What happened to Roxana Babayan. Biography of Roxana Babayan

The peak of Roxana Babayan's fame came in the late 70s and early 90s of the last century. At the same time, both the personal life and biography of the artist changed very dramatically and completely unexpectedly for both the woman herself and her fans. The playful words of the song “Witchcraft Spells” sounded from all tape recorders and players, and on the sidelines they whispered about the wedding of the famous humorist Mikhail Derzhavin and a young, promising singer from Tashkent.


The future pop and film artist was born in the capital of Uzbekistan in 1946. The girl's mother was a famous pianist and composer, chamber opera singer what played important role in the personal life and biography of Roxana Babayan - since childhood, the future actress lived in the world of notes and beautiful songs. If at some point the girl was left at home alone, she immediately organized solo performances.

The large windows of the first floor of the parents' apartment overlooked the local park and everyone enjoyed listening to the performances of the young artist, who enthusiastically performed the roulades of her mother's arias without the slightest embarrassment in front of strangers.

At the age of 14, Roxana’s endless lessons in scales and solfeggio became incredibly boring, and she asked her mother to give her an accurate “diagnosis” - whether the girl would become a singer or whether she should choose another profession. And the parent brought the restless teenager to an audition at the local conservatory.

That’s what they decided, Roxana continued to hum something at home and even composed an opera about Cinderella, however, she did not have any special illusions about her creative future.

In addition, the daughter’s artistic future was unpromising for her father, an engineer, and the girl’s dreams were shattered by her father’s firm confidence in more practical education. Therefore, after finishing high school Roxana, at the insistence of her parent, entered the Tashkent Institute of Transport Engineers (TIIT).

Fortunately, dad taught mechanical disciplines here, and there were no problems with exams. In addition, the obedient daughter was always an excellent student - this was due to her oriental upbringing, in which the word of the head of the family was always law.

As the singer herself said on the program “My Hero”, everything was decided by chance - at the very first lectures at the polytechnic university, the girl met classmates who turned out to be real musicians. A little later, the guys organized their own group, then performing amateur performances throughout Uzbekistan.

The path to the big stage

On last year the amateur artist was heard by the director of the first in the Soviet Union jazz orchestra E. Rosner. Through the efforts of mom famous conductor listened to own song Roxana, masterfully sung by her, and immediately said that he was taking the girl into his team.

At that time, participation in the ensemble of the famous master was impossible - the young performer wrote thesis and the girl didn’t want to throw away 5 years of studying at a university, albeit an unloved one. Rosner agreed to wait and took Babayan, after passing the last exam at a technical university, with him on tour to Lviv.

Youthful excitement and ambition helped the girl join the tight tour schedule famous orchestra with virtually no rehearsals.

Still from the film “New Odeon”

It should be noted that all these manipulations took place without the participation of strictly the pope. Therefore, when, on vacation in Kislovodsk, a parent saw his daughter’s name on the poster of a local theater, he raised terrible scandal and insisted that his daughter work at the Tashkent architectural bureau, where she received a referral from the institute.

At that time, “working out” government money spent on studying at a specialized university was mandatory - for violating the order, the diploma could be revoked, and Babayan had to, willy-nilly, return to the drawing board. And Rosner fell out of favor with the authorities, the team was disbanded, and the maestro himself, fearing a new exile to Kolyma, left for permanent residence in the States.

Still from the film “Impotent”

Roxana got a second chance to do what she loved after auditioning with the head of the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia, People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Orbelyan. The bright appearance of the young student and masterful command of her voice did not leave the recognized musician indifferent - Roxana received the position of leading soloist in the new band. At the same time, the new leader had to beat a lot of thresholds before the young Armenian was released from former place work.

The singer worked as part of the orchestra for several years, after which she moved to the Blue Guitars ensemble in 1973. With this team, Babayan traveled halfway around the world, occupying top places at all kinds of festivals in socialist countries and “capitalist” states. Transition from jazz style to popular music became necessary due to the growing audience demand for pop music. Babayan has always been famous for her prudence and ability to make the right decision on time.

