Artistic techniques. Fashionable patterns on scarves Draw a Russian folk scarf with floral patterns

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Mom's scarf MBOU gymnasium No. 10 Peshkova I.V. (3rd grade)

The scarf is the most popular and diverse women's accessory. After all, this is not only a decoration that can add zest to the most boring and everyday look, not only protection from the cold or wind.

IN Russian Empire antique shawls and stoles were first brought from Western Europe and from the East, but their production was very quickly established in Russia. The history of the scarf in Rus' loses its roots in the 12th century: then women wore the so-called head towel - ubrus. It was sewn from both linen and silk, decorated depending on wealth - with stones, gold and silver thread, freshwater pearls, embroidery; They wore such a scarf over their headdress. IN Everyday life Peasant women wore simple scarves - a symbol of marriage. In the 17th century, “mass” manufacturing production of scarves and shawls began, mainly in the Volga region. And until now, a scarf with traditional Russian patterns is relevant in our wardrobe.

Kashmiri shawls were a marvel of craft. They were woven from the finest yarn, for which only the fluff of Tibetan goats was suitable, and, at worst, the fluff of saigas. From 13 grams of such yarn, a thread four and a half kilometers long was drawn. The shawls turned out to be weightless and soft to the touch. Each shawl, which had dozens of shades and combinations, took two craftswomen to weave from one and a half to two years, and it cost a fortune - up to 12 thousand rubles.

In the second half of the 19th century, “Turkish” square shawls became very popular among peasants and merchants; they were quite affordable, as they were produced on jacquard looms. Various manufactories made different drawings, and it was from the design that one could determine the place of origin of the shawl: bright yellow, green and blue flowers, and the scarves of the Moscow Trekhgorka merchants Prokhorov were famous for their patterns with dark blue and red roses, tulips and carnations. At the end of the 1850s, such shawls began to be produced in the small town of Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow.

Moreover, as practice has shown, most often I end up with unsuccessful options.

And now there is a huge stretcher standing in the corner, leaning against the wall - this is the future scarf. The silk, however, is artificial, just a piece remained 90 x 90. The future accessory is waiting in the wings. And for now I pattern for a scarf looking for. You don’t have to look too hard, I’ve long ago taken specially drawn patterns for scarves from Linda Klyavina - she “distributes” them to anyone who wants them, although she asks them to mention the creator. Here I mention

Thanks to this wonderful designer for such beautiful drawings scarves:

The following pattern could be included in a post, but I thought adding a border all the way around would make it a great scarf!

I warn you right away: when you click, the picture opens in a VERY large size - you may not even see it at first. Feel free to copy it to your folder, and then reduce it to see the details.

Such big size The pattern is very convenient for the actual scarf template. If, of course, there is somewhere to print it (for example, in a small printing house). I had a story with my recent scarf: I enlarged the pattern on my own, then cut out a 1/4 part in the program to highlight the pattern, enlarged it, and only then began to transfer it - manually! in cells - on paper.

Here's the process itself:

I apologize for the piece of cake that is out of place. This is what I do, I need some nourishment.

The template was like this:

And this is its 1/4 enlarged part:

And the “story” is such that I can’t comprehend all the intricacies of this intricate pattern

Here are a few more original drawings for the scarves I got from tattoo templates. These are Celtic designs - I really like them!

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art The lesson is based on the author’s program “Fine Arts” by Nemensky Municipal Budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 3 (MBOU Secondary School No. 3) Lesson topic: “Mom’s scarf” Teacher: A.M. Burlakova Class: 3 – in 2015, Surgut

Kulikov Ivan Semenovich. " Wildflowers "

They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their minds

There lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son. Daughter,” the mother said, “we’ll go to work, take care of your brother!” Don't leave the yard, be smart - we'll buy you... a handkerchief

The song “Blue Handkerchief” during the Great Patriotic War

The Pavlovo Posad factory for the production of scarves with original printed designs was first mentioned in 1795. The production was founded by a wealthy peasant - Ivan Labzin.

In the 19th century The application of patterns on scarves at the Pavlovo-Posad manufactory was carried out only by hand. Wooden forms for printing patterns on scarves were called “flowers” ​​and “manners”. With the help of a “flower”, paints were applied to wool or silk fabric; each color required a separate board - a “flower”. Wooden forms for printing patterns on Pavloposad shawls were called “flowers” ​​and “manners”; only hard wood (oak, pear, walnut) was used for their production, and for greater strength they were glued together from three layers of wood. With the help of a “flower”, paints were applied to wool or silk fabric; each color required a separate board - a “flower”.

Automatic machines have made it possible to relieve the workload of master carpenters, but don’t worry, it’s still excellent quality!

“Sunny Summer” “Southern Night” Often in the “bouquet” of the Pavlovo Posad scarf, artists use a flower - a lily. The most popular flower in Pavlovo Posad patterns is the rose. "Evening Garden"

Multicolored scarves made Pavlovsky Posad famous throughout the world. Luxurious rose became a symbol of the Pavlov Posad shawl. Regular drawing Pavlovo Posad shawl - from large at the edges to small in the center. In the corners there are large, catchy flowers, towards the center the pattern decreases, and the middle is filled with disappearing small elements

Three magical brothers

Build Master

We determine the center using diagonal lines. Place the pattern in the center.

