What did the actor Zadornov die from? Mikhail Zadornov died of cancer

Mikhail Zadornov died on November 10, 2017 at the age of 69. According to Russian media, the cause of death was cancer. Zadornov was a famous Soviet and Russian satirist writer, humorist, playwright and actor.

Mikhail Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala, Latvia, into the family of the famous Soviet writer and actor Nikolai Zadornov and mother Elena Zadornova, who came from a noble Polish family.

Mikhail Zadornov: creative path

Mikhail Zadornov's theatrical career began during his school years, when Mikhail first appeared on stage in the 2nd grade. Subsequently, he actively performed at all events with his own humorous works and even created a school miniature theater.

After graduating from school, Mikhail Zadornov, at the request of his father, entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, where he received a degree in mechanical engineering. For some time he worked there as a leading engineer.

Mikhail Zadornov in childhood

In 1974, Mikhail Zadornov created the student agitation theater "Russia", the creative activities of which were approved by such a government body as the Lenin Komsomol. At the same time, the artist began to realize himself as a writer. One of his first works was “Open Letter to the Secretary General.”

Zadornov first appeared on television in 1982, but his great popularity came two years later, in 1984, after reading his satirical story “Two Ninth Cars.” Since the early 90s, the writer and artist became the author-scriptwriter and host of the famous television programs “Funny Panorama”, “Full House”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Satirical Forecast”.

Mikhail Zadornov "Two ninth carriages":

In the same years, Zadornov published several of his books: “I don’t understand!”, “Zadorinki”, “The End of the World”, “Return”, “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”. The artist became a laureate of the Ovation, Golden Calf and Arkady Raikin Cup awards. Thanks to the commitment of Russian politicians, Mikhail Zadornov even received an apartment next door to officials such as Boris Yeltsin, Alexander Korzhakov and Viktor Chernomyrdin.

In the 1990s, Mikhail Zadornov also made his film debut, playing the role of an official in the detective film “Depression” by Latvian official Aloys Branch. He can also be seen in such films as “I Don’t Understand”, “Genius”, “I Want Your Husband”, “Arkiim”, “Rurik”, “Prophetic Oleg”.

The artist is also remembered for his famous performance - the New Year's greetings of the Russians in 1991, because of which the broadcast of the chiming clock had to be shifted by a minute.

New Year's greetings from Mikhail Zadornov in 1991:

Mikhail Zadornov: personal life

In March 1971, his first woman became a university teacher Velta Kalnberzina- daughter of the former first secretary of the Central Committee of the Latvian Communist Party, Jan Eduardovich. Their acquaintance began at school in Riga, and then at Moscow Aviation Institute. They subsequently divorced and had no children together.

Mikhail Zadornov, wife Elena and daughter Elena

In the 80s, Mikhail Zadornov “had an affair” with his administrator Elena Bombina, with whom he entered into his second marriage. In 1990, the couple had a daughter, Elena Zadornova, who in 2009 entered the Russian University of Theater Arts.

Mikhail Zadornov: illness

In October 2016, it became known that the comedian had cancer. On his social media page on October 12, he wrote about his future course of chemotherapy. In October 2016, he had an epileptic seizure right during a creative evening on the stage of the Meridian Palace of Culture, and he was taken away in an ambulance. After this incident, he canceled all his performances.

Mikhail Zadornov during treatment

As it later became known, Zadornov was undergoing treatment for a cancerous brain tumor. In June, he decided to abandon the procedures, which he called exhausting and useless, in order to be with his family. Shortly before his death, he converted to Orthodoxy; before that, Zadornov was a neo-pagan.

Mikhail Zadornov: position regarding Ukraine

The Russian artist is known for his sharp and Ukrainophobic statements. So, in October 2013, after a boxing fight between Vladimir Klitschko and Russian boxer Alexander Povetkin, in which the Ukrainian won, Mikhail made a statement in which he called Western Ukrainians traitors.

Of course, I understand Western Ukrainians, I don’t blame them. They have always been traitors. They always lay under Poland. And the Poles have always betrayed Russia for the sake of any Western interests. I have the right to say this because I have Polish blood.

