Which organization does James Bond belong to? Seven brilliant actors in the role of James Bond

16 November 2010, 16:44

He is always handsome, witty, sexy. He throws money around, drives the most expensive cars, speaks all the languages ​​of the world, knows everything. He can do everything too. Oh, yes - any woman is ready to sell her soul to the devil in order to spend at least some time in his bed. It's all Bond. James Bond. Such perfection of male sex was allowed to be played by only 6 actors (there were two more - Barry Nelson, David Niven in unofficial films of 1954 and 1967, but then a separate post about them). Portrait of Bond by Ian Fleming Bond No. 1. Scottish. Sean Connery Played in Bond films: 1. "Dr. No." (1962) 2. "From Russia with Love." (1963) 3. "Goldfinger." (1964) 4. "Thunderball." (1965) 5." You only live twice."(1967) 6."Diamonds are Forever."(1971) This Bond is an ironic bastard. Not at all an Englishman, a radical Scot, Connery still really liked Ian Fleming himself. And no one after him could so elegantly put women into bed (with Craig this is actually some kind of user instinct), smile with his eyes, drink a “vodka martini” and point a gun. For many, this is their favorite Bond. But certainly for everyone - the very first. And maybe it’s not relevant, but, Sir Connery, how you know how to grow old gracefully! Bond No. 2. Passing. George Lazenby Film: “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.” (1969) George Lazenby found himself somewhere between films with Sean Connery. The Australian actor has become the most unnoticed Bond. He doesn't even speak in his own voice (he's dubbed by George Baker). As far as I remember, he was brought in for one episode because Bond had some kind of plastic surgery. He also turned out to be the most sentimental - Bond cried only once during the whole time, through the eyes of George. In any case, this film was the brightest moment of Lazenby's career. Bond No. 3. Red. Roger Moore. Films: 1 "Live and Let Die" (1973) 2 "The Man with the Golden Gun" (1974) 3 "The Spy Who Loved Me" (1977) 4 "Moonraker" (1979) 5 "For your eyes only." (1981) 6. "Ospopussy." (1983) 7. "A View to a Kill." (1985) Eh, I wrote, at first "red-haired", so as not to write "stone". Either Connery is already No. 1 forever, or Moore is actually a statue. This Bond is perhaps the most aristocratic in appearance: one of the advantages is the ability to walk in a tuxedo and raise one eyebrow. The downside is most likely that he played Bond for 12 years and his almost advanced age is very noticeable in the latest films. Bond should be “something like 40 years old”, not “definitely over 50”. And also, for me, he has some kind of gap in the character’s character: he is too correct an agent and too ungentlemanly (even compared to other Bonds) towards women. Bond #4. Beautiful. Timothy Dalton Films: 1. "Daylights". (1987) 2. "License to Kill". ?" This Bond was chosen purely based on his appearance. This probably played a cruel joke: it is always hard to believe that he will shoot, that he is able to leave this woman and save the world. By the way, Dalton might not have played Bond at all: Brosnan was already invited to The Living Lights, but for some reason he refused. For me, this Bond is no good, but almost everyone else is divided into 2 opposing camps. But Bond isn't all about beauty, is he?.. Bond #5. Sex-x-x-x... Pierce Brosnan Films: 1. "Golden Eye." (1995) 2. "Tomorrow Never Dies." (1997) 3. "And the Whole World Is Not Enough." (1999) 4. "Die, But Not Now." (2002) Because This post is my personal opinion, then Brosnan will be Sex. And although Connery is in my heart forever, this Bond looked so much at Halle Berry!.. For this squint, you can forgive him for the fact that he is too “polished”, too neat and runs too slowly. And yet, although again this has nothing to do with Bond, I like the way he treats his wife! Here he is - a real man. Bond #6. Cruel. Daniel Craig Films: 1. “Casino Royale” (2006) 2. “Quantum of Solace” (2008) This Bond does not smile (at most, a hint of a smile), he only takes revenge. Women (except for one, and thank you for that) are consumables. And I may be a hopeless romantic, but Bond is not some kind of machine. Maybe, of course, he’s not like that, but life is like that. But Craig's Bond is no longer human. Bond was a lovable bastard, Bond became a cruel bastard. Forgive me, Craig fans (I'm not talking about him, but about the last Bond...) And, in the end, interesting facts about Bond. In total, in 22 films, Agent 007 had sex, no less than 81 times! 20 times - in a hotel room. 2 times - in my apartment in London. 15 times - in the place that the girl suggested. 2 times - in unknown places. 3 times - in a train carriage. 2 times - completely in the barn. 2 times - in the forest. 2 times - in a tent. 3 times - in a hospital bed. 2 times - right on the plane. 1 time - on a submarine. 1 time – in your own car. 1 time - on an iceberg. 25 times - in water. It's also worth noting that among the first 62 Bond girls, 31 were brunettes, 25 were blondes and 4 were dark-skinned. In addition, they all moaned the phrase "Oh, James!" for a total of 16 minutes. Interesting facts - taken

