Essay on the topic "man at war." Beautiful human qualities manifest themselves with particular force precisely at the moment of greatest danger.

The most difficult war in history that has happened in this world is the Great Patriotic War. She tested the strength and will of our people for more than a single year, but our ancestors passed this test with honor. Many writers described love for the Motherland in their works Soviet people and hatred of the enemy, they showed that nothing could be higher than the interests of humanity. But no one can describe what people experienced during the war itself in the center of events, like the soldiers themselves. Unfortunately, many of them are no longer alive. We can only imagine and guess.

The war lasted four years, filled with pain, horror, suffering and torment. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, died in that battle, leaving millions of children orphans and wives widows. But, at the cost of our lives, we still received the Great Victory, faith in a bright future, happy Days and the opportunity to enjoy bright sun on the native land.

The war crippled the lives and psyches of many people, tormented the souls, forcing not only men, but also women and children to fight. Their exact number is impossible to count, because archaeologists still find the remains of the bodies of those who died then and return them to relatives for the long-awaited burial.

For all of us, war is not an empty word, but an association with bombing, machine gun fire, exploding grenades, heaps of corpses and a river of blood. These merciless lessons have left their mark on the lives of all humanity, young and old. Old people teach youth, calling for peace, with their horror stories and stories.

Humanity did not know what happiness, justice, freedom were for four years until it achieved victory. These actions turned the world upside down, destroying hundreds of cities, villages, towns...

After that war, every person changed.

It is impossible to imagine how courageous, courageous and fearless the people who took the warpath were. With their breasts they blocked the path of the enemy and, thanks to their love for the Motherland, won freedom, peace and love.

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When a person finds himself in any dangerous situation, it is then that one can better understand the character this person. Likewise, war reveals the most positive and negative traits. So what qualities does a person show in war?

War is a very difficult test for every soldier. Some people cope with this pressure, but others break. Positive features that a person can show in war is determination, responsibility for his life and for the lives of his comrades, courage.

But sometimes people cannot withstand the onslaught of danger, and they show the most negative traits such as betrayal, irresponsibility, indecisiveness, weakness and cowardice.

Let's look at an example from the literature. Andrei Bolkonsky from the work “War and Peace” showed himself to be a brave person. When everyone was already losing heart, he plucked up courage and charged it to everyone around him. He could have given up just like them, but he held on. It is worthy of respect.

Why do people show cowardice in war? I think cowardice is something that sits inside a person, but is revealed only at the moment of danger. And courage is when you are not afraid to look danger in the eye.

War is very scary time. But it is precisely this that helps to get to know a person better.

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War, like a powerful typhoon, spares nothing in its path. A prolonged extreme situation affects the behavior of people caught in it. It is impossible to predict in what direction it will change.

Sometimes a gloomy silent person becomes a leader and leads into battle, while a cheerful joker cowardly flees from the front line. How war changes people is eloquently shown in literary works. Writers subtly notice the versatility of human nature during periods of difficult trials.

The work of former front-line soldier Vasily Bykov impressed me unforgettable impression. It shows military operations realistically and reveals to the reader personal traits characters in their stories. Many of Bykov's stories are dedicated to partisan movement during the war, but one of the best is undoubtedly Sotnikov.

Using the example of two 26-year-old heroes, Bykov illuminates the problem of choice that arises in the face of death.

The partisans were tasked with obtaining provisions for the detachment. Rybak is a strong guy, a former army sergeant major, Sotnikov is a teacher, a purely civilian man. Unlike the intellectual, Rybak feels like a fish in water in war, but everything changes when his comrades are captured by the police.

In order to save his own life, Rybak is ready to cooperate with the enemy. Sotnikov worries only about the fate of the people who find themselves hostages through their fault; he is not afraid of torture and death, he proudly accepts the torment. The author shows that strong-willed a person, even in a critical situation, does not deviate from his principles. And his recent comrade becomes his executioner...

Vasiliev in his works describes the emotional experiences of people. The story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” shows the feat of young anti-aircraft gunners who entered into an unequal battle with the Germans. Five girls and a foreman neutralized 16 saboteurs. It would seem that the fragile creatures were unable to compete with trained men, but not one retreated. Each of them had to go through difficult trials even before the war. In war, the age and gender of a fighter are not very important, the main thing is mental strength and the motives that drive a person. In a fight, hatred greatly adds strength.

War reveals the most hidden qualities of character: heroism and cowardice, loyalty and betrayal. I think a person’s behavior in a moment of danger depends precisely on internal forces. Do we have the right to judge someone for wanting to live? No matter how a fighter behaves, it will remain on his conscience.

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For my long history the Russian people have endured more than one major war. This time is undoubtedly the most terrible thing that could happen to people. Terrible events The years 1941-45 still cause trembling in the hearts of contemporaries. Literature also does not shy away from this period of history, revealing to us various aspects time. One of the most pressing topics in twentieth-century literature is the question of morality and humanity in war. So many writers bring it up. Is it possible to maintain a pure, sincere heart when loved ones die around you every day and Dear people, and an acquaintance may turn out to be a traitor? What motivates a person, for what is he ready to go and fight with all his might, and what does the word Motherland mean to him? Such themes are revealed in many works of Russian writers of the twentieth century.

