How much money do you need to open a bookmaker's office? How to open a bookmaker's office on the Internet: features of organizing a business

Hello to all my readers! Today the topic is not entirely about my activities, or rather not about mine at all. Found it on the Internet interesting article about how to open a bookmaker’s office and to be honest, this is, in my opinion, the best article and a truthful one. I myself have not been involved in the bookmaking business, but I am thinking about launching one similar project on the Internet. The bookmaker business is interesting and very profitable, and for those who are thinking about opening a bookmaker's office, this article will be very useful.

The bookmaking business began to flourish in 2009 - after the territory Russian Federation casinos and other gambling establishments were banned. Now in Russia, 27 companies have a license to organize betting and carry out bookmaking activities, and five years ago there were only 5. Their total annual turnover is approximately $2.5 billion. Now this business is legal, and the state itself is more accepting of them loyal, since regional budgets receive fairly substantial tax deductions directly from the owners of such sweepstakes.

A license for this type of activity is issued by the Federal Tax Service, but only after thorough checks. To obtain such permission for a betting company or the creation of a bookmaker's office, it is necessary to provide a special guarantee of ownership of assets (net) worth more than one billion rubles and provide the department with a guarantee from a bank in the amount of 500 million rubles. A less expensive and simpler way to earn money on betting and betting is to enter into a mutually beneficial affiliate program with licensees. Thus, your office can rightfully be considered a branch. Most often, entry into one of the affiliate programs costs approximately 150,000 rubles, plus monthly credits of about 30,000 rubles. Participants in this market segment themselves claim that the profit from the bookmaker’s business is approximately 20%.

Premises for a bookmaker's office

It is possible to place a branch of a bookmaker’s office even in a small space of 5 m2. All that is needed to conduct this type of activity is workplace for a manager and a good monitor with a computer for tracking at different rates, as well as the progress of competitions and competitions - all this can be accommodated in a room of this size. This option Great if you want to place your office in a sports bar. It is worth noting that any bookmaker’s office can only be opened in premises whose activities involve gambling.

When opening such an office on a separate site, you need to take into account the legal requirements. Sweepstakes and bookmakers cannot be located in medical, educational, children's, or sanatorium-resort institutions. Also, such establishments cannot be located in temporary (non-permanent) buildings or, for example, in the housing stock.

It is worth remembering that all licensee companies prefer to enter into partnership agreements with those who have the opportunity to create a large network of betting shops or bookmakers. Therefore, it is useful to have several room options.

Required documents

To enter into an agreement with a licensee company, you are required to provide a certificate of registration of your LLC (two years ago you could even work as individual entrepreneur), a rental agreement for the premises, a plan from the BTI, confirmation from the owner (owner) of the premises, as well as his official guarantee of compliance with legal requirements. Most licensee companies require personal information about at least three employees of the future office or betting shop (TIN, copies of passport, copies of other documents and SNILS), but there are also companies that also need a copy of the agreement with private security companies.



If you want to limit yourself to only one manager who will accept bets - this is inconvenient, it is better to hire two office employees - this is necessary for shift work. Their wage can average from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles. Going for more high level- it’s worth acquiring your own staff of sports analysts - this is necessary in order to more accurately determine the bookmaker’s line yourself. Thus, your odds can be even more attractive to your gambling clients (privateers).

Analysts can be hired from competitors or retrained to suit your needs as professional privateers who are well versed in many sports. If you want to create your own analytical service, you will have to negotiate the salary of each of them individually, since there are no established prices for labor in this market segment.

By the way, you need to take into account that 60% of all bets fall on football matches, another 20% are tennis matches. And other sports do not attract even 10% of betting players.

Fixed costs and equipment

Instead of a staff of analysts, small branches of bookmakers prefer to buy special software. Now there are many different offers, although they differ little from each other. But odds for sporting events are often taken from others. So you won’t be able to attract customers with possible profits. As a rule, owners of bookmaker lines work for a percentage of the total turnover - that is, about 20% per month. You also need to have a computer, monitors and a TV.

Promoting your office

Advertising on specialized websites, at stadiums, some websites, in all kinds of sports bars, at racetracks, as well as in other places where it should bring results. All possible advertising costs may depend on their scale and, of course, on the prices of the advertising itself.