Mikhail Zadornov about Ukraine:

Also on January 5, 2014, Mikhail Zadornov called the Ukrainians standing at the Euromaidan “Euro-Ukrainians” and said that they would disperse as soon as the oligarchs “stop supporting him.” In March 2014, he joined a letter in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin's policies regarding Russian military intervention in Ukraine.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov (07/21/1948 - 11/10/2017) - Soviet and Russian satirist, playwright, humorist, actor, also known as the author of hypotheses in the field of the etymology of Russian words and the history of the Slavs, which are sharply criticized by the scientific community.


Paternal grandfather - Pavel Ivanovich Zadornov (born in Ternovka, Penza region) - worked as a veterinarian, was arrested in Chita on charges of destroying livestock, sentenced to 10 years, died in prison, rehabilitated in 1956. Grandmother - Vera Mikhailovna Zadornova. Father - Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov (1909-1992), Soviet writer, Honored Cultural Worker of the Latvian SSR (1969), laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the novel “Cupid the Father” (1952).

Maternal grandfather - Melchior Iustinovich Pokorno-Matusevich - a nobleman, graduated from a military school in Dinaburg, was a tsarist officer from 1903, spent three years in the Gulag, and in the 1960s became an accountant after courses. Mother - Elena Melkhiorovna Zadornova (nee Pokorno-Matusevich; 1909-2003) - was born in Maykop, Polish by nationality, came from the old Polish gentry family of the Pokorno-Matusevichs and the Olizarovsky family, famous in Rus', which dates back to King Stefan Batory, She was married twice, her first husband was a ministerial worker; in 1930, Mikhail Zadornov’s elder half-brother, Lolliy, was born. My mother worked as a proofreader for a Ufa newspaper, and met her second husband at work.

The older sister is Lyudmila Nikolaevna Zadornova (born 1942) - an English teacher at the Baltic International Academy.

Mikhail Zadornov graduated from Riga secondary school No. 10. In one of his speeches he said that he first appeared on stage in the second grade, playing a turnip. Moreover, “he pulled himself out so elegantly that they shouted: “Encore, Bravo, pull him out again!” In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) with a degree in mechanical engineer. In 1974-1978 he worked at the same institute at department 204 “Aerospace Thermal Engineering” as an engineer, then as a leading engineer.

Began publishing in 1974.

In the 1970-1980s, Zadornov was the artistic director, stage director and actor of the MAI student theater “Russia”. With the propaganda theater team, he traveled to many corners of the USSR and all-Union construction sites, and was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

In 1984-1985 - head of the department of satire and humor in the magazine "Youth".

He made his debut on television in 1982 with the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home.” Real popularity came in 1984, when Zadornov read his story “The Ninth Car”. Many famous artists read Zadornov’s stories and miniatures from the stage, and starting in the late 1980s, he began performing his works himself. Since the early 1990s, Zadornov has been the author and host of famous television programs such as “Full House,” “Laughing Panorama,” “Satirical Forecast,” and “Mothers and Daughters.”

Mikhail Zadornov is famous for the fact that on December 31, 1991, at 23:45, it was he, and not, as usual, the head of state or the announcer, who gave a New Year’s address to the residents of the country (by that time to the residents of Russia, since the USSR ceased to exist on December 26). In his speech, which was broadcast live, Zadornov got so carried away that he spoke a minute longer, so he had to delay the broadcast of the chimes. However, Boris Yeltsin’s address was also recorded and even broadcast on television, but after Zadornov’s address. In 2010, at the end of December, Mikhail Zadornov again delivered a New Year’s address. This time via the Internet.

Since 1990, books by M. N. Zadornov have been published: “The End of the World”, “I Don’t Understand!”, “The Return”, a one-act comedy “Modern People”, a funny play for a sad movie “Blouse”, a four-volume set - “A Great Country with unpredictable past,” “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi,” “Tiny Stars,” “Zadorinka.”

Mikhail Nikolaevich starred in the films: “Genius” (1991), “Depression” (1991), “I Want Your Husband” (1992).

In 1992, he was on the jury of the KVN Major League at two quarterfinals. In 1998, he was a member of the jury at the KVN festival “Voting KiViN 1998” in Jurmala.

