Rihanna photoshoot. Rihanna put on extra pounds

The most bought show business star of all time, discouraged fans with her appearance. Ree has always been talked about, inherited, admired. Now, always the first in everything, Rihanna began to lose ground. Gave up extra weight.

Already in 2016, they began to talk about the weight gain of the singer. Then the forms were appetizing in nature and caused only admiration. But on this weight gain continued, and this no longer fit in the minds of the public.

Rihanna 2018 got fat photo: gained 10 extra pounds

The Mega Star has never been part of a range of standard models. But now, only the lazy did not talk about the beauty of her figure. She shone on the catwalk of the Victoria's Secret show and delighted those around her with wonderful forms. Millions of girls wanted to be like the world's beauty.

Since 2016, everything began to change, Ri refuses to be a model of famous swimsuits, puts on weight and appears less in the frame. It all started with a few extra kilos. Which, by the way, did not spoil, but only rounded the forms, making them more seductive.

2017 introduced Rihanna as an L plus size model. At first, in the photos taken on vacation in Mexico, full legs, a stomach and manifestations of cellulite became visible. The fans were shocked.

Next summer, the singer deliberately exposed her body at the carnival in Barbados. At that time, with a height of 1 m. 73 cm, Rihanna had a weight of 60 kg. With all her appearance, the girl showed that she was not at all worried about her parameters. What can not be said about her fans.

Over time, Ri Ri began to resort to optical illusion in choosing her outfits. The singer tries to choose clothes that will hide figure flaws. But, unfortunately, this does not always work out.

Rihanna 2018 got fat photo: reaction to the changes of the singer

In the past, the Grammy winner has eaten a healthy diet and exercised enough. She promoted her favorite diet - "5 rules". The basics of which are that the diet lasts five weeks, food should be consumed the same amount and you need to train 5 times a week. The basis of the menu was the even distribution of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Portions should be small, servings should consist of three parts - protein, vegetables and grains. For the entire course of the diet, you can treat yourself to a weekend, one a week. All these simple rules were kept beautiful view mega stars. Now the absence of classes has deprived Ree of the forms that the fans liked so much.

There are many reasons why Ree has changed her dietary guidelines. One is the role in the film, for which the singer prepared her body. Preparations are attributed to the girl's alcohol addiction, and the singer's possible pregnancy is being discussed. But, Ree is just a slack date and decided to treat herself a little tasty. Not so long ago, she was photographed eating a rather big pack of chips.

Rihanna fans are divided into 2 camps. Some support body changes and say that everything is super. Others frankly condemn the idol for blurry forms and advise the star to return to its previous size as soon as possible.

Ree herself is silent on all assumptions. And continues to live full life. After all, whatever the centimeters of the waist, the singer's work remains impeccable.

To which of these star girls overweight added femininity, and who should urgently go on a diet?

Natasha Koroleva

More recently, fans admired Natasha Koroleva's slender, toned body. However, fresh pictures taken by the singer's husband while relaxing in the country speak for themselves. It seems that on vacation Natasha forgot about proper nutrition and training, relaxed and gained weight. “We need to lose weight,” the harsh subscribers delivered the verdict.

Anna Sedokova


In April of this year, Anna Sedokova became a mother for the third time. During pregnancy, the singer recovered noticeably, and therefore, immediately after giving birth, she began to actively engage in herself. But it seems that everything is not so simple: despite regular classes V gym and proper nutrition, the star has not yet managed to lose weight to its former forms. And then there’s the fans “added fuel to the fire”: after the premiere of the “Passion” video, the fans bombarded Anna with critical comments - Sedokova’s appetizing forms seemed too “outstanding” to them. Tired of criticism, the singer published a post on her Instagram in which she said that she loves her new figure and is not going to torment herself with diets and workouts.

Mariah Carey

That's someone who, and Mariah Carey has never been thin. Lush forms have long been calling card stars, but the latest photos of the singer caused bewilderment even among the most devoted fans. According to insiders, today the weight of the singer already exceeds 120 kilograms. Because of the number on the scales, Mariah fell into a real depression. Moreover, gossips claim that the star stopped going to the gym and forgot about the diet.

Katy Perry

While everyone was watching how Katy was going through a breakup with Orlando Bloom, the star managed not only to change a few hairstyles, but also gain a few extra pounds. And unexpectedly for everyone, the eternal thin Katy Perry joined the lists of fattened stars.

