Download the educational institution personnel program. Features of the pro version

Any modern enterprise with a developed structure must have a comprehensive personnel program. The purpose of such software is to maintain documentary support for company employees. If necessary, you can download one of the Microsoft Office applications, but in this case the software will not be very useful. The fact is that it will take a lot of time to write the necessary macros, as well as to create tables, forms and other important elements that are not provided by default by developers. A rational choice would be the free program Personnel Plus, which you can download on the Internet.

This utility is designed to automate the execution of almost all tasks that are assigned to us by the HR department. a human resources specialist gets the opportunity to work even with several organizations at the same time, which will be useful for administration accounting department employees who, as a rule, monitor several enterprises. You should download HR Plus, because it has support for multi-user mode, so companies with a large staff of employees will also find the software very useful.

Another positive feature of the free program Personnel Plus is that you can enter databases of workers who got a job under a civil contract or an employment contract. You just need to download the utility, after which it will become an excellent container for the most detailed information about the employees of your enterprise: sending on vacation, assigning incentives, number of hours worked and rework.

Useful program Personnel download free to your computer

Responsible and high-quality completion of information about the company’s employees makes it possible to always have accurate and up-to-date statistics on the movement of personnel at hand. You should know that if you download the program for free, you can count on more than 50 standard templates and reports that make your work much easier. In addition, relevant specialists can create new reports that meet the criteria and characteristics of a specific company.

Not everyone will be able to open the free HR Plus application, since the administrator can limit the access of a particular person. This allows us to count on the fact that all information that is inaccessible to the relevant circle of people will be reliably protected.

Thus, you definitely need to download the free program Personnel Plus. This is a great solution for any HR department as all the necessary functions are included. A convenient and intuitive interface, numerous options, the ability to restrict access - the software really turned out to be ideal.

Personnel Program from 1C - one of the simplest HR programs. This is an intuitive shareware program for maintaining personnel records in an enterprise with all the necessary capabilities. The Personnel program is an integral part of the complex program “1C: Salary, Timesheet, Personnel”, but can be purchased separately from other functions. With a small number of employees in this personnel program, records can be kept for FREE!


Like many other personnel programs, the "Personnel" program from 1C allows you to keep track of such data as:

Personal Information– last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, registration address and actual address of residence, information about the identity document, it is possible to insert a photograph of the employee;
Taxation– data is entered that is taken into account when taxing the employee’s income and generating reports: TIN, IMN code (generated automatically based on the first digits of the TIN), information about disability, provision of standard deductions, accounting for income from the previous place of work, information about disability, standard deductions received income from previous place of work;
Debts– in this tab, accrued but unpaid income from previous years and the taxpayer’s income tax debt at the beginning of the year are filled in;
Accruals– data is entered on permanent accruals and deductions, on the basis of which automatic salary calculations are made;
Other- information about the employee’s marital status, military registration;
Personnel data– information related to the employee’s work activity is entered: personnel number, status, place of work, working conditions, nature of work, length of service, information about the employment contract, category of insurance premium payer and the number of the insurance certificate in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
Movements- the program provides accounting of personnel movements (hiring, transfers, dismissal). Information is entered into individual fields, and a general visual report of existing movements is displayed in the form of a table;
Sick leave– the ability to enter information about periods of illness of an employee with subsequent automatic completion of a work time sheet for the corresponding period of illness and automatic calculation of “sick leave” after returning to work using the “Constant accruals” function in Payroll;
Vacation– the ability to create a vacation schedule;
Business trips- the program provides accounting of information about employee business trips;
Education- information about the type of education and educational institution of the employee, information about postgraduate education, certification, qualifications, retraining, knowledge of foreign languages, the employee’s profession, etc.
Other- information about incentives (awards), benefits to which the employee is entitled, the ability to enter any additional information.

The personnel program fills out the following samples of personnel documents

Staffing table
Employment contract
Personal card
State personal card employee
Personal account
Personal sheet
Vacation schedule
Personnel composition
Travel certificate
Business trip order
Order on business trips for workers
Transfer order
Order on transfer of employees
Order of encouragement
Order on encouraging employees
Reception order
Order on hiring employees
Order to change salary
Leave order
Order on leave of employees
Order of dismissal
Order on dismissal of employees
Note-calculation of travel allowances
Service assignment
Statistical reporting

We wish you pleasant work!

