What sign indicates paid parking? Rules regarding parking fees

At a permitted vehicle parking area, a road sign 10 15 20 parking may be installed - in this case, leaving the car here is also acceptable, but no longer free. The cost of services is not fixed and can be set independently in each region. Many modern car enthusiasts either do not know what the parking sign 10 15 20 means, or consider it a relic Soviet era. In fact, the installation of such a sign is still legal today.

The Paid Parking sign, of course, cannot be installed wherever you please. The location where a parking space is provided for a fee is agreed upon with the municipality and the traffic police, as well as the cost of such a service.

Such a sign can be used not only in conjunction with a parking sign, but also in conjunction with other signs. In this case, such a “kit” will warn the motorist that travel along the section of the road ahead may be subject to a toll.

The beginning of the paid parking zone is a sign that complements the paid parking sign, “10 15 20” (which means paid parking). Without this tandem of road signs, any parking area cannot be considered a paid parking lot.

The end of the parking zone in which a paid parking sign is in effect is indicated by a sign depicting a diagonal strikethrough of the “Parking” sign. Another signal for the completion of any, free or paid, parking may be sign 3.27 “Stopping is prohibited.”

Additionally, the state paid parking zone is indicated by a sign - a shield with the inscription “You are entering a paid parking zone.” In the same way, a road sign “You are leaving a paid parking area” should indicate the end of this area. But such signs are not available everywhere.

Who is allowed to use the parking for free?

The current traffic rules and legislation regulating the principles of organizing city paid parking spaces establish a number of categories of benefit drivers who have the right to use free paid parking spaces

  1. Disabled people and legal representatives of children with disabilities.
  2. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Large families. Participants in the defense of the city of Moscow.
  3. Drivers of electric vehicles.
  4. Persons during the Second World War underage former prisoners of concentration camps. Motorcyclists.
  5. Emergency vehicles.

The above participants traffic have the right to issue a parking permit based on supporting documents. Separately regulations, regulating the rules for the use of state paid parking lots, stipulate the conditions for preferential parking for residents or tenants of housing located in the territory to which the paid parking belongs. Residents of homes in the parking area are entitled to the following benefits.

Owners (tenants) have the right to obtain a resident permit for themselves - a document confirming the right to use paid parking spaces free of charge every day from 20:00 to 08:00 (but no more than two permits for one household). Based on the residence permit, you can additionally obtain an annual subscription that allows you to use parking during the daytime at a reduced cost (from 3 thousand rubles).

Get a discounted parking pass and a permit for a free night parking You can contact the nearest MFC department. Preferential conditions parking does not apply to drivers who have unpaid (overdue) fines for traffic violations. For this reason, it is necessary to promptly check information about the absence of such debts through the State Traffic Inspectorate website or the State Services portal.

Amount of fines for violation of parking rules

Since paid and free parking signs are often located along the roadway itself, cars left chaotically in such an area can easily create a lot of difficulties for the free passage of other vehicles.

To avoid this, the sign allowing parking is often equipped with a sign that depicts a specific method of how to park a car in this place, for example, by partially driving onto the sidewalk. If this condition is not met, it may be equated to a violation of parking rules, with all the ensuing consequences.

Quite often, especially near socially significant objects, you can find a riser sign, to which is attached a plate with a picture wheelchair. The meaning of this “kit” is clear without any explanation - it is a parking lot for vehicles driven by people with disabilities.

Very often such parking spaces turn out to be free, which is what motorists try to take advantage of. Before parking on it, you should re-read the relevant traffic rules clause. It clearly states that parking here is possible only with the appropriate sticker and identification.

If they are missing, it is worth preparing the amount of 5 thousand rubles - this is exactly the fine provided for such a violation. In addition, the car can be easily evacuated. It also threatens in the case where the driver ignored the sign Parking on odd and even days - if there is a readable sign, incorrect parking of any car will inevitably result in it having to be taken from the impound lot.

