The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. The occipital lobe is the visual zone. What will the development of the right hemisphere give us

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today we will talk about the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logical thinking and speech, and we will also analyze ways to develop and activate its functions. In a previous article, I described his “brother” - which is more responsible for Creative skills. By balancing the work of both parts, you can achieve great results and success in all areas of life, so this is an important thing for almost all people.

The parietal, temporal, and occipital are involved in the production of perceptions that arise as a result of our sensory organs detecting the external environment and the information they provide regarding the position and relationship with external objects of different parts of our body.

The frontal, which includes the motor and premotor cortex, and the prefrontal cortex is involved in planning actions and movements and abstract thinking. Frontal lobe activity only increases in normal people when we have to perform a complex task, as we must find a sequence of actions that minimizes the number of manipulations required.

The left hemisphere of the brain is sometimes called the dominant hemisphere. Firstly, because in 90% of people it is more developed than the right one, and secondly, the role of its mental functions in human activity is difficult to overestimate. Let's consider them in more detail.

Left Hemisphere Functions


Both hemispheres are involved in thinking, but they are responsible for different aspects. So left hemisphere, unlike the right one, which considers the situation as a whole, processes information sequentially. It analyzes each individual fact and gives a logical assessment.

The frontal part of the frontal lobe, the prefrontal cortex, is concerned with strategy: decide which movement sequences are included and in what order, and evaluate their results. Their functions seem to include the abstract and creative thinking, fluency of thought and language, affective reactions and the capacity for emotional connections, social judgment, will and determination for action and selective attention.

The occipital lobe is located in the back-lower part of the brain. Covering the cerebral cortex, the area is also known as the visual cortex as it processes visual stimuli. It consists of several sub-areas that process visual data received from the outside after passing through the thalamus: there are specialized areas in the processing of color vision, movement, depth, distance, etc. after perception in this area - the primary visual area - this information is transmitted to the secondary visual area.

verbal speech

One of the main functions of the left hemisphere is verbal speech. It is our ability to speak, read and write. People with damage to the left side of the brain have a violation of speech functions and difficulty in perceiving information. People with well-developed left-sided thinking find it easier to learn foreign languages.

It is here that the received information is compared with the previous data, which allows, for example, to identify a dog, a car, a pen. The visual area communicates with other areas of the brain that give meaning to what we see in the light of our past experiences, our expectations. This is why the same object is not perceived in the same way different topics. In addition, the brain is often oriented towards discriminatory stimuli.

Damage in this area causes agnosia, which is unable to recognize objects, words, and in some cases the faces of famous people or relatives. The temporal lobe is located in the area in the ears with the primary function of processing auditory stimuli. Sounds are produced by stimulation of the primary auditory region. As in the occipital lobes, this is the area of ​​the basin - the secondary auditory area - that receives data and, in cooperation with other areas of the brain, gives it a meaning that allows a person to recognize what is heard.


The left hemisphere is also responsible for character and number recognition. With it, we solve mathematical problems and equations, we can remember dates and phone numbers.

Establishing causal relationships

Thanks to the left hemisphere, people are able to trace cause and effect relationships and draw conclusions. Therefore, the left-handed mindset is also called analytical. People who have such thinking often go to work as investigators, analysts, etc.

The parietal lobe, located in the upper part of the brain, consists of two sections - anterior and posterior. The upper region is called the somatosensory cortex and has the function of resolving the reception of sensations such as touch, pain, body temperature. This primary zone, which is responsible for receiving stimuli from the environment, represents all areas of the body.

They are the most sensitive areas, taking up more space in this area as they have more data to interpret. Lips, tongue and throat get a large number of incentives, which therefore requires a larger area. Rear end parietal lobes is a secondary area that analyzes, interprets and integrates information received by the anterior or primary area, allowing the body to locate in space, recognize an object by contact, etc.

Positive emotions

In the course of recent psychological research, it was found that the left hemisphere is responsible for positive emotions, and the right for negative ones.

Right side control

The left hemisphere controls the work of the right side of the body, and vice versa. That is, when we write right hand or we perform some other actions, this means that the signal came from the left side of the brain.

This is the area where the occipital, parietal, and temporal lobes converge, found in Wernicke's area, which plays important role in speech production. This is the area that allows us to understand what others are saying and that gives us the ability to organize syntactically correct words.

Scientific study of the brain

The functions of the brain and the brain have been scientifically studied by various branches of knowledge. This is a multidisciplinary project. Thus, neuroscience arose from a biological point of view to study the functioning of the nervous system, including the central nervous system. Psychology, freed from philosophy and various religious concepts, has one of its goals scientific research human behavior and its relation to brain structures. Cognitive science is trying to study the function of the brain in order to develop the concept of "artificial intelligence".