You can engage in the bookmaking business even with a small start-up capital if you open an office through an affiliate program. You can also open an office on the Internet, of which there are also plenty now a large number of. I'm leaning towards the Internet option. What do you think?

Before opening a bookmaker's office, you need to understand that sports betting have been done for years by both newcomers and regulars. Therefore, it is important for an entrepreneur to attract those who can bring profit.


Principle of operation

According to the principle of operation, a bookmaker's office resembles an exchange. Daily different sporting events and events update quotes. Each event is assigned a unique coefficient on which the winnings depend. Therefore, the visitor knows exactly how much he will win. Odds are calculated by in-house analysts or based on the purchased betting line. The bookmaker accepts bets and responds to them.

Most often they bet on:

  • football;
  • hockey;
  • basketball;
  • race;
  • boxing.

Bets are also placed on unique events:

  • Oscar;
  • Eurovision;
  • elections.

The bookmaker business is based on the ability to predict the outcome of certain events.

This business is seasonal, depending on major events. However, if the office has a regular clientele and a well-functioning betting line, it is not in danger of a decline in demand.


Before opening a bookmaker's office, you should decide whether it will work in the office or accept bets and pay out winnings on the Internet. It is worth noting that the difference between them is only in the availability of premises.

Offline business

Offline business involves:

  • availability of premises;
  • hiring employees;
  • necessary equipment;
  • special software.

Those who want to place a bet go to the bookmaker’s office and come here to claim their winnings.

Internet option

An online bookmaker implies the presence of a special platform on the Internet where bets are accepted. Also, the betting office should be able to pay out winnings to online wallets and bank cards. Otherwise, the online bookmaking business is not much different from a regular office.

Experts advise starting a business with an offline office and only eventually going online.


The relevance of starting your own betting business:

  1. Profitability. With a good location and good advertising, a bookmaker's office can bring the owner a good, stable income. At events such as the Olympics and the World Cup, you can even recoup your initial investment.
  2. Legality. There are no legal alternatives for gambling people, so they go to bookmakers.
  3. Large selection of bookmaker systems. There are several manufacturers of specialized software who are ready to offer their services to newly opened offices.
  4. Stability. There are sporting or other events almost all year round, so there is no shortage of work for bookmakers.

Market description and analysis

The bookmaker business has been operating in Russia relatively recently, but the main impetus for its development is the ban on casinos on the territory of the Russian Federation. Five years ago, there were only five bookmaker networks on the market. Today there are 27 of them, and new bureaus accepting bets are opened regularly.

The total annual income of betting shops in Russia is 2.5 billion rubles.

The authorities are loyal to organized bookmakers, so they are not in danger of being closed.

The target audience

Two types of players come to the bookmaker's office:

  1. Beginners. These people came to the office driven by excitement. As a rule, they place bets without calculations or plans. They bring the main income to the office because they lose more often. As a rule, small amounts are won.
  2. Pro. They place bets consciously, evaluate the players' chances and calculate the probabilities. They come prepared to bet and are able to win a good amount.

There are situations when professionals come to the office armed with secret information, for example, they work with large bookmakers and they have been ordered to win. They bet large sums and can harm your business. It is almost impossible to calculate them. Five to ten such players are capable of ruining almost any office.

Also, the target audience is determined based on the radius of the bookmaker's office. Few people will come from across town to place bets. A radius of 3–5 km can be taken as a basis. This must be taken into account when thinking through your advertising strategy.

Competitive advantages

You can stand out among your competitors by:

  1. Design. The bookmaker's office premises must be decorated in accordance with a specially developed corporate style. This is necessary to create complete image, if in the future management decides to expand.
  2. Attractive odds. Implementing unique odds right away is not always profitable, because a new player in the market should not attract professionals.
  3. Advertising campaign. The message needs to be worked out advertising campaign, which will bring more new clients to the office.

Advertising company

  • office location;
  • target audience;
  • activity of competitors.
  • on the radio;
  • in the Internet;
  • in social networks;
  • in outdoor advertising.

At the second stage, expenses can be reduced, leaving the activity:

  • in the Internet;
  • in social networks.
  • illuminated sign;
  • volumetric letters;
  • protruding structure;
  • unusual branding.

