Great weakness of the cause. Ten human weaknesses with which people are secretly controlled

All people are imperfect by nature. We include and human weaknesses, which sometimes greatly interfere with our lives.

Of course, you can fight them if you want, but to do this you first need to identify them.

The whole point of the problem is that it can be difficult for a person to separate the healthy grains from the weeds on his own, because many people do not have such a valuable trait as self-criticism.

It seems to them that the whole world is against them, but they are always right in everything.

Roughly speaking, such a person will always think that they sold him a low-quality product, and that he, not knowing how to use it correctly, broke it.

The most common and dangerous human weaknesses were sung in ancient mythology and religion, and they are at least partially familiar to us.

These are the seven so-called mortal sins, later they were transformed in various religious movements into 8-10 sins, but the main ones are:

- gluttony (gluttony);

- fornication (dissolute lifestyle, adultery);

- anger (anger);

- love of money (greed, greed, self-interest);

- despondency (groundless despair, idleness);

- pride (vanity, arrogance);

- envy.

In addition to these generally recognized dangerous human weaknesses There are also numerous bad habits that a person, due to the weakness of his spirit, cannot give up. Therefore, they make him weaker and more vulnerable. These habits include:

- inability to quickly navigate and make decisions in critical situations.

Of course, everyone can have their own weaknesses. To identify them, it is necessary to have at least a degree of self-criticism, only then will a person be able to some extent evaluate his own behavior.

If there is none, then you cannot do without the help of a reliable person (friend, close relative). It’s always clearer from the outside, so a loved one, without lying, can tell you your weaknesses. And having already identified weaknesses, it is worth starting to fight them.

Considering that a person has lived with his weaknesses for a long time, has already become accustomed to them and regards them as an integral continuation of his “I,” it will not be possible to get rid of them overnight.

It is necessary to eradicate them from yourself for a long time and persistently, in small steps overcoming the obstacles that arise and overcoming some impulses to give up everything and live as before.

In order for getting rid of our weaknesses not to be so painful, it is necessary to realize that by driving them out of our lives, we become better, first of all, for ourselves, for a comfortable existence in society, for gaining advantages over people who could not get rid of weaknesses, that is, it is a kind of modern evolution, where the fittest survives.

And weaknesses drag us down to the bottom, preventing us from progressing and developing, taking away free time and spoiling our health.

In addition, many weaknesses can cause conflicts in the family, at work, at school, in a public place or just on the street, therefore, by getting rid of them, we will make life easier for ourselves and those around us.

Only daily practice will help you throw off the shackles of your own weaknesses.

You can also use various auxiliary tools: various forms of self-improvement; exercises that strengthen mental strength; yoga; meditation; trainings; collective or individual work with psychologists.

There are no weaknesses of ours that would not be used to covertly control people. Here we will list only those that occur most frequently. We will illustrate their use for hidden control with relevant real-life examples.


We are all curious, some less, others more. Women's curiosity is known, especially regarding who has what kind of relationship with whom... Not taking into account such a human quality as curiosity can lead to funny things.

To attract more customers, the owner of a late-night restaurant in Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, invited an all-female dance group to perform on stage in their mother's clothes. There was no end to clients. But there were two diligent police officers who sued the owner of the hot spot and the performers.

To show the jury how immoral the whole performance looked, the policemen repeated the performance right in the hall: they made faces, twirled their hips, imitated love scenes, while sighing passionately and making other seductive sounds. However, the judges, having watched the entire “program” to the end, applauded the police, noting that all this was very interesting and that very evening they would go to see the real performance. The accusation was considered unproven.

Having aroused curiosity, highly moral guardians of order fell victim to it.

Curiosity in manipulation is used to attract and maintain attention. All manuals on public speaking recommend starting a speech with some story that arouses curiosity. And during the speech, insert promises to tell you a little later about something that arouses interest.

The next episode in TV series is interrupted, as a rule, at the most interesting point. Curiosity (what's next?) ensures that viewers turn out to watch the next episode.

The beautiful Shahrazad told tales to the formidable ruler Shahryar for three years. With the help of hidden control, arousing the curiosity of the tyrant, she saved herself and a thousand of the most beautiful girls of her country from death.

Imperfection of mental mechanisms

We cannot do two things at once with immediate efficiency. Having switched attention from one object to another, we lose control over the first object for some time.

