Organization of library space in the central children's library of a municipal cultural institution “Centralized library system. Advertising in a children's library

Each of us at school was faced with a huge list of books that needed to be read. We went to the library to get them and tried, among the huge number of long shelves, to find exactly the copy that we needed so much. In fact, here you can find a book for every taste. Works have been stored here for years famous classics, scientific literature, works modern writers. Even kids will definitely find something for themselves here. After all, there are various entertainment publications, games and children's magazines.

A few words about design

Separately, it is worth mentioning the role that design plays. school library. Of course, first of all, it must provide its visitors with a full range of services. To do this, it is necessary to notify readers about various events. After all, it is very important that all events are noticed by visitors, and they have the opportunity to follow all the new products. This is where creative design comes to the rescue. The design of school library stands should be original and bright. Advertising should interest not only children, but also their parents, and also attract new visitors.

Before you take on such work, you need to decide how to convey information to clients. Considering general design school library, stands should be decorated in the same style. In this matter, you can contact a professional designer for help. Information about the latest news can be placed on mobile stands, flyers and promotional stands.

Information stands

Before deciding what the design of the school library will be, you need to decide where to place the stands and what shape to make them. They can be either ordinary rectangular or unusual, which have an individual size and design. A large structure that stands in one place, motionless, is called a “stationary stand.” It is best to place it in a prominent place near the entrance to the library. Everything should be here important information about the institution. This may include its operating mode, rules for using the library, a brief historical information and other important information.

As a rule, the first thing that impresses students with a school library is the design of its premises and stands. Therefore, the main ones should have very good design. To attract the attention of customers, awards and certificates of employees of the establishment should be beautifully placed in a prominent place. Such a corner will be a wonderful decoration for the institution and will emphasize its status. Modern designers have long replaced stationary main stands with street lines. They are portable and have a beautiful design.


When decorating a school library, you need to consider a place for posters, announcements, scripts and other posters that inform customers about future events. You can allocate a place on them where information about the services that the library offers will be placed. Can be used for presentations funny pictures to attract children's attention. With the help of such posters, clients should learn the maximum useful and interesting information about the room they found themselves in. Therefore, their design should be bright, unusual and attractive.


Similar images can be seen quite often today in various entertainment establishments. A hole for the face is cut along the contour. Children really enjoy being photographed as different characters. When decorating a school library, you can use tamarezki and install them in the kids’ room. Children will be delighted with their loved ones fairy-tale heroes and characters from fairy tales. And they will definitely want to come back here.

Mobile stands

Such tools are perfect for informing readers about new arrivals or events. They will good decision when organizing an exhibition. Such stands can be beautifully decorated to create a creative atmosphere that visitors will remember for a long time. They should contain not only information about various works, but also illustrations, books and other interesting materials that will not leave visitors to the exhibition indifferent. Today, there are many organizations that offer mobile exhibition layouts. They will help create the necessary atmosphere during the event.

Right choice

In the design of any library it is very important to have individual style, in accordance with which all stands will be created. Depending on their purpose, they may have additional lighting, certain color scheme and style. But we should not forget about overall harmony so that all material is presented in the most favorable light. Visitors will definitely be satisfied if they visit such a room at least once.

Master class title: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Appointment of the master class: interior decoration (library, museum, office); popularization of creativity of A.S. Pushkin among children.

The master class is designed for older children (15-18 years old), parents and teachers.

Master class objectives: increasing skill in the process of mastering the experience of making an original toy-decoration.

Master class objectives: development of aesthetic taste, imagination, creative possibilities; development of imagination, artistic taste and sense of beauty; formation of a creative personality.

Pushkin A.S. - one of the most famous Russian writers, very talented and unique. Many people can read the works of this author from memory, despite their impressive volume. And this is not surprising - he wrote in easy language. The words that Alexander Sergeevich used were so beautifully woven into the melody of poems or other works that no one remains in doubt - only a real genius could have written this!

To work you will need:

Fabric (nylon, white, yellow, black, blue);

Sintepon (or cotton wool);

Yarn (black or black and white);



We select a suitable drawing and redraw it on cardboard (individual details).

We cut out all the drawn details and put them into one overall picture.