Personal life

The permanent place of registration of the new team was Moscow. In order to have full right to live there - to participate in outdoor concerts, to obtain a residence permit, to stand in line for departmental housing - Babayan had to fictitiously marry one of the musicians of the orchestra under the direction of K. Orbelyan. Besides, the artist always loved this big one, beautiful city– my mother’s brother lived in the capital of the USSR and the girl visited relatives every year during the summer holidays.

The second husband of the pop singer Roxana Babayan was Mikhail Mikhailovich Derzhavin. Meeting him on the plane flying to Dzhezkazgan became significant for the artist, radically turning her personal life and biography upside down.

The artist herself calls this incident the hand of Fate - working on the radio, she future spouse for many years he announced songs by the artist, without having any idea about her. Therefore, when the beautiful Armenian woman was introduced to him by his colleagues on this tour, Mikhail Derzhavin could not contain his surprise and admiration. The entire return flight was intelligent, and the famous comedian tried to attract the attention of the young singer with endless tales from hunting life. He succeeded - many years later, Roxana Babayan recalls this moment with admiration, saying that she had never laughed so much.

Parting with previous partners was painless - throughout recent years both Derzhavin’s companion and Babayan’s husband had other partners, all that remained was to officially break off the relationship and register a new marriage. What the couple never regretted was that they lived together for 37 years, neither more nor less.

Shortly before Derzhavin’s death on January 10, 2018 from cardiac arrest, the couple decided to get married.

They did not have children, which Roxana Babayan compensates for with numerous relatives, communication with her husband’s daughter and his grandchildren. In addition, she is a well-known animal defender, currently heading Russian organization to protect the rights of our little brothers. Therefore, despite the severity of the loss, she does not consider herself lonely.

Roxana Babayan – pop singer, actress, TV presenter, People's Artist Russia. Fame came to Roxana in the 70s, and a second wave of popularity surged in the 90s, when the singer became a constant participant in the shows “Song of the Year” and “Blue Light”.

Roxana was born in Tashkent into an intelligent family. Father Ruben Mikhailovich worked as a civil engineer, and mother Seda Grigorievna was known as a famous pianist and composer in the Uzbek capital. Mom taught Roxana the basics of music early, showed her how to play the piano, and instilled a love for vocal art. The girl is still with junior school I dreamed of becoming a singer, but my father was categorically against this path.

At the insistence of the head of the family, after school Roxana enters the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers, where she begins to study at the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering.

But the parent could force him to act, but he could prohibit him from participating in amateur performances- No. Since her first year, the gifted girl has taken prizes at city and national festivals.

Creativity predetermined Roxana's biography. At one of the song competitions, the girl was noticed by the head of the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia, People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Orbelyan. The musician invited Babayan to Yerevan and included her among the leading soloists of the group. But Roxana did not drop out of university and was able to combine singing career with studies, receiving a diploma in civil engineering.

This education was not the only one. In 1983, Roxana Babayan graduated from GITIS in administrative and economic direction, and in the late 90s she also graduated from Moscow Pedagogical University, where I took a course in psychology under an accelerated program. The singer also defended her dissertation in this science.


Roxana Babayan's professional career began in Armenia, in the orchestra of Konstantin Orbelyan. There the singer performed jazz compositions, but in the next ensemble, VIA Blue Guitars, the performance style approached rock. With this group Babayan toured the country, performed at international festivals.

Highest point Roxanne's career as part of " Blue guitars"was the vocal competition "Dresden 1976", at which the singer performed the non-standard composition "Rain" and became a laureate. Moreover, part of Babayan’s song had to be translated into German, which the girl coped with and received the support of the jury, although German performers usually win at this festival.

After this unexpected success, Roxana Babayan leaves the ensemble and begins solo career. The repertoire is changing again, this time towards pop music and pop hits. In the show “Song-77” the singer performed the song “And again I’ll be surprised by the sun” and attracted the country’s attention with her strong voice timbre, appearance and artistry. At the end of 1977 and 1978, Babayan was among the top six popular singers THE USSR.