Step-by-step opening instructions

To open a bookmaker’s office in Russia or Ukraine from scratch you need:

  1. Create a business plan.
  2. Find and renovate office premises.
  3. Obtain a license to engage in bookmaking business.
  4. Create an IP.
  5. Purchase equipment.
  6. Purchase the necessary software.
  7. Rent a betting line or hire a full-time analyst.
  8. Hire specialists.
  9. Start the office.
  10. Conduct an advertising campaign.

Betting line

It is optimal if the betting line does not differ from competitors.

The betting line of the office is determined by:

  1. On one's own. With such a decision, all responsibility falls on the analyst or staff of analysts, who must calculate the probabilities and outcome of events as accurately as possible.
  2. Rent. You can rent a betting line from a more experienced office. As a rule, it costs half the price of an analyst or department.

For a beginning office, it is preferable to rent a betting line. This solution involves fewer risks.


A bookmaker's office can operate as an individual entrepreneur. For these purposes, we select OKVED codes(general classifier of foreign economic activity) class 92.

To open an individual entrepreneur in Russia, you will need to prepare documents for the tax office:

  • application (it indicates: OKVED codes, address, name, passport details);
  • photocopy of passport;
  • receipt for payment of state duty;
  • application for transition to simplified mode taxation (in triplicate).

To open an individual entrepreneur in Ukraine you will need:

  • decide on the KVED code (Classifier of types of economic activities);
  • submit a registration application signed by the applicant;
  • submit an application for simplified taxation;
  • submit an application for voluntary registration as a value added tax (VAT) payer.

You can submit documents for registration in Ukraine not only to the tax authority. Registration of an individual entrepreneur is free.


Bookmaking activities are licensed.

In order to obtain a license from the tax service, a company must meet the following requirements:

  • have a guarantee of ownership of assets of more than one billion rubles;
  • provide the department with a guarantee from the bank in the amount of 500 million rubles.

A license from the Federal Tax Service is issued for a period of 5 years. You will also need to obtain a license from Federal agency By physical culture, sports and tourism.

An affiliate program and franchising will help you spend less, but not all large companies are ready to agree to such cooperation. They put forward certain requirements for those wishing to become a branch of a large bookmaker network.

Room and design

At the first stage, a small room with an area of ​​20 square meters will be suitable for an entrepreneur to work. m.

This space is enough to put:

  • computer desk;
  • Printer;
  • safe;
  • cash machine.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a number of location restrictions that must be taken into account.

The premises should not be located in:

  • capital buildings and structures;
  • temporary buildings;
  • children's institutions;
  • medical institutions;
  • cultural institutions;
  • at train stations;
  • state-owned buildings;
  • municipal property buildings;
  • places of worship;
  • religious premises.

If you take into account all the restrictions, you need to choose office premises:

  • on the first floor;
  • along the road;
  • in a non-residential building;
  • in a passable place, preferably near places where men gather.

Men most often gather in:

  • bars;
  • sports bars;
  • bath;
  • nightclubs;
  • bowling

The design of the premises in which the bookmaker's office will be located should be:

  1. Recognizable. Authenticity is especially important for bookmakers that are franchised.
  2. Thematic. Entering the room, potential client must be motivated to bet as much money as possible.
  3. Cozy. The client who wants to bet must feel comfortable.

The following can be used in the design of the room:

  • bright colors;
  • freeze frames (goals, jumping, etc.);
  • TVs for broadcasting sporting events, possibly recorded.


At the first stage, the following can work in the office:

  • two cashiers (in shifts);
  • security guard;
  • cleaning woman.

If the office expands or its owner has ambitions for development, more staff will be needed.

Financial plan

When calculating financial plan the composition of expenses should be taken into account:

  • starting investments;
  • regular expenses.

As a rule, only one’s own funds are used to open a bookmaker’s office.

Starting investments

At the first stage you will need to invest in:

  • rental of premises;
  • renovation of premises;
  • decoration and design;
  • purchase of necessary equipment;
  • purchase of software;
  • deduction of funds for joining the affiliate program.

Regular expenses

Regular bookmaker expenses include:

  • employee salaries;
  • contributions to the parent organization;
  • rent;
  • public utilities;
  • security.

Franchise fees can cost from 30 to 150 thousand rubles per month.


It is difficult to predict the income of a bookmaker because everything depends on proper planning of bets and odds.

Those who have already opened an office talk about monthly profits ranging from 50 to 200 thousand rubles. The approximate monthly turnover of a large office is 1 million rubles.