Image Wizard

Master Decoration Warm and cool colors.

Rhythm is the alternation of elements

Work plan: Choose the location of the pattern. Select an image on the scarf. Turn the image into a pattern; to do this, choose the color and rhythm of the pattern.

Today we paid a lot of attention to clothes, “we met by clothes,” but I still advise you to see off wisely, it has been tested for centuries!!!

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Summary of a fine arts lesson in 3rd grade

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna primary teacher MBOU classes Secondary school No. 9, Ulyanovsk.
Description of work: I bring to your attention a summary of a fine arts lesson in 3rd grade according to the “Planet of Knowledge” program, author of the textbook N. M. Sokolnikova. This topic included in the "World" section folk art" The material may be useful to fine arts teachers, teachers primary classes who themselves teach fine arts, as well as teachers in artistic directions extracurricular activities.

Lesson topic: “Pavlovo Posad shawls”

Target: Acquaintance with the creativity of Pavlovo Posad masters.
- continue acquaintance with traditional folk arts and crafts;
- teach the ability to draw Pavlovo Posad flowers;
- cultivate a love for traditional folk arts and crafts.

As a result of the lesson, students should master the following skills:
Students will develop:
- understanding of involvement in the culture of one’s people,
- respect for craftsmen who preserve folk traditions;
Students will have the opportunity to form:
- ideas about the role of art in human life;
- perception of fine art as part of national culture;
the foundations of an emotionally valuable, aesthetic attitude to the world, phenomena of life and art, an understanding of beauty as a value.
Students will learn:
- recognize (identify), group works of traditional folk arts and crafts;
- draw patterns for placing ornaments on Pavlovo Posad shawls;
- repeat samples of Pavlovo Posad flowers.
- solve a creative problem: draw a scarf with Pavlovo Posad patterns (gouache).
- draw the corner of a scarf with Pavlovo Posad patterns (a simple pencil).

- select colors and color scheme(color) in accordance with the mood conveyed in the work.
Students will learn:
- follow when performing artistically – creative work teacher instructions and algorithms describing standard actions;
- explain what methods and techniques were used in the work, how the work was structured;
- think over an action plan when working in pairs;
- distinguish and correlate the idea and result of the work;
- engage in independent creative activities.
Students will have the opportunity to learn:
- independently perform artistic and creative work;
- plan your actions when creating artistic and creative work.
Students will learn:
- group and compare works of folk crafts according to their characteristic features;
- analyze what parts an object consists of.
- study what scarves and shawls women wear in the region.
- search for information about the history of the production of Pavlovo Posad scarves and famous masters.
Students will have the opportunity to learn:
- simulate design objects.
Students will learn:
- express your own emotional attitude to what is being depicted during class discussions;
- follow the rules in everyday life speech etiquette and rules of oral communication;
- ask clarifying questions about the plot and semantic connections between objects;
- take into account the opinions of others working together, negotiate and come to a common decision, working in a group.
- participate in a discussion on the lesson topic using textbook text and images.
Students will have the opportunity to learn:
- ask clarifying questions regarding content and artistic and expressive means;
- take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions when creating artistic and creative work in a group;
- master the monologue form of speech, be able to talk about the artistic crafts of the peoples of Russia;
- master the dialogical form of speech, be able to complement,
deny the proposition, give examples.
Educational and methodological kit:
N.M. Sokolnikova. Art. 3rd grade. Textbook. - M.: Astrel.
N.M. Sokolnikova. Art. 3rd grade. Workbook. - M.: Astrel.
N.M. Sokolnikova. Teaching in 3rd grade using the textbook “Fine Arts”. - M.: Astrel.

During the classes

I. Organizing time and motivation to learn.
Check if everything is ok?
Brushes, paints and notebooks?
Good afternoon guys! Please close your eyes and listen.
(The song “Orenburg downy scarf” performed by Taisiya Povaliy is played).
Teacher: Guys, open your eyes and tell me what you imagined? How did this song make you feel? What is it about?

II. Preparation for the perception of new material.
Teacher: Guys, I suggest you work in groups. But first, let's remember the rules of working in a group.
(Repetition of the rules for working in a group).
Teacher: Take a close look at the photographs depicting different scarves. Think about what groups they can be divided into.
Each group is offered a set of photographs. Groups divide them according to certain characteristics (color, shape, pattern). Discussion follows.
III. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.
Teacher: Guys, I want to draw your attention to a group of scarves that are identical in design.
(The teacher places photographs of this group on the board.)
Teacher: Who knows what these scarves are called? Look guys, what's in my hands?
(The children's answers follow).
Teacher (throwing a scarf over his shoulders):
I was cleaning out my closet yesterday and found
Mom's Pavloposad scarf,
Something important, my soul immediately remembered,
How freedom took a sip.
And in the scarf it’s the same: the field, the field is blooming!
And the flowers in it are incredibly beautiful...
In every thread our native Russia lives:
Rivers... mountains... roads and fields!