In 1979, the artist traveled to Czechoslovakia to participate in the Bratislava Lyre competition, and three years later she twice visited gala festivals on the island of Cuba, where she became the winner of the Grand Prix.

In the next decade, Roxana collaborates with the Melodiya company and releases many singles, as well as three full-length albums - “When you are with me”, “Roxana” and “Another Woman”. Most famous songs of that period become “Two Women”, “Yerevan”, “Old Conversation”. In the early 90s, the singer took a break from touring, but at that moment video clips began to appear - “Ocean of Glass Tears”, “Because of Love”, as well as the first domestic animated video clip “The East is a Delicate Matter”.

But the singer’s new appearance in the show “Song of the Year” becomes triumphant. New songs “Sorry”, “I’ll Say After Goodbye”, “You Can’t Love Someone Else’s Husband”, “Fellow Traveler” are included in the rotation. In 1996, the artist’s discography was replenished with a new album, “Witchcraft Spells,” with Vladimir Matetsky becoming the composer of most of the songs. The collection consisted of 14 tracks, among which the most popular songs were “Tomorrow Always Comes,” “I Didn’t Say the Main Thing,” and “Ocean of Glass Tears.”

After a long break in 2013, Roxana Babayan recorded the hit “Course to Oblivion” together with the lead singer of the punk rock group “NAIV” Alexander Ivanov. This tandem did not come as a surprise to the performers themselves. The artists are family friends and have long been thinking about a creative experiment. The video created after the track told about the difficult relationship between an accomplished businesswoman and a freelance artist.

Following the first hit, a second hit appeared - “Rolling Thunder”, and then a third - “Nothing lasts forever under the moon”. After joint project Roxana Rubenovna released a full-length album “Formula of Happiness”, which also included the songs “Vitenka”, “It’s too late to save”, “Nothing lasts forever under the sun” and covers of hits from past years.


In the 90s, having paused a little musical activity, Roxana Babayan begins acting in films. The artist perceived this new experience more as entertainment, so she only participated in the films of her friend, director Anatoly Eyramdzhan, and exclusively in comedies. But some paintings are quite famous, for example, “Womanizer”, “My Sailor Girl”, “Impotent”. On film set Roxana starred with, and others Russian artists.

Babayan also managed to make her debut in 2007 on theater stage, playing in the comedy “Khanuma” main role. For the actress, this performance became a symbol of absolute harmony, since despite all the apparent confusion and gaiety, Roxana believes that main idea performances - in a person’s kind attitude towards other people. Three years later, the artist repeated her success again, appearing in the next production of director Robert Manukyan, “The 1002nd Night,” where she portrayed main character.

In addition to participating in film and television projects, Roxana Babayan often becomes a guest of the television programs “My Hero”, “In Our Time”, and the performer also appeared on the radio program “Beau Monde” on “Echo of Moscow”.

In the role of a TV presenter, fans saw the singer in the 90s in the “Breakfast with Roxana” section, which was broadcast on the “Morning” program on ORT, then the “Difficult Happiness” section appeared on NTV on the air of “Segodnyachko”. Later, the singer participated in the releases of “Roxana: Men’s Magazine” also as a TV presenter.

In the 2000s, Roxana Rubenovna got the opportunity to participate in the photo artist’s event “ Private collection" Photos of the singer in the image of the heroine of the painting by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec appeared on the pages of the magazine “Caravan of Stories”. In 2013, Roxana repeated the experiment and appeared in the project “Man and Woman,” where she appeared as the main character in Alexander Grigoryan’s painting “Before the Easel.”

Personal life

The artist’s personal life is inextricably linked with creativity. The first time Roxana Babayan married a musician from the orchestra, Konstantin Orbelyan. But the marriage did not turn out to be too long, and the couple separated, although they remained in good relations.