Calendar plan

When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to draw up a rough calendar plan with deadlines.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months
Market analysis+ +
Preparation of a business plan +
Preparation of a package of documents +
Obtaining additional permissions +
Construction/rental of premises + +
Repair work + +
Purchasing and completing inventory + +
Recruitment + +
Opening +

In this article we will look at how it is theoretically possible to open a bookmaker’s office in Russia and why almost all domestic offices work illegally. So, let's begin... There are two ways to open a bookmaker's office on the Internet: create it from scratch or connect to ready-made platforms.

Opening a bookmaker's office from scratch


The first step when opening this business is to obtain a license. It’s worth noting right away that it is almost impossible to obtain such a license in Russia; here are the financial requirements put forward by our legislation:

  • bank guarantee in the amount of 450 - 500 thousand rubles;
  • authorized capital – 100 million rubles;
  • asset value – at least 1 billion rubles.

For most, these requirements are prohibitive, so the best option It becomes necessary to obtain a license on the Isle of Man or the Seychelles, where it will cost from $50,000. This is the answer to the question why most bookmakers in Russia operate illegally.

To implement betting on the Internet, in addition to the initial capital, you will need good team. On average, this project will require a huge team and an investment of approximately $150,000.

Line organization

One of the important points in the further work of your bookmaker is the creation of lines along which players will place bets. Organize yourself this work unreal. To create lines you will need a large staff of analysts, since creating lines requires a thorough analysis of each sporting event. Even many well-known bookmakers use other people's lines, changing the odds at their own discretion.

Therefore, it will be very difficult to organize such work on your own and it is better to rent lines. The average price is about 10,000 euros per month.

Technical part

As with any other service on the Internet, the bookmaker’s office consists of two parts: the back office and the front end. The first part implies the administrative part of the site, that is, the speed and reliability of your resource. Frontend– this is the external part of the site, that is, it determines how comfortable it will be for clients to use the resource. It should be convenient so that even a beginner in the world of betting can understand its use.

Particular attention should be paid to choosing a server to host the site. It must have a high degree of protection against cyber attacks and withstand heavy loads.

Payment system

It is clear that without a financial component, not a single bookmaker can function. Therefore, when creating a website, you need to connect payment systems with which clients can deposit and withdraw funds on your resource. For the convenience of clients, you will need to connect the most popular payment systems: webmoney, yandex money, qiwi, visa/master card.

Connect to ready-made platforms

For those who do not have that much time and huge starting capital, it is possible to connect to ready-made platforms (white label). For some money you get a ready-made working website with work lines, payment systems and a personal account.

Setting up a ready-made resource takes about a week and the bookmaker is legally ready to work. Your task is to promote and attract customers to your resource.

Legislation for entering the betting business

Since 2016, sports betting has become legal. According to the new laws, bookmakers are united into the so-called Self-Regulatory Organizations of Bookmakers (SRO). The minimum number of bookmakers in an SRO must be at least 10 offices. Further Self-regulatory Organization Bookmakers should organize a fund of 30 million rubles.

In SRO, all financial transactions are required to go through “ Internet betting registration center"(TSUPIS). This center works only with licensed payment systems. The main task TsUPIS is the accounting of bets and financial transactions for the future collection of 13% tax on bookmakers' winnings. The center also guarantees the payment of winnings to the player, even if the bookmaker has become bankrupt at the expense of a special compensation fund created by bookmakers included in the SRO.

The main obstacle to legalizing the betting business in Russia is the vague wording of the laws, an underdeveloped regulatory industry and constant tax pressure on bookmakers from the state.

For 2017, the main goal of the legal online betting industry is the introduction of remote identification for gaming through TsUPIS, so that it will finally be possible to open an official bookmaker that could fully compete with offshore bookmakers.

Bookmakers are widespread throughout the world and are among the leaders in terms of turnover Money. According to average data, the profit of such a business is not very significant and amounts to only 10% of turnover.

Not everyone decides to open a bookmaker; this matter is not as simple as it might initially seem. The most important thing that is required from a manager is to delve into the process of running a gambling business, because in this matter, what is important, above all, is experience.

Operating principles of a bookmaker's office

All bookmakers can be divided into two categories:

  • standard type (rates are calculated for masses and amount to a minimum of 20 rubles);
  • elite type (rates from 500 rubles).