IN in this case The following details were obtained:

The next stage: we apply the finished parts to fabrics of the corresponding colors, redraw them and cut them out (each part is made of fabric in double quantity). It is important to remember that you will also need to cut out each detail from padding polyester (it will be placed under the fabric - on cardboard, which will help stitch all the details more firmly and give volume to our writer).

The tailcoat for our Alexander Sergeevich will be blue.

The boots and top hat will be black.

Let's not forget about a piece of a white shirt, which goes beautifully with a yellow neckerchief.

Then we move on to the trousers. Ours will be yellow. And let's not forget about the white glove.

Now let's get to the hard part - the head. For the face, you can use flesh-colored fabric or copron. Don't forget about the padding polyester parts.

We cut out the head and, having connected all the parts as follows - cardboard part + padding polyester + fabric part - we sew everything together along the edge.

Draw eyes, lips and sideburns with a pencil. Then we embroider it all with black thread.

Let's move on to the hair. To do this, we use black yarn or wool threads (in this case, black threads with a white tint were used - the result was light gray hair).

We fold the threads into circles and sew them to the head without covering the sideburns.

As a result, we make two versions of the head and connect them together (we get the profile of the poet, which can be looked at from both sides).

We do the same manipulations with trousers, tailcoats and boots.

Don't forget that you need to embroider a collar on the tailcoat and sew the lower part to it.

Let's move on to the right hand (which is wearing a glove). There is no need to add padding polyester. We sew the white fabric directly to the cardboard, and then to the sleeve.

Sew the cylinder to the head.

Now it’s time to connect all the processed parts together - sew them to each other (assemble our writer as a whole).

And there was a small detail left: embroider the line of the pocket on the trousers and sew the writer’s left hand to it (it turns out that the hand is in the pocket).

The result is an Alexander Sergeevich who can decorate any room. (foto 30), (foto 31).

If desired, in right hand the writer can insert a cane or a pen.

Every day we are faced with information “pouring” at us from all sides. Almost everywhere, and in the library too, we see stands, leaflets, leaflets that we... simply don’t notice anymore. Do our readers read our stands? Do they find the information they need there?

We'll figure it out together. Known fact- Better to see once than hear a hundred times. For your attention I I suggest Today a selection of photographs of information stands from different libraries, made both professionally and with the help of design solutions by the librarians themselves. For ease of perception of information, I have roughly divided the photographs into several sections.

I would like to note that fellow methodologists have written quite a bit on the topic of information stands. good recommendations. Let’s actually start with them.

..." The main goal in attracting readers to the library is not so much the introduction of various services, but ensuring their relevance, promoting intellectual products and the same services.

Promotion- This various shapes information, persuasion of users or reminders about library services and products.

Main tasks promoting library services are:

formation of a prestigious image (image) of the library in the minds of the population, representatives local authorities authorities, public organizations etc.;

informing about new services introduced by the library;

maintaining the popularity of existing library services, convincing users to demand them;

informing potential users about the time, place and conditions for the provision of services;

focusing users' attention on specific properties and the benefits of the library services offered, on the freeness of basic forms of service.

The first photographs on the theme "library", "library". The use of these words is the most popular in the names of stands - there is a world, a city, a dossier, and a corner with a courier. In my opinion, any name looks decent, the main thing is that the “courier” promptly changes the information, the “world” reflects the “global” scale, and the “dossier” ... by the way, what’s in your “information dossier”, gentlemen - librarians?

We continue to study information stands. Colleagues suggest filling the resource with the following materials:

Basic information: library name; library network, of which it is a subdivision; operating mode; FULL NAME. librarian; composition of the fund

Goals and objectives of the library in the organization library services population;

Rules for using the library;

Information about the services offered by the library, about the forms of their provision;

Information about amateur associations, interest clubs (if any): work plan, goals, objectives, etc.;

Certificates of gratitude for the results achieved in the work;

Announcements about current events, monthly work plans, etc.;

Publishing products.

Each of the stands, in my opinion, is worthy of our attention. What do you think?

