Example of a business plan for a pet hotel. How to open a hotel for animals: a detailed business plan and recommendations from businessmen

Almost every family has a pet, and sometimes even several. Sometimes, a person needs to be away for work or personal life reasons for a long time, and it happens that it is impossible to leave one pet at home and at the same time there is no way to ask someone to look after it. In such cases, a standard business plan for a pet hotel will be relevant.

This type of business is a promising direction. In our city alone, the number of pets reaches 1 million 500 thousand, and most of them need supervision and care. Every third animal owner found himself in a situation where he urgently needed to go away and leave his pet with someone. Few people have relatives or good friends who are able to take on such responsibility.

You also need to read that there are certain breeds of dogs that are scary to leave alone with a stranger. In this case, animal hotels with specialized staff who have the skills to handle all types and breeds of animals will come to the rescue.

Marketing plan

It is very important to take into account the population of the city in which you plan to open. For example, if a city has up to 400 thousand inhabitants, then the animal hotel will not bring profit to its owner and will soon go bankrupt. We must also pay attention to solvency. The larger the city, the higher it is.

Thus, when implementing a ready-made business plan for a hotel for animals, we must decide on possible options for developing our business. This service is new to the market and consumers, so you need to approach it carefully and introduce potential consumers. In the worst case, you may not achieve your goals.

We will establish relationships with veterinary clinics and specialized stores, and place our advertising there whenever possible. They are the ones who have the greatest penetration of the audience that we need. When holding pet exhibitions, we will also participate and distribute our advertising. You also don’t need to neglect advertising on the Internet. At the moment, this source of advertising can be compared in terms of coverage with television, only it, in turn, costs much more.

An example of a business plan for a hotel for animals includes two options for organizing the planned project:

  1. Rent a plot of land with a building built on it and redevelop it according to your design.
  2. Start from scratch and build your own hotel. To do this, we will have to acquire ownership of a plot of land, hire a team of workers and build the necessary hotel according to the developed plan. This option will cost a much larger amount of money, but it will avoid the cost of renting premises. In some cases, the price per square meter varies from 300 rubles to 1 thousand 500 rubles.
  3. The third option is to build a hotel on a private plot of land next to a private house. In this option, you will already have your own personal plot of land, you will only need to build a hotel and organize a family business. But there are also some disadvantages. According to the rules at the legislative level, a hotel for animals is permitted if it is located at a distance of 150 meters from residential premises. It is very rare to find houses that are so far from each other.

A sample business plan for a pet hotel with calculations considers the costs of accounting for 100 pets:

  1. Rent of a plot – 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Carrying out repair work - 1 million rubles.
  3. Purchase of everything necessary for the stay of animals - 300 thousand rubles.
  4. Outdoor advertising – 100 thousand rubles.
  5. The organization's reserve fund will amount to 200 thousand rubles.
  6. The amount of unforeseen expenses is 100 thousand rubles

Thus, the owner of a future business will need to have about 1 million 750 thousand rubles.

But it should be borne in mind that if a hotel for pets provides services not only for temporary maintenance, but also includes a number of additional services, such as training, grooming, then the cost of expenses may increase significantly. Many experts believe that hotels of this type will not be able to stay afloat if they do not provide their clients with an additional range of services.

Financial plan

A ready-made business plan for opening a hotel for animals also includes the amount of fixed expenses. These will include:

  • The salary of a veterinarian who will receive 20 thousand rubles.
  • Administrator with a salary of 20 thousand rubles.
  • Two dog handlers – 36 thousand rubles.
  • Household manager and accountant – 20 thousand rubles.
  • The rent for the premises is 50 thousand rubles.
  • Contributions to the insurance fund – 30 thousand rubles.
  • Payment of utilities – 20 thousand rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses of the organization - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Outdoor advertising – 20 thousand rubles.

Thus, the amount of fixed expenses per month will be 246 thousand rubles.

In addition to the fixed costs that the pet hotel business plan outlines, there will also be variable costs. They will depend entirely on the number of wards found and on their diet. Since each animal eats different foods, this must also be taken into account when purchasing them. On average, maintenance costs can range from 40 to 100 rubles daily.

How much can you earn?

We will calculate the possible earnings from this type of business. According to our data, the daily maintenance of one animal for a client will cost 400 rubles. Prices at a pet hotel will depend on the holiday season and will increase by 20%. Considering that the hotel accommodates 100 pets and is occupied by 30% every day, our monthly revenue will be 360 ​​thousand rubles. Additional services provided will also generate income: animal training - 15 thousand rubles, veterinarian services - 20 thousand rubles, sales of ornamental animals - 30 thousand rubles, haircuts - 20 thousand rubles. Thus, on average we will be able to receive 450 thousand every month.

