Afrikantova official Instagram. Marina Afrikantova and her pages on social networks

Marina gained fame mainly due to her participation in the Dom-2 television project, where she came to Andrey Cherkasov. She has an interesting, diverse education: a diploma in metalworking engineering, as well as a TV presenter diploma. She managed to get the last one at the Ostankino Higher School. Having gained popularity on the TV screen, Marina Afrikantova started Instagram and has since delighted all fans with her new photos.

Afrikantova was born and lived in Moscow, tried herself as a model. Among her hobbies are swimming, sports dancing and photography. Obviously, that's why she likes to post pictures on social networks: Afrikantova's Instagram is replete with numerous shots of herself different genre. Not in the last place there is a photo from the project. By the way, it is quite easy to find him - on the net he is called @marina_afrika. What can you see there besides shots from the Dom-2 project?

Variety of Marina's publications

Mostly, there are collected photos from various public events: meetings, speeches. However, there are shots of a purely everyday orientation: a celebrity in a beauty salon, in a boutique chooses clothes. Of course, nothing human is alien to the stars either. More than a million subscribers every day put likes on fresh photos. The star does not forget about his fans, regularly publishing updates.

If you are also interested in her life and biography, go to Instagram: new photos appear there almost daily. To date alone, almost three thousand records have been created under this account - and it is constantly growing, without even thinking of slowing down. Visit our website and you will always be up to date recent events associated with Afrikantova's account. We will share:

  • Information about the most popular publications;
  • Information about the number of subscribers;
  • Interesting facts from the life of a star.

Another popular account closely followed by fans of the Dom 2 program is the Instagram of Marina Afrikantova, relatively new member show, but managed to make a splash on television. The girl is already followed by more than 89 thousand people, although she does not write every day, but uploads only the most interesting pictures, cool collages and sometimes stylish bows (you must show your bright and unique image!).

Who is Marina Afrikantova?

A serious girl is an engineer by profession, but works as a model: she has won several Russian beauty contests, travels to foreign competitions and performs on the catwalks. Despite this, a couple of months ago, she suddenly decided to participate in scandalous show"House 2". Participants appearance new heroine at first it seemed illogical, like, there are fans, and everything is fine in her life, everything should suit, and she is here! But who will sort them out, women! Here is a moderately modest and generally correct, but very beautiful person in Lately starts to show dark side of his character. What will come of this, only time and the project will show. We follow the news!

And now Marinochka is trying to build a relationship with the old-timer of the project. As can be seen from the Instagram profile of Marina Anfrikantova and the youngest person, the couple recently moved into city apartments, and this settlement took place on a grand scale: young people staged a beautiful holiday with balls and other decorations.

You can subscribe to Marina Afrikantova on Instagram by the name marina_afrika. From her official page in this social network you can find out all the details of the life of a star in a TV project.

The girl watched the project for several years and was a fan of the charming "Che" (as friends affectionately call Andrei).

Andrei was delighted with such a beautiful fan, but the relationship between the young people did not work out.

Afrikantova and Andrey Cherkasov

Then, in the life of Mary, another participant in the TV show appeared, courageous. Marina managed to “build” love with Bogdan, the couple even settled in separate housing, but mutual jealousy and scandals eventually led to a breakup. Attempts to converge were unsuccessful.

Marina's penultimate relationship on the project was with, with whom the girl flew to Love Island. Many believe that it was only a “project” relationship, because the girl never really liked Yegor.

After returning to the show, they had an affair with Marina. The old participant persistently cares for the beauty, Afrikantova reciprocates, it can be seen on the air how the girl's eyes "burn". And in order to cope with the "terrible" Chuev, the beauty even called for her help, which insists on the speedy "registration" of Andrei's divorce from his ex-wife. What will come out of this relationship, only time will tell ...

When designers are inspired by men's wardrobe, the most amazing women's clothes are born 😍 ⠀ So, the perfect tuxedo dress from @verdetti_shop_ appeared in my closet 😍 ⠀ Agree, it is ideal for walking in the park, important meetings and a romantic dinner, and most importantly, the dress is complimentary figure, because it hides all the flaws, making you even slimmer and more luxurious ❣️ ⠀ And in which " men's clothing» Do you feel stylish? .

My beloved Yanella 👱🏾‍♀️ We walked in the Botanical Garden on Prospekt Mira! Enjoyed tremendously 🙌 We advise everyone, a lot of greenery 🌳 there is a pond 💦 live orchestra 🎻 a huge selection of cafes with beautiful view☕️🍹🥐 We were very satisfied ☺️ Open even at night 🌙 . Similar? 👭☺️ .