October marked the half-century since the premiere of the first James Bond film, Dr. No, starring Sean Connery. In October, the world premiere of the 23rd film “007 coordinates Skyfall” took place. Starring Daniel Craig.

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We know a lot about James Bond. But not all. Because its creator, writer Ian Fleming, did not bother to present any coherent biography of his hero. The mystery of the origin, childhood and adolescence of agent 007 was later solved by numerous Bond scholars. This is what they did.

Where exactly he was born is unknown, but Bond scholars have figured out who his parents are. Father - Andrew Bond, Scottish, mother - Monique Delacroix, Swiss by birth. Our hero's father worked for a large arms company, the family traveled a lot around the world, so even as a child James Bond spoke fluent German and French. When the boy turned eleven, his parents, avid climbers, died while climbing one of the Alpine peaks. James was sent to live with his aunt in the village. And at the age of thirteen he entered college at Eton University, from where he was expelled two years later “due to troubles with the maid”: our shooter matured early. After which James Bond studied in Edinburgh and the University of Geneva. In 1941, having credited himself with a couple of years of age, James Bond volunteered for the front. He served in the Royal Navy, from which he retired at the end of World War II with the rank of commander, which in our Navy corresponds to the rank of captain 2nd rank. It was then that his espionage career began.

Note that James is not a military man, but a civilian employee of the spy agency - the Secret Intelligence Service, or, as it is often called, MI6. Therefore, he is quite free in his communication with his superiors and often “decides matters” at his own discretion. Because of this, his superiors constantly scold him. By the way, until 1994, this same SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) did not have any legal basis in the United Kingdom, and its very existence was not confirmed by the government. So the liberties that James Bond took could not have any serious consequences for him: the bureaucrats, whom Bond passionately dislikes, simply did not have any leverage over him. As for his immediate superior M (who in the last seven films, in the spirit of politically correct times, was made a woman - this role is played by actress Judi Dench), he simply has a soft spot for Bond: well done, the devil!

And not only a great guy, but also damn good-looking. Judging by various sources, he is slightly above average height in modern times - eighty-three meters, in excellent, naturally, physical shape - weighs 76 kilograms, despite his love for strong men's drinks (bond experts have calculated that our hero takes one alcoholic drink for every seven pages of books written about him) and a passion for smoking. True, in recent films, James Bond, following the dictates of the century, does not smoke, and he has practically given up alcohol.

But as for the face, opinions differ on this matter: its features have undergone significant changes from Sean Connery's Bond No. 1 to Daniel Craig's Bond No. 6. But, by the way, Ian Fleming himself in his books gave clear indications of what his hero looks like - he looks like... the American composer Hoagy Carmichael.

Does this name mean anything to you? And it should! After all, it was Carmichael who wrote four of the most famous American pop songs of the 20th century. At least four songs that were recorded most often by different artists. These are "Stardust", "Georgia On My Mind", "The Nearness Of You" and "Heart And Soul". They were performed by, among others, Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole. They continue to be sung by Alicia Keys, Lil Wayne, Norah Jones, Keith Richards and many, many others.