While you are looking at the photographs, I will continue.We all understand thatThe information stand should be located in a place convenient for users to familiarize themselves with. It is advisable to glaze the stand, especially if it is located outside the library. Materials and announcements must be updated in a timely manner so that the stand does not contain outdated information. Of course, use computer typing. What else? How do you like the presence of the word “information” in the names of the stands? This seems to be a good word, but librarians sometimes get carried away and we read, and read, and read “information”. It would be better if there was a Library City.

Just a couple of lines about design of materials. And above in the photo and below you will see design options. This is a personal matter (and financial too) for each library. But sometimes we see this picture - some librarians, without further ado, put more text in the proposed “pockets” and let it hang. And some people really love everything shiny and it turns out that the text is no longer important.

We librarians very often forget that our “information” will be read by ordinary people(don’t forget to allocate stands separately for adults and children), who absolutely don’t care how beautiful and long the name of our library is. They want to see what is happening in this library - what events, what services, when and in what department this can be done, and where to come with their child. Large-scale canvases filled with texts DO NOT WORK. Alas and ah.

Of course, we follow each other’s successes and focus on foreign countries, we come up with something of our own. The stands placed above are not bad or require improvement. Each of them is good, but THE READER NEEDS ANOTHER ONE.


good example of brevity

I suggest reading very good thoughts on the topic of stands from one of our librarian colleagues. The answers to these questions may vary from librarian to librarian. And this is good, because in this case we will be dealing with a “uncommon facial expression.” Someone, for sure, can suggest other techniques and methods that do information stands truly effective, and not just a collection of posters that readers pass by without stopping.

1. How many stands do you need?There may be several of them: in the foyer, at the subscription office, in the reading room, in other departments and functional rooms. Each of them has their own goals and objectives.

In the foyer - the most general information about the library: full name, postal and email address, founders, managers, partners, mission, awards. Probably, information about the regulatory documents is appropriate: Charter, Rules, Price lists for paid services..., according to which the library operates. Hardly worth putting full text these documents, it is enough to list them and tell them where they are and who to contact for them. Here is the structure of the library: the names of departments (branches), how they can help readers/users, how to find them, who to contact... Information about general library, district/city events and promotions.

Accordingly, in departments there is more detailed information about the departments: about employees, resources, services, events, achievements...

2. Where and on what are the stands located? Spatially: closer to the collection, to the exit, next to the catalogue, near the department? ... It depends on both the size of the room and the conceptual idea. On special tablets, posters, exhibition stands, bookshelves, right on the wall, using scrap materials?... I know that there are very original finds.

3. What stands are needed: permanent or variable? Statemental or navigational (explaining where, what and how to find)? There may be both. You can make two parts on one stand. Then what is the ratio of the parts? Frequency of updating the variable component?

4. Sections and topics of the stand? They depend on what we want to tell readers/users, what to show, what to entice... They can also be permanent and replaced with more relevant ones.

6. How will texts, sections and topics be arranged on the stand? It is possible according to the principle book page:
left to right, top to bottom. It is possible - centrifugally. In the center there is a non-stopper, some detail that sharply attracts attention: a question mark and the question itself, a photograph, a black spot... In children's libraries, talismans are used for this purpose, literary heroes..., and then, to the edges of the stand, there are texts that reveal the meaning of the non-stopper. The text and pictures located in the upper right part are best perceived: here may be the most important or urgent information. What other ideas are there?

7. Will the color scheme be used and how? What colors will carry the main meaning? Be sure to clarify and use color combinations correctly. Here you can think about what fonts can be used. Of course, computer printing looks better, but depending on the design, why not use exclusive works by the artist.

8. What are the stylistic features and language? Much depends on the location of the stands and, accordingly, the intended purpose. Official text - business style and language. Event invitations are naturally more emotional language. There may be style options for children and teenagers, students and retirees. The main thing is that there is no commanding tone, prohibitive or punitive promises.

9. Will there be an appeal to readers? What type: greeting, question, call for evaluation, feedback? Generalized-personified: dear friend, dear reader..., or generalized-group: dear students, pensioners...

10. Is it supposed to be interactive? If so, how will feedback be provided: special pockets for notes, questions, color tokens for voting; place for online entries, (“collection” of reviews), contact communication channels? What else? IN Lately Libraries began to actively use electronic information tools: creeping line, computer monitor. Maybe the time will come, we will use holograms. And what do you think? And what haven't I said yet?