If you subtract variable and mandatory expenses from this amount, you can get a net profit of 145 thousand rubles. If you adhere to these data, then the payback will occur within a year and a half after the start of work.

  1. Determine the direction of the future business.
  2. Analysis of future potential clients.
  3. Rent or purchase of land for construction.
  4. Arrangement.
  5. Purchase of equipment for animals.
  6. Registration of an organization.
  7. Beginning of work.

Equipment selection

The equipment will depend entirely on the services offered. If we are going to keep dogs and cats, then we will need to buy cages, beds, bowls, build enclosures, and also buy toys for the animals.

OKVED code

In our case, the OKVED code is suitable - 0, veterinary activity.

List of required documents to open your own business

The first thing we need to do is get veterinary approval. We must either hire a personal veterinarian or enter into an agreement with someone. Organizations can be registered as individual entrepreneurs or LLCs and registered with the tax authorities. After opening, an agreement will be concluded with each client for the provision of animal care services.

Tax system

In our case, the simplified tax system will be selected.

Is permission required?

Opening a hotel for animals is very difficult. We must obtain permission from the SES, which is a very difficult process. But this is only if it is located within the city. Obtaining a certificate and license is not necessary.



  1. Animal safety.
  2. Condition monitoring.
  3. Nutrition.
  4. Walking.
  5. Workout.
  6. Cleaning enclosures.
  7. Providing the owner with all information about the animal.

About every third Russian (76%, according to VTsIOM) has a pet. In total, there are about 20 million dogs and 35 million cats in the country - and there are also turtles, parrots, aquarium fish, guinea pigs and other living creatures. Against the backdrop of people’s stable attachment to their “little brothers,” the pet market is also rapidly developing. In large cities, new pet boutiques, veterinary clinics, grooming salons, as well as foster centers and hotels for animals are regularly opened.

In Russia, pet hotels arose at the beginning of the 21st century and quickly became popular. A pet owner planning a trip for several days or more can leave the pet in a facility where it will be provided with care, food, and leisure.

Currently, more than 200 hotels for animals are registered in the Zooboking.com database, most of which are in big cities. High demand during the holiday period - from May to September - and during the New Year holidays. The annual turnover of a 25-bed animal hotel with an average daily price of 300 rubles is about one and a half million rubles; maintaining the hotel costs approximately 600,000 rubles. The experience of “pet hoteliers” shows that business is most profitable in large cities, where wages are high, the pace of life is intense, and there are many travel enthusiasts.

What services are provided at the pet hotel?

The standard package of services is presented in the table.

Table No. 1. Popular services and average market prices.

Service name

average price

Cat foster care

400 rubles/day

Overexposure of dogs weighing 1-10 kg

650 rubles/day

Overexposure of dogs weighing 10-25 kg

750 rubles/day

Overexposure of dogs weighing more than 25 kg

850 rubles/day

Overexposure of hamsters and guinea pigs

150 rubles/day

Fostering ferrets and rabbits

300 rubles/day

Bird care

250 rubles/day

50-250 rubles

Price depends on the problem


700-1500 rubles

Delivery of the animal from home to the hotel and back

Price depends on distance

The cost of overexposure includes the following services:

  1. Regular veterinary examination.
  2. Providing food and access to water.
  3. Bathing the pet. Usually carried out on the 7th day of your stay at the hotel.
  4. Ear cleaning.
  5. Eye treatment.
  6. Regular brushing.
  7. Walking according to schedule.
  8. Sanitary and hygienic procedures.
  9. Informing the owner about the condition of the animal.

Many hotels arrange rooms or boxes for pets and create a feeding and walking schedule according to the client’s preferences. Additional services may include haircuts and dietary menu planning.

Pet hotel formats

There are no clear requirements for a pet hotel from regulatory authorities, so when choosing a format you need to be guided by a business development strategy.

The most common types of hotels for animals:

  1. Mini-hotel in a private apartment. A great option for an apartment owner who wants to make money. In conditions of limited space, keeping large dogs will cause certain difficulties, and small animals create noise, which annoys neighbors. The apartment is suitable for keeping cats, decorative dogs, parrots, and hamsters. To avoid conflicts with the residents of the house, sound insulation and ventilation will be required.
  2. A private house. You can keep any animals in the house and create the best conditions for them to stay without their owners. From a profit point of view, it is good if it is located within the city or not far from it. It would be ideal if there was a fenced area for enclosures and walking.
  3. A separate building in a residential or central area. Convenient format (neighbors will have no complaints), but you will have to spend money on rent.