One of the ways to optimize traffic on the road network is the competent organization of parking space on the roadway. All drivers are familiar with sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)”. The sign itself does not raise questions, however, according to GOST, its use is only possible with signs additional information and the definition of the parking zone defined by this sign raises some questions.

Let us consider in detail how to correctly determine the parking space indicated by sign 6.4 in various situations.

Parking parallel to the edge of the roadway

A “Parking” sign installed without a sign with a limited coverage area is valid until the nearest intersection. Plaque “Method of setting vehicle” must always be installed with this sign. This combination can be used to designate a paid parking zone. Do not forget about the prohibition of parking closer than 5 meters to the edge of the roadway being crossed.

Paid parking parallel to the edge of the roadway

  • Parking in your pocket

    To organize parking in a “pocket”, a sign is used that limits the sign’s coverage area and, as noted above, the method of placement must be indicated.

    Please note that parking on the edge of the roadway before and after the “pocket” is not prohibited. Parking is permitted in accordance with general rules stops and parking. At the same time, parking along the sidewalk line is prohibited, since entering and exiting the pocket will become impossible.

    If the sign is installed in the direction of travel with a sign 8.17 “Disabled”, then parking in a place marked with 6.4 Only permitted for disabled people. Blocking the exit, as in the previous case, is prohibited.

    If the sign is installed perpendicular to the direction of movement– it designates a parking space for disabled people. According to GOST, the width of a parking space for disabled people is 3.6 m, that is, 1.8 m from the place where the sign is installed.

    Parking within the coverage area of ​​signs prohibiting stopping or parking

    When it is necessary to organize parking in the coverage area of ​​signs prohibiting stopping or parking, it is allowed to use the “Parking” sign with the obligatory use of the “Validity Area” sign. In this case, the coverage area of ​​the prohibiting signs will be limited to the distance indicated on the sign.

    For some reason this moment is not reflected in the picture and at first glance there is a feeling of contradiction in the signs. The possibility of such a limitation of the coverage area of ​​prohibitory signs is prescribed in GOST.

    The coverage area of ​​any of the signs 3.27-3.30 can be reduced by installing at the end of their coverage area repeated signs 3.27-3.30 with plate 8.2.3 (which is preferable) or by using plate 8.2.2 or by installing another sign from the specified list or by installing sign 6.4 “Parking location” with sign 8.2.1 “Validity area”.

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    Parking signs provided for by traffic regulations are needed for drivers to determine where to park their car. Properly organized parking spaces optimize and streamline traffic flow. Any motorist needs to know how to correctly interpret road signs. Let's take a closer look at the parking sign, its area of ​​operation, as well as the consequences of violating the instructions of the sign.

    In Russia, a parking sign rarely stands alone; it is almost always combined with special signs. On narrow streets there are often parking signs indicating even or odd numbers. Many car owners do not like this approach. However, it helps to avoid the accumulation of numerous vehicles on the sides of the roadway so that oncoming traffic can pass without difficulty. A parking sign prohibiting parking on even days can be found on small streets where many shops and offices are located.

    Additional signs to road signs indicating parking must be taken into account by motorists.

    Compliance with special signs:

    1. When installing a sign 10 15 20 with a parking sign, you must pay for a parking space.
    2. If under the sign about permission to park cars there is a sign indicating a certain distance, this indicates the coverage area of ​​the sign. Violating the established distance even by a few meters may result in the evacuation of your car.
    3. If on a city road there is an additional sign with a distance and arrows attached under the parking space sign, this indicates the length in meters of parking for vehicles.

    On federal highways outside settlements A parking permit sign is installed in advance, indicating the nearest parking location. In this case, there are no additional arrows on the sign.

    There is a separate sign for taxi ranks depicting a car with a checker. It is usually located in places large cluster people where the services of taxi drivers are especially in demand.

    In parking areas for official vehicles, on the territory of the organization, a special sign is installed. It is prohibited to park non-official vehicles under this sign.