Teacher: Yes, guys, I have a Pavloposad scarf in my hands. And, as you probably already guessed, the topic of today’s lesson is: “Pavlovo Posad shawls.” We continue to get acquainted with traditional folk arts and crafts. We will learn to draw Pavlovo Posad flowers.
IV. Getting to know new material.
(Next you can show a presentation on this topic).
Sample story on the topic
Pavlovsk scarves got their name from the name of the small town of Pavlovsky Posad, which is located in the Moscow region. This is one of the oldest Russian centers where scarves were made. In the 19th century, the famous Pavlovsk scarves were purchased in large quantities at fairs in Pavlov and distributed throughout Russia. How could you not buy such beauty?! The scarves are bright and elegant – you can’t take your eyes off them! Red roses, bouquets of wild flowers, green leaves and herbs are woven into patterns, and all this on a multi-colored background: black, white, red, golden, cornflower blue, brown. There are scarves with tassels and fringes, large and small. Scarves suited absolutely everyone! The design was printed on fabric using carved wooden boards. More than a dozen boards were used for one scarf. Each color has its own board.
Over time, machine production began to replace manual production. The printed pattern began to be applied using special templates. Picturesque Pavlovo Posad shawls are famous not only in Russia, but also in many countries around the world.

Previously, many women wore a headscarf not only on their heads, but also on their shoulders. They give a woman beauty and majesty, protect her from the cold, keeping her warm and healthy.
It should be noted that Pavloposad printed scarves have been produced for more than 200 years. They have become an integral part of Russian culture. Traditional designs are flowers and leaves. Blooming branches of roses and lilies are a sign of the tree of life, the Garden of Eden. Later, the “Turkish cucumber” drawing appeared. Over time, other motifs appeared that corresponded to modern fashion trends. The drawing is located symmetrically from the center. For one scarf, 18-23 tones are used, the combination of colors is harmonious and correct, which is why Pavloposad scarves are so bright and versatile. Initially, rich colors predominated - burgundy, black, bright blue, dark green - denoting wealth.
V. Physical education minute. Dance with a scarf.
(Children perform movements to the music).

Working with a textbook(pp. 84–85 of the textbook).
Teacher: Guys, please answer the following questions.
- What shape does the scarf have? (Square).
- What are the scarves decorated with? (With flowers).
- What flowers? (Bouquets or garlands of roses, peonies, dahlias, lilies, irises, daisies, bells).
- What color is the background of the scarves? (Green, blue, red, white).

VI.Creative work. Consolidation of knowledge and skills.
Performance practical work.
1.Demonstration of sample drawings.
(Each child is given a corner of a white paper scarf.)

2. Students perform practical work.
(The task in the workbook is done in gouache).
(While performing practical work, you can turn on the song “Blue Handkerchief” performed by Ani Lorak).
3. Monitoring the implementation of practical work.
VII. Analysis of student work.
Exhibition of works.
VIII. Lesson summary.
Teacher: What new did you learn in the lesson?
Teacher: Let me know how you feel about the lesson? What did you like? What else do you have to learn? Where can you use the material you received in class? Thank you for the lesson!

Lesson topic: “Mom’s scarf”

Teacher: N.N. Kuzmina

Class: 3 – in


Kulikov Ivan Semenovich. « Wildflowers »

meet, escort wisely

There lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son.

Daughter,” the mother said, “we’ll go to work, take care of your brother!”

Don't leave the yard, be smart - we'll buy you...


In the 19th century The application of patterns on scarves at the Pavlovo-Posad manufactory was carried out only by hand.

Wooden forms for printing patterns on Pavloposad shawls were called “flowers” ​​and “manners”; only hard wood (oak, pear, walnut) was used for their production, and for greater strength they were glued together from three layers of wood. With the help of a “flower”, paints were applied to wool or silk fabric; each color required a separate board - a “flower”.

Wooden molds for printing patterns on scarves were called "flowers" And "manners". With the help of a “flower”, paints were applied to wool or silk fabric; each color required a separate board - a “flower”.

The most popular flower in Pavlovo Posad patterns - this is a rose.

Often in the “bouquet” of the Pavlovo Posad shawl, artists use

Lily flower.

"South night"

"Sunny summer"

"Evening Garden"

Multicolored scarves made Pavlovsky Posad famous throughout the world. The luxurious rose became a symbol of the Pavlov Posad scarf.

The usual pattern of a Pavlovo Posad scarf is from large at the edges to small in the center.

In the corners there are large, catchy flowers, towards the center the pattern decreases, and the middle is filled with disappearing small elements

  • We determine the center using diagonal lines.
  • Place the pattern in the center.

Master Decoration

Warm and cool colors.

  • Choose location pattern.
  • Choose image on a scarf.
  • Turn the image into a pattern, to do this, select color and rhythm of pattern .