The term “Electronic work books” does not exist in Russian legislation. The words “electronic work book” mean:

  • interaction with employees and submission of a report to them in the STD-R form
  • interaction with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and reporting in the SZV-TD form to the pension fund

The 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program supports interactions between the employer and employees and with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To do this, a flag has been added to personnel documents (Hiring, Personnel transfer, Dismissal) Reflect in the work book.

Documents in which the flag is set Reflect in the work book are automatically registered in the table Events and are reflected in the SZV-TD report.

Printed form of the document Application for provision of information about labor activity allows you to issue an employee Notification of changes in labor legislation along with election application forms. The results of completed applications in the program allow you to automatically generate an event on choosing an option for obtaining information.

For employees who have declared their choice to receive information about their work activities in accordance with Article 66.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, information in the STD-R form is automatically generated upon request or upon dismissal of the employee.

Personnel records and office work

“1C: Salary and HR Management 8” provides the HR department with a wide range of opportunities for maintaining personnel records:

  • automatic generation of employee applications and ETC reports to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the form SZV-TD and for issuance to employees STD-R;
  • registration of employees with whom fixed-term and open-ended employment contracts are concluded, including during remote and seasonal work;
  • registration of hiring and execution of orders for hiring an employee or a list of employees, registration of the transfer of an employee to another place of work, registration of dismissals;
  • changing the terms of the contract and issuing orders for the transfer of an employee or a list of employees.

The program automates personnel records management, including filling out standardized printed forms: registration of employment contracts, hiring (forms T-1 and T-1a), personnel transfers of workers (forms T-5 and T-5a), dismissal from the organization (forms T -8 and T-8a), execution of civil contracts: work contracts, contracts for paid services, author’s orders. Layouts of printed forms can be edited if necessary to create your own printed documents.

Based on movement records, you can obtain: current lists of employees for a specific date with an arbitrary customizable set of details, data on the movement of employees for a selected period, statistical information on the number of employees of various categories, the average and average number of employees. This information allows the manager to analyze the personnel dynamics of the company and individual departments (number of moves, dismissals), track changes in personnel, and promptly identify problems in personnel management.

“1C: Salary and HR Management 8” stores all the basic information about employees necessary for personnel work, payroll calculation, personal income tax and insurance contributions:

  • personal information about the employee (full name, date of birth, gender, etc.) and identification card information (passport information);
  • TIN and insurance certificate number of the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, etc.);
  • information about citizenship, insurance and tax status, data on tax deductions;
  • information about disability;
  • information about education;
  • information about previous work activities;
  • family composition;
  • military registration information;
  • information about awards, academic degrees and titles.

In the program, you can create additional details and information (for example, height, weight, clothing size, etc.), as well as attach a photograph of the employee, scanned copies of any documents, for example, a resume.

The functionality of “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” allows you to meet the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, current regulatory documents of FSTEC and Roskomnadzor. The program implements the ability to register a number of events, in particular, access and denial of access to personal data, depersonalization of data in the absence of the employee’s consent to the processing of his personal data.

Military registration

"1C: Salary and HR Management 8" allows you to:

  • keep records of all categories of employees subject to military registration, those in reserve, those on special military registration, reserved for state authorities, local governments or organizations for the period of mobilization, martial law or wartime;
  • generate reports for military commissariats, notices of employment of citizens subject to military registration, sheets of messages about changes, requests for reservations, an organization’s registration card, and so on.;
  • indicate information on positions related to flight crews and sailing personnel when preparing information on the number of working and reserved citizens.

Staffing table

Maintaining staffing in the program is optional. If the company is small and there is no need to maintain a staffing table in the program, then you can keep records of employees, fully describing the place and conditions of their work. If the organization subsequently draws up a staffing table in the program, it will be generated automatically based on the available information about employees, and some adjustments can be made (for example, indicating vacant positions).

In the program, you can establish control over personnel documents for their compliance with the staffing table or refuse it.

The mode of approving the staffing table with special documents allows you to store the history of its changes. This makes it possible to obtain the staffing table for any past date and analyze the unapproved (planned) staffing table.

The staffing table in the program is presented as a list of positions. The position name is generated automatically according to the “Position, rank (category)/Division” scheme, but can be changed or supplemented in any way.

The position of the staffing table is characterized by working conditions and payment.

When describing working conditions for a position, you can indicate:

  • the right to vacation arising from working in this position;
  • class of working conditions (based on the results of a special assessment);
  • free text description of working conditions;
  • work schedule specific to this position.