The hotel can be regular, VIP-class or combined - combining standard and luxury rooms.

A regular pet hotel means a room with cages for cats and dogs. This format is popular in sparsely populated cities. The average daily price is 300 rubles (price does not include meals).

VIP rooms are cost-effective in megacities, where you can attract an audience with above-average income. Here, as in a hotel for people, they offer deluxe and junior suite rooms. Deluxe rooms have more space (from 7 to 10 m² for cats and from 15 to 20 m² for dogs) and more comfortable conditions (houses for animals, exercise equipment, comfortable sleeping areas). Some establishments install video surveillance, allowing customers to monitor their pets remotely. The average price of a day in a junior suite is from 700 rubles, in a suite - from 1,500 rubles.

Let's look at how to open a hotel for animals and what is needed for this.

Documentation and permission

To legally register a business, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Next, you need to find a room and prepare it for inspections by the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

The client of the pet hotel is provided with an agreement with mutual rights and obligations. There are holding centers that operate without a contract. But they do not give the client guarantees that his pet will be provided with decent conditions during the entire period of foster care.

Registration and obtaining permits will cost about 20,000 rubles.


You will need not only a room of considerable size, but also an adjacent area for walking animals and setting up enclosures.

About 500,000 rubles are needed for repair work and arrangement of rooms. It is also necessary to organize water supply and baths for bathing animals. Walls should be decorated with environmentally friendly materials.

This project of a hotel for animals involves conducting activities in a 2-story building with a yard. It is located in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand inhabitants. The hotel has 45 places for cats and dogs, and there are also places for small animals. Cats, rodents, birds, and other small pets are located on the second floor, on the first floor and in the courtyard there are rooms for dogs. The rent will be 200,000 rubles per month. Utility costs - 20,000 rubles.

The business plan for the pet hotel assumes the following rooms:

  • five VIP rooms for dogs and cats;
  • five rooms for setting up enclosures;
  • two rooms for rodents;
  • medical office;
  • five bathrooms (2 baths each).

It is necessary to build enclosures with stable fences in the yard. Remember: if the animal escapes, the owner has the right to sue.

Table No. 2. The area of ​​enclosures depending on the size of the dogs


The minimum staff with salary calculations is described in the table below.

Table No. 3. Pet hotel staff


Number (persons)





Animal Control Officer

Customer Relations Manager/Marketing Manager

Grooming master

You can entrust accounting to an outsourcing company and handle deliveries yourself.

Animal hotel equipment

Table No. 4. Necessary equipment



Aviaries (indoor, indoor)

Houses for cats

Beds for cats

Feed cabinet

Scratching posts for cats

Accessories (dishes, toys, muzzles, collars, etc.)

Rodent cages

Bird cages

Carriers for cats

Marketing and advertising

To attract customers and ensure a good reputation, it is important to approach the advertising campaign as responsibly as possible. You will need a high-quality website with photographs of rooms and enclosures, a detailed description of the services and advantages of your pet hotel, and customer reviews. Also groups on social networks, announcements on forums, in thematic communities, on advertising and news portals, in print media.

Install a bright, beautiful sign that attracts the attention of passersby. You can order advertising on a billboard in the area where the hotel is located.

An effective and free marketing tool is barter advertising. You post your flyers in pet stores, veterinary clinics, and other places that pet owners frequent. The owners of the listed establishments leave their advertisements in your hotel.

You can develop a reward system (promotions, special offers, discount cards), which will increase the loyalty of the target audience.

Financial plan: calculations of profitability and payback

First, let's determine the amount of the initial investment.

20,000 (collection of documents) + 200,000 (rent) + 500,000 (improvement of the house and territory) + 395,000 (equipment) + 20,000 (feed) + 60,000 (advertising) + 20,000 (transport and other expenses) = 1 215,000 rubles

Now let's calculate monthly expenses.

20,000 (utility payments) + 340,000 (salaries) + 20,000 (taxes) + 20,000 (food, medications, etc.) + 10,000 (advertising) = 410,000 rubles

The planned average check per day from one client is 600 rubles. When fully loaded (45 seats), the daily income is 27,000 rubles. It’s easy to calculate your monthly income:

27,000 * 30 days = 810,000 rubles

Net profit per month (minus fixed expenses) will be 400,000 rubles.

