Subsidies for small businesses from the state. Regional business support program

It's no secret that the presence of a well-developed small and medium-sized business provides a number of undeniable advantages for the country's economy. This is the creation of new jobs and self-employment of the population. In addition, this is an increase in taxes and an increase in gross domestic product. The development of small business is an improvement in the quality of life of the country's population, because small enterprises can most quickly adapt to changes in the requirements of the modern market. This is precisely why the government has developed programs for small businesses. With government support, it is much easier to open your own business, however, not all young entrepreneurs are familiar with the intricacies of obtaining it.

Small Business Development Program in Russia

The strategy for socio-economic development of Russia until 2020 states that assistance to medium and small businesses is one of the main elements of the state’s economic policy. According to experts, such measures should promote the development of healthy competition and give citizens the opportunity to improve their financial situation. In addition to already existing forms of subsidies, the new concept adopts qualitatively new types of state support for small businesses, aimed at stimulating the growth in the number of business entities, as well as changing their sectoral structure. Among the new goals of the state development strategy are the following:

  • reduction of bureaucratic red tape when registering a business and its development;
  • simplification of the taxation system for small businesses;
  • reducing the number of products subject to certification;
  • improving the efficiency of state regulation in the field of licensing;
  • possibility of using various sources of financing.

Regional business support program

Along with state ones, there are also regional measures of state support for small and medium-sized businesses. Such assistance, in particular, can be expressed in the creation of business incubators, venture and guarantee funds, as well as in additional stimulation of enterprises whose activities are export-oriented. In addition, the regions are also adopting comprehensive programs to stimulate entrepreneurial activity, within which funds are allocated for:

  • development of leasing purchase of equipment;
  • support for enterprises engaged in innovative activities;
  • creation of industrial and technology parks;
  • improving the energy efficiency of enterprises;
  • development and support of startups;
  • creation of various guarantee funds;
  • introduction of advanced training programs for young entrepreneurs, assistance in starting a business.

Conditions for granting subsidies

All forms of state support for small businesses represent one-time government assistance that should be used to implement a specific task within the framework of the enterprise’s activities. There will be no need to return such assistance in the future, but the state will control the targeted expenditure of funds.

In order to receive financial support from the state, an enterprise must meet several criteria:

  • be officially registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC (information must be contained in the state register);
  • have a properly drawn up business plan, which outlines specific areas for spending subsidized funds;
  • the owner of the enterprise must be a citizen of Russia, and with shared participation, a resident of the Russian Federation must own at least 51% of the total authorized capital.

Enterprises operating in the following areas cannot apply for government subsidies:

  • insurance;
  • provision of banking or other credit services;
  • release and sale of excisable goods;
  • gambling business;
  • mining;
  • securities market.

Who can apply to?

In addition to the conditions listed above, state support for small businesses requires compliance with some more conditions for receiving development subsidies:

  • at the time of submitting documents, the company must be registered less than 2 years ago;
  • the total number of employees cannot exceed 250 people;
  • with share participation, the share of state and municipal partners in the authorized capital cannot exceed 25%;
  • complete absence of tax debt is mandatory;
  • income for the previous 12 months cannot exceed 1 billion rubles.

If a business entity meets all of the above criteria and wishes to receive a subsidy, it must submit an application to the regional institution for the support of small and medium-sized businesses before October 1 of the current year.

What will the money be used for?

Besides the fact that state support for small and medium-sized businesses, as we have already found out, cannot be provided to all enterprises, it will also not be possible to spend it in any way. There are certain parameters for this. So, you can spend the subsidy:

  • for the purchase, modernization and repair of fixed assets;
  • to hire new employees or improve working conditions for existing ones;
  • for the purchase, update and installation of licensed software;
  • for rent for the use of industrial and office premises;
  • to invest money in raw materials and materials.

If you are just thinking about starting your own business and have not yet decided on the direction, then you should know that the priorities for the allocation of government subsidies are:

  • housing and communal services, transport services and construction;
  • any production (except for excisable goods);
  • public service sector;
  • youth support and development programs;
  • innovative developments;
  • development of the social sphere - sports, culture, education;
  • revival of crafts and original culture of peoples.

If you nevertheless decide to engage in trade, then state support for the development of small businesses is most likely not going to happen to you, although, of course, it’s worth a try. To increase your chances, try to target your products to socially vulnerable segments of the population - low-income families, disabled people, pensioners, and so on. Highlight work with these categories as a separate line in your business plan.

How to get a subsidy

So, how to get government support for small businesses? There are two ways here - it all depends on what kind of help you want to receive: to open a new business or to develop an existing young enterprise. In the first case, you have a direct route to the employment center, and in the second you need to contact the investment department. Before applying, you need to carefully study the procedure for submitting documents and stock up on all the necessary papers.