Babayan does not have her own children, so the artist realizes her maternal feelings by helping orphans and abandoned brothers. Roxana Rubenovna is a member of the board of trustees of the “Right to a Miracle” fund for helping premature babies, and also holds the post of president of the Russian League for the Protection of Homeless Animals.

Roxana Babayan now

Roxana Babayan continues to be creative. Are held regularly solo concerts singers. In 2017, the artist appeared in the national team concert program channel "A minor". Roxana Rubenovna can still be seen on television: Babayan participates in programs dedicated to the memory of departed stars -,. Together with Mikhail Derzhavin, Roxana Babayan appeared in morning broadcast Saturday edition of “Hello, Andrey!” The singer also starred in episodes of the talk shows “Tonight” and “Let Them Talk.”

Now the premiere of the video for new song Roxana Babayan “What a Woman Wants.” The artist participates in animal rights campaigns, drawing attention to the problem of abandoned animals. Roxana Rubenovna regularly gives interviews on this topic.


  • 1978 – “Roxana Babayan Sings”
  • 1984 – “When you are with me”
  • 1988 – “Roxanne”
  • 1990 – “The Other Woman”
  • 1996 – “Witchcraft Spells”
  • 2013 – “Formula of Happiness”

Mikhail Derzhavin was born into an acting family, his father was an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, his name was also Mikhail. Please note that father and son are very similar in appearance, and especially in their youth.

In this photo, Mikhail Derzhavin’s father is Honored Actor of the RSFSR Mikhail Stepanovich Derzhavin.

How did I become acquainted with the work of Mikhail Derzhavin? I think I always knew this existed talented actor, my parents constantly watched humoresques performed by Mikhail Derzhavin and his closest friend and comrade, Alexander Shirvindt. Nowadays, “Comedy Club” is the main entertainment for sad people, but in the old days, after a hard day at work, the audience was amused by theatrical skits and “Laughter Panarama”, I won’t tell you exactly what kind of programs they were and what exactly their names were , but the pop-comedy duet Derzhavin-Shchirvindt occupied far from the last place in them, and was very popular just like now the duet of the inseparable Garik Bulldog Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov.

Well, a closer acquaintance with the work of Mikhail Derzhavin occurred during my trip to the cinema with my mother, I was 10 years old, we came to visit my aunt for a couple of days, decided to entertain ourselves by going to the cinema, the comedy “Womanizer” was on, Now I don’t remember with accuracy all the twists and turns of the plot, but I was impressed by this film. My mother did not expect the comedy to be so frank, but after fidgeting a little in her chair, she quickly came to terms with this fact. Sitting in the cinema that evening, we laughed heartily together. The next film in which I liked Mikhail Derzhavin was called “My Sailor”; we already watched this comedy at home together with the whole family. Mikhail Derzhavin's partner in the film was the inimitable Lyudmila Gurchenko, whose performance always simply fascinates me. The plot of “The Sailor” is a little stupid and drawn out, but our whole family watched the film with great pleasure. In both of these films, Mikhail Derzhavin starred with his wife Roxana Babayan, so once and for all I began to associate him with this sultry and incredibly funny woman. It seemed to me that Roxana and Mikhail were so different! How did fate bring them together, I wondered, but it was clear that these two were happy, they appeared together on various programs, starred in films together, and gave interviews. Roxana Babayan was incredibly popular in those days. A luxurious voice, exotic appearance, and also the wife of Mikhail Derzhavin himself, and, accordingly, a close friend of Alexander Shirvindt.

But as I found out later, this was already the third marriage for Mikhail Derzhavin, and the second for Roxana Babayan. When they met, both were not free, but Mikhail was already divorcing his wife at that time, and it was not he who lost interest in her, but she left him for another! Roxana Babayan with her husband, talented saxophonist, things were also heading towards a break. Officially, Roxana and Mikhail were not free, but formally they were ready for a new relationship, so they quickly filed their divorces and just as quickly re-stamped their passports, becoming legal husband and wife. When they got married, he was 44 and she was 34. Despite the fact that both were young, they had no children in this marriage. They lived together for 37 years!