From the staffing position card, you can go to the list of employees who occupy it. When starting work, it is easy to fill out the staffing table according to the current arrangement of employees.

Maintaining a staffing table in the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program allows you to:

  • accept and transfer employees, automatically generating a list of accruals and their amount in accordance with the selected position in the selected department;
  • reserve staff positions for an employee;
  • for informational purposes, store information about the specialties that an employee must possess to fill a particular position;
  • when issuing personnel orders, monitor their compliance with the staffing schedule;
  • analyze the compliance of the actual staffing with the staffing table;
  • in addition to the position, describe the place of work by the rank (category) of this position;
  • for a unit to determine whether it has been formed or disbanded, for a position - whether it is included in the staffing table or has already been excluded. This allows you to see only current departments and positions in the corresponding lists;
  • generate for printing a unified form T-3, reports “Compliance and analysis of the staffing table”, “Staffing arrangement”, “Employment of the staffing table” and other printed forms.

Accounting for labor, working time and absenteeism

"1C: Salary and HR Management 8" provides tracking of employee working time. This data is used to prepare the necessary personnel records and for subsequent analysis of time statistics and the reasons for the employee’s absence from the workplace, for accruals and payments in accordance with the actual time worked.

The program provides opportunities for creating and setting up a variety of employee work schedules: five-day, six-day, shift work; summarized accounting; part-time work and others.

To fill out work schedules, regulated federal or regional production calendars are used. You can create standard and individual work schedules for specific employees.

Deviations from the work schedule are recorded by documents of absences (vacation; parental leave; disability; business trip; absenteeism; time off; days of caring for disabled children; absence for other reasons) and overtime (with cumulative time accounting; on weekends and holidays; overtime work). All types of no-shows are calculated automatically and taken into account.

When registering overtime, overtime, and work on weekends and holidays, you have the opportunity to choose the method of compensation: time off or increased pay. Time off can be registered as a separate order or added to vacation. Remaining days off and vacations are taken into account.

Based on the schedule and documents on overtime worked and unworked time, wages are calculated (time-dependent accruals) and a working time sheet is generated according to the unified form T-13

The program allows you to analyze the causes of lost working time, obtain information on the number of employees who were absent for various reasons over a certain period (for example, data on how many employees are on vacation, how many are on a business trip, etc.).

The program keeps records of experience: general, for calculating Social Insurance benefits, pedagogical, northern, “harmful” and others.

Vacation accounting

“1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” supports keeping records of vacation rights and calculating the balances of vacations provided to employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, collective and labor agreements. Accounting for rights to annual basic (by default - 28 calendar days) and additional vacations has been implemented. For certain categories of employees (persons under 18 years of age, employees of educational institutions, prosecutors, etc.), the main leave has been extended, and the program allows you to set it to any duration. This can be done both for a staffing position and for each employee.

“1C: Salary and HR Management 8” supports keeping records of the balances of annual basic and additional leaves. The balance of unused vacations is calculated on the basis of the employees' rights to vacations and vacations taken into account. The calculation results for any employee can be displayed in the form of a certificate for any date. In the program, you can not only create a vacation schedule in T-7 format, but also draw up actual vacations and their transfers from the “Schedule” document.

“1C: Salary and HR Management 8” provides the ability to create vacation lists: by department and position; by group of employees, for example by management. An analysis of the implementation of the vacation schedule is available.

In “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8”, along with vacation pay, you can also accrue wages for the days of the month preceding the vacation, as well as financial assistance for the vacation. The “Vacation” document calculates personal income tax and other permanent deductions established for the employee (for example, professional contributions or alimony), by the amount of which the payment will be reduced. The tax register records the dates of payment of vacation pay and transfer of personal income tax. You can pay vacation pay in “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” along with wages, with an advance payment, or during the interpayment period

Setting up payroll systems, calculating and accounting wages

“1C: Salary and HR Management 8” allows you to automatically calculate wages, personal income tax and insurance contributions in accordance with the law, including for organizations with a large number of employees.

“1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” implements all forms of remuneration: time-based (using monthly, daily and several hourly tariff rates), piece-rate or using a bonus system. In accordance with the local regulations of the organization, various bonus options can be specified in the program. You can set up any accrual and deduction: a fixed amount or an arbitrary formula. As a result, in the information system, for each accrual and deduction, all the characteristics necessary for calculating wages, calculating personal income tax and contributions are established. This allows all calculations to be carried out in accordance with the accounting policies of the organization.