Employment Center

State support for small businesses for a beginner begins with registration with the employment service and obtaining unemployed status. It is best to contact this institution in advance and receive comprehensive advice on the preparation of the necessary documents, as well as the amount and procedure for paying the compensation due. However, you can skip this step and prepare the documents yourself. You will need originals and copies:

  • passports;
  • work book (if available);
  • diploma;
  • income certificates, if you were previously officially employed;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce, if there was a change of surname.

Having prepared everything you need, go to registration. Immediately inform the inspector of your intention to receive a subsidy for opening an individual entrepreneur. This will help you not waste time searching for suitable vacancies, but go straight to developing a business plan, which you will subsequently have to defend before the commission. Based on the results of the defense of the business enterprise, a decision will be made to allocate a subsidy in the amount of 58,800 rubles, compensation for the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur, or refusal of state support. If the latter happened and you were refused, do not be discouraged, the law does not limit the number of attempts. Just make another business plan and go through the process again.


If your business is already operating, you should consider getting some money for its development. In this case, government support for small businesses is provided by the investment department. To take advantage of the subsidy, the regional office must prepare:

  • certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • copies of statutory documents;
  • a certificate from the employment center confirming completion of entrepreneurial training;
  • certificates of absence of debts on taxes and fees from the Social Insurance Fund, tax service and other organizations;
  • a certificate stating that the company is not at the stage of liquidation;
  • a document stating that more than 6 months have passed since the registration of the enterprise;
  • a document confirming that no criminal or administrative proceedings have been opened against this organization;
  • passport (original and copy);
  • original and copy of the power of attorney, if the documents are not submitted by the owner;
  • business plan;
  • application for a subsidy;
  • bank statement confirming the opening of a current account.

Submission procedure

After the entire package of documents has been collected, it is transferred to the executive committee. It is best to do this in person, through the office, or with the help of an employment service supervisor.

The consideration and acceptance of documents must be completed within seven days, after which a decision will be made. If you are refused, we go through the entire procedure all over again. If the commission makes a positive decision, your business plan is transferred to the next authority, where it is also reviewed and approved.

The law establishes that commission meetings take place as business plans are received and accumulated, so receiving subsidies can take quite a long time. Usually the date of the next commission meeting is indicated on the official website of the investment department.

As you can see, state support for small businesses is not an easy and rather troublesome matter, but it’s still worthwhile to get it done - if you have a high-quality business plan, the chances of getting money for development are quite high.

Many people dream of opening their own business. However, very often any aspirations or undertakings can be dashed due to a simple lack of funds to get started. Finding start-up capital can be a huge problem, because in order to obtain a loan or loan you need to provide serious collateral, which most start-up businessmen simply do not have. However, there is no need to despair in this situation. After all, you can always take advantage of government subsidies.

The concept of “subsidy” implies the receipt of a certain amount of funds for certain purposes. As a rule, they are provided free of charge and do not require return. The purpose of government programs for subsidizing small businesses is to support entrepreneurs and develop small businesses in the country.

Rural residents have a good chance of receiving subsidies. For example, he can count on them.

Drawing up a business plan will speed up receiving a subsidy. Why and for whom is a business plan made?

Who subsidizes small businesses?

Various government agencies are involved in issuing subsidies for start-up entrepreneurs. There are subsidies for the unemployed to start a business, and it is possible to obtain funds from local employment centers. When registering as unemployed, you can expect that the state can pay the entire amount of the benefit in one lump sum if the person offers a real business plan and prepared calculations.

Targeted subsidies for starting a business or developing an existing business are issued by Entrepreneurship Support Centers, which are open in each region. As a rule, they work in close cooperation with municipal authorities.

Types of subsidies

Today in the Russian Federation there are several different types of subsidies and programs under which they are provided. They differ from each other in their purpose. Subsidies are provided strictly for specific industries and specific purposes. Usually these are sectors and areas of the economy that the state seeks to support and develop in the short or medium term. As for programs for small or medium-sized businesses, they differ for each individual region. The main document that regulates them is the Federal Law “On the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Russian Federation.” In addition, local legal requirements must also be taken into account. The most common and popular are subsidies for starting or growing a business.

Who can receive a subsidy for starting or developing a business?

To receive a subsidy for starting a business, you must register at the branch of the Employment Center at your place of residence. After this, those wishing to receive funds must write a corresponding application. The next step is preparing a business plan. It is reviewed and assessed by a special commission. If it finds the business plan meets the current criteria, then the grant is approved. After this, the recipient of the subsidy is registered as an individual entrepreneur. A subsidy for the development of small businesses is issued after submitting a package of documents issued by the Federal Tax Service.