    How does the sign work?

    An important way to optimize traffic on highways is to properly organize parking space. If everything is extremely clear with the sign itself, then determining the coverage area of ​​the “Parking” sign causes difficulties.

    Determining where to stop and park in different situations:

    1. A sign without additional special signs about restrictions on its operation is valid until the next intersection. It must be accompanied by a plate indicating how the vehicle will be installed. This combination can be used for paid parking areas. Remember that the sign allows parking no closer than 5 meters from the edge of the road.
    2. To park in a “pocket”, you need to act in accordance with the sign that limits the coverage area of ​​the parking sign and the established method of parking the car. It is forbidden to park the car on the sidewalk line, otherwise you will not be able to drive out or into the “pocket”. Parking is permitted on the edge of the road.
    3. For disabled parking, the sign is placed together with ". It is located perpendicular to the movement. In such places, it is strictly prohibited for other citizens to park a car, and it is also prohibited to interfere with the entry and exit of a disabled person’s vehicle. The size of the place is determined by GOST - the width is 3.6 meters, which means that the sign will be 1.8 meters on both sides.
    4. If you need to park in an area where signs prohibiting stopping may be in effect, a parking sign is used, along with a “Validity Zone” sign. Then the prohibitory signs will be limited to the distance indicated on the sign.

    The latter situation is not reflected in the traffic rules and may raise doubts about the contradiction of signs. But in fact, the limiting zones of prohibition signs are indicated in GOST. The distance over which any sign is valid can be reduced by installing duplicate signs at the end.

    Paid parking spaces are marked with a special sign. It is monitored by cars with locks - parkons. Information about parked cars is collected and filtered. During the filtering process, citizens entitled to parking benefits and motorists who have paid for the service are eliminated. The information is transmitted to the State Traffic Inspectorate, and they, in turn, check the data and impose fines on unscrupulous drivers.

    The paid parking sign is distinguished by the presence of a white plate with the numbers 10 15 20. It is possible to additionally place a board with an inscription indicating the entrance to the paid parking zone. A similar inscription is installed when leaving the territory. Such shields are not mandatory, unlike signs. The end of the paid parking area is determined by the crossed out letter P. Also, the end of any parking area is marked with a sign prohibiting stopping.

    In addition, car enthusiasts should remember. It is applied to regulate the parking of vehicles. Therefore, it is important not only to find a parking place, but also to place the car correctly on it.

    If you left your vehicle in a paid parking lot and paid for it on time, you can go about your personal business without fear of a tow truck. But first you need to study the length of the action distance of the signs.

    How is the paid parking coverage area determined:

    1. If the sign is not accompanied by additional signs about the length of the zone, then its effect lasts until the nearest intersection. But no more than 5 meters before him.
    2. There is a special sign defining the parking area. On a white background is the number of meters indicating the length.

    The territory near residential buildings, which belongs to the courtyard, is not included in the paid zone, because it is intended for residents' vehicles.

    • disabled people, as well as their representatives;
    • prisoners from concentration camps;
    • WWII veterans;
    • large families;
    • electric vehicle owners;
    • motorcycle drivers;
    • emergency services personnel;
    • residents of nearby houses.

    Drivers who do not pay for the service are required to pay a fine of 2,500 rubles. If you try to hide state registration plates, you will have to pay 5,000 rubles.

    With help mobile application a situation is possible when cash are removed from the account, but after some time the driver receives a decision to collect a fine for non-payment. In this case, you need to challenge the decision within 10 days and attach a copy of the receipt or a screenshot confirming payment to the application. On the parking meter you can find the address of the required organization.

    If after these actions the punishment is not canceled, it is necessary to contact the courts. You must submit an application accompanied by a copy of the decision to collect the fine and documents confirming payment. The state duty is not paid.

    If the decision is positive, the court will dismiss the case and lift the sanctions.