Hoagy Carmichael had a narrow face with a large nose, dark hair with an unruly curl that always fell over his forehead. The same gray eyes as Bond’s, but if the composer’s gaze, according to the recollections of contemporaries, was kind, then agent 007’s gaze shows steel, and his mouth is curled with a contemptuous grin. And on Bond’s right cheek there is a scar, the kind that adorns a man.

Regarding the female sex, James Bond... What can I say! Even noticed in promiscuous relationships!

However, few people know that James Bond was married, and even twice. The first time was on Countess Teresa de Vicenzo (in the film On Her Majesty's Secret Service, 1969, she was played by actress Diana Rigg). The marriage did not last even a day: immediately after the wedding, the villains kill the newly-made Mrs. Bond. For the second time, Bond had to marry US Internal Revenue Service agent Harriet Horner in the 1988 novel Scorpio, written by the “official successor” of Fleming’s case, John Gardner (the book has been translated into Russian, but there is no film based on its plot yet). But this marriage did not last long, for Mrs. Bond No. 2 was helpfully bitten by a moccasin snake.

Our hero had an illegitimate son, James Suzuki Bond, whose Japanese mother, Kissy Suzuki, was the “Bond girl” in the 1964 film You Only Live Twice (played by Japanese actress Mii Hama). The son, alas, also dies - in the story “Blast from the Past” by writer Raymond Benson, who is also considered the official successor of Ian Fleming’s case.

Bond, James Bond, must be alone, all alone. So that nothing interferes with his exploits.

Interesting Facts

  • The nineteenth Bond film is called “The World is Not Enough” (1999, starring Pierce Brosnan as Bond). "The World Is Not Enough", or - in Latin - "Orbis non sufficit": this is the family motto of the Bond family. This motto belonged to the real-life Sir Thomas Bond (1620-1685), a relationship with whom James Bond does not insist, but does not deny.
  • According to Fleming, according to his various novels, James Bod was born in 1917, 1930, 1921 and 1924. There is no need to talk about the date of birth of the current Bonds: the main thing is that the hero is “around forty.” As Carlson used to say, “a man in the prime of his life.”
  • Oddly enough, most often James Bond drinks not the famous vodka-martini cocktail, which is “shaken but not stirred,” but whiskey and champagne. Another drink he loves is coffee, but he hates tea. He calls it “dirty water” and considers it indirectly responsible for the decline of the British Empire.
  • He is unpretentious in food: when he is at home in London (he has an apartment in Chelsea), he prefers grilled flounder and cold roast beef with potato salad. And his favorite food is scrambled eggs, prepared by his housekeeper May, who worked for his aunt.
  • Whatever Bond’s relationship with the next beauty, access to his bachelor’s apartment is closed to ladies. Only the same housekeeper May and the eternal secretary of the head of the Secret Service, Moneypenny, are allowed to cross the threshold of his home.

An interesting image: a sexually active, intelligent introvert with a license to kill, who will definitely save his girlfriend from death. Craig, in our opinion, looks more like a decent family man than a macho man.

1. Sean Connery

In 1986, the British Academy of Film Arts awarded him the title of “best actor” for his role in the film “The Name of the Rose”, and in 1987 he received an Oscar for “best supporting actor” in the film “The Untouchables”. Thus, Connery became the only Oscar winner of all six Bond performers. In July 2000, the British Queen awarded Sir Connery a knighthood.

He played in the first Agent 007 film at the age of 32, and officially retired from playing Bond at the age of 41. For more than 50 years, Connery acted in films and played in the theater, but now he has retired and lives with his wife in the Bahamas. In August 2013, Connery's best friend Sir Michael Caine allegedly said that the actor was showing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, but the information was soon denied by Caine and called "absolute crap" and "nonsense."