This circumstance makes us similar to representatives of the animal world.

I. A. Krylov in the famous fable “The Crow and the Fox” demonstrated how manipulation can be done by switching the attention of an object to make it a victim of manipulation. Demonstrating her vocal abilities, the Crow completely lost sight of (and therefore, out of her beak) the coveted cheese.

This technique is used by scammers to charm the victim. Some subordinates do the same, slipping a paper to their boss for signature and distracting him with conversations in order to prevent him from reading the document.


Almost everyone is susceptible to suggestion to one degree or another. But, of course, to varying degrees. People who lack self-confidence, as well as children and the elderly, are more suggestible. Women, on average, are more suggestible than men. Education reduces suggestibility: an educated person trusts reason more, and therefore, facts and arguments.

The well-known “placebo effect” is based on suggestibility: instead of the promised medicine, the patient is given a neutral remedy (for example, plain water or a dummy tablet), claiming that it will definitely help. And it really helps a lot!

But often suggestion can cause great harm. We illustrate this, as well as the power of suggestion, with two stories.

The woman turned to a relatively young, but already famous professor. He diagnosed her with a decompensated heart defect. Among those with this defect there are even famous athletes. To encourage the patient, the professor jokingly said: “You don’t have to worry about your heart at all - you won’t die before me, and if we die, we’ll die together.” It so happened that the next day the professor died suddenly. Upon learning of this, the woman fell into a state of extreme excitement. She told the local doctor called to the house: “I know that I have to die.” Within a few hours, her heart rate began to decline sharply, and she soon died.

Here's another case. It took place in Paris and became famous thanks to a high-profile court case. The lyceum warden aroused the hatred of the students with his nagging, and they decided to take revenge on him. Having grabbed the warden, they brought him to a semi-basement room and, wearing masks, held a trial over him. The “prosecutor” spoke up and, on behalf of all the students, accused him of “atrocities,” listing all his “crimes.” The "court" sentenced him to beheading. They brought a block and an ax and announced to the condemned man that he had only three minutes left to prepare for death. After this period, he was brought to his knees and his head was placed on the block. One participant in this cruel fun raised an ax, and the second hit him on the neck with a towel. After this, the students laughed and asked him to get up. However, he remained motionless. With horror, the pranksters discovered that the warden was dead.

The success of the inspirer is facilitated by the confidence he radiates. According to reviews from participants in the battles for the world chess championship, during the years of Robert Fischer’s meteoric rise, he exuded such confidence that his opponents felt it was impossible to defeat him.

The influence of suggestion on a person's expectations has been confirmed by scientific experience. Let us cite, for example, the results of an experiment conducted by E.V. Moseyko (Zamrobovsky) under the guidance of prof. G.M.Andreeva and J. Janoshek.

Observers were introduced one by one into a circle formed by ten seated people (subjects), who received instructions to remember as many of those present as possible. Each observer was given the opportunity to look at each subject for 2-3 seconds, after which the first one retired to the next room and reported on his impressions. The initial phase of the experiment consisted of such exposures by ten observers and their subsequent reports. Then a break was announced, during which for each subject, by interviewing 10 observers, it was determined how many of them remembered it. Then disinformation was produced. If the number of those remembered was below 5, then the subject was informed that 9 observers remembered him; if this level exceeded 5, 1 observer. After a break that lasted 20-30 minutes, the second phase was carried out, exactly duplicating the first. The extent to which such misinformation led to the formation of new expectations among the subjects regarding their “memorability” was clarified by means of a question asked after the experiment. It was found that the expected memorability of the subjects who received “lowering” misinformation during the break decreased significantly, and for the subjects who received “increasing” misinformation in the second phase, it increased significantly; The “memorability” of the subjects in the control group did not undergo significant changes.

Studies like these support the view that suggestibility is indeed an inherent property of us.

Suggestibility increases during stressful conditions. The entire spring period is stressful for our body, so in the spring people are more suggestible. Manipulators of all stripes use this. With the spring sunshine, gypsies pour out into the street with offers to tell fortunes.

Remembering the suggestibility of spring, do not immediately fall for advertising calls like: “It’s time for an update—you too should update something!” or “Nature is blooming - bloom too!” For many traders, the myth of spring as “the time of awakening” is simply beneficial.