Mikhail Zadornov is a laureate of the Golden Calf and Ovation awards. In 1996 he became a laureate of the Arkady Raikin Cup at the international festival “MORE SMEHA”, Riga.

In 1993, Mikhail Zadornov received an apartment in the “nomenclature house” for high-ranking officials at the address: Moscow, Osennaya Street, 4/2, where there were also apartments for B. N. Yeltsin, V. S. Chernomyrdin, A. V. Korzhakov and other.

Alexander Korzhakov wrote in his book “Boris Yeltsin: From Dawn to Dusk”: “Our housemate was the satirist writer Mikhail Zadornov. His friendship with Yeltsin began in Jurmala, during a vacation. Misha knew how to amuse Boris Nikolayevich: he fell funny on the court, deliberately missed, and made jokes. And just like that, half-jokingly, I gained confidence... After the vacation, we continued doubles tennis matches. And suddenly Zadornov quietly turned to me: “Sasha, I found out about the new house. And I live in a very bad area; they set up a toilet in the drunkard’s entrance. An alcoholic actually lives on the floor above. Take it with you." We took…"

In December 2009, Mikhail Zadornov opened a library named after his father, Nikolai Zadornov, in Riga. The opening of the library was timed to coincide with the centenary of the birth of Nikolai Pavlovich. The library is declared public and free.

On May 27, 2010, in the village of Voskresenskoye, Zadornov presented to the public a monument to A. S. Pushkin’s nanny Arina Rodionovna, made by sculptor Valery Shevchenko from bronze to Arina Rodionovna’s height - 160 centimeters. Mikhail Nikolaevich initiated the project, the monument was erected at the expense of his fund. The opening of the monument is timed to coincide with the 25th regional Pushkin holiday, dedicated to the 211th anniversary of the poet’s birth.

Zadornov was active on the Internet through his blog on LiveJournal and a blog on the website of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

- Good night, Earth. I wish good night to everyone who has darkness outside!, - reads Zadornov’s last entry in LiveJournal, published on the eve of his death.

Also, in the summer of 2010, Mikhail Zadornov registered on the social network “VKontakte” and uploaded to his page unique video recordings of the concert “It’s hard to live easily,” which was shown on the REN-TV channel only at the end of December 2010. In addition, Mikhail Zadornov has his own channel on youtube.com, where he also posted these recordings.

Traditionally, Zadornov performs his performances standing, holding in his hand papers with the texts of his performances. However, recently (since 2007) he has included in his programs performances by gymnasts Irina Kazakova and Dmitry Bulkin, as well as the breakdance team “Yudi,” whom he met at the “Minute of Glory” talent competition, where he was on the jury. With these young people, he does the splits, does stretches, walks on his hands and stands on his head, flapping his legs. Also taking part in Zadornov’s concerts since 2004 is his friend and co-author: satirist writer from Riga Harry Polsky, who since 2010 has been running a regular “Zadornovosti” column at concerts.

Mikhail Zadornov is also the author of musical works. The song “Dadu Vnedrozh” by Mr. Dadud, supposedly performed by Mikhail Gorbachev, is cut from a speech by Mikhail Zadornov, in which he parodied the President of the USSR with his voice, ridiculing his illiteracy. The idea to write a feuilleton was given by Evgeny Petrosyan. As part of the “Fun Day” concerts, Mikhail periodically hums a special musical theme and even sings some monologues to it. The satirist’s official website, zadornov.net, contains mixes of his performances made by Valery Tsarkov (Dj Valer): “The West is a Trap,” “New Year in Russian,” “Kettlebell,” “Pop music.”


Mikhail Zadornov is widely known for his critical statements about modern Western (primarily American) culture and way of life. As a sign of protest against discrimination against the Russian team at the 2002 Winter Olympics, he canceled his American visa (according to other sources, he was deprived of his visa with a ban on entry into the United States).

Since 2006, Zadornov has been actively performing numerous amateur exercises in the etymology of Russian words, which are not consistent with the achievements of science in this area. He received support from the decipherer of the so-called “runic syllabic writing” V. A. Chudinov.