    Punishment for violation

    An improperly parked vehicle interferes with the movement of other motorists, especially if it is parked on a heavily trafficked roadway. Therefore, in addition to towing the car, a certain system of penalties has been established. Before parking, make sure that all parking regulations are followed.

    Common violations in parking zones:

    • placing the car second next to already parked cars along the roadway (if this is not provided for by signs);
    • violation of the requirements of markings applied to the permitted parking area.

    Motorists often forget about bicycle paths. They have a special designation. Although the rules do not say that parking is prohibited in such areas, in practice there is a corresponding fine. If you leave your vehicle on the bicycle path, you will have to pay 2,000 rubles.

    Often, a parking sign is installed near lawns. Many drivers park their car on it and do not think that there is a fine for this. But almost every city has local legal provisions that provide for liability for damaged plantings. For individuals The fine will range from 10 to 30 thousand rubles, for legal entities - up to 1.5 million.

    Quite often, drivers park their cars in public transport parking areas. Such parking is prohibited, as well as at a distance closer than 15 meters to the stop. In this case, the vehicle can be towed, and then the owner will pay a fine of 1,000 rubles and pay for the work of the tow truck.

    In our world based on market relations, you have to pay for everything, including the fact that you park your car in a specially designated parking lot. In crowded metropolises, there are so many cars that there are not enough free spaces to park them, so the authorities began to allocate special areas for them, where car owners can safely park their cars for any period of time for a fee. However, you need to know how to pay for parking on time so as not to receive fines for unpaid parking.

    In order to discipline drivers and replenish the city treasury, Moscow authorities introduced fines for unpaid parking. Moreover, the entire metropolitan area is divided into paid and free parking zones. The first is distinguished by special arrangement and equipment, marking of parking spaces, and the presence of parking meters - automatic machines for accepting payments. The boundaries of the paid parking area are indicated by a warning sign or sign. However, despite this, many drivers, especially visitors from other regions, out of habit forget to pay for parking.

    Paid parking sign

    According to the Rules, near each parking area intended for parking cars, a road 6.4 “Parking” is installed, which is the letter “P” (Parking) on ​​a blue background. The fact that this parking area is paid is indicated by the sign 8.8 “Paid services” attached below, which is shown in the form of three coins in denominations of 10, 15 and 20. If there is no additional sign under the “P” sign, parking is therefore free. Thus, the paid parking sign is a combination of sign 6.4 with sign 8.8.

    In addition, the boundaries of the paid parking zone are indicated by warning boards or tabloids with appropriate notices about entry into or exit from the paid parking zone. If the entrance to the paid parking zone is indicated by a combination of signs 6.4 and 8.8, then the exit from it is indicated by the same signs, but crossed out diagonally by three parallel oblique lines.

    It is also recommended to pay attention to road markings; at toll plazas, each parking space is marked with oblique or straight stripes. It should be borne in mind that parking a car in the final sector, limited by the semicircle that ends the site, is prohibited, as it will create an obstacle for cars leaving the cross street.

    Cost of paid parking and benefits valid in Moscow

    The cost of paid parking in different cities is different and is determined by the decision local authorities. In Moscow, parking a car in a paid zone costs 80 rubles per hour in the area covered by the Boulevard Ring and 60 rubles/hour in the area between the Boulevard and Garden Rings.

    However, if you do not pay for parking, it will cost 2,500 rubles, and also the evacuation of the car, which will cost the owner 5,000 rubles.