Properties of left-handed thinking

The functions listed above are performed by the left hemisphere in all people. But it also has more specialized properties that are prevalent in people with left-sided thinking. They are characterized by such qualities as purposefulness, logic, practicality, quick learning, organization.

The brain is responsible for emotions. Anatomists and physiologists have developed new experimental methods to directly intervene in the brain and observe the results of these interventions in animal behavior. Electrophysiology, in which electrodes are placed directly into the brain, allows scientists to record the activity of neurons in the cerebral cortex or groups of individual neurons, but because it requires invasive surgery is reserved only for gilts in technical animals.

The test only detects large scale changes and only in the outer layers of the body. With the advent of imaging techniques, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, they have revolutionized the study of brain function and made medical diagnosis more accurate.

In an article about the right hemisphere, I talked about how it is responsible for creativity. But if right-thinking people have a poorly developed left hemisphere, it is difficult for them to realize their ideas, due to inconsistency in actions and lack of purposefulness. Therefore, the harmonization of the entire brain is very important.

Activation of the left hemisphere

There are special exercises that help turn on the left hemisphere. But even if it already dominates you, extra training will not hurt.

Behavioral tests can assess symptoms of disease and mental ability, but indirect measurements of brain function may not be practical in all animals. Analysis of animal carcasses allows you to study the anatomy and distribution of proteins in the brain.

Left hemisphere: it is preferably responsible for the actions of logical thinking, the functions of verbal language, rationality, etc. This controls the right side of the body. Left hemisphere ability: analyze, abstract, count, mark a step, systematically perform procedures, verbalize, make rational statements in accordance with logic.

Problem solving

Mathematical and logical puzzles perfectly develop the left hemisphere of the brain. You can start with simple ones and then move on to more complex ones.

Crossword puzzles are good, especially Sudoku, as they are based on numbers and require logic and analysis to solve them.

Physical exercise

To activate the left hemisphere, you need to use the right side of the body. For example, perform normal actions with your right hand (write, brush your teeth, stir tea). For right-handers, this will not be difficult, but for left-handers it will be more difficult.

This means that the way the left hemisphere works: analytical, verbal, calculating, sequential, symbolic, linear and objective mode. The left side has a logical thought, translates the images of the right hemisphere into physical manifestations.

The left hemisphere becomes something like a "logical" brain. Centers on the left side of the brain control and are involved in the ability to recognize, groups of letters that form words, and groups of words that form phrases, both in terms of speech, writing, numbering, mathematics, and logic, as well as the ability to transform a set of information into words, gestures and thoughts.

Also, when performing regular gymnastics, pay more attention to the right side of the body. For example, you can jump on your right foot, lean to the right, etc.

Self massage

There are many points on the human body that are responsible for various organs, including the brain. At the base of the big toes there is a point responsible for the cerebellum, and below it there are points hemispheres brain. By massaging the point under the big toe of the right foot, you activate the left hemisphere.

Right hemisphere: it is more emotional, creative and imagery

That is, the brain understands ideas and concepts and stores them in non-verbal language, which is then translated into the language or language learned by the individual through culture. Process information using analysis, which is a method of solving a problem by breaking it down into parts and analyzing them one by one. Right: This controls the left side of the body.

mechanism of the right hemisphere. In this modality "we see" things that may be imaginary, that exist only in the imagination, or we remember things that may be real. We see how things exist in the cosmos and how they combine their parts to form a whole. In the right hemisphere, we understand metaphors, we dream, we create new combinations of ideas.

Fine motor skills of hands

It is very useful for the development of the hemispheres fine motor skills hands There is a special exercise for this. Place the tip of the little finger of the right hand against the tip of the thumb of the left hand, and the little finger of the left against thumb right. Scroll the brushes so that the position of the fingers is reversed. Then do the same with the ring and index fingers.

When something is too difficult to describe, we can make gestures to communicate it. With right-brain processing, we use our intuition and make "leaps" of understanding, which are those moments when "everything seems to fit" without following the logical order of solving questions. So, the way the right hemisphere works: intuitive, subjective, relational, holistic, independent of time. It is believed that Right side is a source of creativity and imagination, visualization, stimulation and dreams.

The right hemisphere controls many specialized functions, like the left. This is the integrating hemisphere, the center of non-verbal visual-spatial abilities, specializing in sensations, feelings, prosody and spatial abilities; visual and non-linguistic skills such as art and music. It may also cause a disturbance in normal attention to the left side of the body and its surroundings. As we saw in the previous entry into the brain, our cerebellar hemispheres function differently and take care of different areas.