But Mikhail Derzhavin has a child from his second marriage - daughter Maria and two grandchildren - Peter and Pavel (in this photo he is with his grandchildren). But Roxana Babayan, unfortunately, does not have any children of her own.

Well, Mikhail Derzhavin was married three times, and each of his love stories was bright and worthy of writing a novel. The first wife of Mikhail Derzhavin was Ekaterina Raikina, the daughter of the famous satirist Arkady Raikin. Mikhail and Ekaterina were married for only two years, after graduating from the Shchukin school they were sent to serve in different theaters, the spouses rarely saw each other and this contributed to the fading of their feelings. Mikhail Derzhavin and Ekaterina Raikina had no children in this marriage. Catherine was a very beautiful, prominent girl, her second husband was famous actor Yuri Yakovlev, from whom she gave birth to a son, Alexei, this happened a year after the break with Derzhavin.

Among the huge Raikin family you can also see young Mikhail Derzhavin.

In this photo, Ekaterina Raikina is at a more mature age.

The second wife of Mikhail Derzhavin was Nina Budyonnaya - the daughter of that famous Marshal Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny - three times Hero Soviet Union! Nina and Mikhail lived in marriage for 17 years, but then she left for someone else, a certain talented artist, Nina Budyonnaya herself was also an artist by profession, and the world of fine art was probably closer to her than the world of theater and cinema. Mikhail Derzhavin was always on the best terms with all his ex-wives.

In this photo, the second wife of Mikhail Derzhavin is the artist Nina Budyonnaya.

In this photo, Mikhail Derzhavin is with his father-in-law Semyon Budyonny and mother-in-law.

Photo of young Mikhail Derzhavin.

In this photo, Mikhail Derzhavin is with his only daughter Maria.

With Roxana Babayan, daughter Maria and grandson.

And finally, there are many photos of Roxana Babayan in her youth and adulthood.

Children's photos of Roxana Babayan.

And also photographs of Ekaterina Raikina, the first wife of Mikhail Derzhavin.

The widely famous singer and actress Roxana Babayan was born on May 30, 1946 in the capital of Uzbekistan - the city of Tashkent. The peak of its popularity came first in the 70s and then in the 90s. During this period she was a regular guest at “Song of the Year” and “ Blue light».

Roxana Babayan: biography, family, children

The singer was born into a very intelligent family. Parents did everything to ensure that their child grew up educated and cultured. My father was a civil engineer by profession, and my mother in Uzbekistan was quite famous composer and a pianist. It is to her mother that Roxana owes her love for music and creativity. Woman with early years I taught my daughter to play the piano and the basics of vocal skills. From a young age school years Babayan dreamed of being a singer, but her father was categorically against this and did not even allow the thought of the girl linking her fate with the stage.

The father insisted that after receiving secondary education, her daughter should enter the Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. However, no one could prohibit Roxana from taking part in amateur performances. Already in her first year, she became a winner at many city competitions and festivals. At one of them, Konstantin Orbelyan noticed a talented girl and offered to become a soloist of the Armenian pop orchestra. The girl had a very difficult time because she had to combine studies with performances. However, she did not give up and received a degree in civil engineering.

In the photo: Roxana Babayan in her youth

Roxana did not want to stop there and decided to continue her education. First, she graduated from GITIS, and ten years later from Moscow Pedagogical University, where she mastered the profession of a psychologist. Babayan defended her dissertation in this area.

Roxana's popularity began to increase sharply from the moment she began collaborating with VIA Blue Guitars. Together with the group, she not only toured throughout the country, but also took part in international festivals. Since 1976, the singer decided to start a solo career and changed her performance style, as well as her repertoire.

After the stunning success in Roxana's career, a period of calm began. At certain times, she did not appear on television screens and almost did not give concerts. But in 2013, the performer again pleased fans with a new track, recorded together with the lead singer of the group “NAIV” Alexander Ivanov.