Table No. 5. Financial calculations

This is the “ideal” payback period. In fact, it may take more time to promote your business, “gain” a reliable reputation and occupy a stable position in the niche.

If the demand for services is high, you can safely raise prices by 10% during the season.

Pet hotel franchise: is it worth buying?

Since the business requires significant start-up capital and taking into account many details, the help of a competent franchisor will come in handy. Thanks to his practical experience and knowledge of the market, he will help you pass inspections, select and prepare premises, purchase equipment and feed from reliable suppliers at adequate prices, as well as select and train personnel, and develop a marketing policy. If the franchise brand is well promoted, it will be easier for you to attract customers.

If you are a beginner and do not have strong confidence in your abilities, use a franchise when opening a pet hotel.


Draw up a detailed business plan for a pet hotel and conduct careful market monitoring - then you will cover all possible services that are of interest to pet owners.

Here's what can become an obstacle in business:

  • bad location;
  • low quality of service;
  • negligence in drawing up the contract and assumed obligations;
  • lack of marketing strategy.
If you own your own home, costs will be significantly reduced. In this case, your position in the market will be more stable.

Margarita Nikitina shared the history of creating a network of pet hotels, in which all processes are automated, and told what options for keeping pets exist on the market, highlighting their main advantages and disadvantages.

Why I decided to open a hotel for animals

I had the idea of ​​opening a pet hotel according to European standards a long time ago, back when I was studying at the veterinary faculty. While doing internships in various veterinary clinics, I saw the conditions in which animals are kept after operations. How cramped they are in small cages, how they want to move and jump. Animal owners had to call administrators for several hours to get at least some information about the condition of their pet.

What can we say about the service? No contracts, obligations or the slightest. Going on vacation when you have a cat or dog was no easy task. Who can you ask to babysit your pet, who can you trust with the keys to the apartment?

It was out of the question to give your cat to acquaintances or friends, because they tear up wallpaper, furniture, and after such overexposure, friends cease to be friends.

It was back in 2007, then I realized that the market needed changes. But as a veterinary student, I had neither the funds nor the experience. Over the course of 10 years, I gained experience and rose to a position in a large company. And in 2017, a turning point came when I decided to start realizing my old dream.

I started a business without anyone's help

I decided to open a business on my own, without anyone’s help or partnership, I had enough experience, and I had saved up money. And in the spring of 2017, she began implementing her project. When you launch any business, first of all you need to analyze the market, see how competitors work. What is the demand and for what services?

I was very lucky: over these 10 years the market has not changed much. Hotels for animals have appeared, but the level of service has remained the same. Many hotel owners, wanting to save their money, equipped them from scrap materials (plywood, plastic). Therefore, I decided that the animal rooms in my hotels would be made entirely of glass.

In my opinion, competitors on the market also paid minimal attention to cleaning and disinfection, limiting themselves to simple sweeping and cleaning of trays. I have compiled a list of business processes that radically change the approach to cleaning and disinfection.

At the pet hotel

The next stage is choosing a room. This is a separate process that is significant in business. Here I encountered landlords for whom the service I provided was new. They did not perceive the pet hotel as a modern and full-fledged service to the population. For them, a hotel for animals primarily meant dirt, noise and an unpleasant smell.

We opened our first hotel in June 2017. To convince the landlord, we had to show photographs of European and American hotels, and talk in detail about the ventilation, disinfection and cleaning systems. Today we already have 10 hotels throughout the country and, with each new hotel opening, problems with landlords become less and less.

How I looked for hotel staff

When I approached the issue of recruiting staff for my hotel, I clearly understood that these should be employees with higher veterinary education. Working with animals involves not only feeding and playing with them, but also a high-quality examination before admission to foster care. Staff need to understand what to do if the animal suddenly becomes ill. A simple cat sitter will not cope with these tasks.

I posted an ad on popular personnel resources. There were many responses, but not every employee was ready to clean the premises and wash the floors. As a result, I selected several people, and they still work in the company. One of the first employees has already been promoted and holds the position of administrator of the entire BookingCat hotel chain.

Work only with professionals

One of the tasks was to maximize automation of the hotel’s operating process. This required serious “intervention”. I planned that I would have a large network in different regions of Russia. I started with the website, but not everything went smoothly. To develop it, I turned to a programmer friend. He took quite a lot of money (about 300 thousand rubles) and treated the work carelessly. When we began to actively expand, I had to hire truly professional programmers and completely redo the site. And my “friend” now doesn’t get in touch.

