3 Butterflies German folk tale. German folk tale "Three Butterflies"

Still, it’s nice to read the fairy tale “Three Butterflies (German Fairytale)” even for adults, you immediately remember your childhood, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the characters and rejoice with them. It is very useful when the plot is simple and, so to speak, life-like, when similar situations arise in our everyday life, this contributes to better memorization. All descriptions of the environment are created and presented with a feeling of deepest love and appreciation for the object of presentation and creation. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages one to rethink oneself, was crowned with success. Thanks to children's developed imagination, they quickly revive colorful pictures of the world around them in their imagination and fill in the gaps with their visual images. The story takes place in distant times or “A long time ago” as people say, but those difficulties, those obstacles and difficulties are close to our contemporaries. All heroes were “honed” by the experience of the people, who for centuries created, strengthened and transformed them, paying great and deep importance to children’s education. The fairy tale “Three Butterflies (German Fairytale)” will be fun to read online for free for both children and their parents, the kids will be happy about the good ending, and moms and dads will be happy for the kids!

There were three butterflies - white, red and yellow. All day long all they had to do was play and dance. Especially if the sun was warm. Butterflies flutter from flower to flower, from one to another. That's fun! But then one day it started pouring rain. The butterflies got wet and began to look for somewhere to hide. And it still rains.
The butterflies reached the White Lily and said:
- Cover us, let us hide from the rain.
Lily answered them:
“So be it, I’ll hide the white butterfly from the rain, it looks like me, and let the red and yellow ones look for another place.”
Then the white butterfly says to her:

And they flew on.
And the rain is pouring even more heavily. Butterflies flew up to the Red Tulip and said:
- Cover us, let us hide from the rain, we are thoroughly wet.
Tulip answered them:
“Okay, I’ll hide the red one, it looks like me, and let the white and yellow ones look for another place.”
Then the red butterfly says to him:
“Since you don’t want to accept my sisters, then I won’t go to you either.” It’s better for us to get wet in the rain together!
And they flew on.
The butterflies reached the Yellow Rose and said:
- Cover us, let us hide from the rain, we are thoroughly wet. Rose answered them:
“I’ll hide the yellow one, it looks like me, and let the white and red ones look for another place.”
Then the yellow butterfly says to her:
“Since you don’t want to accept my sisters, then I won’t go to you either!” It’s better for us to get wet in the rain together!
The sun, which was hiding behind the clouds, heard the words of the butterflies and was delighted: there is such a true friendship in the world! And I decided to help the butterflies.
The sun drove away the rain and shone again, illuminated the garden, and dried the wings of the butterflies. They began to fly back and forth. They play, dance, flutter from flower to flower. Only Lily, Tulip and Rose were no longer approached. So they dried up all alone. The butterflies had fun and circled until the evening. And when evening came, they went to bed. I don’t know what happened to them next. I just know that friendship is a support in any trouble.

Municipal budget preschool educational

compensatory kindergarten institution No. 34

Leningradsky district





Litvinkova Galina


Art. Leningradskaya

Summary of a lesson on speech development in a preparatory school group


Software tasks: Learn to retell text in the 3rd person. Practice agreeing a noun with an adjective, using prepositions, and selecting definitions. Expand and activate your vocabulary. Develop auditory memory, voluntary attention, logical thinking, motor skills. Strengthen skills in regulating speech rate and voice strength, language analysis and synthesis. Cultivate interest in artistic expression and learning skills.

Vocabulary work: petals, rose, lily, tulip, dandelion, forget-me-not, cornflower and other flowers; chat, be proud, frolic, obscure, hide; tender, fragrant, fragrant, fragile, fluffy, majestic, modest; prepositions “under”, “above”, “between”, “behind”, “before”.

Material: tabletop theater, theater for flannelgraph, panel “In the clearing”, images of insects, diagrams of prepositions, drawings for coloring for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

IIntroductory part

1. Organizational moment:

Guys, do you want to know what we will talk about today?

Then today you will have to solve the puzzle. (Flower).

So, today's conversation will be about... flowers.

2. Conversation about flowers:

What flowers do you know? (Rose, poppy, tulip, daffodil, cornflower, etc.)