Nelly Furtado

At the beginning of the 2000s, Canadian singer Nelly Furtado was one of the most popular performers in the world. However, over the past couple of years, the artist has not released a single new song and rarely appeared social events. Recently, Nelly's fresh photos got on the Web, which really shocked her fans. Today there is no trace of a slender figure and abs cubes, from a thin girl Nellie has turned into a lady with very magnificent forms.


It seems that Rihanna has long abandoned the gym and eats exclusively fast food. And if at first it was a couple of extra pounds, today the singer has clearly gained at least a dozen. But it seems that this does not bother the Barbados princess at all - she still chooses revealing outfits for performances and bares her legs at presentations. Although already even the fans sounded the alarm and began to speak negatively about Ri.

Kelly Clarkson

To the songs of the petite blonde Kelly Clarkson, we "lit" in the zero. Today, the singer is unrecognizable: during pregnancy, Kelly gained a lot of weight, and after giving birth, she could not throw off the excess. The singer herself says that she is not at all embarrassed by the way she looks now. She is confident in herself and her talent, and she does not need the approval of others.

Eva Longoria

Today, the figure of Eva Longoria is somewhat far from ideal. After seeing photos of the actress on the beach, fans decided that 42-year-old Eva would finally become a mother for the first time. But the star denied the rumors, saying that she just ate a lot and gained a couple of extra pounds.

Jennifer Love Hugh

A few years ago, actress Jennifer Love Hugh was on the lists of the most sexy women world cinema. But after the birth of her second child in 2015, the star disappeared from the screens and pages of gossip. Recently, new photos of Jennifer made by the paparazzi appeared on the Web. We hardly recognized the actress in the pictures! From a slender and sexy Hollywood star, she turned into a plump and sloppy "aunt-housewife." The 38-year-old actress gained 15 kilograms, began to wear stretched T-shirts, washed trousers and began to look much older than her age.

Brief biography of the singer

Robin Rihanna Fenty is from Barbados. In 2005, the girl recorded her first album and woke up famous. Bright appearance, amazing vocal abilities brought her worldwide popularity. The status of the star had to be consistent, and she tried to keep herself in shape.

The figure of the singer often became the subject of discussion. Rihanna was either slim or noticeably plump. In 2017, she recovered significantly, which was clearly seen in her photographs and appearances in public. Some sources claimed that the girl gained at least 10 kg. But last exits The stars in the light made the public change their minds about her appearance. Rihanna lost weight and delighted fans again slim figure.

Rihanna in 2018

In February, the Barbados beauty turned 30 years old. The owner of expressive appearance has always been famous for her beauty and attractive forms. The height of the girl is 173 cm. She has voluminous breasts, graceful hips and dark skin.

The weight of the singer often changed. Information about its parameters in 2018 was not disclosed. But, judging by the photos, the thinner singer is now in great shape.

The completeness of Rihanna as a reason for discussion

The figure of the singer often became the subject of discussion. The fullness of the star aroused considerable public interest, there were many rumors and assumptions. The singer was reproached for not giving a damn about her appearance. Some have claimed that Rihanna is pregnant.

Many assumed that the singer specifically selects outfits to hide too noticeable figure flaws and her fullness, instead of putting herself in order. Rihanna herself remained on the sidelines of discussions and did not comment on her weight.

How did Rihanna lose weight?

It is known that the singer used Harley Pasternak's weight loss program. His technique is called "Five Factors". It includes a special diet and physical activity. Read more about Rihanna's diet here.

The basic principles of the singer's weight loss technique:

  • eat five times a day at regular intervals;
  • the duration of the diet is five weeks;
  • cook each dish no longer than 5 minutes and include the same amount of ingredients in it;
  • exclude complex carbohydrates from the diet;
  • exercise regularly.

Sample menu:

  • breakfast: egg whites, a slice of fresh pineapple, hot water with the addition of lemon;
  • lunch: vegetable salad;
  • lunch: baked or boiled fish with vegetables;
  • afternoon tea: fresh vegetables to choose from;
  • dinner: fish, steamed or grilled.

Rihanna lost weight by combining diet with physical activity. The basis of her classes is intensive cardio training, which lasts 10-30 minutes. The singer loves to run, ride a bike and dance. The profession and an active lifestyle also help the performer lose weight.

Singer's secret

Rihanna does not hide the fact that she loves sweets and it is difficult for her to completely refuse them. Therefore, during a diet, you can occasionally arrange fasting days and eat your favorite foods. But it is important to observe the measure and allow yourself delicacies within reason. To lose weight you need to show willpower and perseverance. Exercising and eating right will help you shed those extra pounds.