But most importantly, since we live in an age of high technology, this means that the information that we want to convey to the masses should be located on high-tech, modern information stands.

An interactive information board that recognizes the reader by sight is no longer a fantasy! Instead of static stands in the “monologue” format, technological solutions have already been created that integrate with Digital Signage systems and allow not only to convey information to the consumer, but also to provide feedback : analyze how many people actually read the information posted on the board, how much time they spend near it, evaluate the reaction of the information consumer, determine the age, gender, social status of the “readers.”

P.S. How to present websites to readers (using the example of a library in Arzamas)

Ten facts about the benefits of reading.

1.Reading sharpens your eyes.

You will understand and see better the world and people, and most importantly, himself. good book be sure to read it again - you will probably see something new there.

2. Reading keeps you physically healthy.

Putting letters into words, words into images, realizing what the author wanted to express with them, and finding your own explanation for them is gymnastics for the brain. Without any risk of injury!

3. Reading has a positive impact on the environment.

If you are reading a book, it means that the tree from which it is made was not cut down in vain. There's no need to waste electricity or buy batteries to read books, and they're lighter than a laptop. You read, which means you cannot drive a car or walk on the streets, which leads to a reduction in traffic jams and queues.

4. Reading will teach you how to communicate.

Your interesting remarks will miraculously transform even boring conversations about yesterday's sporting events or television program. And your growing talent as a storyteller will allow you to easily take credit for the adventures of fictional characters. This makes a particularly big impression on people who hardly read.

5. Reading helps you spend your free time.

You will never get tired of reading books, because there are so many of them that even a few lifetimes will not be enough to read them all. You'll have to try a lot of different genres before you find books that you really enjoy. Don't give up until you find "your" book, because it can change your life.

6. Reading gives you peace of mind.

Parents, teachers and other adults will be so happy to see the child reading that they will not bother him again.

7. Reading is good for your wallet.

Firstly, books are cheaper than computer games. Secondly, your friends won’t have to worry about choosing a gift if they find out that you like to read. And thirdly, there are always libraries - books there cost nothing.

8. Reading helps you concentrate.

You can read while listening to music or during classes: read and not pay attention to the fuss around you. A trained reader can watch four programs in parallel without any problems, switching channels all the time. If you wish, you can read on public transport.

9. Reading is good for your figure.

Don't be afraid to dial overweight. A reading person does not need high-calorie food to cope with the hardships of a boring life. With a book you can travel as far as you wish and make your wildest dreams come true. It’s harder to seduce you with popcorn: after all, the “movie” is already playing in your head.

10. Reading is good for parents.

Watching a child enjoy a book helps adults get into reading too, even if they are too busy to read. Adults will be grateful to the child for the newfound happiness.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The article contains simple information about the meaning of Olympic symbols and the history of the Olympiad for secondary school students...

Using a system for searching and selecting information in a school library to meet the information needs of readers

One of the social orders modern society is success in lifelong continuing education and in everyday interpersonal communication for any citizen. This can...

Anastasia Dmitrievna Lukyanova, student of 7th “B” grade, Andrey Dmitrievich Koltunov, student of 7th “B” grade

Library - Cultural Center schools. Everything in it should “work” for the reader. Where and what to find, events of the month, important dates- everything is on information stands.

Time requires different approaches to design public place: more creativity, more originality, clarity, aesthetics.

We decided to do everything ourselves - cheap, accessible, convenient, original. This is how the School Library Design project was born.



Russian Federation, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra

Oktyabrsky district, urban settlement Talinka

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 7"

Festival of student projects

"The Edge of Knowledge"

Lukyanova Anastasia Dmitrievna, student of grade 7 “B”

Koltunov Andrey Dmitrievich student of grade 7 “B”

Ipaev Oleg Vladislavovich student of class 11 “A”

Project Manager:

Pyatachenko Dilara Asrarovna,

Teacher visual arts


g.p. Talinka Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7


Where can a student of any class, a teacher and even a parent find the necessary information at school on any issue related to science, technology, or art? Where can you go and just relax from the hustle and bustle? Where can you sit and work at the computer, go online? Of course, in the school library.