To receive a subsidy for business development, you must be the owner of an existing enterprise in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. There may be separate subsidies for individual entrepreneurs. In this case, the age of the company should not be more than one year. However, some programs allow the issuance of subsidies to firms that have been operating for up to two years. It is good if the area of ​​activity of the enterprise is a priority for the region in which the subsidy is issued. Otherwise, officials may refuse to provide funds for development. Lists of priority activities for the region are often published on the official websites of local territorial centers for supporting small businesses.

One of the most significant conditions will be the use of allocated funds received exclusively for their intended purpose. This means that the entrepreneur will not be able to manage the money at his own discretion.

The following may be standard purposes for using a subsidy:

  • payment for raw materials necessary for production;
  • payment for machines or other equipment, as well as consumables. Which are needed to carry out the activities of the enterprise;
  • purchasing the necessary technology or software, as well as patents or other types of intangible assets.

As a rule, the period of use of money is limited in time. Usually this is one to two years. However, there may be exceptions.

Most subsidy programs include a condition according to which the funds invested by the entrepreneur himself in the project must be a certain proportion of the subsidy amount. For example, the funds invested by the organization itself should be about 60% of the amount requested from the state. The specific percentage will be determined in accordance with the terms of each individual program.

You also need to know that some enterprises cannot receive a subsidy in principle. Thus, the state does not help in the development of companies that are engaged in the production or trade of alcohol or tobacco products. Firms that rent equipment also cannot receive subsidies.

Business plan for receiving subsidies for business development

When drawing up a business plan to receive a subsidy for starting a business, you must remember that it will be assessed according to certain criteria. The main one is the break-even of the business. The lower the risk, the greater the chance that the plan will be approved. What matters is whether the new enterprise will create jobs.

The future entrepreneur must show interest in the development of the enterprise and a willingness to invest his own funds in it. The more money a person is willing to invest himself, the more he can count on.

All items of expected expenses should be described in as much detail as possible. Officials who will make decisions must clearly understand how the funds provided will be spent.

It is also worth considering the area in which the entrepreneur will work. It is optimal if this area is on the list of priorities in a given region.

Obtaining government subsidies to start your own business

(using the example of a catering outlet)

It all started with the fact that in the summer of 2010, as part of the information strategy of the Exhibition (“Write only about what you have checked yourself”), we decided to receive government subsidies for public catering outlets selling pies and drinks in schools. At the moment, after 3 months, positive decisions have been made on three of our subsidies, and we expect to receive money in our accounts as funds arrive in the budget (under one agreement, 300 tr in January; for the other two, 120 tr in March ).

Types of government subsidies for your business:

If you are registered in Moscow, you can receive one of three subsidies:
- 300 tr. for business (if you have not worked anywhere before or you have served or are a single mother/father or have a disability certificate);
- 60 tr. for business with the possibility of increasing the subsidy amount by + 60 tr. for each unemployed person you plan to hire (for any categories of unemployed citizens);
- 25 tr. for business registration (for any categories of unemployed citizens... yes, you can register through intermediaries).

If you are registered in the Moscow Region or regions, then only one type of subsidy is available to you:
- 60 tr. for business with the possibility of increasing the subsidy amount by + 60 tr. for each unemployed person you plan to hire (for any categories of unemployed citizens).

How to get government subsidies to start your own business?

1. We quit. As a result, you should not work anywhere, and should not be a founder or co-founder anywhere, and should not be registered as an individual entrepreneur).

2. We contact the Employment Center at the place of registration with the desire to register as unemployed. You can contact any of them, and they will tell you which one is yours. An interesting fact we noticed: in the Moscow region, in Employment Centers, information about the possibility of receiving a subsidy is actively posted and communicated; in Moscow (even in the district Employment Centers), employees often do not know or pretend not to know about the possibility of receiving subsidies and their amounts).

3. We take their internal form from the Employment Center for a certificate from your previous place of work about the size of your salary and formalize it in the accounting department of your previous place of work. Yes, the standard form will not work: each Employment Center insists on its own.

4. Register as unemployed. To do this, you will need: an internal passport, a work record book, an ill-fated certificate of the amount of your salary from your previous place of work (see point 3), certificates of secondary and higher education, Taxpayer Identification Number (if you have one). Also, right on the spot, for a complete set of documents, fill out two simple forms (nothing complicated, a couple of sheets of scribbling extracts from existing documents).

At the same time, when registering (the “Initial Admission” queue), specify to the employee when filling out the documents that you want to organize self-employment in the form of your own business.

