soon they had a son, Leonardo (born in 2011), and then a daughter, Luna (born in 2013).

Penelope and Javier are still together, they can often be seen on the “red carpet” of various events, including film awards and social premieres, and also, as we already wrote, on the screen.

Last working together The couple's film was "Escobar", and they have another project planned for the near future - "Everyone Knows".

Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz in the movie Escobar

It is interesting that both spouses played in the famous “pirate” franchise, only Penelope in the fourth film (“Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides”), and Javier in the fifth (“Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales”) and both “fought” with Johnny Depp’s character.

In an interview in 2018, Cruz admitted that she does not like some classic fairy tales because of their “machismo”, but still reads to his children, although he changes the ending so that “they don’t think that men decide everything.”

Penelope has a verified Instagram account; the actress created it in October 2015. As of April 2018, the star has three million subscribers on this social network.

However, in Lately Cruz more often publishes some kind of work and creative moments than personal and family photographs, as was the case before.