Suggestibility is also a source of income for all kinds of magicians, sorcerers, and fortune tellers. They try to hook each client so that he comes to them again and again: “We definitely need to see what we have done with you... We need to discharge your clock, otherwise your aura will begin to collapse.” A person is intimidated, forced to believe that without a magician he is now neither here nor there. And for each visit you have to pay. It can go on forever, like a soap opera.

Demand creates supply. On the beaches, where there is a lot of free time and a desire to flirt, a new type of fortune telling was born.

At foreign resorts, fortune telling using the naked body is popular. “Prophecies” will be happy to help lonely vacationers quickly find out who it is better (and more effective!) to put their eye on, thirsting for love and pleasure. These ladies, as a rule, are quite good psychologists and, not without reason, claim that the shape of the body, not burdened with excess clothing, very eloquently testifies to the character of the object itself.

By the bust, for example, they undertake to judge romantic possibilities and abilities for adventure, and the hips will accurately indicate the degree of sexuality, which even the owner (owner) of them may not be aware of.

Fortune tellers do not recommend flirting between thin partners - the risk of conflict is too great. But harmony most often, according to their observations, arises between athletic men and pretty fat women... It is important to note that fortune tellers do not bear any responsibility for their predictions.

And in conclusion, a healthy look at these magicians.

Two friends are talking:

“Listen,” one asks, “do you believe fortune tellers?”

— I believed until I went to consult with one clairvoyant and knocked on her door. And do you know what she said?

- No.

“She asked: “Who’s there?”

Susceptibility to the influence of attitudes

For each of us, any observed phenomenon is seen as we perceived it.
For example, if a person thought that they were shouting at him (this happens, in particular, during quarrels), then no matter how wrong he was and no matter how those around him convinced that no one was shouting at him, he will remain in his opinion: he “heard it’s with your own ears.”

But our perception is greatly influenced by attitudes: we heard what we expected to hear. To illustrate, we present the following case.

At the same time, two performances were to take place: in one place - a lecture by a famous academician, in the other - a meeting with a famous clown.

But the organizers of the performances got everything mixed up. The academician was brought to circus lovers - where they were waiting for the clown. And the clown - for those who were preparing to hear a scientific lecture.

What happened next? No matter how hard the clown tried to make the audience laugh, no one smiled, and some even took notes. But at the academician’s lecture, the audience roared with laughter, and the poor scientist could not understand what was funny in his research.

The influence of attitude on perception and understanding is reflected in the following humoresque:

— Are you going to the next one?

- No, I already went home.

- You probably have nothing in your head?

- Wash more often, and you will have nothing!

Or more:

“You called my friend a stinkbug.” He challenged you to a duel. What weapon do you choose?

- Dichlorvos.

Attitude affects not only perception, but also all human behavior. Let us reproduce a short excerpt from the short story “Bonaparte’s Double” (A. Sandler. From the Notes of a Repressed Person).

Small, round, with a chiseled Roman nose and huge black eyes, the head of the camp seemed like a double of Bonaparte. The Napoleonic boss was distinguished by his amazing, anecdotal stupidity. He especially enjoyed the “question and answer” evenings. Once one of the prisoners, the former academician Chekan, told the boss about his resemblance to Bonaparte. A week later, during the morning roll call, I noticed that a book was sticking out from behind the side of the chief’s overcoat. Getting closer, I read: “Tarle. Napoleon."

A person’s susceptibility to attitudes can be used both to his advantage and to his detriment. Let's start with the bad.

A famous French joke says: for a woman there are two opinions: 1) her own; 2) incorrect. The author remembered this joke every time he visited one of his relatives. For I always heard the same thing - the wife, turning to the “learned guest” (as he seemed to her): “Tell him,” while pointing to her husband, “that he is always wrong!” Wanting authoritative confirmation of her own attitude, the hostess did not notice the blatant absurdity of her statement. Needless to say, how difficult her psychological pressure was for her husband. Self-righteousness is the source of many conflicts in families, at work, and in the service sector.

The attitude of some managers that their subordinates are lazy and do not want to work really discourages the latter from working.

If you thought the battle was lost,

So, that’s how it is, in general.

If anyone is not confident in himself,

He can't count the number of bruises.

We will be happy to provide examples of the positive impact of installations.