    But, as with all government regulations, there are also exceptions. In the paid parking zone you can park your car for free in the following cases:

    • if the parking time does not exceed 15 minutes;
    • if in courtyard or local areas that are not subject to the regulation on paid parking;
    • if the owner of the car is a participant in the Second World War or belongs to an equivalent category of people, a disabled person or a representative of a large family. Drivers who fall into this category of beneficiaries must annually obtain the appropriate permit at the Moscow multifunctional center for the provision of public services. At the same time, disabled people or veterans can park their car for free only in the parking spaces designated for them, indicated by the appropriate sign;
    • if the car is a service vehicle for emergency services;
    • Citizens living in these territories can park their car for free in a paid parking lot overnight from 20.00 pm to 8.00 am. To park during the daytime, this category of citizens can purchase a discounted annual subscription at the MFC costing 3,000 rubles. Only 2 agreements can be issued for each apartment, which are valid only in its own parking zone. This rule does not depend on the number of owners or people living in the apartment.

    You can apply for them at the nearest MFC branch. The validity of a permit may be temporarily terminated if its owner has accumulated three or more arrears in repaying fines for any types of traffic violations.

    On November 1, 2016, a decree on extending the validity of resident parking permits comes into effect in Moscow. According to this resolution, a citizen can choose for how long he will extend the validity of his resident parking permit. If previously it was mandatory for a year, then from November 1 it will be possible to obtain a permit for a year, two years or three, as you choose.
    The fee for a resident parking permit remains the same - three thousand rubles per year. It can be paid in installments, once a year, or you can pay, for example, for three years at once.

    Video: Paid parking in Moscow or how to avoid fines

    Who can fine you for unpaid parking?

    All types of violations related to improper parking and methods of parking vehicles are identified by traffic police and Mosparking inspectors. In addition, special vehicles equipped with video cameras are patrolling throughout the paid parking area, which record the license plates of all parked cars and automatically check them in the parking payment database. If the license plate number of a car whose parking has not been paid for is identified, a decree on a fine for unpaid parking in the amount of 2,500 rubles is issued to its owner and sent by mail to his address. You must appeal a parking fine to the authority from which the decision to impose it arrived no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of the letter. The fine must be repaid within 60 days.

    How to pay for parking?

    There are several ways to pay for parking:

    1. Payment via parking meter

    Automatic terminals that accept payment for parking are called parking meters. Parking meters only accept bank or parking cards; you cannot pay in cash at the parking meter.

    Procedure to follow payment transaction as follows:

    1. select the “Payment for parking” function on the monitor;
    2. enter the vehicle number in the required format;
    3. the number of the parking zone where the car is parked is confirmed;
    4. enter the duration of parking in hours;
    5. the payment card is applied to the reading device (put into the card reader), wait for the end of the payment and receive a receipt

    The device automatically calculates the cost of parking taking into account the current tariff for a given zone and parking time according to a 15-minute tariff.

    In the parking meter, it is important to correctly enter the parking zone number, which is usually indicated on the boards next to the parking area. After the completion of the financial transaction, all information is automatically transferred to the central server into a single database for recording parking payments.

    Parking meters are usually installed at each paid parking lot, and they are easy to use. However, their disadvantage is the possibility of non-issuance of a receipt (check) for the payment made after the end of the paper receipt tape inside the device. If, when paying with a bank card, you can confirm the financial transaction at the bank, then when paying with a parking card, confirmation of payment is no longer possible.

    2. Pay for parking via SMS message

    In Moscow mobile operators provide the ability to make payments for parking via SMS. To activate, renew and terminate the service, you must perform the following operations:

    1. You should send a coded message to number 7757 in the form - parking number * car number * parking time in hours (from 1 to 24), for example, 1010 * A444MM111 * 8.
    2. Extension of parking, for which you need to send a message to the number indicated above, consisting of Latin letter X and the extended time in hours, for example, X4.
    3. Early termination of parking, for which you should send a simple message in the form of the letter C or S to number 7757. Then the amount of the remaining unused parking time is returned back to the parking account of the car owner.

    The latter operation allows you to save money due to per-minute billing. Let us remind you that the first 15 minutes of parking are free, and charging occurs with an accuracy of 15 minutes. Therefore, you can do the following:

    • for example, the driver parks the car at 9.00, and sends an SMS about payment for parking at 9.13, indicating a stay of 60 minutes, at which the parking period expires at 10.15;
    • then he picks up the car from the parking lot ahead of schedule at 10.12 and immediately sends an SMS about stopping parking, due to which the funds for the remaining time of 13 minutes are returned back to his account;
    • Thus, the car actually stood in the parking lot for 60 minutes, but only 30 minutes were debited from the driver’s account.

