Daria Pynzar made peace with her mother-in-law after a long quarrel. Daria Pynzar Last name: Dasha Pynzar

Sergei and Daria Pynzar are raising two boys - five-year-old Artemy and eight-month-old David. For many fans of the famous couple, their relationship seems ideal. Former members“Doma-2” tries to remain an exemplary family and by their example proves how to love and appreciate the people closest to you. Despite the fact that Daria gave birth to a second child less than a year ago, she is already making plans for a future pregnancy.

In a conversation with StarHit, the woman admitted that she and Sergei had been dreaming of a girl for a long time. It would probably be easier for Daria to cope with family troubles if she had a young assistant next to her. The parents of the two boys are determined, especially since last fall the family moved to a townhouse in the Moscow region. So, celebrities can already think through a nursery for the heiress in advance.

“I always dreamed of sons,” Dasha admitted to StarHit. – When I became pregnant with Tema and did not yet know that a boy would be born, I already imagined how Seryozha would play football with him... With the second child, the story repeated itself - my husband and I again wanted a son. When they said at the ultrasound that I was having a boy again, I was very happy.”

Daria has long gotten used to the idea that she remains the only representative of the fairer sex in the house. According to the woman, she is already accustomed to being in this status, but now her views have changed greatly. Interestingly, the Pynzar family was inspired to give birth to a girl by the host of the Dom-2 television project, Ksenia Borodina.

“Well, I didn’t imagine that there would be another girl in our family, because I’m so used to being the only one! But now my husband and I have seen enough of our friends babysitting their daughters, and we realized: we also want a girl. Take, for example, Ksyusha Borodina - how much tenderness there is in her communication with Marusya and Thea - you can’t look at it without being touched!” – Pynzar shared with StarHit.

// Photo: Personal archive of the Pynzar family

The dream of a daughter forced Dasha to go to the perinatal medical Center“Mother and Child” on Sevastopol Avenue, in which she gave birth to David. “Now Seryozha and I have to undergo a genetic study, on the basis of which doctors will develop a special diet for us or prescribe medications for us to take,” says Dasha, who is currently filming the continuation of the reality show “Pregnant” on the Domashny TV channel.

Among the participants in the reality show "Dom-2", in which young people build relationships, ending in some cases with a wedding, in front of large army TV viewers watching the development of events with great interest, Daria Pynzar is perhaps the brightest acting character. The girl’s path to fame and love from fans was not easy. However, today she is a happy mother and beloved wife.

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Born on January 6, 1986 in the city of metallurgists and miners Yenakievo, Dasha Chernykh - this is the name the girl bore before her marriage - stayed here for a short time. Soon the family moves to the Russian Federation - to the Samara region, the town of Balakovo. Actually, this is where the future seductress spent her childhood and youth. The girl's parents left this world when the girl was not even 10 years old. Took care of her upbringing elder sister Natalya - on this moment a successful businesswoman living in the capital.

Fact! Being a professional interior designer, Daria Pynzar loves to paint oil paintings!

Daria appeared on the popular TV show on December 28, 2007 and immediately attracted the attention of not only all participants in the reality show, but also numerous fans of this project. Which is not surprising - the 20-year-old blond beauty with a luxurious figure simply could not go unnoticed! Having joined the team, she immediately told everyone present that she still preserves her innocence, since she has not met the one to whom any girl dreams of giving herself! Such a frank statement was greeted by the residents of the project with undisguised irony. However, the girl’s unequivocal behavior fully confirmed her nationwide announcement.

Only the former reality show host Ksenia Sobchak remained unshakable in her opinion regarding Daria Pynzar, who more than once spoke ironically about the girl’s behavior. “It looks more like an experienced strip bar dancer than an innocent lamb,” she said. The fact is that the girl, knowing about the attractiveness of her forms, preferred revealing outfits. The elder sister at that time already had a thriving chain of stores selling women's clothing, and not only in the capital, but also in other cities of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the charming lady did not have these problems. Short, tight skirts, necklines with the highest possible neckline - the wardrobe of a seductress.