“...How could it happen that such an intelligent people suddenly disappeared from history? Again, a long time ago, a glacier began to creep onto the lands of the Aryans. Our ancestors had to leave their northern homes and follow the sun. So the Aryans scattered - from the word “Scattering” - into many tribes and peoples throughout our present continent from India to Europe. But solar Ra entered other languages. Even in Greek and Latin:


Despite the lack of support from professional historians and philologists, Zadornov continues to engage in non-academic research on the history of the Slavs. In 2012, the satirist showed himself in a new role, filming the non-commercial film “Rurik. Lost story." To raise funds for its creation and to discuss the filming process, a special website and forum were opened on May 14, 2012. The film premiered on December 12 on the REN TV channel. Historians criticized the film for its pseudoscientific, one-sided and populist approach to the topic. The anti-Normanist ideas of the filmmaker were characterized by archaeologist, cultural anthropologist, philologist and historian of science L. S. Klein as “militant amateurism.”

A prominent place in Zadornov’s work is occupied by the reform of Russian education, including the introduction of a mandatory Unified State Exam. Since 2010, he has published a number of critical articles on this topic (“Unified State Examination is a test shot at the education system”, “Narrow-minded, forward - 2”, “Betrayal”), and spoke negatively about the Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko.

In his monologues he has repeatedly said that for several years now he has not voted for anyone on principle. However, he still took part in the 2011 State Duma elections, supporting the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In the 2012 Russian presidential elections, he supported Gennady Zyuganov. Materials written by Zadornov sometimes appear on the website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation; they are also published in Pravda and Soviet Russia.

He is a supporter of the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement and spoke very warmly of Vladimir Megre, with whom he is close friends. Some considered Zadornov's support to be actually a hidden irony, but in other interviews Zadornov firmly expressed his support for the movement.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine and Crimea. Included in the list of persons prohibited from entering Ukraine.

Personal life

The first wife is Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina (born 1948), daughter of the former first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia, Jan Kalnberzin, studied in a parallel class with Zadornov at the elite Riga school No. 10, and then at the Moscow Aviation Institute, married in March 1971, teacher at the university.

The second wife is Elena Vladimirovna Bombina (born 1964), administrator of the satirist.

Daughter - Elena Mikhailovna Zadornova (born 1990), in 2009 she entered the Russian University of Theater Arts - GITIS.


In 2009, Zadornov was accused of plagiarism for retelling the story about Khatul-Madan (cat-scientist) from the blog of LiveJournal user of Israeli writer Victoria Reicher (pseudonym Neivid). The writer apologized and settled the issue with compensation of 100,000 rubles. Zadornov's widely known story "Notes of a Brick Hunter" is an adaptation of an American urban legend, famous on the Internet in the Darwin Award version (1998).

During one of his concerts, broadcast in 2010 on Channel One, Mikhail Zadornov gave a number of negative characteristics to the residents of Vladivostok, in particular women: “All the women are dressed like, well, as advertised in glossy fashion magazines, that is, all the girls in Vladivostok look like prostitutes,” this and some other statements caused outrage in the Internet community of the “seaside capital.” Zadornov responded to criticism in his LiveJournal blog:

“And then it began. There is a wonderful Russian proverb: “The truth hurts the eyes.” Of course, those who recognized themselves were offended first of all. One girl wrote to me: “This is not true, not all of us are prostitutes!” The second wrote: “I am a decent woman. How dare you insult me ​​like that?” I didn’t insult her. I talked about the picture I saw when leaving the hotel. Another one writes: “Actually, we are not prostitutes...” I was pleased with the word “actually.” Moreover, it was written like this - “voopcheto”. More pearls from the letters: “Sorry,” “this time,” “of course,” “there’s no such thing here,” “in Zadorny’s concert” - then it’s not about me at all, I’m Zadornov, not Zadorny)) The word “mother” one girl wrote it like this - “m”, and she moved “ama” to another line. Sparrow is written - “Vayraybey”"
In response to Zadornov’s words, in April 2010, “Bully Bear” and “Paper with a Hitch” toilet paper with the image of the satirist went on sale in Vladivostok.