    Video: How to pay for parking in the center of Moscow?

    3. Payment via the Internet using a mobile program

    To be able to pay for parking via the Internet, you must first install a special application called “Moscow Parking” on your smartphone. Next you should do the following:

    • register in the application by sending an SMS in the form of the word PIN to 7757 and receive a personal account;
    • after receiving a response message with a password on your phone, you need to log in to your account by indicating your login (phone number) and password in the appropriate windows;
    • top up your parking account balance;
    • select the “Park” option, and the parking time will automatically count down and funds will be debited from the account;
    • select the option with a triangle to extend parking;
    • select the option with a square to close the parking lot;
    • select the “Fines” option to timely find out information about the presence of an outstanding fine for non-payment of parking.

    4. Payment on Qiwi terminals

    Qiwi terminals are located in many supermarkets, shopping centers and accept payment in cash, for which you need to select: “Payment for services - State duties - Moscow parking”, write down the number of the parking zone and parking time, and pay the required amount in cash. At the same time, terminal system services cost 2% of the deposited amount.

    How to appeal a parking fine in Moscow

    The world around us is constantly changing. Some innovations make you happy, some make you sad. And you just have to come to terms with some innovative ideas of the leadership, since they are aimed at establishing order in the city and are enshrined in legislation.

    This is exactly the innovation of paid parking. caused a lot of debate, which showed both ardent supporters and many opponents of this idea. But since the idea has already been put into practice and is working, everyone will have to choose to use this service or ignore it, choosing places without a paid parking sign. But in order to be able to choose, you need to know what a paid parking sign looks like and what it means, so we study and remember.

    Car parking rules in the city

    How bigger city, the more serious the issue with parking spaces for vehicles. Trying to solve the problem in a civilized way, the city authorities decided to arrange both free and paid parking lots. But since parking is marked different road signs , which means different conditions parking a car, you need to study all possible signs so as not to run into penalties that will certainly follow for violations.

    But fines are not the worst punitive measures that can follow for those who do not know all the nuances of proper parking. By parking your car in a paid truck parking lot, you can not only pay several times more for parking, but also not find your vehicle in the left space. The fact is that, according to the rules established by the city authorities, cars cannot stop in such parking lots. Therefore, the relevant services have every right to evacuate the car to an impound lot, which no one might like.

    What signs indicate that you can park your car?

    It's no secret to any driver that the parking sign designated by the letter "P" on a blue background. But signs that may be accompanying may indicate both paid parking and the ability to leave a vehicle only of the specified category. Therefore, care when choosing a parking place will be completely useful even for experienced motorists.

    If parking is paid, then under the parking sign there will be signs in the form of coins “10”, “15” and “20”. The entrance to such a parking lot can also be marked with the inscription “You are entering a paid parking zone,” and then even a novice in driving will no longer have any doubts that you will have to pay for parking. An indication that the paid parking lane is ending can be indicated by the inscription “You are leaving the paid parking zone,” and the parking sign will be crossed out.

    An important information for drivers is that even if there is a paid parking sign, and you drive into a nearby yard, you will not be charged for parking in the yard.

    If under the usual signs there is also an icon truck, then you shouldn't stop there. This parking lot is specially allocated for freight transport and placing a car on it may result in the loss of your vehicle, which will be taken to the impound lot. In addition, such parking spaces have a completely different tariff, which is several times higher than the payment for regular parking for passenger vehicles.

    How much can it cost to park a vehicle?

    The thing is that the fee for parking a car in different parking lots may differ. The fee must be indicated on signs that are present in the parking area.