Upon completion of registration (everyone in line takes an average of 1 hour), you will be assigned a day for your return visit and will be told in which branch of Sberbank you will need to open a savings book, to which the subsidy will be transferred, and before it is transferred, a monthly allowance (in Moscow 7t. rubles/month, and in the Moscow Region and regions 4 thousand rubles/month). Repeated visits (“Secondary Admission” queue) take place until the subsidy is received twice a month at a predetermined time. Another savings book will not work; you need to create one exactly where they say (the issue price is 10 rubles).

5. We check with the Employment Center the address of their department for promoting self-employment of the population.

6. We prepare a business plan for which we receive a subsidy. I received a subsidy in the Moscow region, for my wife in Moscow, and for my nephew in Yaroslavl. All according to one business plan, which you can find in the promotional materials at the stand of our public catering exhibition PUBLIC FOOD Online Expo here:

I draw your attention to the need to note in the plans (plans and facts may be different) the creation of additional jobs. As for the mention of raising personal funds, these are also only plans (after all, for example, the relatives on whom you were counting may “change their minds about investing in your business”).

7. We bring and submit to the department for promoting self-employment of the population a business plan in printed and electronic form, indicate the type of desired subsidy and wait for the commission meeting.

8. We remember with nostalgia the defense of our thesis, come to the meeting and answer simple questions from the commission.

9. Having received a positive decision from the commission, we sign an agreement with the Employment Center on the targeted use of the subsidy. If you have written a completely crazy business plan (this happens very rarely, since, having the form, filling it out is not difficult), then the commission will ask you to revise it and re-defend it.

10. After a couple of months, we receive money for the savings book, spend it, close the agreement with the Employment Center with an act on the targeted expenditure of funds.


Getting a subsidy is tedious and time-consuming, but it is possible, and on your own. Of course, if your salary is more than 100 rubles/month, then the amount of subsidies will not cover the cost of your working time. But, if you have an existing small business, relatives with Moscow registration, or a large staff of employees or non-working family members, then attracting 0.5-1.5 million rubles free of charge is quite advisable.

We hope our experience, which FOODING Online Expo shared with you, will be useful to you! If you have questions about the article, you can ask them directly at the CATALOG stand at:

And, if you want to suggest a topic that is relevant to you in the field of public catering as a topic for subsequent articles, write to us at [email protected]

What does the 2019 small business start-up subsidy offer and how can I apply for it? Starting a business for many people seems very difficult from a financial point of view. Not all beginning entrepreneurs can realize their own plans due to a simple lack of funds. For this case, a state program to help small businesses was developed.

What do subsidies do for small businesses?

The state is interested in the development of small businesses, therefore, in 2019, a subsidy program is envisaged for implementation in the form of free targeted support for business activities. This is a payment of funds from the state budget that does not require repayment, which makes it very different from a loan or loan.

According to the program, subsidies for small businesses in 2019 are aimed at the following purposes:

  • purchase of production raw materials;
  • purchasing necessary consumables;
  • purchase/rental of machinery, production equipment;
  • on intangible assets;
  • carrying out repairs.

A special executive body is responsible for coordinating subsidies. Upon receiving a positive decision and financial assistance, the entrepreneur must provide a report on how the funds received will be used. This confirms that the subsidy received is distributed precisely for the needs for which it was issued, and the entrepreneur is fully responsible for it.

One of the features of the program is that the unspent balance of the accrued amount must be returned to the state budget. The same applies to situations where misuse of finances has been identified.

Attention: State aid is not issued for opening the production of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products!

Types of government assistance

The amount of the subsidy for starting a small business in 2019 is set in accordance with the purpose:

  • to support an existing business – 25 thousand rubles;
  • to open your own business with the possibility of increasing the amount of financial assistance - 60 thousand rubles;
  • to open a business (if the entrepreneur is disabled, has no employment, and is raising a child alone) – 300 thousand rubles.

In 2019, the subsidy conditions assume that state aid is also provided for the development of an existing business. The company can continue to operate based on its own idea or as a franchise.

How can I get a subsidy in 2019?

To receive government support in 2019, you will have to go through a difficult path, but nothing is impossible. According to current legislation, even an unemployed person who has previously registered with the employment center can receive financial assistance (providing subsidies to unemployed citizens). You will only need a certificate stating that the person is not employed at the time of submitting an application for a subsidy.

To submit an application, you must draw up a business plan (an example of a business plan), which displays complete information about the type of activity, technology features, type of equipment used, and all suppliers of raw materials. The total cost of the entire project, including the amount of own investments and subsidies, is indicated separately. An analysis of the volume of expected profit, profitability, and payback of the business being opened will also be required.