“You say from time to time “scientists prove.” Where you say “scientists prove”, no scientist has ever said anything like this. This is a complete lie. What you are saying is absolute, complete, blatant nonsense. Are you crazy? It happens.<…>You are an absolute layman. If you don’t know something, you need to look it up in the dictionary and only then fool the population. And you give him this uncooked porridge filled with ignorance. Why do you allow yourself to spread ignorance to the masses? That's what you do, you know? You bring ignorance to the masses - to our unfortunate masses, who already find it difficult enough to navigate in this world. And you give them this stinking stew, which you cook from who knows what.”

Based on the results of a popular vote on Facebook and VKontakte, conducted by the newspaper “Trinity Option - Science”, he was announced at the forum “Scientists against Myths - 2” as a corresponding member of the new “Liar Academy of Pseudosciences” in the section of pseudolinguistics.


Zadornov was banned from entering the United States and Ukraine.


1975 - Lenin Komsomol Prize
1979 - Golden Calf Award
1999 - Ovation Award
2008 - Order of Honor
2011 - Prize “Word to the People”, established by the newspaper “Soviet Russia” for the pamphlet “NATO is a coward, Gaddafi is a man”
2012 - Medal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation “90th anniversary of the formation of the USSR”
RAMBLER award on behalf of Internet users - “according to Hamburg!”

  • An asteroid was named in honor of Mikhail Zadornov.
  • He brought Maxim Galkin to the big stage.
  • Vegetarian since about 50 years old.

Illness and death

At the beginning of October 2016, it became known that Zadornov was suffering from brain cancer. On October 12, 2016, he announced on his personal page on the VKontakte social network that he would have to undergo chemotherapy, and that because of this, many concerts were canceled (primarily those that require long flights). On October 22, Zadornov was hospitalized in Moscow after he became ill during a concert held at the Meridian cultural and art center. Zadornov refused to talk in more detail about his health problems, not wanting to attract unnecessary media attention.

In November 2016, Zadornov underwent a brain biopsy at the Charité clinic in Berlin, after which he underwent treatment in one of the private clinics in the Baltics. November 10, 2017 at the age of 69.

On Thursday, November 9, the Russian satirist writer and humorist Mikhail Zadornov died in Moscow.

He was 69 years old. In recent years, Zadornov had been battling a brain tumor, but all efforts were in vain. He spent the last days of his life unconscious. The satirist died in one of the Moscow clinics, Izvestia reports.

In recent months, he has been living in a closed sanatorium in the Moscow region, reports the Mash Telegram channel. A few days ago Zadornov was given unction.

“He was absolutely incurable, both hemispheres of his brain were affected. He died last night. It’s a shame,” the singer said.

Information about the death of the satirist was confirmed by TV presenter Regina Dubovitskaya, the Moscow city news agency reports.

“Yes, indeed, Mikhail Nikolaevich died. I can’t say anything more, the information is unexpected,” she said.

This information was also confirmed by Zadornov’s colleague Roman Kartsev, RBC reports.

“I knew about this, I was in the same hospital with him in Moscow, I knew that he was very sick,” he added.

The deteriorating state of health is also evidenced by the painful satirical appearance in the latest photographs.

Zadornov will be buried in Latvia next to his parents. Shortly before his death, the satirist expressed his last will, according to which he should be buried in the same grave with his father.

After the death of the satirist, his wife and sister were placed in a hospital because they became ill.

Let us recall that in 2016, Zadornov spoke on his personal page on the social network about a “serious illness” that needed to be treated “immediately.” After this, the satirist underwent treatment abroad; he underwent a brain biopsy in the oncology department of the Berlin Charité clinic. This was followed by treatment in the Baltic states, in one of the private clinics in Jurmala he underwent surgery, a course of chemotherapy and a number of restorative procedures. However, despite the temporary success, it turned out that all the efforts of the doctors did not bring results.

A friend of the satirist, who wished to remain anonymous, added that, according to the latest assessments of doctors, Zadornov’s treatment was called useless. In turn, the artist also decided to refuse exhausting operations, instead of which he preferred IVs and quiet evenings with his family at his favorite Baltic dacha.