My advice to you is to be sure to work under a contract: subsequently there will be much fewer problems if you need to defend your rights.

Now everything is set up and working great. The booking service is fully automated. We have integrated the latest advanced technologies of the IT market, several multi-channel phones, and a single all-Russian number 8-800. In my opinion, we have one of the best CRM systems; we do not miss a single client.

What have I come to after a year of work?

When the main work was completed, the contractors installed all the equipment and video surveillance was set up, I opened the doors to my hotel. Thanks to an aggressive online advertising campaign, we received our first guests the day after opening.

After 2 days, 5 more cats came to us. We closed July with more than 80% hotel occupancy. We had 50 rooms, so this is a good indicator from a financial point of view. Provided that the average check per season is more than 10 thousand rubles, the monthly revenue was more than 1,200,000 rubles.

A year has passed, and the hotel has long since recouped its investment. We have now built up a permanent, loyal customer base. And there are never days when the hotel is empty; even in the low season we have 10 or more cats. I made the right decision, leaving a comfortable office and a high position, devoting my time to myself and my development. Just like my partners, who are actively opening their hotels in different cities of Russia.

At the pet hotel

In the regions, we open hotels with fewer rooms, on average from 15 to 30. Revenue there is much more modest, from 300 to 600 thousand rubles, but due to low maintenance costs, the business is quite effective and attractive. We currently have 10 hotels, and by the end of the year I plan that we will open 20 more in all cities with a population of over a million.

I developed an effective business model for building a network. My initial expenses for creating a website and writing business processes have already paid off, and thanks to the royalties paid by partners, we can conduct effective and aggressive business. We invest more than 100 thousand rubles in direct advertising alone to attract new pets to our hotels. In addition to foster care advertising, we are also actively developing a franchise network, and, of course, this also requires considerable investment.

About 80% of pedigree cats are brought to our hotels, the average cost of which is about a thousand dollars, but the service is affordable for most city residents, and among our guests there are also domestic mongrel cats. After all, regardless of the breed, cats are first and foremost family members, and choosing a hotel for them is comparable to choosing a kindergarten for a child.

What's happening in the market?

Many pet owners are faced with the problem of temporary pet care from one to several times a year. The reason to leave the “tailed one” could be a vacation, a business trip, repairs, moving, the arrival of relatives, illness of a second pet or owner. According to a survey of pet owners, 1/3 are afraid to trust their “fluffies” to anyone and are even ready to refuse the trip. This is a real problem for some and a reason to give up getting a pet altogether.

What foster care options does the pet services market offer in Russia?

First option

The first and most common way of temporary keeping is to leave it with friends or ask friends to come home to care for the pet. There are pros, cons and pitfalls here that owners don’t think about. If an animal stays at home alone, then, on the one hand, it experiences less stress, since its habitat has not changed, but on the other hand, it gets very bored when alone and can become offended.

Out of resentment, pets begin to “revenge” and damage walls and furniture. Acquaintances, as a rule, cannot always come every day, more often every other day or once every few days. The pet often lacks food and water, not to mention attention, and with a dog this option is completely unacceptable.

I know of cases where our clients left their pets with friends, and the animals, as a sign of protest, damaged their wallpaper, furniture, showed aggression towards people and children, and as a result, friendly relations were threatened.

As a rule, someone else's animal becomes a burden for relatives and friends, even for a short period. I can give you another story as an example: a guy asked a friend to come feed his cat, and he ended up doing it on the first and last day before his arrival, which he accidentally found out about from mutual friends. After this incident, the cat needed to see a veterinarian.

Second option

This is a paid home foster care. There are people who place advertisements for foster care at home on various Internet resources. The cost of such a service is comparable to the cost of living in a pet hotel. Let's consider the pros and cons of such a stay.

    Firstly, you are unlikely to be able to find real reviews about this person on the Internet. Does he really love animals and will follow all recommendations for care and maintenance?

    Secondly, he most likely will not sign any liability agreement for keeping a pet, therefore, the person will not owe you anything in the event of force majeure. Responsibility between you will not be recorded.

    Thirdly, you can never be sure how your pet is treated and cared for. In such cases, video surveillance is usually not provided.

    Fourthly, you cannot be sure that during this period people will not adopt other pets at home and they will get along with each other.