2. George Lazenby

After serving in the Australian Army, George began selling cars to make a living, but his dream was to become a male model in London, where he arrived in 1964. He immediately gained popularity in the modeling business, without having any experience. In 1968, Sean Connery turned down the role of Bond, and Lazenby participated in commercial television, where he was very popular with the program Big Fried Chocolate. This helped him get the role of Bond in the film On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

Australian Lazenby played Bond for the first and last time at the age of 30. The budget of the film “On Her Majesty's Secret Service” was $7 million, box office receipts amounted to $87 million 400 thousand. For the role of Bond, George received 400 thousand dollars. By the way, he was offered a million dollars for participating in the film “Diamonds Are Forever”, but he refused.

3. Roger Moore

Producer Albert R. Broccoli said in his autobiography “When the Snow Melts” that Moore was suggested for this role by the author of the James Bond books, Ian Fleming. Roger played Agent 007 for twelve years, and, of course, he was constantly compared to Sean Connery, but fans of the Bond films generally reacted positively to this replacement.

Moore played Bond in Live and Let Die (1973), The Man with the Golden Gun (1974), The Spy Who Loved Me (1977), Moonraker (1979), For Your Eyes Only ( 1981), Octopussy (1983) and A View to a Kill (1985). Having started playing Bond in 1973 and ending in 1985, Roger Moore is by far the longest-serving Bond. Roger Moore is the only Bond who never drove an Aston Martin, and the only Bond to receive the Order of Lenin.

4. Timothy Dalton

In 1987, the actor, widely known in narrow circles, starred in the role of James Bond in Spark from the Eye, which brought him worldwide fame. Dalton accepted the offer, since the second candidate, Pierce Brosnan, was bound by a television contract, and he became James Bond number four. After some time, the situation repeated itself exactly the opposite - Dalton was busy on television, and Brosnan was hired.

In 1995, at the London Film Festival, Dalton met Russian singer, composer, teacher and model Oksana Grigorieva (where she worked as a translator for Nikita Mikhalkov). After some time, they got married, and on August 7, 1997, their son, Alexander, was born. Dalton is currently divorced.

5. Pierce Bronsan

The Irishman Brosnan first played the role of James Bond in 1995 in the film GoldenEye, which grossed more than $300 million at the box office. In total, Bronsan starred in four Bond films.

Now Pierce is engaged in painting and sells his paintings on his official website.

6. Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig has already made four films: Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, 007: Skyfall and 007: Spectre. Daniel Craig is the highest-grossing and highest-paid James Bond. Daniel Craig's total fee is 30 million 400 thousand dollars (approximately 10,000,000 for one film).

In June 2011, Daniel secretly married actress Rachel Weisz, whom he began dating in December 2010 after starring together in the thriller “House of Dreams,” where they played a married couple. Only four guests were present at the wedding, including Craig's now-adult daughter Ella and Rachel's four-year-old son Henry.

Daniel Craig - professional

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The James Bond spy series is one of the longest running and most successful in film history. The next Bond film is called “007: Spectrum”, and its premiere took place on October 26 this year in London. Such a significant event prompted us to come up with a topic for another collection of facts.

Ian Fleming - head of the secret unit

The author of a series of adventure novels about James Bond, which later formed the basis of films, is Ian Fleming. Unlike many other authors who come up with their stories in the quiet of cozy offices and never held anything in their hands except a pen, he was well acquainted with all the intricacies of the work of secret agents. During the Second World War, Ian Fleming was the leader of No.30 Commando, a special unit of British commandos. It was created to conduct special reconnaissance operations behind enemy lines and on the front line, such as capturing military maps, samples of advanced German military equipment, as well as German military specialists and scientists.

Odessa resident became the prototype of James Bond

Several intelligence officers whose biographies and activities were known to Fleming due to their duty served as the prototype for James Bond. But most often, among others, researchers name the name of Sidney Reilly, the famous British spy who operated in the 1910–1920s in Russia and the Middle East. This personality is completely mysterious, surrounded by secrets, adventures and adventures. Interestingly, Reilly was actually born in 1873 in Odessa under the name Solomon Rosenblum.