The prepared project is submitted to the self-employment promotion department in printed or electronic form. After accepting the documents, the center will set a time to appear; in addition, experts usually recommend immediately opening a savings book to calculate the subsidy.

After agreeing on the business plan, you should contact the tax office for registration; registration usually takes 5 days, after which a certificate will be issued. Next, you should visit the employment center and provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • prepared and agreed business plan;
  • completed application.

Based on the package of documentation, an agreement is concluded between the state and the entrepreneur, then the amount of financial assistance will be transferred to the personal account (this usually takes 1 month).

Attention: In order for the subsidy to be accrued, it is necessary to correctly approach the preparation of a business plan and correctly present all the calculations.

Features of receiving a subsidy

What is special about receiving a small business grant in 2019? Government financing now does not require the return of funds paid if they were spent for the intended purpose, that is, it is not an installment plan or a loan that is provided, but gratuitous assistance. What is the benefit of the state? Such support for small businesses makes it possible to form a new economic unit, ensure economic development and employment of citizens.

The responsibility of an entrepreneur after receiving government assistance and implementing his own ideas is to maintain records. After 3 months After receiving money into your account, you must go to the employment center and provide information confirming the intended use of the amount received. These can be orders, receipts or checks. The provided report and business plan must be identical; if discrepancies are found in them, the funds will be required to be returned in full.

Attention: The subsidy program also provides protection from fly-by-night companies - to use the funds, the enterprise's activity must last for at least a year.

Some of the priority areas for which subsidies are issued for the development of small businesses in 2019 are the following areas of activity: education, agriculture, tourism, healthcare.

Receiving government assistance may cause some difficulties, but this is compensated by the possibility of material support for business development without the need to return the funds received.

No small business owner can say that they have an abundance of funds. Since its creation, the enterprise has constantly experienced a financial deficit: most often, even with strict savings, there is only enough money for the bare necessities, and many plans for development, the development of new markets or the production of any products in demand by consumers remain unrealized.

Entrepreneurs who find themselves in a similar situation should figure out how to get a subsidy for small business development in 2018: free financial assistance from the state, when used correctly, becomes the very catalyst that allows you to take the enterprise to a qualitatively different level. Of course, there are known restrictions and conditions for applicants taking part in competitions for the provision of support of this type, and business plans proposed for consideration are thoroughly checked, however, practice shows that with the proper level of elaboration, even the most ordinary projects have a very real chance of success .

Preferred destinations

It is not surprising that the state is implementing a small business development strategy with the goal of obtaining maximum benefits for the regions from private enterprises. Therefore, in each region, local authorities form their own list of priority business areas, taking into account the characteristic features of the territory, weak points in the economy and resources available to entrepreneurs. However, upon closer examination, it is possible to identify areas common to all subjects of the Russian Federation:
  • Breeding birds and animals, growing plants;
  • Processing of agricultural products;
  • Doing business in remote villages and villages;
  • Industrial production of products and essential goods;
  • Waste disposal and processing;
  • Introduction of new technologies and innovations;
  • Production of goods with export value;
  • Department of Housing and Utilities;
  • Transport business, including passenger and intercity transportation;
  • Development of domestic and ecological tourism;
  • Socially important sectors - medicine, sports, education;
  • Providing employment for people with disabilities;
  • Civil Engineering;
  • Artistic folk crafts;
  • Nature conservation, production of environmental products;
  • Domestic services.

It should be noted that entrepreneurs creating or developing projects in the following areas cannot apply for financial assistance to small businesses from the state in 2018, preferential loans or other forms of subsidies:

  • Lending, insurance, investment in securities, Forex trading, implementation of non-state pension programs, pawnshop activities;
  • Gambling, betting, bookmakers;
  • Production and sale of goods subject to excise duty;
  • Extraction and sale of minerals (except common ones).

Business plan

The basis for providing assistance to a start-up entrepreneur from the state in 2018 is, first of all, a correctly drawn up business plan. By providing this document, the businessman shows his awareness of the market situation, the presence of competitors, the target audience, and also demonstrates the ability to conduct the enterprise’s activities at a high professional level.

You should not develop a plan that is too complex, voluminous or confusing with many details: this will only complicate the work of the commission. The optimal project is considered to be 50–90 pages in length, using numbers and other financial indicators to clearly prove the social effectiveness and significance of the business.