    The fifth aspect you should consider is disinfection. No apartment can be 100% disinfected after yours and other animals. If people accept pets for foster care, then you are not the only guests, not the first and not the last. There is also no guarantee that the animal will not accidentally run out of an open door or jump out of a window. We know such cases.

All these risks must be taken into account during private home foster care. But there are undoubtedly advantages: a large space, if the pet is not locked in a separate room, proximity to your home, the cost is 10-20% lower than that of officially registered organizations.

If you decide to use private services, then it is better to choose a trusted person who does not have his own pets, or has the possibility of keeping them in isolation. The average cost of private foster care in apartments is as follows: a cat from 400 rubles per day, a dog from 500 rubles per day, rodents from 200 rubles.

Third option

These are pet hotels. There are now a lot of offers on the market for all types of pets: these are open outdoor enclosures, and closed enclosures with heated floors, cages, wooden rooms, glass rooms, structures made of plastic/sandwich panels and other various materials.

How to choose a hotel and get quality service?

    First, make a guest visit to the hotel and look at the real living conditions of other pets. If you are denied this, this should alert you; it is better to choose another place of stay for your pet.

    Secondly, you can check the hotel by simply calling and asking whether the hotel will accept a guest with an infectious disease. If the answer is yes, then we recommend not to settle on this accommodation option.

    Fourth, request a contract. If they don't give it to you, then this should also give you pause.

Now some hotels provide video surveillance services, this is a definite plus and indicates that the hotel has nothing to hide, it complies with all norms. For peace of mind of the owner, we recommend using this option. Hotels that do not show animal conditions will not install video surveillance for obvious reasons.

Another point is disinfection and cleaning. It’s definitely worth clarifying how this is done; during a guest visit, it’s better to make sure for yourself that there are actually cleaning products and that the staff knows how to use them. If these simple questions are not answered, then perhaps they are simply not disinfecting properly.

At the pet hotel

Also important is the health of the pet. At the hotel you should be asked for your pet's veterinary passport with vaccination records and have the animal examined before check-in.

What are the advantages of pet hotels?

    Official responsibility under the contract for the temporary keeping of a pet.

    Compliance with veterinary and sanitary rules and disinfection with professional detergents. Much more attention is paid to the maintenance of fluffies than private foster care.

    Most often, more professional staff with qualifications or education work.

    Convenient locations, it is possible to pay a guest visit before moving in and look at the real conditions of detention.

    Some pet hotels offer video surveillance of their pet in each room 24/7 from the owner’s smartphone. This is the safest and most reliable option for foster care. You can always control what is happening and be confident in its safety.

    Comfortable living conditions, care, attention, games, care. It is possible to use additional grooming or training options, which is very convenient.

    A transfer or pet taxi makes delivery problems easier for the owner.

    Various payment options, including cashless payment or payment via the Internet.

    Possibility of a guest visit and searching for real reviews on the Internet about the organization.

Fourth option

There is another accommodation option - a hospital at a veterinary clinic. Pros: professional staff, compliance with disinfection rules, convenient location.

Disadvantages - pets are usually placed in cages and do not receive enough attention, games, or care. It is more advisable to leave pets there after surgery, in case of other diseases, for a short period. It is better to place animals that do not require special care in pet hotels. The cost of such placement is usually about 600 rubles.

In developed countries, many entrepreneurs offer their temporary accommodation services for pet owners. In our country, this area of ​​activity has not yet received proper distribution. At the same time, with the increase in the welfare of residents, a very considerable demand for such services appeared.

There are more and more pet owners every year. The fashion for raising cats and dogs of expensive breeds is only gaining momentum. At the same time, people are increasingly seeking to leave their hometown for vacation. All owners of our smaller brothers, be it a goldfish, a raccoon or a parrot, and especially dog ​​breeders, have a need to solve the question “Where to give the animal on vacation?”

If you are interested in the question of where to download a ready-made business plan for a hotel for animals, then you are one of the few people who want to make people’s lives more comfortable by making money on it. We have good news for you: this option of entrepreneurial activity is either not covered by businessmen at all, or is very narrowly represented only in the largest cities. The demand for this category of services is only increasing, forcing pet hotel owners to write a new business plan that takes into account the expansion of the existing one.

Payback of pet hotels

Despite the fact that the price of a standard hotel for animals differs from the prices of regular rooms in a regular hotel on a smaller side, the payback for a temporary home for four-legged animals is much faster. There are many requirements for the location of animals, but the costs of organizing a business are disproportionately less.