Fact! A pastime to which the beauty is ready to devote herself completely is shopping. According to her, this hobby serves as an excellent antidepressant for her.

First attempt to build romantic relationship Daria Pynzar undertook with Rustam Solntsev. The fact that the participant in the scandalous television project was 10 years older than the young beauty did not bother her at all. The first pancake always goes wrong - the relationship did not work out. The young man motivated his decision to leave by the blonde’s mismanagement. The last straw that overflowed his cup of patience was the irresponsible act of the girl when she stuck it in washing machine the guy's jeans along with his cell phone and activated the process.

However, the loneliness did not last long. Soon Daria became the object of close attention from the famous womanizer of the television project, Alexei Cherkasov. Assertiveness young man, which he showed beyond measure, as well as the frank offer of intimacy, scared off the young beauty, and the relationship collapsed without really starting.

Once again, the loneliness was short-lived. Appeared on the perimeter of the TV show new character- the girl's fellow countryman. Dancer and joker from Ukraine Sergei Pynzar instantly singled out the beauty from all the fair sex and began to passionately court her. The process of building a relationship lasted for two years, after which the charming blonde hung out the white flag, and the couple signed.

Fact! The girl prefers thrillers and films with exciting plots. She loves sushi and is ready to spend hours playing with cats.

Personal life

In May 2010, Sergei and Daria got married, which became the brightest and most memorable event in the reality show! In July next year There was an addition to the Pynzar family - a nice little boy was born, who was named Artemka. Despite the fact that the girl already had her own apartment in the capital, according to informed people, given to her by her older sister, Sergei rented a small estate in the Moscow region. This was done so that during the first months the child would grow up outside the atmosphere of the metropolis. However, the country family idyll did not last long - the management of the reality show persuaded the couple to return to the project.

In 2016, Sergei and Daria became parents for the second time. Interestingly, during her second pregnancy, Pynzar participated in the show “Pregnant” on the Domashny channel.

Ex-participants of the Dom-2 project Sergei and Daria Pynzar make an impression perfect couple. They got married six years ago and have two sons – 5-year-old Artem and 5-month-old David. But the birth of the first child almost caused a scandal in the “household” family.

“I was inexperienced, I didn’t know which way to approach the baby,” Dasha tells StarHit. – We asked Serezha’s mother Elena Petrovna to come to us for some time from Dnepropetrovsk. My mother-in-law helped a lot with the topic, I was extremely grateful to her. But after a month and a half, Seryozha confronted me with the fact that my mother was leaving. I was very surprised, and my husband admitted that, it turns out, all this time Elena Petrovna had been expressing dissatisfaction with me with him. Either I didn’t make the bed, then I put the comb on the kitchen table, or I cooked it tastelessly…”

Elena Petrovna encouraged her son to make comments to Dasha. “She assured him that I was unworthy of such a man, that he needed someone else,” recalls Pynzar. “I wanted him to scold me for not cooking enough and not washing the floors from morning to night.” Yes, I’m not perfect, I admit, but what can I do, I can’t be any different! Perhaps Elena Petrovna did not understand what could cause our divorce, because thousands of families break up because of their mother-in-law.”

After leaving, Daria did not communicate with her husband’s mother. “They called Seryozha on Skype, my husband showed her the theme, but I didn’t want to appear on the screen,” explains Dasha. “It was unpleasant, because I didn’t even suspect that the person didn’t like me.”

This continued until Pynzar gave her husband a second son.

“He reconciled us,” shares Daria, who is currently participating in the reality show “Wedding Size” on the Domashny TV channel. “Elena Petrovna was very happy, and her sincerity made me forget about our misunderstanding. I showed her David, she began to ask how he eats and how he sleeps. Answering my mother-in-law’s questions, I realized that my feelings for her were warming up... Soon she will come to us to babysit the little one, and I hope that this time everything will be fine. But in any case, I’m sure that the farther from relatives, the better relationship. To avoid conflicts, you need to live in different territories.”