Let us note that Zadornov has repeatedly made cutting jokes about other nationalities; in particular, he gained fame as a cynical critic of “stupid Americans.” He also liked to troll Russian football players. Since the Kremlin’s aggression towards Ukraine, the satirist has become no less active in speaking out about Ukrainians.

It was because of these jokes that netizens reacted quite caustically to his death.

During his lifetime, Zadornov admitted to journalists that he already knew how his “star” wake should go.

Not only users, but also stars, former colleagues and acquaintances of the satirist spoke about the death of Mikhail Zadornov online. Russian singer Alexey Lebedinsky also shared his opinion on this matter, explaining why the death of a comedian is not a reason for mourning or dancing.

Later, his last letter appeared on the satirist’s personal page on VKontakte, in which Zadornov, shortly before his death, told the whole truth about his condition.

Mikhail Zadornov was born in 1948 in Jurmala, in 1974 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in mechanical engineer.

In the 1970s and 1980s, he was the artistic director of the student propaganda theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute "Russia", and in the mid-1980s he was the head of the department of satire and humor in the magazine "Yunost". He has appeared as a satirist on television since 1982. Zadornov wrote satirical stories and essays, plays and humoresques.

In 1987, Mikhail Zadornov gave the Ukrainian comedian Viktor Andrienko several original texts, with which he later successfully performed, including the famous “Letter to the General Secretary.” The artist told the Observer about this.

Mikhail Nikolaevich was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala. He was known both in the Soviet Union and already in the current Russian Federation. He was a real satirist and playwright. He gathered huge halls and, most importantly, ridiculed the objectionable and ridiculous West with their mentality and misdeeds. Today we will talk about the terrible disease cancer that was found in Mikhail Zadornov.

REQUEST! Dear readers, write something positive and bright about Mikhail Nikolaevich in the comments. Tell us why you loved this person.


Around the first week of October 2016, the public learned that their idol had brain cancer. As the satirist himself said, this was discovered completely by accident when on October 22 he fell into an epileptic fit right on the stage of the Meridian cultural center.

He was immediately hospitalized in a Moscow clinic. Rumors spread very quickly, but for a long time Mikhail did not want to talk about his then existing illness. Later, during an examination, a rather large tumor was discovered in his head.

Relatives, friends and Mikhail himself decided to go to the Berlin Charité oncology clinic. There he carries out all the necessary examinations and biopsies of the tumor. Doctors soon diagnosed the tumor as malignant cancer.

During the treatment, the idol underwent chemotherapy, which weakened him even more. As relatives say, in the last months of his life the patient became very thin and pale. Doctors tried to fight the disease as vigorously as possible, but the cancer was already large.

Two months before his death, he asked his ex-wife, who was nearby, to go and confess in church. Despite the fact that it was very difficult and difficult for him to take even one step, they brought him to the cathedral and helped him confess. Perhaps Mikhail already felt the end approaching and wanted to do at least something.

On November 10, 2017, at 9:15 a.m., as doctors diagnosed, the idol of the USSR and the Russian Federation was gone, and he died in one of the Moscow hospitals. On November 12, a farewell was announced at the morgue at the Medsi hospital on Pyatnitsky Shosse. The funeral already took place a little later on November 15, 2017 in the city of Jurmala. They buried him next to his father's grave. More than 400 people attended the funeral, including the mayor, as well as his close friends and ex-wife.

Later, there was a farewell to the satirist, where his relatives and friends, as well as work colleagues, expressed and spoke warm words towards the artist.

Family and friends about the artist

After the funeral, relatives and friends criticized the media, as well as some of the artist’s former friends and associates, for starting to discuss and talk about his illness on television. Despite the fact that nothing bad happened, and everyone spoke very warmly and in a familiar manner about the deceased.

The relatives still tried to convey the idea that they did not want the death of the writer, artist and playwright to be taken out of public view. As the ex-wife said, many are only trying to make money on this grief by producing various talk shows and programs about Zadornov’s death. In reality, not many people mourn.

This is a very controversial point, since Zadornov was truly a famous and strong personality. With a large audience. And it would be foolish to believe that after death everyone will simply remain silent about the great man.

Friends and colleagues spoke only positive things about the artist. As many said, he was a breath of fresh air in Soviet times and in the 90s. He lived and tried to convey smart thoughts across different generations.