In some establishments maximum bets can reach up to one hundred thousand rubles.

If your experience in this business is not great, then it is better to start with the very minimum. Let's take a closer look at how this works.

This business has its own seasonality. Of course, this has little to do with the current time of year, but you will be entirely dependent on the holding of large sporting events.

The more significant the tournament or competition, the more attention it will receive from those wishing to place a bet. In our country, interest is mainly shown in the following activities:

  • FIFA World Cups;
  • European Football Championships;
  • club football competitions;
  • tennis tournaments;
  • basketball matches;
  • hockey competitions.

Interest in golf, boxing and other sports is much lower and amounts to no more than 10% of all of the above.

Bets are accepted on so-called lines, which are quotes. The amount of the final winnings is determined by the coefficient. That, in turn, is calculated as follows:

  1. Initially, the percentage of win, loss or draw is determined.
  2. Then the coefficient is calculated using the formula 1:% of the outcome.
  3. The margin is set, that is, the difference that will go to the bookmaker.

All this seems complicated only at first glance, but in fact the calculations are quite simple.

How to open a bookmaker's office?

As stated above, this business is highly specialized. It will not be possible to open a bookmaker’s office on your own without special knowledge in this area. You need to have experience and a large amount of funds for initial investments.

Today, this business is absolutely legal, the activities of all offices, without exception, are carried out under a license. Let's understand the nuances of starting a business.


The requirements for an applicant wishing to obtain a license are very strict in terms of financial support.
Today you will need:

  • authorized capital not less than 100 million rubles;
  • availability of a bank guarantee for a period of five years with the possibility of its extension for a total amount of 500 million rubles and more;
  • the minimum amount of net assets in the account of the future owner is one billion rubles, not counting the previously described funds;
  • a signed agreement with a security agency;
  • equipment for accepting bets must be available, in addition, registered with the tax authority with the function of transferring data to the center for recording bet transfers (TSUPIS).

Please note that you will also need a certificate of no criminal record.

Thus, a person with such significant assets is a very difficult citizen with a wealth of experience. What should those who want to work in this business, but do not have so much, do? large sums on account?

As a rule, choose one of the following methods:

  1. They buy out an affiliate program (from 150,000 rubles and above) and open something like a branch.
  2. Become a co-founder of the company by investing part of the funds.

Both methods are acceptable, you just need to interest your partner. Often, interest may be due to the availability of a certain type of premises for running your business. Let's consider this moment more details.

Search for premises

When starting a search, it is important to understand that the place must be passable. However, this alone is not enough.
Following the logic, women have little interest in betting, so you need to focus only on men.

When choosing a room, pay attention to:

  1. Space. It can be minimal (space for the manager to work and placement of a computer and other equipment).
  2. Location. Hospitals, kindergartens and schools, sanatoriums and rest homes cannot be located nearby.
  3. Room type. You will not be allowed to open such an office in temporary premises, or in a residential building.

When looking for a place for a bookmaker's office, you should pay attention to sports bars and clubs. Where people are interested in sports, you can find a suitable place to do business.


Starting from scratch, as a rule, they hire two people whose competence will only be to accept bets. The longer your office exists, the more seriously it will be taken. This means that you will have to rely on analysts.

It is best to immediately use the services of analysts, since building the correct line for accepting bets is not so easy.

There are not many bookmakers operating in our country. Therefore, if you open a new one, customers will come immediately and in quite a large volume. But don't delude yourself. Players are guided only by the desire to make money on an inexperienced newcomer.

To avoid this, it is better to invest in personnel:

  • managers (work in shifts and receive an average of 40,000 rubles per month)
  • analysts (payment is discussed individually).

Necessary equipment

Any bookmaker office requires the purchase of the following equipment:

  • computers (1-2 pieces);
  • printer and copy machine or MFP;
  • monitors (for broadcasting);
  • TV (if there is only one point, limit yourself to one screen);
  • equipment for accepting bets.

The software must be licensed. This important point, which means you will have to spend a sufficient amount of money. Providing uninterrupted access to the Internet is also a necessity.

Opening a bookmaker's office as a franchise

One of the most simple ways opening a given business, which eliminates many risks, is a franchising agreement.

The owner of the contract will initially present a number of requirements to the candidate:

  • a certain area of ​​the room;
  • availability of specialized equipment;
  • Availability of the amount of the authorized capital.