Where do flowers grow? (In the field, in the garden).

How else can you tell what flowers are there? (Field, garden).

Why are flowers needed? (They delight with their beauty and lift your spirits).

3. Didactic game for developing the lexical structure of speech “Flower”

And this flower itself needs to cheer up. A spring breeze blew and the petals flew off the flower - so he was upset. Let's become good wizards for a minute and give the flower petals. To do this, you need to come up with beautiful words about flowers. (On the flannelgraph there is a flower without petals, the middle is like a sad face. The children come up with ideas, the teacher puts out the petals and changes the middle of the flower from sad to cheerful. Words: gentle, beautiful, fragrant, fragrant, sunny, fluffy, prickly, red, fragile).

So we cheered up the flower.

IIMain part.

1. Reading a fairy tale: Many poems, songs, riddles, stories, and fairy tales have been invented about flowers. Today we will get acquainted with the German fairy tale “Three Flowers”. ( I'm telling a story).

2. Conversation on content:

What butterflies are mentioned in the fairy tale? (The fairy tale talks about a red, yellow and white butterfly).

What did they do day after day? (Day after day they flew, frolicked and enjoyed the sun).

What flowers grew in the meadow? (A red rose, a white tulip and a white lily grew in the clearing).

How do you understand the word “great”? (Proud, selfish).

What happened to the weather one day? (One day the sun was obscured by a large cloud, and it began to rain in large drops).

Who did the butterflies turn to for help when looking for shelter from the rain? (Seeking shelter from the rain, the butterflies turned to the majestic red rose, the beautiful yellow tulip and the delicate white lily for help).

What words did they use to ask for help? (When the butterflies flew up to the red rose, they asked: “Red rose, please let us take shelter from the rain.”)

Why couldn't butterflies get their wings wet? (If butterflies' wings get wet, they will no longer be able to fly)

What flowers were similar to each other? And with what? (The red rose, the beautiful tulip and the delicate lily were similar to each other in that they did not want to help all the butterflies)

How, for example, did the red rose respond to the request? (I can only release the red butterfly, and the rest fly away).

Why didn't the butterfly that the flower invited stay under it? (She didn't want to leave her friends in trouble.)
-Who did they find shelter with? (The butterflies found shelter near a modest white daisy).
-How do you understand the word “modest”? (A humble person is one who does not brag to others.)
-What happened to the butterflies after the rain? With flowers? (The butterflies again began to frolic and play under the gentle rays of the sun. And the three proud flowers withered).
-Why did the proud, majestic flowers wither? (Because cheerful butterflies did not fly up to them and they had no one to talk and laugh with).

What would you do if you were these flowers? (In place of the flowers, I would have hidden all the butterflies from the rain).

What does a fairy tale teach? (The fairy tale teaches that you cannot abandon friends in trouble, you cannot be proud and selfish).

3. Repeated telling of the tale: And now I will tell the tale again, listen carefully, because you will retell it. The heroes will help me tell the story. (Re-reading and showing the fairy tale on a flannelgraph).

4. Retelling a fairy tale by children: Who wants to tell and show us a fairy tale? (Retelling a fairy tale “in a chain” by three children). Using your voice, try to convey the mood and character of the characters.

5. Physical exercise: Let's show how the flowers in the meadow enjoy the sun.

My flower is swinging

Like this, like this, like this.

My flower is rising

Like this, like this, like this.

6. Didactic game “Let’s weave a wreath”: What flowers grow in the meadow? Let's weave them into a wreath. (1st child names a flower, 2nd child repeats and adds his own, 3rd child repeats 2 flowers and adds his own, etc.)

7. Retelling a fairy tale using a tabletop theater: Oh, while we were playing, a beautiful box appeared, what's in it? (I take out a tabletop theater). Let's play the fairy tale again. (I call the rest of the children one by one.)

8. Didactic game “In the clearing”: And here is our clearing. (I display the typesetting canvas). Insects gathered on it; they really wanted to play hide and seek with the butterflies. The butterflies turned away, and their friends hid. Let's tell the butterflies who to look for where. ( On the panel there are schematic clues like: The child answers: “God’sa cow sits under a flower").