Daria Pynzar ( maiden name Chernykh) is a Russian TV star, one of the most interesting and popular participants in the scandalous TV show DOM-2, born in the small Ukrainian town of Yenakievo.


Dasha spent her early childhood in her homeland and was quite happy, although she and her older sister grew up without a father. When Dasha grew up a little, the family moved to Russia, to Balakovo, where her mother found Good work and could provide for the girls. But on tragic accident, her mother’s life ended early, and 8-year-old Dasha found herself in the care of her sister, who herself had barely crossed the threshold of adulthood.

It was difficult for a young girl to earn money in a small town. And, after thinking a little, the older sister Natalya leaves for Moscow, taking her little sister with her. So she was able to slowly improve own business, and the girls’ lives returned to a more or less smooth direction.

Dasha is still grateful to her sister for everything she did for her and considers her the closest and dearest person.

In Moscow, she graduated from school, not brilliantly, but with a quite decent certificate, which allowed her to enter the budget department of one of the universities.

She chose the fashionable and prestigious specialty of interior design and enjoyed attending classes until... she decided to go with her friends to the casting of the super popular TV show DOM-2.


Finally finding herself in front of the cameras, Dasha for a moment realized that she was absolutely not ready for such close attention to her own person. Moreover, she literally stunned the whole country with the statement that she was a virgin who seriously hoped to find her beloved and only one on the project.

The intrigue started by Dasha was even more interesting when everyone saw that she openly sympathized with the recognized womanizer Rustam Solntsev.

But already the first days that the couple spent together after Dasha moved into his house disappointed both of them. Accustomed from childhood to the constant care of her sister, Dasha was completely helpless in running the household. And if at first Rustam thought it was cute, then after a couple of days this situation began to openly irritate him.

And when Dasha washed Rustam’s favorite phone, he simply kicked her out the door.

But such a beauty could not remain without male attention, and after a few days she was “sheltered” by another womanizer of the project, Andrei Cherkasov. But he was completely unromantic, hyperactive and too early began to insist on close relationships, which completely alienated the romantically inclined girl.

Dasha was left alone again. Before she had time to get used to it properly, she found herself in danger of being kicked out of the project.

Family life

Having looked around a little, Dasha noticed a handsome and charming guy whose relationship with another participant in the project, Sergei Pynzar, had just fallen apart. It didn’t cost the girl anything to charm our hero, and his “taming” took place quite quietly, and not under the guns of television cameras.

It all started during their joint trips to the city on various matters outside the project. And when the romance was already in full swing, they did not hide it from prying eyes. This helped both stay on the show, but not everyone believed in the sincerity of such a relationship.

Daria and Sergey Pynzar

For a long time, some of the participants openly said that this was only a tactical move that helped avoid “ frontal place" But proof of the seriousness of their intentions was the marriage proposal made by Sergei publicly on 03/08/2010.

Dasha accepted the offer. But in fairness, it must be said that the couple’s relationship was far from cloudless. They often quarreled, especially at the very beginning.

Dasha frankly did not like Sergei’s “frivolous” profession - she wanted to see a wealthy, accomplished man next to her. Sergei was infuriated by her frequent trips with her friends to night parties. And just before the wedding, the couple almost completely quarreled.

With husband and son

Dasha categorically refused to take her husband’s surname after registering her marriage. This offended Sergei so much that he was ready to completely break off the relationship. After thinking a little, Dasha changed her mind and gave in to his demand. The wedding nevertheless took place in May 2010. Already in 2011, a son was born into the family.

Gradually, the relationship leveled out, Dasha learned to give in, Sergei began to earn more, and both were united by their love for the baby. In 2013, the couple got married, making a decision before God to spend the rest of their lives together. And in 2016, another beloved and desired child appeared in the family.

Now the couple spend a lot of time together. They have a common business: an online store fashionable clothes. They prefer traveling and active image life, children are taught this.