The most optimistic ready-made business plans for hotels for animals indicate a payback period of 1-1.5 years. In fact, of course, success depends on the demand in the market for these services and the number of offers in a particular locality. Therefore, you should stay the course for success, but not expect such amazing results. Owners of some similar hotels note a payback of 3-4 years.

How to open a hotel for animals - where to start drawing up a business plan

The most significant expense items in business plans for pet hotels are:

  • Employees' wage fund.
  • Renting/purchasing premises.
  • Food, medicines and accessories for animal life.

Business plans proposing to open a hotel for animals cite specific figures for the salaries of specialists. But you should not rely, for example, on the stated salary of a veterinarian of 15 thousand rubles. Its size varies from region to region. To estimate costs, it is better to turn to websites with resumes and vacancies in your city.

If you plan to place large dogs, you will not be able to avoid having a dog handler on staff. Their salaries also vary by region. A dog handler is a person who works with animals during walks, monitors their condition, feeds and cleans their places of detention, and also disinfects them. Hiring young people, for example, students on vacation, can reduce the cost of care staff. However, you must take into account that the presence of unqualified employees may lead to troubles such as customer dissatisfaction or force majeure.

You can save on wages if you have a part-time staff and do not employ them full-time. It is possible and advisable to attract part-time workers. For example, a vet who comes on call. a doctor working under an employment contract can cost several times less than a person on staff. The same goes for legal counsel and accountants.

Depending on the terms of the contract with clients, animals can eat either the owners’ usual food or food offered by the hotel. In any case, it is necessary to have some food reserves, at least because the owners may forget or bring an insufficient amount of food. The cost of feeding animals depends on many factors: what kind of pets you are going to accept; company manufacturer; retail or wholesale purchases. A large dog eats more than an adult, and the cost of a small turtle is almost imperceptible.

The most labor-intensive and expensive thing is to find suitable premises for a hotel. The requirements for the placement of our smaller brothers are very strict, because they affect the interests of both the animals themselves and their owners and people living in the immediate vicinity.

Hotels for pets - norms and requirements

One of the most difficult points when drawing up a business plan for a hotel for animals is calculating the premises and its cost. There are a number of rules and regulations enshrined in law and applicable to all enterprises of this type, regardless of whether you want to open a pet hotel in a former two-room apartment on the ground floor or rebuild a separate building of impressive footage.

For example, one of the most unpleasant requirements of the SES is the location of a hotel for animals no closer than 150-200 meters from nearby residential areas. The smallest area is also specified in the standards - 100 m2. Many of these establishments are located in suburban areas, forest parks or industrial zones. The location of a pet hotel far from the city is not a good solution, especially away from well-known roads - it will be difficult to find you.

In addition, according to official regulations, the premises must be equipped with a heating system, sewage system and a separate area for walking animals. If it is difficult to find such premises, many resort to purchasing (renting) premises together with a veterinary clinic, or increase prices for services. Hotels for pets are also organized in private homes, including their own. This is a good help, especially at first, because the cost of rent greatly impacts the budget, which can be spent on development, for example, advertising companies.

If you want to open a mini-hotel for animals, the distinctive feature of which is the accommodation of small animals (turtles, fish, parrots, cats, dwarf dogs, etc.), the requirements for the premises are different. The minimum area must be at least 10 m2.

Animals live in separate rooms or in cages. Depending on the size and type of pet, requirements for their places are established. For example, a cat cage should be 1x1.5 meters. Under these conditions, some owners of overexposed animals resort to arranging cages on top of each other. However, this type of hotel does not find a response in the hearts of customers: it provokes stress for the animal and does not meet hygiene standards.

Animals must eat somewhere, so a separate room must be provided for this process. Plus a room for a veterinarian.

How much does it cost to open a pet hospitality business?

Most ready-made business plans cite such specific and small numbers that one is tempted to urgently open a hotel for animals. However, we advise you to be realistic and add up to 50% to the estimated cost of projects for unforeseen expenses. They may be associated both with force majeure circumstances and with the corruption of some structures.

In addition, it is simply impossible to say a certain cost for a specific case, so a strong recommendation (if you are not an economist or an estimator by profession) is to contact a specialist to draw up your business plan, who will calculate everything down to the smallest detail in relation to your region, your market city, salary level, etc.

The opening of the hotel for our little brothers should be dated to early to mid-spring. This is the time when planning most vacations, when pet owners are just starting to think about their vacation. In addition, this is an excellent time for initial development, getting into a working rut before the start of the holiday season.