We smile and wave with Romasha 🙌☺️ . Happy and satisfied, we are getting ready for the wedding 👰🤵 During the day, we have fun, discussing the wedding commotion among the finalists of the “Wedding in a Million” contest 💍 But... Night falls, the mafia wakes up 🦸‍♀️🤣 The main preparation for the wedding takes place at night, when you know that there is still a lot of time until the morning when no one bothers you, when the phone, notepad and laptop are at hand 👍 and of course our wonderful wi-fi 👌 At this time, all the fun begins 🙈 A bunch of ideas and interesting thoughts immediately come to mind 🤯 and of course, it’s not up to sleep anymore 😃 I don’t understand how you can sleep when the wedding is just around the corner? 🤷‍♀️ After all, July 14 is just around the corner 🏔🙌 . Are there brides among my subscribers who are also preparing for the wedding? 👰 How is your training going? Or maybe there are those who have already experienced this wedding commotion? 😄 .

Our dear neighbors 💑☺️ Dom2 participants, let's get acquainted 🤗 @roman.kapa and I are launching the Challenge! . Everyone can take a picture in front of our banner, shoot a video or record a story! Any creativity is welcome! . You can write whatever you want in your post! Do you want to praise us, want to scold us or give us advice! You can even write nothing at all 🤪 Your task is only to mark us in the photo, and we, in turn, will repost you without fail 🙌 We are sure extra likes and subscribers will not bother anyone ❤️👌 . Don't forget to put the hashtag. #🎉💍

@umbrella.original proves that your life can be as colorful as possible! 💜 ⠀ I have never seen such beauty! 🙏 ⠀ Not only does the pattern glow, but the neon lining is made of 100% Italian silk, which is so pleasant when touched with the skin 🥰 ⠀ Very fashionable, stylish and memorable, our guys even started to envy, because men's collection not yet 🤷‍♀️ ⠀ But

From Marina Afrikantova's Instagram, you can learn about all the ups and downs of her life. The girl does not hide from her fans either ups or downs. Photos are circulating on the network in which the sultry beauty looks completely different from the model and is experiencing far from the best moments of her fate. Overweight, problems in relationships with guys, accusations from colleagues of intrigue - all this breaks many, but Marina finds the strength to bring her figure back to normal and return to star Olympus again. Take a look at her page. perhaps the example of Afrikantova will be the most effective motivator for you.

(scroll through the pics, there are a lot of them)

Marina Afrikantova Instagram fills with stylish and seductive photos. The number of publications in her account is approaching the three thousandth mark, which can already be called a kind of record. More than a million subscribers follow the ups and downs of the life of an eccentric blonde and generously endow her page with likes and views. Gossips claim that the girl is just promoting for the sake of getting wealth, but Marina does not pay attention to these attacks and, to the evil of all ill-wishers, almost every day she uploads new photos in which she shines with a happy smile and teases everyone with luxurious forms.

Secrets from childhood

On October 14, 1987, a healthy and strong baby, Marina Afrikantova, was born in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. Her father Alexander, a historian and archaeologist, widely known in scientific circles, enjoyed authority among his colleagues. Mother Tatyana did not show any bright professional qualities, but she was distinguished by her attractive appearance and incredible ambition, which she passed on to her daughter. In addition to Marina, the family brings up two sons: Denis (1978) and Andrey (1981). Another baby living under the roof of their house, Yana, Alexander and Tatyana pass off as their youngest daughter. However, it is already known for sure that this girl is actually the daughter of the eldest son of the Afrikantovs, Denis, but who her mother is is still unknown.

growing up period

Since childhood, Marina has been enthusiastically engaged in swimming and attended the section with pleasure. sports dances. There was a period when the girl took choreography lessons in the popular dance school director of the show-ballet "Todes" Alla Dukhovaya. In addition, the beauty was easily given foreign languages and in the future, she almost perfectly mastered not only English, but also French.

When young Afrikantova graduated from school, her parents insisted on her entering the MISI as a metallurgical engineer for rare earth and non-ferrous metals. The girl graduated from the university successfully, but, deciding that this was not enough, she entered higher school Ostankino and soon acquired another diploma and the profession of "Host of television and radio programs."

Career in the beauty industry

Possessing a catchy appearance and an excellent figure, Afrikantova repeatedly tried herself as a model and participated in various beauty contests. At Miss Moscow 2012, the blonde got the title of 3rd vice-miss, and in the Beauty of Russia contest, Afrikantova won one of the main nominations. Then there was the Miss Style photo contest, however, great success he did not bring Marina. But in the "World Russian Beauty" the girl performed more than successfully and took one of the prizes.