The most boring name in the world

According to the author's recollections, he wanted to give his hero the most boring and inconspicuous name. One day he came across a book by ornithologist James Bond, standing on a shelf in his office, and he realized that this was exactly what he needed. The scientist James Bond was subsequently very dissatisfied with the super-popularity of his namesake, a literary hero, and in February 1964 he decided to express this to Ian Fleming personally. However, the conflict was resolved, and the ornithologist received a new Bond novel with the dedication “To the real James Bond from the thief of his identity” as compensation.

Agent 007

Everyone knows that James Bond is agent 007. But why exactly this number? According to one version, this number was borrowed by the author from the English spy John Dee, who signed his secret reports with a symbol depicting two circles and an angle bracket similar to the number seven. This meant that the information was intended solely for the eyes of His Royal Majesty.

Some statistics

James Bond films are unthinkable without shooting, car chases and beautiful women. Fans of numbers have calculated that over the entire period of time the on-screen hero killed 352 people and fired 4,662 shots. Not very good performance. But James Bond handles the ladies more skillfully: he managed to sleep with 52 women in 22 films. I wonder whether the release of “007: Spectrum” will change these statistics?


Ian Fleming armed his literary hero with a Walther PPK pistol of the 1931 model. However, when making the film in 1963, the producers felt that on the poster this model in the hands of Sean Connery did not look impressive enough. Then, in a nearby store, a pneumatic Walther Luftpistole 53 was purchased, which looked solid, but could shoot tens of meters. This mistake subsequently greatly amused all gun experts and lovers. And that same toy gun was sold in 2010 at a Christis auction for £277,000.

Place of work

All fans of James Bond films know very well that he works for the British secret intelligence service MI6 (Military Intelligence, MI6). Interestingly, until 1994, this foreign intelligence unit did not have any legal basis, and its existence was strongly denied by the British government.

Will you go to the premiere of the new James Bond film?

When Ian Fleming was asked why he chose James Bond's name, he replied: "I wanted the simplest, most boring, boring name ever." He came across this on the cover of a book about birds of the West Indies.


In different films, agents 002, 003, 004 and 009 were killed. Agent 006 was considered killed, but, as it turned out in the film “GoldenEye,” he went over to the side of evil and was killed there. Apart from 007, only 008 is qualified enough to replace Bond if he dies. Agents 001 and 005 were never mentioned in Bond.


Aston Martin DB10

In the entire history of James Bond, Daniel Craig was the only one allowed to take any Aston Martin from the factory for the rest of his life.


Clint Eastwood, Adam West and Burt Reynolds were offered to play the agent, but they all refused, being convinced that only a Briton could play 007.


Sean Connery in the movie Never Say Never Again

Sean Connery wore a wig in every Bond series - he started going bald at 21.


George Lazenby was not an actor: he simply bought himself a suit, a Rolex, got a fresh haircut and went to the casting - where he was approved for the role of an agent.


Pierce Brosnan in the movie Die Another Day

According to his contract, Pierce Brosnan could not wear a tuxedo in any other non-Bond film while he was starring as Bond.


John Kennedy was a big Bond fan - and From Russia with Love was the last film he saw before his death, on the eve of his visit to Dallas.


While preparing for Never Say Never Again, Sean Connery took martial arts lessons and pissed off his trainer so much that he broke his wrist. The trainer was Steven Seagal.


Liam Neeson was offered the role of Bond in GoldenEye, but he turned it down.


James Bond was based on a real spy, Wilfrid "Biffy" Dunderdale, an MI6 agent in Paris. He was a friend of Fleming, and some of Biffy's stories became the basis for 007 stories.


The British government denied the existence of MI6 until 1994.


The gun Bond prefers to use, the Walther PPK, is the same model that Hitler used to shoot himself.


There is only one robot in the Aston Martin factory that glues aluminum body panels together, and his name is "James Bonder".


The script for the film You Only Live Twice was written by Roald Dahl.


James Bond was shot 4,662 times throughout his career.


Ian Fleming was one of the most important special agents during World War II. His call sign was 17F and he was the commander of Special Unit 30AU.