Looking at the photos of Rihanna before and after her recent weight loss, it is clear that the girl managed to get in shape. active image life, proper nutrition and exercise - main secret stunning appearance famous singer. And although there are periods when Rihanna puts on weight, she always tries to correct the situation and continues to delight fans with her beauty. Read more about the singer's diet in the video below.

Rihanna is a world-class singer who has many fans in countries around the world. The star always looked chic, was not a representative of model parameters, but her figure was attractive. But in Lately photos pop up on the network in which Rihanna has clearly grown fat. The fact that the singer began to put on weight began to be noted back in 2016. Since then, fans have been discussing what could have put the girl in such a state.

The changed parameters of the recovered figure of Rihanna give rise to many rumors. The singer does not comment on this, her clothes are more often presented in oversize size, and she has become less likely to go out. However, according to the star personality, you can’t say that she is uncomfortable with her current forms, perhaps Rihanna is completely satisfied with herself and is not going to lose weight at all.

When Rihanna got fat

The first photos, which show that Rihanna has recovered, appeared on the network in 2016. These are fan shots from her performance in Vancouver. At that time, the recovered singer had a less pronounced weight gain. We can say that she acquired appetizing forms that did not spoil her at all.

In May 2016, Riri chose an unfortunate outfit that emphasized her rounded body. After such an appearance, everyone started talking about the fact that the star had clearly gained weight.

A real sensation was made by pictures taken in 2017. On them, singer Rihanna is resting in Mexico. Everyone was attracted by the fact that being in the same swimsuit, she revealed all the shortcomings of her plump figure. The legs have become much fuller, the waist is larger, cellulite is noticeable.

This summer, the girl appeared at the premiere of the film "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets." She was wearing a red voluminous dress. Gossips they began to say that she was hiding her plump figure. But in the evening of the same day, Rihanna appeared in a dress in which she looked thinner. Journalists began to write that the star took up herself. But it turned out that it was an optical illusion, or rather, a well-chosen dress hid all the flaws and gave rise to new gossip.

But the girl amazed everyone with another exit to the carnival, held in Barbados. Her costume consisted of an open bikini, feathers and lots of sequins. This view did not bother the singer at all, and she calmly walked around in this outfit, showing everyone the changed parameters of the figure.

What was before

But we can all remember that quite recently Rihanna showed us her slender body. Many people liked her type of figure: a beautiful bust, elastic hips, a toned body.

At that time, Rihanna, with a height of 173 cm, weighed 60 kg.

One has only to remember the participation of the girl at the show of the Victoria's Secret collection. At this event, Riri had a chic chiseled figure. In no way inferior to the models, she even walked the catwalk. It was impossible to take your eyes off her, while Rihanna was a real beauty.


Previously, Rihanna kept a diet and was actively involved in sports. In an interview, she said that she followed the Five Factors diet. The main principles of this nutrition are that:

  • The diet lasts exactly 5 weeks.
  • The daily diet consists of 5 meals a day.
  • 5 times a week workouts lasting 25 minutes, that is, each exercise for 5 minutes.

Main menu

  • Each meal should contain proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
  • You can eat only fresh fruits and vegetables, natural cereals (not fast food), lean fish and meat.
  • Eating 5 small meals a day, your meals should consist of 1/3 protein, dietary fiber (grains) and vegetables.
  • One day a week you can eat whatever you want, that is, 5 days off in 5 weeks.

Sample menu for the day

Approved Products

  • meat: chicken, rabbit or beef;
  • lean fish;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • greenery;
  • egg white;
  • cottage cheese or yogurt;
  • cereals (except white rice);
  • legumes: beans, lentils.

Prohibited Products

  • pastries and sweets;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  • fast food;
  • fatty food.

This diet was compiled by Harley Pasternak. On the nutrition he developed, Rihanna lost weight, as did Lady Gaga and Jessica Simpson.

Rihanna's diet is very simple, so it will suit many women, because there are no strict restrictions.


Speaking about how Rihanna then lost weight, it is worth noting that without sports, she would not have had such toned body. Riri's Harley Pasternak diet includes 25 minutes of exercise.

The activity might look like this:

  • strength exercises: squats, lunges, push-ups, exercise with dumbbells;
  • load on the press: twisting and raising the legs in a prone position;
  • 5 cardio activities: running and aerobic exercises.
  • Physical activity in this method not very difficult, especially since it only lasts 25 minutes. Therefore, everyone can start accustoming themselves to sports.