The document must contain the following sections:

  • Summary. Here it is necessary to briefly indicate the objectives and advantages of the project, describe the product or service being produced, and give arguments in favor of the social significance of the subsidized activity;
  • Analysis of the market situation. In the section you need to consider the state of affairs on the market, the volume of consumption of the products or services offered, mention existing analogues and analyze the strategy of competitors;
  • Production plan. This paragraph is devoted to the organization of the production process, suppliers and methods of purchasing equipment and raw materials, new jobs and staffing of the enterprise;
  • Marketing plan. Here you should consider the composition of the target audience, methods of selling products or services, the company’s pricing policy, marketing activities to promote the brand and the product itself;
  • Financial plan. In this section, you need to calculate the volume of initial investments taking into account subsidies, the amount of overhead costs, determine the potential profit, profitability and payback period of the project;
  • Risk analysis. This paragraph should be devoted to studying the risks and factors that negatively affect business, and also consider ways to combat them.

When assessing the prospects of a project, the competition commission of the fund, which provides subsidies to small businesses from the state in 2018, pays attention to some characteristics that directly affect the making of a positive or negative decision. These criteria include:

  • Social orientation. The business plan must consider in detail the social problems that can be solved by implementing the project;
  • New workplaces. For projects that involve the creation of several new jobs, the likelihood of approval increases significantly;
  • Profitability. We should not forget that the main goal of a business is to generate income. Therefore, the presented project must not only be socially useful, but also cost-effective;
  • Targeted use of the subsidy. The economic part of the plan must describe all areas of spending public funds. The commission must understand that not a single penny will be spent in vain;
  • Own investments. The more of your own funds an entrepreneur plans to invest in the business in addition to the subsidy, the greater the chances of success. For some types of assistance, equity investment is mandatory.

Subsidy for starting a business

For aspiring entrepreneurs, the first authority to allocate money for starting a small business from the state in 2018 is the Employment Center. Here a special commission reviews projects submitted by newcomers; the implementation of the most successful ideas is stimulated by funding in the amount of 12-month unemployment benefits, which currently amounts to 58,800 rubles.

Who can receive a subsidy?

This form of subsidy for opening a small business 2018 provided by the Employment Center is intended exclusively for unemployed citizens who want to create their own business and thus ensure their own self-employment. Persons who can apply for government funding are:

  • Have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Have reached the age of majority;
  • Registered with the local central registration center;
  • Have been officially unemployed for more than a month;
  • They were unable to get a job in the areas proposed by the Center for Employment.
  • Persons under the age of majority;
  • Full-time university students;
  • Citizens receiving an old-age pension;
  • Persons with a criminal record;
  • Unemployed people dismissed by court decision;
  • Unemployed people dismissed for any violation of labor discipline;
  • Citizens who violate the rules established by the Center for Significance;
  • Entrepreneurs who ceased operations less than 6 months ago.

Receipt procedure

How to get money for business 2018 from the state free of charge? First of all, you need to contact your local Employment Center and provide its employees with the following package of documents:

  • Passport with registration mark;
  • Personal work record;
  • Certificate of pension insurance;
  • Certificate of issuance of TIN;
  • Certificate of income received at the previous place of work;
  • Diploma of secondary specialized or higher education.

After registration, the candidate will be offered several vacancies. Of course, you need to pass these interviews in such a way as to be denied employment. After a month, the now officially unemployed citizen can move on to the second stage of creating his own business with the help of the state. To do this you should:

  • Get advice from a Center employee about the availability of subsidy programs;
  • Take a test for entrepreneurial skills;
  • Write an application for participation in the self-employment program;
  • Draw up a business plan for the project;
  • Submit an application and plan to the appropriate department of the Central Planning Commission;
  • Expect the application to be reviewed by the commission within 10 days;
  • If necessary, defend the project before the commission;
  • After receiving approval, enter into a subsidy agreement with the Central Bank;
  • Register an individual entrepreneur and open a current account.

The subsidy for starting a business is free of charge. Therefore, the Employment Center strictly controls the appropriateness of spending funds on certain projects. To receive help from the state, an aspiring businessman must draw up a high-quality business plan and defend it before the commission: not only the social benefits and profitability of the enterprise are important, but also the personality of the applicant, his self-confidence, knowledge, and understanding of the essence of entrepreneurship.

Special purpose

This form of financial assistance to small businesses from the state in 2018 involves targeted spending of funds exclusively to meet basic production needs:

  • Renting and repairing production premises;
  • Ensuring supplies of raw materials;
  • Purchasing a license (if necessary);
  • Purchase of technological equipment;
  • Organization of workplaces for hired employees;
  • Purchase of software.

Within three months after the assistance is transferred to the enterprise’s account, the businessman must report to the central authority on the use of the subsidy by providing checks, invoices, receipts or other financial documents. If violations of the established procedure are detected, the state has the right to demand the return of money.