III.Final part

1. Lesson summary: What did we do today? What did you like most? (Today we got acquainted with the new fairy tale “Three Flowers”, played the game “Weave a Wreath”, looked for insects in the clearing, solved a puzzle, gave petals to a flower).

2. Evaluation of children's work: Whose retelling do you think is more successful? Why? I think you all did a good job today. (I note those children whose speech was the most expressive, who used new words in their speech).

3. Surprise moment : And so that you remember the fairy tale for a long time, I give you frames from it. True, they are black and white, but I think it won’t be difficult for you to color them. And at home, looking at your drawing, you will want to tell a fairy tale to your loved ones.


(German fairy tale)

Once upon a time there were three butterflies, three girlfriends: red, yellow and white. Day after day they flew over the clearing, enjoying the sun. The butterflies had fun, they played with flowers, chatted, and laughed. And three majestic flowers grew in the clearing: a red rose, a yellow tulip and a white lily. They were very beautiful and proud of it.

And then one day butterflies flew and frolicked over the flowers. But suddenly a huge cloud obscured the sun, and it began to rain in large drops. Red, yellow and white butterflies began to look for somewhere to hide from the rain. They flew up to the majestic red rose and asked:

Red rose, please let us take shelter from the rain.

“I can only release a red butterfly,” the rose answered proudly, “and the rest, fly away.”

“No, I won’t leave my girlfriends in trouble,” said the red butterfly, and they flew on.

Butterflies flew up to a beautiful yellow tulip and asked:

Beautiful yellow tulip, protect us from the rain, otherwise our wings will get wet and we will not be able to fly.

I will only let in the yellow butterfly, and the rest - fly away.

No,” answered the yellow butterfly, “I will not leave my friends in trouble.”

White lily hide us from the rain, otherwise our wings will get wet.

“I can only send a white butterfly,” answered the white lily.

But the white butterfly did not abandon its friends.

They found shelter near a modest white chamomile and waited out the rain.

The sun came out again, the flowers raised their heads. The butterflies began to frolic and play again under the gentle rays of the sun. And three beautiful proud flowers - a red rose, a yellow tulip and a white lily, soon withered, because cheerful butterflies did not fly up to them, and they had no one to talk and laugh with.

List of used literature

1. "Didactic games in kindergarten." . Moscow. Enlightenment, 1991

2. "Our Tales" Children's literature. Moscow 1969.

3. "Physical training for kids." M. Ishchenko, ed. "Phoenix" 2009

4. “Finger and gesture games in verse for preschoolers,” ed. Childhood-Press, 2010

Municipal budgetary educational institution Staroibraykinskaya secondary school

Aksubaevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Compiled by a primary school teacher

Nurullina Rufiya I.

Lesson summary on the topic "German folk tale "Three Butterflies"

Class: 4

Target: continue to get acquainted with folk tales of different nations

- introduce the German folk tale “Three Butterflies”;
- to develop the skills of fluent expressive reading, the ability to work with text, to learn to understand the actions of heroes;
- develop memory, speech, thinking, imagination and creativity;

To foster friendships, love of nature, interest in reading and studying the creativity of different peoples.

Planned results: subject: the ability to predict the content of a fairy tale, increase the pace of reading aloud, and perceive a work of art aloud;


Regulatory: formulating the learning objectives of the lesson, assessing your work in the lesson;

Cognitive:analysis of a fairy tale, highlighting the main idea in it, searching for the necessary information in the book;

communicative:answering questions based on a fairy tale, the ability to listen to peers;

personal: formation of a system of moral values ​​(love of nature, beauty of human relationships), manifestation of interest in reading.

Equipment: computer , projector, textbook “Literary reading” grade 4, items for the skit.

Material: presentation of the fairy tale “Three Butterflies”, presentation “Butterfly”, slides “Flowers” ​​(lily, rose, tulip)

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Checking homework.
  1. Retelling of the fairy tale “The Chatty Bird”
  2. Telling tales that students made up themselves.
  1. Speech warm-up.

Read the poem yourself.