One of the brightest examples- the story "Sotnikov". Here the opposition between two heroes is most clearly observed - Sotnikov and Rybak. They serve in the same platoon and at first do not differ in behavior from each other. The work reveals the character of the heroes in critical moment. When the soldiers go to get food for their fellow soldiers, they are captured by the Germans. Sotnikov goes on a mission, having a serious cold, and it is difficult for his partner to wait for him and help - from time to time, dissatisfaction can be traced in Rybak’s words. However, he does not abandon his comrade.

Finding himself in captivity, Rybak tries to cheat by agreeing to the enemy’s offer to go over to their side. But his comrade understands how this trick will turn out, and it turns out to be right: the Fisherman does not ultimately run to his own people, but in fact betrays his Motherland. By order of the Germans, he executes Sotnikov, who accepts death with dignity, without betraying the Fatherland. A true warrior, not afraid of either frost or illness, he steadfastly holds on until the end, and right before his death, his thoughts are only about saving the Motherland, he does not even think about his life.

At all, domestic writers They tried to show in their works a brave and courageous person, because the patriotism of the Russian people truly manifested itself in the war. And all the stories, tales and novels that appeared during and after the war are intended to reveal not only pain and horror, but also the love for the Fatherland that has risen in the hearts of people and the readiness to defend it to the last drop of blood.

Another strong and touching work that demonstrates the true humanity and firmness of the fighters’ convictions is “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” by B. Vasiliev. The story tells the story of a small detachment of young girls under the command of Sergeant Major Vaskov - a real hero who bravely throws himself under bullets to protect his charges. And each of the girls is amazingly brave and strong, they all desperately defended their front. Five girls and a foreman against sixteen fascists, who had plenty of weapons... They managed to stop the enemy, but not a single girl survived - these are the stories that formed a great victory over the fascist forces of Germany.

Each such story, revealing the soul of the Russian man in the difficult conditions of war, instilled hope and made it clear that only by remaining a person, strong and strong-willed, honest and loving, can one withstand this battle together. And yet they survived, did not break, did not surrender their Motherland to the enemy. That's what they're talking about greatest works twentieth century.

Remaining human even in war is a difficult task, which Russian soldiers completed with dignity. Therefore, this reckless sincerity and purity is considered the most important quality of a real Russian soul.

Courage. What it is? I think that courage is decisiveness in thoughts and actions, the ability to stand up for yourself and for other people who need your help, overcoming all sorts of fears: for example, fear of the dark, of someone else's brute force, of life's obstacles and difficulties. Is it easy to be brave? Not easy. This quality probably needs to be cultivated from childhood. Overcoming your fears, moving forward despite difficulties, developing willpower, not being afraid to defend your opinion - all this will help cultivate in yourself such a quality as courage. Synonyms for the word “courage” are “courage”, “determination”, “courage”. The antonym is “cowardice.” Cowardice is one of the human vices. We are afraid of many things in life, but fear and cowardice are not the same thing. I think that out of cowardice comes meanness. A coward will always hide in the shadows, remain on the sidelines, fearing for his own own life, will betray to save himself.

Courage and cowardice are most clearly manifested in people in difficult situations. life situations when you need to decide what to do, and in war. Let's look at examples from fiction.

In the work of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter» main character- Pyotr Grinev. He serves in Belogorsk fortress. There are two of them here, young officers. The second is Shvabrin. They acted differently when the Pugachevites captured the fortress. In the face of death, Grinev behaves boldly. He is ready to die, but not to break his oath to serve the Fatherland faithfully. But Shvabrin is not like that. To save his life, he goes into the service of Pugachev. Of course, who wants to die young? But it is precisely in such situations that hidden human qualities: the best and the worst, courage and cowardice.

In V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov” there are two main characters. They are also young and also find themselves facing death: they fall into the clutches of enemies. Sotnikov holds on courageously. Beaten and tormented, he does not agree to go into service with the Nazis. Not only devotion to the Motherland lives in him, but also, of course, courage. Courage, boldness, loyalty native land help him remain human to the end. And what about the second one - Rybak? He became a coward even when he abandoned his comrade on the road, who was alone in a shootout with the police. And only fear of the partisans forced Rybak to return. He became cowardly in the face of death: he agreed to join the police to save his life, and even became an executioner: he knocked out the stool under the gallows on which Sotnikov stood. Courage and cowardice are most clearly manifested in war.

Speaking about courage and cowardice, one cannot help but recall Boris Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet.” Five anti-aircraft gunner girls are sent with Sergeant Major Vaskov to detain a detachment of German saboteurs. Let us remember the episode in which Zhenya Komelkova goes to swim in the lake in order to force the fascists lurking on the other side to go to railway in a roundabout way, waste time. Was she scared at that moment? Of course it's very scary. But Zhenya did a brave thing; she didn’t think about herself at that time. There were comrades behind her, and devotion to her native land lived in her heart. And the brave Zhenya dies heroically: she leads the enemies away from her comrades, from her wounded friend. And Galka Chetvertak? Is she really the most cowardly? Then why is her name engraved on the monument standing on the edge of the forest? She didn't die because she was afraid. Just fear gripped her when she saw enemies very close for the first time in her life. Let’s not blame a very young girl for this, let’s not say that she was a coward. After all, in war, adult men are also afraid of a lot, they just know how to overcome the feeling of fear.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this topic The essay made me think about the role that courage and cowardice play in our lives, how to cultivate the best human qualities in ourselves, to become brave and strong, and not to be a coward.