However, in return, you will get the opportunity to work under a certain brand that has already earned itself world fame, and also has technical support.

The amount that will be needed will be approximately 2 million rubles. In this case, you should not count on less money. Everyone who is ready to cooperate under a franchise is interested in the opponent’s experience and financial viability.

Opening a bookmaker's office on the Internet

Some entrepreneurs prefer to open betting offices on the Internet.
They are guided by the following arguments:

  • casinos were banned at one time, this can happen with bookmakers;
  • investments and guarantees for opening real business too high;
  • To work on the Internet there is no need for premises, hiring managers and paying for security services.

In part, these arguments are quite valid. The most enterprising citizens open offices on the Internet on sites with foreign jurisdiction. This relieves them of the lion's share of responsibility.

So, in order to organize a bookmaker’s office on the Internet, you will need to develop a website, as well as purchase a program that accepts bets through various operators. The wider the network of operators, the higher the chances of receiving bets from different corners planets. Some business owners also work with cryptocurrencies.

In addition to betting on the Internet, you can trade forecasts. This business is currently gaining momentum. With this type of business, all you need is a computer, the development of a program script, Internet access, a small amount in your account and a talented analyst on staff.

In total, the amount of initial investment will decrease to approximately 150,000 rubles. You will also have to bear the risks here yourself. When calculating bets, do not forget about the percentage that any payment system. Otherwise everything is quite simple.

Financial component of business

As mentioned above, opening a bookmaker’s office is quite an expensive business. However, it is important to clearly understand what amounts we're talking about, and how quickly you can make a profit.

Cost of opening and maintaining

To open your own office and be its founder, you will need a huge amount of funds. Of course, not all of them will actually be spent, but as a guarantee for obtaining a license you cannot do without it. The bank providing the guarantee will also be interested in this amount.

The amount of the down payment will consist of:

  • guarantees - 1 billion rubles;
  • authorized capital - 100 million rubles;
  • license cost - from $3,000;
  • purchases of equipment and furniture - from 25,000 rubles;
  • rental or purchase of premises - from 20,000 rubles;
  • staff salaries - from 80,000 rubles.

If you follow the path of least resistance, you can reduce these amounts, but for this you will need to attract a partner.

How can you do this:

  • own one or more premises of a certain type;
  • have at least an amount of 500,000 rubles (expecting that you will be taken on as a partner with a smaller investment amount is, to say the least, stupid);
  • have experience in the gambling business and understand the specifics of games.

If all three points are fulfilled, then you can count on partnership under a certain set of circumstances.

Amount of future income

Judging by the estimates of the bookmakers themselves, their income is not so great. The minimum is 8%, and the maximum is 20%. In fact, these amounts seem underestimated to many.

If you look into the matter more seriously and take into account the risks that bookmakers bear, it becomes clear that in this business everything depends on luck, the work of a team of analysts and experience.

The longer you are on the market, the more you earn. Most likely, bookmakers' incomes slightly exceed 10-15%. So, with a turnover of 2 million rubles, the income will be 200,000.

Payback period

However, do not forget that this business involves long-term work in the market. And this is stability that some entrepreneurs can only dream of. At successful work the license will be renewed, which means the work will continue at the same pace.

A bookmaker's office is a specific type of business. It is necessary to understand that it is important for the founder to be a player himself with vast experience and capabilities. Today the rates are not limited only sporting events. People began to willingly invest in winning music tournaments and film awards.

For example, bets on the winner of the Oscar, Eurovision, music award“Grammy”, etc. If you include them in the lines, you can additionally attract customers. The main thing is to approach the matter responsibly and intelligently.

Since ancient times enterprising people found an opportunity to make a profit through an interest in risk and excitement. Today, the concept of entire enterprises in the gambling industry that generate stable income is built on this.

Depending on the chosen direction, opening such establishments requires different amounts of initial costs. There are also low-cost options available to new entrepreneurs. A striking example is a bookmaker's office as a business that can require billions of dollars in investments, but in some cases allows you to get by with several hundred thousand rubles.

Features of the bookmaker business

The activities of bookmakers and sweepstakes are currently the only option for the gambling business that can be carried out outside of special gambling zones. Therefore, the flow of customers in such establishments is quite stable and provides a serious level of profit. All this is achievable if you know how to organize a bookmaker’s office or open a betting shop, taking into account the regulatory framework and marketing features of such activities.