    But these signs are not always present and an inexperienced driver may get confused and not know how much to pay. According to experts, if the parking tariff is not indicated, then there is generally accepted tax and every hour of parking. But on different sources the amount ranges from fifty to sixty rubles per hour.

    The good news for car enthusiasts is that if the car was parked for no more than fifteen minutes, then such a short period does not need to be paid. Therefore, if you can solve all your affairs in such a a short time, then you can use paid parking for free.

    How can I pay for parking?

    The city authorities have provided many ways to pay for parking so that it is convenient for everyone and motorists do not have any problems with this. The only payment that is not provided, but is very familiar and convenient for everyone, is payment in cash.

    These are the ones you find in cities Payment Methods:

    But for some payment options you need to prepare in advance and perform preliminary manipulations with your mobile devices, so it’s worth talking about all possible options more details

    If at the selected paid parking lot you can pay at a parking meter, then such a machine will be placed in the most visible places, so you can immediately notice it. To make a payment in such a machine you need have bank card with a certain amount in the account or a scratch card. All the manipulations that need to be performed with this device can be seen on its screen, on which all the necessary and brief information, what to insert where and what key to press. And don’t forget to take the receipt that the parking meter will issue, it may come in handy.

    If the driver plans to pay for parking using a mobile device using SMS, then you need to remember the number 7757, to which you will need to send the message. The information that must be written in the message describes the parking information in detail.

    What data must be contained in the SMS:

    • Parking number (information must be indicated on the sign).
    • If parking is expected to last more than an hour, an “X” sign is added, after which the hours for parking the car are indicated.

    The parking number and vehicle registration data are separated by an asterisk.

    When the parking time specified in the message comes to an end, an SMS is sent with a proposal to extend it. If this is necessary, then already specified number a repeat message is sent with an "X" and a number, which will indicate the hours spent in the parking lot. These actions entail debiting funds for the time spent in paid parking.

    But if the car owner did not need the amount of time that was paid for, you can inform about this with another message. Now you need to send the “C” or “S” icon to the already familiar number. This will indicate that all the paid time was not needed, and the remaining paid hours will be spent the next time it is needed.

    A more modern payment method that can be used by any motorist, but which requires preliminary preparation- This is payment using Internet applications. To get this function, anyone needs to find a site on the Internet called “Moscow Parking Space”, register on it, starting " Personal Area» . After this, the driver can enjoy all the privileges of this service if he has an Internet connection.

    Working with the program occurs in several stages. When entering a paid parking lot, a registered client who wants to pay for the service turns on the required application. Logs into your “Personal Account” and selects the “Park” button on the screen. Also included in the program to extend parking time there is a “Renewal” button. Well, if you need to leave before the paid time expires, the developers have provided a “Leave” button.

    What are the penalties for non-payment?

    Although the city authorities seem to provide all payment methods, motorists are not always able to pay for paid parking services. If for some reason the payment is not made, for such cases there is a telephone number +7 495 539 22 99. This is a “One-stop center”, by contacting which you can get registration of appeal. The driver who applies will be given a number that will be needed to prevent punishment.

    Of course, those who deliberately use and do not pay for paid parking services will bear significant penalties in the form of fines in different sizes. The minimum fine established for evasion of payment for services is subject to a fine of two and a half thousand rubles. The maximum fine is limited to five thousand.

    If the fine is not paid within thirty days, a new additional fine will subsequently be added. The amount of the repeated fine is set in the amount of one to five thousand rubles. But there is also more serious punishment in the form of administrative arrest, which can last up to fifteen days. Anyone who repeatedly evades payment of fines may be deprived of the right to leave the country.

    Having learned all the rules of paid parking and the conditions of punishment for non-payment, it becomes clear that it is better to pay the amount established by the city authorities and not lead to the imposition of penalties. And if someone is not satisfied with this order of things, then it would be wise not to use the services of paid parking, but to look for free parking lots, of which, although there are few left, they still exist.