But the best remedy for this is to turn the rosary with the right hand. Then you immediately perform 3 functions:

  • activate the left hemisphere
  • meditate
  • massage the points on the fingertips

Pain in the left hemisphere

Many people suffer from headaches located on the left side of the head. The most common disease that causes such pain is migraine. Experts identify the following reasons:

Inside the brain, in a structure called the cerebral cortex, are the superions of speech, thought, and imagination. This structure is the most human and distinguishes us from other mammals. Santiago Ramón y Cajal described the organization of the human cerebral cortex over a hundred years ago. He called "mental gymnastics" an exercise which he considered multiplying neural connections, which in turn meant integrating more information. The more connections we have, the more information we can process.

Each hemisphere is responsible for several essential and complementary areas for its ideal functioning and processing. It is necessary to encourage integral development with good stimulation that covers the areas of language and knowledge. Stimulation of concrete and logical reasoning, without forgetting to stimulate the stimulation of the areas of intuition, sensory and creativity.

  • physical and psychological exhaustion;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • stress;
  • poor blood circulation in the brain

To relieve the symptoms of a migraine, you need to drink plenty of water and give the body a rest. Meditation can also help with this. Pranayama is especially good. Breathing exercises will help saturate the brain with oxygen and improve blood circulation.

How does our left hemisphere learn?

It uses a converging style of thinking, getting new information, the formation of new ideas. Learn from part to whole and absorb details, facts, rules and analyze information step by step. It processes analytical and sequential information in a logical and linear fashion. It contains the ability of mathematics, reading, writing and expressing positive emotions.

How does our right brain learn?

The language area is located in this hemisphere and works unitarily and highlights the following areas in it. The temporal lobe and Vermic area are responsible for receiving the spoken word. This allows you to understand what you hear and choose the words you want to convey. It is responsible for the ability to recognize tactile sensations, calculus, and autotopoagnosia. The frontal lobe and Broca's area is the motor area that controls the musculature of the body and the person responsible for the pronunciation of words. This allows us to speak freely and articulate clearly. Rolando's parietal lobe and fissure receive sensory sensations. . It processes information globally, starting from the whole, in order to understand the different parts that make up the whole.

But it must be borne in mind that pain in the left side of the head may also indicate other diseases more serious than migraine, so if you do not know what their cause is, it is better to consult a doctor.

I told you about the functions of the left hemisphere and its activation, but for the most effective work of the brain, it is necessary to develop both parts of it. And which hemisphere is leading you, you can write in the comments to the article. I will also be glad if you share your knowledge about exercises for activating brain activity. Sincerely, Ruslan Tsvirkun.

Quite a long time ago, scientists proved that the right and left hemispheres of the brain are separated and perform their own specific tasks. The left hemisphere is responsible for conscious actions, such as the ability of a person to analyze, classify received information and sort it according to certain characteristics. It is here that the task is formed and its solution is evaluated. The right hemisphere of our brain functions very differently - it is full of various disordered information, there is always a creative mess. It is it that is responsible for the perception of musical and artistic images, as well as for visual-figurative thinking.

Spatial thinking is one of the main functions of the right hemisphere. Since fine art allows not only to express a vision of the world, but also to develop the skills of perceiving an object entirely - painting is one of the best ways to develop it. As a workout, listening to classical music is perfect. If you have enough free time, learn to play some musical instrument. Scientists have proven that people who periodically listen to classical music have a better memory, an expanded vocabulary and a higher level of IQ. In science, this extraordinary phenomenon is called " Mozart effect".

Nutrition plays a significant role in the development and stimulation of the activity of the right hemisphere. Systematic Eating foods enriched with flavonoids stimulates our capacity for logical reasoning and prevents brain degeneration. This element is found in high concentration in blueberries and blueberries. In addition , green tea and red wine are enriched with it .

Continuous being in a brightly lit room significantly increases the activity of human brain activity. The best effect is achieved when using natural sunlight or ultraviolet lanterns.

In addition to the usual, there are many scientific methods for the development of brain activity. All of them are based on the ability of a person to control his imagination. Their implementation should be carried out in a secluded place, accompanied by a calm environment and a relaxing melody. One such example is the mandala. Under this strange name lies a sacred pattern, the long examination of which stimulates brain activity.

The above information contains basic knowledge of how to develop right hemisphere brain. There is absolutely nothing complicated and difficult in these trainings, and the only basic requirement for them is systematic holding . By adhering to these rules, you can easily improve your worldview and further develop the work of the brain.