The great teacher A. S. Makarenko, working with difficult human material - street children, thieves and robbers, achieved outstanding success. The core of his educational work was the following guideline: “When communicating with people, set yourself the task of constantly directly or indirectly convincing them of great personal capabilities, their creative abilities, the potential to solve big problems, strive to create a need for action.”

V. Frankl says: “We doctors are faced with a “self-fulfilling prophecy” every day and hourly (during visiting hours). For example, we measured a patient's blood pressure and found that it was 160. If we say "160" to the patient's question about his blood pressure, then this will no longer be true, since the patient's blood pressure in response to this message will instantly rise to 180. If on the contrary, we tell him that the pressure is almost normal, then we will not lie. With a sigh of relief, he admits that he had a fear of paralysis, but, apparently, this fear of paralysis turned out to be completely unfounded. If we now measure his blood pressure again, we will be convinced that it has indeed dropped to normal levels in the meantime.”

This shows how beneficial it is to act in accordance with the Hippocratic principle of “do no harm.” It gives the patient the attitude to overcome the disease. On the contrary, medical charlatans, magicians, and sorcerers are interested in supporting the client’s attitude that it is impossible to solve his problems without the help of a “healer.”

Imperfection of speech

We often find ourselves in difficult situations due to insufficiently precise statements.

The farmer tells his neighbor:

— On my farm there is a miracle of nature - a two-legged ram!

- A! - answers the second farmer. - Is this the same one who takes care of my daughter?

There is an old parable "Why do crocodiles cry?" A crocodile stole a woman's child. In response to the pleas of the unfortunate mother, he promised to let her child go if she “told the truth.” To which the woman objected: “But you won’t give it away!” And then the crocodile began to think. If he gives up the child, it turns out that the phrase he heard is false, and a lie - according to the condition - does not entail the handing over of the child. But if he does not want to give up the baby, then - by virtue of the logic of the agreement and the words of the mother - he, the crocodile, will have to return the baby. Difficult situation. Tears flowed from the alligator's eyes.

They say that since then all crocodiles cry, remembering that long-ago absurdity.

Although inaccuracies in speech are more common among uneducated people, even the most enlightened can ask stupid questions.

Harvard University President Eliot once told Hans Selye (the one who introduced the concept of stress) this story. Entering the crowded restaurant, he gave his hat to the cloakroom attendant. When leaving, Eliot was surprised to see that he had accurately chosen his hat from hundreds of others. Amazed, he asked, “How did you know it was my hat?” - “I didn’t know that she was yours!” - was the answer. “Why did you give it to me then?” - Eliot asked. To which the cloakroom attendant very politely replied: “Because you gave it to me when you came in.”

The jokers couldn't miss the chance to laugh at the imperfection of our speech. Here are some appeals from folk humor on the topic of the polysemy of words used.

A woman invited a man to visit her. She set the table, gave him some cognac and finally said in his ear:

- That's it, now you're mine.

- Yeah, she ran away! Myself!!!

Students are sitting, waiting for their friend, saying:

“I wish I could pass with an A, I wish I could pass with an A!” An hour later, my friend finally comes running, joyful.

- Well, did you pass? How many?

- Passed, 4.80 - one bat turned out to be.

- Lieutenant Petrov!

- I, Comrade Colonel!

— Do you want to become a senior lieutenant?

- Yes sir!

“Then here’s an accompanying note for you, go and get Senior Lieutenant Sidorenko from the sobering-up station!”

A man calls the fire department:

- Guard! My house is on fire! Come quickly!


— How can I get to you?


-Are you completely stunned?! In a big red car!

Love for freebies

There is a simple tradition at the Barnett advertising agency that nevertheless ensures the company's success. All employees are simply given an apple every day. Such a primitive method at first glance, oddly enough, has led to the fact that the company essentially does not know what staff turnover is.

Oral folk art responded to the love of gifts, in particular, with the following story.

Our man is flying on a plane of a foreign company. He flatly refuses the drink offered by the flight attendant (and included in the ticket price). He doesn’t explain the reason, since he doesn’t know a single foreign language.

Human weakness... What is human weakness? The inability to refuse, the suppression of one’s own opinion, lack of will, weakness...? Or maybe these are bad habits? What stops prevent us from “moving” further in life? Let’s talk in more detail about the track record of a person’s weaknesses and their impact on character and destiny.