The sizes of all tariff rates are set in rubles with the accuracy specified during the initial setup of the program. Rates can be determined by tariff scales in accordance with the categories of employees. Several tariff rates can be applied simultaneously to one employee. During initial setup, you can specify options for the bonus system adopted in the organization.

"1C: Salary and HR Management 8" allows you to calculate deductions:

  • by appointment - union dues, writ of execution, paying agent remuneration, deductions for unworked vacation days, voluntary contributions to a non-state pension fund or to the funded part of a pension, deductions for settlements of other transactions, other deductions in favor of third parties;
  • monthly or only when the indicator value is entered;
  • in other ways - a fixed amount, up to a specified limit, or a formula based on a combination of any data available in regulated calculation methods.

“1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” implements control over the limitation of penalties in accordance with the requirements of Art. 138 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Mutual settlements with employees

"1C: Salary and HR Management 8" automates and documents the entire labor-intensive process of paying salaries. Salaries can be paid to employees:

  • in advance - as a result of preliminary payment for the first half of the month, a fixed amount, a percentage of the tariff;
  • during the interpayment period - vacation pay, financial assistance, travel allowances, payment upon dismissal;
  • based on the results of work for the month.

Payments under GPC agreements can be made at a time or on the basis of acceptance certificates for stages of work.

The program allows you to prepare statements for payment or transfer of funds and automatically fill in:

  • employee lists
  • amounts to be paid
  • Personal income tax for transfer.

The program generates appropriate printed forms or files.

Amounts can be paid to an employee by crediting a card opened as part of a salary project, transferring to a bank account, through a cash desk or a distributor (a person authorized to transfer money). For the convenience of preparing statements in the program, you can configure the method, place of issue and authorized person for the entire organization, for a division of the organization or for an employee.

The program generates in printed and electronic form the documents necessary for processing payments to employees in various ways. For each payment method (place) a corresponding statement is provided.

Bank accounts for employees can be opened centrally - as part of the so-called salary project. Moreover, an organization can open several salary projects at the same time. The employee can also indicate a personal bank account for salary transfers.

Registers indicating amounts and applications for opening personal accounts are transferred to the bank, as a rule, in electronic form. In this case, the file can be sent to the bank via special communication channels, for example, through “Client-Bank”, or transmitted on physical media (flash card, disk). The format (structure) of transferred files may vary among banks. The 1C company, together with Sberbank, developed a standard for the exchange of electronic information based on XML technology, which was supported by other banks. File generation in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program is implemented according to this universal standard, which allows you to organize an exchange with banks that support this standard without additional settings.

When paying money or transferring it to an account, personal income tax withholding is registered and a document is generated confirming the actual date of receipt of income by the employee to be reflected in the 6-personal income tax report.

Deductions from payroll, personal income tax and reporting to regulatory authorities

“1C: Salary and HR Management 8” ensures the calculation of contributions regulated by law from the payroll fund and personal income tax:

  • personal income tax (NDFL);
  • insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity;
  • insurance contributions for compulsory health insurance to the federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, contributions to the Pension Fund for compulsory pension insurance;
  • insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for insurance against accidents and occupational diseases.

Personal income tax withholding is calculated automatically for each employee, taking into account information about his tax deductions and tax status:

  • resident/non-resident;
  • a refugee or someone who has received temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • highly qualified foreign specialist;
  • participant in the program for the resettlement of compatriots;
  • crew member of a ship registered in the Russian International Register of Ships;
  • citizen of a country party to the Treaty on the EAEU;
  • non-resident employed on the basis of a patent.

Insurance premiums are calculated automatically according to all types of tariffs provided for by law, taking into account the insurance status of employees:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation without long-term employment contracts;
  • foreign citizens recognized as refugees, temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation, without long-term employment contracts;
  • equal to citizens of the Russian Federation (permanent residents, recognized refugees, citizens of countries participating in the Treaty on the EAEU)
  • foreign citizens temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation and not subject to insurance;
  • foreign citizens temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • highly qualified foreign specialists and members of their families permanently residing in the Russian Federation;
  • highly qualified foreign specialists and members of their families temporarily residing in the Russian Federation.