    What do fans think

    The worldwide star is being watched by many fans. Of course, when Rihanna recovered a lot, they noticed it and began to actively discuss it. Moreover, the recovered singer did not give any comments about her metamorphoses.

    Then the fans were divided in their opinions about the girl. Someone says that the star has grown ugly, and she should not have gotten fat. They also note the singer's unsuccessful outfits, which only emphasize her plump body.

    The other part thinks otherwise. Fans think that appetizing forms suit their favorite and do not spoil it at all. These people care little about the figure of the singer, they like what she does more.

    Still, the majority is waiting for the idol to return to form again and will please their eyes.

    Why Rihanna got better

    Everyone is interested in the question of what caused the changes in the singer. Riri does not give any interviews on this topic. Therefore, there are several popular rumors about what made the girl get so fat.

    1. Rihanna stopped taking care of herself, does not follow proper nutrition and does not play sports, which had a bad effect on her body. The paparazzi took photos of the singer eating a pack of chips.
    2. The star is credited with addiction to alcoholic beverages and weed. Some think that this was the reason for the change in appearance. In addition, on vacation, the girl was often seen with a glass of wine. However, this is hardly true.
    3. Riri recently starred in a new film, so someone suggested that all the changes are a change of image for her role in the movie.
    4. Rihanna is pregnant - this is the most interesting guess that circulates on the internet. But this information is not confirmed at all.

    Rihanna's reaction to criticism

    The last couple of years, the singer has changed outwardly. exact figure how much she gained weight is not, but 10 kg was acquired for sure. The star is constantly asked about what happened to her. But the reason remains unknown. However, a lot of criticism and gossip regarding her appearance fell on the girl. But Riri reacts quite calmly to all comments.

    Judging by the photo, the singer likes her figure, she feels comfortable and is not at all embarrassed. This is evidenced by her pictures in open bikinis.

    Somehow, the girl announced on Instagram that she could lose weight when she herself wanted to. Probably, fans and envious people should stop discussing the singer's appearance. If a girl is comfortable in a new body, then everything is in order. In addition, she will definitely be able to lose weight when she sees fit.

    As you can see, even such worldwide famous stars, like Rihanna, can get fat easily. They simple people so don't be surprised. You don't have to worry if you put on weight. Take a cue from the singer and feel attractive under any circumstances. Do not hide yourself behind the immense robes and live life to the fullest.

    Beloved by many, the 29-year-old singer Rihanna has never been distinguished by model parameters, the theme was nevertheless slender and graceful. And in just a year, she noticeably recovered. Therefore, the favorite topic of most Internet users is the reincarnation of a celebrity. Judging by the photos of her vacation in Mexico, which became an Internet sensation a few months ago, Rihanna not only began to neglect sports, but also became addicted to fast food in every possible way. And now she bears little resemblance to the girl whose hearts stirred many men. Apparently, the star herself understands that she has noticeably increased in volume, because now she wears oversized clothes that hide her flaws. Fans, in turn, were divided into two groups. Some admire the new forms of celebrity, while inventing the hashtag #thickanna to support their favorite. Others, on the contrary, are very unhappy with the way their idol looks, and believe that she has launched herself a lot.

    See the photos below how Rihanna recovered in just a year. And judge for yourself whether you like her new figure or not.

    This is what the singer looked like in April 2016

    Transparent green lace dress, which only emphasizes the flaws of the figure. New York, May 2016

    Either the jeans are of a bad cut, or the figure is no longer the same

    The singer at one of her performances, in July 2016

    In these photos, you can see that the girl has already begun to put on weight (August, 2016)

    Fast food and lack of exercise do the trick

    The ill-fated attire only increased the effect of fullness (September, 2016)

    Leggings and sports top the stars don't go the way they used to

    Camouflage pants further increased the volume of Rihanna's not small hips

    These photos were taken in October of the same year.

    The celebrity began to hide their forms under oversized clothes in December

    Presentation of clothes of the famous brand Puma, January of this year

    This is how the singer was relaxing on the beach in Mexico

    Without looking at the blurred figure, the star still loves skimpy outfits

    In this picture, the star is captured on the red carpet of this year's Met Gala. She attracted attention not so much with her unusual dress, but with her new figure.

    Rumor has it that in just a few months, the girl gained 15 kg

    No one guesses why the star decided to launch herself like that. Maybe Ree Ree decided to support plus-size models, or maybe she's just comfortable at that weight.

    Some fans are still hoping to see their favorite in her former form