I'm at the yellow butterfly

Quietly he asked:

Butterfly, tell me

Who painted you?

Maybe it's a buttercup?

Maybe dandelion?

Maybe yellow paint

That neighbor boy?

Or is it the sun

After winter boredom?

Who painted you?

Butterfly, tell me!

The butterfly whispered

Dressed in gold:

Colored me all over

Summer, summer, summer!

A. Pavlova

Read the poem quickly.

Read expressively.

IV. Updating knowledge.

What picture did you imagine when reading this poem?

What do you know about butterflies? (View presentations “Butterfly”)

V. Self-determination for activity.

Solve the puzzle.

(Three butterflies)

  • This is the name of our topic. Please open your textbooks, page 50.
  • Look at the illustration. What do you think this fairy tale is about? (Children's assumptions.)
  • Determine the objectives of the lesson by reading the title of the topic.

VI. Work on the topic of the lesson.

(Teacher reading a fairy tale)

  • Guys, what feelings did you have when reading this work?
  • What was not clear?

VII. Vocabulary work.

All day long (without break, without end). The rain is pouring even more (harder).

VIII. Physical education minute

Sunshine for exercise
Calls us.
We raise our hands
On command: “One!”
And above us the foliage rustles merrily.
We give up
On command: “Two!”
We follow each other
Forest and green meadow
One two three four five
Let's talk about our topic
Further study.

IX. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Preparing for reading by role.

Read the words lily, tulip, rose.

Read the words of the white, red and yellow butterflies.

2. Reading a fairy tale by role.

What does this fairy tale teach?

3. Work on the content of the fairy tale using questions and assignments 1-3 on page 51 of the textbook.

4. Viewing presentations “Flowers” ​​(roses, tulips, lilies on the slides).

5. Dramatization of a fairy tale

6.Adding a regional component. Teacher reading the Tatar fairy tale “Duslar” (“Friends”)

X. Reflection

Choose any beginning of a sentence and continue it.

  • Today in class I learned...
  • In this lesson I would praise myself for...
  • After the lesson I wanted...
  • Today I managed...

XI. Summing up the lesson.

What new did you learn in the lesson? What do you remember most?

Homework (differentiated)

  1. Retell a fairy tale
  2. Come up with a script for a fairy tale so that it can be staged.

Tatiana Kuznetsova
Theatrical activities based on the German fairy tale “Three Butterflies” in the second junior group

Storyteller: Once upon a time there were three butterflies - white, red, yellow. All day long all they had to do was play and dance. Especially if the sun was warm.

(Song butterflies)

They flutter butterflies from flower to flower, from one to another. That's fun. But then one day black clouds rolled in, covered the sun, and it started pouring rain.

(Cloud dance)

Got wet butterflies and began to look, where to hide. And it still rains. (imitation rain background) Got there butterflies to chamomile(song butterflies for chamomile)

White butterfly: Cover us, let us hide from the rain.

Storyteller: Chamomile in response.

Chamomile: So be it, white I'll hide the butterfly from the rain, she looks like me, and let the red and yellow ones look for another place.

Storyteller: It's white here the butterfly tells her:

White butterfly

(Tulip Song)

Red butterfly

Storyteller: Tulip in response to them

Tulip: Okay, I’ll hide the red one, it looks like me, and let the white and yellow ones look for another place.

Storyteller: It's red here the butterfly tells him

Red butterfly: Since you don’t want to accept my sisters, then I won’t go to you either. It’s better for us to get wet in the rain together.

(Dandelion Song)

Butterflies: Cover us, let us hide from the rain, we are thoroughly wet.

Storyteller: Dandelion in response to them.

Dandelion: I’ll hide the yellow one, it looks like me, and let the white and red ones look for another place.

Storyteller: It's yellow here the butterfly tells her:

Yellow butterfly: Since you don’t want to accept my sisters, then I won’t go to you either! It’s better for us to get wet in the rain together!