Despite the unsaturated market and a large amount of demand, provide funds for business promotion. In addition to the notorious word of mouth (and this is not relevant for the starting stage), advertising on the Internet gives excellent results, because most owners begin their searches with queries in search engines. In addition, partnership agreements with pet clinics and pet stores are an excellent option.

Among the country's population there are many people who keep four-legged friends at home. Over time, a pet becomes not just an animal that needs to be taken care of, fed, educated, but also a member of the family. They sew clothes for dogs and cats and take them to beauty salons. In short, the animal lives a full life, similar to the life of Homo sapiens. However, there are times when people have to leave home for a while. Whether it’s a work trip or a vacation, you can’t take your pet with you. Then the owners come to the aid of a hotel for dogs and other animals, which can be opened by anyone who is not indifferent to four-legged friends. New trends in animal services are still rare.

  • Where to start opening a hotel for animals?
  • Where to set up a hotel
  • Additional services at the hotel
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How to choose equipment
  • Which OKVED code must be specified for a pet hotel?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which tax system to choose for a pet hotel
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Business technology

Without exaggeration, we can say that this is a promising business that developed successfully in the previous year. It still does not have high competition in the market for such services. Such hostels for animals can only be found in large cities, and even then in small numbers. An entrepreneur can confidently move in the direction of developing the service sector related to pets in 2017. But let’s return to the reasons why this business is positioned as quite promising.

Animal owners often leave them with relatives or friends. This is a good option, but there are not always people who want to burden their lives with caring for a four-legged friend. In addition, you need to be able to feed, walk, and care for dogs and cats. For example, improper feeding can lead to diseases of the animal’s gastrointestinal tract. To avoid these troubles, it is better to entrust your dog or cat to professional dog handlers, veterinarians or breeders.

Any entrepreneur can open a hotel for animals as a new business direction. If he does not have special education and experience in communicating with animals, then he will have to turn to specialists for help. In any case, you cannot do without service personnel.

Where to start opening a hotel for animals?

Where to set up a hotel

Let’s say right away that starting a business to organize a hotel for animals in a city apartment will not work. Neither the law nor the neighbors will allow this. The specific smell, no matter how hard the cleaners try, will still spread outside the apartment. The optimal place to organize a business is your own home. It is possible for a plot of land to be located even outside the city limits. This location will provide an opportunity to develop new territories and develop over time.

Promising business areas in 2019

Experts say that you can start with a small hostel with 10 beds. To begin with, you can even limit yourself to keeping small breeds of dogs (up to 10 kg) and cats. This will help the entrepreneur gain the necessary experience, decide on the number of personnel, schedule and other organizational issues. The optimal hotel is one that can accommodate 20 animals at a time. It does not require large expenses for maintaining the territory or staff salaries and is rarely empty. We must not forget that in the previous year there was some seasonality in business due to vacations and public holidays. The same trend will occur in 2017 and subsequent years.

Ten to twelve places for animals can be located on an area of ​​40 sq.m. The premises must be built in accordance with all engineering and architectural rules. Therefore, despite the fact that it will be considered non-residential, it is worth ordering a construction project. It must have new communications: heating, water, electricity.

Inside, the room is divided into enclosures measuring 2x1.5 m. The floors in the rooms must be laid with ceramic tiles. This is done in order to comply with sanitary standards and better surface treatment after each animal. Enclosures must have dog kennels, drinking bowls and feeding bowls. All these accessories must be made of material that can be easily disinfected. In enclosures for cats there are soft mats and claw pads.

The hotel must have a veterinary first aid kit. It needs to be filled with vitamins, preparations with microelements, anti-flea drops and anthelmintics. Separately, you need to purchase hygiene products, combs for different types of wool and other accessories.

Additional services at the hotel

The position of a veterinarian in such institutions can be considered mandatory. Another thing is that a specialist does not necessarily have to be there around the clock. The doctor can be called as needed, for example, when adopting an animal. If a pet gets sick, the hotel owner usually provides assistance to him at his own expense, and then includes the amount in the total price of the animal's stay at the hotel. Naturally, it is better to carry out all these actions in agreement with the owners or write them down in the contract.

During their stay at the hotel, the animal, in agreement with the owners, can be provided with haircutting, bathing and other hygiene procedures. By the way, these are another promising business areas that were successfully developing last year and may also be in demand in 2017. We will talk about how to open a beauty salon for animals in our next publications.