Man is an imperfect concept itself. Probably, each of us is lying if he says that he has no worries and fears. The strength and weakness of a person are like day and night, husband and wife “live” side by side, from time to time they stand in front. Yes, yes, like in a school physical education lesson. Those who have grown up over the summer take the lead. So it is with strength and weakness. Depending on the external situation, either strength sticks out its self, or weakness.

Of course, accepting and realizing your weaknesses is the first step to overcoming them.

Now think about it: are those same weaknesses preventing you from living? How do they interfere? What would change if you said goodbye to them forever? Yes, yes, like with a random travel companion: we talked and parted forever. Let's take a closer look: what specific weaknesses highlight people and how insidious are they in relation to a person's fate?

Bad habits

One of human weaknesses is bad habits. Moreover, men and women treat them differently. For example, men, although mostly in vain, try to fight them. But women, who by nature are stronger than men in spirit, indulge their weaknesses. Moreover, the excuse is more than strange: self-love.

The problem with man's weakness is that he pushes him. Moreover, this does not cause much harm to loved ones. But does he apply it to himself? What if we think globally and expand the scope of the question a little? What about those who are going to live off your weaknesses? Will they begin to manipulate you and thereby achieve success? And you... will remain that same doll on a string - a puppet for the rest of your life.

Arranges? We think it's unlikely.

So, if the awareness of the danger of your weakness has come, then let’s look at some more typical weaknesses.

Uncontrollable fear

All problems come from childhood. This sentence has become so constant that there is no need to explain it in detail. Fears are our sensations, feelings that predetermine the sad outcome of any actions. For example, death, death.

If you look at this phenomenon from a positive side, then during times of fear the instinct of self-preservation awakens. This is why in a critical situation many people remain alive and well.

However, what if we talk about far-fetched fears that have nothing to do with the instinct of self-preservation? For example, fear of loneliness. Paradoxically, the fear of being alone has become a “true friend” not of 40-year-old women, but of 20-year-old girls. Paradox? Paradox.

Fear of not being understood, fear of public speaking, fear of publicity, fear of having big money. In many ways, these types of fears hide many internal complexes. You need to get rid of them as quickly as possible. In the work of psychologists, there are a number of methods for working over your fears. If you continue to torment yourself with doubts and fears, what will your consciousness soon turn into? While some people boldly roam the open spaces, you will continue to sit in place... Having achieved nothing and no one in life.

Envy and greed

Even without an emotional background, these words are immediately perceived negatively. What if a person torments himself every day with envy and greed for another? Definitely, these concepts are strong human vices.

They need to be eradicated from your internal state. They certainly won’t make your life happy; rather, on the contrary, they will make it even more miserable than it already is. Moreover, being aware of envious feelings towards another, you unconsciously emphasize your own worthlessness and self-doubt. And this makes you vulnerable and easily accessible to manipulation from the outside.


Fast food, quick snacks at work, an abundance of varied food are factors of human weakness. Many people simply forget about the dangers if they see a delicious burger in front of them. Overeating is the scourge of our time.

Perhaps this is genetic, when our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers literally died of hunger. That is why, as children, we were told: “You won’t leave the table until you finish.”

Although there is now a cult of healthy eating, lifestyle and sports, many still do not monitor their diet and the amount of food they eat. It turns out that food controls us? Or maybe the opposite should happen? This is not about giving up food. Not at all. The crux of the issue is overeating. Nutrition should be balanced. If you are ready to be a hostage to food, then continue to overeat.


What is laziness? It seems to be a familiar concept to everyone. But you can’t formulate it right away. Try it yourself: what is laziness for you?

Rather, laziness is the lack of desire to do anything. This concept is closely related to inspiration. It's just a result of your mood, attitude, motivation and purpose.

For many, laziness has not turned into a mood today, but into a permanent habit. Unfortunately, laziness is one of the weaknesses of a strong person. This habit is destructive to us.

Imagine that laziness has “awakened” in you today. She literally "won't let you" get out of bed. You lie around all day and watch stupid TV series. And so on day after day. In six months, who will you look like? A degraded, overweight person with no goal in life and no desire to change anything. The habit of looking for an excuse is also part of your laziness. Don't wait for inspiration to strike you or external circumstances to force you to do something! Get involved in life right now! You just have to try to “say goodbye” to laziness - and you will see how you will feel tomorrow.