In the last days of his life, as his relatives mention, he felt very bad. He had frequent symptoms of amnesia, and he sometimes did not recognize his relatives and confused words. The tumor was already impressive in size and was pressing on neighboring parts of the brain.

Why did Zadornov die?

Oncology is a terrible word that the satirist heard and which destroyed him. If you ask: what diagnosis did the doctors make? The only answer I can give is that it’s terrible. A brain tumor is currently the most difficult oncological case, which is very difficult to treat.

The satirist’s health was already in a precarious position at the time the disease was diagnosed. And all this is due to the fact that the tumor was discovered almost at the last stage.

Many people still argue that if the artist had been diagnosed with cancer a little earlier, he would still be alive. But this is a rather controversial issue, since brain cancer itself is a practically incurable disease.

His relatives said that after the first course of chemotherapy he lost a lot of weight. And this is not surprising, since this is a very heavy blow both to the tumor and to the patient’s entire body.

The problem with brain cancer is precisely the difficulty of surgical intervention. You can't just cut out a tumor. If we take another oncology, for example: intestinal or stomach cancer, then doctors usually try to cut out both the tumor itself and most of the nearby tissues, which may already be affected by metastases.

It is impossible to simply cut out a tumor in the brain. Since if the surgeon makes a mistake even by a millimeter, the patient will lose the ability to hear, speak or move any part of the body: arm, leg, etc.

Even if the surgeon was a good one and tried to cut out the tumor correctly, without consequences, metastases would still remain in the nearby tissues. They would subsequently grow into new foci of cancer. Or even worse, they would be transported through the blood or lymphatic vessels to nearby organs.

There is no point in scolding doctors here. It’s just that science and medicine are not yet at the proper level to fight such a terrible disease. Let's hope that cancer will soon be defeated and it will never seriously bother humanity.

Mikhail Zadornov died at the age of 70; the cause of death has already been established - cancer. The satirist suffered from cancer. He underwent a course of treatment for a long time, but chemotherapy turned out to be useless.

In the fall, the artist canceled all concerts, wanting to be with his family. In October, he had a seizure right on stage during a creative evening. After which Mikhail was taken away in an ambulance. It was after this incident that the artist’s family spoke about his state of health.

The famous satirist was diagnosed with cancer, the treatment was long-term and at a certain point an improvement in his health was observed. Highly qualified specialists fought for the artist’s life. In addition, the family did not give up; every chance for salvation had to be used. They even turned to traditional healers for help.

In recent months, Zadornov underwent treatment in a clinic near Moscow. He was allocated a hotel room, and a qualified nurse was constantly nearby.

However, the disease left no chance. The death of the famous satirist became known on November 10, 2018.


The news that Mikhail Zadornov died and the cause of his death shocked all his fans.

The famous satirist, who is remembered for his unusual monologues, was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala. Since 1974, he wrote stories for other artists. Popularity came in the 80s. It was at this time that Zadornov began performing on television.

The artist’s monologues were distinguished by irony; the characters could be easily recognized in everyday life. For this reason, phrases from speeches became quotes, and the concerts were a huge success.

Family, youth

Mikhail's homeland is Jurmala. His father was Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov, a writer, and his mother, Elena Melkhiorovna Matusevich, was a housewife. Already in children's productions, Mikhail stood out among other children. He played the turnip so professionally that the audience called the young artist for an encore several times.

The next role that brought Zadornov success was a bear in the play based on “A Profitable Place.” The hero had no words, but he growled convincingly. After such a game, Mikhail was invited to the drama club.

Despite his enormous success in acting, Mikhail decided to enter the Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers.

Zadornov during his speech

This educational institution had a strong handball team. The satirist dreamed of connecting his life with sports. Unfortunately, I had to give up sports. During training, he fell and was seriously injured.

Personal life of Zadorny

The artist's life was not characterized by whirlwind romances. Officially, he was married once, his wife was Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina. The young people studied in parallel classes. Mikhail courted the girl for a long time. They got married in 1971.