"Dom-2": a dream that has become a reality

Marina has been closely watching the events taking place inside the perimeter of the Dom-2 TV show since 2007, but she became a participant in the project only in 2014. There were rumors that a close friend Rustam Kalganov brought her to the program, but Afrikantova denied this in every possible way. “I got on the show solely on my own. I went through all the auditions, qualifying rounds and received the consent of the producers, ”the girl commented on her appearance inside the perimeter.

The first guy who fell into the zone of attention of a spectacular blonde was Andrey Cherkasov. The girl almost immediately declared that she had come to build relationships with him and had no doubt that they were perfectly compatible, at least according to the horoscope (Marina is Libra, and Andrei is Aquarius). To a young man I was extremely flattered by the attention of such an attractive, bright person, but this relationship did not last long. Cherkasov himself initiated the gap, moreover, just a week after the start of lovestory.

Afrikantova stayed alone for a little while and soon accepted the courtship of the charming handsome Bogdan Lenchuk. The guys even moved into city apartments owned by the show, but it didn’t help to stay together and the couple mutual agreement broke up. Then Yegor Khalyavin appeared next to Marina. His romantic courtship, luxurious bouquets, limousines and romantic dates in the evenings captivated the heart of a beautiful blonde. In November 2014, on one of the broadcasts, Afrikantova announced that she was absolutely free and ready for a new relationship. Egor immediately stopped hiding his feelings and promised the beauty to pay for a trip to the Seychelles. The audience doubted Marina's sincerity for a long time and claimed that she would still return to Linchuk, but the girl firmly crossed out all these assumptions and officially agreed to go with Kholyavin to the islands.

In the Seychelles, the relationship of doves went wrong sharply. Egor stopped paying attention to his girlfriend and the guys began to constantly quarrel. The offended girl fell into long depressions, and Bad mood literally ate high-calorie foods. This led to a completely natural result - the blonde gained almost 10 kilograms. excess weight and felt sharp deterioration health. Due to problems, she decided to leave the project and publicly announced her desire to stop filming.

"Dom-2": the second coming

Afrikantova's triumphant return to the project took place in June 2015. The beauty came to the show shining with a smile and seductive forms of quite model parameters. Someone started talking about the fact that the girl had plastic surgery, but Marina quickly stopped these rumors, sharing the secret of her harmony with Olga Buzova. “I have tried a whole bunch of diets. Right now she has become such a specialist in them that at least host a TV show or write a book. A diet without carbohydrates, according to blood type, separate nutrition, all sorts of mono-diets, fasting, slimming teas are different there ... And such a special calorie blocker PBK-20 helped to lose weight. It was created by Swiss pharmacists from Hofmann L.R. It is absolutely natural and is usually used by athletes during drying. It lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and stimulates an accelerated fat metabolism, ”Afrikantova revealed the secret of her thinness.

New love

Another object of sympathy slender sexy blonde became an intelligent "bespectacled" Andrey Chuev. The guys, who had not very successful experience in building relationships on the project, surprisingly quickly found common ground and created a pretty strong couple. Marina valued relations, forgave her boyfriend for harshness and insults, attributing such manifestations to complex nature and claimed that they were fine. Instagram account marina_afrika regularly appeared fresh photos, designed to convince the society and Marina's parents that everything is perfect and cloudless for the couple. However, it was possible with difficulty, as information about disagreements between the guys on many issues regularly leaked to the press and television. As a result, the couple broke up and, as close friends said, the mother of Afrikantova Tatyana put an end to the relationship of the young.

After breaking up with Chuev, Marina allowed another participant, Ivan Barzikov, to take care of herself. He showed remarkable activity and already on the second date he managed to get a kiss from the beauty. Everyone was sure that this would start a new relationship, but after several minor disagreements, the girl unexpectedly ran away from the project, leaving everyone at a loss.

But even more surprising was her very quick return, moreover, accompanied by the same Chuev. The guys publicly announced that they had reconciled and asked everyone to consider them a couple again. In the team of the show, such a step did not cause enthusiasm. The fugitives were accused of intrigue and a planned prank on the audience in order for Marina to win the 2016 Person of the Year contest.

Today, the couple continues to stick together, posts on Instagram joint photos and takes part in the "Wedding in a Million" contest. So far, they occupy the fifth place in the ranking, but they are very persistently trying to increase the chances of winning and are not going to stop at nothing.