For positions that provide for early retirement, calculations are carried out according to additional tariffs, which can be established in accordance with a special assessment of working conditions (SOUT), if it has been carried out, or according to previously valid rules.

Based on the results of accounting for employee income, amounts of calculated taxes and contributions, data on payments to funds, regulated reporting is generated (for submission to the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund of Russia), statistical and analytical reporting:

  • quarterly report 6-NDFL
  • 2-NDFL income certificates for transfer to the Federal Tax Service and for issuance to employees;
  • information about the impossibility of withholding tax in Form 2-NDFL;
  • calculations of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and Social Insurance Fund using the KND form -1151111;
  • report to the FSS NS
  • personalized reporting in the forms SZV-M, SZV-STAZH, ADV and other regulated reporting for individuals.

The 1C-Reporting service built into 1C: Salary and Personnel Management allows you to literally generate reports in electronic form with just one click, check and send them directly from the program to the regulatory authorities using an electronic digital signature, and track its progress.

ELN and FSS pilot project

A new system for paying benefits to employees - directly from the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation - was launched back in 2011. Then the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic joined it. Every year the geography of direct payments expands.

The tools of the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program allow you to keep track of accruals and benefits for participants in the pilot project and automatically transfer registers to the Social Insurance Fund.

The document “Sick Leave” provides for filling out additional information to be included in the register for transfer to the Social Insurance Fund as part of the pilot project.

From July 1, 2017, medical institutions can issue electronic certificates of incapacity for work on the same basis as paper sick leave. The 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program ensures interaction with the Social Insurance Fund for the exchange of information for the purpose of generating electronic sick leave.

Features of the program: flexible staffing without limiting the level of nesting with the ability to include branches with their own structure; import and export of data on employees from 1C programs (Accounting, Salary and Personnel, Integrated, etc.); saving orders and reports in editable XLS formats , DOC or ODT, ODS (regardless of whether you have Microsoft Office or Open Office installed); a time sheet that is automatically generated based on existing orders for the employee and his work schedule. The timesheet has a convenient interface for editing and entering hours worked. All changes made to the timesheet are immediately reflected in the document flow in the form of corresponding orders; the ability to store external documents in various formats (Word, Excel, images, etc.) within the program; the ability to hire several employees with different rates per staff unit; the ability for one employee to work in various positions within one organization at different rates; The program is designed to help personnel officers when calculating length of service. Based on the entries in the work book, the total and continuous length of service of employees is calculated. All calculations made by the user are automatically saved in the database. Thus, the program is an electronic file cabinet of employees’ work records. The program has a fully completed directory of dismissal articles in accordance with the new Labor Code. The program's user interface is intuitive, and working with the program does not require in-depth knowledge of working with a personal computer. The program also has the function of printing a report on the length of service of employees. The program allows you to keep records of internal documents, incoming and outgoing correspondence (faxes, e-mails, postal letters, etc.). You will be able to assign a list of those responsible for approving incoming documents with subsequent status tracking with notification of the approval date. The program can attach an unlimited number of attached files of any format (scanned fax, MS Word, MS Excel, etc.) to a document, maintain structured directories for employees (coordinators and executors), organizations (recipients and senders), generate visual reports on internal documents (keep a journal of documents for the organization) and correspondence, search for the required document using one or more details (number, type, date of creation, etc.)

The role of the individual employee in the company as a bearer of unique knowledge and competencies is growing significantly.

However, this does not apply to the routine work of a personnel officer. The work of a personnel officer can be very intense, especially if the enterprise is large and there are many employees.

Some programs will come to his aid, significantly simplifying the accounting of personnel in the company and increasing them. Among these programs there may be both paid and freely available.

Free doesn't always mean bad. Often companies, accustomed to paying a commission for everything, underestimate the quality of free software.

For example, the personnel records program “Enterprise Employees” is freely available. However, among HR managers this utility is one of the most respected.

The Enterprise Employees program can:

  • keep simultaneous records for several organizations at once, which can be convenient in the process of optimizing activities;
  • provide information on available vacancies in the organization;
  • organize employee cards by one or another indicator (age, length of service), which is useful for creating statistical calculations;
  • store in the employee’s card his photographs, copies of his documents, as well as all orders, reports and contracts related to his person;
  • dismiss employees in a few mouse clicks;
  • calculate the duration of vacations and the amount of employee vacation pay;
  • convert documentation from Word to Excel and vice versa (if necessary).