The relationship between the spouses became strained when the satirist's career took off. At the same moment, the artist began dating Elena Bombina. She was 16 years younger than him. For a long time, the man was torn between 2 women. In 1990, Elena gave birth to his daughter and became his common-law wife. The satirist’s daughter is also very talented and dreams of becoming an actress. In 2009 she entered GITIS.

PHOTO: Mikhail Zadornov with his wife Elena Bombina and daughter

The family had known for a long time that the artist was ill. On November 10, Mikhail Zadornov died, there is already information about the cause of his death - cancer.


Zadornov is known as a satirist, actor, and humorist. He is the author of short stories and has dozens of books to his name. At the age of 18 he wrote his debut work. She did not make any impression on the magazine editors. While studying at the aviation institute, I received an offer to stay at MAI.

Mikhail was attracted by the opportunity to engage in youth theater. Thanks to his efforts, the theater flourished and gained enormous popularity.

Since 1974, the satirist’s texts began to be published in magazines. Since 1984, he headed the department of satire and humor. A year later, Mikhail left his post and began to pursue his own literary career.
In 1988, the artist released a collection of short stories, “A Line 15 Thousand Meters Long.” It was followed by the collection “The Mystery of the Blue Planet”, released in a circulation of 100 thousand copies.

Zadornov raised sensitive social topics on stage. Many of his monologues are dedicated to America. In addition to his speeches, the satirist wrote texts for other comedians. Since 1990, he became the author and presenter of many programs: Full House, Laughter Ponorama, Satirical Forecast.

The artist's popularity grew every day. This is evidenced by the fact that in 1991 he gave a New Year's speech to the people of Russia


In the 90s, Zadornov tried his hand as a screenwriter and actor. One of the first works was “I Want to Buy Your Husband”; the film was shot according to Mikhail’s script. The dialogues known by that time gained enormous popularity. The film received recognition and love from the audience. In the work “Genius” Zadornov played himself.

Since 2000, every year Mikhail prepared several concert programs and presented them to the public. The artist felt confident on stage. His strict image will forever be remembered by the audience. The satirist always wore a suit and held texts in his hands.

After the concert, Mikhail never ceased to delight the audience. He did the splits, demonstrating to everyone his good physical preparation.

Zadornov could perform at several concerts every day. His schedule was sometimes crazy.

Since 2000, the artist began to pay attention to America during his performances. His famous phrase “Well, stupid” became a catchphrase. After the scandal of the Russian team at the Olympic Games, Mikhail canceled his American visa.

After that, other topics began to dominate the programs. Zadornov began to ridicule education. In 2012 he directed the film “Rurik. Lost story." Experts were critical of this work.

Since 2010, the satirist began communicating with viewers via the Internet. In addition to the official website, he began to maintain blogs, YouTube channels, and a VKontakte page.

The audience happily interacted with the celebrity. A section called notes from life has become popular. Fans sent the artist various videos on the basis of which the performance could be built.

In 2016, Zadornov, Kortnev and Kolchin became the hosts of the satirical program “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show”. The presenters and the guests joked about various life situations. The show became quite popular. The death of Mikhail Zadorny and the terrible cause of his death became a real shock for the artist’s fans.

PHOTO: In the program of the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show”.

Cancer is the cause of death

In the fall of 2016, the artist was forced to leave the program “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” and admitted that he was seriously ill. In addition, the artist canceled concerts.

Mikhail did not want to talk about his illness so as not to attract undue attention. I tried not to answer questions from journalists. Despite the fact that the satirist’s family hid about his illness, Andrei Malakhov’s program talked about the artist’s illness. Zadornov did not deny the fact that he has cancer. To reassure his fans, he said that he was undergoing treatment and was not giving up.

Information appeared that the artist sought help from both conventional medicine and healers. After long treatment, improvements were observed.

In addition, the artist became Orthodox. A ritual was performed that heals diseases and forgives sins.

The artist still lost his fight against the terrible cancer. On October 23, he became ill. Doctors noted that the man had a nervous attack.

Regina Dubovitskaya said that Zadornov underwent surgery. Treatment awaited him ahead. He really wanted to live and delight his fans with books. Unfortunately, on November 10, 2018, Mikhail Zadornov died; the cause of death was cancer. The famous artist passed away at the age of 69.