Subsidy for business development

A subsidy for small business development in 2018 is free financial assistance allocated by the state as an incentive for the implementation of projects that are interesting and useful to society. Thus, we can formulate the main condition for receiving a grant: the presented idea must solve some social problem and benefit not only the entrepreneur, but also ordinary citizens. Such businesses are financed by:

  • SME Development Committee;
  • Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activities;
  • Committee on Industrial Policy and Innovation;
  • Local authorities;
  • Fund for Assistance to the Development of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere.

Who can receive a subsidy?

The most important restrictions for an entrepreneur applying for are the volume of turnover and the number of employees in his company, since only SMEs that do not exceed the limits established by law can receive money for the development of small businesses from the state in 2018. When listing other characteristics of the candidate, it is necessary to mention the following:

  • The enterprise has existed for at least 12 months;
  • The main activity is the production of goods and services in one of the priority industries for subsidies;
  • The credit history of a businessman does not raise any questions for the commission;
  • The company has no debts on tax, pension and insurance payments;
  • The entrepreneur is ready to invest his own funds in the business (this share for different regions ranges from 15–30% of the total cost of the project).

Receipt procedure

You need to find the nearest regional branch of the SME Development Committee. Next, by personally contacting its employees, you should clarify the requirements for candidates and projects, the rules for drawing up a business plan and applications for participation in the competition. Finally, you can begin collecting the necessary documents, the list of which includes:

  • A well-developed business plan;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Certificate of registration of the enterprise;
  • Constituent documents (if any);
  • Application for participation in the competition;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • Notification from Rosstat;
  • A certificate from the Federal Tax Service confirming that there are no outstanding tax payments;
  • Certificates from other funds (PFR, Social Insurance Fund) about the absence of debt;
  • Evidence that the enterprise belongs to SMEs (certificates of annual turnover and average number of employees).

The amount of state assistance also depends on the region: for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg an entrepreneur can qualify for 500 thousand rubles, while in Kazan or Chelyabinsk the upper limit of subsidies is set at 300 thousand rubles. To increase the likelihood of receiving a grant, it is necessary to consider that:

  • The business plan needs to consider in detail the tasks that the enterprise can solve with the help of additional financing, and the purposes for which public funds will be directed;
  • You should not initially indicate inflated amounts in the application or adjust the business plan to the size of the grant;
  • Original and non-standard projects have a greater chance of success;
  • The 2018 small business development subsidy is transferred to the enterprise’s account in stages: after disbursing each tranche, it is necessary to submit a report on the use of funds to the fund. In addition, the entrepreneur must pay income tax on the received grant amount.

Special purpose

The money received may be spent exclusively for the purposes specified in the business plan; no changes or deviations are allowed in this case. Moreover, funds should only be used to purchase fixed assets directly involved in the production process. For this reason, the state subsidy for business 2018 cannot be used to partially or fully reimburse expenses for such items as:

  1. Purchase of real estate, furniture, household electronic appliances;
  2. Design, construction and repair of capital structures;
  3. Purchase of passenger vehicles;
  4. Payment of wages;
  5. Purchasing licenses, paying entrance fees to SRO;
  6. Formation of authorized capital;
  7. Printing of advertising products.

Subsidy for equipment modernization

Not all 2018 small business support programs implemented by the SME Support Committee are intended exclusively for start-up businessmen. Thus, long-established enterprises can reimburse up to 50% of the costs associated with upgrading equipment, purchasing more productive machines or production lines, provided that the subsidy amount does not exceed 5 million rubles.

Who can receive a subsidy?

Of course, in this case, a competition must be held among applicants. SMEs that meet the following requirements are allowed to participate in it:

  • The enterprise is not subject to closure, bankruptcy, reorganization or other actions restricting activities;
  • The entrepreneur has no debt to the state;
  • Salaries are paid on time and in full;
  • The salary of employees is not lower than the minimum in the region;
  • The company paid the supplier in full for the cost of the equipment;
  • The state did not allocate funds to the company for modernization this year.

Foreign enterprises and domestic firms in the capital of which the share of foreign co-owners exceeds 50% cannot apply for a subsidy.

Receipt procedure

To take part in the competition for the provision of financial assistance to entrepreneurs from the state in 2018, it is necessary to prepare and submit to the commission a package of documents confirming the expenditure of funds. It includes:

Application for subsidies for small businesses in 2018.

Attachments to the application, including complete information about the applicant:

  • Name of the enterprise or information about the individual entrepreneur, place of registration, areas of activity;
  • Financial indicators - turnover volume, profit and tax payments, average number of employees and their wages;
  • The list of measures for the effective development of the subsidy - the number of jobs created, increase in revenue.

Evidence of the fact of legitimate acquisition of equipment and mechanisms:

  • Sale and purchase agreement and acceptance certificate;
  • Inventory card for accounting of fixed assets;
  • Technical data sheet or operating manual;
  • Evidence that the supplier is a manufacturer, official dealer or distributor of the specified type of equipment;
  • Receipts, invoices or other documents confirming the expenditure of funds for the purchase and installation of equipment.