Roxana Babayan: husband, personal life

Roxana Babayan’s personal life is connected with her creativity and work on stage. For the first time, she began a serious romance with a musician from the Armenian pop orchestra. The couple dated for some time, and then it was decided to legalize the relationship. The singer’s first husband remained on good terms with her even after the divorce. Their marriage was short-lived, but friendly relations managed to save.

During a tour in Dzhezkazgan, Roxana met actor and TV presenter Mikhail Derzhavin. This happened in 1980. The romance had a rapid and rapid development and a few months later the lovers decided to legitimize their relationship. Roxana Babayan’s second husband had already been officially married twice before, but this union turned out to be the last. In January 2018, Mikhail passed away. He was 81 years old. Numerous chronic diseases took over and the body could no longer resist them. The artist suffered from coronary disease heart disease and hypertension, as well as vascular disease. He was sent to a military hospital in Odintsovo, where he was supposed to undergo treatment. However, this did not bring the desired result and the man died right in the hospital. Roxana Rubenovna was left completely alone. Only work helps her cope with grief. Condolences were expressed to the family and friends not only by colleagues and acquaintances, but also by top officials of the state.

In the photo: Roxana Babayan and Mikhail Derzhavin

Fans are concerned about the question of how many children the singer has. Not everyone knows that she never managed to experience the joy of motherhood and give birth to a baby on her own. Unspent mother's love she gives to orphans, providing assistance to orphanages. Roxana is also involved in protecting homeless animals. She is the president of the League for the Protection of Homeless Animals and a member of the board of trustees of the Foundation for Premature Babies.

In the photo: Roxana Babayan with her second husband

Despite her age, Roxana continues to lead active image life and takes an active life position. The woman is still creative, performs, and takes part in concerts. She can be seen in television programs and talk shows. She does not lose her optimism in life and continues to delight fans with new songs. I would like to believe that this wonderful person it will still be long years give us joy and goodness.

Name: Roxana Babayan

Date of Birth: 30.05.1946

Age: 72 years old

Place of Birth: Tashkent city, Uzbekistan

Height: 1.69 m

Activity: pop singer and actress, People's Artist of Russia

Family status: widow

Roxana Babayan is an amazing woman, whose fascinating biography and rich personal life and husband, as well as questions about whether the actress and singer has children, regularly interest fans of her work. The Russian People's Artist of Russia, who was awarded this title in 1999, excites the minds of fans to this day. After all, Babayan is known not only in show business, but also as an active participant in the protection of animal rights. Her oratorical skills and love for nature became the reason that the actress and singer headed the Russian League for the Protection of Animals and gained popularity among the public audience.

First failure

Roxana Rubenovna was born on the eve of summer, on May 30, 1946 in Tashkent. Her father was a representative of the intelligentsia and worked for high position, acting as a civil engineer. Mom Seda Grigorievna had an extraordinary talent, which was highly valued in the capital of Uzbekistan. She performed incredibly beautiful music on the piano and wrote melodies herself, earning money as a composer.

Childhood photos of Roxana Babayan

Roxana Babayan admits that it was thanks to her mother’s love for music that she became who she is today. The woman instilled in her daughter a passion for music and art with early childhood, teaching a girl to play such a complex instrument as the piano. But Roxana had another love. At a certain point, the daughter told her mother that she no longer wanted to study at musical instrument, because the girl perceived playing the piano as “meaningless pressing of keys.”

The future People's Artist at the age of 15 asked her parents to take her to an audition at a music conservatory, talking about her dream of becoming a singer. Roxana sang from early childhood and believed that she had a good and fairly developed voice. But the conservatory professor rejected Babayan, saying that she had no vocal abilities.

Roxana Babayan in her youth

That is why Roxana’s father persuaded the girl to enter the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers with a degree in Industrial and Urban Construction. He was convinced that one of the best teachers music conservatory can’t be wrong, which means it’s time for her daughter to give up her dreams of becoming an artist.