Conveniently, the program can work online and have an unlimited number of users. A password is required for access.

Another advantage is that “Enterprise Employees” has very low system requirements and will run on almost any computer.

However, there is also a drawback - the program does not have an autosave function, so you have to install additional utilities to archive data.

Personnel accounting program "Personnel"

Naturally, the BukhSoft company also did not stand aside from the release of programs for personnel accounting and offers personnel officers a free “Personnel” utility. The Personnel program, like other BukhSoft developments, is very easy to use and takes up little space, which is the key to its popularity.

“Personnel” allows you to keep records of such data sectors as:

  • personal data, which includes passport information, photocopies of passports, information about marriage and children, possibly photographs;
  • and debts, which include the employee’s tax identification number, tax identification code, information about the salary at the employee’s previous place of work, as well as information about his tax debts;
  • accruals, where information about the receipt of funds on the employee’s salary card is posted;
  • personnel data, namely the employee’s length of service, position, working conditions, personnel number, etc.;
  • , where statistics are placed, from which it is clear how often an employee goes on sick leave and what amounts he receives for them;
  • vacation, which contains information about unused vacation days;
  • education.

For a personnel officer, the “Personnel” program will prepare a form for signing almost any document: staffing table, work schedule, application for leave or dismissal.

“Mini-frames” – simplicity and ease of use

“Mini-Personnel” is another well-known program for maintaining personnel records, also known to personnel officers under the names “Lightik-Personnel” and “Kors-Personnel”. The program differs from the rest in that it is intended specifically for small businesses, since it is not capable of storing large amounts of information.

At the same time, the utility has a large number of advantages: it is absolutely free and very easy to understand and use. The password for the program is given freely after filling out a form on the official website.

“Mini-personnel” stores a large amount of information about the employee (basic data, education, length of service, previous places of work), and easily generates and records basic personnel applications (for hiring, dismissal, for business trips).

The program has a number of pleasant additions, for example, it colorfully reminds the HR officer of the employee’s milestone dates in the company (5, 10 years) and his birthday, which is very useful for forgetful managers, and also has a unique HR Manager Calendar mode, which allows you to plan working hours more effective.

Other useful programs for personnel management and personnel records

There are also more narrowly focused programs that are useful when working with personnel.

For example, program "Pro100 Timekeeper" allowing you to record time. Accounting is maintained using a special access code assigned to each employee.

The program allows you to:

  • maintain staff directories;
  • generate reports on deliberately early departures from work, so that in the future employees can compensate for the time they are absent from the workplace;
  • draw conclusions about which of the organization’s employees have discipline problems.

Naturally, the Pro100 Timekeeper utility is effective only in small enterprises. It is almost impossible to keep such records in a large company - at best it will lead to a queue when entering the access code.

Another utility with similar functions is "OfficeMetrica". This program takes into account the time of departure and arrival of the employee, the duration of his absence from the workplace, and also shows the level of his involvement in work.

The method used by the OfficeMetrica utility is the analysis of Internet pages visited by an employee (or department) during the working day. calculates how much time an employee spent on a particular site, what time he entered and left.

It is worth noting that the program in no way violates the confidentiality of an employee’s actions - the content of messages written by him, for example, on social networks, will not be disclosed. However, OfficeMetrica considers what part of the employee’s working time was spent on thematic portals and what part on entertainment sites and social networks to be very effective.

The useful effect of this program is obvious - thanks to control over the involvement of employees in the work process, the software allows the manager to increase labor productivity in his department. In addition, employees themselves will spend less time on third-party resources, knowing that they are being watched.

Here's another system - "FIREPLACE"– exists for other needs, namely to simplify the procedure for calculating and calculating wages. This program for working with personnel is based on “1C: Enterprise 8”.

The "FIREPLACE: Payroll" configuration allows you to:

  • calculate wages in accordance with current regulatory standards;
  • keep records of various types of personnel documentation and store it;
  • calculate insurance and pension contributions for company employees;
  • transfer tax calculation data to the 1C: Enterprise program versions 7.7 to 8.

The program is not free and has a fairly high price compared to other utilities, but it is classified as professional and is applicable to large enterprises.

Many personnel officers still prefer to do all the work at the enterprise themselves, not trusting the programs or considering them too expensive.

However, these days this approach has become obsolete: a properly selected free HR accounting program will free up a lot of time for a HR specialist and allow him to plan his work day much more effectively.