Today there are three possible implementations of this idea:

  • creating your own office;
  • implementation of an Internet project.

The choice of a specific option is always up to the entrepreneur, depending on his capabilities and desires. Each of them has its own pros and cons, which must be taken into account when developing a project.

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How to open a bookmaker's office

In order to open a bookmaker's office, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions established at the legislative level. To get started, you need to obtain a special license that allows you to conduct betting activities.

How to obtain a bookmaker license? This permit is issued by the Federal Tax Service of Russia on the basis of a written application accompanied by a certain package of papers.

The total amount of the authorized capital cannot be less than 100 million rubles; in addition, it is necessary to provide a bank guarantee in the amount of 500 million rubles. The license applicant must document the origin of the funds contributed to the authorized capital.

Important! The authorized capital of the organization should not be formed with the help of borrowed funds.

In addition, the law establishes that the real value of a bookmaker’s own property minus debts, in other words, net assets, must be at least 1 billion rubles.

It is necessary to take into account that in order to open a bookmaker’s office, it is necessary to ensure that its manager has experience in the gambling business. It is confirmed by an entry in work book or employment contract.

Separate requirements apply to the placement of such an establishment:

  • the premises for carrying out the activities of a bookmaker's office or totalizator must be located only in a permanent building;
  • the premises must be divided into two zones: service and for serving participants (clients);
  • The premises must have a separate room for staff rest, a separate room for receiving, storing and issuing money, and a separate room for security (this condition is not necessary for betting points).

Thus, creating your own bookmaker's office or betting shop becomes a very difficult matter, but the possible profits are several times higher than the initial costs. Eg, minimum bid in most offices it is 500 rubles, and about 60 bets are made per day; with the average profitability of this business, the monthly profit is at least 90 thousand rubles. Considering that the funds invested in capital are on the company’s balance sheet, this amount of profit is quite good.

Advice: bookmaking activities generate more income when there is a network of betting points. Therefore, even when developing a project, it is recommended to plan the opening of at least five points.

Franchise bookmaker

Any entrepreneur can open a bookmaker's office through an affiliate program without major investments. Today, there are more than twenty federal-level bookmaker companies operating in the country, which offer the most various options cooperation. These are large market participants who know how to open a bookmaker’s office, the franchise of which will allow both them and their franchisees to make a profit.

Any partnership option requires minimum investment. It is enough to rent a small room for accepting bets and provide it with a terminal showing betting lines. However, here it is necessary to take into account the specific requirements of the franchisor, since each of them puts forward certain conditions for its partners. Check out the recommendations regarding .

Franchising does not require a license. This means there is no need to attract large financial investments in the authorized capital, look for an experienced manager. The affiliate program provides for the transfer to the partner of both special software and the formation of betting lines - in fact, this is an already configured business that only requires control.

On average, the profit of a franchise bookmaker’s office is about fifty thousand rubles per month and largely depends on how “promoted” the name is, as well as on the location of the betting point.

Virtual bookmaker

A significant share of the betting market is occupied by online betting.

How to open a bookmaker's office on the Internet? Currently, there are two options in this direction, which can roughly be called “white” and “gray”. The first involves the creation of a website for accepting sports bets, taking into account the legal requirements discussed above. In the second case, the betting shop operates without official registration of business in the Russian Federation, and its website is registered on the domain of the state in which it is not controlled gambling business.

From a legal point of view, only the “white” option can be used. Another system for accepting bets is short-lived and can lead to adverse consequences, of which blocking a resource is the most harmless.

Prospects for bookmaking activities

According to experts, the demand for betting in Russia is at a growing stage. This is caused by the development of a culture of sports betting, and the inhibition of the development of gambling zones, and the massive closure of illegal gambling establishments.

It is possible that the state will soon soften the requirements for organizations accepting bets, and business will become more accessible more entrepreneurs.

This business has good prospects. It is easily replicated, which allows you to quickly develop the network. Bookmaking activities can be combined with other areas of work with the same target audience. For example, many patrons of sports bars will appreciate the opportunity to bet on their favorite team. However, the opposite option is also possible, when the business plan of the bookmaker’s office provides for a gradual transformation into a place for fans to relax. Thus, from a small betting point you can create either a large network or a popular leisure venue and thereby secure a good income.