But in parallel with her studies at the institute, the gifted Roxana continues to be creative. Even in her first year at university, the girl surrounded herself with musicians, with whom she began to engage in amateur performances. The guys regularly organized concerts, performing on the stage of the institute and during breaks from public works.

Dream come true

When a famous man came to town musical orchestra Armenia, Roxana Babayan, who believed that the conservatory professor was mistaken, turned to her mother with an unusual request. Taking advantage of the fact that Seda Grigorievna was a famous composer and had many acquaintances in musical environment, Roxana asked to show it to musician Konstantin Orbelyan.

The young singer prepared for the master’s arrival. She wrote her own song, with music and lyrics, and was actively preparing for the upcoming audition. The girl, studying exact sciences at the insistence of her father, wanted to prove to others that her talent had the right to life.

Singer at the beginning of her career

Konstantin Orbelyan, enchanted by the voice of an extraordinary girl from Tashkent, said only one phrase to Seda Grigorievna: “I’ll take her!” And after Roxana defended her diploma, the musician took the girl to the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia, where, under the guidance of teachers, the singer’s talent was revealed, future star"Blue Light"

Having agreed with her mother, Roxana Babayan left for her first tour. For a long time, the father believed that his daughter had gone on vacation.

Arriving in Armenia, Roxana immediately went to her first performance, and there was only one rehearsal, right before going on stage. During preparation, the artist was shown how she should move around the stage and was given time to learn the lyrics to the song. Despite the lack of preliminary practice, the aspiring pop singer coped with the task perfectly, fully justifying Orbelyan’s hopes.

Career development

A few months later, Babayan was preparing for a performance in Kislovodsk and posters with her name were posted on all the pillars of the city. At this time, Roxana’s father came on vacation and was stunned to learn “what kind of vacation” his daughter had gone on. Despite not being surprised, the father did not scold the girl for her self-will and violation of prohibitions. And Konstantin Orbelyan said that he was ready to marry Roxana in order to become her protector and help her continue to tour the country.

It was at that moment, according to Roxana Babayan, whose biography and personal life, her own children and husband are actively interested in her fans, that the singer’s father melted and came to the conclusion that all his protests against his choice of career were meaningless and gave in to his daughter. That is why the artist, who received the permission and support of the pope, set off to conquer Moscow in the early 70s and already performed on the stage of the Mosconcert, while simultaneously studying at GITIS, which she graduated as an external student in 1978. To do this, she had to quit her previous job, interrupting her career as an engineer.

Famous singer on stage

Studying with the best teachers, Roxana Babayan developed her voice at the jazz school, already in those years forming her own unique and inimitable performance style. And since 1973, the singer shone on stage in composition of VIA“Blue Guitars”, where she performed music different from the one she was used to big stage. It was thanks to the help of musicians from the group that Babayan began performing at competitions and winning prizes. The guys from Blue Guitars wrote songs for Roxana.

The talent of the pop vocalist, who began to regularly change her performance repertoire, adapting to the wishes of the public, was noticed. Thanks to this, Babayan became the star of “Blue Light”. And since 1990, she tried herself as an actress and began to build a career in this field.

On the set of the film “My Sailor Girl”

From 1992 to 1995, Roxana Babayan decided to take a short break in her career, and upon returning to the world of show business, she practically stopped singing and devoted herself to theater, cinema and television.

Personal life

Konstantin Orbelyan became the first husband of the aspiring artist. It was with him that she went to Moscow to conquer the wide audience of the USSR. But marriage with a famous composer, pianist and People's Artist Orbelyan's relationship lasted less than three years, ending in divorce. At a certain point, the couple realized that they could not live under the same roof, because nothing connected them except music.

With her husband Mikhail Derzhavin

With her second husband Mikhail Derzhavin Eastern woman I met a gorgeous jazz voice at Domodedovo airport, getting on a plane going to Dzhezkazgan for a concert for miners. The mutual magnetism between the artists led to the fact that Derzhavin decided to leave his family and divorced his second wife Nina Budenna.