The library is the cultural center of the school. Everything in it should “work” for the reader. Where and what to find, events of the month, important dates - everything is on the information stands.

There was a time when all the information was displayed on slatted stands - a lot and conveniently. But those days are gone. Time requires different approaches to the design of public places: more creativity, more originality, visibility, aesthetics.

We decided to do everything ourselves - cheap, accessible, convenient, original. This is how the School Library Design project was born.

The project presents work in four areas: “ Cheerful pencil“- proposals from the guys through drawings, “Young Designer” - the practical implementation of the design, “Virtual Priorities” - a proposal in a computer version, “Lens” - tracking the results of the work.

During the work, methods such as conversation, analysis, and the use of practical skills were used.

All work is aimed at helping the librarian, students, teachers and parents.


Main part……………………………………………………………5

Conclusion……….…………………………………………………… 9



Our school is new and beautiful. Both the teachers and students of the school treat it with care, and try to decorate and decorate it as much as possible.

In this work, the guys offer their project for decorating a library, which has already found application within the walls of our school.

The project arose from a problem


Lack of necessary information stands in the school library.


Gone are the days of old slatted stands for decorating school premises. New stands offered by different companies are very expensive, and the space for placing information is small. The form of such stands is often standard, businesslike.

The use of lightweight foam stands for information involves great amount the most different options: shape, size, color, cheap and available.

Goal of the work:


  • Form moral criteria - hard work, mutual respect.
  • Create a special microclimate that promotes the fullest development creativity students.


The “School Library Design” project was developed and implemented.


The project ideas can be used to design any school library.

Project work

"School Library Design"

The library in our school, although small, is very cozy, one of the students’ favorite places. One problem is that the walls are beautiful, but attaching any information to them is a real problem. I don’t want to nail down the stands at all - all appearance will go bad, it’s all “yesterday.” And there is so much information...

The problem is the lack of information stands for the school library.

This is how the problem arose. Any problem requires a solution. Who will solve the problem?

The most active and creative guys from the library club - Anastasia Lukyanova, the design club - Andrey Koltunov, and simply those who are not indifferent to the problems of the school and their beloved library - Oleg Ipaev, got down to business. The project was led by the fine arts teacher and head of the design circle, Dina Alekseevna Pyatachenko, and the librarian Olga Nikolaevna Grigorieva offered to provide any assistance and support. This is how a group was born to work on a project called: “School Library Design”

They offered different types of help: just sketches - drawings, a computer version, practical help. We drew up a work plan.

Stages of work on the project:

1-Prepare project planning.

2-Define goals and objectives.

3-Form interest groups

4-Work in groups.

5-Viewing and selecting literature sources.


Student activities:

1-Preliminary search for information in the library and on the Internet.

2-Choose your own theme for the drawing.

3-Preparation of working material (glue, foam, paints, brushes, etc.)

4-Decorating the library walls with foam mosaics.

5-Working with paints on foam plastic.

6-Design of stands.

7-Preparing computer presentations.

8-Preparation of photographs.

9-Analysis of completed work.

Activities of teachers:

1-Involving students in working on the project

2-Explaining the goals of the project


4-Help in selecting materials.

5-Assistance in working with stands.

Directions of work on the project:

Work in the following directions:

1-"Fun Pencil"- headed by Anastasia Lukyanova

The project included children's drawings:

No. 1 Nastya Lukyanova, a student of grade 7 "B", suggests using Lego in the library - a construction set with which you can reach the shelf and choose a book, sit quietly on it, read, and think.

No. 2 Semenko Anastasia, a student of grade 8 “B,” proposes a reading room option for a school library in the shape of a ship. The outer part of the ship is made up of shelves with books, and the inner part is a reading room.

No. 3 Semenko Maria, a 4a grade student, suggests an option alien ship, where you can sit and read books in a free, relaxed manner.

No. 4 Yachkula Egor, a 6a grade student, proposed the work “Floors of Knowledge.” He suggests using one of the library walls as a bookcase and a place where you can retire, work with a computer, read, and reflect.