The Commission publishes the dates for receipt and consideration of applications in advance. Making a decision takes no more than five working days, and in the process of selecting the winner, attention is paid to indicators of the social and economic efficiency of the project, including:

  • The ratio of the number of disabled people to the total number of employees;
  • The presence of an innovative component in the applicant’s activities;
  • Number of product supply agreements concluded with customers;
  • Increase in employee salaries;
  • Increase in revenue from sales of own-produced products;
  • Creation of new jobs.

A necessary condition for the allocation of assistance is the creation of at least one job when receiving 1–2 million rubles, and at least two when receiving subsidies in the amount of more than 2 million rubles. Besides:

  • Reimbursement for the purchase of equipment can only be made under one contract;
  • Purchased equipment cannot be sold, leased or transferred to anyone under a leasing agreement for three years after receiving the subsidy;
  • To reimburse part of the costs, the contract for the supply of equipment must be concluded no more than two years ago.

Special purpose

The state budget finances only the modernization of equipment intended for the production of goods; businessmen who receive income from the provision of services are not entitled to such support for small businesses in 2018. In addition, the competition commission reviewing applications focuses special attention on the following:

  • The purchased equipment must be directly involved in the production process;
  • The equipment must be completely new, without traces of use;
  • You can only buy equipment or a production line from the manufacturer, official dealer or distributor;
  • The equipment must belong to at least the second depreciation group with an effective service life of more than two years.

Subsidy for business registration

Any beginning entrepreneur who wants to save money on registering his individual entrepreneur has to pay at least a state fee in the amount of 800 rubles and the services of a notary to certify copies of documents. Printing is also often required, which is theoretically optional, but desirable when working with clients and suppliers. Moreover, when registering an LLC, there are many more documents, and the fee is already 4,000 rubles: it is obvious that many would prefer to compensate for such expenses in the early stages of business development.

This issue is also dealt with by the Employment Center, which pays the entrepreneur a subsidy of up to 20,000 rubles to reimburse the costs of legalizing the enterprise. To receive it, an unemployed citizen must:

  • Register with the CZN. To do this, you will need a passport, TIN, personal pension certificate, work book and diploma;
  • Fill out the documents. It is necessary to register, obtain unemployed status, write an application for participation in the state small business support program 2018, and also conclude an agreement with the Center on the provision of subsidies;
  • Confirm your desire to create a business. Possible activities include taking entrepreneurship training courses at the Employment Center, psychological testing, attending seminars;
  • Register a business. You need to contact the Federal Tax Service, fill out documents and receive a certificate of registration of SPD;
  • Provide confirmation to the central control center. You should provide the Employment Center with certificates of registration and registration, as well as documents confirming expenses - a receipt for payment of state duty, paid bills from a consultant, notary and stamp manufacturer.

Many beginners confuse compensation for registration costs with a subsidy of 58,800 rubles for starting a business. Meanwhile, the first is due to all entrepreneurs, regardless of the direction of their activity, while the second is paid only based on the results of selection for the implementation of projects that are promising from the point of view of the state.

Reasons for refusing assistance

Unfortunately, even an applicant who fully meets the requirements of the competition commission sometimes receives a refusal when applying for help. The main reasons why entrepreneurs remain without government support are listed below:

  1. The applicant does not have experience in the relevant industry;
  2. The entrepreneur has a negative credit history or has committed any violations of the rules for using subsidies provided to him in the past;
  3. An area of ​​activity that is not subject to subsidies has been selected - gambling, production of excisable goods, mining, investing, insurance or other work with client funds;
  4. An inflated or unreasonable amount of funding has been requested;
  5. The business plan does not indicate changes in the amount of income and expenses after the provision of subsidies for individual entrepreneurs in 2018, and does not reflect the economic efficiency and social significance of the project;
  6. The intended use of funds cannot be verified, since the project does not define the directions for spending financial assistance.


A novice entrepreneur must take into account that the new legislation expects changes in the procedure for providing assistance to existing enterprises. In contrast, in 2018, subsidies will be allocated as reimbursement for actual expenses incurred. Simply put, a company must first raise its own funds or obtain a loan, purchase the required equipment, and then submit a claim and expect compensation.

Fortunately, this inconvenience is compensated by a fairly simple procedure for obtaining a subsidy: you just need to take a good idea, draw up a competent business plan based on it with the necessary emphasis on the social importance of the project, fulfill the requirements of the organization providing assistance, and then correctly use such a necessary one at any stage of the entrepreneurial journey. ways of support.
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