Among the weaknesses of people, “indifference” needs to be highlighted separately. This feeling can be characterized by a popular saying: “My house is on the edge, I don’t know anything.” This is both about the position in one’s own life and about the fading interest in everything and everyone.

Detachment, lack of compassion and empathy, the desire to do good and seek justice - all this can sink into oblivion if you do not start fighting with yourself.

Indifference is a conditional attitude that it is impossible to change anything in life, everything is predetermined for us from there, from above. Perhaps this philosophy has its place. But aren't you the one who builds your own destiny? Doesn't she really depend on you?

Flattery and lies

Flattery and lies are completely interchangeable synonymous concepts. Is not it? I immediately remember the Fox and the Hare from the Russian folk tale about the hut. And if you imagine: how many such “foxes” surround us. How many of us are susceptible to flattery? We often succumb to “flattering” provocations, open our ears, listen to “good” things about ourselves, and then agree to do something that is absolutely not our business. Of course, it is possible, even necessary, to help out a friend. But when are such “flattering” requests permanent? Often we find ourselves simply doing another person's job.

What is the difference between flattery and a compliment? Complex issue. It's probably a matter of fact. A compliment is a kind of springboard to emphasizing observation. But pathological invented lies about oneself “beloved” are a common pastime of many people, mainly young men.

Lies and flattery are the weaknesses of people, which are difficult to get rid of, but possible. Real life puts both liars in their place, who after a while are confused in their testimony, and those who like to flatter. You just need to remove the noodles from your ears and throw them away.

First turn on your rational brain, pick up the “noodle-snipper” when you listen to the next compliment-flattery.


Having acquired various kinds of addictions, a person begins to work to satisfy them. Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, masturbation - this is not the entire list of typical human addictions.

A person shows his weakness and loses self-respect and self-confidence even more when he quits again and returns to the starting point.

Betraying yourself is an unpleasant inner feeling after “just one cigarette,” “just one glass,” and “just one drink.”

I = crowd

Dissolving in the crowd and living like everyone else is an illusion of a normal life. In the real state of affairs, the picture is different: a man sails through life in an unknown huge ship, at the helm of which is an unknown captain. However, the passenger (that is, you) cannot dictate the destination.

Dependence on parents, lack of one’s own opinion, self-doubt, lack of self-control and self-discipline, eternal doubts between “good” and “bad”, freedom or excessive soldierly strictness of education, psychological complexes, misconceptions about the roles of men and women, poor adaptation in society and the contradictory spirit is the weaknesses of people that lead to the “me=crowd” mentality.

Soon this type of thinking becomes a habit.


This is one of the qualities that has a destructive effect on a person’s character and will. This mainly happens with drug addicts, alcoholics and women (although it is strange to put the latter on the same line as the former). They are the ones who present a bunch of claims to the world, while demanding a lot. This is a manifestation of a person's weakness of character. For women, this is a cocktail of inertia; when she “drinks” it, she feels sorry for herself.

Self-indulgence is a kind of permissiveness. Where will it lead? Definitely not the successful and happy life that everyone strives for.

Dislike of effort

Failure to accept the necessary effort that needs to be made forces a person to look for the easy way out. However, he forgets that there are no easy paths in life. The value of what is purchased is directly proportional to the difficulty of obtaining it. Re-read the previous sentence again and think about it.

A weak-willed person does not need willpower, tempered spirit and constant vigilance. He lives in a way that is convenient for him, society and the authorities. That is, just like an amoeba that lives at the bottom of a freshwater reservoir with polluted water.

A person practically cannot live without weaknesses. Each of us has them. However, everything needs a golden mean.

If we take life realistically, weakness of character is a common disease that affects many young people. Yes, they are the ones on the risk list, because they are just beginning to find their “I.” And some of the adult generation have long given up on themselves, and, accordingly, on their lives and their children. Weakness of character and manifestation of weaknesses have long become a habit. Fear of new difficulties, excessive care of “mother’s skirt”, dependence, easy money, lack of physical strength and internal energy - these are signs of weakness that need to be fought.

You don’t want to be that simplest “degraded” amoeba with no purpose in life, living at the bottom of a polluted reservoir, do you?