No. 5 Ksenia Belova, a 5th grade student, sees the reading room in the form of Russian towers. The foundation of the tower is made up of a book collection, and the first and second floors of the towers can be accessed through special twisted staircases. Clouds hang from above, on which you can read some information about the library.

No. 6 Zarina Berdyyarova, a 7a grade student, offers her own version of a recreation area in the library.

No. 7 Maria Gritsanenko, an 11th grade student, imagines the work area as a quiet and cozy corner where you can retire and work like at home.

For the project, we took as a basis a book about a frigate, which was found in library literature, and this is how the design in a nautical style was born.

2-"Virtual project"

Ipaev Oleg, a student of grade 11 “A”, came up with and built a design for a school library (application) in a computer version.

3-"Young designer"- headed by Andrey Koltunov.

The guys in this direction chose the theme “Journey to the World of Knowledge”

The problem is the lack of information stands. Concrete walls in the library, which create inconvenience in design.

Ways to fix the problem:

1-Choice of material for stands - foam plastic (light, cheap, easy to cut, paint, stick to any surface)

2- Convenient for registration, accessible.

Wall decoration (presentation)

No. 1. Before registration

No. 2. Stand - a frigate with a quote from E. Dickinson “There is no better frigate than a book - it will take you to any shore.”

No. 3 Decorated stand – frigate.

No. 4 Relaxation corner.

No. 5 Exhibition stand “Country of Chitalia”

No. 6 Information beacon.

No. 7 Stand - “Pier”

№8 General form libraries.

No. 9 Stand “Computer Corner”

No. 10 “Safety rope”

No. 11 “Wind Rose”

4-“Lens” - headed by Oleg Ipaev

The guys in this direction took pictures of all the work done.


A survey of schoolchildren and teachers was conducted on the results of the library design.

100% of respondents responded positively.


Work on the project lasted more than a month. We worked together with great interest. Reviewed a lot various literature, many different options. But the main thing is that the work was a success. Our librarian, Olga Nikolaevna Grigorieva, was especially happy. Her cherished dream came true - the library became even more beautiful, and light and convenient stands appeared for information.

The goals and objectives set by the project participants were achieved.

The project has been brought to life, delighting readers and teachers.


1 Read, learn, play: magazine - a collection of scenarios for libraries and schools

No. 3, 5, 6. 2005 M. ed. Libirea-biblioprint

2 Vyshinsky I., Karadzhev B. Peter the Great - M.: Progress, 1992.

Project "School Library Design"

Ipaev Oleg Vladislavovich, student of 11 “A” class,

Koltunov Andrey Dmitrievich, student of grade 7 “B”.

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Oktyabrsky district

g.p. Talinka Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7


The presented project addresses one of the most important problems of all school libraries - providing information to readers and library design.

The work meets the initially set goals and objectives, is competently designed and contains both theoretical and practical parts. The authors themselves are direct participants in the work.

The manner of presentation is explanatory and illustrative. The work traces the connection between design, information and visibility.

More than 9 school students took part in the creation of the project, which is proof of the students’ great interest in solving the problem.

Slide captions:

Purpose of the work: To develop and create convenient and original information stands for the school library To develop imaginative thinking, creative imagination To educate a person of high culture and a high level of social adaptation. Objectives: To form moral criteria - hard work, mutual respect. To create a special microclimate that promotes the fullest development of students’ creative abilities.

Directions of work on the project

direction “Cheerful Pencil” 1-Lukyanova Anastasia 7 “B” class 2-Semenko Anastasia 8 “B” class 3-Semenko Ekaterina 5 “A” class

This is how we see our library 4-Yachkula Egor 7 “A” class 5-Belova Ksenia 6 “B” class 6-Berdyyarova Zarina 8 “A” class 7-Gritsanenko Maria 11 “B” class

Initial view of the library

Design of the central wall “book-frigate”, direction “young designer”

“there is no better frigate than a book that can reach any shore”

“There is a country of Chitalia” exhibition stand

"Recreation corner" "information beacon"

“Without a good library, there is no good school” stand “Marina”

1-stand “reader + information = success” 2-stand “wind rose” and “safety rope”

Library of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 after registration

We love our library

Direction “lens” Tracked the progress of the “school library design” project Created a presentation Thank you for your attention.