Storyteller: The sun heard the words that were hiding behind the clouds butterflies and was happy: There is such a true friendship in the world! And I decided help the butterflies. The sun drove away the rain and shone again, the garden was illuminated, the butterflies have dried their wings. They began to fly back and forth. They play, dance, flutter from flower to flower. Only they no longer flew up to Chamomile, Tulip and Dandelion. So they dried up alone - alone. We were having fun butterflies, circled until the evening. And when evening came, they went to bed. I don’t know what happened to them next. I just know that friendship is a support in any trouble.

Lesson topic: German folk tale “Three Butterflies.” Preparing for the performance.

The date of the: 20.10.2015

Target: continue to get acquainted with folk tales from around the world


    introduce the German folk tale “Three Butterflies”;

    develop attention, practice fluent expressive reading skills, develop creativity and imagination

    cultivate friendships.

Planned results:


the ability to predict the content of a work, read aloud with a gradual transition to silent reading, increase the pace of reading aloud, correcting errors when re-reading the text, and perceive a work of art by ear.


R: planning together with the teacher activities to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating your work in the lesson.

P: analysis of a literary text, highlighting the main idea in it, searching for the necessary information in the text, ability to navigate in an educational and fiction book.

K: answers to questions based on the literary text of the textbook, understanding the rules of interaction of the joint action plan


Formation of a system of moral values ​​(love of nature, beauty of human relationships)

Equipment: computer, projector, textbook “Literary reading” grade 4, dictionaries.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2. Creating a problematic situation

To determine the topic of the lesson, I will now tell you riddles.

He left his grandmother
And he left his grandfather,
Sang songs under the blue sky,
For the fox he became lunch.

Evil in temper, gray in color,
He ate seven kids.
(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

A guy is sitting on the stove
Eats rolls,
Rode around the village
And he married the princess.
(By magic)

Alyonushka has sisters
The birds carried away my little brother,
She was playing with her friends,
Brother Vanya missed.
(Swan geese)

What kind of oral folk art can all these works be classified as? (fairy tales).

Today we will continue to get acquainted with fairy tales of different nations.

3. Formulation of the lesson topic and objectives

Now I suggest listening to a poem performed by your classmate.

How did this poem make you feel?

I'm at the yellow butterfly

Quietly he asked:

Butterfly, tell me

Who painted you?

Maybe it's a buttercup?

Maybe dandelion?

Maybe yellow paint

That neighbor boy?

Or is it the sun

After winter boredom?

Who painted you?

Butterfly, tell me!

The butterfly whispered

Dressed in gold:

Colored me all over

Summer, summer, summer! (Alena Pavlova)

Find in the text the hero’s specific assumptions about who painted the butterfly.

Find in the text the answer to the question: “Who really painted the butterfly?”

What color is the butterfly in the poem? Find confirmation.

What colors of butterflies have you seen?

What do you like about butterflies?

How would you define the word “butterfly”?

Let's find the definition of this word in dictionaries and work in groups.

Let's compare information obtained from several sources (dictionaries) and try to create our own definition.

Guess who the story will be about today. The slide shows an illustration from the textbook. Now try to make a more accurate guess using the illustration.

Open your textbook to page 50.

What lesson objectives would you set?

4. Working on new material

1) Introduction to the fairy tale “Three Butterflies”

2) Vocabulary work

All day long, the rain pours even more heavily.

3) Independent reading

- I invite you to participate in a dialogue and discuss the fairy tale you have read. Express your point of view about the fairy tale you read. Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the fairy tale.

Which fairy tale character's words contain the main idea? Find these words in the text.

What feelings did you have when reading this work? What parts would you divide the fairy tale into? Try to tell a fairy tale based on our plan.

What conclusion did you draw after reading the fairy tale?

5. Physical education minute

Game: If you heard the name of a butterfly, sit down; if you heard other names, tilt.

6. Consolidation

1) Work on expressive reading

Write down all the characters from the text in order for us to assign roles.

- Read the words of the butterflies.

- Read the words lily, tulip, rose.

- Read the action of the sun.

2) Reading by roles

3) Distribution of roles for showing the fairy tale at the next lesson.

7. Reflection

Today in class I learned...

In this lesson I would praise myself for...

After the lesson I wanted...

Today I managed...

. Homework

pp. 50.51 learn roles