James Bond is a heavy smoker. He smokes 70 cigarettes a day. Fleming himself smoked 80.


In films where Bond is played by Daniel Craig, M's real name is Olivia Mansfield.


Fleming wrote Bond's obituary in You Only Live Twice. Based on it, it is known that Bond's parents were Scotsman Andrew Bond and Monique Delacroix from Switzerland. Bond Sr. worked at a weapons company and traveled often. Bond's parents died when James was 11 (a mountain trekking accident), he then lived with an aunt in England, studied at Eton and Fetts College in Edinburgh, graduating at 17, after which he enlisted in the Royal Marines.


“The World Is Not Enough” is a Bond family motto.


The stunt from Casino Royale involving a flipping Aston Martin broke the world record for the most number of flips. The car made seven complete revolutions.


Ursula Andress was voiced by Niki van der Zyl - Andress's accent was too strong.


In all the scenes where Roger Moore was supposed to run, he was replaced by a stunt double - it seemed to Moore that he was running very ridiculously.


Roger Moore had hoplophobia, a fear of guns that began as a child when his brother accidentally shot him in the leg.


John Kennedy consulted with Fleming on how to fight Fidel Castro in Cuba.


Daniel Craig received 85 identical suits from Tom Ford for the opening scenes in Skyfall.


Goldfinger was the first film in history to feature a laser beam.


During World War II, Ian Fleming visited Jamaica, after which he bought the GoldenEye villa there, where he wrote 14 novels about the agent - the film was named after her.

In Casino Royale, it is stated that the agent's birthday is April 13, 1968. On the same day, the novel Casino Royale was published, and in the same year, Daniel Craig was born.


After Fleming's death, his estate in Jamaica was sold to Bob Marley. Bob Marley then sold it to Chris Blackwell, founder of Island Records.


One of the main fans of the Bond novels is Hugh Hefner. It's clear why.


Ursula Andress, many years later, found that same swimsuit in her attic and sold it at Christie's for 35 thousand pounds.


John Barry, who arranged the Bond theme, received only £200 for his work.


In 1995, Fleming's typewriter was sold at auction for £50,000.


To prevent actress Shirley Eaton from dying while covered in gold paint on the set of Goldfinger, her stomach and nipples were left unpainted and she was given a thong.


In the film On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Bond meets Teresa di Vincenzo, whom he marries - family happiness will not last long: the agent's wife will be killed on the way to their honeymoon.


Bond's official titles are Commander of the Royal Navy, Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George, Royal Navy Commander James Bond, Royal Navy Reserve Volunteer.



Bond is fluent in German and French.


Bond lost his virginity at age 16 while visiting Paris for the first time, as documented in A View to a Kill.


Bond was taught to ski by Hans Oberhauser in Kitzbühel.


Bond briefly studied at the University of Geneva (as did Fleming himself).


Bond lives in a flat off the King's Road in Chelsea, looked after by elderly housewife May.


In 1955, Bond earned two thousand pounds a year (which is about 40 thousand pounds in today's money).


The only time in the entire history of the Bond film Bond let someone else into his apartment was the girl from Diamonds Are Forever, who ordered a Tiffany box from this exact address.


Kissy Suzuki, with whom Bond was having an affair, became pregnant by the agent, but did not tell him anything.


In the book Never Send Flowers, it was mentioned that Bond went to Disneyland with his girlfriend, intending to stay there for a couple of days, but he liked it so much that they stayed for a week.


Bond hates tea, considers it "dirt" and blames it for the decline of the British Empire. The agent prefers coffee.


Bond likes a black Ronson to light his cigarettes.


Bond also does not shun drugs: both for official and recreational purposes: in Moonraker, for example, he uses the amphetamine Benzedrine with champagne.


Bond's height, according to the books, is 183 centimeters and his weight is 76 kg.


After Casino Royale, Bond got a scar on his wrist in the shape of the Cyrillic letter “Ш” - it was cut out by SMERSH agents.


Bond has a small scar on his face.

Photo: Stills from films; Shutterstock; Getty Images

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